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< Times and Seasons | 2
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Volume 2. No. 8.] | CITY OF NAUVOO, ILLINOIS, FEB. 15, 1841. | [Whole No. 20. |
Manchester, Eng. Oct. 7th, 1840.
Elders Robinson & Smith:
Dear Brethren,
While on my way from the city of London to Manchester, the 7th 8th and 9th Nos, of the Times and Seasons was put into my hands; these are the first and only numbers of your paper which I have had the privilege of perusing since my arrival in England, except three or four of the first numbers which the Twelve brought with them in the spring. The three above named were directed to Elder G. A. Smith, Burslem Staffordshire, and you may rest assured the perusal of those papers was a feast to me, and none con [can] more highly prize and value such a privilege and blessing, than those of us who are seperated [separated] far from our families and friends by distance, tide, and time, in such a manner that months roll around and not a word to break that deep and long silence that reigns between us. I know by experience, that as water to a thirsty man, so is good news from a far country. We rejoice exceedingly brethren, to learn that you are once more settled in a good degree of peace and quieteness [quietness] after passing through such scenes of persecution, privation, and suffering, for the word of God, and the testimony of Jesus Christ. I learn from the Times and Seasons that you have not obtained letters from us, as often as you expected, or could wish. I am well aware that any, and every word of information from the servants of God, while among the Nations of the earth, as touching their labors, ministry, mission, and a historical knowledge of kingdoms and countries, will be hailed as a welcome message by the Saints in general, and gladden the hearts of our intimate friends, our kindred, and our wives and children, the society of whom we are called to sacrifice for the great cause of Christ. It is under such a view that I freely and cheerfully give an account of my stewardship from time to time as circumstances may require. I learn that you did not obtain my letter which I sent you, under date of Feb. 27th, in which I gave all particulars concerning my mission, from the time I left Montrose until the date of the letter; but as you have not received it, it may not be amiss (though out of season) to give a short detail of my travels from Montrose to Liverpool. I do not believe that ever a company of men, from the days of Adam to A. D. 1839, ever attempted to perform a journey and mission of such extent and magnitude, under such unparalleled embarrassments and circumstances as did the quorum of the Twelve and others that started for England in 1839. Had any one judged from outward appearances, they would naturally have supposed that the bodies of some of us were more fit subjects for dissection than missionaries.
It is with no ordinary feelings that I reflect back to the 8th day of August, 1839, at which time I took the parting hand with my wife, family, and friends in general at Montrose, and with a trembling step bore my feeble body (which was suffering under the power of the chills and fever,) to the banks of the Mississippi, where I was conveyed over in a canoe in company with Elder John Taylor for the purpose of taking a mission to England, and that too without purse or scrip, not even so much as one penny at my command or control. Yes Brethren it was under such circumstances that I started on my mission by the commandment of God to go a journey of more than five thousand miles, for the purpose of assisting in warning one of the greatest nations upon the face of the earth, to repent of their sins, obey the gospel, and prepare for the judgments which are to come. But notwithstanding my situation was such that I was under the necessity of walking by faith and not by sight, yet, I can say of a truth, with a thankful heart before the Lord, that I have lacked nothing as touching food, raiment, means, or
friends in all my journey either by land or sea; for which blessings I feel to render up the gratitude of my heart unto my Heavenly Father, praying at the same time that God will reward four fold unto those who have extended the hand to assist me, or any of my brethren, or our families while we are filling this mission. As concerning the journey, I would say, after crossing the Mississippi in a canoe and taking the parting hand with our friends in Nauvoo, among whom was Elder Joseph Smith jr. who bid us God' speed, saying I should soon leave my ague behind me, which proved true. Elder Hadlock conveyed us about 20 miles in a waggon [wagon] on our road, and while passing along Elder P. P. Pratt gave me an empty purse, it being all he had, and Elder H. C. Kimball $1,00 to put into it to help me on the way: the next day another brother took us into his waggon [wagon] and carried us about 20 miles, during which time I had the chills and fever upon me, which caused me much suffering through the day while riding over a rough road, but it here left me and I had no more of it for several weeks. We spent the Sabbath with Elders Don C. and Samuel H. Smith, and held a two days meeting in the neighborhood in which they were residing, which had a good effect; we were entertained and treated kindly by them and their families, and all the friends in that region, who extended a liberal hand in assisting us on our journey: while here we were informed by Elder Zebedee Coltrin that his father was about to take a journey to the State of Ohio, and would freely give us a passage with him as he was going with a wagon, which invitation we accepted and continued our journey with father Coltrin. We called upon the Saints in Springfield and spent several days with them, and while there, Elder Taylor published a brief sketch of the persecution; during which time I visited the saints from Fox Islands who had stopped at Rochester; and though still very feeble in body, I held several meetings with them; they also manifested a liberal spirit, as did the Saints in Springfield in assisting us on our journey, Elder Taylor had enjoyed good health through the summer, and also on his journey until we arrived into the State of Indiana, when he was taken very sick with the billious [bilious] fever; the attack was so violent that in several instances he fell upon the ground like a dead man, when it seemed to be with difficulty that he could be restored either to stand or speak, and he continued his journey for several days in this situation, until he could proceed no farther, and we stopped at an inn kept by a German in Germantown, Indiana, here we spent several days together until we found he could not continue his journey. I was so low and feeble that I was scarcely able to take care of myself, much less to render him that assistance which a person in his situation so much required: he knowing my situation advised and requested me to leave him where he was and continue my journey which request I complied with, and was under the painful necessity of taking the parting hand with my brother and leave him in the midst of affliction and strangers: those with whom he was left, however manifested a great willingness to do all that lay in their power to make him comfortable and happy. Here Elder Taylor remained for several weeks and was brought nigh the gates of death, but like the rest of his brethren, through the great mercy of God was afterwards raised up and enabled to continue his journey. I proceeded on my way with Brother Coltrin, until I arrived at Cleveland, Ohio. I there took Steam Boat for Buffalo, which is generally about 20 or 24 hours sail, but we were in a storm three days. I took cold, my chills and fever returned upon me, and I was quite sick, having a chill 10 days in succession, journeying at the same time, via. lake, canal, and stage until I arrived at my fathers house in Farmington, Hartford county, Connecticut: there is a small branch of the church in Farmington of 10 members, which I baptized and organized in July, 1838, 9 of whom were my relatives, including my father Aphek Woodruff and his household. As I was very feeble in body, I tarried 15 days at my fathers house; I was not able to hold any public meetings except on one occasion while attending the funeral of Mr. Adna Hart, a friend who died in Avon: I addressed a large assembly of relatives and neighbors with whom I had been
acquainted from my youth up; I also baptized one while in Farmington.-Having in some degree recovered my strength I took Steam boat to Hartford, and sailed to New York, where I was kindly received by the Saints in that city. I found Elders Mulliner and Wright had been in the city quite a length of time waiting for some of the Twelve to accompany them to England, but as I was the only one of the quorum who had arrived in New York, and my health being very poor, I considered it wisdom to tarry until I either saw or heard from some others of the quorum; I therefore spent several weeks in New York, and Sing Sing, laboring among the churches when I was able. Brother Hiram Clark was the next that arrived, and as it was now getting to be late in the fall, and hearing nothing from those that were on their way we concluded to sail for Liverpool, and as we were about ready to set sail, Elder P. P. Pratt arrived in the city, and expected others of the twelve in a few days, therefore I tarried for some others to come that we might hold a council before we left: but Elders Clark, Mullinner, and Wright sailed for England.
My health now began to improve more than at any time since I had left home. I visited Long Island and spent a number of days preaching, and was finally joined by Elder O. Pratt who had just arrived in New York. We returned to the city and held a conference, and then Elder O. Pratt and myself accompanied Elder James to New Jersey. Br. Pratt preached several times and proceeded on to Philadelphia and also into the field in which Elder Barnes was laboring. I continued laboring with Elder James for several days, the prospect was good, congregations large and attentive: Elder James was much blessed in his labors in that region. But while here from day to day, the Spirit of God was upon me like fire shut up in my bones, urging me forward to fill my mission to England, and tarry no longer by the way, and feeling determined to be obedient to the commandments of God: I left the Saints in New Jersey and returned to New York intending to take the first boat that sailed for England, and when I arrived in the city I found Elders Taylor and Turley had just reached the city; also, both were much improving in their health: their friends assisted us in preparing for our voyage, and after bidding the Saints farewell, Elders Taylor, Turley, and myself set sail on board of the packet ship Oxford, on the 20th day of December, and after a favorable passage of 22 days, we landed in Liverpool, on the 11th of January, 1840.
One thing worthy of note transpired during this voyage, that is, the packet ship Independence left New York 10 days before the Oxford, and the Steam Ship Liverpool 5 days before the Oxford, and the three above named ships reached the quay or dock at Liverpool within 30 minutes of each other; the Oxford arrived first, and we landed in the midst of thousands who stood upon the quay anxiously awaiting the arrival of the ships.
Our health once more having been restored we landed in good spirits, feeling to rejoice for the privilege of once more setting our feet upon terra firma. As England was the native place of Elders Taylor, and Turley, of course it appeared natural unto them; but it being the first time that I had set my feet upon the soil of England, it appeared unto me like an old world sure enough, for all the fires, from the parlor to the largest public works of every name and nature, being fed alone from stone coal, that it causes the whole horizon, air, elements, earth, buildings, and every thing visible to be covered with gas, soot and smoke, that it makes the towns and cities appear at the first sight something similar to a coal pit, or smoke house. The buildings in England are mostly composed of stone or brick, the plain walls of which show that the majority of them were built more for durability and profit, than outward show; while others indicate great architecture, splendor, and magnificience [magnificence]. We past through Liverpool New Market, had a view of the Custom house, and Lord Nelson's monument, which is quite noted in England, all of which were quite splendid. We spent the Sabbath in Liverpool, Elder Turley and myself attended meeting at St. Paul's church and St. Thomas': it gave me rather peculiar feelings to hear one of the Rectors preach against a form
of godliness without the power thereof, and professing religion without bringing forth the fruits of it. I felt to pray to God with all my heart, that the day might speedily come when the power of godliness should be preached to the inhabitants of that city, which has since been the case by Elder Taylor who has lifted up the standard in that city and gathered out a good number of souls, as you already know. On Monday we took the train from Liverpool to Preston, where we were permitted to meet with Elder Richards in that place. We held a council on the 17th of January, when it was resolved that Elders Taylor and Fielding go to Liverpool, Elder Clark to Manchester to join Elder Clayton, Elder Turley and myself to visit the Staffordshire Potteries: while on our way, we called at Manchester and preached to the Saints on the Sabbath. I found Manchester to contain a population of near 300,000 and a church of Latter Day Saints of 164 members. While there I was called upon to visit a woman that was possessed with the devil in such a manner that it required several persons to hold her from destroying herself, several of us laid hands upon her, and the devil was subject unto the power of God and departed out of her, and she was clothed in her right mind, and next day attended meeting and all felt to give the glory to God.-We arrived in Burslem, Staffordshire on the 21st. The Staffordshire Potteries which are so noted in England, are composed of the following market towns, viz: Tunstell, Burslem, Hanlx, Stoke upon Trent, Lancend, and several other villages, containing a population of about 75,000 persons, nearly all of whom procure their livelihood in the pottery line; here is manufactured every kind of English, earthen, stone, and China ware, said to be as good as any made in the world. We found a church of Latter Day Saints in these potteries of about 60 members, under the care of Elder Alfred Cordon a potter by trade, who labored 6 days in a week for his daily bread, and preached 5 evenings in a week, and 3 times on the Sabbath. Here we commenced our labors, we immediately procured a preaching room in Hanlx, it being about the centre [center] of the potteries, in a few days Elder Turley went to Birmingham, as it was his native place, to visit his friends and to try to open doors in that region. I continued my labors in the potteries for six weeks, the interest became general among the people, I preached every evening, or nearly so, and 3 times on the Sabbath. I had crowded congregations, and very frequent public opposition from preachers of the various orders, among whom was Mr. John Jones, who has become very famous and noted in Burslem as a warm friend and advocate of Mrs. Matilda Davidson, and Mr. Warren Parrish, by reading their letters and other foolish stories which are in circulation, to stop the work of God. But while Mr. Jones has attempted to disturb our meetings by reading these things in our midst, he has become as disgusting in the eyes of the people, as he has zealous in trying to stop the work, and in some instances, he has been under the necessity of bringing Constables, or police with him to protect him against the attack of the unbelievers or world for the people saw his conduct was not becoming a christian or a gentleman, however, his opposition has had no tendency to stop the work of God, but has rather given us friends.
[To be continued.]
The following was written by Elder Wm. Smith in answer to a portion of the late message of Governor Boggs, we give it entire as it corroborates with the history we have already published. It should have appeared in the 17th No. but owing to a press of matter, it has been delayed until now.
Here is a singular picture of human depravity presented to the world for consideration, a man (Governor Boggs) clothed with power, a man whose sole object should be to set an example of equity and truth, for the imitation of the people over whom he rules; descending from that high and honorable station to which he has been called, and placing himself at the head of a gang of ruffian outlaws, and thereby showing to the world that he is not only capable of tolerating, but of participating in one of the most inhuman and barbarious [barbarous] persecutions, ever recorded in the annals of history, by favoring, and encouraging the Missouri mob in butchering, beating, and driving the Saints from the State
and robbing them of their possessions. That he has uttered slanderous falsehoods against the Saints, and caused them to be published to the world; can be clearly and conclusively shown. He has charged them with setting up a form of government different from and opposed to that of the state, within its limits. Here he has resorted to a fools cunning (LIES,) to cover a crime: that charge can easily be proven false, for although we had a church government, yet one of our articles of faith required every church member to reverence and obey the laws of the land. And will the patriotic governor of Missouri contend that such a church government was in opposition to the laws of the state, (for that was the only form of government ever known among the Mormon people other than that of the state.) The governor has stated in his message that the Mormons violated the laws of the land by an open and avowed resistance to them, and by undertaking, without the aid of the civil authorities, to redress their grievances. He cannot be ignorant of our petitioning the civil authorities, time after time for relief, before we even so much as thought of acting in self defence [defense]; but finding at last that if we waited for the interposition of the civil authorities, that we would be butchered by the unrelenting hands of robbers; for our crops had already been destroyed, our goods and chattels plundered, our houses burned, and we driven from our farms in the face of government, without once retaliating.
At the time the mobbers invaded Daviess county; Gen. Parks being in Daviess at that time, we appealed to him to know what we should do, he advised us to go and give them a "complete dressing" for said he "you will never have any peace with them until you do and I will stand between you and all difficulty." Here permit me to state that General Parks was a citizen of Ray co., Mo. and not a Mormon, but one of the commanding generals of the Missouri Militia; this will go to prove that we had orders from a man in authority to do as we did in the defence [defense] of our lives and property. We were denied the protection which the laws of the State was calculated to give, and were thus compelled to follow the advice of Gen. Parks. We were at that time totally at a loss to account for the conduct of men in authority, in refusing us the protection of the laws of the state: but since we have earned [learned] that it was a plan which was concocted by them to drive an innocent people from the state, and divide the property which they might be enabled to obtain by robery [robbery] and pillage, among themselves. For proff [proof] of the above assertion, I beg the privilege of refering [referring] to Uriah B. Powel, a citizen of Clinton co., Mo. who was present when the plot was entered into.
According to Gen. Parks' advice we mustered a small force, and went out to repel the mobbers, who were then in the neighborhood burning houses, and driving away horses and cattle, when they saw us coming out, they fled according to their previous agreement, burning houses as they went. They then sent an express to Governor Boggs, representing to him, that the "Mormons" were burning houses, (a likely thing to be sure, that they should be burning their own houses, for the Mormon houses were the only one's burned,) and ravaging the country.-When Gov. Boggs, being ever willing to "MAINTAIN THE SUPREMACY OF THE LAW," issued a proclamation to EXTERMINATE, or DRIVE the "Mormons" from the state, and ordered out from ten to fifteen thousand men, to see that his brutal edict was faithfully executed.
It was astonishing to think that the humane Govorner [Governor] would endanger the lives of his citizens by sending out only fifteen thousand men to exterminate, a small handful of "Mormons," men women and children--While one division of the Governor's mob, were on their way to Far West, under the command of one Comstock, they came across a company of the Saints who were encamped on Shoal Creek, on their way to Far West from Ohio, who were in a great measure ignorant of the extent of the difficulty, and entirely innocent of any charge that could be prefered [preferred] against them, by the Missourians.-Cumstock [Comstock], on learning that there was a company of Saints encamped on Shoal creek, sent a committee of men to require them to give up all arms and amunition [ammunition] that they might have with them, to which hey [they] replied, we will, provided that we can be assured that the Missourians will not molest us; stating at the same time, that peace was what they desired. An article of agreement was signed to that effect, in which the Missourians pledged their honor for the faithful fulfillment of the same. Articles of this nature, have in all ages of the world been held sacred both by heathen, and civilized nations: and individual, or a nation that was so base, as to forfeit their oaths or solemn pledges, was considered too base to deserve notice, but merited the vengeance of the gods: I would ask, how faithfully did Cumstock [Comstock] and his men keep their vows which they had so solemly [solemnly] pledged themselves to do? on the day following they showed themselves capable of perpetrating the most barbarious [barbarous] acts, as well as violating their solemn pledges; for while the Saints were engaged in solemn prayer to God, these lawless desperadoes came upon them with the fury of demons and commenced firing upon them while they were thus solemnly engaged: the Saints cried for quarters but in vain, they then endeavored to escape by flight but were surrounded;-the Missourians continued to shoot them, they would even place their guns to the heads of their victims, and thus barbariously [barbarously] take their lives. After the firing had partially subsided one of Cumstock's [Comstock's] men found an old Revolutionary soldier, by the name of McBride, under the bank of the creek, on finding him he exclaimed, "you old grey [gray] headed Mormon, I will fix you," the old man got on his knees and begged for his life, but neither age, nor innocence, could afford any protection, he was inhumanly [inhumanely] butchered and thrown into the Creek. During the slaughter a small boy endeavored to conceal himself in a black-smith shop under a bellows, but one of the assassins seeing him, was in the act of shooting him, when one of the company cried out, "do not shoot the boy," another said "shoot him d-m him
he will make a big Mormon some day;" so he put the gun to the child's head, and blew out his brains. There were in this slaughter eighteen of the Saints killed, and thirteen wounded, out of a company of Saints who were on their way moving to Far West, who had never violated the laws of the state, a company who had never taken any part in the past difficulties; a company, whom Gov. Boggs himself cannot (as base and unprincipled as he is,) contend had violated even one clause of the law of the state, or had even acted in concert with their brethren when ingaged [engaged] in self defence [defense], butchered too, by his command, and their waggons [wagons] plundered of their contents, and their dead bodies robbed of their coats, watches, money, hats and boots.
From this place of slaughter the mob proceeded to Far West, where they, with other divisions of the Governor's clan, drove the Saints to the public square, and there at the point of the bayonet compelled them to sign away all their personal and real estate, to defray the expenses of the war: after which they drove sixty or seventy of our citixens [citizens] before them to Richmond in Ray co. and put them in Jail, where they were kept confined in prison a number of weeks withiout [without] even being informed of what they were accused.-At length a mock trial was had, in which case the Saints were refused the privilege of introducing any testimony by "the supreme laws" (the will of the mob) of Missouri and were thus deprived of justice: And will Gov. Boggs, that foul columniator [calumniator] human character, still contend that the Mormons were the agressors [aggressors?] Can it be that he is so far lost to a sense of honor, and justice, as to dare accuse the Mormons of violating the laws of the land, after they have sufered (suffered) so much at the hands of the Missouri outlaws? Shall they still endure to be belied by such a worthless vagabond? Is it by such foul and slanderous language as is found in his recent message that he thinks to "maintain the supremacy of our laws" if the supremacy of laws are to be maintained by aiding one part of the community in murdering and plundering the other, it may be truly said that his whole aim and object is to "maintain the supremacy of the law."
After the great quantity of furnitnre [furniture] and other property which the Gov. caused to be robbed from the Saints by his unhallowed order, I should doubt the necessity of his recommending his house be furnished with new and better furniture while he occupies it, for I should think that among the great quantity of furniture which he ordered taken from the Saints, he might at leat [least] find enough to furnish his mansion in splendid style, which too, has cost him but the small sum of the conscience of a thief and a robber. He has shown himself abundantly worthy of being the Govnor [Governor] of Missouri. In his recent message he wishes to impress it on the minds of the legislature, "that the will of the people is the supreme law." In that recommendation he has shown himself to be perfectly consistent, for it is the same doctrine which he preached when he was at the head of a mob in Jackson co. in 1833, at the time the Saints were driven out of it: for said he, -> "law or no law, we will drive the Mormons from the county, for the will of the people is superior to all law." <- Worthy man, you will furnish some biographer with materials that will perpetuate your name throughout the vista of coming ages, for having been honored with the writing of your life. The sage yet unborn, shall consume his midnight oil, in admiring your super-human perfections; you shall be cited as a model worthy of imitation: yes, all rulers in coming ages shall take you as their model-and every member of the "humane society" shall hold you in high esteem.-Time will only make your graces shine with a brighter luster. You can convince the world that a Nero, a Domitian, a Trajan, an Aurelius, a Septimus, a Severus, a Maximin, a Decius, a Valerian, an Aurelian, and a Diocletian, have at last been robbed of their barbarious [barbarous] glory by an obscure, and an illiterate Governor of Missouri.
Inaugural Address.
City of Nauvoo, Illinois, Feb. 3rd, 1841. Gentlemen of the City Council;
Aldermen and Councillors [Councilors]:-
Having been elected to the Mayoralty of this city by the unanimous suffrages of all parties and interests, I now enter upon the duties devolving upon me as your Chief Magistrate under a deep sense of the responsibilities of the station.-I trust that the confidence reposed in me, by my fellow citizens, has not been misplaced, and for the honor conferred they will accept my warmest sentiments of gratitude. By the munificence and wise legislation of noble, high-minded, and patriotic statesmen, and the grace of God, we have been blessed with one of the most liberal corporate acts ever granted by a legislative assembly. As the presiding officer of the law making department of the municipal government, it will be expected that I communicate to you from time to time, by oral or written messages, for your deliberative consideration and action, such matters as may suggest themselves to me in relation to the public weal; and upon this occasion I beg leave to present the following as matters of paramount importance.
The 21st Sec. of the addenda to the 13th Sec. of the City charter concedes to you plenary power "to tax, restrain, prohibit and suppress, tippling-houses, dram-shops," etc. etc., and I now recommend, in the strongest possible terms, that you take prompt, strong and decisive measures to "prohibit and suppress" all such establishments. It is true you have the power "to tax," or license and tolerate, them, and thus add to the city finances; but I consider it much better to raise revenue by an ad valorem tax on the property of sober men, than by licensing dram shops, or taxing the signs of the inebriated worshippers at the shrine of Bacchus. The revels of
bacchanalians in the house of blasphemy and noise will always prove a disgrace to a moral people. Public sentiment will do much to suppress the vice of intemperance, and its concomitant evil results: but ample experience has incontrovertibly proven that it cannot do all-the law must be brought to the rescue, and an effective prohibitory ordinance enacted. This cannot be done at a better time than at the present. Let us commence correctly, and the great work of reform, at least so far as our peaceful city is concerned, can be summarily consummated. It would be difficult to calculate the vast amount of evil and crime that would be prevented, and the great good that would accrue to the public at large by fostering the cause of temperance; but suffice it to say that the one would be commensurate to the other.-No sales of spirituous liquors whatever, in a less quantity than a quart, except in cases of sickness on the recommendation of a physician or surgeon duly accredited by the Chancellor and Regents of the University, should be tolerated. The liberty of selling the intoxicating cup is a false liberty-it enslaves, degrades, destroys and wretchedness and want are attendant on every step,-its touch, like that of the poison Upas, is DEATH. Liberty to do good should be cheerfully and freely accorded to every man; but liberty to do evil, which is licentiousness, should be peremptorily prohibited. The public good imperiously demands it-and the cause of humanity pleads for help. The protecting ægis of the corporation should be thrown around every moral, and religious institution of the day, which is in any way calculated to ennoble, or ameliorate the condition of the human family.
The immediate organization of the University, as contemplated in the 24th Sec. of the act incorporating our city, cannot be too forcibly impressed upon you at this time.-As all matters in relation to mental culture, and public instruction, from common schools up to the highest branches of a full collegiate course in the Arts, Sciences, and Learned Professions, will devolve upon the Chancellor and Regents of the University, they should be speedily elected, and instructed to perfect their plan, and enter upon its execution with as little delay as possible. The wheels of education should never be clogged, or retrograde, but roll progressively from the Alpha to the Omega of a most perfect, liberal, and thorough course of university attainments. The following observations in relation to false education, from Alexander's Messenger, so perfectly accords with my feelings and views on this highly important subject, that I cannot do better than incorporate them in this message.
"Among the changes for the worse, which the world has witnessed within the last century, we include that specious, superficial, incomplete way of doing certain things which were formerly thought to be deserving of care, labor and attention. It would seem that appearance is now considered of more moment than reality. The modern mode of education is an example in point. Children are so instructed as to acquire a smattering of every thing; and, as a matter of consequence, they know nothing properly. Seminaries and academies deal out their moral and natural philosophy, their geometry, trigonometry, and astronomy, their chemistry, botany, and mineralogy, until the mind of the pupil becomes a chaos; and, like the stomach when it is overloaded with a variety of food, it digests nothing, but converts the superabundant nutriment to poison. This mode of education answers one purpose:-it enables people to seem learned; and seemingly, by a great many, is thought all-sufficient. Thus we are schooled in quackery, and are early taught to regard showy and superficial attainments as most desirable. Every boarding school Miss is a Plato in petticoats, without an ounce of that genuine knowledge, that true philosophy, which would enable her to be useful in the world, and to escape those perils with which she must necessarily be encompassed. Young people are taught to use a variety of hard terms, which they understand but imperfectly;-to repeat lessons which they are unable to apply;-to astonish their grand-mothers with a display of their parrot-like acquisitions;-but their mental energies are clogged and torpified with a variety of learned lumber, most of which is discarded from the brain long before its possessor knows how to use it. This is the quackery of education.
The effects of the erring system are not easily obliterated. The habit of using words without thounht [thought], sticks to the unfortunate student through life, and should he ever learn to think, he cannot express his ideas without the most tedious and perplexing verbosity. This is, more or less, the fault of every writer in the nineteenth century. The sense is encumbered with sound. The scribbler appears to imagine that if he puts a sufficient number of words together he has done his part; and, alas! how many books are written on this principle. Thus literature, and even science itself, is overloaded with froth and flummery. Verbalizing has become fashionable and indispensable, and one line from an ancient author will furnish the materials for a modern treatise."
Our University should be a "utilitarian" institution-and competent, industrious, teachers, and professors, should be immediately elected for the several departments. "Knowledge is power."-foster education and we are forever free! Nothing can be done which is more certainly calculated to perpetuate the free institutions of our common country, for which our progenitors "fought and bled, and died," than the general diffusion of useful knowledge amongst the people. Education should always be of a purely practical character, for such, and such alone, is calculated to perfect the happiness, and prosperity, of our fellow-citizens-ignorance, impudence, and false knowledge, are equally detestable,-shame and confusion follow in their train. As you now possess the power, afford the most ample facilities to the Regents to make their plan complete; and thus enable them to set a glorious example to the world at large. The most liberal policy should attend the organization of the University,
and equal honors and privileges should be extended to all classes of the community.
In order to carry out the provisions of the 25th Sec. of the act incorporating our city, I would recommend the immediate organization of the Legion. Comprising, as it does the entire military power of our city, with a provision allowing any citizen of Hancock county to unite by voluntary enrollment, early facilities should be afforded the court Martial for perfecting their plan of drill, rules, and regulations. Nothing is more necessary to the preservation of order, and the supremacy of the laws, than the perfect organization of our military forces, under a uniform and rigid discipline, and approved judicious drill; and to this end I desire to see all the departments, and cohorts of the Legion put in immediate requisition. The Legion should be all powerful, panopled [panoplied] with justice and equity, to consummate the designs of its projectors-at all times ready, as minute men, to serve the state in such way and manner as may, from time to time, be pointed out by the Governor. You have long sought an opportunity of showing your attachment to the state government of Illinois-it is now afforded: the Legion should maintain the constitution and the laws, and be ready at all times for the public defence [defense]. The winged warrior of the air perches upon the pole of American liberty, and the beast that has the temerity to ruffle her feathers should be made to feel the power of her talons; and until she ceases to be our proud national emblem we should not cease to show our attachment to Illinois. Should the tocsin of alarm ever be sounded, and the Legion called to the tented field by our Executive, I hope to see it able, under one of the proudest mottos [mottoes] that ever blazed upon a warrior's shield-Sicut Patribus sit Deus nobis: as God was with our fathers, so may he be with us-to fight the battles of our country, as victors, and as freemen: the juice of the uva, or the spirit of insubordination should never enter our camp,-but we should stand, ever stand, as a united people-ONE AND INDIVISABLE [indivisible].
I would earnestly recommend the construction of a wing-dam in the Mississippi, at the mouth of the ravine at or near the head of Main street, and the excavation of a ship-canal from that point to a point terminating in a grand reservoir on the bank of said river, east of the foot of said street, a distance of about two miles. This would afford, at the various outlets, the most ample water power for propelling any amount of machinery for mill and manufactoring [manufacturing] purposes, so essentially necessary to the building up of a great commercial city in the heart of one of the most productive and delightful countries on earth. I would advise that an agent be immediately appointed on behalf of the city corporation, to negotiate with eastern capitalists for the completion of this great work, on the most advantageous terms, even to the conveyance of the privilege for a term of years. This work finished, and the future greatness of this city is placed upon an imperishable basis. In addition to the great advantages that will otherwise accrue to the city and country by the construction of this noble work, it would afford the best harbor for the steam-boats, for winter quarters, on this magnificient [magnificent] stream.
The public health requires that the low lands, bordering on the Mississippi, should be immediately drained, and the entire timber removed. This can and will be one of the most healthy cities in the west, provided you take prompt and decisive action in the premises. A Board of Health should be appointed and vested with the usual powers and prerogatives.
The Governor, Council of Revision, and Legislature of Illinois, should be held in everlasting remembrance by our people-they burst the chains of slavery and proclaimed us forever free! A vote of thanks, couched in the strongest language possible, should be tendered them in our corporate capacity; and, when this is done, Quincy, our first noble city of refuge, when we came from the slaughter in Missouri with our garments stained with blood, should not be forgotten.
As the Chief Magistrate of your city I am determined to execute all state laws, and city ordinances passed in pursuance to law, to the very letter, should it require the strong arm of military power to enable me to do so. As an officer I know no man; the peaceful unoffending citizen shall be protected in the full exercise of all his civil, political, and religious rights, and the guilty violater [violator] of law shall be punished, without respect to persons.
All of which is respectfully submitted,
Our readers will see, by reference to the Congressional proceedings in today's paper, that the controversy between this country and Great Britain in relation to the burning of the steamboat Caroline, is likely to lead to serious consequences. If the positions taken by the British Minister are persisted in by his Government, we see no alternative but war. Our Government has tamely submitted to Brittish [British] aggression, upon the rights of our citizens and upon our teritory [territory], until endurance has ceased to be a virtue.-Quincy Argus.
M'Leod, charged with being engaged in the burning of the Caroline, and who was indicted a year or two since, by the Grand Jury of Niagra [Niagara] county, N. Y., was recently apprehended, underwent an examination, and failing to give bail was committed to the county jail. Bail demanded was $5000 himself, and two sureties $2500 each. The arrest caused much excitement in the neighborhood of M'Leod's residence in Canada.
MONDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 15, 1841.
The City council of the City of Nauvoo, was organized on the 3d inst., when His Honor, the Mayor, delivered his inaugural address, which appears in this days paper.
The address is a document of considerable interest, and is well worth the perusal of our readers, and every one who loves the prosperity of our peaceable and improving city.
The sentiments respecting the subject of temperance, are good, and such as must meet with the approval of all patriotic and virtuous citizens, and will undoubtedly have a powerful influence on the future prosperity of Nauvoo. Let the blow be struck at the root of intemperance, and then the foundation of peace and prosperity is permanently laid; virtue will raise its head, and around her will soon be gathered and concentrated, men of enterprize [enterprise], honesty, and intelligence, and peace and harmony will abound, while vice with all its attendant evils, will hide its deformed head. We say then, let the council carry out the recommendations of the Mayor on this subject, and they will perform an act which must ever secure to them the good will of a virtuous community.
Another subject of vast importance to the future greatness of this City, recommended in the address, is that of a canal passing through this city for the purpose of water privileges. It is supposed that a fall might be obtained by cutting a canal through the city, of from three to five feet, and water power to any amount obtained. This once accomplished would give an impetus to the prosperity of the City, and, with the natural advantages which it already possesses, it would soon take the lead of nearly all the cities in the west. It may be thought by some that the agitation of this subject is premature, and that in the infant state of our city, it would be well to postpone the consideration of this subject for some time. We are aware that this is a subject which requires time to mature, but at the same time, it presents itself with such force to the mind, and the advantages appear so great, that the most superficial observer must be led to the conclusion that it is not only practicable, but that it will be of incalculable benefit, not only to this city, but to all the surrounding country.
We are glad to see the action of the Council on the subject of education; and that they have chosen a Board of Regents, and appointed a Chancellor and Registrar for the "University of the City of Nauvoo." The appointment we think does great credit to the Council, and, we have no doubt but that the board will assiduously engage in the great and all important work of education.
From the unsettled state of the Saints, in consequence of being driven from their inheritances, and their sudden transitions from affluence to poverty; the education of their children has consequently been neglected.-But we hope the night of darkness has passed away, and that we behold the dawning of a refulgent morn, which shall shine upon our youthful city through the "University" and not on our city alone, but like the king of day, will diffuse its benign and enlightening rays throughout the world.
The "Nauvoo Legion" has been organized agreeably to the provisions of the charter, and the different offices filled, by men of intelligence, courage, and resolution, whose pride as well as duty will be, to sustain the rights of freemen, maintain the laws and constitution of our beloved and devoted state, and of the United states, and place themselves in a situation, that whenever called upon for the public defence [defense] to be ready for the immergency [emergency].
By wise laws and regulations we have no doubt, but that our city will prosper and increase in population to an extent unparallelled [unparalleled] by any city, not only on this continent, but in the world, and will become the brightest "star in the west."
The following persons were, on the 3rd Inst., on the nomination of the Mayor, unanimously elected, by the City Council, to the offices annexed to their respective names; to wit:
H. G. SHERWOOD, Marshall;
JAMES SLOAN, Recorder;
R. B. THOMPSON, Treasurer;
AUSTIN COWLES, Supervisor of Streets.
PRESIDENT OF THE UNIVERSITY.-James Kelly, A. M., an alumnus of Trinity College' Dublin, was on the 9th Inst., on the nomination of the Chancellor, unanimously elected President of the University of the City of Nauvoo, by the Board of Regents. Doctor Kelly is a ripe scholar, and his selection as president of our University, (on the duties of which station he is expected to enter in the Spring,) will, no doubt, greatly advance the cause of education in this section of our state.
CHANGES OF POST ROUTE NO. 2774.-We are informed by a letter from the Hon. Richard M. Young, of the United States Senate, to General John C. Bennett, that the Hon. S. R. Hobbie, of the Contract Office of the Post Office Department, "Has made an order to terminate Route 2774 at Nauvoo." For the accomplishment of this highly important, and much needed, additional mail facility, the gentlemen concerned will accept the warm thanks of our citizens. The contractor has entered upon the discharge of his duties, and the stage has made its first trip.
NAUVOO LEGION.-By a letter from the Hon. S. H. Little, of the State Senate, to Gen. Bennett, it appears that the following additional section in relation to our Legion, recently forwarded to Esq. Little by Gen. Bennett, has become a law, to wit:
"Any citisen [citizen] of Hancock county, may, by voluntary enrollment, attach himself to the Nauvoo Legion, with all the privileges which appertain to that independent military body."
This is quite a privilege; and we say to our friends-come on and enroll yourselves so that there may be a perfect organization by the 4th of July next-which day we wish to celebrate with appropriate military honors. the Legion will be called out, likewise, on the 6th of April.
VOTE OF THANKS.-On the 3rd inst. President Joseph Smith presented to the City Council the following resolution which was unanimously adopted; to wit:
Resolved, By the City Council of the City of Nauvoo, That the unfeigned thanks of this community be respectfully tendered to the Governor, Council of Revision, and Legislature, of the State of Illinois, as a feeble testimonial of their respect and esteem for noble, high-minded, and patriotic statesmen, and as an evidence of gratitude for the signal powers recently conferred-and that the citizens of Quincy be held in everlasting remembrance for their unparallelled [unparalleled] liberality and marked kindness to our people, when in their greatest state of suffering and want.
In consequence of a press of matter we have discontinued the articles on the rise of the church, and the gospel, for the present, but shall continue them again as soon as practicable.
We have numerous letters and communications from the Elders abroad, all giving cheering intelligence of the spread of truth; new doors are opening in all directions, and souls are daily being added to the church, a summary of which we shall publish in our next.
+ It will be recollected that the next General Conference of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints will convene, in the City of Nauvoo, on the 6th of April, 1841, on which day the Corner Stone of the Temple of God will be laid, attended with appropriate ceremonies. There will be a great gathering of the people on that occasion, and many of the most conspicuous persons in our state are expected to be in attendance.
We extract the following, which originally appeared in the Peoria press, from the Illinois Democrat. Judge Smith is a gentleman of the first order of talents, and one of the most able jurists in the state, and is in every respect fully qualified for the high trust contemplated.
"The time is rapidly approaching when it will devolve on the democracy of Illinois to nominate a candidate for the office of Governor. For this station it becomes us to select a firm republican; one whose honesty and capacity are such as cannot be called in question. There is probably no member of our party in whom these requisites are combined in a more eminent degree than in Judge T. W. Smith, of Cook County. He is one of the most firm and able supporters of the democratic principles in Illinois, and has been a citizen of the State nearly a quarter of a century, a portion of which time he resided in the southern part of it, where, we understand, a branch of his family is permanantly [permanently] located. His professional busines [business] for a number of years has given him great opportunities of extending his knowledge of the people; and having risen to his present station from a humble, yet we may add, honorable situation in life, (although it has been malignantly laid to his charge as if it were criminal to rise by industry and worth, we speak it to his praise.) with his well known honesty and capacity, we think he is both familiar with the wants and interests of the people of the State, and well qualified to preside over her destinies as their Governor. We would therefore most respectfully recommend him to the favorable consideration of our fellow citizens, believing that his nomination to the above named station would receive the cordial and hearty response of the democracy in this section of the State."
+ Great Moral Victory!-The high grounds taken by our Mayor, General Bennett, in relation to the great work of temperance reform, have been fully sustained by the City Council. President Joseph Smith, Chairman of the committee to whom was referred that part of the inaugural address of His Honor, the Mayor, which relates to Temperance,
reported the following ordinances to the City Council on the 15th instant, which was elaborately discussed by Aldermen Wells and Whitney, and Councillors [councilors] J. Smith, H. Smith, Rigdon, Law, and Greene, and in Committee of the Whole, by His Honor, and, after dispensing with the rules, read three several times, and passed UNANIMOUSLY.
This ordinance passed by ayes and noes [nays], on the call of councillor [councilor] Barnett, as follows:
Yeas-Aldermen Wells, Smith, Marks and Whitney-Councillors [councilors] Joseph smith, Hyrum Smith, Don C. Smith, Rigdon, Law, Rich, Barnett, Greene, and Knight-and the Mayor-14. (Full Council.)
Thus has the City of Nauvoo set a glorious example to the world-sustained by principle, and the GREAT GOD; to wit:
An Ordinance in relation to Temperance.
Sec. 1. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Nauvoo, that all persons and establishments whatever in this City, are prohibited from vending whiskey in a less quantity than a gallon, or other spirituous liquors in a less quantity than a quart, to any person whatever, excepting on the recommendation of a physician duly accredited, in writing, by the "Chancellor and Regents of the University of the City of Nauvoo," and any person guilty of any act contrary to the prohibition contained in this ordinance, shall, on conviction thereof before the Mayor, or Municipal Court, be fined in any sum not exceeding twenty-five dollars, at the discretion of said Mayor, or Court; and any person or persons who shall attempt to evade this ordinance by giving away liquor, or by any other means, shall be considered alike amenable, and fined as aforesaid.
Sec. 2. This ordinance, to take effect, and be in force from and after its passage.
Passed, Feb. 15th, A. D. 1841.
James Sloan, Recorder.
An Ordinance organizing the "University of the City of Nauvoo."
Sec. 1. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Nauvoo, That the "University of the City of Nauvoo," be, and the same is hereby organized, by the appointment of the following board of Trustees; to wit: John C. Bennett, chancellor, William Law, Registrar, and Joseph Smith, Sidney Rigdon, Hyrum Smith, William Marks, Samuel H. Smith, Daniel H. Wells, N. K. Whitney, Charles C. Rich, John T. Barnett, Wilson Law, Don C. Smith, John P. Greene, Vinson Knight, Isaac Gailand, Elias Higbee, Robert D. Foster, James Adams, Robert B. Thompson, Samuel Bennett, Ebenezer Robinson, John Snider, George Miller, and Lenos M. Knight, Regents; who shall hereafter constitute the "Chancellor and Regents of the University of the City of Nauvoo," as contemplated in the 24th section of "An act to incorporate the City of Nauvoo," approved December 16, 1840.
Sec. 2. The Board named in the 1st section of this ordinance shall hold its first meeting at the office of Joseph Smith, on Tuesday, the 9th day of February, 1841, at 2 o'clock, P. M.
Sec. 3. This ordinance shall take effect, and be in force, from and after its passage.
Passed, Feb. 3rd, A. D. 1841.
James Sloan Recorder.
An Ordinance organizing the "Nauvoo Legion."
Sec. 1. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Nauvoo, That the inhabitants of the City of Nauvoo, and such citizens of Hancock county as may unite by voluntary enrollment, be, and they are hereby organized into a body of independent military men, to be called the "Nauvoo Legion," as contemplated in the 25th section of "An act to incorporate the City of Nauvoo," approved, December 16, 1840.
Sec. 2. The Legion shall be, and is hereby, divided into two Cohorts,-the horse troops to constitute the first Cohort, and the foot troops to constitute the second Cohort.
Sec. 3. The general officers of the Legion shall consist of a Lieutenant General, as the chief commanding and reviewing officer, and President of the Court Martial, and Legion; a Major General, as the second in command of the Legion, the Secretary of the Court Martial, and Legion, and Adjutant and Inspector General; a Brigadier General, as commander of the first Cohort; and a Brigadier General, as commander of the second Cohort.
Sec. 4. The staff of the Lieutenant General shall consist of two principal Aids-de-camp, with the rank of Colonels
of Cavalry, and a guard of twelve Aids-de-Camp, with the rank of Captains of Infantry, and a Drill Officer with the rank of Colonel of Dragoons, who shall likewise be the chief officer of the guard.
Sec. 5. The staff of the Major General shall consist of an adjutant, a Surgeon-in-Chief, a Cornet, a Quarter Master, a Pay-Master, a Commissary, and a Chaplain, with the rank of Colonels of Infantry; a Surgeon for each Cohort, a Quarter Master Sergeant, Sergeant Major, and Chief Musician, with the rank of Captains of Light Infantry; and two Musicians, with the rank of Captains of Infantry.
Sec. 6. The staff of each Brigadier General shall consist of one Aaid-de-Camp [Aid-de-Camp] with the rank of Lieutenant Colonel of Infantry; provided that the said Brigadiers shall have access to the staff of the Major General when not otherwise in service.
Sec. 7. No officer shall hereafter be elected by the various companies of the Legion, except upon the nomination of the court Martial, and it is hereby made the duty of the Court Martial to nominate at least two candidates for each vacant office, whenever such vacancies occur.
Sec. 8. The Court Martial shall fill and supply all offices ranking between Captains and Brigadiers general by granting brevet commissions to the most worthy company officers of the line, who shall thereafter take rank and command according to the date of their brevets; provided that their original place in the line shall not thereby be vacated.
Section 9. The court Martial consisting of all the military officers, commissioned or entitled to commissions, within the limits of the City corporation shall meet at the office of Joseph Smith, on Thursday the 4th day of February 1841, at 10 o'clock A. M. and then, and there, proceed to elect the general officers of the Legion as contemplated in the 3rd section of this ordinance.
10. The Court Martial shall adopt for the Legion, as nearly as may be, and so far as applicable, the dicipline [discipline], drill, uniform, rules and regulations, of the United States Army.
Sec. 11. This ordinance shall take effect, and be in force, from and after its passage.
Passed, Eeb. [Feb.] 3rd, A. D. 1841.
James Sloan, Recorder.
An Ordinance in relation to the City Council.
Sec. 1. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Nauvoo, That should any member of the City Council absent himself from, or neglect or refuse to attend, any regular or special meeting of said Council, for more than thirty minutes after the time appointed, or should the Marshal or Recorder be guilty of a like offence [offense], he shall be fined in the sum of two dollars for each offence [offense].
Sec. 2. Should any member of said Council neglect, or refuse, to attend said meetings, forthwith, on a summons from the Mayor, served by the Marshal, or special messenger of said Council, he shall be fined in the sum of twenty-five dollars, for each offence [offense]; Provided, that the City council may on good cause shown, remit any fine herein, or by this ordinance, assessed.
Sec. 3. The above fines to be collected as other debts before the Mayor, at the suit of the City corporation.-This ordinance to take effect, and be in force, from and after its passage.
Passed, Feb. 8th, A. D. 1841.
James Sloan, Recorder.
From the Upper Mississippian,
Nauvoo-Mormon Religion
Nauvoo city. This place is in the north western part of Hancock county, Illinois, and was formerly known by the name of Commerce, but has recently received a city charter by the name of Nauvoo, the name given by the Mormons. The town is situated upon a slightly inclined plain, or piece of ground, of from one to two miles in extent, projecting westward into the Mississippi, somewhat in the shape of a man's arm, half bent; presenting a fine appearance for some miles above and below the town. Since the Mormons, or "Latter Day Saints," (as
they call themselves) were so wantonly driven from their homes and estates in Missouri, by an armed mob, under the excited authorities of that State, these persecuted people have settled in this town, and the adjacent country upon both sides of the Mississippi-and added from 75 to 100 buildings, mostly neat and painted, spread over a large extent of ground, and covering the plain and the bluffs in the rear.-These numerous new, bright looking buildings, scattered about amongst the trees and shrubbery which abound here, present, in warm weather, a delightful appearance. Under the shade of some beautiful shrubbery near the river's brink, seats are erected for the accommodation of the society, at their religious meetings. The spot selected is favorable to a calm and serene temper, and a devotional frame of mind.
Nauvoo is said to have a population of about 3000 inhabitants some 300 buildings, several small traders, Tavern keepers, Phisicians [Physicians], and various kinds of mechanics and laborers: and some water craft, among which is a small steam-boat called Nauvoo. The landing, soil and timber about the town, are favorable to its future growth but being at the Head, instead of the foot of the rapids, its location is not so advantageous for trade as that of Warsaw or Keokuck [Keokuk], mentioned in my last letter. Besides this, there being considerable low lands upon the Islands in its vicinity, their decomposing vegetable matter is supposed to send forth delaterious [deleterious] exhaltations [exhalations ?] prejudicial to the health of the town. However, Nauvoo has a fine country in its rear, and if to many drones and rogues do not creep in among these generally quiet, industrious and economical people, we may expect to see a very considerable city built up here-particularly as many of this sect in Europe, are now known to be about removing to this country-and indeed some two hundred have already arrived at Nauvoo, and the vicinity. Mr. Smith is reported to have said that it is destined to be the largest city in the world! It is some 18 miles above Warsaw, and 6 or 8 below Fort Madison.
Religion of the Mormons. In the course of two land journeis [journeys] between Stephenson and Quincy, I stopped overnight at Nauvoo, rode one day in company with a Mormon preacher, and two days with one of the most respectable private members of the society. I also saw, in Stephenson, the celebrated Joseph Smith, but had no opportunity to converse with him respecting the peculiar tenets of their religion. Mr. Smith (commonly called "Joe Smith,") is a stout, muscular, course looking man, of about 32 or 33 years of age, and six feet high-and is said to be a man of good natural talents, but of inferlor [inferior] education-and that, as a scholar and logician, Mr. Rigdon is much his superior. Dr. Bennett, one of their preachers, and with whom I rode as above, appeared to be a man of considerable reading and general intelligence-to possess a christian temper, and pretty correct ideas of personal piety. He was courteous and gentlemanly in his deportment, though somewhat selfish, exclussve [exclusive] and bigoted in notions about other sects and creeds. I, however, derived considerable information, and consequent satisfaction from conversing with him upon the subject of this strange religion. I may not be able in this brief and hasty newspaper sketch, to do full and exact justice to their creed as represented by this and the other gentleman, but I will aim to do so.
I understood from them as follows, vix [viz]:-That their society did not recognize Mormon, as a Prophet or a Teacher sent from God to the "Latter Day Saints"-that they did not discard the Bible as used by other christian sects-that the book, commonly called "the Mormon bible," was considered by them as an additional revelation from heaven, made by God himself, to Joseph Smith, when 17 years of age, and under deep and prayerful concern of mind about his spiritual condition-that it relates principally to the history of the house of Ephraim and their descendants, which these people say was lost, or omitted, in the compliation [compilation] of the generally accredited christian bible. That the Almighty spoke orally, and disclosed to Smith, in a vision, where to find the long buried "Brass Plates," containing some unknown hieroglyphics, the further and hitherto undiscovered history
of this branch of the Jewish nation-which history foretells, as they say, the character, condition and duty, of the "Latter Day Saints," or Mormons-and the persecutions which they have endured in Missouri and elswhare [elsewhere], on account of their religion. They hold that the Lord made a verbal, personal communication to Smith, an uneducated and ignorant youth of 17, and instructed him to emyloy [employ] persons to translate the history contained in these few strange characters, engraven upon these brass plates, and directed him to communicate it to the ignorant and uninspired translators, to be by them penned down for publication. And also that at a certain stage of the proceeding, the Almighty directed Smith to cease the work of translation, and again to bury the plates until mankind should become more virtuous, and better qualified for the reception of a further and complete revelation of the whole matter, at which time the Lord would again appear upon the earth, and direct Smith how to proceed upon this momentuous [momentous] subject!!!
The object and plan of these letters will not admit of pursuing this matter further, or commenting upon the monstrous delusion that could take possession of so many apparently sensible and intelligent people-or upon the success with which an uneducated man, like Smith, has impressed belief in this extraordinary imposition, which fact induces the belief that he is a man of very considerable talents. But I really believe that these people, after all, are generally quite conscientious in this matter-are more to be pitied than despised, and "more sinned against than sinning."
When putting the preceding article in type we intended to have made some corrections, but time will not admit in this number; we will make them in a future No. The writer, no doubt, intended to give a fair statement, and in the main, did; but respecting our faith, (on some points,) the book of Mormon, &c., he is widely from the mark.-Ed.
MARRIED-In Pike co. Ill. Jan 1st by Elder Harlow Redfield, Mr. Thomas McKey to Miss Persius M. Sweat.
-At the same place, on the same day by Elder Redfield, Mr. Benjamin Sweat to Miss Lydia Stephenson.
-In St. Louis, Mo. Jan. 23rd, by Elder A. P. Rockwood Mr. E. Sayers to Miss Ruth D. Vose formely [formerly] of Boston, Mass.
-On Bear Creek, Feb. 7th, by elder R. B. Thompson, Mr. Howard Corey to Miss Martha Jane Knowlton.
-In Carthage, Jan. 22nd, by Elder Chester Loveland, Mr. Harvey Call to Miss Mary Ann Lougy.
-Near Bear creek, Feb. 11th, by Elder Andrew M. Hamilton, Mr. P. Ireland, to Miss Susannah Sumner.
DIED-In this city, Jan. 25th, Mary, consort of Samuel H. Smith, aged 31 years. She has left four small children, an affectionate companion, and numerous relatives and friends to mourn her loss, a loss which is easier felt than described. Mrs. Smith was one of the first who embraced the fullness of the gospel in the New England States. She was a resident, of the city of Boston, Mass. surrounded with friends and the comforts of life, but there was no sacrifice too great for her to make for Jesus Christ and his caused; and in A. D. 1833, in company with Miss Coolbrith, (now the companion of my bosom,) she bid farewell to friends and connexions [connections], and every thing most dear, and traveled the distance of one thousand miles to Kirtland, Ohio, with no human protector but the one above named, to associate with the saints, in obedience to the commands of God, and the instructions of the inspired Prophets and Apostles.
She has ever manifested a willingness to endure persecution and affliction for Christ's sake, and it has been her lot to suffer much for the sake of the gospel; her companion being stript [stripped] of his goods and made desolate by the enemies of truth, they suffered much in journeying to Missouri, being exposed for the want of the comforts of life.
They located in Daviess co. Mo, and while in child bed she was driven from her home by an infatuated mob, and exposed to a violent storm in the midst of an open prairie for several days, which brought her nigh unto death; she however recovered to witness more distressing scenes, all of which would be lengthy to ennumerate [enumerate], and too disgraceful to harrow up the soul of the reader: we will state however, that before she had recovered of her illness, her companion had to flee for his life and leave her to the mercy of an enfuriated [infuriated] community, while he wandered through the wilderness for the space of fourteen days without seeing one white inhabitant, and the most of the time without food. The reader can judge that her journey to Illinois must be attended wiih [with] suffering, being robbed of their all;-but she is gone-she "rests from her labors," she has been patient in all her afflictions-has kept the faith, and will inherit eternal life, which is the greatest gift of God.-Ed.
-In this city, Jan. 5th, Phebe Ann, consort of Benj. R. Bently, aged 34 years. Sister Bently was formely [formerly] the wife of the brave D. W. Patten who fell a martyr in Missouri. She has suffered much from the power of disease, which was occasioned in consequence of her exposures. Her life has been an example of piety-she has lived a saint, and has fallen asleep in the triumphs of faith, and having died in the Lord, no doubt she will have part in the first resurrection.
-Near Naples, Scott co., Ill., on the 21st day of Aug. 1840, Casander, consort of Wm. Harper, aged 35 years.
-Near Exeter, Scott co. Ill. Sept. 2nd, 1840, Mary Ann, daughter of Wm. and Casander Harper, aged 5 months and four days.
-In Fulton co. Ill. Minerva, consort of Asa Earl, aged 24 years.
-In this city, Dec. 21st, 1840, Charlotte, consort of James M. Henderson, aged 24 years.
-In West Milton, Ohio, of typhus fever, on the 30th ult. 1841, Mary, wife of H. Fate M. D. and daughter of Abraham and Anny Wilson, in the 27th year of her age. In life she was intelligent, faithful, and kind, in sickness patient, in death submissive and resigned. She expressed her feelings as follows, I do rejoice that we live in a day when we can enjoy the fulness [fullness] of the everlasting gospel-she was truly comforted in her last moments by its benign influence, her pain was removed, her mind quieted, her soul comforted through all her illness, and the pangs of death withstood: she did pray for her friends individually that they might come to a knowledge of the truth even as she had embraced it; just before she expired requested her husband to sing the hymn "How firm a foundation ye saints of the Lord," &c. We sorrowed, but not as those who have no hope; death has a sting, the grave has a victory now, but thanks be to God who will give us the victory when the last enemy shall be conquered, when the devil who hath the power of death shall be bound, Amen.
City of Nauvoo, Jan. 29th, 1841.
Brother D. C. Smith.-
Dear Sir,
I wish to insert, in the Times and Seasons, the Obituary of the wife of my youth.-She departed this life on the 18 Inst. being 51: years, 4 months, and 8 days old. She was from her childhood almost a christian; and at the age of 16 made a profession of religion, and was zelous [zealous] and divotional [devotional] in all communications and manners-believing the laws of Moses and the Prophets, as also, the sayings of Jesus the holy apostles and evidently was looking for the personal appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ. And in the month of May, in A. D. 1829, received the Book of Mormon, and on the first reading believed it a true history, and longed to see the author and the despised people; (having only heard that there was such a people;) and in the month of April, 1831, we first heard the gospel preached, when she heard she believed with all her heart and immediately obeyed the heavenly mandate; and on the morning of the 13 of April, we were both baptized for the remission of our sins, and from that hour her heart was fixed on gathering, living, and suffering with the saints of the last days; the latter of which she has shared liberally, in the gathering at and dispersion
from Kirtland Ohio, and she was found at Far West, Mo. suffering the disgraceful insults of a Missouri mob, and there being like many others, deprived of her husband and also her property, under Gov. Boggs' (hell born) exterminating order, and Gen. Clark's administration: alone, with her four daughters and a little son, she was compelled to make her pasport [passport], a distance of 200 miles in the month of January, 1839, by waggon [wagon)], lodging in the same by night. The deprivations and sufferings of that journey, laid the foundation of that fatal disease (the inflamatory [inflammatory] rheumatism,) which after suffering the severest pains for the of space two years and more it terminated her natural life, and the least that can be said of this saint; she was a constant affectionate, and faithful companion, a mother-a watchful follower of Christ-inflexible in every duty, and finally was perfected in suffering and died a martyr to the religion of our Lord Jesus Christ, and I believe will have a part in the first resurrection.
Believe me, dear brother, your very affectionate friend and brother in the Lord,
ILLINOIS. City of Springfield, I. H. Bishop.
City of Quincy, S. B. Stoddard.
Victoria, Knox co. John Gaylord.
Mt. Pulaski, Logan co. Jabez Capps.
Pleasant Vale, Pike co. Wm. Draper, jr
Pittsfield, Pike co. Harlow Redfield.
PENNSYLVANIA. City of Philadelphia, Joseph H. Newton
City of Philadelphia, Erastus Snow,
Centerville, Crawford co. Stephen Post.
NEW YORK City of New York George J. Adams.
City of Albany Albert Brown.
West Leyden, Lewis co. J. L. Robinson.
MASSACHUSETTS. Georgetown, Essex Co. Nathaniel Holmes.
NEW HAMPSHIRE Gilsum, Chilon Mack, P.
Lisbon, Grafton co. Zadock Parker.
TENNESSEE Whitleyville, Jackson co. T. K. Witcher.
KENTUCKY. Centre Point, Monroe co. Wm. Dixon.
OHIO. Kirtland, Lake co. Almon Babbitt.
Dayton, W. W. Phelps.
West Milton, Dr. Harvey Tate.
Andover, Ashtabula co. James M. Adams.
Livonia, Wayne co. Rufus Beach
INDIANA. Pleasant Garden, Dr. Knight.
LOUISANA (LOUISIANA). City of New Orleans, E. G. Terrill.
ENGLAND. City of Manchester, P. P. Pratt.
City of Preston, J. P. Fielding
City of London H. C. Kimball
City of London W. Woodruff
City of London G. A. Smith
ISLE OF MAN. Douglass, John Taylor.
SCOTLAND. City of Edinburgh, Orson Pratt.
TRAVELING AGENTS. John E. Page. Orson Hyde.
Daniel Tyler, Wm. O. Clark,
Z. Coultrin. John Cairn,
Lorenzo Barnes Joseph Ball,
Benj. Winchester. Samuel Parker.
Daniel Shearer, Robert P. Crawford,
Henry Lumereaux, James Standing,
J. M. Grant L. M. Davis
Joshua Grant, F. G. Bishop,
G. H. Brandon, John Riggs,
Lorenzo Snow, James Blakeslee,
Norman Shearer, B. F. Boydston,
A. B. Tomlinson, Elisha H. Groves,
Charles Thompson, Benj. Johnson,
A. L. Lumeraux, Snue Bennett,
Samuel Bent, G. W. Harris,
Amasa Lyman, David Evens
Daniel S. Thomas, Jesse Turpin.
SAMPSON and PERKINS, Attorneys and Counsellors [Counselors] at Law, Carthage, Hancock county, Ill.
December 1, 1840.-15-tf.
EXECUTED WITH NEATNESS AND DISPATCH AT THE OFFICE OF THE TIMES AND SEASONS, Water street one square west of Messrs. Law's Store. Feb. 15, 1841.
The Times and Seasons, Is printed and published about the first and fifteenth of every month on the corner of Water and Bain Streets, Nauvoo, Hancock county, Illinois, by D. C. Smith, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR.
TERMS.-TWO DOLLARS per annum, payable in all cases in advance. Any person procuring five new subscribers, and forwarding us 10 dollars current money, shall receive one volume gratis. Letters on business must be addressed to the Editor and POST PAID.
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