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Volume 2. No. 7.] | CITY OF NAUVOO, ILLINOIS, FEB. 1, 1841. | [Whole No. 19. |
"But in the last days it shall come to pass that the mountain of the house of the Lord shall be established in the top of the mountains and it shall be exalted above the hills; and people shall flow unto it. And many nations shall come and say come and let us go up to the mountain of the Lord and to the house of the God of Jacob; and he will teach us of his ways and we will walk in his paths: for the law shall go forth of Zion and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem."-Micah.
From the above prophesy of Micah, and also from the 2nd chapter of Isaiah we learn certain things which the inhabitants of the earth in the last days have a right to look for, and confidently expect. We might reasonably suppose from the words "top of the mountain," that the prophets had a particular allusion to some part of the earth called high, or good above other lands. That there was, and is, such a land, not only esteemed as such by men, but also in the mind of the great God himself, we have abundant proof in the Book of Mormon, which describes the land of America as being a choice land above all other lands; then if above all other lands it may very properly be called the highest or top of the lands or mountains. The fact that this place when established is to be a place of gathering of the people, can admit of no doubt from the words of the prophesy which says, "and people shall flow unto it," that they may be taught the ways of the Lord. Then if these high privileges are to be enjoyed by the people who inhabit the earth in the last days, and we (Latter Day Saints) who say, we are living in those days; why are we not in the enjoyment of these privileges, let us enquire [inquire], do we believe these things? the answer is we do most assuredly believe them. Then where is the mountain where the house, and where the people flowing together to learn the ways of the Lord. The mountains, as we said before, we may consider definitely pointed out in the Book of Mormon. Not only so but the Lord has actually commenced the work, by raising up a prophet in these days, and through him, has definitely pointed out places of gathering for the people; and also, through this prophet has expressed his will to those who profess his name, that a house should be built for the salvation of his people, and for a place of instruction in all things which pertain to the kingdom of God on the earth,-consequently a place to be desired and sought for by the nations of the earth, where the ways of God can be taught; a place where those of many nations will gather to, and especially all who desire to serve God with singleness of heart; and when gathered, the pure in heart constitute Zion, concerning which we find much said by the ancient prophets, especially, that place which should be called Zion in the last days; and that out of Zion should go forth the law, &c.
But to show more fully the will of God concerning the house which is to be built, we make an extract from the Book of Covenants, page 209, which reads as follows:
"Verily I say unto you, that it is my will that an house should be built unto me in the land of Zion, like unto the pattern which I have given you; yea, let it be built speedily by the tithing of my people: behold this is the tithing and the sacrifice which I the Lord require at their hands, that there may be an house built unto me for the salvation of Zion: for a place of thanksgiving for all Saints, and for a place of instruction for all those who are called to the work of the ministry in all their several callings and offices, in theory, in principle, and in doctrine, In all things pertaining to the kingdom of God on earth."
Now, I would candidly ask the Saints, and all who desire to do the will of God, will we lay hold with our mights to accomplish this mighty, this glorious work, and show by our works,
that we, who enjoy the glorious privilege of living in these latter days, (in which God has begun his work to bring to pass the gathering of his elect,) are worthy of the high privileges which we enjoy, by coming up like men of God and sacrifice, and by our works show that we are such a people as the Lord would have gathered together, as described in the 50th Psalm which says: "Gather my Saints together unto me; those that have made a covenant with me by sacrifice?"
Among the sacrifices which God requires at this time is the tithing for the building of this house. Will we now exert ourselves, or will we hoard up our silver and gold and canker our souls, and have to lament in the day of our visitation that we loved our money, or our property better than we loved God and his cause, and would not do as did Abraham, give tithes of all we possess, that we might become heirs of the same glory with him? I ask, how will God look upon a people who would be thus coveteous, [covetous] after he had made known unto them his will, and told them what sacrifice he required of them? It was this covetous principle which caused the Savior to exclaim, "It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom;" because if the rich withhold their riches when God requires sacrifice, the will of God is not done by them, consequently they fall under condemnation, the Spirit is grieved and withdraws, and they are left to themselves to reap the reward of the covetous and idolators [idolaters]. But of the Saints I hope better things, that they will count all earthly riches as dross, compared with the eternal riches and glory of God which is to be revealed, and of which we, as a church, may be made the happy partakers by making every sacrifice which God requires, and worship the God which made heaven and earth and sea, and not worship gold and silver, or property, or any thing made with men's hands. We owe this sacrifice to God, we also owe this to our fellow men, knowing as we do, that much depends upon the accomplishment of these things, so that they, of all nations may come to the house of the God of Jacob, according to the words of the prophets; that they may be taught in his ways, and walk in his paths. The brethren abroad must be aware of the poverty of most of the church here, by reason of their being robbed of almost all they possessed in Missouri; therefore much depends upon the brethren abroad for means.
Most of the brethren here, have manifested a disposition worthy of imitation by the remainder in the good cause, by working every tenth day, since the last Conference, by which some materials are made ready for the building: Those who live in this place, who have not been able to put in their tenth day, will, I hope, not fail to put in an equivalent against Spring. Those who live at a distance, who cannot put in work, will, I trust, send in their tithing speedily, so that the work may be accomplished speedily: for when we consider the great things which are depending upon our exertions,-surely we should lose no time; for when the house is finished, the priesthood will be set in order, an acceptable offering can then be offered unto the Lord of Hosts; who does not desire to see, (according to the words of Malachi,) the offering of Judah and Jerusalem be pleasant unto the Lord as in the days of old, and as in former years? Then can the oracles of God be daily received if necessary for the salvation of the people, by those who are appointed to minister in the holy place. Then can God be worshipped in the beauty of holiness: then will those who are appointed to minister be as a watchman on a tower, who can warn the church of approaching danger, or dispense unto them, through the priesthood, the words of eternal life.-Then, brethren, with one accord, let us exert ourselves in doing the will of God, that the glory of God may rest down upon us, and we be preserved as a people, and finally overcome the world, and obtain a crown of eternal life in the kingdom of our God, through Jesus Christ our Redeemer, is the prayer of your unworthy brother in the Lord.
ELIAS HIGBEE, One of the Building Committee
An example animated by an ardent and sincere love, shines like the sun-it warms and invigorates.
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For the Times and Seasons.
Dayton (Ohio) Dec 15, 1840.
NO. 1
St. Paul to the Thessalonians-5:20.
As the world, the mother of harlots, and her daughters, are opposed to prophets and prophesying in this momentuous [momentous] age of our earth, I have concluded to write an epistle on the subject, which, in its nature, must include a sketch of priesthood. The text embraces revelation, past, present and future, and brings the whole human family, to one of the greatest questions which can be asked: what is the use of prophets? My plain answer is this:-To reveal the will of God, and perfect the salvation of man. From this simple answer the conclusion is natural, that God never had a church without a prophet in it; and so it is, as is evident from Ephesians 4: 11, 12 verses:-
"And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers; for the perfecting of the Saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ."
This scripture shows plainly that one of the officers of the church of Jesus Christ, is a prophet, and as a matter of course, and a requisition of duty, according to the common usage of the office, he must prophesy, to perfect the Saints, as his work of the ministry.-And St. Paul tells the truth in the command, DESPISE NOT PROPHESYINGS.
No allowance is made for false prophets, as was the case before the destruction of Jerusalem. Jesus then told the Jews-beware of false prophets, which will deceive many. But nothing is given to caution the Gentiles against such unhallowed beings as come in sheep's clothing and cheat them with new revelations. Peter says in his second epistle, 2:1, 2 verses:-
"But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction. And many shall follow their pernicious ways; by reason of whom the way of truth shall be evil spoken of."
If, as Paul says in 1 Cor. 12:28 verse, God hath set some in the church, first apostles, secondarily prophets, and so on to the gift of tongues, then I am authorized in saying I know that such offices and officers, have always been in the church, wherever and whenever, there was one on the earth, that the Lord acknowledged to be his; and such will continue to be the case, till that which is perfect is come:-The restitution of all things prophesied of by all the holy prophets, from Adam to Joseph. But to the point, if holy brethren are partakers of the heavenly calling, (Heb. 3:1, 2,) let us consider the Apostle and high priest of our profession, Christ Jesus, who was faithful to him that appointed him; because by their prophetic declaration, and oath of his heavenly Father, through the Psalmist, he is made known to man as a priest forever after the order of Melchisedec: But says Paul in the 5th of Hebrews, no man taketh this honor to himself, but he that is called of God, as was Aaron. Well, if no man can officiate in the priesthood, but he that is called of God, as was Aaron, it is high time to look into the rule of God for calling and consecrating officers to minister in the church of Jesus Christ. The apostle or high priest has a right to officiate in the lesser offices. And, as there never was any other name given under heaven whereby men could be saved, but through Jesus Christ, so there never has been a time, when there was a dispensation of God's goodness and salvation for the celestial kingdom, open to the inhabitants of the earth, where they could be admitted to the benefits and rewards of the gospel without legal officers.
So then, how was Aaron called of God? By revelation. For in Exodus (7:1), And the Lord said unto Moses: See, I have made thee a God to Pharaoh. And Aaron thy brother shall be thy prophet. How consecrated? The 30th chapter of exodus shows how, which can be read at leisure, and will learn us that it was by anointing with holy oil, and as God anointed his Son with the oil of gladness, it is no more than right to follow the pattern. But one ordinance more seems necessary to bestow the power in full upon an officer in the church of Jesus Christ, and
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that is the laying on of hands for the gift of the Holy Ghost, which is to bring all things to remembrance. In the 34th chapter of Deuteronomy and 9th verse the specimen is there given: "And Joshua the son of Nun was full of the spirit of wisdom; for Moses had laid his hands upon him." And in confirmation of this ordinance Paul in his first epistle to Timothy (4:14) says, "neglect not the gift that is in thee, which was given thee by prophecy, with the laying on of the hands of the presbytery."
Now, having the rule for calling, ordaining, and consecrating ministers for the business and revelation of God, we can see that Paul's broad command:-Despise not prophesyings-plural, past, present, and future, as it was, embraced eternal truth, older than the world, and better for instruction, than all the wise sayings of Babylon for Nimrod the founder to the chief prince of Meshach and Tubal, who may have the sight of seeing the end of that kingdom's confusion, at the great battle of Jehoshaphat.
On reading the 28th chapter of Exodus it not only appears that Aaron was set apart to minister in the priest's office, but also, held his office as an appendage to the Melchisedec priesthood, carrying the holy Urim and Thummim in the breast plate of judgement [judgment], which Urim and Thummim, if I may be allowed the expression, was the spy-glass of a seer. A prophet is commonly called a foreteller, but a seer reveals matters past, present and future. To confirm this, we read in first Samuel 28:6, that the Lord answered him (Saul) not, neither by dreams, nor by Urim, nor by prophets.
Aaron seems to be introduced into an office that before existed, and took the Urim and Thummim as instrument, that was as old as Adam for all that is known in the bible to the contrary.-In fact the word Teraphim translated into English from the Hebrew, "images," (Gen 31:19,) might with more propriety, be rendered spectacles or spy-glass, and actually mean the Urim and Thummim; for neither Laban or Abraham are charged with worshipping "images," or idols. The Urim and Thummim, Seer stones, Teraphim, and Images, whatever name is given to them; are found in the United States of America. And when Israel according to the 3rd chapter of Hosea, shall seek the Lord their God in the latter days, the same instruments of the holy offices of God, will be used as formerly. We are coming back to the light ages.
The next, and most important part of the subject, God being the same yesterday, today, and forever, is, have these offices and officers always existed in the church of Jesus Christ? Certainly. For we read in the fourth chapter of Genesis, that Cain and Abel offered an offering unto the Lord,-and the Lord accepted Abel's: For it was according to the pattern: without shedding of blood, there was no remission. (Heb. 9:22,) This is an evidence that the priesthood so liberally treated of by Paul in his epistle to the Hebrews, without beginning of days or end of years, is verily so. And as Aaron could not minister in the priest's office, till he was called, ordained and consecrated, by revelation of God, so neither could Abel: for God changes not, neither does an everlasting priesthood.
And again, the expression of Eve, after the birth of Seth, mentioned in the same chapter, goes to show the continuation of the priesthood. For God hath appointed me another seed instead of Abel whom Cain slew. The Hebrew word "zarang," translated seed, would come nearer the truth, rendered power of lives, as will appear by reading (Gen. 1:12, and Gal. 3:16,) for Christ is the power of life in trees, animals and man, as well as the priesthood. Instead of translating Habal (Abel Greek) "breathe," it should be "breath of lives," for God breathed into him the breath of life and he became a living soul: Then Eve's language would be: For God hath appointed another power of life instead of the breath of life whom Cain slew. Literally a priest for souls, I mean to be liberal and not warp an old language into national notions. My translation of a dead language is as apt to be good, as a sophmore [sophomore] of Oxford, or a sacerdotal tunic of St. James.
In the fifth chapter of Genesis, after Adam and Seth, first-born only are named, in the history of the priesthood to Noah: which explains, 1st Chronicles 5:1
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-that the eldest had a right to the priesthood, like unto the Son of God; hence they were called "Sons of God." Enoch is recorded as having the priesthood by Jude: for he says, and Enoch also, the seventh from Adam prophesied, &c., and that shows him a prophet. But is Jude correct in calculating numbers according to Gentile wisdom, and slick, smooth, black-coat mathematics? Leaving Adam to start from, we have Cain 1, Abel 2: Seth 3; Enos 4; Cainan 5; Mahalaleel 6; Jared 7; and Enoch 8, setting women and children aside. Now Jude you were inspired, let us hear you reckon: well says the man of God, Cain was driven from the presence of the Lord for defiling his office and murdering Abel whose soul was caught up to paradise, and in the chronicles it is written Adam, Seth, Enos, Cainan, Mahalaleel, Jared, Enoch-just seven.-These seven all held the priesthood and lived on the earth at one and the same time. But let not any one think that Adam had no more sons for Moses allows of twelve (Deut. 32:7, 8).
"Remember the days of old, consider the years of many generations: ask thy father, and he will shew [show] thee; thy elders, and they will tell thee?
When the Most High divided to the nations their inheritance, when he separated the sons of Adam, he set the bounds of the people according to the number of the children of Israel."
The next link in the chain of priesthood and prophesying, is from Enoch to Noah, between whom lived Methuseleh [Methuselah] and Lamech, who having a personal acquaintance with Enos, Cainan, Mahalaleel, and Jared, who were known to Adam and Seth, conferred on Noah the priesthood, and left this important and prophetic record of his ordination: saying, "this Noah shall comfort us concerning our work and toil of our hands, because of the ground which the Lord hath cursed." Gen. 5:29. No wonder Peter said he was a preacher of righteousness; for so it was, and his father a prophet, and a seer. What a glorious record is the bible!
Noah's and his son's names are chronicled as among the Son's of God, and so we have the priesthood safely landed this side of the flood. Now as Abraham was born about 292 years after the flood, and Noah lived 350 years, and his sons more, there is no marvel how Melchisedec, or Abraham became priests of the Most High God. They had it from the lineage or hands of Noah. Paul calls Abraham a patriarch, and according to Peter's definition of patriarch, given in Acts 2:29, 30, he was a prophet and so God says of him. Moses got his ordination from his father in law Jethro, who was a priest of Midian. The Midianites were descendants of Abraham through his son Midian, born of Keturah, and brought up under the covenant of circumcision.-No wonder Balaam was a prophet. No wonder he could not curse Israel: they should have been brethren. But I must leave my subject for another epistle, and close by saying though God assuming Catholics, and money loving sects together with the giddy world, do not believe in any prophesyings, yet like Paul, I do: and for the honor of heaven, the glory that shall be as one who has to appear before the judge of all, to answer for the deeds done in the body, I declare, in union with my brethren, and with the holy prophets, as did Amos, 4:7, SURELY THE LORD WILL DO NOTHING, BUT HE REVEALETH HIS SECRET UNTO HIS SERVANTS THE PROPHETS."
As ever, W. W. PHELPS.
It is said that while I was a member of the Presbyterian Church, I could not get time to attend the preaching of the word. The fore part of the year I admit that I was so situated, that I could not conveniently; being well aware in these days of refinement, it is quite impolite to have the trouble of children in meeting; but that is not all. Bare with me while I deal plainly with you. I attended your meetings; they were cold, dead, lifeless, formal, and were drinking into the spirit of the world; following after the fashions of the day; decorating these perishing bodies, (and they were not interesting to me,) while the never dying soul was perishing for the want of spiritual
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blessings. And while we were endeavoring to draw nigh to God with our lips, while our hearts were far from him.-and we did not have that pure love of Christ flowing out to each other, nor could we while carrying the world in one hand, and religion in the other.-And where is the honest hearted christian that cannot see that there has been a falling away from true vital piety, for the last 12 years.-and why? People are not so humble before God as they were then, and there is not so much of the spirit of Christ among them.-but more of the spirit of the world. I saw the error, but I could not prescribe the remedy. And when I read my bible and saw the character of a child of God, I wished to be one but I could not attain to it. It was rare, if ever, that I could read my title clear to mansions in the skies, and while I firmly believed that it was my daily privilege to enjoy it. It was only now and then, that I had foretaste of that Heavenly inheritance. But now I see the mystery. Preachers are not qualified with the power and spirit of God:-or since the fall of the church, they have lost sight of the priesthood, and have not the teachings of the Holy Ghost, and are uninspired,-consequently, they, nor their hearers could not come into the full liberty of the children of God. Now I do not wish to cast censure upon any of the various orders of ministers, for I believe as far as they have endeavored to discharge their duty faithfully in the fear of God, according to the light they have had, God has accepted and blest them. But now when God requires them to make a sacrifice, and humble their hearts before him, and embrace the fulness [fullness] of the Gospel, (for they must acknowledge they have only had a part,) while part of it has been lying before them as a dead letter. When these truths are opened to them, and they reject them through the pride of their hearts, or clinging to long established customs, God will remove their candlestick out of its place, and the light they formerly had will become darkness. Now what is the use to bring up this or that man's say so, to combact [combat] the word of God? It will stand and there is nothing that can overthrow it. And if this work is of God it will prevail and I know by an experimental knowledge, that it is of God.
The Methodist as a people have read the bible and while reading the precious promises therein contained have believed it to be their privilege to enjoy greater blessings and have strove to attain to it. And as far as they have been more humble, more diligent, and more faithful, they have enjoyed greater manifestation of the love of Christ. But they could not get a victory over sin, and for some reason, they were continually brought into bondage. While other churches in defence [defense] to these greater and precious promises tell us we are not to expect such great blessings in this world, and thus charge God with commanding them to do something that he never has given them power to do.
And the Baptists, while they think the scripture is so plain on the subject of baptism. And they not enjoying no greater light than others. That they set themselves up as being the only right way and all others are wrong, and building up division stiffer than all others, excluding them from the sacrament of the Lord's supper.
Now, they baptize for the remission of sin, in defiance of the plain word of God. Paul tells them; let no man take this authority, except he be called of God as was Aaron. Where is the authority of the priesthood? Have they got it? I answer no. Now how evident that we have lost the authority of the priesthood; and that we have not had the teachings of the Holy Ghost to enable us to grow up into the perfect stature of men and women in Christ Jesus. And this brings the idea to your minds, clearly, why you could not say in the language of the Apostle,-Romans 8th chap. 1st verse. There is therefore now no condemnation to them in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but of the spirit.
15th. For ye have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear; but we have received the spirit of adoption whereby we cry, Abba Father.
And now my dear brothers and sisters, of all denominations, that are sincere desirers after truth, and worshipers of the true and living God, I tell you at the time of this ignorance
God winked at, but now he commandeth all men every where to repent. Now I beseech you to come to Jesus in a child-like manner and earnestly continue in prayer to God, that your understanding may be opened to search the scriptures, take them for the man of your council. As to the charge of of my being unstable, the session, at the time of my uniting with them did not object to me on the account of my views in regard to churches. I viewed them all equally acceptable to God and was not prejudiced in favor or against any, but could worship with any, where the spirit of the Lord was. When I was born into the kingdom of God, I was not born a Prsbyterian [Presbyterian], Methodist, or Baptist, but a child of God. I leave then all alike. I longed for union, and for latter day glory; and my happy soul is witness that it has commenced! And this they call delusion. If this is delusion-happy delusion! It has been remarked, that the book of Mormon has nothing to do with our salvation. First, if God sent an angel from heaven, authorizing them to preach the fullness of the Gospel, and has given them the Holy Spirit to accompany it with power, also a record or history of his covenant people, and of his Gospel, whibh [which] is so plain that it enables the watchman to see after being enlightened on the subject, that it will have something to do with your salvation. You will find proof sufficent [sufficient] to prove that there is a book to come forth; (whether the book of Mormon is it or not; and I do not expect you will ever be prepared any better to receive one than now, unless there should be something come that should be considered respectable, and suit the taste and feelings of this refined age of the world.) In the 29th Chapt. of Isaiah, 34th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th, 18th, 19th and 24th verses. In Habakkuk, chapter, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, verses. And if you search your bibles, you will find sufficent [sufficient] scripture, right to the point, that the law of Ephraim has or will come forth. Another charge is, I am crazy. I will just state fifteen years ago I was taken with a violent fever which caused me to be deranged and the management of a drunken doctor in connexion [connection], and it was almost or quite, a miracle of mercy that my life was spared, which any one that was acquainted with the circumstances can testify if they will. But whether it has any effect upon me now or not, I leave the people to judge. While I was speaking of the prophets I overlooked one prophecy. I will mention it: 2d chap. of Malachi. Behold I will send my messenger, and he shall prepare the way before me; and the Lord whom ye seek shall suddenly come to his temple, even the messenger of the covenant, whom ye delight in: behold he shall come, saith the Lord of Hosts. How plain to be seen that this has no reference to his first coming, did he come suddenly to his temple? How much more applicable to his second coming, when he shall come and all his saints with him to reign on the earth. But, who may abide the day of his coming? And who shall stand when he appeareth? For he is like a refiner's fire and fuller's soap. It was an easy matter to abide his coming when he came before, so you see that the messenger could not not have been John the Baptist. Chap. 4 and 5; Behold I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord. John came in the spirit and power of Elias as the voice of one crying in the wilderness, prepare ye the way of the Lord, make his paths straight. But who is this that is to come in the spirit and power of Elijah that shall turn the hearts of the fathers to their children and the hearts of the children to their fathers. I wish my readers to examine the 3rd and 4th Chapters of Malachi. It is perfectly clear to me that it has reference to the time when Christ will destroy all his enemies, restore the earth to its former paradise, establish his kingdom and reign with all his saints a thousand years and thus it is said, Rev, 20 and 6 verse. Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first resurrection, on such the second death hath no power, but they shall reign with him a thousand years.
In conclusion God has always had a covenant people, the elect chosen, in him before the foundation of the world, and when he came unto his own, they received him not-but rejected him, his doctrine was too humiliating, too self denying, cross bearing, and they
could not endure it, their proud hearts spurned him. And the judgements [judgments] of God following them and they were scattered through all the nations of the earth, and when they have borne their shame, God will remember his covenant with them, and his mighty power and out-stretched arm, and with fury poured out on all nations that oppose his gathering them in his own, appointed way, will he gather them out from all the nations of the world whither he has scattered them. For the time cometh it shall no more be said the Lord liveth that brought the children of Israel out of Egypt. But the Lord liveth that brought them out of the North country, and all countries whithersoever I have driven them.-And they shall become a delightsome land saith the Lord, he will smite the great river in the sevens streams, and his people shall come over dry shod. It seems there will be a miracle similer [similar] to the Red sea. Examine your bibles and you will find these texts of scripture, and much more to the point. And here will be the fulfilment [fulfillment] of the prophecy, all the people that will not hear the word of the prophet that is sent to prepare the way of the Lord for the latter day glory, will be, cut off from among the people. For those that are not cut off before, will be, with an overwhelming desolation at Christ's coming, for the earth shall burn as an oven and all the wicked shall be burned up. Now I hope the people will not throw this contemptously [contemptuously]from them until they have carefully perused it and tried it by the word of God. And search and see, if indeed there can any good thing come out of Nazereth [Nazareth]. LAURA OWEN.
The petition of the Latter Day Saints, by their Delegates, R. B. Thompson and Elias Higbee, has been laid before the House and ordered to be printed: and by the politeness of R. M. Young we have been favored with a copy. What Congress may do on this subject, we are not able to divine: but we sincerely hope that an investigation may be had and all the facts that pertains to the Missouri outrage, come to light, and be made known to all the world:-we want the guilty punished, and the innocent to go free.-Ed.
Mr. Benton of Mo. has introduced a bill in the U. S. Senate to provide for the payment of the Missouri Militia who served in the late Mormon War.-Ed.
Among the many papers published throughout this State, we know of none possessing more of the genuine principles of PURE REPUBLICANISM than the "Chicago Democrat;" It has always breathed a spirit of free toleration, and spoken against mobocracy in the highest terms; something never done by a religious bigot-but to the reverse, they fan the flame and urge on the midnight pillager to destroy the man or sect who is so unfortunate as to differ with them in religion; the constitution and laws are trampled upon by holy functionaries with impunity, and freedom's soil made crimson with the blood of innocence;-Missouri is on the black catalogue. No wonder the Freeman is aroused to see the same flame kindling in this or any other state.
We owe an apology to the "Democrat" for not having expressed our views upon this subject before, as we were highly pleased with the remarks which appeared in that paper of March 25th, in regard to the cry of mobbing which was raised about that time, by some of the lower class of community near Woodville, Adams co. in this state.
We are of the Editors opinion, that "a minister, who is afraid to encounter the doctrines of Jo. Smith, (Joseph Smith), should be made to quit the pulpit:" for the simple reason, that sectarian "pulpits" would soon be without inhabitants, as the "doctrines of Jo. Smith" (Joseph Smith) is "the intrinsic excellence of the code of our blessed Savior," which has stood the test of ages, and will stand while the earth rolls upon its axis: But coersion [coercion] in religion is far from us, and may God grant that this State shall NEVER be stained with crimson gore which has polluted Missouri's soil, and can never be erased-no NEVER.
The following is the article above alluded to.
We regret to learn that the fell spirit of persecution towards this religious denomination, which has cast such a reproach upon the people of Missouri, is taking root in our own State. We will not go so far as to call the leaders of the Mormons martyr-mongers, but we believe they are men of sufficient sagacity to profit by any thing in the shape of persecution, and fear but little from it.-To constitute martyrdom, there must be both persecution and sympathy. And with a humane people, the latter follows the former.-The Mormons have greatly profited by their persecution in Missouri, and let war be commenced here so that the first person shall be killed, and the cry of martyrdom is heralded throughout the Union to the great profit of the Mormons and the disgrace of our State.
But what is this Mormon religion that the intrinsic excellence of the code of our blessed Savior is insufficient to compete with it without physical force? Are we to glorify a God of infinite mercy and goodness by worshiping [worshipping] him as Moloch who delights in human sacrifices? Will the destruction of a few enlighten the minds of the other Mormons?-But there is no reasoning with religious persecutors, generally the foulest hypocrites on earth, whose burning zeal for the Lord and Soviour [Savior] is generally lighted up at the alter of worldly ambition. A minister, who is afraid to encounter the doctrines of Jo. Smith should be made to quit the pulpit; and the man who enlists in a personal crusade against the Mormons, who have a right to preach just what they please, should suffer the proper penalty for larceny, arson, or murder, as the case may be. Let Illinois repeat the bloody tragedies of Missouri and one or two other States follow, and the Mormon religion will not only be throughout our land, but will be very extensively embraced. We hope the friends of civil order in the Bounty Tract will extinguish this smouldering [smoldering] fire of persecution, knowing that a fire merely material can never do away with the intellectual darkness of the Mormons.
The remains of the Emperor Napolean [Napoleon] have been removed to France under the national flag, attended with all the splendor and ceremony of his rank:-his dying wish is now accomplished.
In looking over the news of the day, it is plain to discover that wickedness abounds, and men "grow worse and worse." Almost every paper is employed in giving long detailed accounts of horrible murders, suicides, Mail roberies [robberies], highway robery [robbery], burglary, arson, &c. &c., a particular account of which would occupy more space than a Journal several times larger than ours could afford: self murder particularly, has become very popular among the higher classes of community.-Men are unsafe in the hands of their neighbors-they are unsafe in the hands of strangers;-and to cap the climax, they are unsafe in their own hands.
Cold Weather.-At dayslight on Sunday morning, the 17th ul time, the thermometer stood at 22 degrees below zero, in this city.
Bombardment and capture of the fortress of St. Jean D'Acre!-Terrible loss of life!-The celebrated fortress of St. Jean D'Acre, which once resisted the power of Napolean [Napoleon], has been captured by the British and allies, and a dreadful destruction of human lives. The following is the account published in the London papers, and copied from the N. Y. Commercial Gazette.
Owing to the light winds, the ships did not get into action till 2 P. M. on the 3d, when an animated fire was commenced and maintained without intermission, until darkness closed the operations of the day. About 3 hours later the Governor, with a portion of the garrison, quitted the town, which was taken possession of by the allied troops, at daylight the following morning. The moral influence on the cause in which we are engaged that will result from its surrender, is incalculable.
During the bombardment the principal magazine and the whole arsenal blew up. By the explosion two entire regiments, formed in position on the ramparts, were annihilated, and every living creature within the area of sixty thousand square yards ceased to exist; the loss of life being variously estimated at from 12,00 to 2,000 persons.
To her majesty's Ambassador at Constantinople, I have reported the measures I have adopted for the temporary administration of the Pachalic of Acre, pending the pleasure of the Sultan.
I have the honor to be, &c. (Signed,) C. F. Smith, Colonel, Commanding the forces in Syria.
Statistics of the bombardment and capture of St. Jean D'Acre.-The action took place on the 3d day of November. The firing commenced at half past 2 P. M.; the action was general at 3 P. M.; the magazine exploded at 4 P.M.; the firing of the south division ceased at 5 P. M.; that of the north west division at 6 P. M.; the town was evacuated during the night, and at 5 A. M. the troops of the allies were landed. The total loss-the British and allies,_F18 killed and 45 wounded; the Egyptians, 2000 by the explosion of the magazine, and 300 on the rampart, killed-wounded unknown-3000 prisoners. The booty-on the walls of Acre, 121 mounted guns, 42 not mounted, and 20 mortars-in store and ready, 97 brass field pieces, and 97 morters [mortars]-besides arms, ammunition, shot, shell, stores of all kinds, military chest, hospital stores, and specie supposed to be near 65,000.
We are favored in this number with a lengthy communication from our beloved Brother W. W. Phelps, who has in former times written much upon the subject of the latter day work, which is now in lively operation, and upon various subjects, to the great satisfaction of all those who have been conversant with the productions of his pen.-Some, who are acquainted with the scenes of the west in the time of our deepest distress and affliction, and are unaquainted [unacquainted] with the restoration of Elder Phelps, it may seem somewhat strange to find this our beloved brother in fellowship with the Saints, and once more wielding his pen in the cause of truth, but the following letter will remove every obstacle: It was read to the Saints in this place and acted upon soon after it came to hand, and with one voice and uplifted hands they received brother Phelps into fellowship.-Men are not perfect.-Peter denied the Lord in the time of peril, and yet the Lord was ready and willing to forgive, and Peter afterward wrought a great work. We believe that Elder Phelps has a great work yet to do, and let the Saints hold him up by the prayer of faith, and help him do it. We hope Elder Phelps will continue to contribute his favors and they shall have a place in our little sheet.
Dayton, Ohio, June 29, 1840. Brother Joseph:-I am alive and with the help of God I mean to live still.-I am as the prodigal Son, though I never doubt or disbelieve the fullness of the gospel: I have been greatly abased and hnmbled [humbled]: and I blessed the God of Israel, when I lately read your prophetic blessing on my head, as follows: "The Lord will chasten him because he taketh honor to himself, and when his soul is greatly humbled, he will forsake the evil, then shall the light of the Lord break upon him, as at noon day, and in him shall be no darkness," &c. I have seen the folly of my way, and I tremble at the gulf I have passed so it is, and why I know not. I prayed and God answered, but what could I do? Says I, I will repent and live, and ask my old brethren to forgive me, and though they chasten one to death, yet I will die with them, for their God is my God. The least place with them is enough for me, yea it is larger and better than all Babylon. Then I dreamed "that I was in a large house with many mansions, with you and Hyrum and Sidney, and when it was said supper must be made ready, as one of the cooks, I saw no meat, but you said there was plenty and showed me much, and as good as I ever saw; and while cutting to cook, you and Hyrum looked very pleasant and smiled, but Sidney's heart and mine beat within us, and we took each others hand and cried for joy." And I awoke and took courage.
I know my situation, you know it, and God knows it, and I want to be saved if my friends will help me.-Like the captain that was cast away on a desert Island, when he got off he went to sea again, and made his fortune the next time. So let my lot be. I have done wrong and I am sorry.-The beam is in my own eye. I have not walked with my friends according to my holy anointing. I ask forgiveness in the name of Jesus Christ of all the Saints, for I will do right, God helping me. I want your fellowship: if you cannot grant that, grant me your peace and friendship, for we are brethren, and our communion used to be sweet. And whenever the Lord brings us together again, I will make all the satisfaction on every point, that Saints of God can require. Amen.
W. W. PHELPS. To Presidents Joseph Smith, Hyrum Smith, Sidney Rigdon, &c.
Dear Brethren: We have been in this place a few days, and have preached faithfully; a very great prospect of some able and influential men embracing the faith in this place. We have moved along slowly, but have left a sealing testimony: baptized a considerable number. We shall write again soon as we learn the result of our labors here more particularly. We are well and in good spirits through the favor of the Lord.
Brother Phelps requests us to write a few lines in his letter, and we cheerfully embrace the opportunity. Bro. Phelps says he wants to live; and we want he should live: but we do not feel ourselves authorized to act upon his case, but have recommended him to you; but he says that his poverty will not allow him to visit you in person at this time, and we think he tells the truth. We therefore advised him to write, which he has done. He tells us, verbally, that he is willing to make any sacrifice to procure your fellowship, life not excepted. Yet reposing that confidence in your magnanimits [magnanimity]
that you will take no advantage of his open and frank confession. If he can obtain your fellowship, he wants to come to Commerce as soon as he can. But if he cannot be received into the fellowship of the church, he must do the best he can in banishment and exile.
Brethren, with you are the keys of the kingdom: to you is power given to "exert your clemency, or display your vengeance." By the former, you will save a soul from death, and hide a multitude of sins: by the latter, you will forever discourage a returning prodigal, cause sorrow without benefit, pain without pleasure, ending in wretchedness and dispair [despair].
But former experience teaches that you are workman in the art of saving men: therefore, with the greatest confidence do we recommend to your clemency and favorable consideration the author and subject of this communication.
"Whosoever will, let him take of the water of life freely;" Brother Phelps says, he will; and so far as we are concerned, we say he MAY.
In the bonds of the covenant, ORSON HYDE, JOHN E. PAGE.
To Presidents Joseph Smith, Hyrum Smith, Sidney Rigdon, &c.
The following article was forwarded to President Joseph Smith, by A. G. Gano, Esq., of Cincinnati. It originally appeared in the "New-Yorker," and is from the pen of "Josephine," supposed Gen. Sanford's daughter. We consider it one of the most candid articles that has ever appeared in relation to our people; though there is one error into which the learned and impartial authoress has fallen-it is in comparing the Book of Mormon to the Koran of Mahomet. Mahomet had not the advantage of the Urim and Thummim by which the ancients were constituted seers-the article, however, is candid, and from the pen of a ready writer, and gives the most indubitable evidence that persons of taste, and high literary acquirements, are willing to give us an impartial hearing. Truth, naked truth, is all we ask, and we are ready for trial at the bar of reason.
One of the greatest literary curiosities of the day, is the much abused "Book of Mormon." That a work of the kind should be planned, executed and given to the scrutiny of the world by an illiterate young man of twenty-that it should gain numerous and devoted partizans [partisans], here and in Europe, and that it should agitate a whole State to such a degree that law, justice and humanity were set aside to make a war of extermination on the new sect, seems scarcely credible in the nineteenth century, and under this liberal government; yet such is the fact.
The believers in the Book of Mormon now number well nigh 50,000 souls in America, to say nothing of numerous congregations in Great Britain. They style themselves Latter Day Saints, as it is a prominent point in their faith that the world is soon to experience a great and final change.-They believe, and insist upon believing, literally, the Old and New Testament; but they also hold that there are various other inspired writings, which, in due season, will be brought to light. Some of these (the Book of Mormon for example) are even now appearing, after having been lost for ages. They think that in the present generation will be witnessed the final gathering together of all the true followers of Christ into one fold of peace and purity-in other words, that the Millennium is near. Setting aside the near approach of the Millennium and the Book of Mormon, they resemble in faith and discipline the Methodists, and their meetings are marked by the fervid simplicity that characterizes that body of Christians. It is in believing the Book of Mormon inspired that the chief difference consists; but it must be admitted that this is an important distinction.
This is their own declaration of faith in that point: A young man named Joseph Smith, in the western part of New York, guided, as he says, by Divine Inspiration, found, in 1830, a kind of stone chest or vault containing a number of thin plates of gold held together by a ring, on which they were all strung, and engraved with unknown
characters. The characters the Mormons believe to be the ancient Egyptian, and that Smith was enabled by inspiration to translate them-in part only, however, for the plates are not entirely given in English. This translation is the Book of Mormon, and so far it is a faint and distant parallel of the Koran. In much the same way Mahomet presented his code of religion to his followers, and on that authority the sceptre-sword [scepter-sword] of Islamism now sways the richest and widest realms that ever bowed to one faith. But the Mormons have a very different career before them: their faith is opposed to all violence, and, from the nature of their peculiar doctrines, they must soon die of themselves if they are wrong.-If the appointed signs that are to announce the approach of the Millennium do not take place immediately, the Latter Day Saints must, by their own showing, be mistaken, and their faith fall quietly to the ground. So, to persecute them merely for opinion's sake is as useless as it would be unjust and impolitic.
The Book of Mormon purports to be a history of a portion of the children of Israel, who found their way to this continent after the first destruction of Jerusalem. It is continued from generation to generation by a succession of prophets, and gives in different books an account of the wars and alliances among the various branches of the lost nation. The Golden Book is an abridgment by Mormon, the last of the prophets, of all the works of his predecessors.
The style is a close imitation of the scriptural, and is remarkably free from any allusions that might betray a knowledge of the present political or social state of the world. The writer lives in the whole strength of his imagination in the age he portrays. It is difficult to imagine a more difficult literary task than to write what may be termed a continuation of the Scriptures, that should not only avoid all collision with the authentic and sacred word, but even fill up many chasms that now seem to exist, and thus receive and lend confirmation in almost every book.
To establish a plausibly-sustained theory that the aborigines of our continent are descendants of Israel without committing himself by any assertion or description that could be contradicted, shows a degree of talent and research that in an uneducated youth of twenty is almost a miracle in itself.
A copy of the characters on some of the golden leaves was transmitted to a learned gentleman of this city, who of course was unable to decipher them, but thought they bore a resemblance to the ancient Egyptian characters.
If on comparison it appears that these characters are similar to those recently discovered on those ruins in Central America which have attracted so much attention lately, and which are decidedly of Egyptian architecture, it will make a strong point for Smith. It will tend to prove that the plates are genuine, even if it does not establish the truth of his inspiration, or the fidelity of his translation.
In any case our constitution throws its protecting ægis over every religious doctrine. If the Mormons have violated the law, let the law deal with the criminals; but let not a mere opinion, however absurd and delusive it may be, call forth a spirit of persecution. Persecution, harsh daughter of Cruelty and ignorance, can never find a home in a heart truly republican. Opinion is a household god, and in this land her shrine is inviolate. JOSEPHINE.
Minutes of a Conference held in the city of New York, on the 4th of December, 1840.
At a Conference meeting, of the branch of the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints in the city of New York, held at the house of Elder G. J. Adams agreeably to previous appointment, on the evening of December 4th, 1840. Elder Orson Hyde was unanimously chosen Chairman of the meeting, and Elder L. R. Foster, Clerk.
The meeting was opened by singing, "Guide us O, thou great Jehovah," &c. and by the President addressing the throne of grace.
The President then read from Rev. 2nd chap. 12th verse, and onward: after a few preliminary remarks the President proceded [proceeded] to give his reasons for believing that the spirit which had
been manifested among us, since the coming of elder Sidney Roberts, was not from the Lord.
The items objected to are, having a revelation that a certain brother must give him a suit of clothes, and a gold watch, the best that could be had; also, saluting the sisters with what he calls a holy kiss, taking them on his lap, and putting his arms around them, &c.
After concluding, the President invited Elder G. W. Harris to speak on the subject, he declined, but afterwards did speak.
The accused, Sidney Roberts, answered for himself, he spoke at some length, and attempted to justify himself concerning these things; after remarks by several brethren, the President proposed that if he would confess his transgressions, he might retain his membership, but that his license must be demanded. He arose and stated that he knew the revelations which he had spoken were from God, and that he had no confession to make, whereupon the Conference cut him off from the church, and demanded his license, which he refused to give up.
Resolved, That a copy of these minutes be forwarded to Nauvoo, and one to Mr. Burr Tomlinson, Oxford, Zoar Bridge, Conn.
Elder Robert C. Arnold, of Oxford, the companion of Mr. Roberts, renounced the spirit manifested by said Roberts, and acknowledged that he was righteously cut off. ORSON HYDE, Chairman. L. R. Foster, Clerk.
Minutes of a Conference held in the Brownhelm branch, of the church of Jesus Christ, of Latter Day Saints, in Lorain county, Ohio, Nov. 26th, 1840.
Meeting commenced at 1 o'clock P. M. by a discourse from Elder Chilion Daniels, then adjourned until evening at early candle lighting.
Conference met pursuant to adjournment, and a discourse was delivered by Elder Thos. Kerr, and followed by Elders Hughes, and Coltrin: the Conference adjourned until half past nine A. M.
Conference met pursuant to adjournment, a discourse was delivered by Elder John Hughes, and followed by Elder Zebidee Coltrin at considerable length, then adjourned for one hour: at two o'clock, Conference met pursuant to adjournment, commenced by a discourse from Elder Z. Coltrin on the seven dispensations, it was one of great interest to the church; many of the Saints bore testimony to the truth of the gospel, and expressed a firm and unshaken confidence in the doctrines they have received; then adjourned until six o'clock in the evening.
Conference met pursuant to adjournment, President Coltrin opened the meeting by prayer, then proceeded to ordain Brother Charles Weedon an elder in the Brownhelm branch. The Brownhelm church was represented by Elder Z. Coltrin, containing 15 members, and one elder, one priest, and one deacon all in good standing. Elder Hughes represented the Brooklyn, and Parmy branch of the church, consisting of twenty members, one elder, one priest, one teacher, all in good standing.
The prospect looks favorable in this region of country, for doing much good, notwithstanding the many craftsmen such as Alexander and Demetrius; together with a hireling priesthood, are doing all they can to stop the work of God, but God's people will come out and be separate from among them.
ZEBIDEE COLTRIN, President. Thos. Kerr, Clk.
Lain End, Staffordshire, Nov. 18th, 1840.
Brother D. C. Smith:
Dear Cousin, I sit down to communicate a few lines to you, being aware of the many obsticles [obstacles] in the way to prevent your receiving it, I pray my heavenly Father that these lines may reach you. I am in comfortable health at present, enjoying many of the common blessings of life, and surrounded with friends, even the Saints of the Most High, but neither time, nor distance, new friends, or enemies can ever erase the pleasing scenes we have been called to pass through, as well as many severe trials, for we too, have been made to drink of that bitter cup of affliction which we shall long remember, and perhaps shall exclaim
with the prophet, "it is good for a man to bear the yoke in his youth." I heard the death of your venerable father, his loss is deeply lamented by us, his blessings will never be forgotten, through time or eternity; but we behold our fathers fast leaving the stage of action-the power of Anti-Christ seems to be wearing out the Saints, we hope the Ancient of Day's will soon come. * * * * *
I left London on the tenth of November. Elder Woodruff still remains their. We keep our academy open 4 times a week. I took the railway for Birmingham. The railway's in this country are fitted up in a most expensive manner, they are generally safe conveyances: the last 18 miles of my journey on the railway was performed in 21 minutes, I arrived at Birmingham, found Elder Cordon preaching, after which we went to the water and baptized five. The work is prospering very well in Birmingham. I then visited the Saints at West Brumidge, preached several times in different parts of the parish, met some opposition with the hireling priests, some obeyed the gospel, others believed and said they would obey, the greater part mocked. On Friday I fell in company with Elder Lorenzo Snow, who had just arrived from America, he seems in good spirits and expects to labor in Birmingham and Wolverhampton, he wished to be remembered to his friends: I left him yesterday morning at Wolverhampton, and after a cold and disagreeable ride of 30 miles I reached Longton, found the saints in good health, and prospering. Elder P. P. Pratt and family are at Manchester enjoying good health, the last information. * * Elder Kimball and Young, are expected in this part, they have been visiting the churches in Lancashire. The work is prospering in all the churches. Doctor Levi Richards has arrived at Manchester, his health is not very good, he expects to go to Herefordshire with his Brother Willard in a few days. Elder Burnham has arrived and gone to Wales, the work is spreading there.-Elder Blakeslee has gone to Glasgow, Scotland. Elder Hadlock still remains there. Elder Curtis has baptized 15 at Hilsburgh, Ireland. The work prospers in Edinburg [Edinburgh], the church there numbers about sixty. Elder Taylor and Clark are on the Isle of Man-the work is prospering there, they have met with a great deal of opposition with the Wesleyans and Ranters. The Editor of the Manx's Liberal has published several lengthy communications for Elder Taylor in defence [defense] of the truth. The Book of Mormon will be published in about three or four weeks; Elder P. P. Pratt has published several pamphlets. This country is as much flooded with false reports concerning us, as ever America was. The work still is progressing in Herefordshire, and is making no small stir in Gloucestershire and Worcestershire. * * *
You will please to continue, to send me your paper.
Yours, &c. in the Gospel of Christ, G. A. SMITH.
Payson, Ill., Jan. 12, 1841.
Brother D. C. Smith: Sir, I embrace the opportunity of informing you that the Lord has been, and yet is, working here; I have been laboring here for some time, the congregations are large, and of the respectable class of community. I have baptized in and about Payson thirty one persons, while others are almost persuaded to embrace the truth. The priests here, together with the dissenter Mr. Harris, have put their heads together to brake [break] down the work, but to their great astonishment it still rolls on, yea, and will roll on until the kingdoms of this world become the kingdoms of our Lord and his Christ, and he shall reign for ever.
Yours Respectfully in the Covenant of the gospel, DAVID EVANS.
Nauvoo, Jan 17, 1841.
Brother Smith: I beg leave to inform you that I have been laboring in Brown and Pike counties, and that great success has attended my exertions. The Saints are rejoicing in the Lord, and there are daily accessions to the church. There has recently been great manifestations of the power of God in the way of healing, which alarms both priest and people, for their craft; and they have recourse to all the lies that
they can invent to obstruct the progress of the work, but all in vain.
Yours, &c. JACOB FOUTZ.
(By request.)
Freedom, Jan. 10th, 1841. This is to certify that, Jacob Foutz and family, Margaret, Anna, and Elizabeth are in good standing, and in full fellowship with the Saints at this Stake, and we feel to reccommend [recommend] them as faithful followers of Jesus Christ.
Given by order of this branch of the church and published in consequence of certain false reports. HARVEY LEECH, Clerk.
The first election for members of the City council took place to-day: and the following ticket was elected by majorities varying from 330 to 337 votes; to wit:
For Mayor. John C. Bennett. Aldermen. William Marks, Samuel H. Smith, Daniel H. Wells, N. K. Whitney,
Counsellors [Counselors] Joseph Smith, Hyrum Smith, Sidney Rigdon, Charles C. Rich, John T. Barnett, Wilson Law, D. C. Smith, J. P. Greene, Vinson Knight.
The Council will be organized on Wednesday the 3rd inst.
A list of receipts for the second volume of the Times & Seasons during the first quarter by mail.
L. M. Davis, Cross Keys, S. C. $8,00 F. Nickerson Buffalo, N. Y. 5,00
W. C. Dyre Victor, N. Y. 1,00 Stephen Post, Sparta, Penn. broken open and robbed of two dollars.
J. McWithey Bennington, N. Y. 2,00 S. B. Stoddard, Quincy, Ill. 6,00
Lydia Griswold White Hall, Ill. 2,00 A. Vanhuyle, West Niles, N. Y. 8,00
P. Brown Sparta, N. Y. 5,00 A. Sausbury P. M. Theresa, N. Y. 2,00
S. M. Farnsworth, 2,00 S. B. Stoddard, Quincy, Ill. 4,00
J. M. Adams Andover, O. 4,00 N. Holmes, Georgetown, Mass. 6,00
A. T. Ball Westminster West Vt. 2,00 Thomas Taylor, J Anondale, Va 1,00
N. Talmage, Livonia, Mich. 10,00 A. Palmer, Springfield, Ill. 1,00
[one of which was for Hymn Books,] I. H. Bishop, do. do. 2,00
J. H. Gaugh, Smiths P. O. Mo. 1,00 J. Putnam, Jacksonville, Ill. 2,00
.J M. Grant Mt. Airy, N. C. 5,00 D. Spencer, W. Stockbridge Mass 6,00
J. W. Sargent, Mansville, N. Y. 4,00 John Strong, Freeport, Ill. 2,00
S. Bent Wendell, Mass. 20,00 A. M. Wilsey E. Hamilton N. Y. 5,00
Z. Parker Lisbon, N. H. 6,00 E. G. Turrell New Orleans, La. 10,00
J. Seely Savannah, N. Y. 3,00
Awake! ye Saints of God awake! With constant faith and fervent prayer
Call on the Lord in Mighty pray'r, With deep humility of soul-
That he will Zion's bondage break, With steadfast mind and heart prepare,
And bring to nought [naught] the fowler's snare. To see th' eternal purpose roll.
He will regard his people's cry- For God in judgment will come near;
The widow's tear-the orphans moan! His mighty arm he will make bare:
The blood of those that slaughter'd lie For Zion's sake he will appear-
Plead's not in vain before his throne! Then O ye Saints! awake! prepare!
Tho' Zion's foes have counsel'd deep, Awake to union and be one,
Altho' they bind with fetters strong- Or saith the Lord you are not mine.
The God of Jacob does not sleep, Yea, like the Father and the Son,
His vengeance will not slumber long. Let all the Saints, in union join.
Then let your souls be stay'd on God-
A glorious scene is drawing nigh!
Tho' tempests gather like a flood,
The storm, tho fierce, will soon pass by. E. R. S.
HAVING procured an extensive assortment of Book and fancy TYPE, Book Bindery Tools and Stock, and a Stereotype Foundery [foundry], is prepared to execute work in either, or all of the above branches, with neatness and despatch [dispatch]-such as, BOOKS, PAMPHLETS, BLANKS, BUSINESS AND VISITING CARDS, CIRCULARS, BILLS OF LADING, labels, etc. etc.
He keeps constantly on hand and for sale, wholesale or retail, Books of Mormon, which he offers at the following reduced prices:-$1.25 per single copy, $12. per dozen, 110 books for $100, 600 books for $500, or 1250 books for $1000.
For sale P. P. Pratt's Voice of Warning, S. Rigdon's Appeal (second edition published by Elders Hyde and Page;) letter and writing paper, Justice's and Constable's Blanks, etc. etc.
All Orders for Books or work thankfully received and promptly attended to.
Office corner of Water and Bain Streets. Nauvoo, Jan. 1, 1841.
ILLINOIS. City of Springfield, I. H. Bishop.
City of Quincy, S. B. Stoddard.
Victoria, Knox co. John Gaylord.
Mt. Pulaski, Logan co. Jabez Capps.
PENNSYLVANIA. City of Philadelphia, Joseph H. Newton
City of Philadelphia, Erastus Snow,
Centerville, Crawford co. Stephen Post.
NEW YORK City of New York George J. Adams.
City of Albany Albert Brown.
West Leyden, Lewis co. J. L. Robinson.
MASSACHUSETTS. Georgetown, Essex Co. Nathaniel Holmes.
NEW HAMPSHIRE. Gilsum, Chilon Mack, P. M.
Lisbon, Grafton co. Zadock Parker.
TENNESSEE Whitleyville, Jackson co. T. K. Witcher.
KENTUCKY. Centre Point, Monroe co. Wm. Dixon.
OHIO. Kirtland, Lake co. Almon Babbitt.
Dayton, W. W. Phelps.
West Milton, Dr. Harvey Tate.
Andover, Ashtabula co. James M. Adams.
Livonia, Wayne co. Rufus Beach
INDIANIA (INDIANA). Pleasant Garden, Dr. Knight.
LOUISANA (LOUISIANA). City of New Orleans, E. G. Terrill.
ENGLAND. City of Manchester, P. P. Pratt.
City of Preston, J. P. Fielding
City of London H. C. Kimball
City of London W. Woodruff
City of London G. A. Smith
ISLE OF MAN. Douglass, John Taylor.
SCOTLAND. City of Edinburgh, Orson Pratt.
TRAVELING AGENTS. John E. Page. Orson Hyde.
Daniel Tyler, Wm. O. Clark,
Z. Coultrin. John Cairn,
Lorenzo Barnes, Joseph Ball,
Benj. Winchester. Samuel Parker.
Daniel Shearer, Robert P. Crawford,
Henry Lumereaux, James Standing,
J. M. Grant L. M. Davis
Joshua Grant, F. G. Bishop,
G. H. Brandon, John Riggs,
Lorenzo Snow, James Blakeslee,
Norman Shearer, B. F. Boydston,
A. B. Tomlinson, Elisha H. Groves,
Charles Thompson, Benj. Johnson,
A. L. Lumeraux, Samuel Bennett,
Samuel Bent, G. W. Harris,
Amasa Lyman, David Evens
Daniel S. Thomas, Jesse Turpin.
Hyrum Smith who some time since received the appointment of Patriarch in the church in place of Joseph Smith, Sen., deceased, has recently, by revelation, been appointed a Prophet and Revelator.
William Law has recently, by revelation, been appointed one of the first Presidency, in place of Hyrum Smith, appointed as above.
George Miller has been appointed, by revelation, Bishop, in place of E. Partridge, deceased.
Ebenezer Robinson was this day elected Justice of the Peace for this precinct, by a majority of 168 votes.
The Times and Seasons, Is printed and published about the first and fifteenth of every month on the corner of Water and Been Streets, NAUVOO, HANCOCK COUNTY, ILLINOIS, BY D. C. SMITH, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR
TERMS.-TWO DOLLARS per annum, payable in all cases in advance. Any person procuring five new subscribers, and forwarding us 10 dollars current money, shall receive one volume gratis. Letters on business must be addressed to the Editor and POST PAID.
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