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Volume 2. No. 9.] | CITY OF NAUVOO, ILLINOIS, MARCH 1, 1841. | [Whole No. 21. |
During my stay in the Potteries, there were 40 added to the church by baptism and many new doors opening; and in the midst of the prosperity of the work, as I arose to speak before a large congregation in Honly, on the 1st day of March, the Lord manifested unto me that it would be the last time I should warn that people for many days, and as I arose and informed the people it would be the last time they would hear my voice for many days, they marveled, for they expected, as well as myself, when I entered the house, that I should spend months in there [their] midst; but the ways and thoughts of God are not like our ways and thoughts in every respect. On the day following Elder Turley returned from Birmingham, we counciled [counseled] together thinking it best for me to go to Birminham [Birmingham] and try to open doors and establish the work in that city, and leave the Potteries in the hands of Elder Turley; but beleiving [believing] it to be my privilege and duty to know the will of the Lord upon the subject, therefore, I asked my Heavenly Father in the name of Jesus Christ to teach me his will in this thing, and as I asked, the Lord gave, and showed me that it was his will that I should go immediately to the south of England. I conversed with brother William Benbow upon this subject, who had lived in Herefordshire and had friends still residing there, and much wished me to visit that region of country, and generously proffered to accompany me to his brother's house and pay my fare, which I readily accepted; and on the 4th of March we left the Potteries and traveled 80 miles together, and in the evening arrived at the house of Mr. John Benbow, at Frooms Hill, Castle Froom, Herefordshire. I would here remark, that as you have already published a letter from me, giving a brief sketch of some of my labor there, and we have also published in the Millennial Star, something of a history of the same, which, perhaps you may have obtained before this, that I shall speak of some things which occured [occurred] during this mission which has not appeared in my other communications.
Mr. John Benbow kindly entertained me for the night during which time I spent several hours in laying before him an account of the origin, rise, and progress of the church of Jesus Christ, of Latter Day Saints, and like good old Cornelias [Cornelius] the Spirit of God was upon him, and he received my testimony with all his heart, and opened his doors for preaching, and on the evening following, (the 5th of March,) for the first time I preached the fulness [fullness] of the gospel to a small congregation in that place, who manifested much interest in what they heard, and desired to inquire further into these things; on the evening following I met a still larger number at Mr. Benbows and preached unto them the first principles of the gospel, viz: faith in Christ, repentance and baptism for the remission of sins, and the gift of the holy ghost by the laying on of hands, after which I administered the ordinance of baptism unto six persons including Mr. and Mrs. Benbow, four of the six were preachers of an order called the United Brethren. On inquiry I found that the United Brethren were a people who had formely [formerly] belonged to the body of the Primitive Methodist, but had seperated [separated] themselves from that body and chosen the name of United Brethren, they had from forty to fifty preachers, and about the same number of established places of preaching, including one or two chappels [chapels] licensed according to law.-Mr. Thomas Kington was the superintendent of the church of United Brethren, whose members numbered about 400 in all, divided into small branches, and scattered over an extent of country from 20 to 30 miles. This people universally felt willing to hear a matter before they condemned it, they opened their doors for me to
preach, and searched the scripture daily to see if the things which I taught were true, and on finding that the word and spirit agreed and bore record of the truth of the fulness [fullness] of the everlasting gospel, they embraced it with all their hearts, which has brought great joy to many souls in that region.
On Saturday the 7th, I spent the day in prepareing [preparing] a pool for baptizing, for I saw their [there] was much to be done. On Sunday the 8th, I preached at Br. Benbows before a large congregation, and baptized seven, four were preachers, I confirmed 13 and broke bread unto them: the power of God was with me and we had an interesting time. On the 9th I preached at Standly Hill and baptized 7, two were preachers. On the 10th, I preached again at Br. Benbows, and baptized twelve, three were preachers; next morning Br. William Benbow parted with us and returned home, after having the happy privilege of seeing his brother John Benbow, and all his household, consisting of ten persons, two of whom were his own mother and son, baptized into the new and everlasting covenant, making 32 persons, 13 of whom were Methodist preachers of the United Brethren, which were baptized during the first five days, after my arrival in Herefordshire; and the report of these things flew through all parts of the country like electricity, and the whole country was stired [stirred] up to inquire into these matters. The church Minister of Frooms Hill, or Bishop Froom, called upon the constable of that Parish to take me up, but he called upon the wrong man, for as soon as he saw me he received my testimony and I babtized [baptized] him: next one of the church Clerks attended one of my meetings to see what I was doing, and likewise he received my testimony, and when meeting was closed he said he would soon be baptized: thus mightily grew the word of God and prevailed. The church Ministers in that region held a council, I was informed, to see what measures they could adopt to stop the work; but I was licensed to preach in any part of the English government, and the law tolerated all Protestant religion, and the Old and New Testament supported our principles in every sense of the word, therefore there was no steps taken against it except to warn the people not to hear. I would here say, Herefordshire as well as the surrounding country is a farming country altogether, and I can say as pleasent [pleasant] and healthy as any part of England I have visited. Hereford, Glocester, and Worcester are large towns being the capitol of those Shires, yet the country being given to farming, it is not so densly [densely] populated as many other parts of England, yet the report of a work like the fulness [fullness] of the gospel would spread far more rapid in such a country than in a dense city, which was the case in Herefordshire and all the surrounding country; in fine I never had seen such a work before, and the like had not been known in the last days, it was not the work of man but the work of God, the power of God was among the people, and his spirit was like a rushing mighty wind in our midst from time to time, untill [until] multitudes were stired [stirred] up to inquire into these things. If any one asks why these things are so, I answer because the Lord is about to make a short work in England, and not only in England, but upon the face of the whole earth, for the wickedness of the earth is great, and the cry of the widow, the orphan, and the poor, and oppressed, are entering into the care of the Lord of Saboaoth [Sabaoth], who is about to call down his indignation upon the heads of the Gentile world. But to return to my subject, I would say that I continued daily to preach and to baptize. On the 15th (Sunday) I preached at Brother Benbows and confirmed 22; and in the evening I preached to about 800, notwithstanding it was entirely a country place, 10 offered themselves for paptism [baptism], but had to go home without receiving the ordiance [ordinance] that night, in consequence of the excitement and crowd of the throng. I sent for Mr. Thomas Kington, the superintendent of the United Brethren, as I wished an interview with him, which I was agreeably favored with on the 17th: Mr. Kington, as an humble man of God, heard my sayings and testimony with candor, we parted with good feelings and he made it a subject of prayer, and he returned to me again on the 21st in company with Mrs. Kington, and I baptized them both, and all their household straightway; and the enquiry [inquiry]
and excitement continued to increase far and near. On the 24th, a preacher called upon me to inquire into these things, I spoke unto him the word of God, he received my testimony and requested baptism at my hands; just as I got ready to go to the pool, three preachers rode up to the house in a charriot [chariot] vehicle, they had never heard a word from my mouth, only had heard the sound thereof, and had now come more than twenty miles to see me and inquire into these things for themselves. I invited them into a room; notwithstanding they were strangers I stood up before them and boldly preached unto them Jesus Christ, and testified unto them of the Book of Mormon, and the bible, and the great work of God in these last days, and the power of God rested upon us, and we all bowed down and prayed and gave glory to God: we then rose up and the chariot stood still until we all went down into the water at the same hour, and I baptized all four of them, (being preachers) I laid my hands upon them that they might receive the Holy Ghost, and they went their way rejoicing. I then walked three miles to another pool and baptized five others the same day. On Sunday the 29th, I preached three times at Frooms Hill, baptized thirteen, confirmed thirty five, broke bread unto eighty saints, had the Spirit of God and a good time, and felt that I needed strength of body and mind, much of the grace of God, and humility. I arose next morning and baptized five preachers aud [and] four members, making nine in all. I then immediately walked to the town of Ledbury, distance six miles; it was the first time I had visited this town: I had not been in town an hour before many flocked around me to see me and give me the hand of fellowship, though strangers unto me. The Baptist minister opened his chappel [chapel] for me to preach in, and he went into the pulpit with me and opened the meeting by reading the 35 chap. of Isaiah and praying mightily for me; I then arose and preached to a large and attentive audience and when I closed thirteen offered themselves for baptism, notwithstanding it was the first meeting we had held in the town, which made twenty two persons during the day, 9 of whom where [were] preachers, however I did not baptize the last 13 named until the next morning.-These preachers of whom I speak, were mostly United Brethren, who, on hearing the report of these things assembled together at the place of my meeting for the purpose of investigating our doctrine and to receive it if true. By this time doors were open upon every hand, many more than I could possibly fill; and I frequently was called upon to go to pools three or four times in a day to baptize those who received my testimony and believed the gospel.
On the 2nd of April, I visited Leigh, Gloucestershire, and preached twice and baptized 9. On the 3d I preached for the first time in the Gadfield Elm Chapel, Worcestershire, to a large congregation, when I closed 11 offered themselves for baptism whom I baptized next morning. I would here remark that in all my labors in this part of the vineyard, first and last, there has not been the first person to arise and oppose me before the public at any of my meetings, although there has been instances where persons have come for that purpose, but yet there has been rabbles, or mobs of the baser sort, who have attended my meetings from time to time, and in some instances disturbed the public. While in the midst of my labors I received a letter from Elder Taylor at Liverpool, informing me that five of the Twelve had just arrived from N. Y. viz: Elders B. Young, H. C. Kimball, P. P. and O. Pratt, and G. A. Smith, and also Elder Hadlock, and they wished me to meet them in council at Preston. I received this letter on the evening of the 9th, as I was going to fill an appointment in a place which I had not before visited, called Howcross, when I arrived at the place, I found a vast assembly of people, the house, yard, and street was thronged, and among the number a mob was collecting; however, I arose and preached the gospel unto the people, many of whom could hear notwithstanding their was much confusion created by the mob, and when I closed a number wished to be baptized, and I told these who made the request, that notwithstanding the desperation of the mob if they had faith enough to be baptized, I had faith enough to administer the ordinance unto
them; and we repaired to the pool, which was surrounded by the mob armed with stones, I walked into the water with my mind stayed on God and baptized five persons while they were pelting my body with stones, one of which hit me on the head and came very near knocking me down, however I received no lasting injury. I complied with the request of my brethren, and left this field of labor for a season to meet with my brethren the Twelve at Preston. When I left Herefordshire, I had labored one month and five days, had baptized more than forty preachers, and about 120 members, making 160 in all, and more than 30 established places of preaching, licensed according to law, which opened a wide field for the spread of the work in that country. I was absent from this field of labor ten days, during which time I sat in conference and council with the Twelve, and church in general, on the 14th, 15th, and 16th of April, it being the first council and general conference we had ever held in a foreign nation, at which time their was 1671 saints, 34 elders, 52 priests, 38 teachers, and 8 deacons represented. After attending this conference, I continued my labors in Herefordshire and surrounding country in company with Elders Young and Richards; Elder Young labored with us about one month, during which time many were baptized, confirmed, and numbers ordained to preach the gospel; and while the saints were much edified and their hearts made glad with the teachings and instruction of Elder Young, I also obtained much benefit myself by enjoying his society, siting [sitting] under his instructions and sharing in his councils. Elder Richards continued his labors with me about two months and the Lord constantly blessed our labors, and before we left to attend the Manchester conference which was held in July, we organized the churches and formed them into two conferences called the Bran Green, and Gadfield Elm conference in Worcestershire, and the Frooms Hill conference in Herefordshire.-These two conferences consisted of 33 churches, 534 members, 75 officers, viz: 10 elders 52 priests, and 13 teachers: and these all embraced the work in this field of labor, in less than four months after they first heard of it.
I received much benefit from the council which Elder Richards gave, in the organizing of the churches in that region, and it was manifest that he had passed through an important school of experience during the three years of his travels in England. The minutes of these conferences are published in the 7th No. of the Millennial Star. We left that field of labor again for a season, to attend the general conference at Manchester on the 6th of July, at which time we heard 71 churches and conferences represented, containing 2513 members, 56 elders, 126 priests, 61 teachers, 13 deacons, making an increase since April 15th, of 840 members, including 22 elders, 74 priests, 23 teachers, and 5 deacons.-From this conference we designed to go forth and open other new places and while numbers of our brethren went into new places in different parts of Europe, Elders Kimball, G. A. Smith, and myself concluded to visit London, and we took our departure from Manchester for that purpose: we spent about a month on the way, visiting the churches in Herefordshire and other places on our route, we baptized and confirmed about 125 during this time, and arrived in London on the 18th of Aug. We shall forward you an account of our mission and ministry in that city in a communication hereafter. I will just remark however, that we spent 23 days together in that city, which was as profitable a school to me as any I have met with in my travels. I left Elders Kimball and Smith in London and returned to Herefordshire, to attend two conferences in that region, and again meet my brethren at the general conference in Manchester. I attended the Bran Green, and Gadfield Elm conference in Worcestershire on the 14th of Sept. Also the Frooms Hill conference, in Herefordshire on the 21st of Sept., and heard 70 churches represented containing 1007 members, and 113 officers, viz: 19 elders, 78 priests, 15 teachers, and 1 deacon, all of whom have embraced the fulness (fullness) of the everlasting gospel in less than seven months in that part of the vineyard or field which I opened, commencing on the 5th day of last March at Bro. John Benbows at Frooms Hill, Herefordshire;
and I would here say that never at any time hath the work been as prosperous as at the present day in that region, and was it not for continuing this communication to great a length, I could speak of many circumstances that would be interesting to your readers. Notwithstanding the church ministers are alarmed in that region and using every exertion against the work, for numbers of the church clerks and musicians and many members have been baptized, and the Lord is truly making a short work in that region, and in some instances the spirit of mob is manifest.
On the 16th Sept. I met at the house of Elder Kington in Dymock, near Ledbury for the purpose of holding a prayer meeting, and as the saints began to assemble, the beat of pails, kettles, pans, and sticks were heard through the streets, and soon a mob of 50 or a 100 assembled and parraded [paraded] rank and file before the house where we were met, we closed our window shutters and doors in the room where we were, and I opened the meeting by singing and prayer, and as soon as I commenced, they armed themselves with stones, brick-bats, eggs, and every thing they could lay their hands upon and began to throw them upon the house like a shower of hail for nearly an hour, they dashed in the windows, scatered [scattered] stones, brick and glass through the rooms, broke the tile on the roof, and continued to commit such depridations [depredations] until I closed the meeting, and we considered it wisdom to make a begining [beginning] to try what virtue there was in english laws, which are very strict against such proceedings. We considered this our duty in order to leave the people without excuse, therefore I proposed to accompany some of my brethren into the midst of the mob that we might see who they were, that there might be sufficent [sufficient] testimony against them; but my brethren would not permit me in consequence of the shower of stones, however some of the brethren went themselves and took the names of the leaders and returned into the house amid a shower of stones and brick-bats, though without injury; the saints soon went home, the mob dispersed, we cleared the house of stones, brick-bats, and glass, and lay down and had a good night's rest.-Their has about 40 emigrated to America from Herefordshire, mostly thro.' the generosity of Elder John Benbow, who has used every exertion to assist in building up the kingdom of God; my prayer is that the blessing of God may rest upon him and his household and those that accompanied him from this land, and all saints.
I left Herefordshire on the 26th of Sept. for Manchester; and again met with Elders Kimball, and Smith at Staffordshire Potteries, we held several meetings with the saints there and baptized 14 and returned to Manchester and held a general conference on the 6th of Oct. & heard 26 churches and conferences represented containing 3616 members, and 402 officers, viz: 81 elders 211 priests 84 teachers, and 26 deacons, making an increase since July of 1349 saints.
I am expecting to return to London to spend the winter in that city in company with elders Kimball, Smith and others if the Lord will: I shall visit the churches in Herefordshire on my return. You will hear from me from time to time, and we shall endeavor to give you an account of things and matters with us as time passes along. I never was more sensible than at the present time that what we do we have got to do quickly, for soon night cometh when no man can work, and we shall be under the necesity [necessity] of entering into our closetts [closets] and shuting [shutting] the door that we may be hid while the indignation of the Lord passeth by, may the Lord prepare his saints for this, and every other event which awaiteth this generation W. WOODRUFF.
Friendly Caution-Mormonism!-From the Manx Liberal, (a paper published in the City of Douglass, Isle of Man,) of Oct. 31st, 1840.
To the Editor of the Manx Liberal-
I feel rather surprised and chagrined that that modern delusion, viz: "Mormonism," should have made such rapid strides in this town, hitherto considered exempt from the many systems of irreligious creeds which abound in England, America, and elsewhere. I had thought that the powerful and argumentative addresses of the dissenting ministers would have checked such a gross piece of imposition in its infancy, and thus prevented the great mass of our towns people from becoming the dupes of designing knaves, "and being led away by every wind
of doctrine;" Above all, I imagined the two pamphlets issued by that holy, religious and devout man of God, Mr. Hays, Wesleyan minister, (to which connection I have the happiness and honor to belong,) would have been quite sufficient to prove the falacy [fallacy] of such a system, and prevent its further spread-but sir, alas! alas! the case is quite the reverse, numbers continually flock to the Wellington room and listen with eagerness to the principles there acvocated [advocated]; the members of our society (Methodist) seem to be most conspicuous in sanctioning and premoting [promoting] this vile and abomable [abominable] dictrine [doctrine].
Oh, sir, the results to our connection will be dreadful! the havoc tremendous! just think of the majority of our leading and intelligent men aiding and abetting a cause of this discription [description]! Oh sir! lamentable and heart rending to witness the beaming countenances and smiles of approbation dlsplayed [displayed] recently at Taylor's meeting! I could innumerate [enumerate] a host of our members who regularly attend those anti-christian meetings-but I will just mention with your permission the names of a few who attended one of the last meetings. (Here followed a list ofnames [of names]) O Mr. Editor! I quake for the consequences-such a wholesale conversion to Mormonism was never before witnessed in any town or country: what will become of our society? what will become of our class meetings? what will become of our brethren in the faith? and above all, what will become of poor Mr. Hays, that nice and humble man, who so nobly stood forward to expose the errors of the Mormon system-God bless him, and preserve him from want! but Mr. Editor, what makes the case worse, is, that a rumor is prevalent that all these pious men are to be BAPTIZED! that is duly Immerced [Immersed] the salt water of Douglas Bay, by that abominable creature, Taylor.!! surely, there must be something enchanting about the vile man-IMMERSION!! (my hand shakes while I write) and in winter too, Oh sir! the though [thought] chills my very soul,-surely this American dipper intends to drown them-he can have no other object in view, therefore, brethren of the Methodist society, beware!! drowning is not to be envied and that too in your sins-besides what would the venerable John Wesley (if he were alive) say to such conduct? what will the Conference say? and what will the world say? I leave these questions to yourselves to answer,-in conclusion brethren, I recomend [recommend] you to read much, learn and inwardly digest the things which belong to your eternal peace, and listen no longer to the follies of men.
Duke street, 29th Oct.
To the Ed. of the Times & Seasons:-
Sir, I have forwarded you the above for too [two] reasons, first, because it brings the cheering intelligence that truth is onward in its march and making mighty conquests in the kingdom of error; and second, because the language of the writer so strikingly reminds me of the sayings of the prophets, when writing upon the subject of the latter days. The writer expresses great fear for the flock, and the Prophet Jeremiah appears to have foretold that they would, and the reason why, Jer. 25: 34, 36, "Howl ye shephards [shepherds] and cry, and wallow yourselves in the ashes ye principal of the flock for the days of your slaughter and of your dispersion are accomplished and ye shall fall like a pleasant vessel, and the shepherds shall have no way to flee nor the principal of the flock to escape; a voice of the cry of the shepherds, and an howling of the principal of the flock shall be heard, for the Lord hath spoiled their pasture'. John in the 18 chapter of his revelation has told us that the merchants of the earth would weep and mourn, and the fruits that they should lust after should depart from them, and all things dainty and goodly should depart from them and they should find them no more at all, that they would stand afar off weeping and say "Alas alas!" but all their combined efforts to stop the progress of the work of the Lord in the last days will prove unaffecnal [ineffectual], for "the Lord will rise up as in mount Perazin and be wroth as in the valey [valley] of Gibeon, that he may do his work his strange work, and bring to pass his act his strange act." though the heathen rage and the people imagine vain things (as in the drowning above vainly imagined) yet the work of the last days will roll onward, for the arm of the Almighty is to propel it; though the Saints are persecuted afflicted, and scattered, the effect will be like whipping a mustard stalk when its seed is fully ripe, it will take root and grow, and spring up and thrive in every clime, till every nation, kindred, tongue, and people shall hear the fullness of the gospel-the testimony of the Book of Mormon: and my feeble efforts shall be exerted to impel its progress, by the help of the Almighty G. W. GEE
Inasmuch then, as the gospel was preached to Abraham, would it be tho't hazarding much to say that baptism was preached to him for the remission of sins, or could the gospel be preached to Abraham and this not be preached? Perhaps some might say, that it was the families of the earth should be blessed, and that was all, could it be said that the gospel was preached to Abraham. And yet it was not preached to him, or was Abraham left to guess the rest and find out what was meant by being in his seed. But let us go back and look a little at this subject. Paul as before quoted, has told us that it was a fixed principle in the economy of God and that before the foundation of the world, that men were to be saved by being in Christ. And he also tells us that Christ was Abraham's seed. Is this testimony correct? If it is; ever since man was in existance [existence] there has been but one way of being saved; for
God, according to the apostle's statement, had fixed it by an irrevocable decree and that before the world was that men should be saved in this way and none other. The question now arises, was this scheme of things kept hid from the early ages of the world, so that they did not understand it, and were saved by it? If so there never was any need of understanding it from that day to this; for if they could be saved by it without understanding it, so could we and so could all others, and Paul's assertions to the Ephesians be worse than vain. "That by grace are ye saved through faith," and for when there was no understanding there could be no faith. And there is nothing more certain, than this, that if the ancients were not made acquainted with the scheme of life, they must have been saved without it, or else they were destroyed for want of knowing it. The latter cannot be admitted, and it is very hard to admit the former, that is, that any people were ever saved without understanding how it was done, that they were saved, or that any persons could be washed from all sin by the Lamb, and yet know nothing of Jesus the Lamb of God, and be taken into heaven by a scheme of things of which they had no knowledge? We are told that without faith it is impossible to please God, and where could faith be in all this matter; or had the ancients the happy faculty of believing on him of whom they had not heard, and of hearing, without a preacher? Mark, reader, that Paul has fixed this matter forever; that it is in Christ Jesus that men were to be saved, since the foundation of the world, and in no other way; so that the ancients must either have known that they were in Christ, (we mean those among them who were saved,) or else they did not: if they did not they were saved in ignorance; and the old maxim with them holds good that ignorance is the mother of devotion. But on this point there can be no difference of opinion among the candid; for to admit that any portion of the human family, were saved, at any time, or in any period of the world, without knowing how they were saved or by what means they were made partakers of the grace of life, is to suppose an improbability: that is, it is to suppose that they were saved, and were not saved at the same time; for the revelation of the plan of salvation was essential to the salvation of any of the human family. It mattered not how good the scheme of it was, which was devised in eternity, nor how well suited to the situation of man; nor how well calculated to save men; nor yet, how competent it was to save, still it would never have saved one individual since the world began, unless it had been revealed to him. Let it have remained secreted in the bosom of eternity, without its being made known to man, and the world would have been nothing the better of it; but would all have gone to destruction together.
Another thing which would appear very strange, is that there should be an Abel, and Enoch, and others, who had great power with God, who got many revelations from God, and had great faith, so as to obtain testimony that they were accepted of him, and that they knew, they did not know, nor understand the scheme of things, by which they had this power with God, and through which they obtained it.-Enoch prophesied of the coming of the Lord with ten thousand of his saints to Judge the world; Jude 14th verse;-which judgment came by reason of the atonement of the anointed Savior, and it would be very strange indeed if Enoch should not have known any thing of the sacrifice of the Savior, and yet knew of his coming to judge the world, because they rejected the salvation which was offered to them by reason of that atonement, and not only knew of the sacrifices of the Savior; but of the way by which the world of mandkind [mankind] was made partakers of he [the] benefits of that atonement; that is by being put into Christ Jesus, and that work of putting in by baptism in water, according to what Paul has said, "That as many of you as have been baptized into Christ, have put on Christ;" and I may add, that none others, but those who were baptized into Christ did put him on, or could put him on; for there was no other way of putting on Christ.
Who can doubt but that man who had faith sufficient to get revelations, and to obtain knowledge of the great day of judgement, [judgment] when the Lord should come with ten thousand of his saints,
who walked with him three hundred years, and had faith sufficient to be translated, who can doubt I say? but this man was acquainted with the whole scheme of life and salvation, or the gospel. No person can doubt it, but one who is incapable of judging any matters.
But the scriptures are pointed on this subject, and so clear that a caveller [caviler] has no room left, only to show his unfairness and want of candor. Paul says to Timothy, in his second epistle, 1:9, 10, "Who hath saved us, and called us with a holy calling, not according to our works, but according to his own purpose and grace, which was given us in Christ Jesus before the world began; but is now made manifest by the offering of our Savior Jesus Christ, who hath abolished death, and hath brought life and immortality to light, through the gospel." If this statement be correct, life and mortality came to light by the gospel, the same as, to say that unless the gospel had come, life and immortality would not have come to light. Let us ask, when did life and immortality come to light? Before answering this question, let me ask, what is meant by life and immortality? I answer, the knowledge of a future existence, or an existance [existence] after the present state, in a state of superior glory; and this is the knowledge which came to light by the gospel. When did it come to light? Enoch had knowledge of life and immortality, or else he would not have had faith to have been translated; for could he have faith about a thing of which he never heard? And Paul says that this knowledge came to light by the gospel. If so, Enoch had knowledge of the gospel, and if he had knowledge of the gospel, he knew that men must be in Christ Jesus, or else they could not be blessed; and he must have known that men were put in Christ by baptism, or else there was another gospel, for this was the one which Paul preached, and which he said was before the foundation of the world, and by which we had grace in Christ, before the world was, and it was through this gospel that life and immortality came to light, and Enoch must have been put into Christ according to the law of this gospel, or else he would not have walked with God three hundred years; for no man can walk with God unless he has obeyed the gospel; and Enoch must have been baptised [baptized] for the remission of sins, and have received the gift of the Holy Spirit, by the laying on of the hands of some one who had authority from God so to do, or else he would not have known of life and immortality.
This matter will appear exceedingly plain, if we attend a little to the promises made to those who believe and obey the gospel. They were to those who were baptized for remission of sins, that they should receive the gift of the Holy Spirit, and, through this gift they should see visions, dream dreams and prophesy, see Acts of the Apostles, 2nd chap. Let us look at Enoch then, and see what great knowledge he had of things of God, and ask him, how did you come to have this knowledge? The answer: By seeing visions. And how did you obtain power with God to see visions? The answer would be, I obeyed the gospel, received the Holy Spirit, and thereby saw visions, and through this means I obtained all my knowledge.
The highest mortality of English women by consumption, may be ascribed partly to the indoor life which they lead, and partly to the compression preventing the expansion of the chest, by costume. In both ways they are deprived of free draughts of vital air, and the altered blood deposites [deposits] tuberculous [tuberculosis] matter, with a fatal, unatural [unnatural] facility. 31,000 English women died in one year of this incurable malady.-Will not this impressive fact induce persons of rank and influence to set their country-women right in the article of dress, and lead them to abandon a practice which disfigures the body, strangles the chest, produces nervous or other disorders, and has an unquestionable tendency to implant an incurable hectic-malady in the frame?-Girls have no more need of artificial bones and bandages than boys.-English papers.
Pay up forthwith if you would save the cost of my second coming!
W. BAGBY, Collector.
Carthage, March 1st, 1841.
MONDAY, MARCH, 1, 1841.
Elections by the Chancellor and Regents of the University. School Wardens for common Schools-John P. Greene, for the first ward-Charles C. Rich, for the second ward-Daniel H. Wells, for the third ward-and Vinson Knight, for the fourth ward of the city: and Vinson Knight, Daniel H. Wells, and Charles C. Rich, Building Committee for the University Edifice, vested with full powers as a Finance Committee, to receive and disburse subscriptions, etc., etc.
Elections by the City Council. High Constables-
D. B. Huntington, for the first ward; George Morey, for the second ward-Leonard Soby, for the third ward-and James Allred, for the fourth ward of the city: and James Allred, Supervisor of Streets, in place of Austin Cowles, necessarily absent from the place.
At a conference held in Akron, Erie co., N. Y. Dec. 20th, Archibald Montgomery was tried for lying and other imprudent conduct, found guilty, and the following resolution sent for publication.
"Resolved, that this conference disfellowship Archibald Montgomery, and report him to Nauvoo, with a request that he be published," &c.
Elder Joseph Wood was tried by a conference of elders and members, Nov. last in the Moroni branch of the church, Brown co., Ill., and found guilty of conduct unbecoming a man of God, and fellowship was withdrawn. We were requested to publish the minutes of said conference, but we have no space to appropriate for matter of that description.
"St. Louis Daily Gazette".-We had almost thought that no good thing could come out of Missouri, but if there is any merit, or worth in a newspaper, this will certainly take the first rank among all the daily papers "west of the mountains," and is not inferior in size; and to be afforded cheaper, would be offering an insult to the generosity of an enlightened community. There is no time lost in the perusal of a paper that can stand upon its own merits: experience is the best schoolmaster-please favor us with a few copies.
"Ladies' Garland"-We have received a copy of this work, published in Philadelphia, Pa. It contains 24 pages, with an engraving, neatly executed, and devoted to "Literature, Instruction, Amusement, Female Biography," &c.
In our last No. page 319, 1st article, 2nd column, 11th line from the bottom, it reads beloved and devoted state, it should read beloved and adopted state. On page 325, 4th line from the bottom, it should read H. Tate.
Freedom of the City.-On the 22nd of Feb., the City Council, by a unanimous vote adopted the following resolution; to wit:
Resolved, by the City Council of the City of Nauvoo, That the freedom of the city be, and the same hereby is, conferred on the present Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Council of Revision, and members of both Houses of the General Assembly, of the State of Illinois, as an evidence of our gratitude
for their great liberality and kindness to this community, during the present winter.
The freedom of the City was likewise confered [conferred] on Hon. Richard M. Young, of the U. S. Senate, on the 1st inst.-this day.
Court Martial of the Nauvoo Legion.-On the 20th of Feb., the Court Martial of the Nauvoo Legion, by a unanimous vote, adopted the following regulations; to wit:
"That no person whatever, residing within the limits of the City of Nauvoo, between the ages of 18 and 45 years, excepting such as are exempted by the laws of the United States, shall be exempt from military duty, unless exempted by a special act of this court;" and the fines for neglecting, or refusing, to appear on the days of general parade were fixed at the following rates-"for Generals, 25 dollars; Colonels, 20 dollars; Captains, 15 dollars; Lieutenants, 10 dollars; and musicians and privates, 5 dollars;" and for company parade at the following rates-"for commissioned officers, 5 dollars; non-commissioned officers, 3 dollars; musicians and privates, 2 dollars."-the 1st and 6th of April, and the 3d of July,* were fixed upon as days for general parade for this year.
An Ordinance creating certain additional city offices therein named.
Sec. 1. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Nauvoo, That, in addition to the city officers heretofore elected, there shall be elected by the City council, one High Constable, for each ward, one Surveyor and Engineer, one Market Master, one Weigher and Sealer, and one Collector, for the city, whose duties shall hereafter be defined by ordinance.
Sec. 2. This Ordinance to take effect and be in force, from and after its passage.
Passed, March 1st, A. D. 1841.
James Sloan, Recorder.
An Ordinance in relation to the City Plot.
Sec. 1. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Nauvoo, That no tract of land, within the limits of this city, shall hereafter be surveyed, plotted and laid out into city lots, unless the same be surveyed, and plotted, as to correspond with the original survey and plot, of the City of Nauvoo-and any survey, or plot, made in violation of this ordinance shall be null and void.
Sec. 2. This Ordinance to take effect, and be in force, from and after its passage.
Passed, March 1st, A. D. 1841.
James Sloan, Recorder.
An Ordinance in relation to roads and town plots.
Sec. 1. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Nauvoo, That all state and county roads within the limits of this city, excepting where they occupy the same ground as the city streets; and the original surveys and plots of the old town of Commerce, and Commerce City; be, and the same hereby are, vacated.
Sec. 2. This ordinance to take effect and be in force, from and after its passage.
Passed, March 1st, A. D. 1841.
James Sloan, Recorder.
An Ordinance in relation to the University.
Sec. 1. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Nauvoo, That all matters and powers whatever in relation to common schools, and all other institutions of learning, within the City of Nauvoo, be, and the same hereby are transferred from the City Council of the City of Nauvoo, to the Chancellor and Regents of the University of the City of Nauvoo.
Sec. 2. This ordinance to take effect, and be in force, from and after its passage.
Passed Feb. 22, 1841.
James Sloan, Recorder.
An Ordinance in relation to religious societies.
Sec. 1. Be it ordained by the City
Council of the City of Nauvoo, That the Catholics, Presbyterians, Methodists, Baptists, Latter-Day Saints, Quakers, Episcopalians, Universalists, Unitarians, Mohammedans, and all other religious sects, and denominations, whatever, shall have free toleration, and equal privileges, in this city, and should any person be guilty of ridiculing, abusing, or otherwise depreciating another, in consequence of his religion, or of disturbing, or interrupting, any religious meeting, within the limits of this city, he shall on conviction thereof before the Mayor, or Municipal Court be considered a disturber of the public peace, and fined in any sum not exceeding five hundred dollars, or imprisoned not exceeding six months, or both, at the discretion of said Mayor, or Court.
Sec. 2. It is hereby made the duty of all municipal officers to notice, and report to the Mayor, any breach or violation of this or any other ordinance of this city that may come within their knowledge, or of which they may be advised; and any officer aforesaid is hereby fully authorized to arrest all such violaters [violators] of rule, law, and order, either with, or without, process.
Sec. 3. This ordinance to take effect and be in force, from and after its passage. Passed, March 1st, A. D. 1841.
James Sloan, Recorder.
An Ordinance in relation to public meetings.
Sec. 1. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Nauvoo, That, in order to guarantee the constitutional right of free discussion upon all subjects, the citizens of this city may, from time to time, peaceably assemble themselves together for all peaceable, or lawful, purposes whatever; and should any person be guilty of disturbing, or interupting, [interrupting] any such meeting, or assemblage, he shall, on conviction thereof before the Mayor, or Municipal Court, be considered a disturber of the public peace, and fined in any sum not exceeding five hundred dollars, or imprisoned not exceeding six months, or both, at the discretion of said Mayor, or Court.
Sec. 2. Should any person be guilty of exciting the people to riot, or rebellion, or of participating in a mob, or any other unlawful, riotous, or tumultuous assemblage of the people, or of refusing to obey any civil officer executing the ordinances of the city, or the general laws of the State of United States, or of neglecting or refusing to obey, promptly, any military order for the due execution of said laws, or ordinances, he shall, on conviction thereof as aforesaid, be fined, or imprisoned, or both, as aforesaid.
Sec. 3. This ordinance to take effect, and be in force, from and after its passage.
Passed, March 1st, A. D. 1841.
James Sloan, Recorder.
An Ordinance dividing the city into wards.
Sec. 1. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Nauvoo, that the city be, and the same hereby is divided into four wards, as follows; to wit: all that district of country, within the city limits, north of the center of Knight Street, and west of the center of Wells Street, shall constitute the first ward-all north of the center of Knight Street, and east of the center of Wells Street, shall constitute the second ward-all south of the center of Knight Street, and east of the center of Wells Street, the third ward-and all south of the center of Knight Street, and west of the center of Wells Street, the fourth ward of said city.
Sec. 2. Each ward shall be entitled to the following representation in the City Council; to wit: one Alderman and two Councillors [Councilors]; Provided, that the fourth ward shall be entitled to three Councillors [Councilors];-and the Mayor for the city at large.
Sec. 3. The Aldermen, and Councillors [Councilors] already elected by the general ticket system, shall be assigned as follows, for the first term; to wit: Samuel H. Smith, Alderman, and John P. Greene, and Vinson Knight, Councillors [Councilors], for the first ward-N. K. Whitney, Alderman, and Sidney Rigdon, and Hyrum Smith, Councillors [Councilors], for the second ward-Daniel H. Wells, Alderman, and John T. Barnett, and Charles C. Rich, Councillors [Councilors] for the third ward-and William Marks, Alderman, and Joseph Smith, Wilson Law, and D. C. Smith, Councillors [Councilors] for the fourth ward of said city.
Sec. 4. This ordinance to take effect, and be in force, from and after its passage.
Passed, March 1st, A. D. 1841. JOHN C. BENNETT, Mayor.
James Sloan, Recorder.
Minutes of a Conference held at Walnut Grove, Knox co. Ill. January 30th, 1841.
The elders and members of the Walnut Grove branch met pursuant to previous notice, the meeting was called to order by Elder John Gaylord, Elder William Smith was chosen President and Samuel Burton clerk for the conference, the conference was opened by prayer by the President, remaks [remarks] were them made by the President appropriate to the occasion. It was moved by Elder J. Gaylord, seconded by Elder Phineas Wright that the case of Elder Stephen Kittle should be laid before this Conference for various charges which are as follows, viz: that Joseph Smith is not a prophet of the Lord, second, that self-defence [defense] is not righteous, third, that the Book of Mormon is not true, fourth, that Zion is not on this land, fifth, striving to persuade men to embrace error. &c. the Conference gave Stephen Kittle's case a fair investigation and found him not worthy a standing in the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. The case of Giles Cook, one of the Seventies, was presented before the conference having been disfellowshiped in Kirtland: brother Cook made an acknowledgement [acknowledgment] and was restord [restored] to his former standing, and also his wife. The Conference was adjourned until the 31st at 10 o'clock A. M.
Sunday the Conference was opened by prayer by Elder P. Wright, Newton Russel was appointed teacher.-Elder John Landers represented the branch of Henderson Grove consisting of thirty members. They having no elder amongst them at this time, to unite with this branch was thought the best for them to do. Brother John Riggs represented a branch at Greenfield, Warren county, consisting of twelve members, Six of whom he baptized, two of them was Methodist preachers.-Twenty five were united with this branch on Sunday. Elder John Gaylord represented the Walnut Grove branch of 113 members, fourteen elders, 2 priests, 2 teachers, 2 deacons, which makes an increase, since the 4th of July, of 66 members. After the church business was over, a very excellent and appropriate discourse was delivered by Brother William Smith from the first of Peter, second chapter first verse. "Ye also as lively stones are built up a spiritual house an holy priesthood, to offer spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God by Jesus Christ." Brother Smith, by the help of that God who is at all times willing to assist his servants in his work in these last days, gave great satisfaction to his hearers; and this branch is highly gratified with the labors of Brother Smith since with us he having deliered [delivered] several excellent discourses, and it was moved seconded, and carried unamimously [unanimously] that a vote of thanks be given by this Conference to Brother William Smith for his zealous services at this conference. Also Brother Jehial Savage delivered a sermon in the afternoon, gave great satisfaction. This branch of the church was organized Oct. 27th 1839 consisting of 16 members. So the work of God still rolls on. On Monday, Feb 1st 4 were baptized by Brother William Smith and one ordained to the office of an elder. The Conference, adjourned until the second Saturday in July at 10 o'clock A. M.
Samuel Burton, Clerk.
A Conference of elders and members of the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, held Nov. 7th, 1840, in Lincoln, Vt.
Elder P. Brown was chosen to preside over the Conference, and J. S. Gleason Secretary. The Conference was opened by a short lecture and prayer by Pres't Brown, after which Brothers H. Hatch J. Houston, B. Miller were set a part for the ministry, by voice of said Conference and were ordained elders, and Br. A. Smith by voice of said Conference ordained a Priest, and Br. S. Chase a Deacon by the voice of the same; after which Br. S. A. Chase was chosen by voice of
said Conference to preside over said branch in Lincoln, Addison co. Vt.
P. Brown, prest.
J. S. Gleason, Clerk.
In our last we promised to give a summary of the news from the elders, and believing it to be due our patrons to know from time to time concerning the spread of truth, as well as encouraging to all those who are interested in the great cause, we most cheerfully fulfil [fulfill] our promise.
We are informed by elder Norvel M. Head that he took a mission in the South, in company with elder Sanders, the past season, in which much good was done. They held a conference in McNary co., Ten. and baptized 8, organized and strengthened up the little branch consisting of 28 in all.
They visited a small branch of the church in Tishawingo co., Miss., containing 6 members in good standing: after adding 7 to their number, they commended them to God and separated. elder Head then went to Shelby co. Ten. and commenced laboring in company with elder Paden. By the assistance of God they were enabled to induct several into the kingdom, and organise [organize] a branch in that region.
From elder John Riggs we learn that a small branch of the church has recently been organized in Warren co. Ill. through his instrumentality, called the Greenfield branch, and Solon Powers ordained an elder.
By a letter from E. Ludington and E. G. Terrill to J. Smith, dated, New Orleans, Jan. 4th, we get the cheering intelligence that there is a branch of the church in that great city, and they are exceedingly anxious to have some faithful elder come to their assistance; the following is the language of the invitation: "For God's sake send help to this city before the people perish, for it is a time of great excitement here, send us a Peter, or an apostle to preach unto us Jesus," &c. Brother Terrill also sent $10,00 to assist some elder to come to that city. Ye ministers of God notice this.
By a letter from Nathaniel Holmes, it appears that the church at Georgetown, Mass. are strong in the faith, and "are trying to overcome through the testimony of Jesus, that their robes may be washed and made white thro' the blood of the Lamb, that they may be prepared for a better and more glorious world than this."
Brother Zadok Parker writes from Lisbon, Vt. the following is a short extract.
There is a few brethren in this place who are strong in the Lord and are trying to keep his commandments.-We meet together as often as is convenient to worship God, and the gifts and blessings of heaven are enjoyed by us, so that we are led to praise the name of the Lord, that he has been pleased to reveal the secrets of his will unto his servants the prophets in these last days; and some who have been opposed to the work are beginning to believe, and there is a prospect of others obeying the gospel; and our request is that some of the elders traveling east, would call here.
Elder Samuel Bent writes from Wendell, Mass., dated, Dec. 17, 1840. That the prejudices which once kept the people from investigating the truth, are now all swept away. He has been traveling through the eastern states visiting the churches, and says that he has calls to preach on every hand, more than he can fill: he also says that the Saints in every branch of the church where he has visited, appear to be strengthed [strengthened], and are rejoicing to hear of the rapid spread of the work of the Lord throughout the world, &c.
Elder A. J. Lumeraux writes from Dearfield, Warren co. Ohio, Dec. 17, 1840: It is an excellent communication, giving an account of his ministry and success from July, 1838, up to the above date; had we space we should give it entire, but shall only give a short synopsis.
After sketching his journey from place to place, he says he arrived at Dayton, O. and commenced holding meetings in the court house, but a mob rose up and broke up his meeting; he then felt encouraged, and contined [continued] preaching until he baptized 12 in that place: since that, additions have been made, and the church now numbers about 40. He says, "on the 5th of August I went to a small town called West Charleston, 12 miles from Dayton and commenced preaching: in one
week I baptized 8 and organized them into a church, the number has since increased to 15 all in good standing.-I have been preaching in this neighborhood for a few weeks, and have baptized 3, and the prospect is good for a large branch here. I have calls on every hand for preaching, and I can truly say the Lord is confirming the word with signs following."
"When I look around me and behold the fields already for harvest, my prayer to my heavenly Father is, that he may send forth more laborers into the harvest: and let me say to the Elders abroad, go on dear brethren, let nothing hinder you, be faithful and the kingdom is ours. And to those who are at home, remember that while you are at ease at home, thousands of the inhabitants of the earth are groping in darkness; and take care brethren, that their blood is hot [not] required at your hands. While I, for a moment, consider that God has set his hand again to gather his people from the east and from the west, that they may sit down in the kingdom with father Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and the children of the kingdom be cast out-O, that we may be mindful of the words spoken afore by the holy prophets and the commandments of the apostles of our Lord and Savior."
Elder P. Brown writes from Sparta, N. Y. Nov. 24th, 1840, as follows:
To the Editor of the Times and Seasons:-
Dear Sir, I now sit down to communicate to you how it has gone with me for a few months back in the ministry. I left Sparta, Livingston co. N. Y., June 9th, in company with brother E. Chase, for Vt. We made a stop in Lincoln, Addison co., Vt. where we commenced preaching the everlasting gospel, the Lord was with us, our labors were blessed the powers of darkness gave way, and we formed a church of 33 members.
Brother Miles Wheaton, writes from Chester, Randolph co. Ill. Feb. 1st, expressing a great desire for some elder to call and lift the standard in that place: he is energetic in his request as can be seen by the following: "For my sake, for my neighbor's sake, and for God sake, do call and preach in this place, and bring books of different kinds," &c.
Beloved Brethren:-
The time having arrived when it is necessary that we should know how many are on the Lord's side, how many there are laboring in the vineyard and trying to roll the great wheel in these last times; it is therefore requested that all those that hold the office of an elder in the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints should notify the Clerk of the Quorum by letter post piad [paid], that we may know where to find them; for the time has come, when it is necessary that every one should render an account of his stewardship if he wishes to continue any longer steward. Dear Brethren, the reason of this requisition is because we hear that there are some traveling in the world calling themselves elders of the church, who have neither license or recommend from us, by whom the way of truth is evil spoken of. There are also others who have gone out from us because they were not of us, they are unclean persons, some of whom have fled from justice, they keep not the commandments neither the word of wisdom, they have a covering but not of my Spirit saith the Lord. The savior said it is written man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.-Also, he that breaketh the least of my commandments, and shall teach men so, shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven; therefore Beloved Brethren, we beseech you, arm yourselves with the whole armor of God, teach the doctrine of Christ, keep the word of wisdom, be faithful in a few things, and God will make you ruler over many, even so-Amen.
Samuel Henderson, Clerk.
N. B. All those who have formerly belonged to the quorum of Elders and have joined the quorum of Seventies since last spring Conference, will please notify the Clerk of the Elders quorum, if by letter, post paid.
Roll on thy work, Eternal God; When all the people will be wise,
And speed that glorious time, And all their dealings just:
When thy pure gospel, spread abroad When lying tongues, and envious eyes
Will gladden every clime. Will moulder in the dust.
When burnished error will return, When Zion shall be plac'd on high,
E'en down from whence it came In bold security:
When truth- the lamp of life, shall burn When all the watchman, eye to eye
With clear, ceslestial [celestial] flame. Upon her walls shall see.
When knowledge, flowing from on high, When love to God and neighbor, will
Shall o'er the earth be spread, Pervade each human breast;
Deep mantling, as the waves that lie And in the light of Zion's hill
Upon the ocean's bed. The nations, all be blest.
O; give the happy period birth When Zion's lofty towe's shall rise,
When strife and war shall cease; Above all earthly height;
When all the nations of the earth, And mingling with the joyful skies,
Will learn the art of peace. Eclipse yon orbs of light.
When foul iniquity, will hide, Propel thy glorious kingdom forth-
In shame its hateful head; Extend its light abroad:
And wicked men, no more, in pride Perform thy purpose on the earth,
Upon the righteous, tread. Thou great Eternal God ELIZA R. SNOW.
For the Times & Seasons.
Straight is the gate, and narrow is the way which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it."-Matt. 7:14
When I espous'd the cause of truth, With purpose fix'd, we must presume
The holy spirit, from on high, An onward course, with steadfast aim;
Promply (Promptly) instructed me, forsooth, And keep perfection's mark in view,
To lay my youthful prospects by. Reckless, of grandeur, ease and fame.
I saw along the "narrow way" Alas! for some, who lately shone
An ordeal, which the saints must meet Resplendent, like the orbs on high:
To gain the prise (prize): I therefore lay Who're waning like yon late full-moon,
My earthly all, at Jesus' feet. That now seems verging from the sky!
My life committed to his care, Can man secure the great reward,
With food and raiment I'm content; And from thy holy precepts stray?
While with the "faithful," I share Take not thy spirit from me, Lord!
The glorious blessings, God has sent. But keep me in the "narrow way."
Who, thinks beneath life's golden sky, Oh! let me never never prise (prize),
To reach the upper court of God! Thy favor, less than earthly good;
Who, can the christian armor ply, Nor thy prophetic voice despise,
In lifes gay pathway, smooth and broad? Like those that perished in the flood!
To the Saints who are coming to the conference-Forget not your tithes, and your offerings, for we have in this place the blind, the halt, the widow and the orphan, and we desire that they all may have a blessing. Forget not those whom God has placed at your head to instruct and teach you, for they have to eat and drink and be clothed. I will say that if the poor can eat, and the needy have their wants supplied, the Saints will get a blessing worthy of their profession; I say it by the authority of my office, and in the name of Jesus Christ.
V. KNIGHT Bishop
Nuvoo [Nauvoo] March 1st, 1841.
The New York Herald of the 2d contains an extract from a letter to a gentleman of that city from Sir Moses Montefiore, who our readers will recollect, was appointed the agent of the Jews of the Western Europe, and despatched [dispatched] to Egypt to intercede for their persecuted brethren at Damascus.-The letter is dated at Syra [Syria], in Greene, September 24, and gives the truly
gratifying intelligence that Sir Moses had suceeded [succeeded] in obtaining from the Viceroy of Egypt, an order for the unconditional discharge of the nine Jews confined at Damascus on the charge of being parties to the murdre [murder] of Father Thomas; permission for all who had fled during the persecutions to return to their homes unmolested; and a general order that the Jews in Syria should enjoy the same protection as other persons.
Sir Moses was hurried away from Alexandria by the war, but before he left he had the satisfaction of learning by letter from Damascus that the orders which he had obtained from Mohemet Ali in favor of his oppressed brethren had been carried into full effect. He was not content with what he had done, though all the Jews in the East had "felt the benefit of the Mission, and were blessing the God of their fathers" for their deliverance; but he intended to go to Constantinople, to solicit from the Sultan what the Viceroy denied-"the means of demonstrating to the world the falsehood of the foul charges made against his brethren and his religion."
ILLINOIS. City of Springfield, I. H. Bishop.
City of Quincy, S. B. Stoddard.
Victoria, Knox co. John Gaylord.
Mt. Pulaski, Logan co. Jabez Capps.
Pleasant Vale, Pike co. Wm. Draper, jr.
Pittsfield, Pike co. Harlow Redfield.
PENNSYLVANIA. City of Philadelphia, Joseph H. Newton
City of Philadelphia, Erastus Snow,
Centerville, Crawford co. Stephen Post.
City of Albany Albert Brown.
West Leyden, Lewis co. J. L. Robinson.
MASSACHUSETTS. Georgetown, Essex Co. Nathaniel Holmes.
NEW HAMPSHIRE. Gilsum, Chilon Mack, P. M.
Lisbon, Grafton co. Zadock Parker.
TENNESSEE Whitleyville, Jackson co. T. K. Witcher.
KENTUCKY. Centre Point, Monroe co. Wm. Dixon.
OHIO. Kirtland, Lake co. Almon Babbitt.
Dayton, W. W. Phelps.
West Milton, Dr. Harvey Tate.
Andover, Ashtabula co. James M. Adams.
Livonia, Wayne co. Rufus Beach
INDIANA. Pleasant Garden, Dr. Knight.
LOUISANA (LOUISIANA). City of New Orleans, E. G. Terrill.
ENGLAND. City of Manchester, P. P. Pratt.
City of Preston, J. P. Fielding
City of London H. C. Kimball
City of London W. Woodruff
City of London G. A. Smith
ISLE OF MAN. Douglass, John Taylor.
SCOTLAND. City of Edinburgh, Orson Pratt.
TRAVELING AGENTS. John E. Page. Orson Hyde.
Daniel Tyler, Wm. O. Clark,
Z. Coultrin. John Cairn,
Lorenzo Barnes, Joseph Ball,
Benj. Winchester. Samuel Parker.
Daniel Shearer, Robert P. Crawford,
J. M. Grant L. M. Davis
Joshua Grant, F. G. Bishop,
G. H. Brandon, John Riggs,
Lorenzo Snow, James Blakeslee,
Norman Shearer, B. F. Boydston,
A. B. Tomlinson, Elisha H. Groves,
Charles Thompson, Benj. Johnson,
A. L. Lumeraux, Snue Bennett,
Samuel Bennett, G. W. Harris
Amasa Lyman , David Evens
Daniel S Thomas, Josse Turpin.
SAMPSON and PERKINS, Attorneys and Counsellors [Counselors] at Law, Carthage, Hancock county, Ill.
December 1, 1840.-15-tf.
Horse Bills,
Hand Bills, Circulars, Etc., Etc., executed with neatness and Dispatch at the office of the Times and Seasons, Water street one square west of Messrs. Law's Store Feb 15, 1841
The Times and Seasons, Is printed and published about the first and fifteenth of every month on the corner of Water and Bain Streets, Nauvoo, Hancock county, Illinois, by D. C. Smith, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR.
TERMS.-TWO DOLLARS per annum, payable in all cases in advance. Any person procuring five new subscribers, and forwarding us 10 dollars current money, shall receive one volume gratis. Letters on business must be addressed to the Editor and POST PAID.
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