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Volume VI. No. 7.] | CITY OF NAUVOO, ILL. April 15, 1845 | [Whole No. 115. |
On the 5th of October, 1833, I started on a journey east and to Canada, in company with Elders Rigdon and Freeman Nickerson, and arrived the same day at Lamb's tavern, in Ashtabula; and the day following, the Sabbath, we arrived at Springfield, whilst the brethren were in meeting, and Elder Rigdon spoke to the congregation; and a large and attentive congregation assembled at Brother Rudd's in the evening, to whom we bore our testimony.
October 8th. Elders Phelps and Hyde presented the petition of the saints in Jackson county to the Governor of Missouri, who gave them for answer that the Attorney General of the state, was absent, and on his return he would inform them of his conclusions, by mail, addressed at Independence; whither they immediately returned.
We continued at Springfield until this time, when we removed to Brother Roundy's at Elk Creek; and continuing our journey on the evening of the 9th arrived at a tavern; and on the 10th, at Brother Job Lewis' in Westfield, where we met the brethren, according to previous appointment, and spake to them as the spirit gave utterance, greatly to their gratification.
This day October 10th, Elder Williams wrote as follows, from Kirtland to the saints in Missouri:
Dear Brethren:
It is a long time since we have received any intelligence from you, save a letter received by Brother Elliott from Elder John Whitmer, which informed us that he had wrote four letters since Elder Oliver Cowdery left; but we have not received any of them, nor from any other one in Zion, except one from Bishop Partridge of August 13th, and have had no information concerning the riot, and the situation of the brethren in Zion, to be depended upon; and considering that the enemy have commenced intercepting our letters, I direct this to Mrs. Billings, thinking by so doing, that you may get it.
The brethren here are all engaged in the work of the Lord, and are using every exertion in their power for the welfare of Zion, and for the promotion of the great cause of our Redeemer. Immediately after the arrival of Oliver, we sat in council to know what should be done. The decision of the council was, that measures should be immediately taken to seek redress by the laws of your country, for your grievances; accordingly two messengers were dispatched for that purpose. (Let this suffice, for this may fall into the hands of the enemy.) We have received no revelation for a long time, and none concerning the present situation of Zion, which has been written; but is has been manifested to Joseph, and communicated to me by him, that the brethren in Zion should not sell any of their inheritances, nor move out of the county, save those who signed the agresment [agreement] to go, and if it becomes necessary for those to move, for their personal safety, let them be directed by wisdom, and seek for homes where the Lord shall open the way.
If Elder Phelps is obliged to move from that place, let him take his family and Elder Cowdery's wife, and come to Kirtland, but not to bring any thing with him, except his bedding and clothing; and let Elder Gilbert furnish him with the means to bear his expenses; but it would not be expedient for Elder Phelps to come, provided the prospect is favorable for a reconciliation, so that the saints are not obliged to leave the county. We can do no more for you than we are doing, but we have this great consolation that God will deliver Zion, and establish you upon the land of your everlasting inheritance. Remember that this is only for the trial of your faith, and he that overcomes and endures to the end, will be rewarded a hundred fold in this world, and in the world to come eternal life: so brethren you have great reason to rejoice, for your redemption draweth nigh.
President Joseph and Sidney are absent on a mission, and we do not expect their return till some time in November. They have gone down the lake to Niagara, from thence they expect to go into Upper Canada as far as Long Point, and preach in all the most noted places on their way.
We held a council this morning on the subject of building, &c. It was decided by the council that we should discontinue the building of the temple during the winter for want of materials; and to prepare and get all things in readiness to recommence it early in the spring. It was also agreed, to set the hands immediately to erect a house for the printing office, which is to be thirty by thirty eight feet on the ground the first story to be occupied for the school of
the prophets this winter, and the upper story for the printing press.
Oliver started for New York the first instant, for the printing establishment, with eight hundred dollars. There will be as many hands employed upon the house as can work, and every exertion made to get the printing into operation, and publish the Star, commencing from the last number printed; and to be conducted by Oliver, (until an opportunity offers to transfer it again to Zion, to be conducted by W. W. Phelps & Co., as usual,) and under the firm of F. G. Williams & Co., entitled the Latter day Saint's Messenger and Advocate. The probability is, that the Star will be forwarded to subscribers by the first of December. Oliver has written to you for the names and residence of the subscribers for the Star, and if you have not sent them, we wish you to send them immediately, that there may be no delay in the papers going to subscribers as soon as they can be printed.
Bishop Whitney, also, started for New York at the same time, to replenish his store in Kirtland, with money enough to pay all the debts of both establishments, and expects to bring a larger supply of goods than at any former time. Thus you see the goodness and mercy of God in providing for his saints. Not one week before Bishop Whitney started, the way seemed hedged up and ten or twelve hundred dollars was the most that he had, and knew not where to obtain the amount he wanted; but by a remarkable interposition of Divine Providence, he was furnished with all he wanted, for which, let us all raise our hearts in gratitude to God and praise his holy name, that he is a present help in every time of need.
We have seen a letter written to Sister Whitney, in Nelson, that has a great deal to say about the gift of tongues, and the interpretation which was given by way of prophecy, namely: "that Zion would be delivered by judgments," and that certain ones named, would go to such and such places among the Lamanites, and "great things would be done by them"; and also, that two Lamanites were at a meeting, and the following prophecy was delivered to them, "that they were our friends, and that the Lord had sent them there, and the time would soon come when they should embrace the gospel," and also, "that if we will not fight for ourselves, the Indians will fight for us."-Though all this may be true, yet, it is not needful that it should be spoken, for it is of no service to the saints, and has a tendency to stir up the people to anger.
No prophecy spoken in tongues should be made public, for this reason: many who pretend to have the gift of interpretation are liable to be mistaken, and do not give the true interpretation of what is spoken; therefore, great care should be had, as respects this thing; but, if any speak in tongues, a word of exhortation, or doctrine, or the principles of the gospel, &c., let it be interpreted for the edification of the church.
When you receive this letter I wish you to write immediately, and direct your letters to David Elliott, Chagrin, Cuyahoga county, Ohio, and put this mark X on the back of it, if you do not wish it broken open, and he will forward it to us; and you will please to name in your letter, where and to whom we shall direct, and thus we may evade interception, &c.
Yours in the bonds of love,
At this time the evil and designing circulated a report that Zion was to be extended as far east as Ohio, which in some degree tended to distract the minds of the saints, and produced a momentary indecision about removing thither, according to the commandments; but the report was soon corrected, and the brethren continued to remove to Zion and Kirtland.
On the 11th, we left Westfield, and continuing our journey staid [stayed] the night with a man named Nash, an infidel, with whom we reasoned, but to no good; and on the 12th, arrived at Father Nickerson's, when I received the following
Revelation, given October, 1833.
Verily, thus saith the Lord unto you my friends, Sidney and Joseph, your families are well: they are in mine hands, and I will do with them as seemeth me good; for in me there is all power; therefore, follow me, and listen to the council which I shall give unto you: Behold, and lo, I have much people in this place, in the regions round about, and an effectual door shall be opened in the regions round about in this eastern land: therefore, I the Lord have suffered you to come unto this place; for thus it was expedient in me for the salvation of souls; therefore, verily I say unto you, lift up your voices unto this people; speak the thoughts that I shall put into your hearts, and ye shall not be confounded before men; for it shall be given you in the very hour, yea, in the very moment, what you shall say.
But a commandment I give unto you, that ye shall declare whatsoever things ye declare in my name, in solemnity of heart, in the spirit of meekness, in all things. And I give unto you this promise, that inasmuch as ye do this, the Holy Ghost shall be shed forth in bearing record unto all things whatsoever ye shall say.
And it is expedient in me that you, my servant
Sidney, should be a spokesman unto this people; yea, verily I will ordain you unto this calling, even to be a spokesman unto my servant Joseph; and I will give unto him power to be mighty in testimony; and I will give unto thee power to be mighty in expounding all scriptures, that thou mayest be a spokesman unto him, and he shall be a revelator unto thee, that thou mayest know the certainty of all things pertaining to the things of my kingdom on the earth. Therefore, continue your journey and let your hearts rejoice; for, behold, and lo, I am with you even unto the end.
And now I give unto you a word concerning Zion: Zion shall be redeemed, although she is chastened for a little season. Thy brethren, my servants, Orson Hyde and John Gould, are in my hands, and inasmuch as they keep my commandments they shall be saved. Therefore, let your hearts be comforted, for all things shall work together for good to them that walk uprightly, and to the sanctification of the church; for I will raise up unto myself a pure people, that will serve me in righteousness; and all that call on the name of the Lord and keep his commandments, shall be saved; even so.-Amen.
On the day following, Elder Rigdon preached to a large congregation, at Freeman Nickerson's, and I bore record while the Lord gave us his spirit in a remarkable manner.
Monday 14th. Continued our journey towards Canada, and arrived at Lodi, where we had an appointment, and preached in the evening to a small assembly, and made an appointment for Tuesday the 13th, at ten o'clock A. M., to be in the Presbyterian meeting house.-When the hour arrived, the keeper of the house refused to open the doors, and the meeting was then prevented. We came immediately away leaving the people in great confusion, and continued our journey till Friday the 17th, when we arrived at the house of Freeman A. Nickerson in Upper Canada; having passed through a fine and well cultivated country after entering the province; and having had many peculiar feelings in relation to both the country and people. We were kindly received at Freeman A. Nickerson's.
Sunday morning the 19th, at ten o'clock, we met an attentive congregation at Brantford and the same evening a large assembly at Mount Pleasant, at Mr. Nickerson's. The people gave good heed to the things spoken.
Tuesday 21st. We went to the village of Colburn, and although it snowed severely, we held a meeting by candle light on Wednesday evening and were publicly opposed by a Wesleyan Methodist. He was very tumultuous, but exhibited a great lack of reason, knowledge and wisdom; and gave us no opportunity to reply. Twenty third, at the house of Mr. Beman in Colburn, where we left on the 24th for Waterford, where we spoke to a small congregation, occasioned by the rain; thence to Mt. Pleasant, and preached to a large congregation the same evening, when Freeman Nickerson and his wife declared their belief in the work and offered themselves for baptism. Great excitement prevailed in every place we visited.-Twenty fifth, preached at Mount Pleasant; the people were very tender and enquiring [inquiring].
Sunday 26th. Preached to a large congregation at Mount Pleasant, after which I baptised [baptized] twelve; and others were deeply impressed and desired another meeting, which I appointed for the day following. Twenty seventh, in the evening, we broke bread, and laid on hands for the gift of the Holy Ghost and for confirmation, having baptised [baptized] two more. The spirit was given in great power to some, and peace to others. Twenty-eigth [eight] after preaching at 10 o'clock, A. M. I baptised [baptized] two and confirmed them at the water's side. Last evening we ordained E. F. Nickerson an elder, and one of the sisters received the gift of tongues which made the saints rejoice exceedingly.
Extracts from H. C. Kimball's Journal.
During our stay in Missouri, Brother Joseph B. Noble was very sick for some time, and was taken care of by Elders Brigham, and Joseph Young, at the house of Joel Sandford, in Liberty, Clay county. It was with great exertion that his life was preserved, and that by the application of cold water being drawn out of the well, and poured upon him, daily and hourly. He was deaf, discharged a large amount of corrupt matter from the ears, and was almost blind and in fact the most who were saved from the cholera, were saved by throwing cold water upon them, or plunging them in the stream, by which means the cramp and purging were stayed-the sufferers invariably besought us to plunge them in pools, and springs of cold water, while their thirst for the same was very great, while our fears were, it would be an injury to them; yet by the blessing of Heaven, it was the only means of saving them, that were saved from the destroyer, the cholera. Brother Nobles' life was yet despaired of, but he was resolute, and nothing would satisfy him, but to return home. June 30, 1834, I started for home, in company with Lyman Sherman, Sylvester Smith, Alexander Badlam, Harrison Burgess, Luke Johnson and Zera Cole,
with Brother Sylvester Smith's team, as I had left mine in Missouri. About this time Brother Brigham Young started in company with about the same number that was with me, with James Foster's team.
After proceeding about three miles, we stopped and made arrangements for travelling [traveling]. They chose me to be their captain home, and all put their money into my hands, which amounted to forty dollars. From thence we proceeded until we came to Brother Thomas B. Marsh's house; his wife gave us some dinner, and we proceeded on our journey. May the Lord bless her for it. This day we crossed a branch of the Fishing River, in a scow, and when we were pulling our waggon [wagon] out of it, it was sinking. Here an enemy came and swore he would shoot us. From thence we continued on to one Brother Ball's, where we stayed all night; some slept on the floor, and some in the corn crib. The next morning we pursued our journey and after travelling [traveling] about eight miles we came to the Missouri River, which we crossed in a scow, the current was so rapid that it carried us down one mile. After we had got over the river, and had travelled [traveled] about two miles we came into the village of Lexington. Here we were threatened some by our enemies, but out of their hands the Lord delivered us.-From thence we proceeded daily, and receiving no harm, we travelled [traveled] until we came within about half a mile of St. Charles. Here we pitched our tents by the side of the road and tarried all night. The next morning we passed through the village which looked very gloomy as the cholera had nearly desolated the place. After travelling [traveling] about eight miles, we came to Jack's Ferry on the Missouri, where we again crossed the stream. We then proceeded about five miles and stopped to take some refreshment. Here we were again accosted by one of our enemies, who swore he would kill us that night: we travelled [traveled] about ten miles after sunset and camped in the woods. The Lord again delivered us from the grasp of our enemies. We proceeded on our journey daily, the Lord blessing us with health and strength. The weather was very hot, still we travelled [traveled] from thirty-five to forty miles a day, until about the 26th of July, when we arrived in Kirtland; having been gone from home about three months, during which time, with the exception of four nights I found my rest on the ground. We did not travel on the Sabbath during our journey back, but attended to breaking of bread &c. On my arrival at home, I found my family well, enjoying the blessings and comforts of life, and I felt to rejoice in the Lord that he had preserved my life, through many dangers, seen and unseen, and brought me to behold my family in peace and prosperity. After being at home two weeks and resting myself; I concluded I had finished my mission the Lord called me to, and I went to my old occupation. I established my business as a potter, and continued about three months until cold weather came on, when I was under the necessity of stopping for the time being, calculating on the opening of spring to commence business on a larger scale, thinking as did Peter of old, "I go a fishing." I had got an idea similar to that which the ancient apostles had when the Savior was taken from them, and they went a fishing, so I went to the mechanic's shop. At this time the brethren were laboring night and day building the house of the Lord. Our women were engaged in spinning and knitting in order to clothe those who were laboring at the building, and the Lord only knows the scenes of poverty, tribulation, and distress which we passed through in order to accomplish this thing. My wife toiled all summer in lending her aid towards its accomplishment. She had a hundred pounds of wool, which, with the assistance of a girl, she spun in order to furnish clothing for those engaged in the building of the Temple, and although she had the privilege of keeping half the quantity of wool for herself, as a recompense for her labor, she did not reserve even so much as would make her a pair of stockings; but gave it for those who were laboring at the house of the Lord. She spun and wove and got the cloth dressed, and cut and made up into garments, and gave them to those men who labored on the Temple; almost all the sisters in Kirtland labored in knitting, sewing, spinning, &c., for the purpose of forwarding the work of the Lord, while we went up to Missouri to endeavor to reinstate our brethren on their lands, from which they had been driven. Elder Rigdon when addressing the brethren upon the importance of building this house, spake to this effect, that we should use every effort to accomplish this building by the time appointed, and if we did, the Lord would accept it at our hands, and on it depends the salvation of the church and also of the world.-Looking at the sufferings and poverty of the church, he frequently used to go upon the walls of the building both by night and day and frequently wetting the walls with his tears, crying aloud to the Almighty to send means whereby we might accomplish the building.-After we returned from our journey to the west, the whole church united in this undertaking, and every man lent a helping hand. Those who had no teams went to work in the stone quarry and prepared the stones for drawing to
the house. President Joseph Smith jr. being our foreman in the quarry. The Presidency, High Priests, and Elders all alike assisting.-Those who had teams assisted in drawing the stone to the house. These all laboring one day in the week, brought as many stones to the house as supplied the masons through the whole week. We continued in this manner until the walls of the house were reared. The committee who were appointed by revelation to superintend the building of the house, were Hyrum Smith, Reynolds Cahoon, and Jared Carter.-These men used every exertion in their power to forward the work.
On the 22d of December a Grammar school was opened in Kiatland [Kirtland,] under the superintendence of Sidney Rigdon and William E. McLellin teachers,-and nearly all the elders and myself, and mrny [many] of the sisters commenced going to school. Most of us continued about six weeks, when a meeting was called for the camp of Zion to be assembled, to receive what was called a Zion's blessing. After being assembled, the Presidency having duly organized the meeting, told us there were twelve men to be chosen, to be called the twelve apostles or travelling [traveling] high council. See Book of Covenants sec. 43 paragraphs 5 and 6 as follows: "And now behold there are others who are called to declare my gospel, both unto Gentile and unto Jew; yea even twelve; and the twelve shall be my disciples, and they shall take upon them my name; and the twelve are they who shall desire to take upon them my name with full purpose of heart, they are called to go into all the world, to preach my gospel unto every creature; and they are they who are ordained of me to baptize in my name, according to that which is written before you: wherefore you must perform it according to the words which are written. And now I speak unto the Twelve: Behold my grace is sufficient for you: you must walk uprightly before me and sin not.-And behold you are they who are ordained of me to ordain priests and teachers to declare my gospel according to the power of the Holy Ghost which is in you, and according to the callings and gifts of God unto men: and I Jesus Christ your Lord and your God have spoken it. These words are not of men nor of man but of me; wherefore you shall testify they are of me and not of man; for it is my voice which speaketh them unto you; for they are given by my spirit unto you: and by my power you can read them one to another, and save it were by my power you could not have them: wherefore you can testify that you have heard my voice, and know my words.
Sec. 6. And now behold I give unto you Oliver Cowdery and also unto David Whitmer, that you shall search out the Twelve who shall have the desires of which I have spoken; and by their desires, and their works, you shall know them: and when you have found them, you shall shew these things unto them. And you shall fall down and worship the Father in my name: and you must preach unto the world saying, you must repent and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ: for all men must repent and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ: for all men must repent and be baptized, and not only men, but women, and children who have arrived to the years of accountability." Also Book of Covenants sec. 3. par. 12. The Twelve are a travelling [traveling] presiding high council, to officiate in the name of the Lord, under the direction of the Presidency of the church agreeably to the institutions of heaven to build up the church, and regulate all the affairs of the same in all nations; first unto the Gentiles and secondly unto the Jews." This was the day appointed for choosing. Accordingly the Presidents mentioned in the revelation above, proceeded to call forth those whom the Lord had manifested by his spirit to them, that they might make known their desires. It was far from my expectation of one of the number, as heretofore I had known nothing about it, not having had the privilege of seeing the revelations, as they were not printed. I will now mention their names as they were first chosen: Lyman Johnson, Brigham Young, Heber C. Kimball, David W. Patten, Luke Johnson, William E. McLellin, Orson Hyde, William Smith, John F. Boynton, Orson Pratt, Thomas B. Marsh, and Parley P. Pratt. After having expressed our feelings on this occasion, we were severally called into the Stand, and there received our ordinations, under the hands of Oliver Cowdery, David Whitmer, and Martin Harris: These brethren ordained us to the apostleship, and predicted many things which should come to pass, that we should have power to heal the sick, cast out devils, raise the dead, give sight to the blind, have power to remove mountains, and all things should be subject to us through the name of Jesus Christ, and angels should minister unto us, and many more things too numerous to mention. After we had been thus ordained by these brethren, the first presidency laid their hands on us, and confirmed these blessings and ordination, and likewise predicted many things which should come to pass.-After being chosen there being but nine of us present, we assembled from time to time as opportunity would permit, and received such instruction as the Lord would bestow upon us,
and truly he blessed us with his spirit, and inspired his prophet to speak for our edification. One evening when we were assembled to receive instruction, the revelation contained in the third section of the Book of Doctrine and Covenants, on Priesthood was given to Brother Joseph as he was instructing us, and we praised the Lord. Sunday morning April 5, 1835.-The Twelve had not all as yet been together, for the last three mentioned were not present at the time of choosing, and as the time drew near that we should travel to the east, we appointed this day to bear our testimony unto our brethren and friends. We were all assembled together with the exception of Brother Orson Pratt who had not yet been with us.-At this time while we were praying, and wishing for his arrival, while opening the meeting he entered the house, we rejoiced at his presence, and thanked the Lord for it. He was then ordained, and we proceeded to speak according to our ages; the eldest speaking first. This day Brother Thomas B. Marsh, B. Young, D. W. Patten, and myself spake. Sunday 12. Brothers O. Hyde, Wm. E. McLellin, Luke Johnson, and P. P. Pratt spake. Sunday 19. Brothers Wm. Smith, O. Pratt, J. F. Boynton, and Lyman Johnson spake-closing the testimony of the Twelve to the people in Kirtland for the present. Sunday 26. We received our charge from President Joseph. May 3. We bid our brethren farewell, and on the morning of the 4th we started leaving Kirtland at 2 o'clock and proceeded to Fairport, where we arrived precisely at 6 o'clock. A boat was there as had been predicted by Brother Joseph on which we embarked for Dunkirk, where we arrived the same day at 4 o'clock in the afternoon, distance 150 miles. We stayed over night at Mr. Pemberton's inn.
Special Conference of the church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, at Nauvoo, April 6, 1845; it being the first day of the sixteenth year.
The choir sang "Hark the Jubilee" at quarter past 10 o'clock, while the assembly was collecting.
Present President Brigham Young, Heber C. Kimball, Orson Hyde, Orson Pratt, George A. Smith, John Taylor, John E. Page, Willard Richards, and Amasa Lyman of the quorum of the Twelve-Father John Smith, president of the stake-Bishops Whitney and Miller-the high council-and about twenty-two thousand persons.
Elder Kimball called the meeting to order at half past 10, A. M.; and the choir sung the thirty-first hymn; followed by prayer by Elder Kimball; the choir then sang "Come all ye sons of Zion."
The morning was spent in teaching, on the baptism for the dead, by President Young which will be hereafter reported in full. Conference adjourned until two o'clock.
Two o'clock P. M. Conference met pursuant to adjournment; the fore part of which was taken up by the blessing of children, but owing to the immense number it was found impossible to complete the whole, when it was accordingly dispensed with, and the remainder of the afternoon was occupied in exhortation from the stand, by Elder Page and President Young; and the conference adjourned until to-morrow at 10 o'clock A. M.
April 7, 1845-Ten o'clock A. M. Conference met pursuant to adjournment; after the conference was seated, in consequence of the high wind, it was thought best to remove into the valley, a little south; and the whole of this immense congregation was removed, and comfortably seated in the short space of about forty minutes. The choir sang "The heavenly vision," and was followed by prayer, by Elder John Taylor, after which the choir sang another hymn. Elder Kimball then arose and stated to the congregation some of the items of business which would be necessary to attend to, during the day, viz: the building of the Temple, and the Nauvoo house; also, to take into consideration all old obligations against the church, which are pouring in like a torrent, also to ascertain the feelings of the people, in regard to sustaining the authorities of the church under the present organization.
President Brigham Young then arose, and said he would now present the first item of business, which would be to present the authorities of the church for the approval, or disapproval of the conference; he also, said he wanted to know if the saints are satisfied that Joseph Smith lived and died as a prophet, seer, and revelator to this church. Whereupon,
Elder Phelps moved that we accept the labors of Joseph Smith as a prophet, seer, and revelator to the nineteenth century; and that we are satisfied that he lived according to his profession, and died a martyr to the truth.-Carried unanimously.
Elder Phelps moved that we accept the labors of Hyrum Smith, believing that he lived according to his profession, and died a martyr to the truth. Carried unanimously.
Elder Phelps moved that this conference accept the Twelve as the first presidency and leaders of this church. Carried unanimously.
Elder George A. Smith moved that we acknowledge
President Brigham Young as the president of the quorum of the Twelve apostles to this church and generation. Carried unanimously.
Elder George A. Smith moved that Heber C. Kimball be continued as one of the Twelve, and that he be sustained in his office. Carried unanimously.
Moved and seconded that Orson Hyde be continued as one of the Twelve, and that he be sustained in his office. Carried unanimously.
Moved and seconded that Parley P. Pratt be continued as one of the Twelve, and that he be sustained in his office. Carried unanimously.
Moved and seconded that William Smith be continued as one of the Twelve, and that he be sustained in his office. Carried unanimously.
Moved and seconded that Orson Pratt be continued as one of the Twelve, and that he be sustained in his office. Carried unanimously.
Moved and seconded that John E. Page be continued as one of the Twelve, and that he be sustained in his office. Carried unanimously.
Moved and seconded that Willard Richards be continued as one of the Twelve, and that he be sustained in his office. Carried unanimously.
Moved and seconded that John Taylor be continued as one of the Twelve, and that he be sustained in his office. Carried unanimously.
Moved and seconded that Wilford Woodruff be continued as one of the Twelve, and that he be sustained in his office. Carried unanimously.
Moved and seconded that George A. Smith be continued as one of the Twelve, and that he be sustained in his office. Carried unanimously.
Moved and seconded that Amasa Lyman be continued as one of the Twelve, and that he be sustained in his office. Carried unanimously .
The chairman then observed, concerning the course of Lyman Wight, his feelings are, that we should let him remain for the present, probably hereafter there may be a time that he will hearken to counsel, and do much good which he is capable of-for he is a noble minded man.
The chairman then stated that the next article of business would be, to present to the conference, the Presidency of the stake; moved and seconded that Patriarch John Smith continue in his office, as President of this stake, and that he be sustained in his office. Carried unanimously.
Moved and seconded that Charles C. Rich be continued and sustained in his office of counsel to Father Smith. Carried unanimously.
Moved and seconded that George Miller be continued and sustained in his office, as President of the High Priests' Quorum. Carried unanimously.
Moved and seconded that William Snow and Noah Packard be continued and sustained in their office as counsellors [counselors] to President Miller. Carried unanimously.
Moved and seconded that Samuel Bent, be continued and sustained in his office as President of the High Council. Carried unanimously.
Moved and seconded that George W. Harris, Alpheus Cutler, William Huntington Sen., James Allred, Henry G. Sherwood, Thomas Grover, Newel Knight, Lewis D. Wilson, David Fullmer, Ezra T. Benson, and Aaron Johnson, be continued and sustained in their office as members of the High Council. Carried unanimously.
Moved and seconded that Joseph Young be continued and sustained as President of the First Presidency of the Seventies. Carried unanimously.
Moved and seconded that Levi W. Hancock, Henry Herriman, Zerah Pulsipher, Jedediah M. Grant, and Daniel S. Miles be continued and sustained in their office, as assistant presidents to President Joseph Young. Carried unanimously.
Moved and seconded that if Roger Orton will reform and become a good man, he be received and ordained as a member of this presidency. Carried unanimously.
Moved and seconded that Samuel Williams be continued and sustained, in his office, as the President of the Elder's Quorum. Carried unanimously.
Moved and seconded that Jesse Baker, and Joshua Smith be continued, and sustained as counsellors [counselors] to President Williams. Carried unanimously.
Moved and seconded that Newel K. Whitney and George Miller be continued and sustained in their offices, as Bishops, and Trustees in Trust, to the church of Jesus Christ of Latter day-Saints. Carried unanimously.
Moved and seconded that Alpheus Cutler and Reynolds Cahoon be continued and sustained as Temple Committee. Carried unanimously.
On the subject of the old Church debts coming, it was moved and seconded that the debts of Kirtland, and Missouri, and the debts that are said to be accrued in consequence of purchasing the Galland tract in Iowa Territory, be dropt [dropped] and come up no more, and the Trustees shall be dunned for them no more for ever;-neither shall they be sold into the hands of the Gentiles. Carried unanimously.
Conference then adjourned until 2 o'clock.
Two o'clock P. M, conference met pursuant to adjournment.
The choir sung a hymn, which was followed by prayer from Elder Orson Pratt; after which the choir sung another hymn. By request of President Young, Elder Orson Pratt read the revelation, given January 19th, 1841 concerning the building of the Temple, Nauvoo House, &c. After which he read an extract from the Law of the Lord, page 240.
The chairman then stated that he wanted to lay before the conference, the subject of completing the Nauvoo House, whereupon.
Elder Phelps moved "that we fulfil [fulfill] the revelation, by completing the Nauvoo House, as soon as possible." Carried unanimously.
The chairman called for a show of hands from all those who could, and would, take one share of stock in the Nauvoo House, there were so many hands uplifted that they could not possibly be counted.
He next called for a show of hands from those who could and would, take two shares; quite a large number of hands were shown.
He then called for a show of hands from all, both male and female, who, after they had done all they could to finish the Temple are willing to sacrifice their all, to finish the Nauvoo House, rather than not to have it done.-Every hand was raised in the congregation.
The President then proclaimed to the conference, that on next Monday, the books for the Nauvoo House Association would be opened in the upper part of the brick store on Water street
The conference then adjourned until to-morrow at 10 o'clock A. M.
Tuesday, April 8th, 1845. Conference met pursuant to adjournment at 10 A, M. and was addressed by Elders Kimball and Young, upon the propriety of the Saints staying in Hancock county, and in the afternoon Elders Young, Page, and Hyde addressed the assembly.
Perfect union and harmony prevailed throughout the conference and there was but one dissenting vote in the entire congregation.
It was motioned by the President, that henceforth and for ever, this city shall be called the "city of Joseph."
Great praise is due to ex-Marshall A. P. Rockwood, and his associates for their unwearied exertion, to arrange and seat the numberless assembly, for the most perfect order was maintained by them throughout the whole city and the conference-and to the saints universally for seconding their movements.
On motion conference adjourned until the 6th of October next.
THOMAS BULLOCK } Clerks of Conference.
Elder George D. Watt, whose valuable services to this church as Professor of Phonography, are highly appreciated; has taken down the speeches delivered on this occasion, and they will appear from time to time as circumstances will allow.
Never have we seen the time before when the people were more willing to receive and listen to counsel than now. The High Council have only had one case in about seven weeks. Our magistrates have nothing to do. We have little or no use for charter or law. Every man is doing his best to cultivate the ground, and all are anxious to provide things honestly in the sight of all men-to honor our God, our country and its laws. Whenever a dispute or difficulty arises, a word from the proper source puts all to right, and no resort to law. May God ever save us from this snare of men, this drainer of the purse, and this fruitful source of contention and strife.
Kirtland, Lake Co., Ohio, April 5, 1845
Conference convened according to previous appointment at 10 o'clock A. M.
The house was called to order by Priest John Young, and proceeded to organize the meeting by appointing Br. Hiram Winters to preside over the conference, and Luman Heath Clerk. Sung a hymn introductory prayer by Br. John Young.
The President then addressed the meeting upon the subject of the rise and progress of the church, showing the propriety and necessity of supporting the authorities of the same, and of using our influence and means to assist in the building of the Temple at Nauvoo.
A motion was then made, seconded and carried unanimously; that we sustain the Twelve, as the presiding authority of the church; and that we assist in building the Temple at Nauvoo.
Some remarks were then made by Elder John Young upon the subject of dissensions, which had taken place in the church.-A motion was then made, seconded and carried, also, unanimously; that Elder Hiram Kellogg and wife; Elder Amos Babcock and his wife; also Mrs. Bond, Betsy Markell, and Betsy Farrington, who had united with the Rigdon party, be cut off from the church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints.
Voted that Elder John Knapp be cut off from the church, for purloining money, and running away with an abandoned woman, by the name of Maria Mason, and leaving his family in distressed circumstances.
Several of the Saints then expressed their views and feelings sung a hymn;-benediction by the Clerk;-was then adjourned until 11 o'clock to-morrow morning.
Met according to adjournment. Opened the meeting by singing. The Pres't. then read the 50th chapter of Isaiah. Prayer by L. Heath. A very interesting sermon was then delivered by the President of the meeting, which was listened to with profound attention by the congregation. Benediction by Elder John Young. The conference adjourned for one hour. The ordinance of baptism was administered during intermission.
Met according to adjournment. Sung a hymn of praise unto the Lord. Prayer by Br. Alanson Pettingall. The communion was then administered by Elders Young and Pettingall, unto about one hundred Saints. Union and harmony prevailed in our midst. The blessing of children and the ordinance of confirmation was then performed. A vote was then taken that Betsy Farrington be received into the church by baptism.
Order and unanimity of feeling characterised [characterized] the conference, and the Saints in this place appear to be more united than they have been for some time past; and have, in general, a determination to keep the commandments, and gather unto the body of the church.
It was then voted that the minutes of this conference be forwarded to the editor of the "Times and Seasons" for publication.
Voted that the conference be adjourned until the 6th of Oct. next.
Minutes of a regular quarterly Conference of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints held in Greenwood, Stuben Co. N. Y., on the 5th and 6th of April 1845.
Opened by singing and prayer by Wm. D. Pratt, after which, by motion of J. J. Guinand, Wm. D. Pratt was sanctioned president and Joseph West appointed secretary.
The president then stated the object of the conference, which would come under the late regulations at Nauvoo.
Official members present-high priests two, seventies one, elders ten, teachers one, deacons one.
Representation of the different branches.
Greenwood branch represented by J. Jeremer, twenty-five members, including one elder, one teacher, two removed, one died, one baptized, since the last conference.
Portage branch represented by Wm. D. Pratt, twenty members, including two elders, one deacon.
Ossian East branch represented by J. France, thirty-nine members, including two elders, three priests, two teachers, one deacon, five baptized since the last conference, and five cut off.
Prattsburgh branch represented by A. Norton, forty-two members, including seven elders, one priest, one teacher, one deacon, two baptized since the last conference, and two cut off.
Ossian West branch represented by Wm. D. Pratt, thirty-eight members, including four elders, one priest, one teacher, two deacons, three scattering members in Monroe county.
Hornby branch represented by P. Van Valkinkburgh, forty-one members, including four elders, one priest, one teacher, three deacons, thirteen scattering members, four taken letters, one baptized, and three cut off since the last conference.
Loon Lake branch represented by Wm. D. Pratt, seven members, including one elder.
Hume branch represented by G. W. Fowler, twenty-five members, including three elders, one priest, scattering members represented by the same, four in Little Genesee, Alleghany [Allegheny] county; five in Rochester.
The president then arose and gave much good instruction to the elders; followed by Elder Redfield.
Adjourned half an hour.
Met pursuant to adjournment and opened by singing.
The president then made some very appropriate remarks upon the authorities of the church, also, of some who were once Latter-day Saints, bnt [but] have been cut off from the church by the authorities of the same, and were following a man whom God had not clothed with authority.
Therefore resolved that we uphold by our faith and prayers the Quorum of the Twelve, and all the authorities of the church at Nauvoo-carried unanimously; after which a discourse was delivered by Elder Tappin, upon the resurrection of the dead, followed by Elder Redfield.
Adjourned till early candle -light, to meet on the hill three miles from this place.
Met agreeable to adjournment, prayer by the president.
A discourse was then delivered by Elder Clark on the priesthood.
Followed by the president.
Adjourned till to-morrow at nine o'clock to meet at the former place.
Sunday morning at nine o'clock met according to adjournment.
Opened by singing and prayer by Elder Van Valkingburgh [Valkinkburgh?].
After which a discourse was delivered by Elder Fowler, upon the first principles of the gospel.
Followed by Elder Van Valkingburgh Valkinkburgh?].
Adjourned until one o'clock P. M.-met according to adjournment.
Opened by singing, after which a very spirited discourse was delivered by Elder Norton, from Isaiah xxiv. 1:6., showing that the covenant made with the Jews, had been broken, also, proved from the scriptures, that God had promised to renew it in the last days, and also, showed to every honest hearted person that the work had already commenced.
Followed by Elders France and Redfield, who gave much good instruction relative to the Temple of God at Nauvoo, and also, upon the necessity of the Saints tithing themselves.
Followed by Elder Guinard: also, some very appropriate remarks were made by the president.
Adjourned until seven o'clock in the evening.
Met pursuant to adjournment; prayer by David H. Redfield.
Resolved, that the elders in the different branches that cannot go up to Zion, shall preach as circumstances shall permit.
Resolved, that these minutes be sent to New York, to be published in the Prophet.
N. B. The next regular quarterly conference will be held near Dotico Corners, in the town of Burns, Alleghany [Allegheny] County, on the fifth and sixth of July 1845.
JOSEPH WEST, Secretary.
Minutes of a Conference of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, held at Franklin, Oakland co. Mich., on the 22d and 23d of March 1845.
The meeting was called to order by Elder Wm. Burton at half past ten o'clock P. M.-Elder David Evans was chosen to preside, and Wm. Burton was chosen clerk. A hymn was sung' and prayer by Elder O. Jefferds.
The president then arose and addressed the conference upon the business to be transacted, relative to the building of the Temple, and for the further spread of the gospel in all the world.
The representation of the different branches was then called for.
Franklin branch, by Elder J. M. Wait, twenty-eight members, five elders, two priests and one teacher.
Southfield branch, Oakland co., by Elder J. Savage, five members, one elder and one priest.
Waterford branch, Oakland co., by Priest Green, ten members, one elder, one priest and one teacher.
Avon branch, Oakland co., by Elder G. Mercer, eighteen members, one elder, and two priests.
Washington branch, Macomb co., by Elder Manoris M. Goff, twelve members, three elders and one priest.
St. Clair branch, town of Otterville, St. Clair co., by Z. J. Warren, fourteen members, one teacher and one deacon.
Lapeer branch, Lapeer co., by Elder H. N. Lathrop, fifteen members and two elders.
Pine-Run branch, Vienna Town, Genesee co., by Elder A. C. Chapel, seventeen members, two elders, two priests and one teacher.
Pleasant Valley branch, Livingston co., by Elder B. B. Searls, thirty-eight members, four elders, one priest, one teacher and one deacon.
Cedar branch, Livingston co., by J. M. Wait, fourteen members, one elder and one teacher.
Leroy branch, Inghane co., by J. M. Wait, nine members, one elder and one teacher.
Brown Town branch, Wayne co., by L. Bronson, Priest, seventeen members, one priest and teacher.
Livonia and Bedford branches, Wayne co., by Elder L. N. Kendall, twenty-four members, one elder, one teacher and two deacons.
Scattering members in different counties in this part of the State-Oakland co. fifteen; Wayne co. seven; Washtenaw co. twenty; Monroe co. fourteen; Livingston co. thirteen; St. Clair co. six members.
Moved that Elder William Van Every be appointed to preside over those branches represented at this conference.
The president made some remarks upon the subject of the gathering, and the necessity of finishing the Lord's house as soon as possible. Conference adjourned to meet again at half past six o'clock P. M. Benediction by Elder Burton.
Conference met agreeable to adjournment:-opened by singing, and prayer by Elder W. Burton. The president then preached upon the subject of prophecy. Adjourned until tomorrow at seven o'clock A. M. Benediction by Elder J. Savage.
Conference met according to adjournment: opened by singing, and prayer by Elder J. Savage. The president then spoke upon tithing, &c. Adjourned for one hour. Met agreeable to adjournment. After the usual solemnities,
a discourse was delivered by the president relative to changing the ordinances, &c. Adjourned to meet again at seven o'clock P. M. Benediction by Elder W. Burton. During the intermission six were added to the church by baptism.
Met agreeable to adjournment: opened by singing, and prayer by Elder Wm. Burton.-Those that were baptized were confirmed by Elders Hickey and Burton. Some remarks were made by Elder D. Hickey, and many others of the elders spoke, and also the brothers and sisters: truly the spirit of the Lord was manifest.
Moved that the conference adjourn until the last Saturday and Sunday in June next, to meet in Oakland Town, Oakland co., Mich., four miles north of Rochester. Benediction by the president.
APRIL 15, 1845.
Since the church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, has revived for the gathering of Israel, there has not a season ushered in the tokens of the "time of the end" so visibly to the eyes of a wondering world, as this. The crimes of every description, almost go beyond the bounds of belief; the papers are filled with affrays, duels, murders, thefts, and many other outrages upon liberty, law, life and property: "blood toucheth blood."
And as our paper is delayed a little beyond the day of publication, we are enabled to say that calamity has visited many parts of the country, thus far in this month, with the vengeance that seems to whisper: "shall there be evil in a city, and the Lord hath not done it?" Our last mails have brought us the account of a great fire in Pittsburgh, which has destroyed some ten or twelve hundred houses, with nearly as many millions worth of property. Also a fire in Milwaukie [Milwaukee] which consumed near one hundred thousand dollars worth of property. In fact we might add to the list some fifteen or twenty others, which have characterised [characterized] April as a month of vexation, as well as a season to bud the glories of summer.
None of the visitations, however, which have fallen suddenly upon this generation, have touched the sympathies with a keener sensibility than the wreck of the steamer Swallow, in the Hudson river, near Athens, N. Y., on the 8th inst. Out of some two hundred and fifty or three hundred passengers, about fifty or sixty were landed in eternity under circumstances which ought to warn the living to beware how they trust their lives in the hands of men!
It is too evident to be concealed, that God is vexing this nation. As testimony on this head read the following:-
Philadelphia at the present moment, says the Philadelphia Citizen Soldier, is like a powder barrel with alighted candle stuck in the center [center]. Every moment the candle burns nearer to the powder, inch by inch, and fragment by fragment is consumed. Every instant an awful explosion is threatened, and as spark after spark falls on the edges of the barrel, considerable anxiety is manifested in the question, "will not the next spark fall into the powder itself?" NATIVISM is the lighted candle, burning in the powder-keg of the Quaker city. It has been placed there by hands red with blood; it has been fanned by the breath of traitors and demagogues; and now the sparks begin to fall around the edge of the keg. Beware of the moment when the sparks fall into the powder! Beware the hour when intolerance and bigotry, foul-mouthed and red-handed, shall have done their work of treason! Beware the day when License is let loose again in the streets of Philadelphia; when Riot applies the torch in the Church of God; when Murder shoots the officers of the law and buries its own dead in the American flag!
As an instance of the peculiar state of feeling which prevails in Philadelphia at the present time, we will relate an incident. On Tuesday, the 18th ult., when the Native procession was passing, an idle lad about our office made a rude cross (†) with a printer's roller on a sheet of printing paper, and hung it out the window.
It had not hung there five minutes, when a scene was enacted which would have done honor to the Turks of Constantinople, the Rioters of Kensington, or the Assassins of Southwark. A mob surrounded our office, hooting like incarnate fiends as they pointed to the cross, and clamoring madly for the destruction of the building in front of which it hung! And this, because an Emblem of the Death and Redemption of the LORD JESUS was hung from the window!
The CROSS, which symbols universal love, became the object of the hatred of a mob, who are ripe for any deed of blood, any act of outrage!
And this in Christian Protestant Philadelphia! This is the city founded by William Penn on the principles of universal toleration! The Cross of Jesus is the signal for mob violence, for arson and for murder.
While the clamor was at its highest pitch, a sudden gust of wind tore the paper on which the cross was pasted, from the bricks of the building, and it fell into the hands of the mob. They tore it to fragments, with curses and yells. Ere an instant a hundred hands grasped the symbol of Salvation, and shook its fragments in the air with brutal hurrahs and frenzied yells. They then passed round the corner, brandishing the tokens of their triumph in front of certain offices where are published the SUN and the AMERICAN ADVOCATE.
This little incident speaks for itself.
We present a page, preceding Genesis, from an old Bible printed in 1582, which is 263 years old. We have no facsimile of the border or type, but follow the arrangement and spelling.
Of the incomparable treasure of the holy Scriptures,
with a prayer for the true vse of
the same.
Esai.12 3.&49 Here is the spring where waters flowe,
10.reue.21.16 to quenche our heate of sinne:
&22.17. Here is the tree where trueth doth grow,
Ierem.33.15 to leade our liues therein:
psal.119.160. Here is the iudge that stintes the strife,
reu.2.7.&22.2 when mens deuices faile:
psal.119.142, Here is the bread that feedes the life,
144. Iob.6.35. that death cannot assaile.
Luk.2.10. The tidings of salutation deare,
comes to our eares from hence:
Ephes 6.16. The fortresse of our faith is here,
and shield of our defence.
Matth.7.6. Then be not like the hogge that hath
2 Peter 2:22. a pearle at his desire,
And takes more pleasure of the trough
Psal.119.27, and wallowing in the mire.
73. Reade not this booke in any case,
but with a single eye;
Reade not but first desire Gods grace,
Iude.20. to vnderstand thereby.
Psal.119.11. Pray stil in faith with this respect,
to fructifie therein,
Ioshua.1.8. That knowledge my bring this effect,
Psal.1.1,2. to mortifie thy sinne.
Psal.94.12,13. Then happie thou in all thy life,
what so to thee befalles:
Yea, double happie shalt thou be,
when God by Death thee calles.
O Gracious God and most mercifull Father, which hast vouchsafed us the rich and precious Iewel of thy holy word, assist vs with thy Spirit, that it may be written in our hearts to our euerlasting comfort, to reforme us, to renew vs according to thine owne Image, to build vs up, and edifie us into the perfect building of thy Christ, sanctifying and encreasing in vs all heavenly vertues. Graunt this O heauenly Father, for Iesus Christs sake. Amen.
The following dreadful earthquake occurred in the city of Mexico on the 12th of March last.
At the moment we write, says the Siglo of the 13th, the inhabitants of the capitol of the Republic are still under the influence of the horrors excited by the earthquake of yesterday, the disastrous effects of which we are still imperfectly acquainted with.
Yesterday at 52 minutes past 3 o'clock, P. M., the oscillations began, slight at first and then stronger. The direction of the motion appeared to be north and south. It lasted about two minutes. The shocks were terrible, nothing like them was ever experienced before, and the condition of the buildings too surely proves the absence of all exaggeration.
We were by chance upon the great square at the time, and we witnessed a spectacle not easily forgotten. In an instant the multitude, but a moment previous tranquil and listless, were upon their knees praying to the Almighty and counting with anxiety the shocks which threatened to convert the most beautiful city in the New World into a vast theatre [theater] of ruins. The chains surrounding the portico were violently agitated; the flags of the pavement yawned open; the trees bent frightfully; the buildings and lofty edifices oscillated to and fro; the immense arrow which crowns the summit of the cathedral vibrated with astonishing rapidity; at 56 minutes past three the movement had ceased.
It is impossible yet to ascertain the extent of destruction. Not a house or a door but bears the marks of this terrible calamity. Many of them are cracked and greatly injured, others are tottering, and others entirely fallen. San Lorenzo, La Misericordia, Tompeate, Zapo and Victoria streets and the Grand street have particularly suffered. The aqueducts were broken in several places. The bridge of Tezontlale is demolished. The Hospital of St. Lazarus is in ruins, and the churches of San Lorenzo and San Ferdinand greatly injured. The magnificent chapel of Saint Teresa no longer exists. At the first shock the cupalo [cupola], a building of astonishing strength and great beauty fell, and was soon followed by the vault beneath the tabernacle and the tabernacle itself.
Fortunately, all those in a church so much frequented, succeeded in escaping. At eight o'clock last evening, seventeen persons had been taken from the ruins of other buildings and carried to the Hospital.
At three-quarters past six, and a quarter past seven, two more shocks were felt. They were, however, slight, and occasioned nothing but a temporary renewal of terror.
The authorities did every thing that zeal and humanity could suggest, to carry help to the victims, and restore the aqueducts which furnish water to the city.
It may not be amiss to occasionally give brief sketches of the biography of distinguished men in the church of Jesus Christ of Latter day-Saints. For this reason we will give an outline of the history of Elder Elias Hutchings who departed this life on the 13th of January 1845, aged nearly 61 years. He was the oldest man in the first Seventy, and a President of (we believe) the third quorum.
Elder Hutchings was born in the town of Windsor, county of Chester, and State of New Hampshire, on the 20th of February 1784, where he resided with Thomas Hutchings his father, till December 1816.
He then removed to the town of Avery, Haron county, Ohio, where he married Sally Smith, nothing particular occurred till the 17th of November, 1830, when he and his wife were both baptised [baptized] by Caleb Baldwin into the church of Jesus Christ of Latter day-Saints. This was done in the town of Orange and county of Cuyahoga, (Ohio,) he continued to reside in this place as an exemplary member of the church till September, 1839, during which time he many times manifested his faith by his works. In 1834, he was one of the ever memorable sons of Zion, who took his life in his hand and went up with the camp to the aid and assistance of the saints who had been driven out of Jackson county, Mo. His offering with the rest of his companions in the gospel, was accepted.
In the fall of 1839, he removed to Naples, Scott county, Illinois. Here he lived in all the enjoyments which could naturally attend a good man, away from the heads of the church, till the next May, when he again removed into the territory of Iowa.
On the 10th of November, 1844, however;-having a great anxiety to share the trials and glories of his brethren, he removed to the city of Nauvoo.
After enjoying this goodly society only about two months, regaling in the bliss, satisfaction, harmony and united thanksgiving, which crowned the dedication of the Seventies' Hall, he gave up the Ghost and was gathered to the fathers, like a shock of corn fully ripe. "Blessed are the dead that die in the Lord from henceforth, for they shall rest from their labors, and their works shall follow them," saith the Lord.
The European journals report a recent movement
of some importance, originated, it would seem, by Dr. D'Aubigne. At a conference of one hundred and sixty clergymen and literary and theological professors, lately held at St. Gall Switzerland, he submitted a proposition for uniting all the Protestant churches in the world in a common confession of faith, thereby manifesting, "in contrast with the apparent unity of the Roman Catholic Church, their true and spiritual unity." The proposition contemplated the appointment of a committee to prepare a confession of faith, embracing all the fundamental truths embodied in all confessions of the Protestant faith, and to correspond with all Protestant churches. The movement met with universal approbation, and a committee was accordingly appointed.-Gazette.
(->) We have seen nothing that appears so emphatically according to our notions of the second beast as the above move to unite the Protestant powers of Christendom. If such a combination of the powers of man cannot do wonders, what can?
It is enough to rejoice the soul of a saint to think what an auspicious day he lives in!-Men's hearts are beginning to fail them. And the fig trees are leaving amidst all the trees of the forest: Behold summer is nigh; even at the doors.
The article below, may be taken as a fair specimen of the disunion of all the denominations of the old sectarian churches in the United States, upon the subject of slavery. If there be any that have not split (the North against the South) upon negro slavery in the church, they are ready to do it, and will the first fair opportunity. The best part of the holy farce is, that each becomes the original; in a split; and each accuses the other of Treason or moral Treason: Now which is which?
Paul the apostle must have had his eye upon just such a time as this when he spoke to Timothy as follows:
"This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.
For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy,
Without natural affection, truce breakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good,
Traitors, heady, high minded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God."
Now read the extract.
From the Louisville Journal.
- -1845.
The convention met pursuant to adjournment, Bishop Andrews in the chair. Religious services by the Rev. G. W. D. Harris, of the Memphis conference.
Dr. Smith, of Virginia, rose in his place, and called up the resolution which he, in conjunction with Dr. Pierce, yesterday offered, instructing the committee on organization to bring in a report in favor of separation. Dr. Smith spoke for over two hours in a very plain, but eloquent style, in support of the resolution which they had offered. The audience was very large, and the attention sustained, during the whole address.
We should, said Dr. Smith, be equally unfaithful to the country as to the church. The decision of this high court of appeals, as he had already shown, declared it to be the law and long settled policy of the Methodist Episcopal Church to extirpate slavery from the States of our National confederation-unchecked by the policy and laws of the more immediately concerned.
Here Dr. Smith showed it to be a treasonable movement upon the part of the church, which, however, was not that form of treason known to the statute books, and which implied the taking up of arms against the State, but was nevertheless moral treason; a form of treason more disastrous in its practical operation and final results than that attempted by Aaron Burr and the unfortunate Blanerhassett, because, in its ultimate results, it involved the taking up of arms under a maddened religious, fanaticism more ungovernable than the waves that lash the ocean shore, or the tempest that lays waste the mountain forest. The only safe basis of compromise on which our union could operate conservatively, he felt assured the Northern majority would never consent to. Compromise, therefore, was at an end. He cited the fable of the kite and the cat, which, whilst it exhibited the only ground of compromising the existing difficulties in the church, produced a most thrilling effect.
He commented upon the epithets, "seceders," "disunionists," &c., which had been applied to the South by the editors of the principal church papers. He showed this to be a mere trick of those editors to involve us in the guilt of schism. It was sought to prove us schismatics, to divest us of our legal title to our houses of worship. He examined the property question, and showed that all attempts to deprive us of our houses or worship would prove abortive. He demonstrated that the general conference was but the creature of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and not the Church itself; that, therefore, to separate from the
general conference was not a schism or separation from the Church itself.
"HELP FROM HEATHENS.-The last report of the London Missionary Society, which expends about $400,000, annually, acknowledges the receipt, during the year, of $78,804 from contributors at its various missionary stations."
(->) Upon reading the above in one of our exchanges, we could not help exclaiming:-How unlike the Lord's are the ways of the Gentiles!
After Jesus had chosen his Twelve, and gave them power, he said "go and preach saying: the kingdom of heaven is at hand.
Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils: freely ye have received, freely give.
Provide neither gold, nor silver, nor brass, in your purses,
Nor scrip for your journey, neither two coats, neither shoes, nor yet staves: for the workman is worthy of his meat."
The United States and Great Britain, if they could, would frame a tariff so as to claim duties on the exits and entrances into heaven.-Surely they cross sea and land to make proselytes, and make them twofold more the children of hell, than they were before.
The Infidels have advertised for a convention at New York on the 4th of May next.-All in order: men ought to prove contrarieties and bring out the truth thereby. There is a shaking among the "dry bones," and among the christendom sects, the Infidel ranks first, because he uses reason instead of fire and brimstone: He only lacks revelation to come into all truth.
Among all the great signs and wonders of the world, from the beginning till now, not one has left so lasting and incontrovertible a witness as truth. The wisdom of ages, the inventions of thousands, and the majesty of authority, combined with the pomp, circumstance, eclat and sycophancy of cozening millions, have passed in their time, like the shining meteor or trackless wind, into the region of forgetfulness, or into space, where there is no clerk to minute their greatness-and all is vacant.
Not so with truth; she possesses a power to persevere and continue-ad infinitum, Nor are her votaries less vigilant to keep the faith, the pledge, and never failing assurance, than herself.
An Abel though dead, yet speaketh. The prophets one after another, would die for the sake of the truth; and the evidence of their constancy, like the sun in his inimitable career, came in with the year, and went out with it, and no man, no mob, no king or potentate has been able to blot it out.
So Mormonism, which, emphatically, is eternal truth, cannot be conquered. Drive her peaceable subjects at the point of the bayonet, from Missouri; murder her innocent men, women and children; murder her prophet and patriarch in cold blood; taint the mind of the populace, and fire the hearts of wicked men, with the stench of false brethren, and the torch of apostates; rob the church of the benefits of legislative enactments; and blow the fury of wild imagination into a blaze of "utter extermination," as tried the Egyptians, the Philistines, the Babylonians, &c, and the Americans, or Missourians, and Illinoisans-and still the true Mormon spirit moves forward, as if God was at the helm. And so he is; and he is the power of truth that cannot be conquered. Who fights against the Lord? He that fights against the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. As to the apostates, they have their reward
"Who would be a traitor knave?
Who's so base as be a slave?
Who would fill a coward's grave?
Let him turn and flee!"
THIS may certify that Elder George J. Adams has been disfellowshipped and cut off from the church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.-His conduct has been such as to disgrace him in the eyes of justice and virtue, and we cannot and will not sanction a man who is guilty of such things, as we have every reason to believe that he has been from the most indubitable testimony; we have for some time been unwilling to believe the foul statements made concerning him; but the nature of the testimony now adduced, compels us to believe that the statements are but too true, and that under the sacred garb of religion, he has been practising [practicing] the most disgraceful and diabolical conduct.
We think it just to the saints at large to make this statement. And let this be a warning to other elders, if there are any guilty of like conduct.
Done by order of the council,
Why is the term eternity used so often by men? The bible, as translated, useth it but once.
Some few weeks ago an article appeared in the "Neighbor," wherein it was stated that Elder Samuel Brannan was cut off from the church. From representations made by Elder William Smith, who has since returned home and is personally acquainted with him, the order is reversed, and Elder Brannan restored to his former standing.
James Jonston was cut off from the church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, in Warren co., Indiana, on the 18th day of March last. He is not to be restored to the church again, till he makes satisfaction to the authorities at Nauvoo.
Bishop in Nauvoo.
April 15, 1845.
Evs.[Eve]-O Adam, will you come with me? For paradise is blooming now;
For God has said that we are free Through endless realms the angels fly,
To all of Eden's joys and powers, To bring forth joys for you and I,
To pluck and eat her fruits and flowers, O have you hid yourself from me,
So we may cull the garden through For tasting that forbidden tree.
For flowers for me and fruit for you.
Adam-O yes, the tree of knowledge there,
Adam-All save the tree of knowledge there, And O! my fairest of the fair.
You may, my fairest of the fair.
Eve-O Adam, Adam,-must we go
Eve-O Adam, now 'tis you and I; Where "thorns and thistles" ever grow-
For Satan said we should not die; Where joys celestial never come,
God never made a woman mute, Where sorrow will despoil our home-
And I have eat forbidden fruit- Or can we live and be forgiven,
So now come eat with Eve your bride, And gain our place once more in heaven?
And feast your passions and your pride.
Adam-Yes, for the tree of life is there,
Adam-Yes, on the tree of knowledge there, So come, my fairest of the fair.
I will, my fairest of the fair.
Chorus-And multiply with joy and mirth,
God-O Adam, Adam,-where are thou? And beautify our mother earth .
The Times and Seasons, is Printed and Published about the first and fifteenth of every month, on the corner of Water and Bain Streets, Nauvoo, Hancock County, Illinois, by JOHN TAYLOR, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR.
TERMS-TWO DOLLARS per annum, payable in all cases in advance. Any person procuring five new subscribers, and forwarding us Ten Dollars current money, shall receive one volume gratis. All letters must be addressed to John Taylor, editor, POST PAID, or they will not receive attention.
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