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< Times and Seasons | 6
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Volume VI. No. 5.] | CITY OF NAUVOO, ILL. March 15, 1845. | [Whole No. 113. |
After the mob had ceased yelling, and retired; and while evening was spreading her dark mantle over the unblushing scenery, as if to hide it from the gaze of day; men, women and children, who had been driven or frightened from their homes, by yells and threats, began to return from their hiding places, in thickets, corn fields, woods and groves, and view with heavy hearts the scenery of desolation and wo; and while they mourned over fallen man, they rejoiced with joy unspeakable that they were accounted worthy to suffer in the glorious cause of their Divine Master.
There lay the printing office a heap of ruins; Elder Phelp's furniture strewed over the garden as common plunder; the revelations, bookwork, papers and press in the hands of the mob as the booty of highway robbers; there was Bishop Partridge in the midst of his family, with a few friends, endeavoring to scrape off the "tar," which, from eating his flesh, seemed to have been prepared with lime, pearl-ash, acid, or some flesh eating commodity, to destroy him; and there was Charles Allen in the same awful condition. As the heart sickens at the recital, how much more at the picture! More than once, those people, in this boasted land of liberty, were brought into jeopardy, and threatened with expulsion or death because they wished to worship God according to the revelations of heaven, the constitution of their country, and the dictates of their own consciences. Oh liberty, how art thou fallen! Alas! clergymen! where is thy charity? In the smoke that ascendeth up forever and ever.
Early in the morning of the 23rd of July, the mob again assembled, armed with weapons of war, and bearing a red flag. Whereupon the elders, led by the spirit of God, and in order to save time, and stop the effusion of blood, entered into a treaty with the mobbers to leave the county within a certain time, which treaty, with accompanying documents, will appear in its proper place. The execution of this treaty presented an opportunity for the brethren in Zion, to confer with the presidency in Kirtland concerning their situation, which they improved by dispatching Elder O. Cowdery, a special messenger, after a delay of two or three days.
On the same day, while the brethren in Missouri were preparing to leave the county, through the violence of the mob, the corner stones of the Lord's House were laid in Kirtland, after the order of the holy priesthood.
On the second of August, "the Western Monitor, printed at Fayette, Missouri, edited by Weston F. Birch, published the proceedings of the mob, as follows:
At a meeting of the citizens of Jackson Co., Missouri, called for the purpose of adopting measures to rid themselves of the sect of fanatics, called Mormons, held at Independence on the 20th day of July, 1833; which meeting was composed of gentlemen from every part of the county, there being present between four and five hundred persons.
The meeting was organized by calling Colonel Richard Simpson to the chair, and appointing James H. Flournoy and Col. Samuel D. Lucas, Secretaries. It was resolved that a committee of seven be appointed to report an address to the public, in relation to the object of this meeting; and the chair named the following gentleman, to wit: Russell Hicks Esq., Robert Johnson, Henry Chiles Esq., Colonel James Hambright, Thomas Hudspeth, Joel F. Chiles, and James M. Hunter. The meeting then adjourned; and convened again, when Robert Johnson, the chairman of said committee, submitted for the consideration of the meeting, the following address, &c.:
This meeting, professing to act not from the excitement of the moment, but under a deep and abiding conviction, that the occasion is one that calls for cool deliberation, as well as energetic action, deem it proper to lay before the public an expose of our peculiar situation, in regard to this singular sect of pretended christians, and a solemn declaration of our unalterable determination to amend it.
The evil is one that no one could have foreseen, and is therefore unprovided for by the laws, and the delays incident to legislation, would put the mischief beyond remedy.
But little more than two years ago, some two or three of this people made their appearance in the Upper Missouri, and they now number some twelve hundred souls in this county; and each successive autumn and spring pours forth its swarm among us, with a gradual falling of the character of those who compose them; until it seems that those communities from which they come, were flooding us with the very dregs of their composition. Elevated as they mostly
are, but little above the condition of our blacks either in regard to property or education; they have become a subject of much anxiety on that part, serious and well grounded complaints having been already made of their corrupting influence on our slaves.
We are daily told, and not by the ignorant alone, but by all classes of them, that we, (the Gentiles,) of this county are to be cut off, and our lands appropriated by them for inheritances. Whether this is to be accomplished by the hand of the destroying angel, the judgments of God, or the arm of power, they are not fully agreed among themselves.
Some recent remarks in the "Evening and Morning Star," their organ in this place, by their tendency to moderate such hopes and repress such desires, show plainly that many of this deluded and infatuated people have been taught to believe that our lands were to be won from us by the sword. From this same 'Star' we learn that for want of more honest or commendable employment, many of their society are now preaching through the states of New York, Ohio, and Illinois, and that their numbers are increased beyond every rational calculation; all of whom are required as soon as convenient, to come up to Zion, which name they have thought proper to confer on our little village. Most of those who have already come, are characterized by the profoundest ignorance, the grossest superstition, and the most abject poverty.
Indeed, it is a subject of regret by the 'Star' itself, that they have come not only to lay an inheritance, which means some fifteen acres of wild land for each family, but destitute of the means of procuring bread and meat. When we reflect on the extensive field in which the sect is operating, and that there exists in every country a leaven of superstition that embraces with avidity, notions the most extravagant and unheard of, and that whatever can be gleaned by them from the perlieus [perilous] of vice, and the abodes of ignorance, it is to be cast like a waif into our social circle, it requires no gift of prophecy to tell that the day is not far distant when the civil government of the country will be in their hands. When the sheriff, the justices, and the county judges will be Mormons, or persons wishing to court their favor from motives of interest or ambition.
What would be the fate of our lives and property, in the hands of jurors and witnesses, who do not blush to declare, and would not apon [upon ] occasion hesitate to swear that they have wrought miracles, and have been the subjects of miraculous and supernatural cures; have conversations with God and his angels, and possess and exercise the gifts of divination and of unknown tongues, and fired with the prospect of obtaining inheritances without money and without price, may be better imagined than described.
One of the means resorted to by them, in order to drive us to emigrate, is an indirect invitation to the free brethren of color in Illinois, to come up, like the rest, to the land of Zion.-True, they say this was not intended to invite, but to prevent their emigration; but this weak attempt to quiet our apprehension, is but a poor compliment to our understandings. The article alluded to, contained an extract from our laws, and all necessary directions and cautions to be observed by colored brethren, to enable them upon their arrival here, to claim and exercise the rights of citizenship. Cotemporaneous [contemporaneous] with the appearance of this article, was the expectation among the brethren here, that a considerable number of this degraded cast were only awaiting this information before they should set out on their journey. With the corrupting influence of these on our slaves, and the stench both physical and moral, that their introduction would set afloat in our social atmosphere, and the vexation that would attend the civil rule of these fanatics, it would require neither a visit from the destroying angel, nor the judgments of an offended God to render our situation here insupportable. True, it may be said, and truly no doubt, that the fate that has marked the rise and fall of Joanna Southcote and Ann Lee, will also attend the progress of Joe Smith; but this is no opiate to our fears, for when the fabric falls, the rubbish will remain.
Of their pretended revelations from heaven-their personal intercourse with God and his angels-the maladies they pretend to heal by the laying on of hands-and the contemptible gibberish with which they habitually profane the Sabbath, and which they dignify with the appellation of unknown tongues, we have nothing to say, vengeance belongs to God alone.-But as to the other matters set forth in this paper, we feel called on by every consideration of self preservation, good society, public morals, and the fair prospects, that if not blasted in the germ, await this young and beautiful county, at once to declare, and we do hereby most solemnly declare:
That no Mormon shall in future move and settle in this county.
That those now here, who shall give a definite pledge of their intention within a reasonable time to remove out of the county, shall be allowed to remain unmolested until they have sufficient time to sell their property and close
their business without any material sacrifice.
That the editor of the 'Star' be required forthwith to close his office, and discontinue the business of printing in this county; and as to all other stores and shops belonging to the sect, their owners must in every case strictly comply with the terms of the second article of this declaration, and upon failure, prompt and efficient measures will be taken to close the same.
That the Mormon leaders here, are required to use their influence in preventing any further emigration of their distant brethren to this county, and to counsel and advise their brethren here to comply with the above requisitions.
That those who fail to comply with these requisitions, be referred to those of their brethren who have the gifts of divination, and of unknown tongues, to inform them of the lot that awaits them.
Which address being read and considered, was unanimously adopted. And thereupon it was resolved that a committee of twelve be appointed forth with to wait on the Mormon leaders, and see that the foregoing requisitions are strictly complied with by them; and upon their refusal, that said committee do, as the organ of this county, inform them that it is our unwavering purpose and fixed determination, after the fullest considerations of all the consequences and responsibilities under which we act, to use such means as shall ensure their full and complete adoption, and that said committee, so far as may be within their power, report to this present meeting. And the following gentlemen were named as said committee:
Robert Johnson, James Campbell, Colonel Moses Wilson, Joel F. Chiles, Hon. Richard Fristoe, Abner F. Staples, Gan Johnson, Lewis Franklin, Russell Hicks, Esq., Colonel S. D. Lucas, Thomas Wilson, and James M. Hunter, to whom was added Colonel R. Simpson, Chairman.
And after an adjournment of two hours, the meeting again convened, and the committee of twelve reported that they had called on Mr. Phelps, the editor of the 'Star,' Edward Partridge, the bishop of the sect, and Mr. Gilbert, the keeper of the Lord's store house, and some others, and they declined giving any direct answer to the requisitions made of them, and wished an unreasonable time for consultation, not only with their brethren here, but in Ohio.
Whereupon it was unanimously resolved by the meeting, that the 'Star' printing office should be razed to the ground, the type and press secured. Which resolution was, with the utmost order, and the least noise and disturbance possible, forthwith carried into execution, as also some other steps of a similar tendency; but no blood was spilled nor any blows inflicted. The meeting then adjourned till the 23rd instant, to meet again to know further concerning the determination of the Mormons.
Resolved that a copy of these proceedings be posted up at the post office in this place, for the information of all concerned; and that the secretaries of this meeting send copies of the same to the principal editors in the eastern and middle states for publication, that the Mormon brethren may know at a distance that the gates of Zion are closed against them-that their interests will be best promoted by remaining among these who know and appreciate their merits."
S. D. Lucas, }
J. H. Flournoy, } Secretaries.
"The citizens again convened on the 23rd day of July, 1833, which was composed of gentlemen from all parts of the county, and much more unanimously attended than the meeting on the 20th instant.
The meeting was organized by the chairman taking his seat, when the following gentlemen were appointed a committee, to wit:
Henry Chiles Esq., Doctor N. K. Olmstead, H. L. Brazile Esq., Zachariah Waller, Samuel Weston Esq., Wm. L. Irwin, Leonidas Oldham, S. C. Owens Esq., George Simpson, Capt. Benjamin Majors, James C. Sadler, Col. Wm. Bowers, Henry Younger, Russell Hicks Esq., Aaron Overton, John Harris, and Harmon Gregg, to wait upon the Mormon leaders, who had intimated a wish to have a conference with said committee.
After an adjournment of two hours, the meeting again convened, when the committee reported to the meeting that they had waited on most of the Mormon leaders, consisting of the bishop, Mr. Partridge; Mr. Phelps, editor of the Star; Mr. Gilbert the keeper of the Lord's storehouse: and Messrs Corrill, Whitmer, and Morley, elders of the church, and that the said committee had entered into an amicable agreement with them which they had reduced to writing, which they submitted: and that the committee have assured Mr. Phelps that whenever he was ready to move, that the amount of all his losses should be paid to him by the citizens. The written agreement is as follows:
'Memorandum of agreement between the undersigned of the Mormon society, in Jackson county, Missouri, and a committee appointed by a public meeting of the citizens of said county, made the 23rd day of July, 1833.
It is understood that the undersigned, members of the society, do give their solemn pledges, each for himself, as follows, to wit:
That Oliver Cowdery, W. W. Phelps, Wm. McClealand, [Lellin] Edward Partridge, Lyman Wight, Simeon Carter, Peter and John Whitmer, and Harvey Whitlock, shall remove with their families out of this county, on or before the first day of January next, and that they as well as the two hereinafter named, use all their influence to induce all the brethren now here, to remove as soon as possible-one half, say, by the first of January next, and all by the first day of April next. To advise and try all means in their power, to stop any more of their sect from moving to this county; and as to those now on the road, they will use their influence to prevent their settling permanently in the county, but that they shall only make arrangements for temporary shelter, till a new location is agreed on for the society. John Corrill and Algernon Gilbert, are allowed to remain as general agents to wind up the business of the society, so long as necessity shall require; and said Gilbert may sell out his merchandise now on hand, but is to make no new importation.
The 'Star' is not again to be published, nor a press set up by any of the society in this county.
If the said Edward Partridge and W. W. Phelps move their families by the first day of January, as aforesaid, that they themselves will be allowed to go and come in order to transact and wind up their business.
The committee pledge themselves to use all their influence to prevent any violence being used so long as a compliance with the foregoing terms is observed by the parties concerned, to which agreement is subscribed the names of the above named committee, as also those of the Mormon brethren named in the report as having been present.'
Which report of the committee was unanimously adopted by the meeting, and thereupon, the meeting adjourned, sine die.
S. D. Lucas, }
J. H. Flournoy } Secretaries."
The foregoing is copied entire to give one sample of hypocritical bombast, and current falsehoods, with which the country was flooded in the early days of this church. The declaration of the mob, by which they pledged to each other, their lives, their bodily powers, fortunes and sacred honors to remove the church from Jackson county, is a very good climax for all the arguments used, falsehoods set forth, and even a full interpretation of the sublime admission that "vengeance belongs to God alone." The events that followed from this time till November, explain the modus perandi much more clearly than the publication in the Monitor, or other papers generally, that were so willing to give the western missionaries, the doctors, lawyers, judges, justices, sheriffs, constables, military officers, and other distinguished personages a fair chance against the Mormons.
Tahiti, Sept. 18, 1844.
I take my pen again to write a few lines to you, as there is a chance of sending by a French ship, by the way of Panama, which is across the isthmus of Darien, which is much the quickest way for letters to go to you; or from you to us. If you would send your letters from Nauvoo to New York, to be sent to us by way of Panama, we should get them, I think. You would have to pay the postage to New York.
We have not had a letter, or any news from home since we left, which makes me almost despair of ever hearing from you again. One thing to comfort us is that we have good health and tolerable good spirits. We, that is, Dr. Grouard and myself, are begining [beginning] to talk the language considerable. Br. Grouard thinks of preaching to the natives in public soon. The natives that are acquainted with us, think a great deal of us; and some begin to take quite an interest in the work, notwithstanding the priests say all they can to injure us.
We have baptised [baptized] four foreigners only, but soon expect to baptize more. Truly this place is one of the worst sinks of iniquity that I ever saw. It is full of abominations of almost every kind, which I cannot write now, but when I return I will tell you about them, for I think I shall come back to you again and behold you in the flesh.
We are in hopes of doing a good work here by the help of the Lord, although we have not much chance at the natives, in consequence of the unsettled state of affairs. The French hold the place that they have got, and the natives are back in the mountains. How the matter will terminate I cannot tell. The natives appear to be firm and determined not to give up to the French: however there appears to be two parties of the natives. Some few of the principal men have signed to the French, but the Queen, and the majority of them, stand out and say they never will come under French protection. They expect that the English will help them to drive the French away from their land.
There has been several battles fought since we have been here; in one engagement, which was in sight of where I live, and I could hear
every gun that was fired, there was an English missionary shot in the head, and killed by accident, on the part of the French; and on the part of the missionary worse than foolishness, because it is said that he was drunk and went out and exposed himself, and the consequence was death. This may seem strange that so righteous a man as the priests of the sects of the day, should be drunk at so critical a time.-They are so righteous that they could not talk to us about Mormonism on the Sabbath.
I will tell you a story that one of the missionary's daughters told me that she had known them to get so drunk, when they went to hold meetings, that they went to sleep in the middle of their prayer, and another had to go and finish it. That there was not any of them but what would drink, and some of their women will get drunk, I know, because I have seen them so from day to day; and while the priest in the meeting house is attending to service their sons are out in the bush playing the whore; [wore] so says the natives.
And now if their teachers are in this situation, what situation do you think the natives must be in? This part of the story I will leave for you to judge for your selves.
In my last letter I told you that we left Br. Pratt about five hundred miles to the south of this, where there are no missionaries to disturb him, where he has done a big business, for he has baptised [baptized] all of the white inhabitants on the Island; and the last account we had from him, he had baptised [baptized] quite a number of the natives, and has organized a branch of the church, and things seem to prosper in his hands, which makes us rejoice. He has got the advantage of us, because he has no priests to fight him; and the white men on this island, can speak the native language well, and have interpreted for him from the begining [beginning].
Dear wife and friends, if you knew how lonesome we are, it seems to me that you would try very hard to get us some papers or letters, or some kind of news to cheer us in this place of iniquity. We know not where you or the church are; whether they are in Nauvoo, or whether you are scattered to the four winds. I know that when we left the states, they were making a fuss at Carthage, about the saints. I want to see you and the children very much; but I cannot at this time. I want you to write about them, and all the neighbors, and all the church. Tell Chandler to write, and Noble, and William if he is there with you. I want you, and all the church, to pray for us.
We feel that the Lord is with us and prepares the way for us.
Br. Grouard sends his love to you and says, God bless you. Give my love to all. Tell them to pray for us, and may the God of Abraham bless you, and prosper you, and feed and clothe you, is the prayer of your friend and husband. So I am for ever yours,
Tahiti, Sept. 19, 1844.
I make bold to embrace the present opportunity of addressing a few more lines to you, believing that any information respecting this mission, which you so liberally contributed to, to assist onward, would be interesting to you, though it is but about two months since I wrote; but as there has several changes taken place, no doubt it will be interesting to you to know what they are.
In the first place I would say, we still continue to enjoy the best of health and spirits, for which we feel truly grateful to the giver of all good gifts. But I assure you, notwithstanding our spirits are good, we feel that they could be greatly improved by receiving a few words from home, which we have not had the pleasure of doing since we left America, no, not so much as one syllable. But we live in daily hopes and expectation of receiving some, which keeps our spirits up.
I said considerable in my former letter respecting the difficulties existing here between the French and natives, which I am sorry to say, have not, as yet, been terminated. There has been several battles faught [fought] since I wrote you before, one of which took place close by us, and in which one of the English missionaries, owing to unnecessary exposure of himself, was shot dead upon the spot. Whether this was the cause of their future movements or not, I don't know; but at any rate it was but a few days afterwards that we heard they were all, or nearly so, going to leave the Island which we learned to be true from their own lips, a few days afterwards. This certainly was very agreeable news to us, for which we felt to give thanks to our heavenly father, inasmuch as he was ordering events for the establishing of the gospel, and the rebuilding of his kingdom upon this land. There were, when we landed here, no less than fourteen missionaries upon this Island, and formerly they possessed almost unlimited power, notwithstanding they were the most corrupt set I have ever heard of, who made such high professions as they did. But I have neither room nor a disposition to enter into a detail of these abuses at present; suffice it to say, the Lord has so ordered events that all but three have left the
Island; a circumstance which, when we arrived, the most sanguine could not have anticipated. They have done, and are still doing all they can, to destroy our influence with the natives; but I do not think they have succeeded much, for the natives that we have an opportunity of talking to, tell us that the missionaries tell them great lies about us-things which they know are false, because they have seen and heard for themselves.
We received a letter from Brother Pratt, a few days since, who, I told you in another letter, was on a small Island, a short distance from this. He writes us glorious news, I assure you-news which gladdens their hearts, and gives us fresh courage. I forget whether I told you or not, in my former letter; but at any rate, there were, when we arrived there, on our way here, eight or nine American mechanics residing there, who were building a schooner. They had gone from Tahiti about six months before our arrival, for this purpose. He has baptised [baptized] all of them but one, and ordained the three owners of the schooner, one an Elder, one a Priest, and one a Deacon. Thus, you see, Br. Lewis, the Lord is with us, and working for us, not only in a spiritual, but in a temporal point of view also; he is preparing the way, no doubt, for the gathering of the saints from this side of the globe. Br. Pratt writes, that the vessel bids fair to be a first rate craft of about one hundred tons burthen [burden]. If all things are prospered she will be ready for sea in about twelve months . He also writes that he has baptised [baptized] five natives, and several more have given their names for baptism; among which is the king and one of the head chiefs, and there appears to be a general interest excited among them; every one is enquiring [inquiring].
We, upon this Island, have not, as yet, been blessed with the privilege of baptising [baptizing] any natives, and only four white persons. Yet we hope and trust the time is not far distant when we shall. Those that we get an opportunity of talking to are very believing, and much interested. One grand cause, and I may say almost the only one, of our slow progress, is the difficulties which have and do exist here; but we pray that they may have a speedy and favorable termination, which we think will be the permanent establishment of the French government, at least every thing has that appearance at present. There are quite a number of white persons here, who are very believing, and probably ere long will be baptised [baptized]; some of which speak the native language. According to every appearance, when peace is restored, we shall not be able to answer one of twenty calls on this Island, let alone the surrounding ones, and this group is but a speck as it were, in comparison to the almost numberless Islands in this Ocean. So you may judge of the vast extent of the field of labor, on this side of the globe, and the great number of laborers required in it.
As my sheet is about used up, and all the news I can think of told, I must draw my letter to a close. Give our love to your wife, and all the saints. We request an interest in your prayers. If you will be so kind, Br. Lewis, I wish you would tell my wife I have written her a letter, the same date as this, and enclose it in a letter to her mother with directions to forward it on to her at Nauvoo.
We want you to write to us, and also to interceed [intercede] to have some papers, that is Times and Seasons, sent on to us.
Br. Rogers sends his love to all the saints, and requests an interest in all their prayers.
Yours, in the bonds of the new and everlasting covenant,
Huahine, Oct. 27, 1844.
Again I have an opportunity of sending you a few lines by a Whale Ship, bound to Long Island, which opportunity I gladly embrace, and I would gladly come with it if I thought that I had done what the Lord required of me. But this work is not done as yet, and when it will be done I know not. When it is done here I shall, with all speed, come to you, for I long to see you, and the children, very much, and all my friends and neighbors, as I have not heard a word from you nor the church since I left New Bedford. I am very anxious about you and my prayers are continually offered up to God for you and all the saints, that you all may be preserved from the enemy; that you may have food and raiment, and every needy blessing. I would exhort you to be patient and prayerful, until I come, which will be before a great while I hope.
You will perceive, by the date of this letter, that I have left Tahiti, and am on the Island of Huahine, which is about ninety of one hundred miles distance. The work on Tahiti has got a good start. We baptised [baptized] several whites, and several more said that they believed and would be baptised [baptized] soon, and several natives told me when I left Tahiti, that they meant to be baptised [baptized] soon.
I left Br. Grouard there, who has got the language very well, and I have no doubt of his faithfulness, because he is a firm and faithful brother, and seeks the good of the kingdom of
God. I have no doubt but there will be a great work done there.
Br. Pratt is still on the Island of Tooboui, and the last account we had from him, he had baptised [baptized] all the white inhabitants of the Island except one, and four of the natives, in all something like twelve in number. So you see that the work has a good hold there, and there is no missionary there to stop the progress of the work; and more than all this, some of the men that have been baptised [baptized] speak the native language well, and have been ordained Elders, and have gone to work preaching the fullness of the gospel to them. So you can see that the work is prospering there. If we had five hundred elders here there would be plenty of business for them.
I have been on Huahine but one week as yet, and have not preached, as I am but a stranger. But I expect soon to obtain a house and preach, as there is one or two that show some disposition to assist me in getting one. Almost every white man on this Island keeps a grog shop and a gambling house, which is a very bad example for the natives. If you say any thing to them about it, they will say that the whites learned us. That is all you get out of them. They are full of licentiousness, which the sailors are very willing to encourage.
When I look around me and see so much iniquity and abomination, it makes me sick to the very heart, and I wonder that the Lord has spared the world so long as he has.
There is but one missionary here, who rules the Islands, as it were. All the people say that he is a very nice man; but I cannot say so much of him as he refuses to talk with me. I met him once and introduced myself to him, and told him that I was a servant of the Lord, and had come to bring good tidings to the people if they would hear, and offered him my hand, which he took very reluctantly, and very slightly bid me good bye. I told him I would walk along with him, which I did for a short distance. I told him I would like to see him when he had leisure; he told me he was always busy, giving me to understand that he did not want to talk with me; but notwithstanding, I invited him to call on me, to which he made no reply. By this time we had got to the house where I boarded, he bidding me good bye, which thing he had done as much as four or five times, since we had met, which did not exceed twenty minutes. I have not been able to speak to him since. I feel that the work of the Lord will be established here notwithstanding the wickedness of the people, and their priest to help them. One thing is, I mean to do all in my power and leave the event with God. It is a hard place and no mistake.
I am well and in good health, and so were the rest of the brethren at the last accounts from them. I weigh about one hundred and seventy pounds. In Br. Pratt's last letter, he says that on board of some ship there were steelyards that drew two hundred pounds and that they would hardly weigh him; so you can see that we are not very poor as to flesh. My spirits are tolerable good, though I would be glad to get back among the saints and with my family and friends. No one can tell how sweet the society of saints and friends is, but those who are deprived of that blessing. What makes it worse is that we cannot ever hear from them.
I hope that these few lines will find you, and all my brethren and sisters, enjoying good health and spirits, peace and plenty. Give my best love to all enquiring [inquiring] friends. Tell them to pray for us. God bless you all, is my prayer for you, and so as ever your husband and friend.
On the morning of the 24th we started for Liberty, Clay county, where our brethren were residing, who had been driven from Jackson county, taking our course round the head of Fishing River, in consequence of high water. When we got within five or six miles of Liberty, General Atchison, and several other gentlemen, met us, desiring that we would not go to Liberty, as the feelings of the people of that place was much enraged against us. Changing our course and bearing to the left, we pursued our way across a prairie; then passing through a wood until we came to brother Sidney Gilberts, where we camped on the bottom of Rush Creek, in a field belonging to brother Burket on the 25th.
This night the cholera came upon us, as we had been warned by the servant of God. About 12 o'clock at night we began to hear the cries of those who were seized with the cholera, and they fell before the destroyer. Even those on guard fell with their guns in their hands to the ground, and we had to exert ourselves considerably to attend to the sick, for they fell on every hand. Thus it continued till morning when the camp was separated into several small bands and were dispersed among the brethren.
I was left at the camp in company with three or four of my brethren in care of those who were sick. We stayed with, and prayed for them, hoping they would recover, but all hope
was lost, for about 6 o'clock p. m., John S. Carter expired, he being the first that died in the camp.
When the cholera first broke out in the camp, brother John S. Carter was the first who went forward to rebuke it, but himself was immediately seized by it, and as before stated, was the first who was slain. In about 30 minutes after his death, Seth Hitchcock followed him; and it appeared as though we must sink under the destroyer with them.
We were not able to obtain boards to make them coffins, but were under the necessity of rolling them up in their blankets, and burying them in that manner. So we placed them on a sled, which was drawn by a horse about half a mile, where we buried them in a little bluff by the side of a small stream that emptied into Rush Creek. This we accomplished by dark, and returned back.
Our hopes were that no more would die, but while we were uniting in a covenant to pray once more with uplifted hands to God, we looked at our beloved brother, Elder Wilcox, and he was gasping his last. At this scene my feelings were beyond expression. Those only who witnessed it, can realize any thing of the nature of our sufferings, and I felt to weep and pray to the Lord, that he would spare my life that I might behold my dear family again. I felt to covenant with my brethren, and I felt in my heart never to commit another sin while I lived. We felt to sit and weep over our brethren, and so great was our sorrow that we could have washed them with our tears, to realize that they had travelled [traveled] 1000 miles through so much fatigue to lay down their lives for our brethren; and who hath greater love than he who is willing to lay down his life for his brethren. This increased our love to them. About 12 o'clock at night we placed him on a small sled, which we drew to the place of interment, with one hand hold of the rope, and in the other we bore our firelocks for our defence [defense]. While one or two were digging the grave, the rest stood with their arms to defend them.
This was our situation, the enemies around us, and the destroyer in our midst. Soon after we returned back, another brother was taken away from our little band; thus it continued until five out of ten were taken away.
It was truly affecting to see the love manifested among the brethren for each other, during this affliction; even brother Joseph, seeing the sufferings of his brethren, stepped forward to rebuke the destroyer, but was immediately seized with the disease himself; and I assisted him a short distance from the place when it was with difficulty he could walk. All that kept our enemies from us was the fear of the destroyer which the Lord so sent among us.
After burying these five brethren, or about this time, I was seized by the hand of the destroyer, as I had gone in the woods to pray. I was instantly struck blind, and saw no way whereby I could free myself from the disease, only to exert myself by jumping and thrashing myself about, until my sight returned to me, and my blood began to circulate in my veins. I started and ran some distance, and by this means, through the help of God, I was enabled to extricate myself from the grasp of death. This circumstance transpired in a piece of woods just behind brother Sidney Gilbert's house.
On the 26th, Algernon Sidney Gilbert, keeper of the Lord's Store House, signed a letter to the Governor, in connexion [connection] with others, which was his last public act, for he had been called to preach, and he said he would rather die than go forth and preach the gospel to the Gentiles. The Lord took him at his word; he was attacked with the cholera and died about the 29th.
Two other brethren died at brother Gilbert's house about this same time. One of these was a cousin to brother Joseph Smith, the Prophet. The names of those brethren who were with me to assist in taking of the sick, are as follows: Joseph B. Noble, John D. Parker and Luke Johnson, also brother Ingleson, who died soon after we left.
While we were here, the brethren being in want of some refreshments, brother Luke Johnson went to brother Burket to get a fowl, asking him for one to make a broth; but brother Burket denied him of it, saying: in a few days we expect to return back into Jackson county, from whence we were driven, and he should want them when he got there. When brother Johnson brought this report, judge how we felt, after having left the society of our beloved families, taking our lives in our hands, and traveling about one thousand miles through scenes of suffering and sorrow, for the benefit of our brethren, and after all to be denied of a small fowl to make a little soup. Such things as those never fail to bring their reward, and it would be well for the saints never to turn away a brother, who is penniless and in want, or a stranger, lest they may one day or other want a friend themselves.
I went to Liberty, to the house of brother Peter Whitmer, which place I reached with difficulty, being much afflicted myself with the disease that was among us. I stayed there until I started for home. I received great kindness from them and also from sister Vienna Jacques, who administered to my wants and also
to my brethren may the Lord reward them for their kindness.
While I was here a council was called at brother Lyman Wights, which I attended with the rest of the brethren. The church was organized; a presidency and high council chosen and organized and many were chosen from them to go to Kirtland to be endowed.
From that time the destroyer ceased, having afflicted us about four days. Sixty eight were taken with the disease, of which number fourteen died, the remainder recovered, as we found out an effectual remedy for this disease, which was, by dipping the person afflicted into cold water, or pouring it on him, which had the desired effect of stopping the purging, vomiting, and cramping. Some of the brethren, when they were seized with the disease and began to cramp and purge, the fever raging upon them, desired to be put into cold water and some stripped and plunged themselves into the stream and obtained immediate relief. This led us to try the experiment on others, and in every case it proved highly beneficial and effectual, where it was taken in season
On the 23d of June, Brother Joseph received a revelation, as before stated, saying that the Lord had accepted our offering, even as he accepted that of Abraham, therefore he had a great blessing laid up in store for us, and an endowment for all, and those who had families might return home, and those who had no families should tarry until the Lord said they should go.
I received an honorable discharge, in writing, from the hand of our General, Lyman Wight, to the effect that I had discharged my duty in my office and that I was at liberty to return home. Before we separated the money which had been put into the hands of our paymaster, and had not been used, was equally divided amongst the company, making one dollar and sixteen cents each. Some of these brethren had no money when we started from Kirtland, but they received an equal share with the rest.
(To be continued.)
This certifies that Nelson Bates, a High Priest in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, has been appointed by the Twelve and other authorities, to preside over the churches in the state of New Hampshire, and is a duly authorized agent to receive tithings for the Temple from the branches in said State.
Nauvoo, Ill., March, 1845.
The Prophet will please insert the foregoing certificate.
MARCH 15, 1845.
It will be seen that this number of the Times and Season, is mainly occupied with letters from the South Pacific Ocean, and conference minutes, which, if nothing else must cheer the hearts of the saints. Never, since this last dispensation was opened for the salvation of man, have we had so much cause for rejoicing. The everlasting gospel is being carried by the elders of Israel, to the islands of the sea, and to the remnants of Jacob, or to Ephraim, mixed up among the nations, with that obedience to the mandates of heaven, that have ever characterized servants of God.
Another thing is plainly discernable [discernible]; people do not have to gaze long to ascertain where the power is, to guide and manage the affairs of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.-He that runs may read.
The Temple goes on; union and harmony prevail, and every thing indicates love and good feeling.
The letters from the islands of the sea, are enough to cause the reapers to exclaim: we will thrust in the sickle as soon as we receive our endowment, and reap while the day lasts.
The conference minutes are cheering, showing the onward progress of the great cause of God, and a determination among the saints to uphold and support the present constituted and legal authorities of the church, according to the revelations of God, and the manifested intentions of the martyred prophet and patriarch, Joseph and Hyrum Smith. We will only add, "blessed is the name of the Lord, and he that keepeth his commandments."
Union, virtue and perseverance, will prepare the way for the millennium.
Lee county, Territory of Iowa.
Elder Arnold Potter, President of the Sand Prairie Branch, Represents the same in good standing, containing forty nine members.
By publishing the following in the Times and Seasons, you much oblige the branch of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints in La Harp
Elder David Kushner has been cut off from the church by said branch.
Elder Daniel B. Hurlbut and his wife have been cut off from the church by the same branch.
G. COULSON, Presiding Elder.
J. CLARKE, Clerk.
La Harp, March 1845.
Minutes of a Conference held at the house of Br. Wm. McGray, near Alquina, Fayette co. Ia, March, 1845.
Conference met according to previous appointment, and organized by calling Elder David Pettegrew to the chair and Louis Muetze [or Maetze], Clerk.
Conference was opened by singing, and prayer by the President.
The object of the Conference was stated by Elders D. Pettegrew and Willard Snow, who laid before the brethren the necessity of obeying the commandments of God, and carrying out the measures of our martyred Prophet, in building the house of God, that the saints may receive the blessings which the Lord has in store for them.
Present, on the occasion, of the Quorum of High Priests: D. Pettegrew, W. Snow.
Seventys [seventies] Wm. Martindale, S. Clinton.
Elders: E. Turner, Louis Muetze [or Maetze], Thomas M. McFarland, Robert Richey.
Priests: F. Deike, S. H. Woodbury.
Teacher: R. P. Budd.
Deacon: Wm. Steel.
All the foregoing, after giving an account of their stewardship, and expressing their willingness to do the will of God, as much as in their power, were received by a unanimous vote of the Conference. A fellowship and good feeling of all the members was manifested. Some brethren and sister from Wayne county, on their way to Nauvoo, present.
Elder Willard Snow then made some remarks relative to the epistle of the Twelve, and gave some valuable instructions to the saints, and was followed by Elder D. Pettegrew, on the same subject.
Conference adjourned till next day, 8 o'clock A. M.
Sunday, 8 o'clock. Conference met and was opened by singing, and prayer by Elder Wm. Martindale; after which the President arose and laid before us the situation of the church at this time, and the necessity of giving strict adherence to the counsel of the Twelve, as given in their epistle, which is a revelation of God; that all those who are obedient, may receive the reward of righteousness and obtain a crown of glory, &c.
Elder W. Snow then gave some valuable instructions to the saints relative to tithing, the building of the Temple and the gathering of the saints, &c.
After some remarks by Elders E. Turner and William Martindale, the following resolutions were offered by Elder W. Snow, and received by a unanimous vote:
Resolved that we duly appreciate the benefit of the labor, toils, sufferings and privations during the life and death of Joseph and Hyrum Smith, who received the lively oracles to hand down to us, and recognised [recognized] in them a life and death equally honorable to themselves, to us, and to all the martyrs who have gone before them.
Resolved, That we sensibly feel the same sensation of friendship, confidence and love for the Quorum of the Twelve, together with all the other organized Quorums of the church, who act in concert in their station and cease not their diligence in carrying out the measures and accomplishing the work, contained in those oracles, in the strict sense of pure virtue and truth, in which they were received and delivered to us.
Resolved, further, That we look forward with anxious expectations and unceasing desire for the finishing of the work of the building of the Temple at Nauvoo, and feel to act in union and concert, and assist with our prayers and means, not only for the completion of the Temple, and patronizing friends and their publications, the Neighbor, Times and Seasons, and the Prophet; but to sustain the city and saints at Nauvoo, with our influence, prayers, lives, fortunes and sacred honors.
Resolved, That as a last passing notice to all our enemies and apostates, of all grades, from Simonds Rider down to John C. Bennet and Sidney Rigdon, inasmuch as their bowels and mouths are like Etna and Vesuvius, full of filth and fire consuming their vitals, that they vomit toward the northern ocean, and leave Nouvoo [Nauvoo], to take breath and live awhile in peace.
After singing and prayer by the President, Elder Willard Snow addressed the congregation from 1 Peter II Chap. 5 verse, and was followed by Elder D. Pettegrew.
Conference adjourned till early candle light.
Conference opened by singing and prayer by Elder E. Turner and Elder Wm. Martindale addressed the congregation, after which Conference adjourned sine die.
LOUIS MAETZE [or Muetze], Clerk.
Waynesville, Ohio, March 8, 1845.
Pursuant to appointment, met in Conference and organized by appointing Elder John Bair, President, and H. Jennings, Clerk.
Prayer was then offered by the President.
The President arose and stated the object of the meeting.
Clinton branch was represented by S. Phelps, consisting of forty members, ten Elders, four expelled, and five added, all in good standing; Elder Phelps presiding.
Washington, Fayette county branch, was represented by the presiding Elder, B. F. Brughn, consisting of twenty eight members, one Elder, one Priest, and one Teacher.
Waynesville, Warren county branch, represented by the presiding Elder, E. Braddock consisting of thirty-eight members, fourteen Elders, and one Priest, all in good standing; ten members have been added since the last representation.
Clinton county Pleasant Grove Branch, represented by the President, Elder Griffith, consisting of fifteen members, two Elders, one Priest; three members have been added.
Dayton branch, represented by Elder John Bair, Elder Delony presiding; consisting of eleven members, five Elders.
Green county Sugar Creek branch; fifteen members living there, but disorganised [disorganized] .
Cincinnati branch, represented by Elder Lorenzo Young; about thirty members, all in good standing some five or six have gone off.
The foregoing branches all support the Twelve as the Presidency of the church, according to revelation.
The branches having been represented, it was moved and seconded that brother Royse be ordained an Elder. The vote was then taken and carried in the affirmative by a unanimous voice.
The case of Elder Griffith M. Roberts, was then taken into consideration and after the case was stated, it was then moved and seconded that he be cut off from the church for manifesting an unbelieving spirit; arbitrary and unchristianlike conduct. The vote was unanimous.
Brother Royse was ordained under the hands of Elder Lorenzo Young and S. Phelps.
It was moved, seconded and carried, unanimously, that Elder Joseph Grover, be ordained a High Priest, for the district, for the time being.
The President then addressed the saints in regard to the word of wisdom, for a few minutes.
Elder Lorenzo Young then followed with a few remarks on the same subject.
The meeting then adjourned to meet at 3 o'clock P. M.
Met agreeable to adjournment.
The meeting was opened by singing and prayer by the president.
A motion was then made and seconded: Will the Elders and members observe the word of wisdom and teach the same? Carried unanimously.
It was moved and seconded that Br. John Fugate be ordained an Elder.
Elders S. Phelps, J. Bair, and L. Young, made some remarks with regard to the priesthood; the vote was taken and carried and he was ordained.
The meeting was then addressed by the President on the subject of the gathering of the saints.
The meeting then adjourned to meet in the evening.
Met at 7 o'clock, and opened by singing and prayer by L. Young. The congregation was then addressed by L. Young, on the government of the church, and authority of the kingdom of God.
Sunday 10 o'clock. Met persuant [pursuant] to adjournment.
Meeting was then opened with singing, and prayer by the President.
After Elder S. Phelps addressed the meeting on the restitution and order of the kingdom, Elder Bair followed.
The meeting then adjourned to meet at half past 2 o'clock p.m.
Half past 2 o'clock. Meeting was opened by singing, and prayer by Elder Phelps.
Elder Bair then addressed the assembly with regard to the signs of the times.
Adjourned to meet in the evening.
Evening meeting again opened by singing and prayer by Elder Phelps.
After communion, the Elders and members expressed their feelings and their determination to uphold the Twelve.
Br. Young then arose and addressed the meeting very appropriately and feelingly on the subject of the order of the kingdom of heaven.
Perfect satisfaction having been signified in favor of the conduct and labors of the President, and Elders generally, by a unanimous vote.
The meeting adjourned until Monday morning, 7 o'clock.
Met persuant [pursuant]to adjournment, and the President and Elder Young spent the day in teaching the saints the laws of tithing, the powers of the priesthood, and the necessity of obeying counsel.
Conference then adjourned till the second Saturday in June, at Waynesville, Warren co.
JOHN BAIR, President.
Minutes of a Conference of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints, held at Jackson, Jackson county, Michigan, on the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd days of February, 1845.
There were present, one high priest, also eight elders, two priests, and one teacher.
The house was called to order by N. W. Bartholomew. Charles Dalton was called to the chair, and Arza Bartholomew and Samuel Graham chosen clerks.
After singing, the throne of grace was addressed by the president. The representation of different branches of the church was called for.
Jackson branch was represented by N. W. Bartholomew, twenty three members, one priest and one teacher; all in good standing.
Albion branch represented by C. Dalton, twenty four members, four elders, one teacher and one deacon; all in good standing.
Napoleon branch represented by William Quigly, nine members, three elders, and one priest; all in good standing.
Conference dismissed by a benediction, until half past two, P. M.
Conference assembled pursuant to appointment.
After singing and prayer by the president, a large concourse of people listened to an address delivered by C. Dalton, on the fulfillment of prophecy.
Adjourned until six o'clock, Saturday evening, when the same subject was continued by the president; after which some disturbance occurred by Mr. O. Eitson, to the gentleman's own shame, and his parents disgrace; being answered by C. Dalton, the gentleman plead ignorance and left the house, in the midst of considerable mirth.
[N. B. This disturber of saints is an E. Methodist.]
The meeting adjourned until Sunday morning, with much good feeling.
Sunday morning, 10 o'clock, a large congregation assembled; after singing and prayer by Elder Wm. Son, the conference was ably addressed by Charles Dalton, on the resurrection of the dead, followed by Samuel Graham on the same subject.
Adjourned by a benediction until two o'clock P. M.
Sunday afternoon a large congregation assembled; singing and prayer by N. W. Bartholomew; after which the congregation listened to an address upon the sinfulness and danger of unbelief by Elder S. Graham.
Good attention and much seriousness manifested. Adjourned until 6 o'clock.
Sunday evening; the house became crowded again with many honestly seeking for truth: after singing, and prayer by Isaac Bartholomew, the order of God's kingdom was clearly shown by Charles Dalton, followed by Samuel Graham and an invitation given to such as wished to become saints of this glorious kingdom; three arose and requested baptism.
The meeting was adjourned until Monday, two o'clock P. M.
The saints together with a few Gentile sectarians, assembled at the house of Brother Isaac Bartholomew. The meeting was opened by singing, and prayer by Elder Samuel Graham; a warm exhortation was given by the president; after which five were baptised [baptized]; two elders, one priest, and one deacon were ordained also seven children blessed.
The following resolutions were then adopted.
Resolved, That we will uphold the authorities of the church, by our prayers and abide the teaching of the first presidency, as far in us lies.
Resolved, That the minutes of this conference be sent to Nauvoo, for an insertion in the Times and Seasons.
Resolved, That this conference be adjourned until the first Saturday and Sunday in April next at this place.
Dear Brethren, we rejoice to inform you, that the work of the Lord is prospering in this part of the land, and our prospects are brightening daily. Since our last conference, death has taken from us Samuel Graham, aged 89 years, having been twelve years a strong member of the church. He received the priesthood last May, under the hands of G. A. Smith and W. Woodruff. Long in our memories will last the exhortations which he gave during his last hours. We can say of him, he has gone to reap the reward of the faithful.
We received Brother G. A. Smith's letter on the 14th of January, concerning Brother H. J. Brown; his case was attended to according to his instructions, and Brother Brown was restored to fellowship by the voice of all the saints present, and all things past were settled never more to be called in question.
Arza Bartholomew, }
Samuel Graham, } Clerks.
Minutes of the first annual Conference held in the district of Alabama, Tuscaloosa county, Feb'y 15th, 1845.
Conference met at the Sypsey branch pursuant to previous appointment and was duly opened.
Elder A. O. Smoot was called to the chair,
and George W. Stewart was appointed secretary.
The president then arose and in a brief manner laid before the meeting the object of the conference, and the business that would come before it, it being the first annual conference of this state.
He then called upon the delegates from the different branches to represent their number and standing.
The Sypsey branch in Tuscaloosa county, was represented by George W. Stewart, consisting of forty three members, four elders, one priest, one teacher, and one deacon-generally in good standing.
The Bogue Chitta branch of Perry county, represented by President A. O. Smoot, consisting of forty-four members, four elders, one priest, and one teacher; all in good standing.
The Five mile branch of Perry county, was then represented by Elder A. O. Smoot, also, consisting of twenty two members, three elders and one priest; all in good standing.
The Bear creek branch of Franklin county, was then represented by Joseph L. Griffin, consisting of twenty-two members, two elders, and one teacher; all in good standing.
The Cypress branch of Lauderdale county, was represented by President A. O. Smoot, consisting of from ten to fifteen members, three elders and one teacher; all in good standing.
The president suggested to the conference the propriety of ordaining an high priest in the Sypsey branch of the church, for the better regulation of business affairs therein, and the general welfare of the branches in this state: and on motion of the chairman it was resolved that Brother William Stewart be ordained an high priest by the unanimous voice of the conference. He was then ordained under the hands of the chairman to that office.
The president then laid before the conference the propriety of each officer and member discharging their respective duties and upholding the heads of the church by the prayer of faith.
He then proceeded to delineate and lay before the conference the just claims of the Twelve to lead and preside over the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day-Saints; and then the unlawful claims of Sidney Rigdon, as are advocated by some aspirants and bigots of the age, that have gone out from us, because they were not of us; and then proceeded to contrast their claims, using the Bible for the square, and the Doctrine and Covenants for the compass to circumscribe his merits, which run him out to so small a point, and made the subject so plain, that on motion of the speaker, the voice of the house was taken, which was unanimous in favor of the Twelve, and their right of presidency.
The chairman then laid before the conference the nature of his mission to the state of Alabama, as a presiding high priest in the district of Alabama, authorised [authorized] by the Twelve to take the general oversight of all church affairs therein.
On motion of William Stewart it was resolved that Elder A. O. Smoot be received by this conference as the presiding high priest in this state.
Resolved, that this conference be adjourned until to-morrow morning at 10 o'clock.
February 16th. Met pursuant to adjournment. Elder H. W. Church was called on to address the congregation upon the authenticity of the Book of Mormon, and was followed by Elder A. O. Smoot with some general remarks on the same subject; after which he delivered an interesting discourse on the resurrection of the dead and eternal judgment.
On motion of the chairman, it was resolved, that this annual conference be adjourned to the first Friday, Saturday and Sunday of January, 1846.
A. O. SMOOT, Chairman.
William Stewart, Clerk.
Minutes of a Conference of the Quincy Branch of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints held at the house of Joseph Pine, in the city of Quincy, Ill., on the 9th of March, 1845.
Resolved, That the presidency of this branch stand as it did for the last three months past, that is, that Enos Curtiss, be president of the branch, and that Moses Jones be first counselor [counselor], and John Riley be second counsellor [counselor] [ for the next three months.
Resolved, That Joseph Pine be appointed clerk of the branch.
Resolved, That the fellowship of this branch be withdrawn from Wieley B. Corbett, and that he be reported to the president of the Elder's Quorum, at Nauvoo and that charges or specifications and a statement of his case, as to testimony, &c., be communicated.
Resolved, That the fellowship of the branch be withdrawn from John Thorp, and that charges, &c., be forwarded, likewise, to the president of the same quorum.
Resolved, That the number of the members, including the official members, be reported-The branch numbers about one hundred-of the above there are, including the bishop, nine high priests, one elder of seventies, twelve elders, two priests, one deacon, and one teacher.
Resolved, That the clerk prepare a copy of the
proceedings of the conference, for publication, to be published in the Times and Seasons.
Resolved, That the conference be adjourned to meet on the first Saturday and Sunday in June next.
Some business of a local nature was transacted; viz: five members called for letters of recommendation, being about to move to the Lima branch. One member was dismissed, and some arrangements were made to deal with another.
JOSEPH PINE, Clerk of the Branch.
"Thus saith the Lord God, Behold, I will lift up mine hand to the Gentiles, and set up my standard to the people; and they shall bring thy sons in their arms, and thy daughters shall be carried upon their shoulders.
And kings shall be thy nursing fathers, and their queens, thy nursing mothers.-(Isaiah 49th chap, 22 23 verses.)
From the New York Sun.
"The Messrs. Harpers have published, in a handsome pamphlet, the discourse of Mr. Noah on the Restoration of the Jews, with a map of the Land of Israel. As much curlosity [curiosity] has been excited to read this discourse, a very large edition will no doubt be circulated. It is interesting to know, while referring to this subject, that a meeting has been recently called in the Hanover Rooms in London, for the purpose of recommending the foundation of a society to be entitled 'The British and Foreign society for promoting the Restoration of the Jewish nation to Palestine.' It is proposed to accomplish this object by endeavoring to induce the British Government to take the Jews in Palestine under their special protection; to negotiate with the Porte for the independence of that country, under the protection of England, and the great powers who might concur in the object; and to aid, and to call upon all Christendom to aid in the conveyance of poor Jewish families desirous to return to the land of their fathers, to locate them properly on the land under the direction of skillful agricultural agents, and to provide them with seed, implements of husbandry, and provisions until they reap the first harvest. Resolutions approving of such a society were adopted. It is remarkable that this proposition should have been made in England about the same time Mr. Noah was making a similar proposition here.-(Express.)
The Messrs. Harpers have taken more than usual pains in getting up the above pamphlet, which is upwards of fifty pages of large letter on a beautiful paper. The map is peculiarly interesting, as it embodies the Survey made under the Rev. Dr. Keith, and restores several portions of the land, supposed to have been hitherto alienated, and shows that the property rightfully belonging to Israel by a deed which never can be contested, amounts nearly to 600,000 square miles, reaching from the Nile to the Dardanelles, and from the Mediterranean to the Persian Gulf. The plan proposed to Mr. Noah of promoting the restoration of the chosen people by securing to them possessions of land for agricultural, manufacturing, and trading objects, seems by the above, to have been anticipated by a proposition in London to establish a British Society in aid of the restoration and to induce the British Government to take the Jews of Palestine under its special protection. This proposition independent of its humanity, has much in it of policy. No movement could attach the Jews throughout the world, more firmly to Great Britain than such an one. Successfully carried out-it would place the affections-the religious attachments, and pecuniary and commercial facilities of that enterprizing [enterprising] and wealthy people, wholly at the disposition of Great Britain, producing wonderful results form a mere effect of policy, and humanity, equity and good feeling, and is attainable with the greatest ease. However the whole horizon is lighting up with bright and extraordinary events. By the last advices from Europe, it appears that Jerusalem had been besieged by the Mountaineers from Lebanon, and the Governor had informed the Consuls and the various religious associations always residing in that interesting City that he could not insure their safety, so plunder and massacre necessarily must result from the success of the hordes hovering about Mount Libanus. Should they be in sufficient force to carry the place, which is not strong, it follows that the European powers will be compelled to take prompt measures for the protection of the persons and property of the Christians in the Holy City. In the wars between Mehemet Ali and the Sultan of Turkey, Syria was conquered and placed under the control of Ibrahim Pacha. When Mehemet Ali returned to his allegiance to the Sultan, Egypt re-conveyed Syria to Turkey, but it is evident that in the midst of many troubles and surrounded by revolting provinces, Turkey is in a very enfeebled condition and cannot afford that security in Syria, which is at this time required. All Christendom has an interest in Palestine, and will forever feel an abiding attachment to a country from which sprang the doctrines and faith of the Redeemer. The Greeks and Catholics, independent of splendid churches and convents of every description, have also possession
of the Holy Sepulchre [Sepulcher] which is richly endowed, and the Protestants have their Chapel Prelates and Bishops-the Armenians their place of worship and their missionaries. To have the religious community destroyed and their churches sacked by a hoard of mountain robbers, can never be permitted by Christendom. To have even their safety jeopardized, is alone sufficient to justify a prompt movement, not in the nature of a romantic crusade, but something more tangible and pacific.
Jerusalem & a circuit of country of forty miles around, together with Jaffa or any other port in the Mediterranean, should be transferred to Great Britain and placed under her Government; if necessary a pecuniary consideration could be paid to Turkey, and a guarantee for the faithful protection of the Mussleman faith and their mosques. Apart from jealousy among the Christian powers at this desirable transfer, it would be a great protection to Jews and Christians-a positive security for persons and property of all denominations residing in Palestine, and would draw towards it emigration, enterprise and wealth, which would revive the former prosperity of that interesting country. England would at the same time have a territorial position of great importance in the neighborhood of her possessions in India and within a few days travel of the Red Sea. In a commercial and political point of view, such a territory would be more valuable to England than half her West India possessions, and should France object to it, that important power can be conciliated by some possessions which she might require.
At all events the movements now in Palestine and the invasion of Jerusalem, which some would think accidental, we consider providential. Christianity must protect itself, and if Palestine passes into the hands of Great Britain it will in due time revert to its original owners, and the predictions of the prophets will be fulfilled. We begin to believe in the oft repeated assertion that the year 1847 will produce greater events in the East.
For the Times and Seasons.
There was a day when a certain great king proposed a marriage for his son, prepared a dinner, and proffered to bequeath to his son one of his provinces, on the day of the marriage.-The woman that was to be the bride was very fair and beautiful, her adorning was that of a crown with twelve precious diamonds set there and placed upon her head, holding in her hand a reflecting rod, by which the bright rays of the sun was brought to reflect upon the diamonds, giving light both day and night, so that she walked not in the dark, but as in the light of the noon-day sun, to guide her steps. Her features were fair and comely, decked with virtue, innocence, and loving kindness, administering to all who came under her care; she surpassed all women in wisdom, in faith, and other like precious gifts and graces. The surrounding neighborhood, together with the inhabitants of said province, looked upon her with jealousy and waged war against her and her intended espousal, and treated them as their worst enemies and succeeded in banishing the king's son from his province, which caused the woman to mourn with a great and grievous mourning until she was comforted by tidings from the great king, who promised to bring back his son again, and (seeing his dinner was despised) he would prepare a supper, and invite all the inhabitants of the province to come to the marriage supper of his son, and that his son should be made king over the whole province, and that he would cause the rod of iron which was in the bride's hand to reflect light over all the kingdoms in the province, as this son was the legal heir; and the different kingdoms should become the kingdoms of his son.
This glorious news gave encouragement to the intended bride and enabled her to stand firm through many hard battles; at last the emperor of the nation that was warring with the woman, changed his course and proclaimed peace. The emperor by this means hoped to become in possession of the rod of iron, which seemed to be destined to rule all nations; the woman now was overpowered and was embraced in the emperor's arms, and at this critical moment the king himself stepped forward just as the woman was ready to deliver up her authority to the emperor, and took the rod out of her hand and carried it home to his own dominions and rescued the woman out of the emperor's hands, and secreted her in a neighboring woods, that her life might be preserved. This enraged the disappointed emperor with madness and revenge; he renewed the war, declared his greatness, claiming that he had received from the woman all the authority of the king's son, putting to death all who dared to deny his assertion. The woman wandered in the wilderness for many days, lost the diamonds out of her crown and being destitute of the reflecting rod, she lay dormant in the wilderness; or in other words asleep, having nothing but the pale rays of the moon to guide her feet. She mourned, she wept, she lamented her untimely widowhood, longing for the return of her banished husband; in all this she was some comforted,
waiting with hope and listening with great anxiety to hear the glad news, behold, the bridegroom cometh, go ye out to meet him, put on thy former apparel and prepare thyself for the completion of the marriage; and all those who refuse this my second and last invitation, shall not taste of my supper; this glad news for her was promised to be declared by a messenger from the king who was to bring back the reflecting rod, and all its attending beauties, authorizing the same to be proclaimed to every nation, kindred, tongue, and people, saying, with a loud voice, fear the great king for he is about to execute judgment upon all the rebels.
The Hebrew term or word for book, is sapher; or, as translated, sephar. This leads the mind to contemplate Genesis 10:30, 'And their dwelling was from Mashaw as thou goest towards the Book Mount of the east.' What 'Book' could that refer to? was it not such as Enoch had left upon the earth, and hid there before the flood? Let the learned, the wise and curious attend to this with all their other searchings.
The Book of Mormon, coming out of the ground; the developement [development] of various fragments of history has put mankind to thinking; and if every spot upon the earth, where people have lived, should afford a little history, would it be out of the order of God? Go read the second chapter of Habakkuk: "I will stand upon my watch, and set me upon the tower, and will watch to see what he will say unto me, and what I shall answer when I am reproved. And the Lord answered me, and said, Write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it. For the vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the end it shall speak, and not lie: though it tarry, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry."
Has any woman ever made a wiser saying than this: "He will keep the feet of his saints, and the wicked shall be silent in darkness; for by strength shall no man prevail. The adversaries of the Lord shall be broken to pieces; out of heaven shall he thunder upon them: the Lord shall judge the ends of the earth; and he shall give strength unto his King, and exalt the horn of his Anointed.' If there are any wise women in Israel, let them speak.
BY the counsel of the Twelve, Mrs. Hyrum Smith and Mrs. Thompson request all those sisters who have received papers to collect the penny subscription, to forward them as soon as possible that they may be able to ascertain whether all those employed as collectors have been faithful: as it appears that there is suspicion resting upon a certain individual of having kept the money which she had collected.-They would say for the satisfaction of the sisters that about one thousand dollars have been received, and most of the sisters with whom they have conversed, seem inclined to continue paying their cent a week until the temple is finished; and money being wanted to purchase other things besides glass and nails, they invite all those who are able and feel so disposed to pay up for the present year; and as there are some poor sisters who are extremely anxious to throw in their mite who cannot possibly raise money, they would say that any kind of useful articles will be received from such.
THE Saints are hereby cautioned not to purchase any certificates of stock, in the Nauvoo House Association, numbered from one hundred and seventy six, to three hundred and sixty-six inclusive, and dated February 10th, 1841, as they were stolen with the trunk of Lyman Wight, in the summer of the year 1843, and have not yet been recovered.
Pres. N. H. A.
The Times and Seasons, Is Printed and Published about the first and fifteenth of every month, on the corner of Water and Bain Streets, Nauvoo, Hancock County, Illinois, by JOHN TAYLOR, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR.
TERMS.-TWO DOLLARS per annum, payable in all cases in advance. Any person procuring five new subscribers and forwarding us Ten Dollars current money, shall receive one volume gratis. All letters must be addressed to John Taylor, editor, POST PAID, or they will not receive attention.
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