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< Times and Seasons | 6
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Number 21 | Number 23 |
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Volume VI. No. 22.] | CITY OF NAUVOO, ILL. FEB. 1, 1846 | [Whole No. 130. |
June 22nd; Cornelius Gillium, the sheriff of Clay county, came to the camp to hold consultation with us, I marched my company into a grove near by and formed in a circle, with Gillium in the centre [center]. Gillium commenced by saying that he had heard that Joseph was in the camp and if so he would like to see him. I arose and replied, "I am the man." This was the first time that I had been discovered or made known to my enemies since I left Kirtland. Gillium then gave us some instruction concerning the manners, customs and disposition of the people, &c., and what course we ought to secure their favor and protection, making certain enquiries [inquiries], to which we replied, which were afterwards published and will appear under date of publication. July 2nd, I received the following:
Revelation given on Fishing River, Missouri, June 22, 1834.
Verily I say unto you, who have assembled yourselves together that you may learn my will concerning the redemption of mine afflicted people:
Behold, I say unto you, were it not for the transgressions of my people, speaking concerning the church and not individuals, they might have been redeemed even now: but behold, they have not learned to be obedient to the things which I require at their hands, but are full of all manner of evil, and do not impart of their substance, as becometh saints, to the poor and afflicted among them, and are not united according to the union required by the law of the celestial kingdom: and Zion cannot be built up unless it is by the principles of the law of the celestial kingdom, otherwise I cannot receive her unto myself; and my people must needs be chastened until they learn obedience, if it must needs be, by the things which they suffer.
I speak not concerning those who are appointed to lead my people, who are the first elders of my church, for they are not all under this condemnation; but I speak concerning my churches abroad; there are many who will say, Where is their God? Behold, he will deliver in time of trouble; otherwise we will not go up unto Zion, and will keep our moneys.-Therefore, in consequence of the transgression of my people, it is expedient in me that mine elders should wait for a little season for the redemption of Zion, that they themselves may be prepared, and that my people may be taught more perfectly, and have experience, and know more perfectly, concerning their duty, and the things which I require at their hands; and this cannot be brought to pass until mine elders are endowed with power from on high: for behold, I have prepared a great endowment and blessing to be poured out upon them inasmuch as they are faithful, and continue in humility before me; therefore, it is expedient in me that mine elders should wait for a little season, for the redemption of Zion: for behold, I do not require at their hands to fight the battles of Zion; for, as I said in a former commandment, even so will I fulfil [fulfill], I will fight your battles.
Behold, the destroyer I have sent forth to destroy and lay waste mine enemies; and not many years hence, they shall not be left to pollute mine heritage, and to blaspheme my name upon the lands which I have consecrated for the gathering together of my saints.
Behold, I have commanded my servant Baurak Ale to say unto the strength of my house, even my warriors, my young men and middle aged, to gather together for the redemption of my people, and throw down the towers of mine enemies, and scatter their watchmen; but the strength of mine house has not hearkened unto my words; but inasmuch as there are those who have hearkened unto my words, I have prepared a blessing and an endowment for them, if they continue faithful. I have heard their prayers, and will accept their offering; and it is expedient in me, that they should be brought thus far, for a trial of their faith.
And now, verily I say unto you, a commandment I give unto you, that as many as have come up hither, that can stay in the region round about, let them stay; and those that cannot stay, who have families in the east, let them tarry for a little season, inasmuch as my servant Joseph shall appoint unto them, for I will counsel him concerning this matter; and all things whatsoever he shall appoint unto them shall be fulfilled.
And let all my people who dwell in the regions round about, be very faithful, and prayerful, and humble before me, and reveal not the things which I have revealed unto them, until it is wisdom in me that they should be revealed. Talk not judgment, neither boast of faith, nor of many works; but carefully
gather together, as much in one region as can be consistently with the feelings of the people; and behold, I will give unto you favor and grace in their eyes, that you may rest in peace and safety, while you are saying unto the people, execute judgment and justice for us according to law, and redress us of our wrongs.
Now, behold, I say unto you, my friends, in this way you may find favor in the eyes of the people, until the army of Israel becomes very great: and I will soften the hearts of the people, as I did the heart of Pharaoh, from time to time, until my servant Baurak Ale, and Baneemy, whom I have appointed, shall have time to gather up the strength of my house, and to have sent wise men, to fulfil [fulfill] that which I have commanded concerning the purchasing of the lands in Jackson county, that can be purchased, and in the adjoining counties round about; for it is my will that these lands should be purchased, and after they are purchased that my saints should possess them according to the laws of consecration which I have given; and after these lands are purchased, I will hold the armies of Israel guiltless in taking possession of their own lands, which they have previously purchased with their moneys, and of throwing down the towers of mine enemies, that may be upon them, and scattering their watchmen, and avenging me of mine enemies, unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me.
But firstly, let my army become very great, and let it be sanctified before me, that it may become fair as the sun, and clear as the moon, and that her banners may be terrible unto all nations; that the kingdoms of this world may be constrained to acknowledge that the kingdom of Zion is in very deed the kingdom of our God and his Christ: therefore, let us become subject unto her laws.
Verily I say unto you, it is expedient in me that the first elders of my church should receive their endowment from on high, in my house, which I have commanded to be built unto my name in the land of Kirtland: and let those commandments which I have given concerning Zion and her law, be executed and fulfilled, after her redemption. There has been a day of calling, but the time has come for a day of choosing; and let those be chosen that are worthy; and it shall be manifested unto my servant, by the voice of the Spirit, those that are chosen, and they shall be sanctified: and inasmuch as they follow the counsel which they receive, they shall have power after many days to accomplish all things pertaining to Zion.
And again I say unto you, sue for peace, not only the people that have smitten you, but also to all people; and lift up an ensign of peace, and make a proclamation for peace unto the ends of the earth; and make proposals for peace unto those who have smitten you, according to the voice of the Spirit which is in you, and all things shall work together for your good: therefore be faithful, and behold, and lo! I am with you even unto the end, even so; Amen."
About this time brothers Thayer and Hayes were attacked with the cholera, and brother Hancock was taken during the storm. I called the camp together and told them that in consequence of the disobedience of some who had been unwilling to listen to my words, but had rebelled, God had decreed that sickness should come upon them, and that they should die like sheep with the rot, that I was sorry but could not help it. Previous to this, while on our journey, I had predicted and warned them of the danger of such chastisements; but there is some who would not give heed to my words.
On the 23rd; resumed our march for Liberty, Clay county, taking a circuitous course round the heads of Fishing River, to avoid the deep water. When within five or six miles of Liberty, we were met by Gen. Atchison and other gentlemen who desired us not to go to Liberty, as the feelings of the people were so much enraged against us. At their communication we wheeled to the left, and crossing the prairie, and wood and, came to Sidney Gilbert's residence, and encamped on the bank of Rush Creek, in Bro. Burgharts field. During this a council of High Priests assembled in fulfilment [fulfillment] of the revelation given the day previous, and the following individuals were called and chosen as they were made manifest unto me by the voice of the Spirit, and Revelation, to receive their endowment.
Edward Partridge was called and chosen, to go to Kirtland and receive his endowment with power from on high, and also, to stand in his office of Bishop to purchase lands in the State of Missouri.
Wm. W. Phelps was called and chosen, and it was appointed unto him for to receive his endowment with power from on high, and help to carry on the printing establishment in Kirtland, until Zion is redeemed.
Isaac Morley and John Corrill were called and chosen, and it was appointed unto them to receive their endowment with power from on high in Kirtland and assist in gathering up the strength of the Lord's house and preach the gospel.
John Whitmer and David Whitmer were called and chosen, and appointed to receive their endowments in Kirtland and continue in their offices.
Algernon S. Gilbert, was called and chosen, and appointed to receive his endowment in Kirtland, and to assist in gathering up the strength of the Lord's house, and to proclaim the everlasting gospel until Zion is redeemed. But he said he "could not do it."
Peter Whitmer Jun., Simeon Carter, Newel Knight, Parley P. Pratt, Christian Whitmer, and Solomon Hancock were called and chosen; and it was appointed unto them to receive their endowment in Kirtland, with the power from on high; to assist in gathering up the strength of the Lord's house; and to preach the everlasting gospel.
Thomas B. Marsh was called and chosen; and it was appointed unto him to receive his endowment in Kirtland, his office to be made known hereafter.
Lyman Wight was called and chosen; and it was appointed unto him to receive his endowment in Kirtland, with power from on high; and to return to Zion and have his office appointed unto him hereafter.
The same day the elders made the following reply, as before referred to, to "S. C. Owens, and others, committee" of the Jackson mob.
"We the undersigned committee, having full power and authority to settle and adjust all matters and differences existing between our people or society and the inhabitants of Jackson county, upon honorable and constitutional principles; therefore, if the said inhabitants of Jackson county will not let us return to our lands in peace:-we are willing to propose firstly; that twelve disinterested men, six to be chosen by our people, and six by the inhabitants of Jackson county; and these twelve men shall say what the lands of those men are worth in the county who cannot consent to live with us, and they shall receive their money for the same in one year from the time the treaty is made, and none of our people shall enter the county to reside till the money is paid. The said Twelve men shall have power also, to say what the damages shall be for the injuries we have sustained in the destruction of property and in being driven from our possessions, which amount of damages shall be deducted from the amount for their lands. Our object is peace, and an early answer will be expected.
(Signed) W. W. PHELPS,
June 24th, this night the cholera burst forth among us, and about midnight it was manifest in its most terrified form. Our ears were saluted with cries and moanings, and lamentations on every hand; even those on guard fell to the earth with their guns in their hands, so sudden and powerful was the attack of this terrible disease. At the commencement I attempted to lay on hands for their recovery, but I quickly learned by painful experience, that when the great Jehovah decrees destruction upon any people, makes known his determination, man must not attempt to stay his hand. The moment I attempted to rebuke the disease, that moment I was attacked, and had I not desisted, I must have saved the life of my brother by the sacrifice of my own, for when I rebuked the disease it left him and seized me.
Early on the morning of the 25th the camp was separated into small bands, and dispersed among the brethren living in the vicinity, and I wrote & sent by express, to "Messrs. Thornton, Donaphon and Atchison," as follows:
"Rush Creek, Clay county, June 25th 1834.
Gentlemen;-Our company of men advanced yesterday from their encampment beyond Fishing River to Rush Creek, where their tents are again pitched. But feeling disposed to adopt every pacific measure that can be done, without jeopardizing our lives, to quiet the prejudices and fears of some part of the citizens of this county, we have concluded that our company shall be immediately dispersed and continue so, till every effort for an adjustment of differences between us and the people of Jackson has been made on our part, that would in any wise be required of us by disinterested men of republican principles.
I am respectfully, your obed't serv't.
N. B. You are now corresponding with the Governor, (as I am informed) will you do us the favor to acquaint him of our efforts for a compromise. This information we want conveyed to the Governor, inasmuch as his ears are stifled with reports from Jackson of our hostile intentions, &c."
I left Rush Creek the same day, in company with David Whitmer and two other brethren, for the western part of Clay county. While travelling [traveling] we called at a house for a drink of water. The women of the house shouted from the door that they had "no water for Mormons, that they were afraid of the Cholera," &c,-We turned and departed, according to the commandment, and before a week had passed, (page 1106)
the cholera entered that house, and that woman and three others of the family were dead.
When the cholera made its appearance, Elder John S. Carter was the first man who stepped forward to rebuke it, and upon this, was instantly seized, and became the first victim in the camp. He died about six o'clock afternoon; and Seth Hitchcock died in about thirty minutes after, as it was impossible to obtain coffins, the brethren rolled them in blankets, carried them on a horse sled about half a mile; buried them in the bank of a small stream, which empties into Rush Creek, all of which was accomplished by dark. When they had returned from the burial, the brethren united, covenanted and prayed, hoping the disease would be staid [stayed]; but in vain, for while thus covenanting, Eber Wilcox died, and while some were digging the grave others stood sentry with their fire arms, watching their enemies.
June 26th; the elders wrote Governor Dunklin as follows:
"Sir: A company of our people, exceeding two hundred men, arrived in this county the 19th inst., and encamped about twelve miles from Liberty, where they were met, by several gentlemen from this and Ray county, who went by request of the people, to ascertain the motives and design of our people in approaching this county, and as the deputation was composed of gentlemen who appeared to posses humane and republican feelings, our people were rejoiced at the opportunity of an interchange of feelings and an open and frank avowal of all their views and intentions in emigrating to this country with their arms. A full explanation having been given in a public address by our brother Joseph Smith Jun., which produced great satisfaction, the same in substance was afterwards reduced in writing and handed to the aforesaid gentlemen that it might be made public, as the shedding of blood is, and ever has been, foreign and revolting to our feelings, for this reason, we have patiently endured the greatest indignities that freemen of this republic have ever been called to suffer, and we still continue to bear with heart rending feelings a deprivation of our right having commenced negociations [negotiations] with the inhabitants of Jackson for a compromise wherein proposals, on our part, have been made which have been acknowledged by every disinterested man, to be highly honorable and liberal. An answer to our propositions has not yet been received from Jackson.
If we fail in this attempt, we intend to make another effort and go all lengths that would be required by human or divine law, as our proposals and correspondence with the inhabitants of Jackson, will doubtless hereafter be published, we think it unnecessary to detail the same in this communication, our right to our soil in Jackson county we shall for ever claim, and to obtain peaceful possession, we are willing to make great sacrifices. To allay excitement in the county, the aforesaid company of emigrants have dispersed to await the final end of all negotiations that can be made with the said county of Jackson.
Within the last week, one of our men being near the ferry, was seized by some Jackson citizens, while in this county, threatened with death if he made resistance, and carried over the river, prisoner to Independence, where he was put under guard one day, and after bearing many threats, was liberated. The houses of several of our brethren in this county have been forcibly entered by some of the inhabitants of Jackson, and a number of guns and small arms taken therefrom, where the men were absent from their houses, loaded guns were presented to the females, and their lives threatened if they made resistance, and we have been informed, and have no doubt of the fact.
Your second order for the restoration of our arms, was received last mail; we have not yet done any thing with it. Hoping that the influence of the inhabitants of Jackson county, will materially lesson in the surrounding counties, and the people become more tranquil, we think it wisdom to defer petitioning for a guard, while there exists a hope of a compromise, &c.
We believe that the President would render us assistance in obtaining possession of our lands, if aided by the executive of this state in a petition and thereby put an end to serious evils that are growing out of the Jackson outrage. In a letter from your excellency, of April 20th, we had a word on the subject of petitioning. We should be pleased to hear further, and would here observe that no communication from the executive, giving his opinion or advice, will be made public, if requested not to do so.
We are respectfully, and with great regard
Your obed't serv'ts,
The drafting and signing of the above, was the last public act of the keeper of the Lord's storehouse, Algernon S. Gilbert, for he was attacked with the cholera the same day, and died in a few hours, according to his own words that he "would rather die than go forth to preach the gospel to the Gentiles."
The following is from the chairman of the committee of the Jackson mob, to our lawyer:
"Independence, Mo., June 26, 1834.
Mr. Amos Reese;
Dear Sir.: Since my return from Liberty, I have been busily engaged in conversing with the most influential men of our county, endeavoring to find out if possible, what kind of a compromise will suit with the Mormons on their part. The people here, enmass, I find out, will do nothing like according to their last proposition. We will have a meeting if possible, on Monday next, at which time the proposals of the Mormons will be answered. In the mean time, I would be glad, that they, the Mormons, would cast an eye back of Clinton and see if that is not a country calculated for them."
Yours Respectfully,
The cholera continued its ravages about four days, when an effectual remedy for their purging, vomiting, and cramping was discovered; viz, dipping the person afflicted in cold water, or pouring it upon them, about sixty eight of the saints suffered from this disease, of which number thirteen died, viz. John S. Carter, Eber Wilcox, Seth Hitchcock, Erastus Rudd, Algernon Sidney Gilbert, Alfred Frisk, Edward Ives, Noah Johnson, Jesse B. Lawson, Robert McCord, Eliah Strong, Jesse Smith and Betsy Parish.
The last days of June I spent with my old Jackson county friends in the western part of Clay county.
On the first of July I crossed the Missouri river, in company with a few friends, into Jackson county, to set my feet once more on the "goodly land" and on the 2nd I went down near Liberty and visited the brethren. This day the 'Enquirer' the correspondence between the Sheriff and the camp, of the 22nd of June as follows:
"Being a citizen of Clay county, and knowing that there is considerable excitement amongst the people thereof: and also knowing that different reports are arriving almost hourly: and being requested of the Hon. J. F. Ryland, to meet the Mormons under arms, and obtain from the leaders thereof the correctness of the various reports in circulation; the true intent and meaning of their present movements, and their views generally regarding the difficulties existing between them and Jackson county:-I did in company with other gentlemen, call upon the said leaders of the Mormons, at their camp in Clay county; and now give to the people of Clay county their written statement, containing the substance of what passed between us."
Being called, upon by the above named gentlemen, at our camp in Clay county, to ascertain from the leaders of our men, our intentions, views, and designs, in approaching this county in the manner we have; we therefore, the more cheerfully comply with their request, because we are called upon by gentlemen of good feeling, and who are disposed for peace and an amicable adjustment of the difficulties existing between us and the people of Jackson county. The reports of our intentions are various and have gone abroad in a light calculated to arouse the feeling of almost every man. For instance one report is, that we intend to demolish the Printing office in Liberty; another report is, that we intend crossing the Missouri river on Sunday next, and falling upon women and children and slaying them; another is, that our men were employed to perform this expedition, being taken from manufacturing establishments in the East, that had closed business: also that we carried a flag, bearing "peace" on one side and "war or blood" on the other; and various others too numerous to mention, all of which, a plain declaration of our intentions from under our own hands, will shew [show] are not correct.
In the first place, it is not our intention to commit hostilities against any man or set of men, it is not our intention to injure any man's person or property, except in defending ourselves. Our flag has been exhibited to the above gentlemen who will be able to describe it. Our men were not taken from any manufacturing establishment. It is our intention to go back upon our lands in Jackson county, by order of the executive of the State, if possible. We have brought our arms with us for the purpose of self defence [defense], as it is well known to almost every man of the State, that we have every reason to put ourselves in an attitude of defence [defense], considering the abuse we have suffered in Jackson county. We are anxious for a settlement of the difficulties existing between us, upon honorable and constitutional principles.
We are willing for twelve disinterested men, six to be chosen by each party, and these men shall say what the possessions of those men are worth who cannot live with us in the county; and they shall have their money in one year; and none of the Mormons shall enter that county to reside until the money is paid. The damages that we have sustained in consequence of being driven away, shall also be left to the above twelve men, or they may all live in the county, if they choose, and we will never molest them if they let us alone, and permit us to enjoy our rights. We want to live in peace
with all men, and equal rights is all we ask. We wish to become permanent citizens of this state, and wish to bear our proportion in support of the government and to be protected by its laws. If the above propositions are complied with, we are willing to give security on our part: and we shall want the same of the people of Jackson county for the performance of this agreement. We do not wish to settle down in a body, except where we can purchase the land with money; for to take possession by conquest of the shedding of blood, is entirely foreign to our feelings. The shedding of blood we shall not be guilty of, until all just and honorable means among men prove insufficient to restore peace."
To John Lincoln, John Sconce, Geo. R. Morehead, Jas. H. Long, James Collins.
On the third of July, the High Priests of Zion assembled in Clay county, and I proceeded to organize a High Council, agreeably to revelation given at Kirtland, for the purpose of settling important business that might come before them, which could not be settled by the bishop and his council. David Whitmer was elected president, and W. W. Phelps and John Whitmer, assistant presidents. The following High priests, viz, Christian Whitmer, Newel Knight, Lyman Wight, Calvin Beebe, Wm. E. McLellin, Solomon Hancock, Thomas B. Marsh, Simeon Carter, Parley P. Pratt, Orson Pratt, John Murdoch, Levi Jackman, were appointed councillors [councilors] and the council adjourned to Monday.
Frederick G. Williams was clerk to the meeting.
From this time I continued of [to?] give instruction to the members of the High council, Elders, those who had travelled [traveled] in the camp with me, and such others as desired information, until the 7th, when the council assembled according to adjournment, at the house of Elder Lyman Wight, present fifteen High priests, eight elders, four priests, eight teachers, three deacons, and members.
After singing and prayer I gave the council such instruction in relation to their high calling, as would enable them to proceed to minister in their office agreeably to the pattern heretofore given; read the revelation on the subject; and told them that if I should now be taken away, I had accomplished the great work the Lord had laid before me, and that which I had desired of the Lord; and that I had done my duty in organizing the High council, through which council the will of the Lord might be known on all important occasions, in the building up of Zion, and establishing truth in the earth.
It was voted that those who were appointed on the third should be confirmed in their appointments. I then ordained David Whitmer, president, and W. W. Phelps and John Whitmer assistants; and their twelve councillors [councilors]; the twelve councillors [councilors] then proceeded to cast lots, to know who should speak first, and the order of speaking, which resulted as follows: viz
Simeon Carter, 1 Parley P. Pratt, 2
Wm E. Me Lellin, [Mc Lellin] 3 Calvin Beebe 4
Levi Jackman, 5 Solomon Hancock 6
Christian Whitmer 7 Newel Knight 8
Orson Pratt 9 Lyman Wight 10
Thomas B. Marsh 11 John Murdoch 12
Father Whitmer came forward and blessed his three sons, David, John and Christian Whitmer, in the name of the Lord. Also Father Knight blessed his son, Newel. Bishop Partridge stated to the council that a greater responsibility rested upon him than before their organization, as it was not his privilege to counsel with any of them except the president, and his own councillors [councilors], and desired their prayers that he might be enabled to act in righteousness.
I next presented the case of W. W. Phelps, to the council, to have their decision whether he should take his family to Kirtland, and if so, when he shall start; as it had been deemed necessary for him to assist in the Printing establishment, it was motioned and carried that four of the councillors [councilors] speak on the subject, two on each side, viz. Simeon Carter, and Wm. E. Mc Lellin, for the plaintiff; and Parley P. Pratt and Calvin Beebe for the church, after hearing the pleas, the president decided that it was the duty of W. W. Phelps to go to Kirtland to assist in printing, and that his family remain in the region where they were, and that he have an honorable discharge from his station in Zion for a season, (as soon as he can accomplish his business.) Signed by the President and clerk.
It was then proposed by W. W. Phelps, that David Whitmer, the president of the church in Zion, should go to Kirtland, and assist in promoting the cause of Christ, as being one of the three witnesses. This case was argued by Levi Jackman and Christian Whitmer on behalf of the plaintiffs, and Solomon Hancock and Newel Knight for the church; after which it was decided, as before, that Br. David Whitmer
go to the East and assist in the great work, of the gathering and be his own judge as to leaving his family or taking them with him. It was also decided that John Whitmer and Wm. E. Mc Lellin go east, as soon as convenient.
The high priests, elders, priests, teachers, deacons and members present, then covenanted with hands uplifted to heaven, that you would uphold Br. David Whitmer, as president in Zion, in my absence, and John Whitmer and W. W. Phelps as assistant presidents or councillors [councilors], and myself as first president of the church, and one another by faith and prayer.
Previous to entering into this covenant, and in pursuance of the revelation to the saints to sue for, and proclaim peace to the ends of the earth. The following appeal was written, and sanctioned by the High council, and first presidency of the church, at the foregoing sitting.
President Whitmer closed the council by prayer.
F. G. WILLIAMS, Clerk.
Whereas the church of Christ, recently styled the church of the Latter Day Saints, contumeliously called Mormons, or Mormonites, has suffered many privations, afflictions, persecutions and losses, on account of the religious belief and faith of its members, which belief and faith are founded in the revealed word of God, as recorded in the holy Bible, or the Book of Mormon, the Revelations and Commandments of our Savior, Jesus Christ; and whereas the said church, by revelation, commenced removing to the western boundaries of the State of Missouri, where lands were purchased of the Government, and where it was calculated to purchase of those who were unwilling to reside with the church as a society, all lands that could be bought, for the purpose of building up a holy city unto God, a New Jerusalem, a place where desirous to call Zion, as we believe a place of refuge from the scourges and plagues which are so often mentioned in the Bible by the prophets and apostles, that should be poured out upon the earth in the last days; and whereas the inhabitants of Jackson county, Missouri, have leagued and combined against said church, and have driven the saints from their lands, and took their arms from them and burned down many of their houses, without any provocation; and whereas we have petitioned the Governor of this State, and the President of the United States, for redress of wrongs, (the law being put to defiance in Jackson county,) and for redemption of rights, that we might be legally repossessed of our lands and property; and whereas the said inhabitants of Jackson county, have not only bound themselves to keep us out of that county, but have armed themselves, cap a pie, and even with cannon, for war; and whereas our people, residing in the upper Missouri, have recently armed themselves for military duty and self defence [defense], seeing their arms taken from them by the inhabitants of Jackson county, were purposely kept from them; and whereas a number of the members of the church in the east, have emmigrated [emigrated] to this region of country to settle and join their brethren, with arms to answer the military law, which has created some excitement among the inhabitants of the upper counties of this State; whereupon, to shew [show] that our object was only the peaceable possession of our rights and property, and to purchase more land in the regions round about, we met a committee from Jackson county for compromise; and our emigrating brethren met some gentlemen from Clay and other counties to satisfy them that their motives were good, and their object peace, which they did; and whereas the propositions of the Jackson committee could not be accepted on our part, because they proposed to "buy or sell," and to sell our land would amount to a denial of our faith as that land is the place where the Zion of God shall stand, according to our faith and belief in the revelations of God and upon which Israel will be gathered according to the prophets:-And, secondly, the propositions were unfair, notwithstanding they offered double price for our lands, in thirty days, or sell theirs at the same rate, for this plain reason, that the whole large county of Jackson would be as thirty to one, or nearly so, in comparison with the matter in question, and in supposition, for one thousand dollars, two thousand dollars to our people, was asking for three hundred thousand dollars, the exorbitant sum of six hundred thousand dollars, taking the land, rich and poor, in thirty days! with the reproachable, vicious, unamerican, and unconstitutional provision, that the committee on our part, bind themselves "that no Mormon should ever settle in Jackson county" and whereas our committee proposed to the said Jackson committee, (if they would not grant us our rights otherwise,) that our people would buy the land of those that were unwilling to live among our people, in that county, and pay them in one year, they allowing the damage we have sustained in the loss of a printing office, apparatus, and book work, houses, property, &c., to come out of the purchase money, but no answer returned; and whereas, to shew [show] our honest intentions, and awaken the friends of virtue, humanity & equal rights, it becomes our duty to lay our case before the world, to be weighed in the balances of public opinion:-
Now, therefore, as citizens of the United States, and leading elders in the church of the Latter Day Saints, residing in the State of Missouri, in behalf of the church, we, the undersigned, do make this solemn appeal to the people and constitutional authorities of this nation and to the ends of the earth, for peace; that we may have the privilege of enjoying our religious rights and immunities, and worship God according to the dictates of our own consciences, as guaranteed to every citizen by the constitution of the National and State Governments. That, although the laws have been broken, and are defied in Jackson county, we may be enabled to regain and enjoy our rights and property, agreeable to law in this boasted land of liberty.
From the Millennial Star.
I stood in the midst of a vast field, surrounded by an immense wilderness interwoven with lakes rivers, and streams. The field and wilderness were filled with lions, tigers, bears, wolves, and all manner of wild beasts; also horned cattle, horses, camels, dromedaries, mules, asses, goats, and all species of animals. I looked and beheld some sheep scattered abroad through all the field and wilderness among all the beasts of the field. The lord of the field said to his chief shepherd, "appoint twelve other shepherds, and send three east, three west, three north,, and three south, and let them appoint other shepherds to assist them, and gather together all my sheep throughout all the field and wilderness, for it is not meet in mine eyes that my sheep should remain scattered abroad among all the beasts of the field and forest, lest they be devoured." I saw that the shepherds went and labored with all their might, and gathered them together in flocks throughout all the field and wilderness, and appointed a shepherd over each flock. The lord of the field said to the chief shepherd, "Go to, now, call the twelve principal shepherds, and let them call upon all other shepherds, and let all join together, and prepare a safe pasture, in a choice piece of land, for all my sheep, and build a high wall around it, and build a high tower in the midst thereof, and let a great book be prepared and kept in the tower; let all my sheep be named, and let the shepherd over each flock send up the name of each sheep, that it may be recorded in the book, and all such shall have the privilege of coming in and out and pasture. Let there be a great covering go forth from the tower, that there may be a shelter for my sheep from the heat and tempest." And a chief shepherd, the twelve principal shepherds, went forth with others and labored with all their might to prepare the choice piece of land for a pasture for the sheep, and also to build the great tower. And while they were building the tower, lo! a great wonder appeared among the sheep. It was discovered that some of the sheep that had been fair to look on began to have great horns rise up, their teeth became like those of a lion, and their wool changed to long coarse hair, and they had claws as a bear; they had not the disposition of the sheep, but ran about and roared like the lion, desiring to destroy the sheep. They ran out of the flock and mingled with the wild beasts of the forest; and while many of the principal shepherds had gone out to call upon other shepherds to assist in building the tower, some of the strange beasts that had left the flock returned from the wilderness with a number of wolves to devour the flock. The chief shepherd with his brother, who also was a noble shepherd, with two of the principal shepherds, went out to meet them in order to save the flock. When they saw them they fell upon them and devoured the chief shepherd and his brother, and severely wounded one of the other two. But those of the principal shepherds who were abroad, hearing of the death of the two shepherds, immediately returned with those two who were not devoured in saving the flock. Then was there great mourning among all the shepherds and the flock, because the two chief shepherds were devoured. Nevertheless, the lord of the field said to the twelve principal shepherds. "cease not my work, neither let your hands be slack, but continue the building of the tower and preparing the pasture for the security of my sheep, for they must be saved." And they were joined by many other shepherds, and labored with greater diligence than ever, and the lord of the field helped them, and they reared the tower, and built the wall, and prepared the choice piece of ground, much faster than before. And the lord of the field said, "let a shepherd be appointed to visit the flocks of sheep that dwell among the great lion of the east, and see that their names are sent up to be recorded in the great book that is kept in the tower." And I thought in my dream, it fell to my lot to visit the flocks of sheep in the east. And according to the commandment of the lord of the field, I went to the flocks in the east, and found shepherds with all the flocks. Then I called upon the shepherds to send me the names of the sheep of their flocks, that they might be recorded in the great book of the tower, and most of the shepherds began to send to me the names of the flocks of sheep with them; and my soul was made glad, because of the shepherds hearkening
to the commandment of the lord of the field, that the flocks might have a shelter from the approaching storm and heat. But there were some who did not send up their names to be recorded in the book. While I was passing through the wilderness, among the lions, I found a large flock of sheep very beautiful, with a faithful shepherd, and I asked him if he had sent up a list of the names of his sheep to be recorded in the great book, and he told me he had not, at which I wondered, but he said he would soon; so I went my way. The shepherd labored diligently to increase his flock, seek out all the sheep, and nourish the lambs, but he forgot to give them a name in the book of the tower, with all the sheep in the field; and I was much grieved and troubled in spirit for them, for they were so fair and beautiful I wished them to have a name and a place in the great tower, with all the sheep, that they might escape the storm.
When I had secured all the names that the shepherds sent, I returned to behold the great tower and goodly pasture and principal shepherds surrounded with thousands of other shepherds, and an almost innumerable number of sheep that the shepherds had gathered together: and I wondered with great admiration, for I beheld that the tower was finished, and the wall around the pasture, and the covering to shelter the sheep from the storm. While I was overwhelmed with joy at the magnificence of the sight, I cast my eyes upon a conspicuous part of the tower, and beheld written in large Hebrew Letters "Tower of Joseph, the Seer." At this moment I heard the lord of the field say to the leader of the twelve principal shepherds, go and bring the great book from the tower and read the names of my shepherds and sheep who have built this tower, and as he brought out the book, I saw on its back the following words, "Book of the Law of the Lord." As the leader of the twelve principal shepherds commenced to read the names, it seemed from the dead silence that prevailed among the myriads present as though all nature had ceased to breathe. A herald stood with a trumpet and proclaimed aloud each name as it was read from the book. Notwithstanding the great joy that rested upon many thousands of the shepherds and sheep that were present whose names were recorded in the book, I was grieved in spirit and wept much, for I had seen some fair and beautiful sheep among the great lion of the east whose names were not recorded in the book. Then I heard the voice of Lord of the field commanding the twelve principal shepherds, saying-call in all the shepherds and sheep whose names are written in the great book of the tower, and let all the great gates of the outer wall be shut, and let the shepherds gather all the sheep under the cover. The shepherds did as they were commanded, and when they were all gathered under the cover, there began to be a great heat from the sun for many days through all the wilderness and fields, save the green pasture which had a cover. And there was a great plague rested upon the sea, and all the fishes in the sea died, and all the rivers and streams of water through the field and wilderness dried up, and the herbs and grass were withered, and when none of the beasts of the forest or cattle could obtain water nor any green food, they became mad and began to devour each other, and there was a great destruction throughout the vast field and wilderness: the stronger devoured the weaker animals until they were all destroyed. The stronger then began to devour each other, until but few were left in all the forest. At the end of the heat there was a great storm of wind and rain, mingled with hail, even the weight of a talent, and it fell upon all the beasts of the forest who were not devoured by the first calamity, then they fled to the walls of the choice pasture for shelter, but they could not get in for the gates were shut. Their roaring without the walls in agony because of the falling of the hail made the sheep tremble within; nevertheless they were safe within the walls and under cover. In the midst of this calamity and judgment without, I was suffering in spirit within, fearing that some of the sheep whose names were not written in the great book of the tower were trampled down by the beasts of the forest or destroyed by the hail.
Whoever has the gift of interpreting dreams, and will give a true interpretation to the foregoing, will confer a favor on a shepherd of the East.
Beloved Brethren-We are fully aware of the anxiety, that must necessarily rest on your minds at this time in relation to our success in making up a company to go by water. And we feel happy to say, that the faith and energy of the saints in this matter has surpassed our expectations. Our company now numbers over one hundred who have means sufficient to fit themselves out handsomely and comfortably for the voyage. We would say to all who have any quantity of provisions on hand, such as beef and pork to fetch it with them. They will also remember that they require no thick clothing on their arrival at the place of destination. Every thing that is useful here is useful there, with the exceptions of thick clothing, stoves, &c. We want the company on the reception of this, to commence sending in their moneys. Where there is a large amount
it had better be sent by some responsible person; small amounts, such as two or three hundred dollars can be sent by the mail-one letter with the money or check on some bank in this city, and another giving the particulars. Persons having large sums of money, had better come to the city and assist in their investment and then there will be no cause for dissatisfaction hereafter.
We have chartered the ship Brooklyn, Capt. Richardson, of four hundred and fifty tons, at twelve hundred dollars per month, and we pay the port charges; the money to be paid before sailing. She is a first class ship in the best of order for sea, and with all the rest a very fast sailor, which will facilitate our passage greatly. The between decks will be very neatly fitted up into one large cabin, with a row of state rooms on each side, so that every family will be provided with a state room, affording them places of retirement at their pleasure. She will be well lighted with sky lights in the deck, with every other convenience to make a family equally as comfortable as by their own fireside in Babylon. She will be ready to receive freight on to-morrow, and all had better commence sending their things that they have no immediate use for, (well packed in barrels, boxes, or bags-marked,) and have them put on board the vessel, that when they come on they will have nothing to do but to "take up their bed and walk," and it will save much confusion prior to starting. This in particular should be observed by those at a great distance, and their things will be sure not to be left behind. Some of the females in delicate health had better come into the city as soon as they can; small rooms can be rented in the city very cheap, which would serve them until they get ready to go on board. Bring all your beds and bedding, all your farming and mechanical tools, and your poultry, beef, pork, potatoes, and any thing else that will sustain life. You had better pack your things in boxes with hinges to the cover, instead of barrels; the boards will serve for some useful purpose at your journey's end. Don't forget your pots and kettles, with your necessary cooking utensils, have them, with your crockery, packed snug, for you will be furnished with tin ware that will not break.
We have not but little better than four weeks to purchase our provisions and stores, also casks to hold our water, and get everything on board to serve us on the passage; to do this, we want your money before you can all get here, that the ship may not have anything to prevent her from sailing the appointed time-time with us is money-also, to pay the charter money.
The ship will sail on the 24th of January, instead of the 26th: by so doing we shall gain two days, which would be otherwise lost by sailing on the latter, as all would have to lay in port over Sunday, when nothing could be done. All freight and letter to be addressed to S. Brannan, No. 7 Spruce St.
If any accident should happen to delay any one's arriving at the appointed time, we shall wait for them. It will be necessary for you to be in the city on the 20th or 21st.
All persons that can raise fifty dollars will be able to secure passage on the ship. We believe we have said all that is necessary until you arrive here, which we hope you will not fail to do to a man. We have received our instructions from the Twelve at the West, which will be laid before the company on their arrival in the city.
The captain and crew of our vessel are all temperance man. Capt. Richardson bears the reputation of being one of the most skillful seamen that has ever sailed from this port, and bears an excellent moral character.
N. B. Now brethren remember there must be no disappointment on the part of any individual that has joined this company, by doing so, it might be the means of stopping the whole company, and that man will be morally responsible for the injury done, and God will require it at his hands. We do not say this because we have any fears on the subject, but that none should have an apology for slackness for we will accept of none. You would not accept it of me as your agent, neither can I accept it of you. When you find me off of my duty, bring me to judgement [judgment] and make me feel the rod. Every man must be on the ground at the appointed time.-N. Y. Messenger.
The following are the names of those we have selected, who have means sufficient to pay their expenses by water. We shall secure their passage on the ship and expect them to be in the city and all prepared to sail at the time appointed, without fail. On their failure, they will involve us in debt and difficulty.
Wm. C. Reamer and family, John Phillips, Wm. Stout, and family; Stephen H. Pierce; John Joice and family; John Hairbaird and family; Mary Murry; Daniel P. Baldwin; Wm. Atherton and family; Susan A. Searls; Eliza Savage; Simeon Stanley and family; Darwin Richardson and family; Moses Mead and family; J. M. Farnsworth, and the names he has signed; Jonas Cook; Isaac Leigh and family; Manena Cannon and family; Thomas Tompkins and family; Henry Roulam; Wm. Flint and family;
Joseph Nichols and family; Newel Bullen and family; Ambrose T. Moses and family; Julius Austin and family; Isaac Adison and family; Silas Eldridge and family; Barton Morey and family; Isaac R. Robbins and family; John R. Robbins and family; James Embly and family; Jacob Hayse; Charles Russel and family; Alandus D. Ruckland and family; Wm. Glover and family; Robert Smith and family; John Eagar; Samuel Smith; Isabella Jones; James Light and family; Mary Hamond; Earl Marshall and family; Peter Pool and family; James Smith and family; Joseph France and family; John J. Sirrine and family; George W. Sirrine; S. Brannan and family.
There are some names that we have not published, as they from their own statement fell short in their subscription, but if they see their way clear, they can come on and go with us. And there will be still an opportunity for those who have not sent in their names-let them write and come on, and they will be provided for. If we have neglected any names it must make no difference, come on and all will be made wright [right.]-N. Y. Messenger.
FEB. 1, 1846.
All things are in preparation for a commencement of the great move of the Saints out of the United States;-(we had like to have said, beyond the power of Christianity,) but we will soften the expression, by merely saying, and lack to their "primitive possessions," as in the enjoyment of Israel. It is reduced to a solemn reality, that the rights and property, as well as the lives and common religious belief of the church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, cannot be protected in the realms of the United States, and, of course, from one to two hundred thousand souls, must quit their freedom among freemen, and go where the land, the elements, and the worship of God are free.
About two thousand are ready and crossing the Mississippi to pioneer the way, and make arrangements for summer crops at some point between this and the "Pacific," where the biggest crowd of good people, will be the old settlers.
To see such a large body of men, women and children, compelled by the inefficiency of the law, and potency of mobocracy, to leave a great city in the month of February, for the sake of the enjoyment of pure religion, fills the soul with astonishment, and gives the world a sample of fidelity and faith, brilliant as the sun, and forcible as a tempest, and as enduring as eternity.
May God continue the spirit of fleeing from false freedom, and false dignity, till every Saint is removed to where he "can sit under his own vine and fig tree" without having any to molest or make afraid. Let us go let us go.
The following news from China, shows that the spirit of God is opening the way for the great gathering of Israel in the last days among the Chinese:
THE BIBLE IN CHINA.-In confirmation of former intelligence, a correspondent of the Bible Society writes from India:-"On the 7th of last June, a dinner was given by the East India Company. Sir Henry Pottinger was present, and among other things, stated that he had perused a late edict from the Emperor of China, wherein the Emperor informs his subjects that he had heard read to him extracts from a book entitled the Holy Scriptures, the purport of which appeared to him to be replete with virtuous precepts, and as such, likely to do good; that it was a book of virtue, and with this conviction he recommended it to be perused by his people, and gave them permission to read it, and act agreeably to their own desires."
The St. Louis Organ of January 9th contains the following well told truth. We suffer persecution for Christ and the gospel's sake, and it is really a consolation to find in the broad world once and awhile a liberal minded man, who is not afraid to tell the truth concerning a people, who are "scattered and peeled." We pray our Father in heaven, to bless all such, in a times to come, when blessing will be more valuable than worldly applause, or wealth.-But to the extract:
Unlimited censure has been heaped upon Governor Ford, of Illinois, for his refusal to order out the militia of the State to aid in the arrest of certain Mormon leaders, indicted for counterfeiting. Governor Ford, in reply to some of the strictures of the press in relation to this matter, has come out in the State Register, and given in detail his reasons for not having complied with the request of the United States Marshal. These are, that the militia were not called for by the President of the United States; that the disturbances in Hancock county were
settled, by mutual agreement, the Saints not to be harassed with persecutions, and to leave in the spring, and finally, that as the Mormons will not remove without their leaders, it would be impolitic to arrest these, and thus deter the rest from prosecuting their preparations for an early removal.
We are no apologists for the Mormons, but we cannot but express the opinion that in this matter Governor Ford has acted wisely. At this crises, prosecutions could do no good, and might do much harm, even supposing that they could be sustained. We insert the latter clause in view of the "fixed fact," that it is very easy to get up an indictment against an individual, but not quite so easy to sustain it when both sides of the question are considered. The saints too, it seems, are now willing to emigrate; then, in the name of Peace, let them go, and end this disgraceful turmoil and strife. It is quite likely that many of them are bad people, and it is still more likely that there are quite enough bad people in that quarter, not of their number without them. They should be permitted, therefore, to emigrate quietly, alike for the good of the community and their own welfare. When they are gone, we shall see whether there are any more horses stolen, or counterfeit money passed, in that region.
There is such a thing as painting his Satanic Majesty blacker than he is generally acknowledged to be, and a similar process we think has been resorted to in all the crusades that have been instituted against Mormonism. We have reason to believe that however bad the Mormons are, there has still been much exaggeration as to their misdeeds; and further, that their most violent opponents have ever been of a cast of character as questionable as any thing they would represent the Mormons to be. It is notorious that the great "Mormon Eaters" of Upper Missouri, were the greatest scamps in the country, and we have very good reason to believe that the same remark would apply to the tribe who are now persecuting them in Illinois.
The Peoria Register expresses the fear, that "there will be some very bad men still left in Illinois, after the Saints are gone." This we think quite likely. There will probably be left some of those who invited them to the State, for the purpose of using them as stepping-stones to power, but who, failing in making them the creatures of their will, afterward resorted to every means within their reach to villify [vilify] them, and even to encourage them to acts of outlawry. There will be left those, who, under the disguise of carrying out the laws of Illinois, induced the Smiths to become prisoners, and then in cold blood, wurdered [murdered] them!-an act of atrocity unparalleled in the history of the age. And there will be left, men who will seize upon the effects of the banished fanatics, and whose prime object in driving them ferth [forth] is the spoils they may leave behind. There will be left-to the shame of Illinois-and they of course will continue to have apologists for their misdeeds, in the shape of some sixpenny journal of the calibre [caliber] of the Warsaw Signal, Quincy Whig, &c. &c.
The time will come, when the fanaticism and immorality of the Mormons will be lost in the recollection of the great barbarism of their persecutors.
We present, for the inspection and gratification of the saints, the "twenty fourth chapter of Mathew [Matthew]," in the Tahitian dialect, as translated by the Board of Foreign Missions in London. Elder Noah Rogers, our Missionary from Tahiti, brought the present copy with him, on his return from the Islands of the South Pacific Ocean. Read and reflect;
ETI te haere raa tu Iesu i rapae au i te hiero ra, ua haere maira tana mau pipi ua faa ite maira ia'na i te patu o taua hiero ra. Ua parau atura Iesu ia ratou, Te ite nei outou i teie nei mau mea? oia mau tau e parau atu ia outou nei, E ore roa te hoe ofai e vai iho hia i nia iho i te tahi. E hope roa i te huri hia i raro.
E te parahi ra oia i nia i te moua ra i Oliveta, na parau omoe maira tana mau pipi iana, na o maira. E faa ite mai oe ia matou i te tupu raa i taua mau mea nei? e te tapao o to oe tae raa mai e te hopea o teie nei ao? Ua parau atura Iesu ia ratou, na o atura, E ara ia outou ia ore roa outou ia vare i te taata. E rave rahi hoi te haere mai ma to'u nei ion, e te na o raa mai, O vau te Mesia, e e rave rahi hoi te vare. Ee faaroo outou i te parau tamai, e te aueue roo tamai, e ara ra eiaha outou e matau; ia tupu hoi taua mau mea ra e tiai; aiti ra e fatata te hopea i reira. E tia mai hoi te tahi fenua e aro mai i te tahi fenua, e te tahi basileia e aro mai i te tahi basileia; e oe hoi, e te mai, e e aueue te fenua i tera vahi, i tera vahi. E mata mehai anae ra teie nei mau mea no te pohe.
E pupu hoi ratou ia outou no te pohe, e taparahi pohe roa hoi ia outou, e e riri hia outou e te mau fenua toa i to'u nei ioa. E rave rahi te taiva i reira, e haa vare hoi te tahi i te tahi, e riri hoi ratou ratou iho. E tupu hoi te peropheta haa vare e rave rahi, e rave rahi te haavare hia e ratou. E no te mea e rahi te ino i te tupu raa, e riro te rahi o te taata te iti te hinaaro.
Area te mau papu e tae noa'tu i te hopea ra, oia te ora. E e parau haere hia to 'vanelia o te basileia nei e ati noa e teie nei ao, ia ite te mau fenua toa: o te hopea ihora ia i reira ra.
E teie nei ia hio outou i te mea riaria e pau ai ra, i faa ite atea hia mai e te peropheta ra e Daniela, i te tia raa i te vahi moa ra, (e tei taio ra a haapao)! E te feia e parahi i Indea ra a horo ratou i te mona i reira; Eiaha tei nia iho i te fare e pou i raro a rave ai i te taoa i roto i tona fare; Eiaha hoi tei roto i te aua ra e hoi e rave i to'na ahu. Atai hoi te mau vahine hapu e tei faa ote i le tamaarii i te reira anotau! E bure hoi outou ia ore to outou horo raa ia riro i te vero, e ia ore atoa i te sabati. E ati rahi hoi tei te reira tau, aita ia ati mai te mata mehai mai o teie nei ao, e tae roa aenei I teie nei mahana) e e ore roa hoi a muri atu. Ahiri hoi e haa maoro hia taua tau ra aore roa ia e taata e ora; e haapoto hia ra taua tau ra, no te feia maiti hia ra. E ia parau mai te taata ia outou, I naha! teie te Mesia, e i naha tera, eiaha e faaroo atu. E Mesia haavare hoi te tai mai i nea, e te peropheta haavare, e ua rave i te tapao e te semeio rahi, e tae noa tu te vare i te feia maiti hia ra, ahiri i tia. I naha ua faa ite atea tu vau ia outou. E ia parau mai te taata ia outou e, I naha oia tei roto i te piha, eiaha e faaroo. E au hoi te haerea mai o te Tamaiti a te taata nei i te uira e enapa i te hitia o te ra, e anaana noa tura i te tooa ote ra ra. Ei te vairaa hoi o te tino ra e haa putuputu ai te mau aeto.
E i muri iho a i taua anotau pohe ra, e haa pouri hia te mahana, e ore hoi te marama e anaana mai, e mairi mai hoi te mau fetia o te rai i te ueue hia. Ei reira e itea mai ai te tapao no te Tamaiti a te taata i nia i te rai ra; ei reira te mau fetii atoa o te fenua nei oto ai, ia hio ratou i te Tamaiti a te taata i te haerea mai na nia i te ata o te rai ra, ma te maua e te hanahana rahi. E nana e tono i ta 'na ra mau malahi ma te pu oto rahi ra, e na ratou e haa putu i tona feia i maiti hia ra no na apoo matai e maha ra, mai te tahi pae rai e tae noa 'tu i te tahi pae rai.
E teie nei ia ete outou i te tahi parabole i te suke nei. Ia oteo te omou rii e mahora aera te rau, ua ite ia outou e ua fatata te auhune i reira. Oia toa i teie nei, ia hio outou i taua mau mea nei, ua fatata te Tamaiti a te taata i reira, ia ite hoi outou; tei te pae uputa ia. Oia mau ta'u e parau atu ira outou nei, e ore e mou teie nei ui e hope ai teie nei mau mea toa i te tupu. E mou te rai e te fenua; e ore roa ra ta 'u parau e mou.
Area te reira mahana e te reira hora, e ore roa te hoe e faa ite, e ore hoi te mau melahi o te rai; maori ra o te Matua anae ia. Mai tei te anotau ra ia Noa ra, ioa toa te haerea mai o te Tamaiti a te taata nei. Mai tei te anotau i mua iho i te diluvi ra, te amu ra ratou i to maa e te inu ra, te fanipoipo ra e te horoa ra ia faa ipoipo hia, e tae roa aera i te mahana i tomo ai Noa i roto i te pahi; Aore roa i ite, e rohia noa ihora ratou e te diluvi pau roa tura ratou; oia toa te haerea mai o te Tamaiti a te taata nei. Too piti pue taata i roto i te aua ra; e riro te tahi, e ora 'tu te tahi. Too piti pue vahine i te taviri raa i te muli; e riro tetahi, e ora 'tu te tahi.
E teie nei eara, aore hoi outou i ite i te hora e tae mai ai to outou Fatu. Ua ite ra outou e, ahiri te taata fare i ite i te hora e tae mai ai te aia e riro oia i te ara, e ore e vai iho noa tona fare ia vavahi noa hia aua. E teie nei ia parahi ineine noa outou; ei te hora manao ore hia e outou na e tae mai ai te Tamaiti a te taata nei. Ovai hoi te tavaini haapao maitai e te paari, ta to 'na utua fare ei hopoi atu i ta ratou maa i te hora mau ra? E ao to te reira tavini, to tei roohia mai e tona ra fatu te na reira ra. Oia mau ta 'u e parau atu ia outou nei, e faa riro oia ia na ei tiaau i te mau taoa 'toa na 'na ra. Area te tavini ino ra, o tei parau i roto i tona iho aau, E maoro tau fatu e hoi mai ai; Papai ihora i te mau taetaeae tavini no 'na ra, amu ihora i te maa, inu ihora i te ava, ioa e te feia toa i faa taero ra; Ia tae i te mahana manao ore hia e ana ra, e te hora i itea ore hia e ana ra, e te hora i itea ore hia e ana e tae mai ai te fatu o tana tavini ra, A faa taa e atu ai ia 'na, a tuu atu ai ta 'na tufaa i roto i te feia haavare atoa ra: tei reira te oto e te auau raa nilio.
We present a few items of general news:
From the Baltimore Sun.
One of the most destructive fires with which Baltimore has been visited for a long time, broke out between two and three o'clock on Saturday morning, in a building in Baltimore street, between St. Paul and Charles streets, occupied by H. Colburn, as a book store, Joseph Neal, as a book store, and George W. Webb, jeweller [jeweler]. Mr. Colburn, in whose premises it is supposed the fire commenced, lost almost every thing. He estimates his loss at $6,000 on which there was an insurance of $5,000 in the Franklin office, Philadelphia.-Mr. Neal, whose store was in the second story, lost a very valuable assortment of law and other books, and a quantity of stereo type plates. He was insured for $7.500 in the Franklin office, and estimates his loss at some $3,000 above insurance. Webb, through the aid of a young man who slept in the store, and active
friends, succeeded in saving a great portion of the valuable jewellry [jewelry] in his store. He, however, lost all his tools of every description, enough for seven or eight men to work with. He estimates his loss at some $1,000 or $1,600 on which there was an insurance of $1,000 in the Franklin office. He thinks that nearly all the work left by customers for repair was got out safe-in the store he had an iron safe, which contained some jewelry, books, and papers.-The safe had not been got out of the ruins on Saturday, although men were busily engaged in the endeavor to get to it. The house, which was a three story brick, belonged to Miss Mary Boyd, Sen., and was totally destroyed. It was insured in the Equitable office of this city for $4,000.
Adjoining this building, on the west, is the large three story brick upholstering establishment of Mr. Walter Crook, Jr. It caught fire, and a portion of the roof was burnt off. Mr. Crook's family resided in the building, and were early aroused to the danger of their situation-they all got out safely. The furniture was considerably injured-there was no insurance upon it. The amount of damage to the stock could not be well estimated, but it is believed not to have been very great. There was an insurance on the stock, of $20,000-one half in the Franklin office, Philadelphia, and one half in the Mutual office of this city. The house belongs to Mr. Crook, and was insured in the Equitable office for $4,000, which will more than cover the loss.
On the cast of the first-named building, is the large three story brick house, the property of Mr. P. B. Sadtler, which was considerably injured. It was occupied in part by J. W. Bond & Co., as an Antiquarian Book Store.-They succeeded in removing nearly all their books, among which was the valuable illuminated Roman Missal, the loss of which would have been indeed a loss. They estimate their loss at $200 aud [and] $300, which is covered by an insurance of $1290 in the Firemen's office. Mr. Sadtler & Sons, Opticians, watchmakers and Jewelers, occupied and adjoining store-their loss was inconsiderable, and was covered by insurance. The house caught fire in the roof, which was partially burnt-the entire gable end also fell out. It was insured for $3,700 in the Equitable office, which will more than cover the loss. The next house on the cast, is occupied by Mr. Joseph Boury, importer of German and English fancy goods. His stock was slightly injured by water.
It is not known how the fire originated. The night was cold, and it was some time, owing to the lateness of the hour, before the firemen could get properly to work. They, however, worked with their accustomed activity, and soon subdued the flames. The whole amount of loss is about $25,000 nearly all covered by insurance.
New Diamond Mine in Brazil-More than a year since some Brazilians discovered diamonds in the bed of a river among the mountains, about seventy leagues West North West of the city of Bahia. During the dry season there is but little water in the river, and at the present time there are about 10,000 people living on the banks, in huts, tents, and out of doors, a miscellaneous collection of all nations and colors, who seem to have but one trait in common, which is, that all are a most villanous [villainous], assassin looking set, who rob and kill each other with little compunction, as immediately on the news of the discovery spreading, all of the black log species from all parts of Brazil flocked to this quarter. No very large diamonds have been found and all are rather more brittle than the common Brazil diamonds, and inferior to those found in the East Indies. The quantity found has been so large as to reduce the price in Brazil thirty-three per cent. Many have been valued at from $10,000 to $25,000 each. An English house in Rio de Janeiro had purchased over two quarts, costing in the rough L120,000 sterling, which were sent to London, where they will be polished.
All the diamonds that have been found in the world, it is said, would not fill a bushel basket. Probably this new mine will tend to heap the basket up a little.
The earth is removed from the bed of the river and carefully washed. The mud floating off leaves sand, pebbles, and sometimes diamonds, at the bottom. If after years prove as productive as the first, diamonds will be a drug, as the product is calculated at over three millions of dollars in value, for twelve months past.-Journal of Commerce.
SELLING A DAUGHTER.-A letter dated Damascus, Oct. 10, says-"A man was found the other day in the public market offering his daughter for sale. Being a Christian, he was sent to the Patriarch by Mr. Mish, the English dragoman, who prevented it. His story was a simple one: 'I'm a weaver: on account of the cheap English goods my trade has been put a stop to. I have a wife, a mother, and seven children to support. When I sold every thing we had, I tried to beg, but no one would give. I could get no other work. We have had no bread for the last three days. I thought of selling one of my children to keep the others from starving. I was offered 500 piastres,
L5 for this girl, and I would have sold here had it not been for Mr. Mish, who sent me here.'"
From the London Times, Jan 1st.
The impression produced by the message of the President of the United States upon the continent of Europe is not without interest to ourselves at the present juncture; for although England asks no assistance, and requires no support, from any foreign nations for the maintenance of her territorial rights, yet she acknowledges the weight of public opinion in the world, and she appeals with more sincerity than Mr. Polk to the judgment other States may form of her policy in this dispute. The conduct of the American government in the course of the Oregon negotiation may be summed up in very few words. They have thought fit to extend the principle of self-government at home beyond the limits of their own frontiers. The moment Texas and Oregon were believed, or declared, by the people of the United States, to belong to their territories, they were treated as if they had already been annexed, and the Union began to talk of defending its rights, without recollecting for one instant the right of other people. In the course of these extraordinary proceedings no considerations of good faith, or conflicting claims, have had the least weight with them.-They may be said most emphatically to covet their neighbor's goods and every thing that is his! for, according to Mr. Polk, a brief interval is all that separates the conception of this illicit passion from its complete gratification.-Hence they not only assail the particular rights or possessions of their neighbors, upon which at one time or another they chance to have cast their furtive eyes; but they violate the whole system of the pacific economy of the world, and proclaim a direct hostility to all the principles of civilized nations.
Mr. Polk declares in the most implicit language, that, as far as the continent of North America extends, the United States are determined to warn off all intruders. The President at Washington is lord of the manor; all the other American powers are copy-holders under him, and whenever a fresh enclosure bill is passed, the sovereign republic is to secure the lion's share-or, rather these other powers are mere tenants by sufferance, whose claims will be quashed upon the first dispute, and who will infallibly be ejected in the end.
We are not now pleading our own cause in the question of Oregon, or writing with reference to the encroachments which must, ere long, be directed against the oldest British settlements in America, if such a principle as this be allowed to prevail. For the maintenance of these rights we look confidently to the strength of England, which inspires a secret dread even to those who have ceased to acknowledge the obligations of good faith and justice. If we are ourselves, after Mexico, the most open to these attacks we are also by far the best prepared to repel them. But it cannot be too often repeated that, be the issue of this country what it may, all Europe is more or less interested in the duty of moral and political resistance to this assumption of universal dominion on the part of the United States, which can only be compared to the arrogant pretensions of a successful conqueror, when his triumph over the independence of the world is all but complete. If such principles as these are to regulate the policy of America, and the relations of States on the continent, how long will they be excluded from Europe? The fashion of attacking the weak and plundering the helpless, and exalting dubious claims into absolute rights, would soon find its application here. It is the spirit of the factious which deliberates about war and national honor in the French chambers; it is the motive of unscrupulous politicians all over the world. In Europe we see it happily crushed and imprisoned; but in the United States it speaks with the voice of the Executive Government and threatens to wield the power of a nation.
The language of the principal organ of the French Government upon the President's message, is of the greatest importance, because, without entering into the merits of the Oregon question, it clearly establishes how the policy of France is with reference to the general relations of France and America. Mr. Polk has applied language to the conduct of the French Government in the affair of Texas which is more unmeasured, because it was uncalled for, than his declarations against ourselves. We are persuaded that the Cabinet of the Tuilleries will take the earliest opportunity of answering these aspersions and attacks as they deserve. There is not one conservative policy in Europe and another in America. The cause of peace and the principles of order are every where the same. They cannot, under any circumstances, be sacrificed with impunity to local interests or to political theories. The consistency and the integrity of the leading statesmen of Europe require that the pretensions of the United States should be explicitly denied; and the Cabinet of Washington will ere long perceive that we have taken our stand, not upon a mere question of territorial right, though that is one not easily to be shaken, but upon
the general and fundamental laws of nations; and that on this ground we have with us the consent of all conservative powers and statesmen who stand opposed to war and to aggression in every part of the globe.
-The joint occupation of the Oregon by British and American settlers is no longer judged expedient. Partition is recommended and desired. On what principles ought that partition to be made? Evidently on those of equal benefit and advantage. In our view of the question the Americans, having no exclusive right of sovereignty, cannot treat our fellow subjects as mere tenants at-will, nor drive them to whatever corner of the Oregon they choose, at the same time claiming for themselves great credit for forbearance. They have both an equal right to the disputed territory-a right arising from occupation nearly identical in time and similar in purpose. And if a greater share of land is to be accorded to one than the other, this award must be made, not as a recognition of right, but to those considerations which the proximity numbers, and the past labors of American settlers introduce as necessary elements in the adjustment of the dispute, considerations which, in all such important matters, it is impossible to merge in the technicalities of law or the minutiae of title.
But if the award of territorial district may be modified by these considerations, care must be taken that no such modification be carried to the extent of positive deprivation, and that though the British settlers may lose in the superficial measurement of their area, yet they shall not lose any of those collateral advantages which are absolutely indispensable for the prosecution of their trade-such as the great water privilege of the Colombia and the harbor at its mouth.
We think that every purpose both of honor and interest would be answered, if the British minister, on whom now devolves the duty of making fresh proposals to the Government of the United States, were to renew on his part the offer made to England by Mr. Gallatin in the Presidency and under the direction of Mr. Adams. That proposal was to take the 49th degree of north latitude as far as the sea, as the boundary line, reserving to Great Britain, Vancouver's Island, the harbor of St. Juan de Fuca, and the free navigation of the Columbia.-This would be a concession as far as superficial area of ground is concerned. It would leave the United States masters of the greater part of the Oregon. But it would secure the principal advantage of the country, the free navigation of the Columbia, to the servants of the Hudson's Bay Company, as well as harborage, anchorage, and settlements for English vessels trading with China and our possessions in Australia and New Zealand. It would concede all that the most successful war could acquire, a sovereign but barren dominion; but it would secure all the commercial blessings of an honorable compromise and a rational peace. It would not deprive the native Americans of any equitable advantage, but it would retain for the Englishmen that privilege to which they are justly entitled-the privilege of sharing in the traffic between North America and the English settlements in the Pacific. No impartial man can expect that an English minister would ever consent to transfer to the United States the monopoly of the carrying trade between Hudson's Bay and English colonies in that sea.
We hope that no rules of diplomatic etiquette will prevent our representative at Washington from making some proposal of this kind. We hope, also, that no false pride, or more ignoble sentiment, will preclude the ministry of Washington from accepting it. And if they do reject it as coming from us, we do not see how, after such a rejection, they can refuse to submit the question of miles still left in dispute to the arbitration of some neutral power. To reject an offer conceived in the spirit of peace and moderation, and at the same time to demur to the suggestion of a reference, would be to deserve, not less than to provoke, the imputation of the most reprehensible obstinacy or the most insolent injustice.
The Times and Season, Printed and Published about the first and fifteenth of every month, on the corner of Main and Kimball Streets, Nauvoo, Hancock County, Illinois, by JOHN TAYLOR, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR
TERMS.-TWO DOLLARS per annum, payable in all cases in advance. Any person procurring five new subscribers, and forwarding us Ten Dollars current money, shall receive one volume gratis. All letters must be addressed to John Taylor, editor, POST PAID, or they will not receive attention.
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