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< Times and Seasons | 6
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Volume VI. No. 10.] | CITY OF NAUVOO, ILL. June 1, 1845 | [Whole No. 118. |
The Attorney General of Mo., wrote the counsel employed by the church in Zion to prosecute the mob, of which the following is a copy:
"City of Jefferson, Nov. 21, 1833.
From conversation I have had with the Governor, I believe I am warranted in saying to you, and through you to the Mormons, that if they desire to be replaced in their property, that is, their houses in Jackson county, an adequate force will be sent forthwith to effect that object. Perhaps a direct application had better be made to him for that purpose, if they wish thus to be repossessed. The Militia have been ordered to hold themselves in readiness.
If the Mormons will organize themselves into regular companies, or a regular company of militia, either volunteers or otherwise, they will, I have no doubt, be supplied with public arms. This must be upon application, therefore, as a volunteer company must be accepted by the Colonel, and that is a matter in his discretion, perhaps the best way would be to organize and elect officers as is done in ordinary cases,-not volunteers, you could give them the necessary directions on these points. If the Colonel should refuse to order an election of company officers, after they have reported themselves to him for that purpose, he would I presume, be court martialled therefor [therefore], on a representation to the Governor of the facts. As only a certain quantity of public arms can be distributed in each county; those who first apply will be most likely to receive them. The less, therefore, that is said upon the subject the better.
I am with great respect your ob't serv't,
(Signed) R. W. WELLS."
Again, Judge Ryland wrote Amos Reese Esq., Circuit Attorney, of the same counsel, as follows:
"Lexington, Nov. 24, 1833.
Dear Sir:
I have been requested by the Governor to inform him about the outrageous acts of unparalleled violence that have lately happened in Jackson county, and have also been requested to examine into these outrages and take steps to punish the guilty and screen the innocent.
I cannot proceed unless some person shall be willing to make the proper information before me. I now request you to inform me whether the Mormons are willing to take legal steps against the citizens of Jackson county? Whether they wish to return there, or not, and let me know all the matters connected with this unhappy affair. It will be necessary for you to see the persons injured, and be informed of their desires and intentions. The military force will repair to Jackson county, to aid the execution of any order I make on this subject. Be particular in your information to me. I am willing to go any time to Jackson county, for the purpose of holding a court of inquiry, and binding over to keep the peace such persons as I shall think ought to be restrained.
It is a disgrace to the state for such acts to happen within its limits, and the disgrace will attach to our official characters, if we neglect to take proper means to insure the punishment due such offenders.
I wish to know whether Joshua Lewis and Hiram Page handed the writ to the sheriff of Jackson county, that I made and issued on their affidavit against some of the ringleaders of the mob in Jackson county, dated the sixth of this month.
I will know why he refused to execute the writ, if it ever came to his hands. Enquire [Inquire] into this subject and let me know. I should be glad to see you and agree upon what course to take. After you have sufficiently informed yourself, come down and see me, as you live near the scene of these outrages you are better able to receive all information necessary, and prepare for future action than I am.
Write me as soon informed, and state when you can come down and see me on this business. Keep copies of all the letters you write on this subject.
Your Friend,
(Signed,) JOHN F. RYLAND.
On the 22nd, my brother Don Carlos, came to live with me and learn the art of printing.
Elders Orson Hyde and John Gould returned from Zion on the 25th, and brought the melancholy intelligence of the riot in Zion; of the inhabitants persecuting the brethren.
Elder A. S. Gilbert wrote the Governor of Missouri, as follows:
Liberty, Clay Co., Nov. 29th 1833
Dear Sir:
Yesterday I saw Mr. Doniphan, an attorney of this place, who informed me that he saw the Attorney General, Mr. Wells, in Saline County, last Saturday week, and that Mr. Wells
had acquainted him with your intention of ordering a court of enquiry [inquiry] to be held in Jackson county, in relation to the late riotous proceedings in that county. Mr. Doniphan is of opinion from the conversation he had with Mr. Wells, that said order will be suspended till a communication is received from our people, or their counsel. This is therefore to acquaint your excellency, that most of the heads of our church had an interview yesterday on the subject of an immediate court of enquiry [inquiry] to be held in Jackson county, and by their request to me. I hasten to lay before your excellency serious difficulties attending our people on an immediate court of enquiry [inquiry] being called.
Our church is at this time scattered in every direction: some in the new county of Van Buren; a part in this county; and a part in Lafayette, Ray, &c. Some of our principal witnesses would be women and children, and while the rage of the mob continues, it would be impossible to gather them in safety at Independence; and that your excellency may know of the unabating fury with which the last remnant of our people, remaining in that county are pursued at this time, I here state that a few families, perhaps fifteen to twenty, who settled themselves more than two years ago on the prairie, about fifteen miles from the county seat of Jackson county, had hoped from the obscurity of their location, that they might escape the vengeance of the enemy through the winter; consequently they remained on their plantations, receiving occasionally, a few individual threats, till last Sunday, when a mob made their appearance among them; some with pistols cocked and presented to their breasts, commanding them to leave the county in three days, or they would tear their houses down over their heads, &c., &c.
Two expresses arrived here from said neighborhood last Monday morning, for advice, and the council advised their speedy removal for the preservation of life, and their personal effects. I suppose these families will be out of the county of Jackson this week. In this distressed situation, in behalf of my brethren, I pray your excellency to await a further communication, which will soon follow this, setting forth among other things the importance of our people being restored to their possessions, that they may have an equal chance with their enemies in producing important testimony before the court, which the enemy are now determined to deprive them of. Trusting that your excellency will perceive the agitation and consternation that must necessarily prevail among most of our people at this day, from the unparalleled usage they have received, and many of them wandering at this time destitute of shelter.
An immediate court of enquiry [inquiry] called while our people are thus situated, would give our enemies a decided advantage in point of testimony, while they are in possession of their own homes, and ours also; with no enemy in the county to molest or make them afraid.
Very respectfully, your ob't serv't,
To His Excellency Daniel Dunklin, Jefferson City, Mo."
"I have seen and read the above letter, and on reflection, I concur entirely in the opinion therein expressed. I also think that at the next regular term of the court, an examination of the criminal matter cannot be gone into, without a guard for the court and witnesses.
(Signed.) AMOS REESE."
Those who were threatened by the mob on Sunday the 24th, fled into Clay county and encamped on the banks of the Missouri river.-A number of the families went into Van Buren county: their whole number of men, women, and children, being upwards of one hundred and fifty.
About the 1st of December, Elder Cowdery and Bishop Whitney arrived at Kirtland with a new press and type, and on the 4th commenced distributing the type.
The next day I wrote to Bishop Partridge, Liberty, Clay county, Missouri, the following:
Kirtland, Dec. 5th, 1833.
Dear Brethren:
We have just received a letter from Brother Phelps, dated 6th and 7th of November, at Liberty, which gives us the painful intelligence of the rage of the enemy, and your present unsettled situation. But I must inform you that there is a great dubiety resting upon our minds, with regard to the true state of affairs in Zion; for there seems to be some difference in the statements of Elder Phelps' letter, and that of Elder Hyde's communication to the editors of the Missouri Republican. Elder Hyde states that "on Monday the 4th, the mob collected in Independence, to the number of two or three hundred, well armed, and a part of their number went above Blue, to drive away our people and destroy our property; but they were met by a party of our people, and being prepared they poured a deadly fire upon them, two of their number fell dead on the ground, and a number mortally wounded, among the former was Brazeal.
Tuesday morning there were a number of the mob missing, and could not be accounted for, and while we were at Liberty landing, on Wednesday, a messenger rode up saying that he had just come from the seat of war, and that the night before another battle was fought, in
which Mr. Hicks fell, having three balls and some buck shot through his body, and about twenty more shared a similar fate; and, also, that one or two of our men were killed, and as many wounded; and he [Hyde] heard the cannonading distinctly; and also, stated that the man who broke open the store took Gilbert, Phelps, and one more, for false imprisonment, and put them in prison, and as near as he could learn, never to let them escape alive."
This statement of Elder Hyde, is somewhat different from that of Elder Phelps who states that "on Friday night the brethren had mustered about forty or fifty men, armed, and marched into the village, took one prisoner, and fired one gun; (through mistake) and on Saturday the mob fell upon our brethren above Blue, and one of Manship's sons was mortally wounded. On Monday a regular action was fought near Christian Whitmer's under the command of Elder David Whitmer. We had four wounded; they had five wounded and two killed, viz: Linville and Brazeal. From Friday till Tuesday, our brethren were under arms, when one hundred and fifty of them came forth, like Moroni, to battle. On Tuesday morning the mob had collected to the number of three hundred and before any blood was shed, we agreed to go away immediately, and the enemy took our guns."
Elder Phelps also states, that "since the above was written (viz: on the 6th,) another horrid scene has transpired: after our people surrendered their arms, a party of the mob went above Blue, and began to whip, and even murder; and the brethren have been driven into the woods, and are fleeing to the ferry; and also the mob have hired the ferryman to carry them across the river; [but they made the brethren pay the ferriage,] and it was reported that the mob had killed two more of the brethren."
It appears brethren, that the above statements were mostly from reports, and no certainty of their being correct; therefore, it is difficult for us to advise, and can only say, that the destinies of our people are in the hands of a just God, and he will do no injustice to any one; and this one thing is sure, that they who will live godly in Christ Jesus, shall suffer persecution; and before their robes are made white in the blood of the Lamb, it is to be expected they will pass through great tribulation, according to John the Revelator.
I wish when you receive this letter that you would collect every particular, concerning the mob, from the beginning, and send us a correct statement of facts, as they transpired from time to time, that we may be enabled to give the public correct information on the subject; and inform us also of the situation of the brethren, with respect to their means of sustenance, &c.
I would inform you that it is not the will of the Lord for you to sell your lands in Zion, if means can possibly be procured for their sustenance without. Every exertion should be made to maintain the cause you have espoused, and to contribute to the necessities of one another, as much as possible, in this your great calamity, and remember not to murmur at the dealings of God with his creatures. You are not as yet brought into as trying circumstances, as were the ancient prophets and apostles. Call to mind a Daniel, the three Hebrew children, Jeremiah, Paul, Stephen, and many more, too numerous too mention; who were stoned, sawn [sawed] asunder, tempted, slain with the sword, and wandered about in sheep skins and goat skins, being destitute, afflicted, tormented, of whom the world was not worthy. They wandered in deserts and in mountains, and in dens, and in caves of the earth; yet they all obtained a good report through faith; and amidst all their afflictions they rejoiced that they were counted worthy to receive persecution for Christ's sake.
We know not what we shall be called to pass through before Zion is delivered and established; therefore, we have great need to live near to God, and always be in strict obedience to all his commandments, that we may have a conscience void of offence [offense] towards God and man.-It is your privilege to use every lawful means in your power to seek redress for your grievances of your enemies, and prosecute them to the extent of the law; but it will be impossible for us to render you any assistance in a temporal point of view, as our means are already exhausted, and we are deeply in debt and know of no means whereby we shall be able to extricate ourselves.
The inhabitants of this county threaten our destruction, and we know not how soon they may be permitted to follow the examples of the Missourians; but our trust is in God, and we are determined by his grace assisting us, to maintain the cause and hold out faithful unto the end, that we may be crowned with crowns of celestial glory, and enter into the rest that is prepared for the children of God.
We are now distributing the type and calculate to commence setting to-day, and issue a paper the last of this week, or beginning of next. We wrote to Elder Phelps some time since, and also sent by Elder Hyde for the names of subscribers to the Star, which we have not yet received; and, until we receive them, the most of the subscribers will be deprived of them; and when you receive this, if you have not sent them, I wish you to attend to it immediately, as much inconvenience will attend a delay.
We expect shortly to publish a political paper, weekly in favor of the present administration; the influential men of that party have offered a liberal patronage to us, and we hope to succeed, for thereby we can show the public the purity of our intention in supporting the government under which we live.
We learn by Elder Phelps, that the brethren have surrendered their arms to the enemy, and are fleeing across the river. If that is the case, it is not meet that they should recommence hostilities with them; but, if not, you should maintain the ground as long as there is a man left, as the spot of ground upon which you were located, is the place appointed of the Lord for your inheritance, and it was right in the sight of God that you contended for it to the last.
You will recollect that the Lord has said that Zion should not be removed out of her place; therefore, the land should not be sold, but be held by the saints, until the Lord in his wisdom, opens a way for your return; and until that time, if you can purchase a tract of land, in Clay county, for present emergencies, it is right you should do so, if you can do it, and not sell your land in Jackson county. It is not safe for us to send you a written revelation on the subject, but what is written above is according to wisdom. I haste to a close to give room for Brother Oliver, and remain yours in the bonds of the everlasting covenant.
December 6th. Being prepared to commence our labors in the printing business, I ask God, in the name of Jesus, to establish it forever, and cause that his word may speedily go forth to the nations of the earth to the accomplishing of his great work, in bringing about the restoration of the house of Israel.
This day, also, the Elders in Missouri sent the following petition
"To his Excellency, Daniel Dunklin, governor of the State of Missouri: We, the undersigned, leading members of the Church of Christ, vulgarly called Mormons, would respectfully represent to your Excellency, in addition to the petition presented to you by Messrs. Phelps and Hyde, and the affidavit of Messrs. Phelps, Gilbert and McLellin, after having read the letters of the Attorney General and District Judge of this circuit to Mr. Reese; that whereas, our society, men, women, and children, after having been in some cases, wounded, scourged, and threatened with death, have been driven by force of arms from their lands, houses, and much of their property in Jackson county;-most of which lands, houses, and property have been possessed by the mob of Jackson county, or others, and are now unlawfully detained from the use and possession of our people. And that whereas our people have been driven and scattered into the counties of Clay, Ray, Van Buren, Lafayette, and others, where in many cases, they are destitute of the common necessaries of life in this, even this winter season; and that whereas, the guns which were taken from our people, as set forth in the affidavit, are kept from them;-Therefore, in behalf of our society, which is so scattered and suffering, we, your petitioners, ask aid and assistance of your Excellency, that we may be restored to our lands, houses, and property, and protected in them by the militia of the state, if legal, or by a detachment of the United States Rangers, which might be located at Independence, instead of Cantonment Leavenworth, till peace is restored. [This could be done probably, by conferring with the President, or perhaps Colonel Dodge] Also, we ask that our men may be organized into companies of Jackson Guards, and be furnished with arms by the state, to assist in maintaining their right against the unhallowed power of the mob of Jackson county:
And then, when arrangements are made to protect us in our persons and property, (which cannot be done without an armed force, nor would it be prudent to risk our lives there, without guards, till we receive strength from our friends, to protect ourselves,) we wish a court of enquiry [inquiry] instituted, to investigate the whole matter of the mob against the Mormons; and we will ever pray.
The following letter accompanied the foregoing petition:
Liberty, Dec. 6th, 1833.
Dear Sir:
Your Excellency will perceive by the petition bearing date with this letter, that we intend to return to Jackson county, as soon as arrangements can be made to protect us, after we are again placed into our possessions.
We do not wish to go till we know that our lives are not in danger of a lawless mob.-Your Excellency will understand that, at this inclement season, it will require time to restore us, and troops to protect us, after we are there, for the threats of the mob have not ceased.
Your ob't serv't,
To Daniel Dunklin, Governor of Missouri."
To do justice and judgment is more acceptable to the Lord than sacrifice-Solomon.
As the elders have been commanded to study the history of countries and kingdoms, and make themselves acquainted with the manners and customs of the same, that they may be able to set forth the judgments and calamities that await this generation, in a clear and understanding manner, we thought it advisable to present the following sketch:-
CURIOUS SUPERSTITION AMONG THE NATIVES OF PORT PHILIP.-The idea generally entertained by the blacks, that they at their decease go to Van Diemen's Land, and come back white fellows, originated, no doubt, in this way. Buckley, on his first appearance among them, the first European they had seen, was received among them as the re-appearance of a native just dead, whom in every respect, except color, he closely resembled: was fully believed to be the very man; was adopted by the dead man's friends and tribe, and called by his name. No doubt but the similarity, fortunately for Buckley, saved his life. Afterwards, when settlers streamed over from Van Diemen's Land, and the natives heard it mentioned almost only as the place whence the white people came, and probably seeing many others in person or feature resembling their dead relatives, that they should have such an idea is nothing singular or wonderful. Much more singular and curious ideas they have; strange indeed is their notion of death, or rather, that with the constant and palpable decay of the human frame before their eyes, they have no belief in death, or rather, they have no belief in death from natural causes. All deaths they consider to be the result of accident, malice or magic. When a death occurs, they decide that the deceased person's kidney-fat has been stolen away in sleep by some enemy, aided by magic. The body is tied up immediately in a lump, tightly drawn together, body and limbs by strips of bark or cords; and he and every kind of property belonging to him, scrupulously and superstitiously-war implements, his waller-wallert, or opossum-rug, guns, if he has any, even double-barrelled [barreled] ones, although ever so highly valued-are broken; and these with the white and black money, in spite of itching hands longing to take it-every thing, in fact, goes with him into his grave, religiously.-Gravely also is it whispered into the ear of the dead man, that he may rest satisfied in his grave; that his black friends will, without fail, avenge his death. And in consideration of this arrangement, he is requested to refrain from terrifying his old friends and tribe; that he must not haunt them with alien voices, or the foot-marks of strange feet about their encampments. The mourners wear their white-paint mourning, never washing themselves, even if months should elapse before they have performed their vow to the deceased: when they have tasted the enemy's kidney-fat, the mourning ceases. This is a miserable superstition, and causes a great deal of bloodshed.-To discover in what direction the enemy of the dead is to be found, they take an insect, and observe in what direction it crawls; and that is an infallible indication, In that quarter they go, no matter how far, the first native crossing their path is the murderer of the dead, and in his turn becomes the murdered.-Howitt's Impressions of Australia.
Minutes of a special Conference of the Cincinatti [Cincinnati] branch of the church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, held at Elder Pugh's on the 1st day of June, 1845.
The conference met agreeable to previous appointment, and was called to order by Elder Crippin. Elder John W. Crippin was appointed President, and George Hales Clerk.
The conference was opened by singing and prayer by Elder Abraham Wright. Present-three seventies, two elders, one priest, and two teachers.
The President then laid before them the object of the conference. Elder Elijah Able then preferred a charge against Mrs. Carter, Mrs. Evans, and Miss Jane Roberts, for absenting themselves from the meeting of this branch, and speaking disrespectfully of the heads of the church.
It was then moved and seconded that they be expelled from the church, which was done by a unanimous vote.
The branch numbers thirty-two members, all in good standing. There has been four baptised [baptized] since last conference.
It is with pleasure we inform our brethren and friends that there is more union existing in this branch than there has been for the last three years, for which we give God the glory.
Motioned and carried, that the minutes of this conference be sent to the editor of the "Times and Seasons" for publication.
The conference then adjourned sine die.
The Western Christian Advocate, the western organ of the Methodist Episcopal Church, seem disposed to treat the late Convention at Louisville, and the new church organized by
them as schismatic. It files seven objections against the new organization.
1. It is no legitimate division of the M. E. Church.
2. The plan of the General Conference did not authorize, sanction or justify the separation.
3. The new organization possesses many elements of schism-for example, agitation by the press, condemnation of the Church, Bishop Andrew encouraged in contumacy, Bishop Soule encouraged in disregarding the acts of his colleagues.
4. The new Church is pro-slavery.
5. The manner in which the organization has been effected, is of revolutionary tendency in the State.
6. Itenerancy cannot long exist in the new Church.
7. By its pro-slavery principles and action in time, it will be shut out from access to the slaves and colored people of the south.
(->) We copy the foregoing to show our readers how far the spirit of division has seized this generation. Of course they will "treat the new church as schismatic," and the new church will treat the old church as schismatic, and both parties will consider it no legitimate division. If God was in either system, the voice of Jesus would whisper to the boisterous elements, "peace; be still" and immediately, love, union and friendship, would triumph over passion; and the great family of man would rejoice in the Holy One of Israel, and be blest by blessing. But alas! the awful day approaches, when every man will rise to fight his neighbor, and who will go for God?
To continue the history of the seven holy ones, who agreed to take upon them bodies of flesh, and work out a more exceeding and eternal crown of glory, upon Idumia, it will be necessary to premise, that Milauleph, and his first companion in the flesh, knew before they left their "first estate," what their fathers' will was; and that when they should begin to replenish the earth, Satan, who had been raised and educated with them in their father's family, would descend from heaven like lightning to tempt them, that they might know to choose good and reject evil. These two, who had engaged to people Idumia: to subdue it, and to return, having kept the faith once delivered to the chosen seed, were informed, when they agreed to go and labor their hour, that besides the comforter, to bring all things to their remembrance, the angels which attended them on high should attend them below to preserve them from the secret of unforseen [unforeseen] snares of those angels who kept not their first estates, but were left in their sins, to roam from region to region, and in chains of darkness, until the great day of judgment.
It was written in the law of the Lord on high, that they that overcome by obedience, should be made kings and queens, and priests and priestesses to God and his Father, through the atonement of the eldest son, and that natural eyes should not see, nor natural ears hear, neither should the natural heart conceive the great, glorious, and eternal things, honors and blessings, that were then, in the Father's dominions, and mansions, prepared in the beginning for them that kept the faith to the end, and entered triumphantly into their third estates: -the eternal life.
It was also written in the law of the Lord on high, that when the Lord punished men for their sins, he would "punish the hosts of the high ones on high," and the "kings of the earth upon earth,"-that spirit might judge spirit, and flesh judge flesh; for this honor have all the just, and this honor have all the saints.
Having this understanding-Idumia was placed in its space, but was "desolate and empty." and the life organizing power of the Gods, or sons of the "head," moved over the matters and then the land and water separated. And the Gods called "light, and light came," and they went on and organized a world, and created every thing necessary to beautify and adorn it, with life and the power of lives to sustain it, until it should fill the measure of all designed, from a mite to a mammoth; from a man to a God; and Milauleph's and his wife's spirits, clothed in heavenly garments, and learned in eternal wisdom, witnessed the creation, as the spirits of the Gods had witnessed their Father: for even the elder brother could do nothing but what he had seen his Father do in eternities [eternity's] before.
Perhaps this subject may excite the curiosity of some as it will lead the mind back among the worlds that have been organized and passed away,-and among the Gods and angels that have attended to execute the laws and decrees of one universe after another, from eternity to eternity, from the beginning till now; and, to increase the curiosity of having this present world pass away with a great noise, when there is no place found for it;-and of having organized a new heaven and a new earth, wherein dwelleth "righteousness;" and as our fathers cannot be perfect without us, nor we without them; and as the man is not without the woman,
neither the woman without the man in the Lord, perhaps Milauleph and his wife, as king and queen to God, and all the sons and daughters of the "head" will shout for joy, and the morning stars sing together again, at the "third" entrance of Idumia and sanctified millions!-Who knows?
At half past 9 o'clock A. M., on Saturday the 24th ult., a lengthy procession of carriages was formed in front of the residence of Mrs. Emma Smith, widow of the martyred Joseph Smith, at the front of which rested, upon a hearse, the coffin that contained the lifeless remains of Mrs. Caroline Smith, deceased wife of Elder William Smith, of the quorum of the Twelve.
At 7 o'clock P. M., of Thursday previous, her spirit took its flight to the spirit world, leaving her companion, two daughters, and numerous relatives and friends to mourn her loss.
The procession moved on slowly and majestically, and arrived at the stand east of the Temple, where it halted. The corpse was conveyed in front of the stand; the mourners were seated around it, and at 10 o'clock the services were opened by prayer from Elder Page.
After singing, Elder Orson Pratt arose and delivered an address, of which the following is the substance:-
"We will read a few passages of scripture contained in the seventh chapter of the revelations of St. John, commencing at the ninth verse. [He read the remainder of the chapter.]
The words of our text, which will be a foundation upon which to predicate some remarks upon the present occasion, will be found in the forty-fourth verse of the fifteenth chapter of Paul's Epistle to the Corinthians: 'It is sown a natural body; it is raised a spiritual body. There is a natural body, and there is a spiritual body.'
Brethren, sisters and friends,-we have assembled ourselves together, this morning, upon this solemn and important occasion, to pay our last earthly respects so [to?] a beloved sister, whose remains now lay before us. It is a custom among the nations of the earth to witness their respect for deceased friends by following them to the place of interment, and it is also a custom with the Saints of the Most High God, to assemble themselves together to hear a word of consolation and instruction upon such occasions.
It may not be amiss to make a few remarks, this morning, upon the subject of the resurrection of the dead. In reflecting upon this subject, the mind is led to inquire: why is it that the human family are subject to death, to a separation of soul and body? Why is it that the plan of the resurrection was devised? These are questions of vast importance, and are gratifying to be understood.
Death is no part of the original plan of salvation; that is, the Almighty did not decree it from before the foundation of the world, independent of the agency of man. But it has been entailed upon us as a curse; not in consequence of our own transgressions, but in consequence of the transgression of our first parents in the garden of Eden.
In the morning of creation all things were pronounced good by the Creator, as they rolled into organized existence unsullied and without a curse. Man, the last and noblest of God's creation was placed in the garden of Eden, being governed by laws and restricted by commandments, not being subject to sickness, disease, or death. Adam was placed upon the earth an immortal being. He was placed in the garden to dress, beautify and adorn it, and to hold the supremacy of power over all the things of God's creation.
Instead of our first parents eating animal food, they subsisted upon herbs and the fruits of the earth, which were originally designed for the food of man, and had they not transgressed they would have both been living upon the earth at the present day, as fair, as healthy, as beautiful and as free from sickness and death, as they were previous to the transgression. What was that transgression? It was violating a single commandment of God, and disregarding the counsel of those immortal beings who stood above them in authority. The Creator placed in the garden a certain tree and warned Adam that in the day he eat the fruit thereof he should surely die. He commanded him not to eat the fruit. His was a simple commandment; but the violation of it subjected Adam to a fall from his exalted station in the favor of God. Consequently a curse was passed upon all created things, and in the posterity of Adam were sown the seeds of dissolution.
Some have imbibed the idea that the fruit of the tree which Adam was commanded not to eat, contained the properties of death, which, when eaten by Adam, diffused through his system the nature of mortality. This may be the case, and it may not; I do not pretend to say at present. It is sufficient, for the present occasion, for us to know that it was in consequence of transgression that misery and death entered this fair creation. And you who mourn the loss of friends, do not harbor the
idea that it is in consequence of any sin of your own that you are deprived of the society of friends, and are subject, yourselves, to the sting of death. This is not the case.
I said in the first of my remarks, that death was not devised by the Almighty independent of the agency of man. This you will perceive to be a correct remark, when you understand that notwithstanding Adam was an immortal being, yet he acted upon his agency, having the power, like one of us, to obey or disobey the commandments of God. That transgression subjected him to a curse, and that was a fall from a state of immortality to that of mortality; consequently you see that it was through his agency that death entered the world. The scriptures inform us in one place, that by one man death entered the world. Again it says: 'As in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive.' We also read in another text that in consequence of the transgression of one man, judgment was passed upon all men unto condemnation. These passages will be sufficient to prove my statements.
Having examined briefly the origin and extent of the curse, let us now examine the extent of its duration, and see if any way has been devised by which it will ever be removed. For if there has not been a plan devised, then there is no resurrection of the dead; for the effect of the curse upon Adam and his posterity was a final and complete destruction of the body. When death ensued, the spirit took its departure from the body, never to be united with it again.-This was to be the deplorable condition of the human family, and this would have been their fate, had not an atonement been made, and a plan of redemption been devised. But, thanks be to the great Ruler of heaven and earth, an atonement has been made and a plan has been devised, by which the human family will be redeemed from the curse and be brought up from their graves in a state of immortality and eternal life. Dry up your tears, brethren and sisters; let your hearts rejoice with the assurance that we soon shall meet with those for whom we mourn, never more to be separated by death-Were it not for this atonement, it would be far better for our spirits had they never taken tabernacles. Deplorable would have been our condition to all eternity.
The spirit of the Savior, from the eternal world, looked down upon the condition of the human family, and in order that they might be redeemed he offered to come into the world, take a tabernacle and lay down his life as an atonement for the transgression of Adam. His was a pure and holy spirit, having never been sullied by the commission of sin, therefore the grave could not retain him. He came and did the will of the Father, lived without the commission of sin, laid down his life for the sins of the world; therefore was the atonement complete and the redemption universal.
What is to be understood by the term spiritual body? I am aware that this is a difficult question to answer. The sectarian would suppose that a spirit is something capable of being every where present; that it can fly away beyond the bounds of time and space,' and be present there at the same time that it is present with us here. But as for the Saints of the Most High God, we do not believe in the existence of any place or thing 'beyond the bounds of time and space,' neither do we believe in any immateriality, being connected with any of the creations of God. We believe that spirit is as much a substance as the earth on which we move, yet it is of a more refined substance and nature; -so refined that mortal eyes cannot behold; but when our sight becomes celestialized and strengthened, then can we behold spirit as distinctly as we now can behold one another.-What did Paul mean when he said it should be raised a spiritual body? Did he mean that the flesh and bone that would be raised would be spirit? No: But he meant that after bone had come together to its bone, and flesh and sinews had come upon the bones and they had been covered with skin, according to Ezekiel, that the form would be quickened to life by the spirit of God, which would constitute it a spiritual body.
Some people suppose that when a person dies his spirit enters immediately into those high degrees of glory, designed for them from before the foundation of the world. This is a mistaken idea. If you will examine the Bible, the Book of Mormon and the Book of Doctrine and Covenants, you will find that there is but very little recorded relative to the situation of the spirit after it leaves the body, before it again unites with the same. But it is revealed in the Book of Mormon that the spirit goes back to the Father of all spirits, and finds a place of rest, where it will remain until the resurrection, when it will again possess the body that it laid down in consequence of the curse, and thus be prepared to enter upon higher exaltations and glories in the eternal world. During the period of this separation the spirit will not be employed in ministering to beings of flesh and bone; but they will minister to their own kind; they will be ministers to the world of spirits, preaching the gospel to those who did not embrace it previous to their separation from their bodies. How do you think the spirit of the Savior spent the three days that
intervened between his crucifixion and his resurrection? Did he sit down in his Father's kingdom and do nothing but slap his hands and sing praises? His Father unfolded to him the world of spirits. He looked upon them and saw that they were his lawful, legitimate brothers and sisters in the spirit, that they all descended from the same Father, and he possessed the natural feeling of anxiety to redeem his kindred from their situation. The Father commissioned him to preach the gospel to them and show them the plan by which they could be brought up in the resurrection and prepare themselves for higher glories. This is the way that he spent the time, and this is the way that every person who holds the priesthood will spend the time that intervenes between his death and his resurrection. The spirits of men are not all that will be employed in this delightful task; but you too, my sisters, will take a part therein, for you will hold a portion of the priesthood with your husbands, and you will thus do a work, as well as they, that will augment that glory which you will enjoy after your resurrection.
The next thing we will speak of will be the reward that will be bestowed upon the resurrected Saints. This is something upon which all inspired men have spoken and written; and it is a theme that rejoices the hearts of the Saints while contemplating it.
The Saints will not receive their crowns of glory until after their resurrection. When the curse in part shall be removed from the world; when wickedness and abomination shall be known no more in the land, then will the Saints come forth clothed with immortality, and be crowned with power and glory as a reward for all their labors. No person will be crowned with power in the eternal world, (we are to be kings and priests to God to all eternity,) unless they have been ordained thereto in this life, previous to their death, or by some friend acting as proxy for them afterwards, and receiving it for them. What is it to be kings and priests? It is to have honor, authority and dominion, having kingdoms to preside over, and subjects to govern, and possessing the ability ever to increase their authority and glory, and extend their dominion.
Paul perfectly understood that the Saints would not receive their crowns of reward until after the resurrection, when he remarked:-'I have fought the good fight; I have kept the faith; and from henceforth is a crown of glory laid up for me, which the Lord the righteous Judge shall give me at that day, and not only me, but to all those who love his appearing.'
Our beloved sister, whose remains are now before us, has fallen asleep with the assurance of a glorious resurrection, and she will come up, being numbered with those who have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb, having passed through great tribulations. She has a right to this honor. She passed through the Missouri persecutions, with her companion, and was ever faithful and true to the cause of God. Her constitution was destroyed in consequence of the hardships she there endured. Soon after she came to Illinois, she was taken sick with the dropsy, which continued to prey upon her system, and something like two years ago, through the advice and counsel of her friends, she went with her husband to the east, for the purpose of recovering her health. Some two weeks ago she returned to this city. Every exertion was made to restore her to health; but her disease was of so long standing, and had become so settled upon her system, that it was impossible to restore her, and her spirit was called back to the world of spirits, to await that period when she shall be called forth from her grave by the power of the presthood [priesthood], to join again with her companion and friends in a state of immortality, to be crowned with celestial honors in the kingdom of our God."
JUNE 1, 1845.
Since the publication of the last Times and Seasons, we have frequently been interrogated about the meaning of some remarks made by Eld. Wm. Smith in an article headed patriarchal, and also concerning some expressions in the editorial connected therewith; and as the nature of the office of Patriarch, does not seem to be fully understood, we thought a little explanation on this point might not be amiss.
So far as the editorial is concerned it was written rather hastily by our junior editor, W. W. Phelps, and did not come under our notice until after it was published. There are some expressions contained in it, which might have been worded better and have rendered it less subject to criticism; but he assures us that no such intention was intended to be conveyed as that which is conceived by some. And concerning Brother Wm. Smith, we are better acquainted with him, and with his views, than to believe that he intended to convey any such idea as the one which some persons would put upon, or gather from his sayings.
In regard to the office of Patriarch, William Smith has been ordained Patriarch to the church; but he is not the only Patriarch, but would act as a senior patriarch, holding the keys of that priesthood; and his labors would be more especially connected with the church in Zion; and he would take the lead, priority, or presidency of the Patriarchal office in this place; and in this capacity if there should be a council of Patriarchs, he as a matter of course would preside by right of office-But every legally ordained Patriarch has the same right to bless that he has, and their administrations are just as legal as his are. Every ordinance that is administered by a legal administrator, is legal. A priest has just as much right to baptize a person for the remission of sins as an elder, a high priest, or an apostle; but he cannot lay on hands for the gift of the Holy Ghost, because he does not posess [posses] the authority to do it; but an elder does, and an elder's administration would be just as legal as the administration of any of the before mentioned persons, or as that of the president of the church.
Every father, after he has received his patriarchal blessing, is a Patriarch to his own family; and has the right to confer patriarchal blessings upon his family; which blessing will be just as legal as those conferred by any Patriarch of the church: in fact it is his right; and a Patriarch in blessing his children, can only bless as his mouth-piece.
A Patriarch to the church is appointed to bless those who are orphans, or have no father in the church to bless them. Not as stated inadvertently, in the editorial above alluded to "to bless all, and such as have not a father to do it," for this he could not do, where the church is so extensive; the burthen [burden] would be too onerous; hence other Patriarchs have been ordained, both in this country, an in England, to assist the Patriarch to the church, and hence the provision made in the Book of Doctrine and Covenants: "It is the duty of the Twelve, in all)large branches of the church, to ordain evangelical ministers, Patriarchs as they shall be designated unto them by revelation." Page 104. And should any of those Patriarchs remove here, they have just as much right to administer in their patriarchal office under the direction of the patriarch to the church, as an elder or priest would, who should remove from one of the branches to this place, under the direction of the presidency. Brother Wm. Smith however, "holds the keys of the patriarchal blessings upon the heads of all my people," and would of necessity have the seniority, and of course the priority and presidency; yet it would be left for those who wished to be administered to, to make their choice; just as much as it would for a candidate for baptism to choose who should administer to him.
The above is the true doctrine of the church in regard to this matter, and we speak of it for the information of the brethren at large, lest those who may have received their patriarchal blessing from other sources, or from their fathers, might be tempted to think they were of no avail, and also, to set at rest this agitated question.
We now proceed to answer some of the remarks which we have heard:
We have been asked, "Does not patriarch over the whole church" place Brother William Smith at the head of the whole church as president?
Ans. No. Brother William is not patriarch over the whole church; but patriarch TO the church, and as such he was ordained. The expression "over the whole church," is a mistake made by W. W. Phelps. He is patriarch TO the church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The Twelve are commanded to ordain evangelical ministers in all large branches of the church abroad, and who has charge over them, the patriarch? No. Those who ordained them, and to whom is committed the power and authority to regulate all the affairs of the churches abroad. And who has the charge of the whole priesthood here? Ans. The presidency of the church; and not the patriarch.
But does not the Book of Doctrine and Covenants say,
"First, I give unto you Hyrum Smith to be a Patriarch unto you to hold the sealing blessings of my church, even the Holy Spirit of promise whereby ye are sealed up unto the day of redemption, that ye may not fall."
Yes. But that is in regard to seniority not in regard to authority in priesthood, for it immediately follows, "I give unto you my servant Joseph to be a presiding elder over all my church," In page 110, D. C. we read "the duty of president of the office of the high priesthood, is to preside over the whole church, and to be like unto Moses." And from this it is evident that the president of the church, not the patriarch, is appointed by God to preside.
But does not the Patriarch stand in the same relationship to the church, as Adam did to his family, and as Abraham and Jacob did to theirs? No. This is another mistake which is made by our junior, and one that may be very easily made inadvertantly [inadvertently]. Adam was the natural father of his posterity, who were his family and over whom he presided as patriarch, prophet, priest, and king. Both Abraham and Jacob stood in the same relationship
to their families. But not so with Father Joseph Smith, Hyrum Smith, or William Smith. They were not the natural fathers of the church, and could not stand in the same capacity as Adam, Abraham, or Jacob; but inasmuch as there had been none to bless for generations past, according to the ancient order, they were ordained and set apart for the purpose of conferring patriarchal blessings, to hold the keys of this priesthood, and unlock the door, that had long been closed upon the human family: that blessings might again be conferred according to the ancient order, and those who were orphans, or had no father to bless them, might receive it through a patriarch who should act as proxy for their father, and that fathers might again be enabled to act as patriarchs to their families, and bless their children. For like all other ordinances in the church, this had been neglected; and must needs be restored. But Father Joseph Smith was not president of the church, nor the president's counsel. Nor was Hyrum Smith either president of president's counsel. He was once counsel but when he was ordained patriarch he gave it up and another was ordained in his stead, (Wm. Law) and in all probability if Br. William magnifies his calling he will not be able henceforth to attend to the duties of an apostle; but officiate in the same capacity in regard to blessing as his brother Hyrum did. Not as president of the church; but as patriarch to it.
The president of the church presides over all patriarchs, presidents, and councils of the church; and this presidency does not depend so much upon genealogy as upon calling, order, and seniority. James and Joses were the brothers of Jesus, and John was his beloved disciple, yet Peter held the keys and presided over all the church. Br. William was in the Quorum of the Twelve yet he was not president of the Twelve during his brother's lifetime, nor since; and if being ordained a patriarch would make him president of the church, it would have made Father Joseph Smith and Hyrum Smith, presidents over the church instead of Joseph.
Br. William understands the matter, and were it not for the folly of some men there would be no necessity for these remarks.
A Patriarch is what is termed in scripture an evangelist, and Br. William acts in that capacity, and God placed in the church "first apostles," not first evangelists, but the president stands in the same relationship to the church as Moses did to the children of Israel, according to the revelations.
Again, who ordained Father Smith to the office of patriarch? His son Joseph: and Father Smith ordained Hyrum, and the Twelve (of whom Br. William is one) ordained him.-Who are appointed to ordain evangelical ministers? (See page 104 D. C.) Can a stream rise higher than its fountain? No. Says Paul, "verily the less is blessed of the better."
We think that every one will see that Br. William Smith's patriarchal office will not exalt him higher in regard to priesthood than he was before, as one of the Twelve; but will rather change the nature of his office.
But will it take any thing from his priesthood? it may be asked. No. You cannot take any man's priesthood away without transgression. Br. William will still retain the same power, priesthood and authority that he did before, and yet will hold in connexion [connection] with that the patriarchal office and the keys of that priesthood, and as one of the Twelve must maintain his dignity as one of the presidents of the church, of whom President Brigham Young is the president and head, and presides over all patriarchs, presidents and councils of the church.
That the saints at home and abroad may fully understand how the name of the church came into being, as we now call it, we have thought it advisable to copy from the record of the church, or law of the Lord, the following extract of a Revelation, given at Far West, Mo., in April, 1838, through Joseph Smith, the prophet and seer of said church, whose blood has sealed the truth of what he revealed. It reads as follows:-
"Verily thus saith the Lord unto you my servant Joseph Smith jr., and also, my servant Sidney Rigdon, and also, my servant Hyrum Smith and your counsellors [counselors] who are, and who shall be hereafter appointed; and also unto my servant Edward Partridge and his counsellors [counselors], and also, unto my faithful servants who are of the High Council of my church in Zion, (for thus it shall be called) and unto all the elders and people of my church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, scatter abroad in all the world: FOR THUS SHALL MY CHURCH BE CALLED IN THE LAST DAYS, EVEN THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS."
The Lord seems to be emphatically in earnest, by repeating the name twice, and the saints who abide in the truth will consider it so, Honorable men, who do not belong to the church, will admire the integrity of the saints, in preserving the name and landmarks of the church as they were handed down by the now
(immortal) and last restorer of the ancient covenants of Israel.
It affords us great satisfaction, to lay before the saints this unalterable name, by which they shall be designated from the spurious branches of the evil one, raised up to work miracles and "call down fire from heaven," in the last days.
It is worthy of notoriety that Lucifer and his minions, have never, from the beginning, got exactly the true pattern. This teaches us, that without revelation no man could build up the kingdom of heaven on the earth, and have it prosper. Rejoice then, brethren, and be exceeding glad, for there are other revelations, which say, "the kingdom is yours and shall be till the Lord comes."
The subject of metropolitan burial places, says an exchange paper, has often been discussed; but without the production of any beneficial results. It is an established fact that city graveyards exhale noxious gasses from which ensue horrible disease, and as is natural, death itself. The gasses produced by decomposition, it has been ascertained, are often strong enough to burst off the lids of coffins.
Abuses, too, are practised [practiced] by the owners and directors of these city receptacles of the dead. Recently, in London, a developement [development]was made which proved that in a burying ground of two acres in size fifteen hundred interments had been annually made. As it is well known that a quart cannot be put into a gill measure, this expose excited suspicion that all was not right, and so witnesses were called to testify, among other things, to the number of bodies interred in one grave. One of these witnesses testified that eight bodies were put in one grave, and that the grave was generally eight feet deep only. The coffins of adults were put in length-wise, and the coffins of children at each end. The following is a portion of the examination:
"How often do you remove the dead to make room for more?"
"We do not remove the bodies of adults."
"That seems to imply that you do remove those of children?"
"Not until they are decayed; when the rod goes through them (great sensation.)"
We have seen the rod operation performed in yards in this city. Another witness declared that "she had seen the grave-diggers throw up parts of human bodies, and then chop it up with their shovels. Saw one of them seize a corpse by the hair, and on that occasion she cried out and the men threw in the flesh and covered it with clay. She now added that since her last examination she saw Smith, one of the grave-diggers, carrying the bottom and lid of a coffin towards the bone-house. It was at six o'clock on Wednesday morning. Had seen the grave-diggers throw up dark heavy lumps. Could not at first tell what it was, but afterwards knew it to be human flesh. The man in the grave tossed it up on the clay. He would then come up and pick the hair up; saw very long hair at one time upon the clay."-This traffic seems worse than the purchase and sale of live human beings. Much worse.
(->) Upon this subject we would remark, that "the dead" are not treated with proper respect in large cities and other places. In old times the "dead" were respected as much as the living. We read many important interments in the scriptures. In Genesis we find:
"And Abraham hearkened unto Ephron; and Abraham weighed to Ephron the silver, which he had named in the audience of the sons of Heth, four hundred shekels of silver current money with the merchant.
And the field of Ephron, which was in Machpelah, which was before Mamre, the field, and the cave which was therein, and all the trees that were in the field, that were in all the borders round about, were made sure.
Unto Abraham for a possession, in the presence of the children of Heth, before all that went in at the gate of his city.
And after this, Abraham buried Sarah his wife in the cave of the field of Machpelah, before Mamre: the same is Hebron in the land of Canaan.
And the field, and the cave that is therein, were made sure unto Abraham, for a possession of a burying-place, by the sons of Heth.
And when Abraham had filled the measure of his days, gave up the ghost and died and was gathered unto his people, his sons Isaac and Ishmael buried him in the cave of Machpelah, in the field of Ephron the son of Zohar the Hittite, which is before Mamre."
The receptacles of the "dead" have been held sacred in all ages, by the civilized and the savage. Look at the mummies from the catacombs of Egypt. Look at the mounds of America, and reflect what noble spirits must have actuated the hearts of the living for the dead, among the nations that have passed from the world like the mighty waters of a great river, leaving nothing but the sand of its banks to point us to where it once was.
Embalming, too, is not destitute of the honor of old times. We read that "Joseph commanded his servants the physicians to embalm his father: and the physicians embalmed Israel.
And forty days were fulfilled for him; for so are fulfilled the days of those which are embalmed; and the Egyptians mourned for him three-score and ten days.
And Pharaoh said, go up, and bury thy father according as he made thee swear.
And Joseph went up to bury his father; and with him went up all the servants of Pharaoh, the elders of his house, and all the elders of the land of Egypt.
And his sons did unto him according as he commanded them:
For his sons carried him into the land of Canaan, and buried him in the cave of the field of Machpelah, which Abraham bought with the field, for a possession of a burying-place, of Ephron the Hittite, before Mamre."
After reflecting upon what men have done; the honor they have shown to the dead in days and ages passed and gone, it gives an honorable person, a saint, or a feeling man, horrible sensations to read such inhumanity as is expressed in the piece above copied from one of the time chroniclers of the day. There is certainly trouble enough among the living, without troubling the mouldering [moldering] remains of the dead. When revenge and hatred are steeping their garments in gore, and every man's hand is against his neighbor, suppose the word goes forth, "Let the dead bury their dead,-will there not be a feast for the beasts of the field, and the fowls of the air? He that hath ears to hear let him hear, and "honor the dead."
The Christian Intelligencer, (of Georgetown Kentucky,) a Methodist paper, and edited by a clergyman, contains a call for a convention of the laity of the Methodist Episcopal church, to consider the action of the ministers at the Louisville convention, in relation to the separation of the body into northern and southern divisions.
This movement is an extraordinary one for that body of people, but is one of the characteristics of the times:
Whereas, conventions are the order of the day, and the late Louisville convention has undertaken an extensive reformation in the church of our choice, which is to end no one knows where; and, whereas, it is meet and right that the members of said church should have a voice in all matters vitally affecting their spiritual and eternal interests, it is hereby respectfully suggested and proposed that the laity of said church hold a convention at some point in Kentucky, to be hereafter designated, some time about the first of October next, then and there to determine for themselves what shall be their action, in the face of a new organization, termed the Methodist Episcopal Church, south.
(->) It must needs be that offences [offenses] come but wo unto him by whom the offence [offense] cometh!-"Then and there to determine what shall be the rule of action!"-All that need be said,(while the blood of the prophets and saints remains unatoned for,) is division. No sectarian church or body or worldly minded men need to hope to do any thing that can augment union, harmony, or peace: God will not let them. These are the great days of trouble and commotion-Who is on the Lord's side? And by whom shall Jacob arise? for he is small. (See Amos 7th.)
NAPOLEON'S ATTEMPT TO PASS THE RED SEA.-The author of Eothen, or Traces of Travel, after mentioning several speculations as to the point at which the Israelites passed the Red Sea, one of the suppositions being that they had traversed only a small creek at the northern extremity, near Suez, proceeds as follows:-"Napoleon, when at Suez, made an attempt to follow the supposed steps of Moses, by passing the creek at this point, but it seems, according to the testimony of the people at Suez, that he and his horsemen managed the matter in a manner more resembling the failure of the Egyptians, than the success of the Israelites. According to the French account, Napoleon got out of the difficulty by that warrior-like presence of mind which served him so well when the fate of nations depended on the decision of a moment. He ordered his horsemen to disperse themselves in all directions, in order to multiply the chances of finding shallow water, and was thus enabled to discover a line by which he and his people were extricated. The story told by the people at Suez is very different. They declare that Napoleon parted from his horse, got thoroughly submerged, and was only fished out by the people on shore. I bathed twice at the point assigned to the Israelites, and the second time that I did so, I chose the time of low water, and tried to walk across, but I soon found myself out of my depth, or at least in water so deep that I could only advance by swimming."
(->) More men than Napoleon have tried to penetrate into the mysterious works of the Lord and failed also. We always have to record these specimens of great littleness for the benefit of posterity.
In old times, when David was in trouble, he sent his young men to a person by the name of Nabal for provisions.
"And Nabal answered David's servants, and
said, Who is David? and who is the son of Jessee? there be many servants now-a-days that break away every man from his master."
David, being one of the Lord's anointed, purposed to chastise such an insult, but Nabal's wife, possessing a noble soul, stepped into the rescue, and said,
"Let not my lord, I pray thee, regard this man of Belial, even Nabal: for as his name is, so is he; Nabal is his name, and folly is with him: but I, thy handmaid, saw not the young men of my lord, whom thou didst send."
So, the "folly" of all men who mock God, manifests itself, and continues from age to age as a beacon, to warn others.
There sometimes follows a curse as well as the shame. So it appears in the case above quoted.
"And Abigail came to Nabal; and, behold, he held a feast in his house like the feast of a king; and Nabal's heart was merry within him, for he was very drunken: wherefore she told him nothing, less or more, until the morning light.
But it came to pass in the morning, when the wine was gone out of Nabal, and his wife had told him these things, that his heart died within him, and he became as a stone.
And it came to pass about ten days after, that the Lord smote Nabal, that he died."
The N. Y. Tribune thus discourses upon the sanctity of Sunday and the modes and manners of the intelligent, christian, and moral people of New York:-
"Last Sunday being about the first really pleasant one of the season, furnished a fine chance for uncorking the repressed effervescence of the city, which in the warm season weekly runs over in all directions. The Hoboken ferries, the Harlem railroad cars, the Staten Island and Long Island boats, were all in constant requisition. Every departure of a boat left a disappointed crowd behind; while the cars passed squads and squadrons-nay, legions and armies-of gaudy bonnets and flouncing muslins at every corner. In the city itself, except at church hours and the attendant slow-paced processions, every thing was as hushed as if the world were newly made and had not yet discovered that it was alive. There is no more entirely solitary and silent place than gay and glittering Broadway on a sunny Sunday morning. The periphery of the city, however, takes lively forms and hues enough; and forth from every avenue rush incessant lines of humanity, scampering they know not why and they care not wherefore-only certain that they are going. This is enough to make them happy."
(->) "Remember the Sapbath [Sabbath] to keep it holy," has lost its value in New York. In fact, aside from the church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, there is not pure religion enough on earth, to call down one blessing from heaven.
If Noah had not prevailed with God, and got this promise, that "while the earth remaineth, seed time and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night, shall not cease," the dissolution or end of the world would have come upon this generation before now. As the Savior said, as it was in the days of Noah, so it is in the last days-they eat and drink, and give in marriage, and to-morrow-ah that is awful! beware!
The prophet said when the Lord's scourge passed over, it "should be a vexation only to understand the report" and since the fire commenced laying waste the hopes of man in our country, we could not help reflecting that it vexed some to hear the report. While men oppress their fellow men, there seems to be an invisible hand, that scatters calamity, ruin, vexation, and death; and human ingenuity fails to prevent its continuation.
In Pittsburgh and vicinity, less than two months have witnessed four fires, and in all parts of the United States, the devouring element has taxed the wealth of the people heavily-and dreadfully. None, among the cities and towns of our country, however, have felt the severity of the flames like Quebec in Canada.
The Quebec Gazette gives the following carefully prepared statement of the number of houses destroyed by the fire of May 28th.
Lower Town............. 140
St. John suburbs.... .... 58
St. Roch suburbs.... .1,432
Total....... .. 1,630
The number of out-houses, stores, &c., not included in the above statement, may be safely estimated at two thousand.
The following insurances, only, have been effected;
Canada............ ...L50,000
Quebec............. ...40,000
Montreal (about).... ..10,000
Phoenix............. . 2,835
Not even one tenth of the loss sustained.
About five thousand persons were yesterday fed, and L2,000 have been distributed this day-say pecuniary relief to four thousand persons.
The later Quebec papers contain the following:-
One assertion we may safely make, that the amount of property lost is not so far magnified, and the sacrifice of human life is underrated.-The total loss has been computed with the utmost nicety possible, and found to be between one million and one million and a half of pounds! or, in dollars, $4,000,000 to $6,000,000! The loss of life cannot be estimated.
We hear of many private interments of the remains found by supposed relatives, and it is asserted that about forty victims of the conflagration have so far been inhumed, and that many, very many, will never be discovered.-This statement we fully credit, from our own observations, as the first sufferers fled towards town, and, from the irregular and distant outbreaks of the fire from its origin, they could not have retraced their way, and must have perished encompassed by the flames which, from moment to moment, narrowed the limits of apparent safety around them.
Had such fires occurred in cold weather, common sense would lead us to suppose that they originated by over heat, carelessness or some other ordinary circumstance, but in almost every case, while the start is accidental, the wind, in its fury, has acted as if there was a purpose, that fanned the flame. These circumstances, connected with the sacred words of Jesus and the prophets, compel some to read, witness, or fear what is transpiring, not only in this nation, but among the nations. How forcibly are the words of Joseph Smith, in his "Views of the powers and policy of government," brought to mind upon witnessing the scenes around us!-He said, "No man can doubt for a moment, but the glory of American liberty is on the wane; and that calamity and confusion will sooner or later destroy the peace of the people."
Ah! here it is!-the prophet told it;-and though men had power to take the life of the man, they have not the power to stay the fulfilment [fulfillment] of his words. They cannot stop the calamity and confusion that must sooner or later destroy the peace of the people!" God, who never errs, pours out his wrath, and who shall be able to abide his indignation?
There is but one way to escape the wrath of God, and that is by repentance. If the people of these United States, who have suffered the innocent blood of the prophets to be shed in their midst with impunity, will arise and put on sackcloth like the inhabitants of Nineveh, and do works meet for repentance, peradventure, the "red hot wrath" with which (Joseph said) God would purify this nation, may be turned away. We have given the hint, and our garments are clean from the blood of all men.
If the Saints will be justified in the presence of God, and pass unscorched through the fire of the last days, they must sanctify themselves by the revelations of God, and bide their time. The axe is laid at the root of the trees and every tree that bringeth forth not good fruit, will be hewn down and cast into the fire. The world, in former days, was purified by water; in the last days it will be purified by fire, for even the elements shall melt with fervent heat.
Be ye ready.
After a little more than four years of hard labor, in truly troublesome times, and not, too, without the loss of the best blood in the church, on the morning of the 24th ult. at a little past 6, a goodly number of Saints had the honor, and glory to witness the Capstone of the Temple laid in its place. The morning was cool, clear, and beautiful; the Saints felt glorious, the band upon the top of the walls, played charmingly, and when the stone was placed, there was a united Hosanna to God and the Lamb, amen and amen shouted three time, which not only gave joy on earth, but filled the heavens with gladness!
The "Twelve," and other authorities of the church, were present to witness and conduct this interesting scene. Like the event when God finished his work and rested, (so said President Young,) as it was the seventh day of the week, the Saints might do the same.
A new hymn was sung, and as the prophets have written for our instruction, so the "head stone" was brought forward with shouting-grace, grace unto it;-and may the God of Israel, with his Almighty power, grant that the Saints may have peace to obtain their endowment therein. Amen.
One of our English writers on the Bible, thus spake of the old prophets:
"With respect to the Hebrew prophets, whose inspired writings still continue to instruct mankind, it may, says Mr. Gray, be affirmed, that in the long and illustrious succession from Moses to Malachi, not one appears, who was not entitled to considerable reverence by the display of great and extraordinary virtues.-Employed in the exalted office of teaching and reforming mankind, they appear to have been animated with a becoming and correspondent zeal. The most intemperate princes were sometimes compelled unwillingly to hear and to obey their directions, though often so incensed
by their rebuke, as to resent it by the severest persecutions. Then it was, that the prophets evinced the integrity of their characters, by zealously encountering oppression, hatred, and death, in the cause of religion. Then it was, that they firmly supported trial of cruel mockings and scourging; yea, moreover, of bonds and imprisonment. They were stoned, they were sawn [sawed] asunder, were tempted, were slain with the sword: they wandered about, destitute, afflicted, tormented."
(->) All true prophets have been received and treated by the world alike from Abel to Joseph.
At a meeting of the Jackson branch, in Jackson county, Michigan, Brother Parks, by vote of the branch was requested to give up his license of elder, to be retained by the church until restored by vote of the same. Also, Brother - - for teaching false doctrine. Also, Brother Catlin was expelled, for usurping the authority of the priesthood and not obeying counsel.
Done by vote of the branch, on the 29th of April, 1845.
Indian.-The prairie tribes, says a Western paper, according to the last Arkansas Intelligencer, are making a great stir among themselves. The Caddoes and Camanches seem to be trying to get into a war. The Camanches have notified a white trader, who lives fifty or sixty miles from Fort Washita, that he must return to the "settlements." He has applied to the military for protection. The Camanches seem on the eve of a war with the Creeks, (unless some "negotiation" of the ensuing Grand Council at the Salt Plains can hinder) while they no doubt think that the presence of the trader denoted a too great vicinity of the whites to their much loved hunting grounds.
We copy the following beautiful lines, though old, for the respect we always felt for the author.
When Friendship, Love, and Truth abound, His reverend front adorning,
Among a band of brothers, He looks like Winter turned to May,
The cup of joy goes gaily round, Night softened into morning.
Each shares the bliss of others. How grand in age, how fair in youth,
Sweet roses grace this thorny way, Are holy Friendship, Love, and Truth.
Along this vale of sorrow;
The flowers that shed their leaves to -day, From these delightful fountains flow
Shall bloom again to-morrow. Ambrosial rills of pleasure:
How grand in age, how fair in youth, Can man desire, can heaven bestow,
Are holy Friendship, Love, and Truth! A more resplendent treasure?
Adorned with gems so richly bright,
On halcyon wings our moments pass, We'll form a constellation,
Life's cruel cares beguiling; Where every star, with modest light,
Old Time lays down his scythe and glass, Shall gild his proper station.
In gay good humor smiling; How grand in age, how fair in youth,
With ermine beard and forelock gray Are holy friendship, Love, and Truth!
The Times and Season, Is Printed and Published about the first and fifteenth of every month, on the corner of Main and Kimball Streets, Nauvoo, Hancock County, Illinois, by JOHN TAYLOR, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR.
TERMS.-TWO DOLLARS per annum, payable in all cases in advance. Any person procuring five new subscribers, and forwarding us Ten Dollars current money, shall receive one volume gratis. All letters must be addressed to John Taylor, editor, POST PAID, or they will not receive attention.
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