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Volume V. No. 4.] | CITY OF NAUVOO, ILL. FEB. 15, 1844. | [Whole No. 88. |
Shortly after the foregoing was received, at his request, I inquired and received the following
Behold I say unto you, my servant Sidney Gilbert, that I have heard your prayers, and you have called upon me, that it should be made known unto you, of the Lord your God, concerning your calling, and election in this church, which I the Lord have raised up in these last days.
Behold I the Lord, who was crucified for the sins of the world, giveth unto you a commandment, that you shall forsake the world. Take upon you mine ordinances, even that of an elder, to preach faith and repentance, and remission of sins, according to my word, and the reception of the Holy Spirit by the laying on of hands. And also to be an agent unto this church in the place which shall be appointed by the bishop, according to commandments which shall be given hereafter.
And again, verily I say unto you, you shall take your journey with my servants Joseph Smith, jr. and Sidney Rigdon. Behold these are the first ordinances which you shall receive; and the residue shall be made knowh [known] in time to come, according to your labor in my vineyard. And again, I would that ye should learn that it is he only who is saved, that endureth unto the end; even so: Amen.
The branch of the church in Thompson, on account of breaking the covenant, and not knowing what to do, sent in their elders for me to inquire of the Lord for them, which I did, and received the following
Behold, thus saith the Lord, even Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, even he who was crucified for the sins of the world.-Behold, verily, I say unto you, my servant Newel Knight, you shall stand fast in the office wherewith I have appointed you: and if your brethren desire to escape their enemies let them repent of all their sins; and become truly humble before me and contrite: and as the covenant which they made unto me has been broken, even so it has become void and of none effect; and wo [woe] to him by whom this offence [offense] cometh, for it had been better for him that he had been drowned in the depth of the sea; but blessed are they who have kept the covenant, and observed the commandment, for they shall obtain mercy.
Wherefore, go to now and flee the land, lest your enemies come upon you: and take your journey, and appoint whom you will to be your leader, and to pay moneys for you.-And thus you shall take your journey, into the regions westward, unto the land of Missouri, unto the borders of the Lamanites. And after you have done journeying, behold I say unto you, seek ye a living like unto men, until I prepare a place for you.
And again, be patient in tribulation until I come: and behold I come quickly, and my reward is with me, and they who have sought me early, shall find rest to their souls; even so: Amen.
The elders now began to go to the western country, two and two, according to the previous word of the Lord. From P. P. Pratt, who had returned from the expedition of last fall, during the spring we had verbal information; and from letters from the still remaining elders we had written intelligence; and as this was the most important subject which then engrossed the attention of the saints, I will here insert the copy of a letter received about this time, from that section, dated
"Our dearly beloved brethren:-I have nothing particular to write as concerning the Lamanites; and because of a short journey which I have just returned from; in consequence of which I have not written to you since the 16th of last month. I and brother Ziba went into the county east, which is Layette and is about forty miles: and in the name of Jesus we called on the people to repent; many of whom are, I believe, earnestly searching for truth, and if sincerely, I pray they may find that precious treasure, for it seems to be wholly fallen in the streets; that equity, * * * The letter we received from you, informed us that the opposition was great against you. Now our beloved brethren we verily believe that we also can rejoice, that we are counted worthy to suffer shame for his name; for almost the whole country, which consists of Universalists, Atheists, Deists, Presbyterians, Methodists, Baptists, and professed christians, priests and people, with all the devils from the infernal pit, are united and foaming out their own shame.-God forbid that I should bring a railing accusation against them, for vengeance belongeth
to him who is able to repay: and herein brethren we confide.
I am informed of another tribe of Lamanites lately, who have abundance of flocks of the best kinds of sheep and cattle, and they manufacture blankets of a superior quality. The tribe is very numerous; they live three hundred miles west of Santa Fe, Navashoes [Navajos?]. Why I mentien [mention] this tribe is, because I feel under obligation to communicate to my brethren every information concerning the Lamanites that I meet with in my labors and travels; believing as I do, that much is expected from me in the cause of our Lord:-and doubting not that I am daily remembered in your prayers before the throne of the Most High, by all of my brethren, as well by those who have not seen my face in the flesh, as those who have.
We begin to expect our brother Pratt, soon; we have heard from him only when he was at St. Louis. We are all well (bless the Lord) and preach the gospel we will, if earth and hell oppose our way, and we dwell in the midst of scorpions: for in Jesus we trust. Grace be with you all: Amen.
P. S. I beseech brother Whitney to remember and write; and direct to me, Independence, Jackson county, Missouri.
While we were preparing for our journey to Missouri, about the middle of June, W. W. Phelps and his family arrived among us, and as he said, to do the will of the Lord, I inquired and received the following
Behold thus saith the Lord unto you, my servant William, yea even the Lord of the whole earth, thou art called and chosen and after thou hast been baptized by water, which if you do with an eye single to my glory, you shall have a remission of your sins, and a reception of the Holy Spirit, by the laying on of hands. And then thou shalt be ordained by the hand of my servant Joseph Smith, jr. to be an elder unto this church, to preach repentance and remission of sins by way of baptism in the name of Jesus Christ, the Son of the living God; and on whomsoever you shall lay your hands, if they are contrite before me, you shall have power to give the Holy Spirit.
And again, you shall be ordained to assist my servant Oliver to do the work of printing, and selecting, and writing books for schools, in this church, that little children also may receive instruction before me as is pleasing unto me. And again verily I say unto you, for this cause you shall take your journey with my servants Joseph Smith, jr. and Sidney Rigdon, that you may be planted in the land of your inheritance, to do this work.
And again let my servant Joseph Coe also take his journey with them. The residue shall be made known hereafter; even as I will:-Amen.
Soon after I received the above, elder T. B. Marsh came to inquire what he should do; as elder Ezra Thayer, his yoke-fellow, in the ministry, could not get ready for his mission, to start as soon as he (Marsh) would; and I inquired of the Lord and received the following
Hearken O ye people who profess my name, saith the Lord your God, for behold mine anger is kindled against the rebellious, and they shall know mine arm and mine indignation in the day of visitation and of wrath upon the nations. And he that will not take up his cross and follow me, and keep my commandments, shall not be saved.
Behold I the Lord commandeth, and he that will not obey shall be cut off in mine own due time: and after that I have commanded and the commandment is broken, wherefore I the Lord command and revoke, as it seemeth me good; and all this to be answered upon the heads of the rebellious saith the Lord: wherefore I revoke the commandment which was given unto my servant Thomas B. Marsh and Ezra Thayre, and give a new commandment unto my servant Thomas, that he shall take up his journey speedily to the land of Missouri; and my servant Selah J. Griffin shall also go with him: for behold I revoke the commandment which was given unto my servant Selah J. Griffin and Newel Knight, in consequence of the stiffneckedness of my people which are in Thompson; and their rebellions: wherefore let my servant Newel Knight, remain with them, and as many as will go may go, that are contrite before me, and be led by him to the land which I have appointed.
And again, verily I say unto you, that my servant Ezra Thayre must repent of his pride, and of his selfishness, and obey the former commandment which I have given concerning the place upon which he lives; and if he will do this, as there shall be no division made upon the land, he shall be appointed still to go to the land of Missouri; otherwise he shall receive the money which he has paid, and shall leave the place, and shall be cut off out of my church, saith the Lord God of hosts: and though the heaven and the earth shall pass away, these words shall not pass away, but shall be fulfilled.
And if my servant Joseph Smith, jr. must needs pay the money, behold I the Lord will pay it unto him again in the land of Missouri,
that those of whom he shall receive may be rewarded again, according to that which they do. For according to that which they do, they shall receive; even in the lands for their inheritance. Behold thus saith the Lord unto my people, you have many things to do, and to repent of; for behold your sins have come up unto me, and are not pardoned, because you seek to counsel in your own ways. And your hearts are not satisfied. And ye obey not the truth, but have pleasure in unrighteousness.
Wo unto you rich men, that will not give your substance to the poor, for your riches will canker your souls! and this shall be your lamentation in the day of visitation, and of judgment, and of indignation: The harvest is past, the summer is ended, and my soul is not saved! Wo unto you poor men, whose hearts are not broken, and whose spirits are not contrite, and whose bellies are not satisfied, and whose hands are not stayed from laying hold upon other men's goods, whose eyes are full of greediness, who will not labor with their own hands!
But blessed are the poor, who are pure in heart, whose hearts are broken, and whose spirits are contrite, for they shall see the kingdom of God coming in great power and great glory unto their deliverance: for the fatness of the earth shall be theirs: for behold the Lord shall come, and his recompense shall be with him, and he shall reward every man, and the poor shall rejoice: and their generations shall inherit the earth from generation to generation, forever and ever. And now I make an end of speaking unto you; even so: Amen.
On the 19th of June, in company with Sidney Rigdon, Martin Harris, Edward Partridge, W. W. Phelps, Joseph Coe, A. S. Gilbert and his wife, I started from Kirtland, Ohio, for the land of Missouri, agreeable to the commandment before received, wherein it was promised that if we were faithful, the land of our inheritance, even the place for the city of the New Jerusalem should be revealed. We went by waggon [wagon], canal boats, and stages to Cincinnati, where I had an interview with Rev. Walter Scott, one of the fathers of the Campbellites or Newlitt Church. Before the close of our interview, he manifested one of the bitterest spirits against the doctrine of the New Testament ('that these signs should follow them that believe,' as recorded in the 16th chapter of the gospel, according to St. Mark,) that I ever witnessed among men. We left Cincinnati in a steamer, and landed at Louisville, Ky., where we were detained three days in waiting for a steamer to convey us to St. Louis. At St. Louis, myself, brother Harris, Phelps, Partridge and Coe, went on foot by land, to Independence, Jackson county, Missouri, where we arrived about the middle of July: and the residue of the company came by water a few days after. Notwithstanding the corruptions and abominations of the times, and the evil spirits manifested towards us on account of our belief in the Book of Mormon; at many places and among various persons, yet the Lord continued his watchful care and loving kindness to us day by day: and we made it a rule, wherever there was an opportunity to read a chapter in the bible, and to pray; and these seasons of worship gave us great consolation. The meeting of our brethren, who had long waited our arrival, was a glorious one, and moistened with many tears. It seemed good and pleasant for brethren to meet together in unity. But our reflections were great, coming as we had from a highly cultivated state of society in the east, and standing now upon the confines or western limits of the United States, and looking into the vast wilderness of those that sat in darkness;-how natural it was to observe the degradation, leanness of intellect, ferocity and jealousy of a people that were nearly a century behind the time, and to feel for those that roamed about without the benefit of civilization, refinement or religion! yea, and exclaim in the language of the prophets: 'When will the wilderness blossom as a rose? when will Zion be built up in her glory, and where will thy temple stand unto which all nations shall come in the last days?' Our anxiety was soon relieved by receiving the following
Hearken, O ye elders of my church, saith the Lord your God, who have assembled yourselves together, according to my commandments, in this land which is the land of Missouri, which is the land which I have appointed and consecrated for the gathering of the saints: wherefore this is the land of promise, and the place for the city of Zion. And thus saith the Lord your God, if you will receive wisdom here is wisdom. Behold the place which is now called Independence, is the centre [center] place, and the spot for the temple is lying westward upon a lot which is not far from the court house: wherefore it is wisdom that the land should be purchased, by the saints: and also every tract lying westward, even unto the line running directly between Jew and Gentile. And also every tract bordering by the prairies, inasmuch as my disciples are enabled to buy lands. Behold this is wisdom, that they may obtain it for an everlasting inheritance.
And let my servant Sidney Gilbert, stand in the office which I have appointed him, to receive moneys, to be an agent unto the church, to buy land in all the regions round about, inasmuch as can be in righteousness, and as wisdom shall direct.
And let my servant Edward Partridge, stand in the office which I have appointed him, to divide the saints their inheritance, even as I have commanded: and also those whom he has appointed to assist him.
And again, verily I say unto you, let my servant Sidney Gilbert plant himself in this place, and establish a store, that he may sell goods without fraud, that he may obtain money to buy lands for the good of the saints; and that he may obtain whatsoever things the disciples may need to plant them in their inheritance. And also let my servant Sidney Gilbert obtain a licence [license], (behold here is wisdom, and whoso readeth let him understand,) that he may send goods also unto the people, even by whom he will as clerks, employed in his service, and thus provide for my saints, that my gospel may be preached unto those who sit in darkness and in the region and shadow of death.
And again, verily I say unto you, let my servant William W. Phelps be planted in this place, and be established as a printer unto the church: and lo, if the world receiveth his writings, (behold here is wisdom,) let him obtain whatsoever he can obtain in righteousness, for the good of the saints. And let my servant Oliver Cowdry [Cowdery] assist him, even as I have commanded, in whatsoever place I shall appoint unto him, to copy and to correct, and select, that all things may be right before me, as it shall be proved by the Spirit through him. And thus let those of whom I have spoken, be planted in the land of Zion, as speedily as can be, with their families, to do those things even as I have spoken.
And now concerning the gathering, let the bishop and the agent make preparations for those families which have been commanded to come to this land, as soon as possible, and plant them in their inheritance. And unto the residue of both elders and members, further direction shall be given hereafter; even so: Amen.
From the (Eng) Weekly Despatch [dispatch]
Mr. Editor:-In your paper of last week you inserted exclusively an article of much importance; it was an extract from the Malta Times, a copy of which had been sent you by a correspondent from the Mediterranean. It is little to the honor of the London press that this important article has not been copied in its columns. I allude to the revived persecution of the Jews in Ancona. If persecution be allowed to commence it will soon make rapid strides, and we shall have all the horrors of the good old times revived among us. Persecution can never be confined within its limits;-let it exist at all, and it is boundless. With respect to the Court of Inquisition, it was the glory of the immortal Napoleon that, wherever he went, he destroyed it; and to the shame and disgrace of the Duke of Wellington, it is recorded, that wherever he was successful he restored or allowed to be restored, this detestable Court of Priests. When the illustrious Emperor possessed Spain and Portugal, the Courts of Inquisition in both countries, were annihilated. When the Duke of Wellington drove the French out of those countries, the Inquisition revived in all its horrors. It may be truly said, that the march of Napoleon was that of liberality, whilst the progress of the Duke of Wellington was always that of absolute tyranny.
The revival of the Inquisition at Ancona is a fearful feature of the times. This hateful Court of Priests has its sittings and proceedings in secret; there is no appeal from its horrible decisions, and the chief judge has a power known to no other court in the world. Its president can aggravate a sentence to any amount. In all other courts throughout Europe the sovereign has the prerogative of mitigating, but certainly not of increasing, a penal sentence: but in this terrible court of the priests the inquisitor has the power of augmenting the punishment to any extent he pleases. This, of course, renders a trial, at best, a mere mockery. The sentence of the court generally consists in torture, and the Grand Inquisitor, may increase the torture to the utmost extent of his disposition.
The Inquisition is re-established at Ancona, and its first proceeding is against the Jews.-Ancona is the third city in the Pope's dominions. It contains about 26,000 inhabitants-an immense number for a city of the dominions of this wretched sovereign, called the Pope. A great portion of the population are Jews, Greeks, and Mahomedans. It has a cathedral and churches innumerable. Its manufactures are in the hands of the Jews, to whom the town owes all its prosperity. Now comes out a proclamation against these Jews, the sole object of which is to plunder them by extorting bribes for getting rid of this proclamation. In most parts of Europe liberality towards the Jews, for half a century at least, has been a prominent feature of the age. The French emancipated them as we did the Irish Catholics. In England, our Queen, very much to her honor, has conferred titles on the Jews. We have had, we are glad to say, Jews as High Sheriffs of counties, and even of London itself; but the spirit of persecution must, like a pestilence, break out somewhere, and in the Pope's dominions
it is now directed against the Jews of Ancona. The real motives of the priests, of course, consists in a knowledge that the Jews are worth plunder. By this edict of the Pope's Inquisition, a Jew is prohibited from marrying with a Christian; a Jew is not allowed to eat with a Christian, or to visit a Christian family. He is not permitted to employ Christian men or women, day or night. We fancy that this will prove sadly detrimental to the Christians, for the Jews are the great capitalists-the monied [moneyed] men-and employ half the town, and this part of the edict will throw the Catholic population of Ancona out of employment. It is really dreadful to know that such a hateful spirit of persecution can exist in any part of Christendom. The Jews are confined to a district of the town, and they are prohibited from employing Christian nurses, or Christian domestic servants, under the pain of fines and penalties, according to the Pontifical constitution. As we placed the Pope on his trumpery throne at an immense expense, we see not why we should not exercise a discretion in checking such enormities. Why should English gold have been spent, and English blood have been spilled, to establish such a system of Popish tyranny? One section of the edict amounts to the ludicrous. It enacts that all Jews possessed of property must alienate that property by bona-fide contracts, and within the space of three months, or otherwise the whole property will be forfeited to the Sacred Court of Inquisition. Is not this enough to make the English people alive to religious persecution? The principle fully exists in this country, although it is not carried to quite as great an extent. The Jews are prohibited from eating with Christians, or sleeping out of their quarters, and from permitting Christians to sleep within them. Another clause of the edict prohibits the Jews from visiting Christians without a license, but the license being paid for, the Jews may visit where they please. Then, these Israelites are prohibited from trafficking in sacred things, or in trading books of any sort whatever. These chosen people are forbid to read anything. This, I suppose, is a step in the progress of education-in the march of intellect. I will give the English public an idea of the horrible nature of this Catholic edict of the Inquisition:-"XI. That the Jews in carrying their dead to the grave, must not use any religious rite, or public pomp, and especially must abstain from saying prayers, or displaying torches, or other lights in the streets, and out of the Jewish quarter, under the pain of 100 scudes, the loss of the wax lights, and other things, to which the nearest relation shall be subjected." Such are the proceedings of what is called, "The Sacred Inquisition of Ancona."
The priests, of course, have the power of granting licenses to the Jews for breaking all the orders of this edict of the sacred inquisition, and as the Jews are the only active, wealthy, and useful portion of Ancona, of course the priests make a good revenue of their licenses. Such a case as this ought to open the eyes of the English public as to the spirit of priestcraft, which is as rampant in this country as it is in Ancona, only it assumes a very different name. PUBLICOLA
The editor of the Athens (Ga.) Banner bas been informed by a gentleman in whom he places the most implicit confidence, that there is a mountain in Raibun county, in that state, which is now throwing out immense quantities of very black, dense smoke, and manifests the appearance of being volcanic. It is said that the smoke issues through fissures in the rock, and that there is a continued rumbling sound constantly heard in the bowels of the mountain, resembling that of low, distant thunder.
Sir-The state persecutions in Ireland are causing so much general excitement as to the probable termination that I beg of you to notice the following very curious remarks. They would, I think, rather surprise those who are looking for the end of the trials.
On dit, that O'Connell can bring forward three millions of witnesses. Now, supposing this, we would allow the Court of Queen's Bench to sit six days in the week, and fifty two weeks in the year, it would take upwards of ninty [ninety]-six years to examine them, at the rate of one hundred witnesses per day. We will not deal in such large numbers, but at once deduct one million of witnesses, and even then it would take sixty-four years and upwards to examine them. We will go further still, and deduct another million, and even then the poor lawyers would be 'fagged' out, for they would only have a thirty-two years' job of it. Now, supposing the great agitator, instead of giving the poor lawyers a ninety or hundred years' job, would think of mitigating it to ten years' trial, the 'poor fellows,' in this case would have to examine about three hundred and twelve thousand witnesses, and so on.
Now, if O'Connell is at liberty to bring forward as many witnesses as he pleases, and with plenty of the 'implement' of war to carry on the trial, there is no doubt that he will defeat
and tire out the whole of her majesty's great counsellors [counselors].
If Mr. Attorney-General Smith never had a long job before, I think he will sicken before he gets half through the present case; and I think the sooner the indictments are 'quashed' the better. The briefs and all those kind of documents would be regularly polished before the trials were finished.-Liverpool. Standard.
I remain, sir, your most obedient servant, T. C.
Thursday morning a party of Ojibbeway [Ojibway] North American Indians, viz three females and four males, came to the castle, conducted by Mr. Catlin, the celebrated traveler, and were presented to her majesty, and his Royal Highness Prince Albert, and her Royal Highness the Dutchess [Duchess] of Kent; the gentlemen and ladies of the court being also present. After which the chief made a speech in his own native language, (which was translated by Mr. Catlin, who acted as interpreter,) describing the loyalty of his tribe, and the gratification they experienced at seeing the Queen of England. Afterwards they danced several of their national dances to their own music, which consisted of a sort of tambour and bells, to the great amusement of her majesty. They were all dressed in their national costume, which was exceedingly grotesque. Previously to leaving the castle they were regaled with the old English fare, roast beef and plum pudding, to which both ladies and gentlemen did ample justice, handling the knife and fork with admirable dexterity. They then lighted their pipes and departed for town, evidently much delighted with their reception at the castle.-Globe.
At one o'clock on the 22d of November, 1843, a comet only visible through a telescope, was discovered near Gramma, of Orion, by M. Faye, an astronomer attached to the Royal Observatory at Paris. Notwithstanding the clouds and vapours [vapors] which impeded the view, and rendered the observation uncertain, the position of the star was ascertained to be as follows:-On the 22d of November, 1843, at 14 hours 44 minutes 11 seconds, medium time of Paris, reckoned from mid-day, the right ascension of the comet was 81 deg. 56 min. The sky was so cloudy on the following night, that it was only on the 24th that the comet was again seen, when its position was ascertained with complete precision. On the 24th of November, 1843, at 17 h. 4 min. 43 sec. medium time of Paris, counted from mid-day, the right ascension of the comet was 80 deg. 50 min. 42 sec. Boreal declension of the comet, 6 deg. 30 min. 35 sec. Thus the apparent right ascension of the comet diminished by seven minutes of a degree within about 24 hours, and in the same interval of time the declension likewise diminished by 12 minutes. This comet presents a head so distinct, that the observations are singularly facilitated. From the head, slight trains of light diverge nearly opposite to the sun. This tail is at present in length about four minutes of a degree.-London Paper.
Mull, Dec. 2.-A shock of an earthquake took place on this island lately. It was felt at the manse of Torosay, Loch-Don-Head; and Mrs. Maclaine Lochony states that it happened a quarter after eleven o'clock, P. M., on the 1st of November. A deep rumbling sound accompanied the undulations, which were from west to east.-Edingburg [Edinburgh] Register.
As Puseyism has excited a good deal of commotion in the religious world, particularly in England, it may not be uninteresting to our readers to give an epitome of their principles.
Mr. Pusey was a graduate of one of the English colleges, and was ordained a minister of the church of England. He is a man of great literary attainments, and connected with a highly respectable family; both of which circumstances has given him great influence. He has differed very materially from many of his more orthodox brethren of the church of England, and has been the means of making a great schism in that church; his principles tending very much towards Roman Catholicism, as the following extract from the Quincy Whig will show. * * * * *
28th. Puseyism asserts that 'the task of the true children of the Catholic Church is to unprotestantize the church.' [British Critic-one of the Journals which are the organs of the Oxford tractarians.]
29th. Puseyism teaches the doctrines of Purgatory.
30th. Of Human Pardons.
31st. Of Images.
32nd. Of Relics.
33rd. Of the Invocation of Saints. (on these five heads see Tract No. 90, Art 6.)
34th. Puseyism teaches that 'in losing visible union with the church of Rome, we have lost great privileges.' (British Critic.)
35th. Puseyism teaches that 'the tendency
of Romanism is at bottom only a fruit of the profound desire which the Church, greatly moved, experiences to become again that which the Savior left her -one.'
36th. Puseyism asserts that 'the scriptures, it is evident, are not according to the principles of the Church of England, the rule of Faith.' (tract No. 85.)
37th. Puseyism asserts that 'the doctrine or message of the gospel, is but indirectly presented in the scriptures, and in an obscure and concealed manner.' (Ib)
38th. Puseyism asserts that 'Catholic tradition is a divine informer in religious things;-it is the unwritten word.' (Newman on Romanism.)
39th. Puseyism asserts that 'these two things, (the Bible and Catholic traditions) form together a united rule of faith.' [Ib.]
40th. Puseyism teaches that 'Catholic tradition is a divine source of knowledge in all things related to faith.' [Ib.]
41st. Puseyism teaches that 'the scriptures are the only document of ultimate appeal; but that Catholic tradition is the authoritative teacher.' [Ib]
42nd. Puseyism teaches that 'tradition is infallible.' [Keebles Sermons.]
43rd. Puseyism teaches that tradition is 'the unwritten word of God,' and that it 'of necessity demands of us the same respect which his written word does, and precisely for the same reason,-because it is his word.' [Ib]
44th. Puseyism demands that the whole of the Catholic tradition shall be taught. [Palmer's Aid to Reflection.]
45th. Puseyism teaches with Rome and the formalists of all ages, that the visible church must of necessity be externally one.
46th. Puseyism teaches with the Donatists and fanatics of all ages, that the church must absolutely be composed of saints only-thus loosing sight of the example of the husbandman who commanded that the tares and wheat be permitted to grow until the harvest.
The 11th Article of the Confession of Faith of the Church of England says 'that we are justified by faith only, is a most wholesome doctrine.'
47th. Puseyism commenting on this article says 'in adhering to the doctrine that faith alone justifies, we do not at all exclude the doctrine that works also justify. If it were said that works justify in the same sense in which it is said that faith alone justifies, there would by [be] a contradiction in terms. But faith alone in one sense justifies us, and in another good works justify us: this is all that is here maintained. Christ alone, in one sense justifies, faith also justifies in its proper sense: and so works whether moral or ceremonial may justify us in their respective sense.' [Newman on justification.]
48th. Puseyism teaches that 'there are some Catholic truths which are imprinted on the surface of the scripture rather than enveloped in its profound meaning; and such is the doctrine of justification by works.' [British Critic.]
49th. Puseyism teaches that the preaching of justification by faith ought to be addressed to Pagans by the propagators of Christian knowledge; its promoters ought to preach to baptized persons justification by works.' [Ib.]
50th. Puseyism teaches that 'justification is a progressive; work it must be the work of the Holy Spirit and not of Christ.' [Newman on justification.]
51st. Puseyism teaches that 'the distinction between deliverance from the guilt of sin, and deliverance from sin itself, is not scriptural.-[Ib.]
52nd. Puseyism teaches that the system of justification by grace through faith, is 'radically and fundamentally monstrous, immoral, heretical and anti-christian.' [British Critic.]
53rd. Puseyism teaches that the custom which has prevailed of advancing on all occasions, the doctrines of justification explicitly and mainly, is evidently and entirely opposed to the teaching of the Holy Scriptures.' [Tract No. 80.]
54th. Puseyism condemns those who make 'justification to consist in the act by which the soul rests upon the merits of Christ only.'-[Newman on Justification.]
For the Times and Seasons.
Your having given insertion within the columns of your invaluable 'Times and Seasons,' and also in the "Neighbour [Neighbor]," to a few reflections touching the conduct of our Missourian neighbours [neighbors], (or rather murderers and robbers;) I feel somewhat emboldened to intrude again upon your notice, and on the patience of your readers, in presenting an opposite and different character before them, who came under my observation, while on board the Steam Boat.
The individual alluded to was, a gentleman from the state of Tennessee, he was evidently a close and rigid scrutinizer of men and things around him, and in the course of several interviews, I discovered he was thoroughly impressed, that the present professing world,-split into the thousand different sects and parties, were all radically wrong; he felt assured, that none of these knew, what vital religion was,
snch [such], as, he said was taught and known by the Apostles. He then pointed out, some of those glaring inconsistencies and contradictions; the fallacy and impiety of one party, presuming to arrogate a supremacy over the other, when both had fallen into the ditch and dirt of unbelief and apostacy [apostasy].
I then took occasion to refer him to the principles and doctrines as taught, in your church.
I endeavoured [endeavored] to shew [show] him, that you believed in the necessity of Divine Revelation, being continued, and of the Priesthood, being restored, as the legitimate channel, through which alone divine truth could flow, and thence as a matter of course the reasonableness, as well as the order and beauty of the same.
After thus expatiating upon the gifts and blessings enjoyed among you as a people, to which he paid the greatest attention; he then with equal sincerity and candour [candor] acknowledged he had previously only heard one side of the question, and that only of a prejudiced and unfavorable character, having only listened to the "worn out tales," of "delusion", &c.
But of the cruel, persecuting spirit, even unto the death,-with the despoiling of your lands, houses and goods, by a lawless multitude, headed by a monster in human shape, clothed with the garb of justice, in order to perpetrate his deeds of darkness with the greater malignity-of these he had not heard.
Neither had he been told, that in so free a country, so preeminently proud of her civil and religious Institutions; that she yet denied to them a redress of all their injuries and wrongs; notwithstanding the repeated appeals the prayerful petitions and remonstrances presented in her Legislative Courts and Halls of State.
These astounding facts so completely changed the current of his thought, and so satisfactorily drew him over to the cause of truth and justice, that, what with the scriptural and constitutional grounds on which you rested your claims, he was almost ready, then and there to exclaim with the Eunuch, "see! here is water, what hindereth." He then expressed a great desire to become more acquainted with your principles. wished to hear your preachers, as well as to read your publications, to which I had referred him.
He surprised me very considerably, by stating that he had never heard of any one being in that state, promulgating these things, and this brings me Sir, to ask a question.
How is this, that none of your Elders, have lifted up their voices and "made proclamation" of such glad tidings as these, in so vast a region of country as the state of Tennessee?
Surely it cannot be from a want of men, "zealous of good works?" It cannot be that we have "Cowards in our band!" Is it then, from a fear of arousing the same hell-malignant like spirit, that took possession of the blood-thirsty Missourian, personified through the Ex. Gov. Boggs, down to the mere child, at his father's hearth? Can it be possible, that such monstrous deeds, could be again acted in civilized America?
But fearful of trespassing too long,
I remain,
Dear sir,
Yours, very respectfully,
Nauvoo, Feb. 2nd, 1844.
We would state, for the information of Mr. Husband, that there has been preaching in different parts of the state of Tennessee, and several churches raised up, some of whom have emigrated to this place; probably they have not preached in the neighborhood of the gentleman's residence above referred to. The world is wide; the harvest is great, and the labourors [laborers] few-Ed.
This is an enquiry [inquiry] which to us as a people, is a matter of the most paramount importance, and requires our most serious, calm, and dispassionate reflection. Executive power when correctly wielded, is a great blessing to the people of this great commonwealth, and forms one of the firmest pillars of our confederation. It watches the interests of the whole community with fatherly care; it wisely balances the other legislative powers, when overheated by party spirit, or sectional feeling; it watches with jealous care our interests and commerce with foreign nations, and gives tone and efficacy to legislative enactments. The President stands at the head of these United States, and is the mouth-piece of this vast republic. If he be a man of enlightened mind, and capacious soul-if he is a virtuous man, a statesman, a patriot, and a man of unflinching integrity; if he possess the same spirit that fired the souls of our venerable sires, who founded this great commonwealth, and wishes to promote the universal good of the whole republic, he may indeed be made a blessing to community. But if he prostrates his high and honorable
calling, to base and unworthy purposes; if he makes use of the power which the people have placed in his hands for their interests, to gratify his ambition, for the purpose of self-aggrandizement, or pecuniary interest; if he meanly panders with demagogues, looses sight of the interests of the nation, and sacrifices the union on the altar of sectional interests or party views, he renders himself unworthy of the dignified trust reposed in him, debases the nation in the eyes of the civilized world, and produces misery and confusion at home. 'When the wicked rule, the people mourn.'
There is perhaps no body of people in the United States who are at the present time more interested about the issue of the presidential contest, than are the Latter Day Saints. And our situation in regard to the two political parties, is a most novel one. It is a fact well understood, that we have suffered great injustice from the State of Missouri, that we have petitioned to the authorities of that state for redress in vain; that we have also memoralized [memorialized] congress, under the late administration, and have obtained the heartless reply that 'congress has no power to redress your grievances.' After having taken all the legal, and constitutional steps that we can, we are still groaning under accumulated wrongs. Is there no power anywhere to redress our grievances? Missouri lacks the disposition, and congress both lacks the disposition, and power (?) and thus fifteen thousand inhabitants of these United States, can with impunity be dispossessed of their property, have their houses burned, their property confiscated, many of their numbers murdered, and the remainder driven from their homes, and left to wander as exiles in this boasted land of freedom and equal rights, and after appealing again and again, to the legally constituted authorities of our land for redress, we are cooly [coolly] told by our highest tribunals, 'we can do nothing for you? We have paid hundreds of thousands of dollars into the coffers of congress for their lands, and they stand virtually pledged to defend us in our rights, but they have not done it. If a man steals a dollar from his neighbor, or steals a horse or a hog, he can obtain redress; but we have been robbed by wholesale, the most daring murders have been committed, and we are cooly [coolly] told that we can obtain no redress. If a steam boat is set on fire, on our coast by foreigners, even when she is engaged in aiding and abetting the enemies of that power, it becomes a matter of national interference, and legislation; or if a foreigner, as in the case of McLeod, is taken on our land and tried for supposed crimes committed by him against our citizens, his nation interferes, and it becomes a matter of negotiation and legislation; but our authorities can calmly look on and see the citizens of a county butchered with impunity;-they can see two counties dispossessed of their inhabitants, their houses burned and their property confiscated, and when the cries of fifteen thousand men, women and children salute their ears, they deliberately tell us we can obtain no redress. Hear it therefore ye mobbers! proclaim it to all the scoundrels in the Union! let a standard be erected around which shall rally all the renegadoes [renegades] of the land; assemble yourselves, and rob at pleasure; murder till you are satiated with blood, drive men women and children from their homes, there is no law to protect them, and congress has no power to redress their grievances, and the great father of the Union (the President) has not got an ear to listen to their complaints.
What shall we do under this state of things? In the event of either of the prominent candidates, Van Buren or Clay, obtaining the presidential chair, we should not be placed in any better situation. In speaking of Mr. Clay, his politics are diametrically opposed to ours; he inclines strongly to the old school of federalists, and as a matter of course, would not favor our cause, neither could we conscientiously vote for him. And we have yet stronger objections to Mr. Van Buren, on other grounds. He has sung the old song of congress-'congress has no power to redress your grievances.' But did the matter rest here it would not be so bad. He was in the presidential chair at the time of our former difficulties. We appealed to him on that occasion, but we appealed in vain, and his sentiments are yet unchanged. But all these things are tolerable in comparison to what we have to state. We have been informed from a respectable source, that there is an understanding between Mr. Benton of Missouri; and Mr. Van Buren, and a conditional compact entered into, that if Mr. Benton will use his influence to get Mr. Van Buren elected, that Van Buren when elected, shall use his executive influence to wipe away the stain from Missouri, by a further persecution of the Mormons, and wreaking out vengeance on their heads, either by extermination, or by some other summary process. We could scarcely credit the statement, and we hope yet for the sake of humanity, that the suggestion is false; but we have too good reason to believe that we are correctly informed.
If then this is the case can we conscientiously vote for a man of this description, and put the weapons in his hands to cut our throat with? we cannot; and however much we might
wish to sustain the democratic nomination we cannot-we will not vote for Van Buren. Our interests, our property, our lives and the lives of our families are too dear to us to be sacrificed at the shrine of party-spirit, and to gratify party feelings. We have been sold once in the State of Missouri, and our liberties bartered away by political demagogues through executive intrigue, and we wish not to be betrayed again by Benton and Van Buren.
Under these circumstances the question again arises, who shall we support? General Joseph Smith. A man of sterling worth and integrity and of enlarged views; a man who has raised himself from the humblest walks in life to stand at the head of a large, intelligent, respectable, and increasing society, that has spread not only in this land, but in distant nations; a man whose talent and genius, are of an exalted nature, and whose experience has rendered him every way adequate to the onerous duty. Honorable, fearless, and energetic; he would administer justice with an impartial hand, and magnify and dignify the office of chief magistrate of this land; and we feel assured there is not a man in the United States more competent for the task.
One great reason that we have for pursuing our present course is, that at every election we have been made a political target for their filthy demagogues in the country to shoot their loathsome arrows at. And every story has been put into requisition to blast our fame, from the old fabrication of "walk on the water" down to "the murderer of ex-Governor Boggs." The journals have teemed with this filthy trash, and even men who ought to have more respect for themselves; men contending for the gubernatorial chair have made use of terms so degrading, so mean, so humiliating, that a billingsgate fisherwoman would have considered herself disgraced with. We refuse any longer to be thus debaubed for either party; we tell all such to let their filth flow in its own legitimate channel, for we are sick of the loathsome smell.
Gentlemen, we are not going either to "murder ex-Governor Boggs," nor a mormon in this state for not giving us his money;" nor are we going to "walk on the water;" nor "drown a woman;" nor "defraud the poor of their property;" nor send "destroying angels after Gen. Bennet to kill him;" nor "marry spiritual wives;" nor commit any other outrageous act this election to help any party with, you must get some other persons to perform these kind offices for you in the future.-We withdraw.
Under existing circumstances we have no other alternative, and if we can accomplish our object well, if not we shall have the satisfaction of knowing that we have acted conscientiously and have used our best judgment; and if we have to throw away our votes, we had better do so upon a worthy, rather than upon an unworthy individual, who might make use of the weapon we put in his hand to destroy us with.
Whatever may be the opinions of men in general, in regard to Mr. Smith, we know that he need only to be known, to be admired; and that it is the principle of honor, integrity, patriotism, and philanthropy, that has elevated him in the minds of his friends, and the same principles if seen and known would beget the esteem and confidence of all the patriotic and virtuous throughout the union.
Whatever therefore be the opinions of other men onr [our] course is marked out, and our motto from henceforth will be General Joseph Smith.
On Friday evening last a public meeting was held in the room over Joseph Smith's store, at which public address, of General Joseph Smith's, to the citizens of the United States was read by Judge Phelps. The address is certainly an able document, big with meaning and interest, clearly pointing out the way for the temporal salvation of this union, shewing [showing] what would be our best policy, pointing out the rocks and quicksand where our political bark is in danger of being wrecked, and the way to escape it and evincing a knowledge and foresight of our political economy, worthy of the writer.
Appropriate remarks were made by several gentlemen after the reading of the address.
From the whole of the preceding, it is very evident, that God has had a great design to accomplish, in regard to the human family; that in order to bring about his purposes, he has uniformly gathered his people together; that this gathering was for a two fold object; first for the convenience, happiness, and teaching of the parties immediately concerned; and secondly, for the benefit and salvation of themselves and their posterity, in the future, according to the eternal purposes of God. And whatever may be the opinions of men in regard to the subject, the scriptures are plain and definite, and clearly show not only that he has in different ages collected his people together, and that the people which he calls together are blessed of him; but that the principle of scattering is a curse.
When the children of Noah were all assembled
together they were blessed of God, when they began to work wickedness, and build the Tower of Babel, their language was confounded, and they were scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth, as a curse, that they might be prevented from combining together, to frustrate the purposes of God.
When the Lord pronounced blessings and cursings upon the children for obedience or disobedience, according to Deut. XXVIII, one of the greatest blessings was that they should dwell in peace in their land: "The Lord shall command the blessing upon thee, in thy storehouse, and in all that thou sittest thy hand unto ; and he shall bless thee in the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee. The Lord shall establish thee an holy people unto himself:"-Verses 8 and 9. And on the contrary, if they should disobey the commandments of God, the Lord should curse them by scattering them.-"And it shall come to pass that as the Lord rejoiced over you, to do you good, and to multiply you; so the Lord will rejoice over you to destroy you, and to bring you to nought [naught], and ye shall be plucked from off the land, whither thou goest to possess it. And the Lord shall scatter thee among all people, from the one end of the earth even unto the other:" Verses 63 and 64. Ezekiel speaking on the same subject says, "and I will scatter toward every wind, all that are about him, to help him and all his band, and I will draw out the sword after them, and they shall know that I am the Lord, when I shall scatter them among the nations, and disperse them in the countries."
(To be continued.)
The very candid, pacific, and highly creditable advice which Governor Ford has done himself the honor to address to "the citizens of Hancock county, "Mormons and all," and which appears in the "Warsaw Signal," of the 14th inst. is, like the balm of Gilead, well calculated to ease the pain, which has troubled the heads and hearts of the Carthagenians, Warsawvains, and other over jealous bodies for weal and wo. It certainly must be admitted, on all hands, that governor Ford has exalted himself as a mediator, patriot, lawyer, Governor, peace maker, and friend of all; not only to magnify the law and make it honorable, but also in pointing out the path of peace. Such is what the Latter Day Saints have ever sought at the hands of those in authority; and with an approving conscience, clear as the crystal spring: and with a laudible [laudable] intention, warm as the summer zephyr; with a charitable prayer, mellow as the morning dew, it is now our highest consolation to hope that all difficulties will cease: and will give way to reason, sense, peace and good will. The saints if they will be humble and wise, can now practice what they preach and soften by good examples, rather than harden by a course of conduct, the hearts of the people.
For general information it may be well to say that there has never been any cause for alarm as to the Latter Day Saints. The legislature of Illinois granted a liberal charter for the city of Nauvoo; and, let every honest man in the Union, who has any knowledge of her, say whether she has not flourished beyond the most saguine anticipations of all; and while they witness her growing glory: let them solemnly testify whether Nauvoo has willfully injured the country, county, or a single individual one cent: With the strictest scrutiny publish the facts whether a particle of law has been evaded or broken: virtue and innocence need no artificial covering: Political views and party distinctions, never should disturb the harmony of society; and when the whole truth comes before a virtuous people: we are willing to abide the issue.
We will here refer to the three late dismissals, upon writs of habaes [habeas] corpus, of Joseph Smith, when arrested under the requisitions of Missouri. The first in June 1841, was tried at Monmouth, before Judge Douglass, of the fifth Judicial Circuit, and as no exceptions have been taken to that decision, by this State or Missouri, but Missouri had previously entered a nolle prosequi on all the old indictments against the Mormons in the difficulties of 1838, it is taken and granted that that decision was just! The second, in December, 1842, was tried at Springfield before Judge Pope in the U. S. District Court, and from that honorable discharge, as no exceptions from any source have been made to those proceedings, it follows as a matter of course, that that decision was just!! and the third, in July 1843, was tried at the city of Nauvoo, before the Municipal Court of said city; and as no exceptions to that discharge, have been taken, and as the Governor says there is "evidence on the other side to shew [show] that the Sheriff of Lee county voluntarily carried Mr. Reynolds (who had Mr. Smith in custody,) to the city of Nauvoo, without any coercion on the part of anyone," it must be admitted that the decision was just!!!
But is any man still unconvinced of the justness of these strictures relative to the two last cases, let the astounding fact go forth, that, Orin Porter Rockwell, who, Boggs swore, was the principal in his assassination, and, as accessary [accessory]
to which Mr. Smith was arrested, has returned home, "clear of that sin." In fact there was not a witness to get up an indictment against him.
The Messrs. Avery, who were unlawfully "transported out of this State," have returned to their families in peace, and there seems to be no ground for contention: no cause for jealousy; and no excuse for a surmise that any man, woman, or child, will suffer the least inconvenience, from General Smith; the charter of Nauvoo; the city of Nauvoo; or even any of her citizens. There is nothing for a bone of contention! even those Ordinances which appeared to excite the feeling of some people, have recently been repealed-so that, if the "intelligent" inhabitants of Hancock county, want peace; want to abide by the Governor's advice; want to have a character abroad grow out of their character at home; and really mean to follow the Savior's golden rule: "To do unto others as they would wish other [others] to do unto them," they will be still, now, and let their own works praise them in the gates of justice, and in the eyes of the surrounding world. Wise men ought to have understanding enough to conquer men with kindness.
"A soft answer turns away wrath," says the wise man, and it will be greatly to the credit of the Latter Day Saints to shew [show] the love of God, by now kindly treating those who may have, in an unconscious moment, done them wrong: for truly said Jesus: pray for thine enemies. Humanity towards all; reason and refinement to enforce virtue: and good for evil, are so eminently designed to cure more disorders of society than an appeal to "arms," or even argument untempered with friendship, and the "one thing needful," that no vision for the future: guide-board for the distant; or expositor for the present, need trouble any one with what he ought to do. His own good, his family's good, his neighbors good, his country's good, and all good, seem to whisper to every person: the Governor has told you what to do: now do it. The constitution expects every man to do his duty, and when he fails the law urges him: or should he do too much the same master rebukes him. Should reason, liberty, law, light, and philanthrophy [philanthropy] now gide [guide] the destinies of Hancock county with as much sincerity as has been manifested for her notoriety, or welfare; there can be no doubt that peace, prosperity, and happiness will prevail, and that future generations as well as the present one, will call Governor Ford A PEACE MAKER. The Latter Day Saints will, at all events, and profit by the instruction: and call upon honest men to help them cherish all the love; all the friendship; all the courtesy; all the kindly feelings and all the generosity that ought to characterize clever people, in a clever neighborhood, and leave candid men to judge which tree exhibits the best fruit, the one with the most clubs and sticks thrown into its boughs, and the grass trodden down under it; or the one with no sticks in it, some dead limbs and rank grass growing under it; for by their signs ye can know their fruit; and by the fruit ye know the trees. Our motto then, is, peace with all. If we have joy in the love of God, let us try to give a reason of that joy, which all the world cannot gainsay or resist. And may be, like, as when Paul started with recommendations to Damascus, to persecute the Saints, some one who has raised his hand against us with letters to men in high places, may see a light at noon-day above the brightness of the sun, and hear the voice of Jesus saying: "it is hard for thee to kick against the pricks."
Intelligence is sometimes the messenger of safety; and willing to aid the Governor in his laudable endeavors to cultivate peace and honor the laws; believing that very few of the citizens of Hancock county will be found in the negative of such a goodly course; and considering his views a kind of manifesto, or olive leaf, which shews [shows] that their [there] is rest for the soles of the Saints' feet, we give it a place in the Neighbor, wishing it God speed, and saying, GOD BLESS GOOD MEN AND GOOD MEASURES, and, as Nauvoo has been, so it will continue to be, a good city, affording a good market to a good country, and let those who do not mean to try the way of transgressors, say, Amen.
Springfield, Jan. 29, 1844.
Dear Sir:-I have received the copy of the proceedings and resolutions of a meeting of the citizens of Hancock county, which you did me the honor to send me.
I have observed with regret, that occasions have been presented, for disturbing the peace of your county; and if I knew what I could legally do to apply a corrective, I would be very ready to do it. But if you are a lawyer, or at all conversant with the law, you will know that I as a Governor have no right to interfere in your difficulties.
As yet, I believe, that there has been nothing like war among yon [you;] and I hope that all of you, will have the good sense to see the necessity of preserving the peace. If there is anything wrong in the Nauvoo charter, or in the mode of administering them, you will see that nothing
short of legislative or judicial power is capable of enforcing a remedy. I myself had the honor of calling the attention of the legislature to this subject at the last session; but a large majority of both political parties in that body, either did not see the evil which you complain of; or if they did they repeatedly refused to correct it. And yet a call is made upon me to do that which all parties refused to do at the last session. I have also been called upon to take away the arms from the Mormons: to raise a militia to arrest a supposed fugative [fugitive]; and in fact to repeal some of the ordinances of the city of Nauvoo. Hancock county is justly famed for its intelligence: and I cannot believe that any of its citizens are so ignorant as not to know that I have no power to do these things. The absurd and preposterous nature of these requests give some color, to the charge that they are made for political effect only. I hope that this charge is untrue; for in all candor, it would be more credible to those concerned to have their errors attributed to ignorance than to a disposition to embroil the country in the horrors of war, for the advancement of party ends. But if there should be any truth in the charge, (which God forbid) I affectionately entreat all the good citizens engaged in it, to lay asside [aside] their designs, and yield up their ears to the voice of justice, reason, and humanity. All that I can do, at present is, to admonish both parties to beware of carrying matters to extremity. Let it come to this; let a state of war ensue, and I will be compelled to interfere with executive power. In that case also, I wish in a friendly, affectionate, and candid manner, to tell the citizens of Hancock county, Mormons and all, that my interference will be against those who shall be the first transgressors. I am bound by the laws and the constitution to regard you all as citizens of the state, possessed of equal rights and privileges; and to cherish the rights of one as dearly as the rights of another. I can know no distinction among you except that of assailant and assailed.
I hope, Dear Sir, you will do me the favor to publish this letter in the papers of your county, for the satisfaction of all persons concerned.
I am, with the highest respect, your obedient servant,
Man, according to the notions of the natives, is endowed with an immortal incorporeal spirit, which at his death departs from his body, and goes as a falling star to the nether world, the entrance to which is down the face of a rocky cliff at the Cape Maria, von Diemen. An ancient tree stands there, upon the branches of which the spirit descends. The natives hold this place in great awe and veneration; and even christian natives who accompanied me would not go near it. But the spell has been partly broken by a missionary cutting off the branch of the tree on which the spirit was supposed to alight. In the interior the natives still adhere to their ancient notions. The lower world is the common dwelling-place of spirits, but it is not the only one. Before the spirit of an hereditary chief descends into it, it goes into Heaven; there his left eye remains and becomes a star. In the lower world the spirits live as men do on earth; but they can leave it. and influence the actions and the fate of those who are alive, communicating with them through the medium of the priests who bear them. Their voice has a whistling sound which others beside the priests sometimes perceive, when they walk out in the dark. If travelers come into the neighborhood of the infernal regions, they throw down a piece of fern or of the slikaw palm, to let the spirits know whether the wanderers are inhabitants of the open land or forest. The spirits often speak in dreams to the priest or chief who announces their communications in the moons; and these often lead to important resolutions. Duffeaback's Travels in New Zealand.
For the Times and Seasons.
Clinton County, Indiana, Feb. 5, 1844.
Brother Taylor:-As it may not be uninteresting to you to hear how the stone of the mountain is rolling forth in this part of the country, I would just say that there has been several elders through this section of country, and that elder Standage is now in this part. Six have been baptized in Clinton township, and many are enquiring [inquiring] for the truth. We should like to see more laborers here, there are calls on the right and on the left; prejudice is giving way, and I think I might safely say that ten faithful laborers might be set to work in these parts. The world tell us many things about the Saints and Nauvoo, also about brother Joseph, but blessed be the Lord, while we find by reading the Times and Seasons, that while all is storm, tempest and confusion through the country respecting the Saints at home, and things are going on well with you at Nauvoo. Hoping you may continue to abound in every good work.
I remain your's [yours] in the everlasting covenant.
Minutes of a conference of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, held at the city of Halifax, Halifax county. Providence Nova Scotia. November 18th. 1843.
Conference convened pursuant to a previous appointment at, 11 o'clock. A. M., and after singing and prayer, by elder Dickson; the meeting was addressed by elder Cooke, from John's first epistle, 4th c. l9-21 v.
On motion. Resolved, That we adjourn till 1 o'clock, P. M.
At 1 o'clock P. M., conference re-assembled, and elder Dickson presented before the meeting the object of the conference. The solemnities of the occasion were then opened by singing and prayer by elder Cooke.
The conference was organized by unanimously electing elder Rober [Robert] Dickson, president, and elder Edward Cooke, secretary.
Resolved; That this branch of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, be called the Halifax branch.
Resolved, That elder R. Dickson be chosen to preside over this branch of the church.
Resolved, That brother John Skerry be ordained to the office of elder, to preside over this branch, in the absence of elder Dickson.
Resolved, That brother William Gumb be ordained to the office of Deacon of this branch of the church.
Resolved, That conference adjourn till 7 o'clock.
Conference reassembled at 7 o'clock P. M., and after singing and prayer by R. Dickson, the above brethren were ordained to their respective offices, under the hands of Elders Dickson and Cooke.
Representation of branches- The Halifax branch, represented by Robert Dickson, consists of l3 members, one elder, and one deacon.
In Onslow, Colchester county, Nova Scotia there are 4 members, represented by R. Dickson.
The Preston branch, represented by Edward Cooke, consisting of 17 members, one elder, one teacher and one deacon.
The official members present, spoke, and bore testimony of the truth of the great work of the Lord in these last days. Official members present, two elders and one teacher.
Resolved, That the saints uphold the first presidency by their prayers.
Resolved, that a copy of the minutes of this conference be transmitted to Nauvoo, for publication in the Times and Seasons.
Conference then adjourned to meet again in Halifax, on the 18th day of February, 1844
Edward Cooke, Clerk.
Minutes of a conference of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, held at Preston, Halifax county, Providence Nova Scotia, Dec. 19th, 1343 [1843]
Conference convened pursuant to previous appointment, on Tuesday, at 11 o'clock A. M.
The meeting being called to order, and after singing and prayer by elder Cooke, elder Dickson briefly stated the object of convening.
The conference was organized unanimously; electing elder Robert Dickson, president; and Edward Cooke, secretary.
Representation of branches-Preston branch represented by elder Cooke, consists of 15 members, one elder, one teacher, and one deacon; ten having been added since last conference, by the labors and administration of elder Dickson; two having moved to Halifax since last conference.
The Halifax branch, represented by elder Dickson, consists of 18 members, two elders, and one deacon; 17 having been added by baptism since last conference in this place.
There are four members at Onslow, Colchester county, N. S, represented by elder Dickson.
Resolved, That brother John Whiston be ordained to the office of priest of this branch.
Official members present-three elders, one teacher, and one deacon.
Resolved, That the saints uphold the first presidency by their prayers.
Resolved, That a copy of the minutes of this conference be transmitted to Nauvoo for publication in the Times and Seasons.
Resolved, That elder Dickson read before the conference, from the book of Doctrine and Covenants, the revelation on the word of wisdom.
The conference adjourned at 4 o'clock, P. M., to meet at the house of T. Miller, on the 10th day of March, 1844.
Robert Dickson, Prest.
Edward Cooke, Sec.
Minutes of a conference of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints, held in Brownstown, Main county, Michigan, on the 12th of January 1844.
Conference convened pursuant to previous appointment. Present, seven elders, two teachers.
M. Seirine [Serrine?] was chosen to preside, and G. Savage appointed clerk.
The conference was opened by singing and prayer. The president then made some remarks on the object of the meeting; after which elder Savage delivered a discourse from the 7th chapter of Rev. Conference then adjourned till 11 o'clock next day.
Met according to appointment, opened by singing and prayer.
Elder O. Jefferies preached from the 2d chapter of Daniel, 44th verse; wherein he proved that the kingdom spoken of by Daniel could not mean the kingdom set up in the days of Jesus Christ, that kingdom having been taken from the Jews and given to the Gentiles; and in place of its having rolled forth and broken in pieces all other kingdoms, the kingdoms of this world brake that in pieces, and the man of sin was revealed, the son of perdition, spoken of by Paul in 2d Thess., 26th chap. The president afterwards made a few remarks upon the same subject. Conference adjourned two hours.
Met according to appointment; opened by singing and prayer; some remarks were made by the president to the conference by way of instruction.
The different branches were then represented as follows:
Franklin branch, represented by elder M. Serrine; two elders, one priest, one teacher, 17 members.
Pleasant Valley branch, represented by elder O. Jefferies; one elder, one priest, one teacher, 22 members.
The Rose branch, represented by elder O. Jefferies; one teacher, 10 members.
The Lapeer branch; represented by elder Slater; one elder, three priests, one teacher, 16 members.
Brownstown branch; represented by president Bunel, one priest, one teacher, 19 members.
The Livonia branch; represented by elder Wood, one elder, one priest, one teacher, one deacon, 15 members.
The Serrine branch; represenied [represented] by elder M. Serrine, one priest, one teacher, 14 members.
The Bedford branch; represented by brother Wright, one elder, 16 members.
The Willsdale branch; represented by elder M. Serrine one priest, seven members; besides there was about 45 scattered members, not represented in the above branches.
Since our conference in July, upwards of one hundred members have left this state for Nauvoo. Conference adjourned till evening.
Met according to appointment, opened with singing and prayer. Elder J. Savage delivered a discourse from the 12th chap. of Rev., in which he described the fall of the church, and ite [its] reorganization in the year 1830, according to the predictions of the apostles and prophets. Adjourned till 11 o'clock, next day.
Met according to appointment, opened by singing and prayer. G. Savage spoke from 2d Peter, 1st chap., 21st and 22d verses; from which he proved that the Bible was its own expositor, and that all those prophecies had had, and would receive a literal fulfilment [fulfillment].-He was followed by elder Serrine, Conference adjourned two hours. During the intermission elder Serrine baptized one individual.
Met according to appointment, opened by singing and prayer. The president then administered the sacrament, and confirmed the person who had been baptized; blessed four children. Adjourned till evening.
Met again according to appointment, opened by singing and prayer. Elder Serrine preached from 1st Co., 15th cap.; he set forth the first and second resurrection, and the reign of the saints of God on the earth, when purified. Several members then bore testimony of the truth of the gospel, and as they spoke the spirit of God seemed to rest upon the congregation. The power of God was manifested; the gifts were received in the church, and a lively impression seemed to have been made upon the minds of the congregation. The parting hymn was sung, and conference adjourned until the first Friday, Saturday and Sunday, in May, to be held in the town of Waterford, Oakland county, Michigan, six miles west of Pontiack [Pontiac].
Moved and carried, that the minutes of this conference be sent to the editor of the Times and Season for publication. We should be glad if the elders which are travelling [traveling] through this place could meet with us at the next conference.
M. Serrine, Pres.
G. Savage, Clerk.
To the Editor of the Times and Season.
Hancock Co., Ill., Jan. 20th, 1844.
Dear Brother:-I embrace this opportunity to give you a brief account of my labors the past season. I left Nauvoo the 17th of May, last, in company with elder D. P. Raney. After a pleasant passage to Mills' Point, Hickmond Co., Ky.; we commenced preaching the gospel. At our second meeting, Doctor Riddle-a Baptist preacher-came forward and was baptized. From thence we travelled [traveled] south into Tennessee, passing through Ebine, Gibson, Dyer, Madison and Henderson counties; we preached in every Court House and settlement where we could get the prrvilege [privilege]. The people generally were very attentive. We visited
brother Raney's friends, in McNary Co., and combated the priests there, with good success. We returned back to the Point the last of August. After a few days, brother Raney left me and started for Nauvoo. I then enlarged my borders and formed a circuit including a part of five counties in Tennessee, and preached in thirty places. After breaking down abundance of prejudice, by confounding the opposers of truth, and proving to the satisfaction of all present, (in a debate with a Campbelite preacher) that Joseph Smith is a prophet of God, and the perpetuation of the gifts, &c., the honest in heart began to obey the gospel ordinances. I had large and attentive congregations, many believing; and more calls for preaching than I could fill. I organized five branches, ordained one elder and three teachers, the whole number of members is sixty-five. I baptized but thirty-five this mission, the rest were baptized during a previous mission, in the winter of 1842. The work of the Lord is gaining in the south very fast: may it continue until the honest in heart are all gathered out of Babylon; Zion built up, and the saints endowed with the blessings of the gospel, which is the power of God unto salvation.
I remain as ever, your affectionate brother in the new covenant,
Z. D. Wilson.
For the Times and Seasons
Fair the city of the saints! my heart to thee Wisdom and knowledge that will not decay;
Will often turn with sadness and regret, Light and intelligence that will impart
When far away my dwelling place shall be, New glory to the beauties of creation,
For there are scenes I never can forget, Filling the mind with wondering admiration.
Connected with the memory of Nauvoo;
Scenes which my heart will often dwell upon. O! I have listened with suspended breath
And memory to her station ever true To hear words of wisdom as they fell
Will bring them back to me when I am gone, From lips inspired, and felt that life nor death,
These scenes with mournful pleasure recollected Nor all the powers combined of earth and hell
In memory's glass will often be reflected. Could never force my heart to turn aside
From principles so holy and sublime.
Though the obliterating hand of time Truth be my only creed, and God my guide,
Has from the mind a thousand things effaced, And I shall safely pass the storms of time,
Yet principles eternal and sublime, And gain at last a high and holy station,
When once imprinted cannot be erased. Among the ransomed in the new creation.
These principles have now become to me
Part of myself-A portion of my mind, Farewell, Nauvoo! I must again return
And I must lose my own identity Back to my gentile bondage as before,
Before such principles can be resigned. But oftentimes my heart will sadly yearn
When once received, in spite of all resistance, To hold communion with the saints once more
They form the essence of the soul's existence. How I shall long the prophet's voice to hear-
The words of wisdom flowing from his tongue
Fair city of the saints! I love thee well; Truths most sublime are made so plain and clear
To me thy memory will be ever dear. That oftentimes enchanted I have hung
I would to God I could forever dwell Upon his words, which forced the exclamation-
Amidst thy pleasant scenes where I could hear These surely are the words of inspiration!
The words of inspiration every day, L........S.........
And hourly treasure up within my heart
Is printed and published about the first and fifteenth of every month, on the corner of Water and Bain streets. Nauvoo, Hancock County, Illinois, by
EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR-Two Dollars per annum, payable in all cases in advance. Any person procuring five new subscribers. and forwarding us Ten Dollars current money, shall receive one volume gratis All letters must be addressed to John Taylor editor. POST PAID, or they will not receive attention.
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