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Volume IV. No. 22.] | CITY OF NAUVOO, ILL. October 1, 1843. | [Whole No. 82. |
It may be well to observe here, that the Lord greatly encouraged and strengthened the faith of his little flock, which had embraced the fulness [fullness] of the everlasting gospel, as revealed to them in the Book of Mormon, by giving some more extended information upon the scriptures, a translation of which had already commenced.
Much conjecture and conversation frequently occurred among the saints, concerning the books mentioned, and referred to in various places in the Old and New Testaments, which were now no where to be found. The common remark was, they were lost books; but it seems the apostolic churches had some of these writings, as Jude mentions or quotes the prophesy of Enoch, the seventh from Adam. To the joy of the flock, which in all, from Colesville to Canandaigua, N. York, numbered about seventy members, did the Lord reveal the following doings of olden times, from the prophesy [prophecy] of Enoch.
Extract from the Prophesy of Enoch.
And it came to pass that Enoch continued his speech saying, Behold our father Adam taught these things, and many have believed and become the sons of God, and many have believed not and perished in their sins, and are looking forth with fear, in torment, for the fiery indignation of the wrath of God to be poured out upon them. And from that time forth Enoch began to prophesy, saying unto the people that, as I was journeying and stood upon the place Manhujah, I cried unto the Lord, and there came a voice out of heaven, saying Turn ye and get ye upon the mount Simeon.-And it came to pass that I turned and went upon the mount, and as I stood upon the mount, I beheld the heavens open and I was clothed upon with glory, and I saw the Lord; he stood before my face, and he talked with me, even as a man talks one to another face to face; and he said unto me, Look, and I will show unto you the world for the space of many generations. And it came to pass that I beheld the valley Shum, and lo, a great people which dwelt in tents, which were the people of Shum. And again the Lord said unto me, Look, and I looked towards the north, and I beheld the people of Canaan, which dwelt in tents. And the Lord said unto me, Prophesy, and I prophesied saying, Behold the people of Canaan, which are numerous, shall go forth in battle array against the people of Shum, and shall slay them that they shall utterly be destroyed; and the people of Canaan shall divide themselves in the land, and the land shall be barren and unfruitful, and none other people shall dwell there but the people of Canaan; for behold the Lord shall curse the land with much heat, and the barrenness thereof shall go forth forever: And there was blackness come upon all the children of Canaan, that they were despised among all people. And it came to pass that the Lord said unto me, Look, and I looked and beheld the land of Sharon, and the land of Enoch, and the land of Omner, and the land of Heni, and the land of Shem, and the land of Haner, and the land of Hanannihah, and all the inhabitants thereof: and the Lord said unto me, Go to this people and say unto them, Repent, lest I come out and smite them with a curse, and they did. And he gave unto me a commandment that I should baptize in the name of the Father and the Son, which is full of grace and truth, and the Holy Spirit, which bears record of the Father and the Son.
And it came to pass, that Enoch continued to call upon all the people, save it were the people of Canaan, to repent: and so great was the faith of Enoch, that he lead the people of God, and their enemies came to battle against them, and he spake the word of the Lord, and the earth trembled; and the mountains fled, even according to his command; and the rivers of water were turned out of their course; and the roar of the lion was heard out of the wilderness; and all nations feared greatly, so powerful was the word of Enoch, and so great was the power of language, which God had given him. There also came up a land out of the depth of the sea; and so great was the fear of the enemies of the people of God, that they fled and stood afar off, and went upon the land which came up out of the depths of the sea. And the giants of the land, also, stood afar off; and there went forth a curse upon all the people which fought against God: and from that time forth there were wars and bloodsheds among them; but the Lord came and dwelt with his people, and they dwelt in righteousness. The fear of the Lord was upon all nations, so great was the glory of the Lord, which was upon his people. And the Lord blessed the land, and they were blessed upon the mountains, and upon the high places, and did flourish. And the Lord called his people Zion,
because they were of one heart and one mind, and dwelt in righteousness; and there was no poor among them; and Enoch continued his preaching in righteousness unto the people of God. And it came to pass in those days, that he built a city that was called the city of holiness, even ZION. And it came to pass, that Enoch talked with the Lord, and he said unto the Lord, surely Zion shall dwell in safety forever. But the Lord said unto Enoch, Zion have I blessed, but the residue of the people have I cursed.-And it came to pass, that the Lord showed unto Enoch all the inhabitants of the earth; and he beheld, and lo, Zion, in process of time, was taken up into heaven! And the Lord said unto Enoch, behold my abode forever: and Enoch also beheld the residue of the people which were the sons of Adam, and they were a mixture of all the seed of Adam, save it were the seed of Cain, for the seed of Cain were black, and had not place among them. And after that Zion was taken up into heaven, Enoch beheld and lo all the nations of the earth were before him, and there came generation upon generation, and Enoch was high and lifted up, even in the bosom of the Father, and the Son of Man; and behold the power of Satan was upon all the face of the earth! And he saw angels descending out of heaven; and he heard a loud voice, saying, Wo, wo, be unto the inhabitants of the earth! And he beheld Satan, and he had a great chain in his hand, and it veiled the whole face of the earth with darkness, and he looked up and laughed, and his angels rejoiced. And Enoch beheld angels descending out of heaven, bearing testimony of the Father and Son: and the Holy Spirit fell on many, and they were caught up by the powers of heaven into Zion. And it came to pass that the God of heaven looked upon the residue of the people, and he wept, and Enoch bore record of it, saying: How is it the heavens weep and shed forth their tears as the rain upon the mountains? And Enoch said unto the Lord, how is it that you can weep, seeing you are holy and from all eternity to all eternity? and were it possible that man could number the particles of the earth, and millions of earths like this, it would not be a beginning to the number of your creations; and your curtains are stretched out still; and yet you are there, and your bosom is there; and also, you are just; you are merciful and kind forever; you have taken Zion to your own bosom from all your creations, from all eternity to all eternity, and nought [naught] but peace, justice and truth is the habitation of your throne; and mercy shall go before your face and have no end: how is it that you can weep?
The Lord said unto Enoch, behold these your brethren: they are the workmanship of my own hands, and I gave unto them their knowledge, in the day I created them; and in the garden of Eden gave I unto man his agency; and unto your brethren have I said, and also gave commandment, that they should love one another; and that they should choose me, their Father, but behold they are without affection; and they hate their own blood; and the fire of my indignation is kindled against them: and in my hot displeasure will I send in the floods upon them, for my fierce anger is kindled against them.-Behold I am God; Man of holiness is my name; Man of council is my name, and Endless and Eternal is my name, also. Wherefore, I can stretch forth my hands and hold all the creations which I have made; and my eye can pierce them, also; and among all the workmanship of my hand, there has not been so great wickedness, as among your brethren; but behold their sins shall be upon the heads of their fathers:-Satan shall be their father, and misery shall be their doom; and the whole heavens shall weep over them, even all the workmanship of my hands: wherefore, should not the heavens weep, seeing these shall suffer? But behold, these, which your eyes are upon, shall perish in the floods; and behold I will shut them up: a prison have I prepared for them. And that which I have chosen has plead before my face: Wherefore he suffers for their sins, inasmuch as they will repent in the day that my chosen shall return unto me; and until that day, they shall be in torment: wherefore, for this shall the heavens weep; yea, and all the workmanship of my hands.
And it came to pass, that the Lord spake unto Enoch and told Enoch all the doings of the children of men: wherefore Enoch knew, and looked upon their wickedness, and their misery, and wept and stretched forth his arms, and his heart swelled wide as eternity; and his bowels yearned, and all eternity shook. And Enoch saw Noah, also, and his family, that the posterity of all the sons of Noah should be saved with a temporal salvation: wherefore he saw that Noah built an ark; and the Lord smiled upon it, and held it in his hand; but upon the residue of the wicked came the floods and swallowed them up. And as Enoch saw thus, he had bitterness of soul, and wept over his brethren, and said unto the heavens, I will refuse to be comforted; but the Lord said unto Enoch, Lift up your heart and be glad, and look. And it came to pass that Enoch looked, and from Noah, he beheld all the families of the earth; and he cried unto the Lord, saying, When shall the day of the Lord come? When shall the blood of the righteous be shed, that all they that mourn may
be sanctified, and have eternal life? And the Lord said, It shall be in the meridian of time, in the days of wickedness and vengeance. And behold, Enoch saw the day of the coming of the Son of man, even in the flesh; and his soul rejoiced, saying, the righteous is lifted up, and the Lamb is slain from the foundation of the world; and through faith I am in the bosom of the Father: and behold Zion is with me! And it came to pass, that Enoch looked upon the earth, and he heard a voice from the bowels thereof, saying, Wo, wo is me the mother of men! I am pained: I am weary because of the wickedness of my children! When shall I rest, and be cleansed from the filthiness which has gone forth out of me? When will my Creator sanctify me, that I may rest, and righteousness, for a season, abide upon my face? And when Enoch heard the earth mourn, he wept, and cried unto the Lord, saying, O Lord, will you not have compassion upon the earth? Will you not bless the children of Noah? And it came to pass that Enoch continued his cry unto the Lord, saying, I ask you, O Lord, in the name of your only Begotten, even Jesus Christ, that you will have mercy upon Noah and his seed, that the earth might never more be covered by the floods? And the Lord could not withhold: and he covenanted with Enoch, and swore unto him with an oath, that he would stay the floods; that he would call upon the children of Noah: and he sent forth an unalterable decree, that a remnant of his seed should always be found among all nations, while the earth should stand: and the Lord said, Blessed is him through whose seed the Messiah shall come: for he says, I am Messiah, the King of Zion; the Rock of heaven, which is broad as eternity; whoso comes in at the gate and climbs up by me shall never fall; wherefore, blessed are they of whom I have spoken, for they shall come forth with songs of everlasting joy.
And it came to pass, that Enoch cried unto the Lord, saying, When the Son of man comes in the flesh, shall the earth rest? I pray you show me these things. And the Lord said unto Enoch, Look, and he looked and beheld the Son of man lifted upon the cross, after the manner of men; and he heard a loud voice; and the heavens were veiled; and all the creation of God mourned; and the earth groaned; and the rocks were rent: and the saints arose and were crowned at the right hand of the Son of man, with crowns of glory; and as many of the spirits as were in prison, came forth and stood on the right hand of God; and the remainder were reserved in chains of darkness until the judgment of the great day. And again, Enoch wept and cried unto the Lord, saying, When shall the earth rest? And Enoch beheld the Son of man ascend up unto the Father: and he called unto the Lord, saying, Will you not come again upon the earth, for inasmuch as you are God, and I know you, and you have sworn unto me, and commanded me that I should ask in the name of your Only Begotten, you have made me, and given unto me a right to your throne, and not of myself, but through your own grace: wherefore, I ask you if you will not come again on the earth? And the Lord said unto Enoch, as I live, even so will I come in the last days, in the days of wickedness and vengeance, to fulfil [fulfill] the oath which I have made unto you, concerning the children of Noah: and the day shall come that the earth shall rest-but before that day, shall the heavens be darkened, and a veil of darkness shall cover the earth; and the heavens shall shake, and also the earth; and great tribulations shall be among the children of men, but my people will I preserve: and righteousness will I send down out of heaven; and truth will I send forth out of the earth, to bear testimony of my Only Begotten; his resurrection from the dead; yea, and also the resurrection of all men: and righteousness and truth will I cause to sweep the earth as with a flood, to gather out my own elect from the four quarters of the earth unto a place which I shall prepare; a holy city, that my people may gird up their loins, and be looking forth for the time of my coming; for there shall be my tabernacle, and it shall be called ZION, a New Jerusalem. And the Lord said unto Enoch, then shall you and all your city meet them there, and we will receive them into our bosom, and they shall see us, and we will fall upon their necks, and they shall fall upon our necks, and we will kiss each other, and there shall be my abode, and it shall be Zion which shall come forth out of all the creations which I have made; and for the space of a thousand years shall the earth rest. And it came to pass that Enoch saw the days of the coming of the Son of man, in the last days, to dwell on the earth in righteousness, for the space of a thousand years: but before that day he saw great tribulations among the wicked; and he also saw the sea, that it was troubled, and men's hearts failing them, looking forth with fear for the judgments of the Almighty God, which should come upon the wicked. And the Lord showed Enoch all things, even unto the end of the world; and he saw the day of the righteous, the hour of their redemption, and received a fulness [fullness] of joy: and all the days of Zion in the days of Enoch, were three hundred and sixty-five years: and Enoch and all his people walked with God and he dwelt in the midst of Zion: and it came to pass that Zion was not, for God received it up
into his own bosom; and from thence went forth the saying, Zion is fled.
(To be Continued.)
[For the Times and Seasons.]
The people of this enlightened age profess to believe the Bible, but when we lay before them the glorious principles and truths it contains, they are ready to take our lives, persecute us with mobs, tar, feathers, stripes, stones, and heap all manner of reproach, abuse and indignities upon us. St. John XV: 18-21; 'If the world hate you, ye know that it hated me before it hated you. If ye were of the word, the world would love its own: but because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you. Remember the word that I said unto you, the servant is not greater than his lord. If they have persecuted me, they will also persecute you; if they have kept my saying they will keep yours also. But all these things will they do unto you for my names' sake, because they know not him that sent me.' For preaching the truths of the Bible, and worshipping God according to its teachings, the 'Church of Jesus Christ of latter Day Saints,' has been driven four times from their peaceful homes. Many of them have died martyrs for the cause of Jesus, bearing testimony of the truth of the great latter-day work, which is to gather the house of Israel from their long dispersion, restore the Jews to the land of their fathers, gather out the honest in heart from among the wicked, and prepare the way for the second advent of the Messiah, when he shall appear in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory, to take vengeance on the wicked and they that know not God. The work of extermination has been carried to the very seat of domestic retirement, and the blood of mothers and children has flowed for the gospel which we preach, and declare to be the gospel of Jesus Christ. We preach the doctrine of baptism, for the remission of sins-so did Christ and the apostles. We believe in laying on hands for the reception of the Holy Ghost, and for the healing of the sick, &c: the apostles believed in, and practiced the same ordinances. Acts-VIII: 14-17; 'Now when the apostles which were at Jerusalem heard that Samaria had received the word of God, they sent unto him Peter and John: who, when they were come down, prayed for them that they might receive the Holy Ghost: (for as yet he had fallen upon none of them: only they were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus.') Why had they not received the Holy Ghost? They had been baptized but the Holy Ghost had 'fallen upon none of them.' The reason is very obvious. They had not received the laying on of hands for the reception of the Holy Ghost. They had got just where the sectarian world stop with the ordinance. They could not receive the Holy Ghost without the laying on of hands, yet the religionists of the present day profess to have received the Holy Ghost, when hands has not been laid on for its reception, and some of them have not even so much as been baptized.-They are surely going to heaven upon 'flowry beds of ease.' But we shall see whether those who had been baptized at Samaria received the Holy Ghost, and what kind of an operation they had to go through to obtain it. Read the verse that follows, in the Bible, those we last quoted. It reads thus: 'Then laid they their hands on them, and they received the Holy Ghost.' This explains the whole matter and agrees precisely with the doctrine we have been advocating; that baptism is for the remission of sins, but before they can receive the Holy Ghost, they must attend to the imposition of hands. This is so plain that a school-boy, not yet out of 'baker' can see into it; yet our great men of science, biblical research and literati accuminis, cannot fathom this simple mystery. They are sending embassadors [ambassadors] to the islands of the sea, and missionaries to the heathen, with the sacred volume in their hand, and they are as ignorant of its principles, and the glorious gospel it contains, as the various savage to whom they are sent. They boast of the rapid spread of the gospel, and the great light of heaven, which is daily augmenting, and spreading its radiance over the world, but when we find out the truth of the matter, the world has not been saluted with the sound of the true gospel for several of the last centuries. Verily the great light of which men boast, has dazzled their eyes, so that they cannot see the first rudiments of the gospel of Christ. O, that the people of this enlightened age-who have been
--"By the glare of false science betrayed,
That leads to bewilder and dazzles to blind,--"
would read the Bible and learn doctrine. We have already proven by the Bible, that there was but one mode of baptism, and that was immersion. However, we will make another extract from Dr. Moshiem upon this subject. On page 28, paragraph 8, it reads thus: 'The sacrament of baptism was administered in this
[the first] century, without the public assemblies, in places appointed and prepared for that purpose, and was performed by an IMMERSION OF THE WHOLE BODY, in the baptismal font. What do you say to this, ye priests of the sprinkling order? The testimony of Dr. Moshiem must be a rather use-up argument against you. However it must be taken as good testimony, until his character as a competent witness, and veracity as a man of truth can be destroyed. Can our modern gentlemen of the sacred desk, impeach Dr. Moshiem, and render him an incompetent witness to the facts now in controversy? His celebrated work has stood the test and scrutiny of many years, and his name for a correct historian stands unrivalled [unrivaled] in the bright constellation of illustrious men. Then let the herd of modern wiseacres relapse into silence when they hear the testimony of this great man, who has a better right to state facts than they have to oppose them. We only disagree with him when he disagrees with the scriptures; but with many of the sectarian world it is visa versa:-They disagree with him when he agrees with the scriptures.
This testimony of Dr. Moshiem reflects great credit upon his head and heart, and it will give it a greater weight of truth when we consider that he had adopted another mode of baptism for himself. Under these circumstances, no other than a candid and honest historian would have made the acknowledgement [acknowledgment] . Mr. Gahan a Catholic priest, also bears evidence that immersion was the manner of administering the ordinance in primitive times. But the world have gone into an awful apostacy [apostasy], and fallen away from those sacred rites and ordinances which were implanted in the Apostolic church. Paul undoubtedly alluded to the great havoc which men have made of the word and ordinances of God when he said: Acts, XX: 29, 30; 'For I know this, that after my departing shall grievous wolves enter in among you, not sparing the flock. Also of your own selves shall men arise, speaking perverse things, to draw away disciples after them.' The quotation clearly shows that Paul foresaw the calamity that would inevitably befall the church at some subsequent period. In the verse that follows the above, in the Bible, he says: 'Therefore, watch and remember, that by the space of three years, I ceased not to warn every one, night and day with tears.' These quotations clearly tell the foreknowledge of Paul as to the dissensions that would arise and the apostacy [apostasy] that would ensue. He foretells also, that this great work of apostacy [apostasy] would commence even in their days; 'Also of your own selves shall men arise,' &c. Again, 'The mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let until he be taken out of the way.' In his letter to the Thessalonians he says: Thes. I: 1, 2, 3; 'Now we beseech you brethren, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our gathering together unto him, that ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled neither by spirit nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as the day of Christ is at hand. Let no man deceive you by any means, for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition.' This shows that the seeds of discord began already to spring up in the church, notwithstanding they were blessed with the daily ministry of the apostles, and many holy men. 'Let no man deceive you by any means.' Here he warns them of the deception of men, which had already began to show itself. 'For that day shall not come except there come a falling away first.' Here is a falling away plainly predicted, and that falling away is to take place previous to the second coming of Christ, for this was said after his resurrection; so it alludes to his second advent. But to trace the degeneracy of the church we make other extracts from Dr. Moshiem's history. On page 49, paragraph 13, it reads: 'The persons that were to be baptized, after they had repeated the creed, confessed and renounced their sins, and particularly the devil and his pompous allurements, were immersed under water, and received under Christ's kingdom by a solemn invocation of Father, Son and Holy Ghost, to the express command of our Blessed Lord. After baptism they received the sign of the cross, were anointed, and by prayers and imposition of hands, were solemnly recommended to the mercy of God and dedicated to his service; in consequence of which, they received milk and honey, which concluded the ceremony. The reason of this particular ritual coincide with what we have said in general concerning the origin and causes of the multiplied ceremonies that crept from time to time into the church.' This extract alludes to the second century, as will be seen by reference to the book, and shadows forth the horrors of Catholicism with appalling force. No such ceremonies are found in the Bible, with the exception of that of 'imposition of hands,' which undoubtedly was preserved sacred until that time, and performed for the reception of the Holy Ghost, after baptism, as we have before shown. Another extract, from the same author: this refers to the third century. On page 70 paragraph 4: 'There were twice a year, stated times when baptism was administered to such as, after a long
course of trial and preparation, offered themselves as candidates for the profession of christianity. * * * * We have already mentioned the principle rites that were used in the administration of baptism; and we have only to and, that no persons were admitted to this solemn ordinance, until by the menacing and formidable shouts, and declamation of the exorcist, they had been delivered from the dominion of the prince of darkness, and consecrated to the service of God. The origin of this superstitious ceremony may be easily traced, when we consider the prevailing opinions of the times. * * * * The expulsion of this demon was now considered as an essential preparation for baptism, after the administration of which, the candidate returned home, adorned with crowns and arrayed in white garments, as sacred emblems; the former, of their victory over sin and the world, the latter their inward purity and innocence.' Thus we trace the gradual inroads which the theories of men have made upon the institutions of the church of Christ. The Bible tells us nothing of these 'stated times' for baptism, this 'long course of trial and preparation,' the 'menacing and formidable shouts and declamation of the exorcist,' this adorning with 'crowns,' and 'array in white garments as sacred emblems.' Of thess [these], the apostles are completely silent; yet, as early as the third century, such disgusting ceremony and show, accompanied the sacred ordinance of God. O, shame! where hast thou hid thyself? Acts, XVI; 29-33; 'Then he called for a light, and sprang in, and came trembling, and fell down before Paul and Silas; and brought them out, and said: Sirs, what must I do to be saved?-And they said, believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved and thy house. And they spake unto him the word of the Lord, and to all that were in his house. And he took them the same hour of the night, and washed their stripes; and was baptized, he and all his, straightway.' We learn from this that all the preparation for baptism in early times, was for people to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ. There is nothing in this like the sectarian system of six months trial, mourner's benches, &c. Paul and Silas spake unto the jailor [jailer] and his household the word of the Lord, and the same hour that they believed, they were baptized. So in case of Philip and the eunuch, as may be seen from the 8th chapter of Acts. As soon as the eunuch believed with all his heart, that Jesus Christ was the Son of God, Philip commanded the chariot to stand still, 'and they both went into the water, both Philip and the eunuch; and he baptized him.' This is the way they done up business in early times. O, that the world would learn wisdom by the examples that are set them! But to trace this ordinance into the fourth century, from the same author: On page 99, 7th paragraph: 'Baptism was administered during the vigils of Easter and Whit-Suntide, with lighted tapers, by the bishop and the presbyters, commissioned by him for that purpose. * * * * In some places salt was employed as a symbol of purity and wisdom, and was thrown with this view into the mouth of the person baptized, and a double unction was every where used in celebration of this ordinance, one preceding its administration, and the other following it.-The persons who were admitted into the church by baptism, were obliged after the celebration of that holy ordinance to go clothed in white garments during the space of seven days.'-Thus we see the pure and legitimate ordinances, which were placed in the Apostolic church, degenerating into all the senseless and hypocritical mummery so prevalent in the churches of the nineteenth century. These mock ceremonies and monkish rituals must be considered as the mere coungerings [conjuring] of man, hatched up in his own brain and sanctioned by his own darkened understanding. The idea of these lighted tapers, is a novel one. They are now used in the churches, and over dead bodies, at the full hour of mid-day. What this is practiced for we are not able to conceive, unless it be for the lighting of the holy spirit. It is probably thought that the eyes of the Almighty are so very dim that he cannot see even by day, without the pale sickly blaze of a taper. We would take it as a great favor if some Catholic friend could make us see the utility of this idolatrous practice. This salt using too, is to us a mystery, and probably will remain so until some one skilled in Royal Priesthood Legerdemain, has the magnanimity to unravel the secret. We have thought some times, whether or no, it was not used by the Priests in consequence of its saving properties. This is the only rational conclusion we can come to, considering the little prospect there is of these pontifical dignitaries being saved by the rules which God has laid down. We see also, from the above extract that the order of the kingdom of God was beginning to be reverse, or transposed by man. We see the bishop, who, in the primitive church, merely officiated in some ministerial office to the sick, in a temporal capacity, whereas they have now ascended the step-stones of ambition, seized the crown of ecclesiastical royalty, seated themselves upon the throne of power, and assumed a universal dictatorship over the religious faculties of the church.
This is derogatory to that great constitution
of which we spoke in prefacing our subject. Then they, as a matter of course, have no license to act. With great propriety we can exclaim with the prophet, whom we have previously quoted: 'They have changed the ordinance, broken the everlasting covenant.' We see in these 'formidable shouts' and 'declamations' spoken of by Dr. Moshiem, the infant germs form whence sprang the boisterous clamor of Methodism. Whoever has been in the habit of attending the meetings of this sect, in the palmy days of their 'great revivals,' can see their forms of worship mirrored forth in the church of the third and fourth century; but they cannot see them reflected by the customs of the apostles, or the teachings of the Bible. In these meetings we see the mourner's bench paraded in front of the stand, and the preacher from the pulpit deals so liberally in the articles of 'hell fire,' 'brimstone,' 'eternal damnation,' &c., that he soon frightens his hearers into submission, and the bench at length is filled with hopeless mourners. Then the priest, in the fire of his discourse, descends from his box, convulsed with excitement, with upraised and extended hands; he increases the fervor of his declamation, by heavy stampings on the floor, until at last his eloquence fans the flame of enthusiasm in the bosoms of the mourners, and they are readily seized with what is termed by them the 'power.' Then the groans, shouts, screams, and clapping of hands, stun the whole sense of hearing, and one continued scene of indecorous motions and tumultuous uproar ensues. The work of falling commences, and young ladies and gentlemen, and old ladies and gentlemen, lay in confused and disgustful disorder over the floor.
"Immodest acts admit of no defence [defense],
For want of decency is want of sense."
This is one of the species of religion of this refined and enlightened age! Scene of depravity! how art thy devotees so lowly sunk amid the moldering rubbish of bigotry and superstitious idolatry! The priest and his flowing robe, are worshipped as something more than mortal by these blind enthusiasts. Instead of worshipping at the shrine of Bible religion, they bow to the footstool of arrogance, within the pales of popular churches, where wealth and aristocracy sit robed in silks and satins. While they impregnate the trembling atmosphere with the deafening cries of 'Hallelujahs' &c., we very much question whether their heart and affections reach beyond the circle of the Priest and the gorgously [gorgeously] clad elite that surrounds him. The fine, black, well fitting coat of the Parson; his buff vest and starched dickey; his rich-textured cravat, tied with a knot of latest fashion, and the delicate softness of his tender hands, rivit [rivet] upon them the vain gaze of his auditors, while their hearts virtually proclaim him some immaculate personage or celestial God.
We have seen more worldly arrogance, pride of dress, and band-box frippery exhibited in these sectarian churches than in all the world besides. The congregation of each sabbath is but a panorama of fashion, exhibiting the external beauty of and gloss created by virtue of cologne waters, full-length mirrors, and all the various paraphernalia of the toilett [toilet]; but no where is traceable the religion of the Bible.-The man of the greatest wealth, most costly dress, who rides in a fine carriage, with a train of attendants, is most generally the bosom friend and associate of his 'humble servant,' the parson; while the honest poor are merely received and continued in fellowship to swell the number of the flock, and increase the revenue of the priest. Wherever the priest can get the largest salary, that is the identical place where the Lord calls him to preach. In the language of the Bible, they 'make merchandise of the word of God, and divine for money.'
(To be Continued.)
Minutes of a conference of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, held at Preston, Halifax County, Province of Nova Scotia, Sept. 18, 1843.
Conference convened pursuant to previous appointment, at 2 o'clock, P. M.
Elder Robert Dickson then presented before the meeting the object of the conference. The solemnities of the occasion were then opened by singing and prayer.
The conference was organized by unanimously electing Elder Robert Dickson, president, and Elder James Jermen, clerk.
Resolved, That this branch of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, be called the Preston Branch.
It was moved by Elder R. Dickson, and seconded by T. J. Miller, that Edward Cooke be ordained to the office of elder, to preside over the Preston branch; carried unanimously.
Resolved, That Thomas Hamilton be ordained to the office of teacher of this branch.
Resolved, That Tobias Immanuel Miller, be ordained to the office of deacon of this branch.
The above brethren were then ordained to their respective offices, under the hands of Elders Dickson and Jermen.
Representation of Branches.-Preston branch, represented by James Jermen, consists of five members, one elder, one teacher and one deacon, all in good standing.
In the city of Halifax, there are four members, represented by elder Dickson.
In Onslow, Calchester county, Nova Scotia, there are five members, represented by elder Dickson.
Notice was given that Elder Dickson would preach in the evening, at 7 o'clock, from Mark's Gospel, 16th c. 16th v. The people turned out well to hear, and there was much solemnity, as well as great attention paid. There was an old gentleman from several miles distant, baptized immediately before conference commenced; and another man was baptized the next morning, after meeting, about 1 o'clock, A. M.
Resolved, That the saints uphold the First Presidency by their prayers.
A vote was then passed to transmit a copy of the proceedings of this conference to Nauvoo, for publication in the Times and Seasons.
The sacrament of the Lord's Supper was then administered. Afterwards the minutes of this conference were read and accepted.
The conference adjourned at 5 o'clock, to convene again at the house of T. J. Miller, on the 18th of December next, at 10 o'clock, A. M.
R. DICKSON, Prest.
J. JERMEN, Clerk.
Several companies of emigrants have lately arrived in this place by steam boats, all apparently in good health and spirits.
Elder Erastus Snow, arrived with a company from Massachusetts, on Monday last.
The Twelve who have lately been on a mission to the east, have all returned, and enjoy good health.
A number of emigrants from England are expected soon.
WHO SHALL BE OUR NEXT PRESIDENT?-This question we frequently hear asked, and it is a question of no small importance to the Latter Day Saints.
We as a people have labored, and are still laboring under great injustice from the hand of a neighboring state. The Latter Day Saints have had their property destroyed and their houses made desolate by the hands of the Missourians; murders have been committed with impunity, and many in consequence of oppression, barbarism and cruelty, have slept the sleep of death. They have been obliged to flee from their possessions into a distant land, in the chilling frost of December; robbed, spoiled, desolate, houseless, and homeless; without any just pretext of shadow of law; without having violated the laws of that state, or of the United States, and have had to wander as exiles in a strange land, without as yet, being able to obtain any redress for their grievances. We have hitherto adopted every legal measure; first, we petitioned to the state of Missouri, but in vain. We have memorialized Congress, but they have turned a deaf ear to our supplication and referred us again to the state and justice (!!!) of Missouri. Doubtless many of the members of that honorable body were not sufficiently informed of the enormity and extent of the crimes of our persecutors, nor of the indelible stain which our national escutcheon has received through their inhuman daring. They have been allowed to revel in blood ,and luxuriate in the miseries of the oppressed, and no man has laid it to heart. The fact is, that gentlemen of respectability and refinement, who live in a civilized society, find it difficult to believe that such enormities could be practiced in a republican government; but our wrong cannot slumber; such tyranny and oppression must not be passed over in silence; our injuries though past, are not forgotten by us, they still rankle in our bosoms, and the blood of the innocent yet cries for justice; and as American citizens, we have appealed, and shall still continue to appeal to the legally constituted authorities of the land for redress, in the hopes that justice which has long slumbered, may be aroused in our defence [defense]; that the spirit which burned in the bosoms of the patriots of seventy-six, may fire the souls of their decendants [descendants], and though slow, that their indignation may yet be aroused at the injustice of the oppressor, and that they may yet meet out justice to our adversaries, and step forward in the defence [defense] of the innocent.
We shall ask no one to commit themselves on our account; we want no steps taken but what are legal, constitutional, and honorable-but we are American citizens, and as American citizens, we have rights in common with all that live under the folds of the "star spangled banner." Our rights have been trampled upon by lawless miscreants, we have been robbed of our liberties by mobocratic influence, and all those honorable ties that ought to govern and characterize Columbia's sons have been trampled in the dust.-Still we are American citizens, and as American citizens we claim the privilege of being heard in the councils of our nation. We have been wronged, abused, robbed, and banished, and we seek redress. Such crimes cannot slumber in Republican America. The cause of common
humanity would revolt at it, and Republicanism would hide its head in disgust.
We make these remarks for the purpose of drawing the attention of our brethren to this subject, both at home and abroad; that we may fix upon the man who will be the most likely to render us assistance in obtaining redress for our grievances-and not only give our own votes, but use our influence to obtain others, and if the voice of suffering innocence will not sufficiently arouse the rulers of our nation to investigate our case, perhaps a vote from fifty to one hundred thousand may rouse them from their lethargy.
We shall fix upon the man of our choice, and notify our friends duly.
The massacre of a great number of the Nestorians, as reported by a former arrival, is unhappily confirmed by the papers brought by the last steamer. This interesting people, who have latterly been visited and instructed by American and other missionaries, were found to have retained the religion of the Bible in a great degree of purity, although surrounded by Mahometan tribes. It seems that the hostility of their enemies was excited towards them by the too zealous labors of the rival Christian missionaries. Nat. Intelligencer.
A Constantinople correspondent of the London Morning Chronicle, under the date of August 17, states the particulars as follows:
'You have been informed of the combination between the Pasha of Mosul and several powerful Kurdish chiefs for the extermination of Nestorian Christians, or Chaldeans. Letters received the day before yesterday contain a deplorable account of the results of the attacks of the united troops. They had penetrated into the centre [center] of the Tiyaree district, burnt the villages and churches, destroyed the crops, and put the inhabitants of both sexes to the sword. Three, or according to other accounts, five brothers of the Patriarch have been slain, his mother was cut in half, and his sister horribly mutilated. The Patriarch himself had fled to Mosul, and taken refuge in the British vice consulate. Thus a sect which had preserved its independence during centuries, and had resisted the persecuting sword of Islam when wielded by the most powerful and most intolerant of the followers of Mohammed-which, in its simplicity and isolation, had maintained the doctrines and forms of a primitive church for above fourteen centuries, and which had escaped the corruption of religion, of morals, and of character so conspicuous in all other Christian sects of the East; has now, in the weakness of Mohammedanism and the strenght [strength] of European Christianity, been delivered over to destruction.
Although the Turkish authorities merit the strongest condemnation for the part they have taken in this massacre, yet there are others concernened [concerned] who are almost equally responsible for the results. The history of the fall of the Nestorians is a new example of the consequences of a system pursued by foreigners in the East which we cannot contemplate without the utmost indignation. All those who have been the direct or indirect instruments of their intrigues, and although they may now shelter themselves under the cloak of religion, have been guilty of a great crime against humanity.
In their mountain fastnesses the Nestorians had retained their independence for centuries. The first western traveller [traveler] who succeeded in penetrating into them was Dr. Grant, an American missionary. His object in visiting them was the establishment of schools and other means of instruction. No sooner had Dr. Grant met with some success in the mountains than the Roman Catholic missionaries at Mosul, supported by the French political agents, endeavored to counteract it. The English High Church was also jealous of American encroachments in the midst of a sect still venerating Episcopacy; and an additional firebrand was thrown into the country last autumn, in the presence of the Rev. Mr. Badger. During last winter the three parties-the American, the Puseyite, and the Roman Catholic-have waged an open warfare among themselves.-The Americans, who had been first in the field, only acted on the defensive; the influence they had already acquired among the Nestorians enabled them, without much difficulty, to retain their position. The object of the two remaining parties was to eject the Americans, and to establish their own influence. They did not act in concert, for their mutual enmity equalled [equaled] their hostility to the Americans.-No means were left untried to effect their object. A report began to prevail that the Americans were assisting the Nestorians to build forts in their mountains. The ignorant inhabitants of the surrounding country and their Governor, the Pasha of Mosul, readily believed the assertion; his suspicions were excited; from both parties he received accusations against their respective adversaries tending to sirease [increase] his alarm. Mr. Badger pointed out the danger of Roman Catholicism and French influence in the mountains; the French, in return, the danger
of English influence. At length the combination we have described was formed, and those alone who were innocent have fallen victims to the intrigues of men who announced themselves to them as the ministers of Christ and the teachers of civilization. Strict justice compels us to state that the Americans are in this instance without blame. They established themselves first in the mountains, and their efforts were successfully directed to the improvement of the inhabitants, without any ulterior political design. But, as it is, one of the most ancient and most interesting sects in the world-interesting from its origin, from its language, and from the purity of its Christianity-has been sacrificed to the religious quarrels of American Independents, English Puseyites, and French Roman Catholics.
Letters received in Boston state that it is probable the mother and only one brother of Mar Shimon, the Nestorian Patriarch, have been slain; that three other brothers have been taken prisoners, and two have fled to Persia. Dr. Grant, whose life has been considered in danger, is safe at Mosul.'
In the above statements we see the deplorable effects of christian diplomacy, christian intrigue, and christian proselyting [proselytizing]. This much injured, and according to every christian testimony, this good, and virtuous people have been made the dupes of those fiery bigots who, when they could not accomplish their designs, in causing them to submit to their faith, have excited the jealousies of government, and offered them up as a sacrifice to their malice.-For the information of our readers, relative to this people, we publish the following from Buck's Theological Dictionary.
"The followers of Nestorius, the bishop of Constantinople, who lived in the fifth century. They believed that in Christ were not only two natures, but two persons, of which the one was divine, even the eternal word; and the other, which was human, was the man Jesus: that these two persons had only one aspect: that the union between the Son of God and the son of man was formed in the moment of the virgin's conception, and was never to be dissolved: that it was not, however, an union of nature or of person, but only of will and affection. (Nestorius, however, it is said, denied the last position;) that Christ was therefore to be carefully distinguished from God, who dwelt in him as in his temple; and that Mary was to be called the mother of Christ, and not the mother of God.
One of the chief promoters of the Nestorian cause, was Barsumas, created bishop of Nisibis, A. D. 435. Such was his zeal and success that the Nestorians who still remain in Chaldea, Persia, Assyria, and the adjacent countries, consider him alone as their parent and founder. By him Pherozes, the Persian monarch, was persuaded to expel those Christians who adopted the operations of the Greeks, and to admit the Nestorians in their place, putting them in possession of the principal seat of ecclesiastical authority in Persia, the see of Seleucia, which the patriarch of the Nestorians had always filled, even down to our time. Barsumas also erected a school at Nisibis, from which proceeded those Nestorian doctors who, in the fifth and sixth centuries, spread abroad their tenets through Egypt, Syria, Arabia, India, Tartary, and China.
In the tenth century, the Nestorians in Chaldea, whence they are sometimes called Chaldeans, extended their spiritual conquests beyond Mount Imaus, and introduced the Christian religion into Tartary properly so called, and especially into that country called Karit, bordering on the northern part of China. The prince of that country, whom the Nestorians converted to the Christian faith, assumed, according to the vulgar tradition, the name of John after his baptism, to which he added the surname of Presbyter, from a principle of modesty; whence it is said, his successors were each of them called Presbyter John, until the time of Gengis Khan. But Mosheim observes, that the famous Prester John did not begin to reign in that part of Asia before the conclusion of the eleventh century. The Nestorians formed so considerable a body of Christians, that the missionaries of Rome were industrious in their endeavors to reduce them under the papal yoke. Innocent IV. in 1246, and Nicholas IV. in 1278, used their utmost efforts for this purpose, but without success. Till the time of pope Julius III. the Nestorians acknowledged but one patriarch, who resided first at Bagdad [Baghdad], and afterwards at Mousul; but a division arising among them, in 1551, the patriarchate became divided, at least for a time, and a new patriarch was consecrated by that pope, whose successors fixed their residence in the city of Ormus, in the mountainous parts of Persia, where they still continue, distinguished by the name of Simeon; and so far down as the seventeenth century, these patriarchs preserved their communion with the church of Rome, but seem at present to have withdrawn themselves from it. The great Nestorian pontiffs, who form the opposite party, and look with a hostile eye on this little patriarch, have, since the year 1559, been distinguished by the general denomination of Elias, and reside constantly in the city of Mousul.-
Their spiritual dominion is very extensive, taking in a great part of Asia, and comprehends also within its circuit the Arabian Nestorians, and also the Christians of St. Thomas, who dwell along the coast of Malabar. It is observed, to the lasting honor of the Nestorians, that of all the Christian societies established in the East, they have been the most careful and successful in avoiding a multitude of superstitious opinions and practices that have infected the Greek and Latin churches. About the middle of the seventeenth century, the Romish missionaries gained over to their communion a small number of Nestorians, whom they formed into a congregation or church; the patriarchs or bishops of which resided in the city of Amida, or Darbeker, and all assume the denomination of Joseph. Nevertheless, the Nestorians in general preserve to our own times in their refusal to enter into the communion of the Romish church, notwithstanding the earnest entreaties and alluring offers that have been made by the people's legate to conquer their inflexible constancy."
We have lately perused with great interest, Stephen's works on Central America, Chiapas, and Yucatan.
Mr. Stephens published about two years ago, a very interesting work entitled 'Incidents of travel in Central America, Chiapas and Yucatan,' in which he details very many interesting circumstances; discovered the ruins of magnificent cities, and from hieroglyphical representations, sculpture and rich specimens of architecture, proved one important fact, which had been disputed by many of our sages; that America had once been peopled by a highly polished, civilized and scientific race, with whom the present aborigines could not compare.
This work has been read with great interest throughout this continent, and tens of thousands of copies have been sent to, and sold in Europe, where it has been investigated with the greatest scrutiny and interest. It has already passed through twelve editions; it is published in two volumes, 8 vo.
Since the publication of this work, Mr. Stephens has again visited Central America, in company with Mr. Catherwood, and other scientific gentlemen, for the purpose of making further explorations among those already interesting ruins. They took with them the Daguerreotype, and other apparatus, for the purpose of giving views and drawings of those mysterious relics of antiquity. His late travels and discoveries, have also been published in two volumes of the same size, entitled 'Incidents of travel in Central America.'
It is a work of great interest, written with precision and accuracy. The plates are elegantly executed, and its history unfolds the ruins of grandeur, civilization and intelligence. It is published by Harper & Brothers, N. Y.
This is a work that ought to be in the hands of every Latter Day Saint; corroborating, as it does the history of the Book of Mormon. There is no stronger circumstantial evidence of the authenticity of the latter book, can be given, than that contained in Mr. Stephens' works.
Mr. Stephens gives an account of ancient cities he has visited, where once dwelt the powerful, the wise, the scientific, and to use his own words; 'architecture, sculpture and painting, all the arts which embellished life had flourished in this overgrown city; orators, warriors, and statesmen, beauty, ambition, and glory, had lived and passed away, and none knew that such things had been, or could tell of their past existence.' In the last clause, Mr. Catherwood is mistaken. It has fallen to his lot to explore the ruins of this once mighty people, but the 'Book of Mormon' unfolds their history; and published as it was, years before these discoveries were made, and giving as it does, accounts of a people, and of cities that bear a striking resemblance to those mentioned by Mr. Stephens, both in regard to magnificence and location, it affords the most indubitable testimony of the historical truth of that book, which has been treated so lightly by the literati and would be philosophers of the present age.
For the information of our friends who do not possess this work, we may at a convenient time collect and compare many of the important items in this work, and in the Book of Mormon, and publish them. To give some idea of the nature of the last work, we publish the following from the preface:
"In his 'Incidents of Travel in Central America, Chiapas and Yucatan,' the author intimates his intention to make a thorough exploration of the ruins of the latter country. That intention has been carried into effect, and the following pages are the result. They discribe [describe], as the author has reason to believe, the most extensive journeying ever made by a stranger in that penensula [peninsula], and contain the account of visits to forty-four ruined cities or palaces, in which the remains or vestiges of ancient population, were found. The existence of most of these ruins was entirely unknown to the residents of the capital-but few had ever been visited by white inhabitants-they were desolate and overgrown with trees. For a brief space, the stillness that reigned about them was broken
and they were again left to solitude and silence. Time and the elements are hastening them to utter destruction. In a few generations, great edifices, their facades covered with sculptured ornaments, already croaking and yawning, must fall, and become mere shapeless mounds. It has been the fortune of the author to step between them and the destruction to which they are destined, and it is his hope to snatch from oblivion these perishing, but still gigantic memorials of a mysterious people."
To all the saints and honorable men of the earth, to whom the Lord has given liberally of this worlds' goods:....... GREETING.
Our worthy brother, Elder George J. Adams, has been appointed by the First Presidency of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints at Nauvoo, to present to them the importance, as well as the things connected with his mission to Russia, to introduce the fulness [fullness] of the gospel to the people of that vast empire, and also to which is attached some of the most important things concerning the advancement and building up of the kingdom of God, in the last days; which cannot be explained at this time; but as the mission is attended with much expense, all those who feel disposed to bestow, according as God has blessed them, shall receive the blessings of Israel's God; and ten fold shall be added unto them, as well as the prayers of the saints of God.
With sentiments of high esteem, we subscribe ourselves your friends and brethren in the new and everlasting covenant.
Presidents of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.
It would seem from the following, that there is a very material difference between Catholicism in Italy, and in the United States: and that while its advocates in this country cry aloud for equal rights, and equal privileges, and profess great reverence for republican institutions, that in Italy, where they possess the power, thy are most fierce and intolerant in their proscriptions and persecutions; and whatever may be said concerning the more liberal views of Catholics in this and the mother country, it is evident, from the following, that they want only the power to reinstate in England, and put in force in this, or any other country, all the damning horrors of the "Holy Inquisition" which has been lately revived in Italy, in their base persecutions of the Jews.
"At the very moment when a spirit of toleration seemed to influence the feelings of society throughout the civilized world, we regret to perceive that the tribunals of the Popo [Pope] are, in June, 1843, reviving at Rome and Ancona the very worst proscriptions of that fell and sanguinary institute, the Inquisition, as will be seen by a perusal of the following document-
"We, Fra Vicenzo [Vincenzo] Salina, of the Order of Predicatori, Master in Theology, General Inquisitor in Ancona, Sinigaglia, Jesi, Osinio, Cingoli, Macerata, Tolentino, Loreto, Recanati, and other towns and districts, &c.
"It being deemed necessary to revive the full observance of the disciplinary laws relative to the Israelites residing within our jurisdiction, and having hitherto without effect employed prayers and exhortations to obtain obedience to those laws in the Ghetti (Jewries) of Ancona and Sinigaglia, authorized by the despatch of the Sacred and Supreme Inquisition of Rome, dated June 10th, 1843, expressly enjoining and commanding the observance of the decrees and pontifical constitutions, especially in respect to Christian nurses and domestic servants, or to the sale of property either in town or country districts, purchased and possessed previously to 1827, as well as subsequently, to that period, we decree as follows:-
"1. From the interval of two months after the date of this day, all gipsy [gypsy] and Christian domestics, male and female, whether employed by day or by night, must be dismissed from service in the two Ghetti; and all Jews residing within our jurisdiction are expressly prohibited from employing any Christian nurse, or availing themselves of the service of any Christian in any domestic occupation whatever, under pain of being immediately punished according to the pontifical decrees and constitutions.
"2. That all Jews, who may possess property, either in town or country, permanent or moveable, or rents or interests, or any right involving shares in funded property, or leased landed property, must within the term of three months from this day dispose of it by a positive and real, and not by any pretended or fictitious contract, Should this not be done within the time specified, the Holy office is to sell the same by public auction, on proof of the annual harvest being got in.
"3. That no Hebrew nurses, and still less, any Hebrew family, shall inhabit the city, or reside in, or remove their property into, any town or district where there is no Ghetto (place of residence for Jews;) and that such as may actually be there in conformacy to the laws must return to their respective Ghetto within
the peremptory period of six months, otherwise they will be proceeded against according to the tenor of the law.
"4. That, especially in any city where there is a Ghetto, no Hebrew must presume to associate at table with Christians, either in public houses or ordinaries, out of the Ghetto.
"5. That in a city which has a Ghetto, no Hebrew shall sleep out of the Israelite quarter, nor make free to enter into familiar conversation in Christian a house.
"6. That no Hebrew shall take the liberty, under any pretext whatever, to induce male Christians, and still less female Christians, to sleep within the boundaries of the Ghetto.
"7. That no Hebrew shall hire Christians, even only by the day, to work in their houses in the Ghetto.
"8. That no Hebrew, either male or female, shall frequent the houses of Christians, or maintain friendly relations with Christian men or women.
"9. That the laws shall remain in force respecting the decorum to be observed by the Hebrews who may absent themselves from their Ghetto, to travel in other parts of the State."
"After laying down these monstrous rescripts [prescripts], which we had hoped even the Romish church would not have attempted to revive and still less to re-clothe with authority, and arm with tremendous pains and penalties. The savage order is issued that these intolerant laws shall be read in each of the Jewish synagogues. It is added:-
"They who violate the above articles, will incur some or all of the penalties prescribed in the edicts of the Holy Inquisition."
Why the Jews have been thus selected as the victims of their hellish wrath, is difficult for us to determine. We cannot account for it upon any other principle than that of legalized plunder-such as has been too frequently practiced upon them by most of the courts of Europe.-It is thus that their property, in the second section, is not ostensibly confiscated; but it is virtually so, as it places them in the power of their enemies, if they cannot find purchasers for their property, which is very unlikely, when they are placed under these severe, inhuman restrictions. "The property must be disposed of within three months, whether in town or country, permanent or moveable, or rents, or interest or any rights involving shares in funded property." And if there are no buyers, what then? "The Holy office (rather say holy devils) is to sell the same by public auction."
We are led to ask, is this Christianity? Are these the followers of the meek and lowly Jesus? Is this the conduct of a church which professes to be the only true church? purely apostolic? Oh shame! where is thy blush?-The heart sickens at the contemplation. Only think of the thousands of men, women and children, being dispossessed of their inheritance-robbed of their property-rendered houseless and homeless, and destined to wander about as vagrants and exiles, through the tyranny, rapacity and thirst for plunder, which is evidently manifest by these infernals of the Holy order. We had hoped that those days of horrid barbarity were gone by, and that even the Roman church would not have attempted to revive them: and still less did we imagine that the edicts of the Holy Inquisition would ever have disgraced the footstool of God. What if the governments of America, England, Russia, Prussia, Norway, Sweden, and other powers, were to exercise the same spirit of intolerance towards the professors of the Catholic religion? Would they like to have meted to them the same measure which they give to others? We know that there was great dissatisfaction manifested by the Catholics of England and Ireland during the existence of the Test Act. They made long and loud complaints against the injustice, tyranny and oppression of that instrument; and no one felt more indignant than ourselves at such illiberal proceedings-but we must confess that in this instance they have "out-Heroded Herod" a thousand times.-What would the Irish Catholics have thought had the British government dealt with them as their great Pontificate has dealt with the poor Jews? How much misery, how much distress would not such a step create among them?
We cannot but feel indignant at such proceedings; and as the conductors of public journals, feel ourselves in duty bound to express our feelings. We heartily despise oppression in every shape; and if the European courts do not take sufficient notice of such proceedings as to frown down, indignantly, upon the perpetrators of those inhuman deeds, and awe them into a respect sufficient to ameliorate the condition of their victims, we shall, at least, have had the satisfaction of entering our protest against the proceedings of those heartless wretches, who would make a pretext of religion in order to plunder the inoffensive, and put in force these inhuman, savage edicts, merely because they have them in their power.
We had thought that the cup of misery of the Jews had been sufficiently wrung out, and that they had drank it to the very dregs. They have been persecuted by almost every nation in its turn. They have been plundered, driven and banished, and their lives have continually hung in doubt. We had hoped that the recently
expressed opinion, concerning their persecutions in Damascus, by the European powers, and the revolutions in Spain, would have greatly ameliorated their condition, and have operated well for them, even in Italy; and we are yet in hopes that some steps will be taken to cause the power who oppresses them to mitigate their sufferings; and if not by power, out of respect to courtly influence, which may be used to remove the heavy load under which they groan.
The Rothschild's possess great influence in many European courts. Can it not used at the present time, in behalf of their oppressed brethren?
From the Millennial Star.
The doctrine of 'the gathering' is one peculiarly belonging to the people of God, and one which should claim the attention of all who are desirous of glorifying God by keeping his commandments. It is one in its practical operations which excites the attention of the world, and seems to arouse their indignation much. How often do we hear the question -'can we not serve God in this country as well as any where else?' and 'it is the devotion of the heart that the Lord wants, and that is all that is required.' That we can serve God in one country as well as another we doubt not, it if be the will of the Lord that we should do so; but if a commandment be given, as to the Israelites of old, to gather away from bondage and oppression, to give heed to the teachings of his servants, then we would ask, who can serve the Lord yet disobey his commandments?
It was ever the purpose of the Lord in every age, to classify his people by themselves-to separate them from the wicked of the earth-and so to organize and establish them, that he might be able to bestow upon them the blessings of his spirit. And is there no necessity for this separation? Most assuredly there is. We look upon the world as alienated from God by sin-as entirely cut off from the enjoyment of those privileges of which the Saints partake. The Lord has, in his infinite mercy, devised a plan by which a fallen race can be reconciled to himself; and that is effected by the gift of the spirit of God, bestowed upon the faithful in the exercise of obedience to the ordinances of his house. Let us then contemplate for a moment the relative circumstances and conditions of the people of God and of the world: the one is in darkness, and under condemnation in consequence of sin; the other is adopted into the family of heaven, and has received of the spirit of the Lord, filling his whole body with light, opening to his understanding the glories of eternity, and elevating him in dignity according to this faithfulness as a son of God; while his future prospects are sublimely developed to his understanding the full glories of the beatific vision.
What affinity, then, we would ask, has light with darkness? what amalgamation can take place between elements so diverse in their nature? or will not spirit seek its kindred spirit? He that hath the spirit is no longer debtor to the flesh, but would rather be seeking the society of those who can multiply his happiness, who are so many individual reflections of the moral loveliness implanted by the spirit of God.
On these reflections then, do we arrive at the rationality of the doctrine of 'the gathering,' and see the necessity of the servants of God, who are destined to become partakers of his own glory, being associated together in order that they may be preparing for that high elevation, and growing in that wisdom and knowledge without which they cannot be prepared for his presence.
But, again, the last days are the days of vengeauce [vengeance] and judgment upon the wicked. Let us then examine the conduct of God towards man when he was about to pour out his judgments upon them.
When he had determined, in consequence of the iniquity of our antediluvian forefathers, to destroy the race form the face of the earth, he did not do it without a warning unto the people, and without preparation for the safety of all who would give heed not the testimony of the servant, they rejected the offers of mercy and therefore perished. So also in the days of Lot, when he had determined a destruction upon the inhabitants of the cities of the plain, it was neither without a warning to them nor a place of safety for those that would hearken and flee.
We read that in the last days there will be in existence a Babylon, of which the Chaldean city (the lady of kingdoms) was a lively type, in which the pollution of the holy things of the Lord's house showed forth that pollution of the last days, when men should sit in judgment as God, calling upon the people to recognize their authority, and render obedience to their precepts as they would unto the God of heaven. And we read also, that the Babylon of the last days shall fall, shall be utterly destroyed; and the people of the Lord are commanded to come out of her, lest they be partakers of her sins and receive her plagues. Now, we feel no hesitancy in speaking freely of this Babylon, which we affirm to be neither more nor less than that Babel, that confusion of systems which
man has devised in the room of the kingdom of God; for verily as little understood of each other are the builders of the modern Babylon, as were those of antiquity when the Lord confounded their language and scattered them over all the face of the earth. In contemplating the modern buildings of religious systems, we find some declaring one thing necessary as a foundation, others another; and instead of laboring conjointly to build a tower to heaven, each individual party are raising paltry mounds of their own, with the most anxious ambition to look over their neighbor, until all has become confusion and weakness, and by and by all the wrath of heaven shall sweep away every vistige [vestige] of their folly from the face of the earth, for the mouth of the Lord God hath spoken it. And this judgment shall take place in the last days, and it shall be a judgment the like of which hath not been before. And will not the Lord act like himself in providing a place of safety for his people? or when he has commanded them to come out of her, will he not prepare a place of refuge for them-a Goshen in which they may be protected while his fury is poured out upon the nations.
We read, then, in the 24th chapter of Isaiah, that when his fury shall be poured out, when the inhabitants of the earth shall be burned up and few men be left, that there shall be in the midst of the earth a remnant among the people as the shaking of an olive tree, and as the grapes when the vintage is ended. And let us mark the location of those who are preserved: it will be in the midst of the earth, in the very place where Israel of old declared that the children of Joseph should become a multitude of nations, and in that place shall deliverance be. We rejoice, therefore, in the revelations made known in the last days, of the descendants of Ephraim and Manasseh, and of the land of Joseph, and of the place appointed for the gathering of his people. We read also, in the 4th chapter of Micah, that in the last days it shall come to pass, that the mountain of the house of the Lord shall be prepared in the top of the mountains, and it shall be exalted above the mountains, and it shall be exalted above the hills, and people shall flow unto it: and that the law shall go forth from Zion, and also the word of the Lord from Jerusalem. And also in the 8th verse of the same we read, that the tower of the flock, the strong hold of the daughter of Zion, that unto her shall come the FIRST dominion; and that the kingdom shall also come unto Jerusalem.
And as we read in the old translation that from the seed of Joseph should the feder be appointed by the stone of Israel; even so as Joseph the patriarch (though various means were adopted in order to destroy him) through the providence of God, became the savior of his family, so shall his seed become a feder or shepherd unto the people of God and their land, into which the Lord has led them, as he did Joseph into Egypt, become a place of deliverance from the judgments that shall come upon the earth, for all that will hearken unto the tidings of salvation and become obedient unto them.
It is written in the first chapter of Ephesians and the 10th verse, 'that in the dispensation of the fulness [fullness] of times he might gather together in one all things in Christ, both which are in heaven, and which are on earth; even in him.'
We also read in the second chapter of Daniel, of the setting up of a kingdom by the God of heaven, that should never come to an end; and, as we have before quoted, of the law going forth from mount Zion and also from Jerusalem.-Now the place from whence proceeds a law must be the seat of government, and the seat of government will be attended by subjects acknowledging its authority; and that kingdom which shall never come to an end, cannot be set up unless the people are gathered together in the fulness [fullness] of times, in order to be prepared, instructed, and sanctified that they may be fitted to meet the glorified saints whom the Lord will bring with him at his coming, who are looking forward to the time when they shall reign as kings and priests on the earth, knowing that without us they cannot be perfected, and are longing for the hour when the Lord shall reign in Mount Zion, and in Jerusalem, and when his glory shall be before them.
Having made these reflections upon the great doctrine of 'the gathering,' we now bear testimony of what the Lord has commanded in the last days. We bear testimony that the Lord God hath sent the angel beheld by John in his apocalyptic vision, having the everlasting gospel to preach unto all people; that he hath appeared unto some, and shall hereafter appear unto many, that he hath committed a dispensation of that gospel unto men, and commissioned his servants to go forth bearing testimony of these things, and to make proclamation that the hour of his judgment is come; also to proclaim that the hour of his judgment is come; also to proclaim unto the people the gospel in its fulness [fullness], the glorious law of adoption into the kingdom of God, and warning them of the judgments speedily approaching to exhort them to flee out from Babylon, that they be not partakers of her sins, and receive not of her plagues; and that the western continent is the place appointed of the Lord for the assembling of his people, that
they may learn his will, receive blessings at his hands, and escape the consequences of the fury that shall be poured out upon the nations.
And while we bear this testimony, how many who may read these reflections will find the spirit within them bearing witness to the truth of these things, and feel its prompting influence bidding them arise and flee while the path is open, and hasten to assist in the building up of Zion, and in the establishment of that kingdom which shall never come to an end; but which, arising on earth, shall continue under the blessing of God to increase in glory and power, until clothed upon by the radiance of heaven, its citizens shall be fitted to blend in harmony with the sons of light, in that glorious gathering of all things both in heaven and on earth, that shall be realized in the dispensation of the fulness [fullness] of times.
Then away to the west, the glorious west,
The land which the Lord hath greatly blest;
Where the soil hath rested for ages past,
To make a rich home for the Saints at last.
Milford, Iroquois County, Indiana,}
September 22, 1843.}
Dear Sir-We started on our mission to the State of New York, according to appointment, on the 30th day of May. We arrived in this place on the 15th day of June, and preached once.
The people wishing to hear farther, we stopped and commenced laboring here and in the vicinity, until the Lord, through our instrumentality, caused a few individuals to see the error of their ways, and embrace the truth.
Thus we succeeded, with the assistance of brothers Tate and Monroe, for a short time, in organizing a small branch of the church, in this place, called the Milford Branch of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, consisting of twelve members, one elder, and one priest.
Travelling elders are requested to call and instruct them farther in the things of the kingdom.
Yours, in the bonds of the new and everlasting covenant,
THE JEWS IN THE UNITED STATES.-The Saint Louis Organ says: 'As the number of Jews is greatly increasing in our midst, it may not be altogether uninteresting to learn something concerning their number. The greatest concentration of Jews exists in the Russian dominions, where, according to the latest estimate, they amount to 1,700,000, about one fourth of the Jewish population of the whole world; in France there are 115,000; in Great Britain 30,000, two thirds of which are found in London. The number of Jews in the Holy Land amounts to 40,000. The Jews in this country are estimated at 50,000, the great mass of which may be found in the Atlantic cities. There are six synagogues in New York, three in Philadelphia, and others in Charlestown, Baltimore and Savannah. In Cincinnati the Jewish population is very numerous, so also in Cleveland, where there are two synagogues. Germany and Poland are the countries which exercise the influence over the development of the religious views of the Jews of the present day.
The days of old were days of might, A blight hath pass'd upon the church,
In forms of greatness moulded; Her summer hath departed;
And flowers of heaven grew on the earth, The chill of age is on her sons,
Within the church unfolded. The cold and fearful-hearted.
For grace fell fast as summer's dew, And sad amid neglect and scorn,
And Saints to giant's stature grew. Our mother sits and weeps forlorn.
But one by one the gifts are gone, Narrow and narrower still, each year
That in the church resided; The holy circle groweth;
And gone the spirits living light, And what the end of all shall be,
That on her walls abided: Nor man nor angel knoweth.
When by our shrines he came to dwell And so we wait and watch in fear,
In power and presence visible. It may be that the Lord is near.
The Times and Seasons, is edited by JOHN TAYLOR. Printed and published about the first and fifteenth of every month, on the corner of Water and Bain Streets, Nauvoo, Hancock County, Illinois, by JOHN TAYLOR AND WILFORD WOODRUFF.
TERMS.-TWO DOLLARS per annum, payable in all cases in advance. Any person procuring five new subscribers, and forwarding us Ten Dollars current money, shall receive one volume gratis. All letters must be addressed to John Taylor, editor, POST PAID, or they will not receive attention.
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