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Volume 3. No. 5.] | CITY OF NAUVOO, ILL. JAN. 1, 1842. | [Whole No. 41. |
This book is being stereotyped, and will be printed in the spring; but many of our readers being deprived the privilege of perusing its valuable pages, we insert the first section of the second part, which will be read with deep interest by many of our friends.
1 Hearken, O ye people of my church, saith the voice of him who dwells on high, and whose eyes are upon all men; yea, verily I say, hearken ye people from afar, and ye that are upon the islands of the sea, listen together; for verily the voice of the Lord is unto all men, and there is none to escape, and there is no eye that shall not see, neither ear that shall not hear, neither heart that shall not be penetrated: and the rebellious shall be pierced with much sorrow, for their iniquities shall be spoken upon the house-tops, and their secret acts shall be revealed; and the voice of warning shall be unto all people, by the mouihs [mouths] of my disciples, whom I have chosen in these last days, and they shall go forth and none shall stay them, for I the Lord have commanded them.
2 Behold, this is mine authority, and the authority of my servants, and my preface unto the book of my commandments, which I have given them to pubish [publish] unto you O inhabitants of the earth: wherefore fear and tremble, O ye people, for what I the Lord have decreed, in them, shall be fulfilled. And verily, I say unto you, that they who go forth, bearing these tidings unto the inhabitants of the earth, to them is power given to seal both on earth and in heaven, the unbelieving and rebellious; yea, verily, to seal them up unto the day when the wrath of God shall be poured out upon the wicked with measure; unto the day when the Lord shall come to recompense unto every man acccording [according] to his work, and measure to every man according to the measure which he has measured to his fellow man.
3 Wherefore the voice of the Lord is unto the ends of the earth, that all that will hear may hear: prepare ye, prepare ye that which is to come, for the Lord is nigh; and the anger of the Lord is kindled, and his sword is bathed in heaven, and it shall fall upon the inhabitants of the earth; and the arm of the Lord shall be revealed; and the day cometh, that they who will not hear the voice of the Lord, neither the voice of his servants, neither give heed to the words of the prophets, and apostles, shall be cut off from among the people: for they have strayed from mine ordinances, and have broken mine everlasting covenant; they seek not the Lord to establish his righteousness, but every man walketh in his own way, and after the image of his own god, whose image is in the likeness of the world, and whose substance is that of an idol, which waxeth old and shall perish in Babylon, even Babylon the great, which shall fall:
4 Wherefore I the Lord, knowing the calamity which should come upon the inhabitants of the earth, called upon my servant Joseph Smith jr. and spake unto him from heaven, and gave him commandments; and also gave commandments to others, that they should proclaim these things unto the world; and all this that it might be fulfilled, which was written by the prophets: the weak things of the world shall come forth and break down the mighty and strong ones, that man should not counsel his fellow man, neither trust in the arm of flesh, but that every man might speak in the name of God, the Lord, even the Savior of the world; that faith also might increase in the earth; that mine everlasting covenant might be established; that the fulness [fullness] of my gospel might be proclaimed by the weak and the simple, unto the ends of the world, and before kings and rulers.
5 Behold I am God and have spoken it: these commandments are of me, and were given unto my servants in their weakness, after the manner of their language, that they might come to understanding; and inasmuch as they erred it might be made known; and inasmuch as they sought wisdom, they might be instructed: and inasmuch as they sinned they might be chastened, that they might repent; and inasmuch as they were humble, they might be made strong, and blessed from on high, and receive knowledge from time to time: and after having received the record of the Nephites, yea, even my servant
Joseph Smith jr. might have power to translate through the mercy of God, by the power of God, the book of Mormon: and also those to whom these commandments were given, might have power to lay the foundation of this church, and to bring it forth out of obscurity, and out of darkness, the only true and living church upon the face of the whole earth, with which I the Lord am well pleased, speaking unto the church collectively and not individually; for I the Lord cannot look upon sin with the least degree of allowance: nevertheless, he that repents and does the commandments of the Lord, shall be forgiven, and he that repents not, from him shall be taken even the light which he has received, for my Spirit shall not always strive with man, saith the Lord of hosts.
6 And again, verily I say unto you, O inhabitants of the earth, I the Lord am willing to make these things known unto all flesh, for I am no respecter of persons, and willeth that all men shall know that the day speedily cometh, the hour is not yet, but is nigh at hand, when peace shall be taken from the earth, and the devil shall have power over his own dominion; and also, the Lord shall have power over his saints, and shall reign in their midst, and shall come down in judgment upon Idumea, or the world.
7 Search these commandments, for they are true and faithful, and the prophecies and promises which are in them shall all be fulfilled.
8 What I the Lord have spoken, I have spoken, and I excuse not myself, and though the heavens and the earth pass away, my word shall not pass away, but shall all be fulfilled, whether by mine own voice, or by the voice of my servants, it is the same: for behold, and lo, the Lord is God, and the Spirit beareth record, and the record is true, and the truth abideth forever and ever: Amen.
We have laying before us, a neat little work of 256 pages, 32 mo. entitled "Evidences in proof of the Book of Mormon" &c. By Charles Thompson, minister of the gospel; published at Batavia, N. Y. We are much pleased with the spirit manifested by the writer, and feel to commend him in his laudable undertaking.
We make the following extracts, commencing on the 97th page.
I will next introduce the description of some of these ancient fortifications and military works of defence [defense], as recorded in the American Antiquities, by Josiah Priest, and also introduce a history of the building of these fortifications and works of defence [defense], as recorded in the Book of Mormon; and I will here remark, that the Book of Mormon was published in A. D. 1830, and the American Antiquities, by Josiah Priest, was not published until A. D. 1833, three years after. Antiquities, page 158 and 159, "Near Newark in the county of Licking, Ohio, is situated one of the immense works or fortifications of the ancient nations of America. It embraces in the whole, a circumferance [circumference] of about six hundred rods, or nearly two miles; a wall of earth about four hundred rods, is raised on the sides of this fort next to the small creek which comes down along its sides from the west and east. It would seem that the people who made this settlement, undertook to encompass, with a wall, as much land as would support its inhabitants, and also sufficient to build their dwellings on, with several fortifications arranged in a proper manner for its defence [defense]. There are within its ranges four of these forts, of different dimensions; one contains forty acres, with a wall of about ten feet high; another containing twenty-two acres, also walled, but in this fort is an elevated observatory, of sufficient height to overlook the whole country; a third fort, containing about twenty-six acres, having a wall around it thrown out of a deep ditch on the inside of the wall. This wall is now from twenty-five to thirty feet in height. A fourth fortification encloses twenty acres with a wall of about ten feet high."
Book of Mormon, page 378, 2nd Ed., "Now it came to pass that while Amalickiah had thus been obtaining power by fraud and deceit, Moroni on the other hand, had been preparing the minds of the people to be faithful unto the Lord their God, yea, he had been strengthening the armies of the Nephites, and erecting small forts or places of resort, throwing up banks of earth round about to enclose his armies, and also building walls of stone to encircle them round about their cities and the borders of their lands."
Antiquities, page 160, "A second fort siuated [situated] southwesterly from the great works on the Licking, encloses about forty acres; its wall is entirely of stone
Antiquities, page 163, "At Circleville, Ohio, there is a circular fort surrounded by two walls with a deep ditch between them; also, a square foot about eighteen rods in circumference enclosed by a wall with a ditch."
Book of Mormon, page 382, "Now behold, the Lamanites could not get into their forts of security by any other way save by the entrance, because of the highness of the bank which had been thrown up and the depth of the ditch which had been dug round about, save it was by the entrance."
Antiquities, page 165, "Near the round fort at Circleville is another fort ninety feet high, and was doubtless erected to overlook the whole works of that enormous military establishment. That it was a military establishment is the decided opinion of the President of the Western Antiquarian Society, Mr. Atwater. He says the round fort was picketed in, if we are to judge from the appearance of the ground on and about the walls. Half way up the outside of the inner wall, is a place distinctly to be seen, where a row of pickets once stood, and where it was placed when this work of defence [defense] was originally erected. These works have been examined by the first military men now living in the United States, and they have uniformly declared their opinion to be, that they were military works of defence [defense]."
Book of Mormon, page 383, 2nd Ed., "And now it came to pass that Moroni did not stop making preparation for war, or to defend his people against the Lamanites, for he caused that his armies should commence in the commencement of the twentieth year of the reign of the Judges, that they should commence in digging up heaps of earth round about all the cities throughout all the land which was possessed by the Nephites; and upon the top of the ridges of earth, he caused that there should be timbers, yea, works of timbers built up to the height of a man, round about the cities. And he caused that upon those works of timbers there should be a frame of pickets built upon the timbers, round about, and they were strong and high; and he caused towers to be erected that overlooked those works of pickets. And he caused places of security to be built upon those towers, that the stones and arrows of the Lamanites could not hurt them; and they were prepared, that they could cast stones from the top thereof, according to their pleasure and their strength, and slay him who should attempt to approach near the walls of the city. Thus Moroni did prepare strong holds against the coming of their enemies, round about every city in all the land.
The foregoing is but a few of the corresponding accounts of fortifications and works of defence [defense] there are to be found in the Book of Mormon and American Antiquities, but these are sufficient to show to the public that the people whose history is contained in the Book of Mormon, are the authors of these works.-But again; as we trace the history of this people down through succeeding generations, we find that one Gadianton, a robber, rose up and organized a band to rob and plunder. These robbers prepared strong holds and secret places in the mountains, to which they could flee, and be secure when the armies of the Nephites pursued them. Some of these strong holds and secret places were discovered in 1832--two years after the Book of Mormon was published-by a Mr. Furguson, and communicated to the editor of the Christian Advocate and Journal. This account is recorded on page 169 of the American Antiquities. Mr. Furguson describes this discovery as follows:
"On a mountain called the Lookout Mountain, belonging to the vast Allegany [Allegheny] chain, running between the Tennessee and Coos rivers, rising about one thousand feet above the level of the surrounding valley. The top of the mountain is mostly level, but presents to the eve [eye?] an almost barren waste. On this range, notwithstanding its hieght [height], a river has its source and after traversing it for about seventy miles, plunges over a precipice. The rock from which the water falls, is circular, and juts over considerably. Immediately below the fall, on each side of the river, are bluffs, which rise about two hundred feet. Around one of these bluffs the river makes a bend which gives it the form of a peninsula. On the top of this are the remains of what is esteemed fortifications, which consist of a stone wall built on the very brow of this tremendous ledge. The whole length of the wall, following the very course of the brink of this precipice, is thirty seven rods and eight feet,
including about two acres of ground. The only descent from this place is between two rocks, for about thirty feet, when a bench of the ledge presents itself from two to five feet in width and ninety feet long. This bench is the only road or path up from the water's edge to the summit. But just at the foot of the two rocks where they reach this path and within thirty feet of the top of the rock, are five rooms, which have been formed by dint of labor. The entrance to these rooms is very small, but when within, they are found to communicate with each other by doors or appertures [apertures]."
Mr. Furguson thinks them to have been constructed during some dreadful war, and those who constructed them, to have acted on the defensive; and believes that twenty men could have withstood the whole army of Xerxes, as it was impossible for more than one to pass at a time, and might by the slightest push, be hurled at least an hundred and fifty feet down the rocks.
Book of Mormon, page 479, 2nd Ed., "And it came to pass that the ninety and third year (of the reign of the Judges over the people of Nephi) did also pass away in peace, save it was for the Gadianton robbers, who dwelt upon the Mountains, who did infest the land; for so strong were their holds and their secret places, that the people could not overpower them; therefore they did commit many murders, and did so much slaughter among the people." Again; Book of Mormon, page 481, "And it came to pass in the commencement of the fourteenth year, (form [from] the time the sign was given of the birth of Christ,) the war between the robbers and the people of Nephi did continue, and did become exceeding sore; nevertheless the people of Nephi did gain some advantage of the robbers, insomuch [inasmuch] that they did drive them back out of their land into the mountains and into their secret places." Again; Book of Mormon, page 485, 2nd Ed., "But it came to pass that in the latter end of the eighteenth year, those armies of robbers had prepared for battle and began to come down and to sally forth from the hills, and out of the mountains and the wilderness, and their strong holds and their secret places, and began to take possession of the lands." And on the 487 and 488 pages, we are informed how these robbers were finally destroyed; it was by a stratagem. A part of the Nephite armies getting between the robbers and their secret places and strong holds, by which they were cut off in their retreat.
This again, is evidence that the Book of Mormon is true, and that this band of robbers were the constructors of this strong hold and these secret rooms which Mr. Furguson has described; for mark! this discovery was not made untill [until] two years after the Book of Mormon was published, consequently the writer of the Book of Mormon could not have written this tale concerning the robbers, to account for the construction of those caverns, for it was not known that there was such a place in existence, until after the book was written and published. And thus we have abundance of proof from recent discoveries, American Antiquities and prophecy, that the history contained in the Book of Mormon is true.
Again; this history informs us that about four hundred years after Christ, this nation of Nephites were brought down and destroyed by the Lamanites; and this because they became proud and lifted up, practising [practicing] all manner of wickedness and abominations, and they refused to repent and turn again unto God; therefore because they were more wicked than the Lamanites, God stirred up the Lamanites to camp against them round about, and to raise forts against them with a mount, and thus they were brought down. But just before their final overthrow, a man by the names of Mormon took their record containing their history and sacred writings, from the time they left Jerusalem, (the city where David dwelt,) unto his days, and made an abridgement [abridgment] therefrom, and engraved it upon plates which he made out of ore. These plates, after Mormon's death, fell into the hands of Moroni, his son, who survived the entire destruction of the Nephites, finished the record, and deposited it in a stone box in the earth, that it might not be destroyed; to come forth in due time for a sign to Israel, that the time of their redemption had come. And also, in connection with the Bible, to be set up as an ensign for the nations; and thus, this nation of Nephites possessing the light of God's revelation, which constituted them Ariel, or Lion of God, and being "of the city
where David dwelt," (that is, having come out from Jerusalem,) was brought down and their words having been written and hid up in the earth and come forth again out of the earth, they "speak out of the ground and their voice whispers out of the dust."
This account also agrees with the Indian traditions which I have quoted in a former part of this work. It says, that their forefathers were once in possession of a sacred Book, which was handed down from generation to generation, and at last hid in the earth; but these oracles are to be restored to them again and then they shall triumph over their enemies and regain their ancient country.
But again, when this Book was taken from the place of its deposite [deposit], the words thereof were delivered to the learned Dr. Mitchel of New York, with a request that he should read them, but he could not; thus fulfilling the 11th verse of the 29th chapter of Isaiah, which says, the words of a book which is sealed men deliver to one that is learned, saying, read this I pray thee; and he saith I cannot for it is sealed. And the book is delivered to him that is not learned, saying read this I pray thee; and he saith I am not learned. Wherefore the Lord said, forasmuch as this people, (the people of this generation,) draw near me with their mouths, and with their lips do honor me; but have removed their hearts far from me, and their fear towards me is taught by the psecepts [precepts] of men; therefore behold, I will proceed to do a marvelous work among this people, even a marvelous work and a wonder: for the wisdom of their wise men shall perish, aud [and] the understanding of their prudent men shall be hid. And this he has done-
First; by inspiring the unlearned Joseph Smith, and giving him wisdom and power from on high, with the means which were before prepared, to read and translate the Book of Mormon, the words of which the learned Dr. Mitchel could not read; thus the wisdom of the wise has perished and the understanding of the prudent is hid.
Secondly.-By raising up and inspiring illiterate and unlearned men, and sending them forth with the Book of Mormon in connection with the Bible, as an ensign for the nations, to preach the fulness [fullness] of the gospel, and to build up the kingdom of God on the earth, in direct opposition to all the jarring systems of modern sectarianism, and giving them knowledge and wisdom from on high, insomuch [inasmuch] that they have been enabled to confound, astonish and bring to shame, confusion, and disgrace, every wise and learned man who has dared to oppose them by fair arguments or candid investigation.
Thirdly.-It is a marvel and a wonder to this generation that this work has spread so rapidly under the following circumstances: First, the men who were engaged in preaching this doctrine were men of no influence, being the poor, illiterate, and despised ones of the earth. Second,-they had not the advantages of education which the most of the preachers of the different denominations have. Third,-the advantages of that mighty engine, the press, which all the Christian world are so highly blessed with, they were almost wholly destitute of, while at the same time its power was put in requisition against them in all parts of the land. It is true, they undertook, and did publish a monthly periodical at diferent [different] times and places, but its circulation was very limited, and their office, press and type have been three times entirly [entirely] destroyed by mobs and incendiaries. Fourth,-they had to sustain the shock of an overwhelming religious influence opposed to them by the combined powers of every sect in America-they had to contend with the prejudices of the ignorant and the pen of the learned, together with all the lying slanders and misrepresentations which the devil and all his emissaries on earth could invent; while at the same time the combined powers of earth and hell were hurling a storm of persecution unparalelld [unparalleled] in the history of the world. They were insulted by mobs, their houses torn down or burned, their goods destroyed and fields of grain laid waste, some of them were cast into dungeons and there kept for months loaded with chains. Yea more-some of them were shot; others had their brains dashed out; others were whipped to death; others were cut in pieces with swords knives, corn-cutters, &c., while the whole society, at one time amounting to about 12 000 souls, were banished from the State of Missouri and driven two hundred miles from their lands, houses, homes and property, in the winter season, and this by the order of
the Executive of Missouri, one of the free and independent states of this boasted republic. And the blood of many of these people now stains the soil of Missouri because of their religious principles, in this their native land; the land of boasted liberty and equal rights, whose officers, both of the state and nation, have been deaf to the voice of innocence, imploring at their feet for justice and protection in the enjoyment of their rights as American citizens. And no doubt many of the instruments of these diabolical proceedings verily thought they were doing God service, being inspired by the press and pulpit, and encouraged by the officers of state; or what is still worse, by the personal example of both officers of state and professed preachers of the gospel, who were actually the leaders and abettors of all the above horrible deeds. But under all these conflicting circumstances, this work has spread and has penetrated every state in the Union from Maine to Missouri as well as the Canadies [Canada's?]. It has reacheed [reached] the islands of the sea-it has spread nearly all over England, and is now preached in Ireland, Scotland and Wales-all this in the short space of ten years. Churches are organized and conferences are held in all these regions, and the number of disciples who have already embraced this work is from an hundred to an hundred and twenty thousand. What but the arm of the Omnipotent could have moved it forward thus! Under the conflicting circumstances referred to above, surely it is a marvelous work and a wonder, causing the wisdom of the wise to perish and the understanding of the prudent to be hid. But again, another feature about this work which constitutes it marvelous and wonderful among the people of this generation is, these preachers profess no authority from antiquity to administer the gospel ordinances, but say that an angel has come down from the midst of heaven, and conferred on them the priesthood and authority to preach and administer the everlasting gospel unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people, sayiug [saying] with a loud voice, fear God and give glory to him for the hour of his judgement [judgment] is come: and worship him that made heaven and earth and the sea and the fountains of waters. (See Revelations 14th chap. 6th and 7th verses.) And they profess to be apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers, all inspired by the Holy Ghost, just like the ancient officers of the church and kingdom of God-(See Ephesions [Ephesians] 4th chap. 11th 12th and 13th verses.) Also the believers in this Book of Mormon, being baptized for the remission of sins and receiving the laying on of hands by these apostles and prophets, they speak with new tongues and prophesy, cast out devils, and sometimes lay hands on the sick and they recover, and thus one has given him by the Holy Ghost the word of wisdom, and another the word of knowledge, and another faith, and another the gifts of healing, and another the working of miracles, and another prophecy, and another the diserning [discerning] of spirits, and another divers kinds of tongues, and another the interpretation of tongues-just as was anciently given to the church of Christ. (See 1st Cor. 12th chap.) And in consequence of these gifts the blind are made to see, the deaf to hear, the meek increase and their joy is in the Lord, and the poor rejoice in the Holy One of Israel. Also, they that erred in spirit come to understanding, and they that murmured learn doctrine. All these things are marvelous to this generation because their fear towards God is taught by the precepts of men, and they know nothing of inspiration or the power of God, therefore they have a form of godliness but deny the power thereof. From such says Paul turn away. (See 2nd Timothy iii: 1-9.)
From the Gospel Reflector.
As we intend in this and the following numbers of this work to enter into a scriptural investigation of the gospel of Christ, and the work of God in the last days, it is necessary to establish some definite rule for interpretation.
The idea of spiritualizing the writings of the prophets and apostles, and considering them the same in amount as allegories, or so highly figurative that none but the learned can understand them, is certainly repugnant to the word of God; and has involved communities in darkness, and led thousands of precious souls who had but a common education astray, and caused them to say, "great is the mystery of the scriptures and who can understand them except the learned." They peruse the scriptures, but in vain, for tradition and popular opinions have established the above mentioned system of interpretation, and they never dreamed that the contents of the bible were to be as literally understood, as those of any other book.
Some mistify [mystify] the whole of the sacred volume, others such parts as does not suit
their particular tenets. Indeed, I must confess that this system above mentioned, which has been carried into effect, and practised [practiced] for the last several hundred years, has been the most effectual scheme for the propagation of the modern systems of religion, that has ever been invented. For who would have ever thought that the church of Christ in this age of the world was to be organized different from what it was in the days of the apostles, had it not been for the spiritualizing system? Who would have dreamed this when the scriptures are so plain on this subject, if all had believed them as they read? This evil practice which the clergy are guilty of has thrown a mist of darkness over the plain and simple truths that are in the bible: and they have also used it as a cloak for their iniquities. It also has given the wild and enthusiastic too much latitude for their enthusiasms: it has caused splits in societies, and has been the means of many controversies.-Again, there are thousands of individuals to this day who believe they cannot understand the scriptures when they read them, because they do not believe they mean what they say. Therefore, books of commentaries have been written interpreting the scriptures, and indeed bending them to suit their different religious tenets instead of arranging their tenets to agree with the scriptures. I do not pretend to say that parables are to be considered any thing else but parables; but the explanations that Christ gave of his parables are to be taken literally. Neither do I pretend to say but what there are figurative expressions in the bible, as well as in any other book. We often exprsss [express] our views by figurative expressions, and illustrate subjects by comparisons; but who ever thought of mistifying [mystifying] our literal relation of facts. When we read other works we do not think that the author said one thing and meant another, and why should we have such a conjecture with regard to the scriptures? I leave the reader to answer this question for himself. Again it is a very singular thing and a very unreasonable one too, that God should make known his will, and cause it to be written to the human family and command all to obey it, and at the same time in so mysterious a way that none but the learned can understand it. Christ chose illiterate men for his apostles, and Paul says, "not many wise men were called but God had chosen the weak things of this world to confound the wisdom of the wise:" and it is a strange thing that they have preached the law of God, and written the same for the benefit of future generations, and that none but the wise of this world can comprehend it. Furthermore, admitting the scriptures are to be spiritualized, it is unreasonable to suppose that uninspired men are capable to interpret them, and give the true meaning; for it most certainly will require the same spirit of inspiration to interpret, that dictated the writer to write them.
Peter says, "we have also a more sure word of prophecy, whereunto ye do well that ye take heed, as unto a light that shineth in a dark place, until the day dawn, and the day-star arise in your heart; knowing this first, that no prophecy of scripture is of any private interpretation."-2 Peter i. 19,20. A light in a dark place is an excellent thing to enable any person to guide his foot steps in the right path:-so are the scriptures a sure guide in the path of holiness when we read and apply them according to Peter's rule of interpretation: "no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation." We shall now examine the literal fulfilment [fulfillment] of prophecy that is already fulfilled, that the reader may see the propriety, and necessity of adopting the above rule for the application and interpretation of prophecy yet future. We will commence with the Lord's prophecy to Noah.
In the days of Noah the inhabitants of the earth were very wicked, and the Lord in his just wrath resolved to destroy them, if they would not repent and forsake their evil ways. Therefore, He prophecied [prophesied] to Noah that He would bring a flood of waters upon the earth and destroy all flesh: He also commanded Noah to build an ark for the saving of himself and family.-Now if Noah had considered this any thing else than a literal relation of facts, and considered it the figure of some spiritual event, and the ark a spiritual one, he most certainly would have perished with the Antediluvians. He had no knowledge of the modern spiritualizing system, therefore he moved forward and prepared the ark to the saving of himself and family. The next prediction we will notice is the Lord's to Abraham, telling him that his seed shall remain in bondage
four hundred years. (See Gen. xv. 13,14.) Moses says, the children of Israel were in bondage four hundred years. (See Ex. xii. 40.) Indeed, Joseph's interpretation of Pharoh's [Pharaoh's] dream, and prediction of the seven years' famine; and Moses predictions to the children of Israel in the wilderness, were all literally fulfilled. Isaiah's prophecy to Hesekiah [Hezekiah] that his days should be lengthened fifteen years, and also his prophecy concerning the destruction of Babylon were literally fulfilled. Also Jeremiah's prophecy that the Jews should be taken to Babylon and there remain in bondage seventy years, which was literally fulfilled We might cite the reader to passages of this kind and their literal fulfilment [fulfillment], till he would be weary reading them; but we forbear knowing that the honest in heart are willing to accept of a few as a sample of the literal fulfilment [fulfillment], of prophecy. It sufficeth, to say that all true prophecies, when the prophets said thus and thus saith the Lord, were literally fulfilled. For instance the predictions concerning the first coming of Christ, and the important events connected with the history of his life, were all fulfilled to the very letter: and the fact that the apostles, whenever they quoted a prophecy from the Old Testament, applied it as a literal relation of facts without making any comments upon it whatever, is sufficient proof that the predictions of the prophets generally, were designed as literal relations of facts not to be spiritualized. I always take it for granted when I hear any person spiritualizing the scriptures, that he is an unbeliever, and is trying to modify, or convert them unto something else to suit his notions or tenets. At the same time he professes to be a believer; but when we sum up the whole of his spiritualizing, we discover that he disbelieves what the prophets and apostles said, but believes what they meant. The infidels would be willing to believe the bible if they could have the privilege of manufacturing it over to suit themselves. And I conclude by saying that it is time that this evil practice of spiritualizing the scriptures, which is so closely connected with priestcraft, was done away, that the noble and the ignoble, the learned and the unlearned, may read the sacred book and understand it, and no longer trust to others to interpret for them. "Cursed is he that putteth his trust in man or maketh flesh his arm." Paul.
It is supposed by many abroad that all of our officers are Mormons-this, however, is not the case. A large number of the officers of the Nauvoo Legion; several members of the City Council, both Aldermen and Councillors [Councilors]; and a large portion of the Regents of the University; are not members of any church-many of them are old citizens who resided here long before we were driven from Missouri. This will show to the world that although, numerically, we far exceed the remaining portion of the community in this vicinity, we are not disposed to exercise that power to the exclusion of men of sterling worth and integrity, simply because they do not believe in our religion. All we ever asked was that we might have the privileges of other men-the supremacy of the Constitution and the Laws should be paramount to every other consideration.
In the last No. of the Times and Seasons the Chairs of RHETORIC AND BELLES LETTERS, and CHURCH HISTORY, were blended by mistake-the Professorship of RHETORIC AND BELLES LETTERS is yet vacant.
We have just received the first No. of the 2nd vol. of "the Millennial Star," from which we learn that the work is still spreading rapidly in Eng. We make the following extract.
"This number commences a new volume of our little periodical. Our aim will be to set forth the truth in its simplicity, and to pursue the same undeviating course that we have the past year.
At the opening of this new campaign we find the cause of truth beset with foes on every hand. The war between old and corrupt institutions and the new and everlasting covenant is waxing warm-the enemy is on the alert-the alarm trump is sounding loud through all their ranks-the line of battle is extending far and wide over the plains of Babel.
"The pure testimony and vile persecution
Will come to close battle e're long."
In taking a view of the enemy's forces drawn up in order of battle we behold the old lady upon the scarlet-coloured beast, surrounded with all the splendor of her court, and on her right her eldest daughter, the Protestant Establishment of England, arrayed in royal splendor, and clad in robes of state. Wealth, honor and luxury alure [allure] her votaries, and numberless clergy follow in her train. On her left, a long line of Methodists, of various ranks and orders, reformed, and re-reformed, and scarcely less formidable than their venerable mother and grandmother. Next follows the Calvinists, Unitarians, Baptists, Lutherans, Presbyterians, Campbellites, Irwinites, and Socialists; while the extreme rear is composed of drunkards, gamblers, profane swearers, thieves, and robbers. However these several troops may differ in other points among themselves, they are all united in unholy alliance, and combined against the saints, and one spirit seems to pervade them all.
On the other hand, we behold a handful of men, or rather of stripling youths, presenting a small but formidable front. They are clad in robes of simplicity-covered with a mantle of charity-their loins are girded with truth-while in their right hand is a two-edged sword,* and in their left the shield of faith. A bright and glittering gem of joy sparkles on their brow, and hope and confidence animate their bosoms; while far on high their standard is unfurled to the breeze-an ensign of LIGHT to the nations-and the golden letters of KNOWLEDGE are inscribed on its folds.
Such is the view which the two armies present at the present time. Even now we behold them rush to the battle. See! the air is darkened-it is a shower of arrows from the hosts of the enemy. They are hurled with a strong arm, nerved up with hatred and envy, they are pointed with prejudice, & dipped in the poison of slander, falsehood, and reproach. But see! they fall harmless at the feet of the saints, being warded off by the shield of faith. Now and then an arrow of TRUTH is hurled back upon the enemy: it pierces their hearts, and their ranks are thinned and deserted. A shout is heard through the hosts of Israel: truth will prevail-the day is ours-and so goes the battle.
Since the departure of our brethren of the Twelve for America, which was on the 21st of April, we continue to receive cheering accounts from London, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Liverpool, Birmingham, and various other places, giving very interesting news of the success of the Saints. Scores and hundreds are being baptized unto repentance, and are enjoying the holy spirit according to promise. Several are added to the Church here in Manchester almost daily."
By the politeness of Elder J. Fielding, we have before us a copy of the first English edition of the "Voice of Warning," and feeling assured that it would be interesting to our readers, we cheerfully insert the preface to that edition.
When the following work was first published in 1837, it was but little known, and seemed to meet with little or no encouragement. Months passed away and very few copies were sold or read. But to the astonishment of the author it worked itself into notice more and more, by the blessing of God, and by virtue of its own real merits; till in two years the first edition consisting of three thousand copies were all sold and many more called for. A new edition was published in 1839, consisting of two thousand five hundred copies. These are not disposed of, and the demand is still increasing both in America and Europe.
It has already found its way into most of the American States and into the provinces of the Canadas, as well as many parts of England, Scotland, Ireland, and Wales. It has visited the cottages of the humble, and the parlours [parlors] of the great; and from the best information we have on the subject, very few have risen from
its perusal without a deep and settled conviction of the truth of its principles.
The author has now in possession the testimony of hundreds of people from different States and Nations, all bearing witness that this work has been a means in the hands of God of saving them from infidelity-and from Sectarian error and delusion, and guiding them into the light of truth.
All these considerations, and an intense desire to impart the truth to mankind as widely as possible, have induced the author to send forth this new edition; which he greatly desires may prove a blessing to thousands who are yet grovelling [groveling] in darkness and superstition, and lead them to the true fold of God.
If there be any thing to admire, or any thing praiseworthy in this work, the author has no claim to the honour [honor], or the praise; it is justly due to HIM who is the source and fountain of all Truth. The author was an husbandman, inured to the plough [plow]-unpolished by education, untaught in the schools of modern Sectarianism, (falsely called "Divinity")-reared in the wilds of America, with a mind independent, untramelled [untrammeled], and free. He drank of the pure fountain of truth, unsullied and unmixed, as it unfolded in majesty of light and splendour [splendor] from the opening heavens in all the simplicity of its nature. As such it has flown from his pen in the following volume,-not veiled in mystery-not dressed in the pomp of high sounding names, and titles, and learned terms-not adorned in the gay attire of eloquence flowing from the imagination and the passions; but standing forth in the undress of its own native modesty, as if conscious of the purity and innocence of its nature.
He is indebted not only to the Spirit of truth for the principles contained in this work, but also to several men who have been made the instruments in the hands of God to reveal the knowledge of God to this generation, and to be the founders and leaders of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.
Among the foremost of these he would make honorable mention of Presidents Joseph Smith and Sidney Rigdon, by whose instrumentality most of these glorious truths (so well known to the ancients) have been restored to the knowledge of the world-and whose zeal, labours [labors], and sufferings will stand forth as a bright memorial to all succeeding ages; and be celebrated by happy millions yet unborn. With an assurance that the principles of this work will yet prevail over the whole earth, this new edition of the Voice of Warning is now sent forth, and should the author be called to sacrifice his life for the cause of truth, yet he will have the consolation that it will be said of him as it was said of Abel: viz. "He, being dead, yet speaketh." PARLEY P. PRATT.
Manchester, England, Sept. 1st, 1841.
NAUVOO, DEC. 28, 1841.
Dear Br. Robinson:-I beg leave to express to you and, the church at large the feelings of my heart on my return from England to this place.
Four years last June I left Kirtland in company with our beloved brethren who composed the first mission to that land; the main body of the church at that time were in Kirtland, and we left our beloved President and Prophet, confined to his bed by sickness, and the enemies of the truth were raging with madness, ready to devour; when I look at what has been done since that time, in spite of all that then threatened, and all that has opposed, when I read of the work performed, the persecution endured and surmounted, in Far West, which I need not recapitulate; with a general knowledge of what has been done beyond the many waters, first in England, and from thence spreading to other lands, and even to islands afar off, I behold many thousands exclusive of America, included in the new and everlasting covenant; or near one thousand already gathered out from thence, and after a journey of six thousand miles by water, and then crossing your prairie some twenty miles, I found by the light of the moon, some neat cottages, fenced round with pickets, a sight which I had not beheld in all my journey through this land, of one thousand miles. I saw the hand of industry had been here, I asked are we at our journey's end? the answer was no we have two miles to go yet; I had heard that Nauvoo contained 1200 houses, but I did not expect to find a city spreading itself beyond the reach of the eye from one point, I soon came in sight of the foundation of a large and spacious building, this is the Temple, we passed from street to street till we came near to the bank of the river. In this Temple
built by divine command, I am informed we are to have made known to us the fulness [fullness] of the priesthood; if we be faithful in keeping the commandments of God, and in anticipation of the mighty works to be performed here; a magnificent building is also rising for the entertainment of kings and nobles who shall hereafter visit this place; when I view these things, in faith believing that the coming of the Lord draweth nigh, my heart swells with gladness, and astonishment, I look back on my former state in the sectarian world, and I can scarcely remember from whence I am, so different is my present condition to that; such a difference is there between light and darkness, between truth and error. The object of the Baptismal Font s [is] also truly interesting to me, and I have no doubt to all the saints: for some time I had thought much on the subject of the redemption of those who died under the broken covenant, it is plain they could not come forth in the kingdom of God, as they had not been adopted, legally into it, neither could they be while there was no priesthood, they had not been born of water and the spirit, and if they should come into the kingdom without this it would falsify the plain word of Jesus Christ, yet how would those who died martyrs and all those who have lived up to the best light they have had, and would no doubt have rejoiced in the fulness [fullness] of the gospel had they had it, be denied this privilege? I thought, perhaps those who receive the priesthood in these last days would baptize them at the coming of the Savior, and this would fulfil [fulfill] the words of the Savior; many shall come from the east and from the west &c., and shall sit down in the kingdom of God,-but the children of the kingdom shall be cast out, as foolish virgins, but a touch of the light of revelation has at once dispelled the darkness and scattered the doubts which once perplexed my mind and I behold the means which God hath devised that his banished ones may be brought back again; every step I take in surveying the plan of heaven, and the wisdom and goodness of God, my heart feels glad, but when I have listened to the teachings of the servants of God under the new covenant and the principle of Baptism for the Dead the feelings of my soul were such as I cannot describe, I contrast it with the narrow, contracted views of part of the Christian world who hold with the election of a few to eternal life, and the reprobation of the rest to eternal damnation, which was the religion of most of my neighbors in my native land, and in short, it forms a wide contrast with all the notions of men on the subject of redemption, the gleams of light seen among the Pagans of various nations, derived by them from some people who had the priesthood, and the fulness [fullness] of the ordinances of salvation, are far nearer the truth than any thing now in the sectarian churches, but the day has dawned, the day star has risen in our hearts; but when I meditate on these things I am reminded at the same time, of the conflict and war to be sustained on the side of truth, I see that the number of those that endure to the end will be but small, nothing but the principle of truth firmly planted in the soul will enable us to overcome, but the thought of the hidden manna, of receiving the white stone, of sitting with the Savior on his throne, and of eating of the tree of life which is in the midst of the paradise of God, of being filled with intelligence, with light and truth, enables us to look at the dreadful conflict with firmness and composure of mind, the sting of death is gone, because of the love of God which is shed abroad in our hearts, and having received the holy priesthood there is in our souls a desire to bring others to a joint and equal possession of that felicity which is to be bestowed upon us at that day.
It is a remarkable fact that we are called to be one, and the Lord says if ye are not one, ye are not mine, and we are dependent on each other as links in one vast chain, or as stones to form one great building, all ministering to each other, and yet we have to be independent in another sense, of any one, we have each to stand in our place and act our part, as though we were alone, and leaning on no one, each of us must be a man here and I suppose if faithful to the end of our time of probation each will be as I may say an independent God, or at least equal with Jesus Christ; it is experience that makes us wise, therefore let the winds blow and the storm beat, from whatever quarter, our souls shall rest in the faith of the gospel, clothed with humility, and filled with sincerity, and charity, and while we walk according to the order which God has placed in his church, nothing can harm us, and we will say all is well, all is well. JOSEPH FIELDING.
For the Times and Seasons.
What think you of the "Signs of the Times?" But yesterday the heavens gathered blackness, and the charnel house of our people, in Missouri, was like the famed "valley of the son of Hinnom," to day, the noble bird of Jove perches upon the pole of liberty! Then, when they "Let loose the dogs of war," I saw the blood-stained traces of thousands weltering in their gore; now the bright celestial orb smiles upon every effort, and the God of Daniel fills the heart with gladness. A new era has commenced in the history of the world. Kingdoms and empires are crumbling into dust, and great political revolutions are effected without the effusion of blood-the arts, sciences, and learned professions, are undergoing radical and important changes-religion alone stands aback-with the sects it stands aback; but not so with Zion.! "Out of Zion, the perfection of beauty, God hath shined"-the little stone is becoming a mighty rock, and the Saints of Latter Days are now beginning to bask in the sun-shine of God's benignity. Look at our beautiful city, swarming with a busy, free, and enterprising population; and our magnificent temple, moving forward like the ark of the covenant in by-gone days! Truly "God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble." He has been to us a crown of glory, and a diadem of beauty; and for us, the residue of his people, "A spirit of judgement [judgment] to him that sitteth in judgement [judgment], and for strength to them that turn the battle to the gate." By hundreds, and by thousands are the people hearing and obeying, the glad tidings of salvation. The north has given up, the south has not kept back, the sons of God are gathering from far, and his daughters from the ends of the earth. The domes of this stupendious [stupendous] city, this great gathering place for the saints, will soon be towering in the air; and soon it will be said of it as it was said of its great prototype, "Beautiful for situation, the joy of the whole earth, is Mount Zion, on the sides of the north the city of the Great King." The word has gone forth, "Gather my people together;" and they are gathering-the air already darkens with the happ [ happy] multitude. The throng increases-the ocean heaves, bearing upon her proud bosom thousands of human beings, just loosed from tyranny and oppression, from the land of despotism, to this fair haven of repose-"The land of the free, and the home of the brave." But it stops not here. Our rivers groan with the weight of emigrants, borne upon the face of the waters, on their way to NAUVOO-the beautiful city of rest; and thousands more are on their way. Great God! who can foresee the perfection of glory that awaits the grand result-the finale-for the kingdoms of this world are soon to become the "Kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ." For "When the Lord shall build up Zion, he shall appear in his glory. He will regard the prayer of the destitute, and not despise their prayer." "For he hath looked down from the height of his sanctuary; from heaven did the Lord behold the earth; to hear the groaning of the prisoner, to loose those that are appointed to death; to declare the name of the Lord in Zion, and his praise in Jerusalem; when the people are gathered together, and the kingdoms, to serve the Lord." The vallies [valleys] shall be exalted, the hills shall be brought low, the barren and desolate places shall become fruitful fields, and all nature will be decked in her loveliest garb; the silver queen of night will shine in her beauty, and the golden king of day in his strength; and the saints, too, will be changed from poverty to affluence-abiding wealth; they will rear sanctuaries and palaces, and wear palms of victory, and diadems of glory, glittering with choicest gems. For it will be uttered with the voice of ten thousand thunders-"God hath spoken in his holiness, I will rejoice; I will divide Shechem, and mete out the valley of Succoth. Gilead is mine, Mannasseh is mine; Ephraim also is the strength of mine head: Judah is my lawgiver; Moab is my wash pot; over Edom will I cast out my shoe; over Philistia will I triumph." This, too, is at hand, the day of righteous retribution is at hand, when God shall make up his jewels. Hear then, O ye people! Give ear, O ye inhabitants of the earth! both high and low, rich and poor, together; for God will gather his people to Zion. Stand still, therefore, and see the salvation of God! JOAB,
City of Nauvoo, Illinois,
December 20th, A. D. 1841.
To my friends in Illinois:-
The Gubernatorial Convention of the State of Illinois have nominated COLONEL ADAM W. SNYDER for GOVERNOR, and COLONEL JOHN MOORE for LIEUTENANT-GOVERNOR of the State of Illinois-election to take place in August next. COLONEL MOORE, like JUDGE DOUGLASS, and ESQ. WARREN, was an intimate friend of GENERAL BENNETT long before that gentleman became a member of our community; and General Bennett informs us that no men were more efficient in assisting him to procure our great chartered privileges than were Colonel Snyder, and Colonel Moore.-They are sterling men, and friends of equal rights-opposed to the oppressor's grasp, and the tyrant's rod. With such men at the head of our State Government we have nothing to fear. In the next canvass we shall be influenced by no party consideration-and no Carthagenian [Carthaginian] coalescence or collusion, with our people, will be suffered to affect, or operate against, General Bennett or any other of our tried friends already semi-officially in the field; so the partizans [partisans] in this county who expect to divide the friends of humanity and equal rights will find themselves mistaken-we care not a fig for Whig or Democrat: they are both alike to us; but we shall go for our friends, our TRIED FRIENDS, and the cause of human liberty which is the cause of God. We are aware that "divide and conquer" is the watch-word with many, but with us it cannot be done-we love liberty too well-we have suffered too much to be easily duped-we have no cat's-paws amongst us. We voted for GENERAL HARRISON because we loved him-he was a gallant officer and a tried statesman; but this is no reason why we should always be governed by his friends-he is now DEAD, and all of his friends are not ours. We claim the privileges of freemen, and shall act accordingly. DOUGLASS is a Master Spirit, and his friends and our friends-we are willing to cast our banners on the air, and fight by his side in the cause of humanity, and equal rights-the cause of liberty and the law. SNYDER, and MOORE, are his fiends-they are ours. These men are free from the prejudices and superstitions of the age, and such men we love, and such men will ever receive our support, be their political predilections what they may. Snyder, and Moore, are known to be our friends; their friendship is vouched for by those whom we have tried. We will never be justly charged with the sin of ingratitude-they have served us, and we will serve them.
Minutes of a Conference held in Attica, Wyoming co., N. Y. on the 28-9th of August, 1841.
According to previous notice, the Elders and members of the branches of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, composing the Gennessee Conference, met at the time and place above stated, and proceeded to business, by choosing Elder Almon Babbett, of Kirtland, President, and L. E. Harrington, Clerk.
On motion of the President, a committee of three were chosen to receive and investigate notices of ordination. Whereupon Elders Charles Thompson, James Bartholf and Joel McWithey were appointed said committee.
After singing and prayer, the President read from the book of Doctrine and Covenants concerning the duties of the officers and members of the church, also proceeded to make some remarks concerning them, and the proper business of the conference, which were instructive and appropriate.
Elder C. Thompson presented an adjourned case from the Batavia branch, relating to priest Tyler receiving an Elders licence [license] or ordination from a branch to which he did not belong; after many explanations by those interested, and the president, the ordination was confirmed.
Adjourned for one hour.
Met pursuant to adjournment; Conference opened by singing and prayer.
Elder J. Bartholf represented the Batavia branch containing 30 members in good standing, 3 Elders, 2 Priests, 1 Teacher; 1 member expelled and 3 baptized since last conference.
Teacher Moore represented the Ackron branch, consisting of 53 members, all in good Standing but one; 4 Elders, 2 Priests, 2 Teachers, and 1 Deacon; 1 expelled and 2 deaths since last Conference.
Elder McWithey represented the Bennington branch consisting of 26 members in good standing, 1 Elder, 1 Priest, and 1 Teacher; 1 expelled.
Priest Sprague represented the Castile branch, consisting of 10 members, 1 Elder, 1 Priest, and 4 baptized.
Priest Webster represented the Attica branch consisting of 11 members, 1 priest and 2 baptized.
Elder Winnegar represented the Alabama branch, consisting of 11 members, 1 Elder, 1 Teacher, and 3 Baptized.-Priest Wheeler of Alabama, having previously denied the faith, and requested it, was expelled.
Elder Stratton represented 5 members near Rochester, not organized.
Adjourned till to-morrow morning 10 o'clock.
Met pursuant to adjournment.
Heard and accepted the report of the committee of investigation.
Elder Almon Babbett was appointed to address the Conference. He spoke on the subject of Daniel's interpretation of Nebuchadnezer's dream, his vision of the beasts, kingdoms, &c.
In the afternoon, Elder C. Thompson delivered a discourse on the gathering of Israel, the book of Mormon, &c.
On Saturday evening, Sunday morning and Sunday evening, meetings were held, in which several short addresses were made by different Elders, Priests and members, all tending to give life and interest to the occasion on which they were assembled.
There were several ordinations, baptisms, &c., administered, which I have not the minutes of in possession.
Adjourned to meet in Castile, Wyoming county, on the last Saturday and Sunday in December next.
Extract from the minutes of the Board of Regents.
"University of the City of Nauvoo, Illinois,
Dec. 18th, A. D. 1841.
Gentlemen of the Board of Regents:-Permit me to present for your ADOPTION, the following series of books for Common Schools, which I have carefully selected and approved; to wit:
Town's Spelling Book.
Town's Introduction to Analysis.
Town's Ana ysis [Analysis].
M Vickar s Political Economy for Schools.
Help to Young Writers.
Girl's Reading Book, by Mrs. Sigourney.
Boy's Reading Book, by Mrs. Sigourney.
Bennett's Arithmetic.
Bennett's Book Keeping.
Kirkham's English Grammar.
Olney's Geography.
JOHN C. BENNETT, Chancellor.
Adopted as follows; to wit:
Yeas-Joseph Smith, Hyrum Smith, Charles C. Rich, Heber C. Kimball, John Taylor, N. K. Whitney, Samuel H. Smith, John Snider, Wm. Marks, Ebenezer Robinson, Elias Higbee, (Regents,) William Law, (Registrar,) John C. Bennett, (Chancellor.)13.
Absent-Sidney Rigdon, Daniel H. Wells, John T. Barnett, Wilson Law, John P. Green, Vinson Knight, Isaac Galland, Robert D Foster, James Adams, Samuel Bennett, George Miller, Lenos M. Knight, (Regents,) 12"
As the above series of books has been adopted for the use of the Common Schools of this city, we would esteem it a favor if J. ORVILLE TAYLOR, Esq., Secretary of the American Common School Society, No. 128 Fulton Street, City of New-York, would furnish E. ROBINSON, Book-Seller and Stationer, City of Nauvoo, Illinois, with the above works, for sale, at his earliest convenience. The demand must necessarily be great, as other school books will be excluded so soon as the above list can be obtained. MR. SALEM TOWN, Aurora, Cayuga County, New-York, and JAMES BENNETT, Esq., Arlington House, Long Island, New York, would find it to their advantage to notice the adoption of the above series.
Will the NEW YORK WEEKLY HERALD please re-publish the above?
Any communications on the subject addressed to "EBENEZER ROBINSON, Editor of the Times & Seasons; City of Nauvoo, Illinois," Will receive prompt attention.
Extract from the minutes of the City Council. "The Council then received the following communication from the Mayor; to wit:
'City of Nauvoo, Illinois,
Mayer's [Mayor's] Office, Dec. 18th, A. D. 1841.
Gentlemen of the City Council, Aldermen and Councillors [Councilors]:-Permit me to call your attention to that excellent and useful paper-"THE NEW YORK WEEKLY HERALD,"-and its able and persevering Editor-JAMES GORDON BENNETT.
The public press, when under the supervision of virtuous, intellectual aud [and] energetic minds, is the great safe-guard of morality and religion; and a principal medium of early and correct information in relation to men and things,-and gratitude is a property of mental excellence which should ever be cherished both by individuals and compacts. Such a press is the Herald, and the warmest gratitude is due from this community to its noble and patriotic Editor. Tho' opposed to most of us in matters of religion he is perfectly liberal; and, as a public journalist, he has no superior. The articles admitted into the Herald, from the "Times and Seasons," have never been garbled, but published entire, with editorials free from the prejudices and supertitions [superstitions] of the age. That deservedly popular, and widely circulated paper, has been of incalculable benefit to us, as a people, by conveying to the ears of thousands, who would otherwise have remained in ignorance correct information in relation to our doctrines and practices-our men and our measures: and, further, it furnishes us with eastern news, and returns western, far in advance of any other journal. Articles from the "Times and Seasons" are frequently republished in the Herald and reach Philadelphia before the subscribers to the first named periodical-(the "Times and Seasons"-) in that city, receive their regular files from Nauvoo! the Herald, likewise, uniformly brings us news from three to four days later than that found in any other eastern paper received at our Post-Office. Such an Editor, of such a paper, should receive from us a favorable demonstration in our corporate capacity; and to that end I present it for your deliberate action. All of which is respectfully submitted.
Whereupon Gen. Joseph Smith offered the following resolutions; to wit:
"Resolved by the City Council of the City of Nauvoo, That the high-minded and honorable Editor of the New York Weekly Herald-JAMES GORDON BENNETT, ESQ., is deserving of the lasting gratitude of this community for his very liberal and unprejudiced course towards us as a people in giving us a fair hearing in his paper-thus enabling us to reach the ears of a portion of the community who, otherwise, would ever have remained ignorant of our principles and practices.
Resolved, That we recommend to our fellow-citizens to subscribe for the "NEW YORK WEEKLY HERALD," and thus be found patronising [patronizing] true merit, industry, and enterprise."
Which resolutions were carried as follows; to wit:
Yeas-Joseph Smith, Hyrum Smith, Charles C. Rich, Brigham Young, Heber C. Kimball, Hugh McFall, John Taylor, Wilford Woodruff, William Law, Willard Richards, Orson Pratt, (Councillors [Councilors]) William Marks, N. K. Whitney, Samuel H. Smith, Orson Spencer, George W. Harris, Gustavus Hills, Hiram Kimball, (Aldermen,) John C. Bennett, (Mayor.) 19.
Absent-John P. Green, Jonn [John] T. Barnett, Vinson Knight, Wilson Law, Lyman Wight, (Councillors, [Councilors]) Daniel H. Wells, (Alderman.) 6"
It is said that the six absentees are all in favor of the above proceedings; and amongst the numerous spectators present there was but one feeling-a feeling approbatory of the act of the City Council. Thus has the "Zoroaster," the "Odin," the "Confucius," the "Charlemagne," the "Napolion [Napoleon?]," of the American press received a strong, but merited, demonstration of praise from our public authorities.
The Choir of Singers presented a petition to the Board of Regents of the University, at their last sitting, for the appointment of a "Professor and Wardens in the Department of Music in the University of the City of Nauvoo," to constitute a board for the regulation of Music in this city, which was adopted, and the following persons appointed; to wit:
B. S. WILBER, 1st Ward.
JOHN PACK, 4th Ward.
The Chancellor, General Bennett, recommended the Regents to instruct the board composed of the Professor and Wardens, aforesaid, to prohibit the flat sound of the notes, and adopt the broad; whereupon General Joseph Smith, observed "I move the instruction, for I was always opposed to any thing flat." The motion prevailed--Nem. con.
An Ordinance concerning fire arms, and Parties Litigant.
Sec. 1. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Nauvoo, That if any person shall fire or shoot a gun, pistol, or other fire arms, idly or for sport or amusement, in the night, or on Sunday, the person so doing shall forfeit and pay a fine not exceeding fifty Dollars; provided, that nothing herein contained, shall be construed to affect any officer of this city for firing or shooting as aforesaid while in the execution of his duty.
Sec. 2. That if any person shall prosecute another before the authorities of this city, (in a criminal case,) and fail to procure a conviction, said person shall be taxed with the costs of suit, if said anthorities [authorities] shall consider it a malicious
prosecution; if not, the city shall be liable for the costs thereof. This Ordinance to take effect and be in force from and after its passage.
Passed Nov. 27th, A. D. 1841.
JAMES SLOAN, Recorder.
Head Quarters, Nauvoo
Legion, City of Nauvoo, Ill., Dec. 20th, 1841.
The commissioned officers of the staff and line are directed to return their respective commissions to ADJUTANT-GENERAL McFALL for registry by the 15th of January, proximo; and those who have not yet received their commissions are directed to call upon that officer, and obtain them, at their earliest convenience. BRIG. GEN. LAW, of the 1st Cohort, and BRIG. GEN. RICH, of the 2nd Cohort, are enjoined to issue their requisitions, enforcing the above order in their respective commands, forthwith, in order to enable the Adjutant-General to return the RANK ROLL to the Major-General's Office by the 1st of Feburary [February], which he is hereby required to do. Colonels of Regiments will return their delinquent lists, through their respective Adjutants, to the Adjutant-General, by the 15th of Feburary [February]-those, therefore, who have not yet holden their Courts of Assessments, and Appeals, are required to do so forthwith-the Court of Assessment to consist of the Captains of Companies, the Major, and the Adjutant; the Major presiding, and the Adjutant recording-the Court of Appeals to consist of the Colonel, Lieutenant-Colonel, Major, and Adjutant; the Colonel presiding, and the Adjutant recording. A GENERAL COURT MARTIAL will convene at the office of BREVET-MAJOR-GENERAL HYRUM SMITH, in this city, on the 2nd Saturday of March, at 6 o'clock, P. M. The next General Parade will take place in the City of Nanvoo [Nauvoo], at the usual place of General Rendezvous, on Saturday the 7th day of May next, at 10 o'clock, A. M.; and the officer drill on the Thursday and Friday next preceeding [preceding],-the 5th and 6th.
The Brigadier-Generals are directed to require the Colonels of Regiments to order Battalion Parades, some time prior to the General Parade, within the bounds of their respective commands-the Colonels will act as reviewing officers, and the Lieuienant [Lieutenant]-Colonels, and Majors, will command their respective Battalions.
The officers will take post according to the rank assigned them by the date of their commissions, agreeable to the rules and regulations of the United States Army, and the rules heretofore adopted of ranking by grade of companies is hereby abrogated.
The officers concerned are commanded to report to the Major-General any violation, or disobedience, of these General Orders, as the utmost rigor will be observed in their execution, and the most severe penalty of the law inflicted upon any violation of strict military discipline.
The officers of the Legion, will therefore, take notice, and govern themselves accordingly, and make public proclamation of these orders throughout their respective commands.
By the annual return of the Major-General to the office of the Adjutant-General of State, at Springfield, it will be seen that the strength of the Legion is 1490--all pretty well disciplined troops. This will form an effective force when the state requires their services.
As the Steam Boat General Pratt, was on her way from New Orleans to St. Louis, on the 15th of Nov. last, while about half way on her passage Mary, the eldest daughter of William and Mary Butterworth, of Macclesfield, Eng. 11 years of age, accidentally fell over board, and although the captain of the boat instantly returned some distance and used every exertion to recover the body, nothing has yet been heard of it. If any one has found the body, and will give information thereof and the place of its deposite [deposit], they will greatly oblige, and soothe the feelings of the afflicted parents by giving notice to the Editor of the Times and Seasons.
Editors on the Mississippi will please copy.
By the subscriber, a first rate Book Binder; one who thoroughly understands his business, and of good moral character, will receive good wages, and constant employment, by applying soon, to E. ROBINSON.
Nauvoo, Jan. 1, 1842.
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