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Volume III. No. 24.] | NAUVOO, ILLINOIS, OCT. 15 1842. | [Whole No. 60. |
Meantime our translation drawing to a close, we went to Palmyra, Wayne county, N. Y: Secured the copyright; and agreed with Mr. Egbert Grandon to print five thousand copies, for the sum of three thousand dollars.
I wish also to mention here, that the title page of the Book of Mormon is a literal translation, taken from the very last leaf, on the left hand side of the collection or book of plates, which contained the record which has been translated; the language of the whole running the same as all Hebrew writing in general; and that, said title page is not by any means a modern composition either of mine or of any other man's who has lived or does live in this generation. Therefore, in order to correct an error which generally exists concerning it, I give below that part of the title page of the English version of the Book of Mormon, which is a genuine and literal translation of the title page of the Original Book of Mormon, as recorded on the plates.
An account written by the hand of Mormon, upon plates, taken from the plates of Nephi.
"Wherefore it is an abridgement [abridgment] of the record of the people of Nephi, and also of the Lamanites; written to the Lamanites, who are a remnant of the house of Israel; and also to Jew and Gentile: written by way of commandment, and also by the spirit of prophecy and of revelation.
Written, and sealed up, and hid up unto the Lord, that they might not be destroyed; to come forth by the gift and power of God unto the interpretation thereof: sealed by the hand of Moroni, and hid up unto the Lord, to come forth in due time by the way of Gentile; the interpretation thereof by the gift of God.
An abridgement [abridgment] taken from the book of Ether, also; which is a record of the people of Jared; who were scattered at the time the Lord confounded the language of the people when they were building a tower to get to heaven: which is to shew [show] unto the remnant of the house of Israel what great things the Lord hath done for their fathers; and that they may know the covenants of the Lord, that they are not cast off forever; and also to the convincing of the Jew and Gentile that Jesus is the Christ, the eternal God, manifesting himself unto all nations. And now if there are faults, they are the mistakes of men; wherefore condemn not the things of God, that ye may be found spotless at the judgment seat of Christ."
The remainder of the title page is of course, modern.
A commandment of God and not of man to Martin Harris, given (Manchester, New York, March 1830,) by him who is eternal.
I am Alpha and Omega, Christ the Lord; yea, even I am He, the beginning and the end, the Redeemer of the world: I having accomplished and finished the will of him whose I am, even the Father concerning me: having done this, that I might subdue all things unto myself: retaining all power, even to the destroying of satan and his works at the end of the world, and the last great day of judgment, which I shall pass upon the inhabitants thereof, judging every man according to his works, and the deeds which he hath done. And surely every man must repent or suffer, for I God am endless: wherefore, I revoke not the judgments which I shall pass, but woes shall go forth, weeping, wailing and gnashing of teeth: yea, to those who are found on my left hand; nevertheless it is not written, that there shall be no end to this torment; but it is written endless torment.
Again, it is written eternal damnation: wherefore it is more express than other scriptures, that it might work upon the hearts of the children of men, altogether of my name's glory: wherefore, I will explain unto you, this mystery, for it is meet unto you, to know even as mine apostles. I speak unto you that are chosen in this thing, even as one, that you may enter into my rest. For behold, the mystery of godliness, how great is it? for behold I am endless, and the punishment which is given from my hand, is endless punishment, for endless is my name; wherefore.-
Eternal punishment } Endless punishment
is God's punishment:} is God's punishment:
wherefore, I command you to repent, and keep the commandments which you have received by the hand of my servant Joseph Smith, jr. in my name: and it is by my almighty power that you have received them: therefore I command you to repent, repent, lest I smite you by the rod of my mouth, and by my wrath, and by my anger, and your sufferings be sore: how sore you know not! how exquisite you know not! yea, how hard to bear you know not! For behold, I God have suffered these things for all, that they might not suffer, if they would repent, but if they would not repent, they must suffer even as I: which suffering caused myself, even God, the greatest of all to tremble because of pain, and to bleed at every pore, and to suffer both body and spirit: and would that I might not drink the bitter cup and shrink: nevertheless, glory be to the Father, and I partook and finished my preparations unto the children of men: wherefore, I command you again to repent lest I humble you by my almighty power, and that you confess your sins lest you suffer these punishments of which I have spoken, of which in the smallest, yea, even in the least degree you have tasted at the time I withdrew my Spirit. And I command you, that you preach nought [naught] but repentance; and show not these things unto the world until it is wisdom in me; for they cannot bear meat uow [now], but milk they must receive: wherefore, they must not know these things lest they perish: learn of me, and listen to my words; walk in the meekness of my Spirit and you shall have peace in me: I am Jesus Christ: I came by the will of the Father, and I do his will.
And again: I command thee, that thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's wife. Nor seek thy neighbor's life. And again: I command thee, that thou shalt not covet thine own property, but impart it freely to the printing of the book of Mormon, which contains the truth and the word of God, which is my word to the Gentile, that soon it may go to the Jew, of whom the Lamanites are a remnant, that they may believe the gospel, and look not for a Messiah to come who has already come.
And again: I command thee, that thou shalt pray vocally as well as in thy heart: yea, before the world as well as in secret; in public as well as in private. And thou shalt declare glad tidings: yea, publish it upon the mountains, and upon every high place, and among every people that thou shalt be permitted to see. And thou shalt do it with all humility, trusting in me, reviling not against revilers. And of tenets thou shalt not talk, but thou shalt declare repentance and faith on the Savior, and remission of sins by baptism and by fire; yea, even the Holy Ghost.
Behold, this is a great, and the last commandment which I shall give unto you concerning this matter: for this shall suffice for thy daily walk even unto the end of thy life. And misery thou shalt receive, if thou wilt slight these counsels; yea, even destruction of thyself and property. Impart a portion of thy property; yea, even part of thy lands and all save the support of thy family. Pay the debt thou hast contracted with the printer. Release thyself from bondage. Leave thy house and home, except when thou shalt desire to see thy family. And speak freely to all: yea, preach, exhort, declare the truth, even with a loud voice; with a sound of rejoicing, crying hosanna! hosanna! blessed be the name of the Lord God.
Pray always and I will pour out my Spirit upon you, and great shall be your blessing: yea even more than if you should obtain treasures of earth, and corruptibleness to the extent thereof. Behold, canst thou read this without rejoicing and lifting up thy heart for gladness; or canst thou run about longer as a blind guide; or canst thou be humble and meek and conduct thyself wisely before me: yea, come unto me thy Savior. Amen.
Whilst the Book of Mormon was in the hands of the printer, we still continued to bear testimony, and give information, as far as we had opportunity; and also made known to our brethren, that we had received commandment to organize the church, and accordingly we met together for that purpose, at the house of the above mentioned Mr. Whitmer (being six in number) on Tuesday the sixth day of April, A. D. one thousand, eight hundred and thirty.
Having opened the meeting by solemn prayer to our heavenly Father we proceeded, (according to previous commandment) to call on our brethren to know whether they accepted us as their teachers in the things of the kingdom of God, and whether they were satisfied that we
should proceed and be organized as a church according to said commandment which we had received. To these they consented by an unanimous vote. I then laid my hands upon Oliver Cowdery and ordained him an elder of the "Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints." After which he ordained me also to the office of an elder of said church. We then took bread, blessed it, and brake it with them, also wine, blessed it, and drank it with them. We then laid our hands on each individual member of the church present that they might receive the gift of the Holy Ghost, and be confirmed members of the church of Christ. The Holy Ghost was poured out upon us to a very great degree. Some prophesied, whilst we all praised the Lord and rejoiced exceedingly. Whilst yet together I received the following commandment.
Revelation to Joseph Smith, jr. given April 6, 1830.
Behold there shall be a record kept among you, and in it thou shalt be called a seer, a translator, a prophet, an apostle of Jesus Christ, an elder of the church through the will of God the Father, and the grace of your Lord Jesus Christ; being inspired of the Holy Ghost to lay the foundation thereof, and to build it up unto the most holy faith; which church was organized and established, in the year of your Lord eighteen hundred and thirty, in the fourth month, and on the sixth day of the month, which is called April.
Wherefore, meaning the church, thou shalt give heed unto all his words, and commandments, which he shall give unto you, as he receiveth them, walking in all holiness before me: for his word ye shall receive, as if from mine own mouth, in all patience and faith; for by doing these things, the gates of hell shall not prevail against you: yea, and the Lord God will disperse the powers of darkness from before you; and cause the heavens to shake for your good, and his name's glory.-For thus saith the Lord God, him have I inspired to move the cause of Zion in mighty power for good; and his diligence I know, and his prayers I have heard: yea, his weeping for Zion I have seon [seen], and I will cause that he shall mourn for her no longer, for his days of rejoicing are come unto the remission of his sins, and the manifestations of my blessings upon his works.
For behold, I will bless all those who labor in my vineyard, with a mighty blessing, and they shall believe on his words, which are given him through me, by the Comforter, which manifesteth that Jesus was crucified by sinful men for the sins of the world; yea, for the remission of sins unto the contrite heart. Wherefore, it behooveth me, that he should be ordained by you, Oliver Cowdery, mine apostle; this being an ordinance unto you, that you are an elder under his hand, he being the first unto you, that you might be an elder unto this church of Christ, bearing my name; and the first preacher of this church, unto the church, and before the world; yea, before the Gentiles: yea, and thus saith the Lord God, lo, lo, to the Jews, also. Amen.
It is not incompatible with the revelations of the Lord to become acquainted with nations, histories, governments, laws, and men, and things in general: wherefore, as time and circumstances may offer opportunity, we mean to extract what may answer to instruct, and perpetuate the rules and ways of righteousness.
The rock which was smitten by Moses, and whence the water afterwards flowed for the relief of the thirsty Israelites under his command, is situated in the desert or wilderness of Sinai. This desert is in the peninsula, made by two branches or bays of the Red Sea, extending into Arabia Petrea. "This is, in truth, a great and terrible wilderness, where there is (little or) no water." The rock, which tradition has pointed out as the one whence the water gushed out, when struck by Moses, and gave relief to the people complaining of their privations and sufferings, and comparing the abundanco [abundance] they had enjoyed in Egypt under bondage, is not far from Sinai or Horeb; but is nearest the latter. It has been somewhat differently described by the numerous travellers [travelers] who have given an account of it. One represents it as six yards square, and another to be fifteen feet long, ten wide, and twelve in height. It appears in a tottering state, and the base is smaller than the body of the rock near the top. It is rough and uneven on the sides, indicating a disrupture [disrupter] from the mountain by some volcanic power or uncommon agitation of the earth.
This event was soon after the publication of the law of Moses from Sinai; and it is represented as miraculous, equally as the passage of the Red Sea, and the supply of quails and manna. There have been attempts by some learned men to show that the extraordinary events connected with the exodus of the Hebrews from Egypt, and with their journey of forty years in the wilderness, were not miraculous. We do not see, however, but one may as well deny the miracles of Christ, and indeed all miracles whatever. And yet we are not to multiply miracles unnecessarily. The writer of the Psalms has celebrated the occurrence as a miracle; and Moses, who gave an account of it, speaks of it as such. A great question was to be decided before the nations of the earth, at that period, when almost the whole world was given to idolatry; whether the God of Moses, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, was the true and only God; and it was therefore a proper occasion for the particular interference of Him who made heaven and earth, and had the control of nature and the elements. The judgments of Pharaoh and his people, and the subsequent protection of the Hebrews, and the giving of the law by Moses, are all the works of Him who created and governs the world, and who (so far as reason or philosophy is able to show) can suspend the laws by which matter is regulated for great moral purposes. Why should it be "thought incredible for God to raise the dead?" He who first made man a living and intellectual being, who formed him with so wonderful a body, and a spiritual property capable of indefinite improvements, "who stamped its lustre [luster] on an insect's wing, and wheels his throne upon the rolling worlds" he surely, can raise the dead to life, he can calm the stormy winds, he can cause the earthquake to engulf the solid land, and the fire of the volcano to overwhelm the fairest cities.
In the opinion of the most learned among the moderns, Mount Ararat, where the ark of Noah rested, after the deluge, was in Armenia, or Tibet, and between 90o and 100o E. long, and between 30o and 35o north lat, north of Hindostan and Persia, west of the river Indus and of central Asia, and east of Mesopotamia and the Caspian Sea. This is a temperate clime, and favorable to health and long life, as well as to the pursuits of the shepherd and agriculturist. The Ararat, the Caucasus, and the Taurus are connected, and form almost one group or range, extending a great distance from what is usually called Asia Minor, to India.
The Indian and Hindoo [Hindu] traditions of the earliest times point to Noah and the Deluge; and they claim to be the descendants of that patriarch. Noah and his sons would not long remain on the mountain where the ark rested, on the subsiding of the waters. They advanced no doubt, to the south, to a milder climate and a more champaign country. In the fourth generation, or one hundred and fifty years from the deluge, they removed westward, to the plains of Shinar where they began to construct a building which should reach to heaven. Dispersed from this place about one hundred and fifty or one hundred and sixty years after the deluge, they went forth, in different companies, east, west, north, and south; but most to the south and to the east, and both the face of the country and the climate would invite. Noah lived two hundred years after this event, and probably journeyed east where traditions relating to the flood, and the safety of a few from that catastrophe have much prevailed.-From Noah and his sons would be communicated to their posterity whatever was known by them of antedeluvian [antediluvian] discoveries and inventions in the arts of life. These could not have been very small during seventeen hundred years, the duration of the old world, according to the common computation; but at this distance of time, and in the want of early records, no very accurate opinion can be formed as to how great, or what those inventions were. But we may safely conclude, that they were not very great; otherwise the early generations after the deluge would have been more civilized than there is now evidence or reason to believe.
We glean the following from our exchanges.
THE CHOLERA-This dreadful malady, which, since 1833, when it raged so greatly all over Europe, had nearly disappeared, is again becoming most fatal to
a number of persons. The former was the Asiatic cholera; but the present is only considered by medical men as a violent attack of diarhœa [diarrhea] and dysentery, which however, if not taken in time, is equally fatal to the unfortunate patient. For the last fifty years fruit has not been remembered to be so plentiful as during the present season, which supply has been so much increased by the immense quantity imported from France, Covent, Garden, Hungerford, the Borough, Spitalfields, and other markets, in the metropolis, have had such abundant supplies that it was with difficulty the dealers could dispose of them at any price. The present malady, which is now so extensively raging, is mostly attributed by the faculty to an over-indulgence in fruit, and not from any epidemic, so as to cause any alarm to the public; as those who have unfortunately fallen victims to its dreadful effects have been ascertained to have made a very free use of fruit, which, added to a disordered state of the system, caused by the excessive heat that has prevailed for the last month would alone bring on a violent attack of cholera, or, more properly speaking, diarrhœa [diarrhea]. The number of deaths since July 16th to 20th instant, has been upwards of 200, some of them decided cases, among which may be mentioned that of the late Mr. Barrett, the Governor of Whitecross street prison. It has, however, been more confined to children and aged persons. In France the number of deaths has been very great, attributed entirely to the same causes, but not from epidemic-Morning paper.
The mortality from cholera, diarrhoea [diarrhea], and dysentery in London, for the three weeks ending August 6, amounted to 109 deaths; for the previous three weeks, ending July 16, 40; making an increase of 69 deaths in the course of the last three weeks-a consequence of the rash indulgence resulting from the plenty and cheapness of fruit. Children and aged persons have been the greatest sufferers.
BUTCHERY IN CHINA.-We find the following paragraph in the London Sun of the 3d instant, relative to the last battle in China:-
Arrangements were made for an attack in three columns, two of which were gallantly led by Sir H. Gough and Sir W. Parker in person. Nothing could exceed the bravery of the troops. They contrived to surround the Chinese, and quite bewildered them. The carnage was dreadful, being more a butchery than a battle. Ignorant of the laws of civilized warfare, the poor creatures knew not how to surrender, and were massacred. Not less than a thousand of them, including a great number of Mandarins, were killed or drowned in the canals; whereas of the British troops only three were killed and twenty-two wounded. The encampments, and such of the buildings as had been occupied by the enemy, were burned, and the grain magazines thrown open to the populace, who speedily emptied them.
According to this, the English forces were gallantly led on to one of the most horrible butcheries on record!
DISTURBANCES IN THE PROVINCES.-A Special Commission is on the eve of being issued for the trial of the rioters apprehended during the late disturbances in the manufacturing districts. Nothing is wanting but the nomination of the learned Judges to undertake this arduous duty, and it is expected that this will be arranged forthwith. The last occasion of a commission being issued was for the trial of Frost and his companions, in the winter of 1840. Lord Chief Justice Tindal, Mr. Justice Williams, and Mr. Sergeant Ludlow were the Judges then selected. The character of the recent outbreak being of so much more general a nature, there is every reason to believe that a great number will be appointed.
In our last it was our painful duty to record a series of the most violent popular movements in the manufacturing districts, and it is with some degree of pleasure that we have now to state that violence has almost subsided, and though in many of the manufacturing towns the workmen still remain out, yet, it is gratifying to know that the quarrel now is one only between masters and men; not partaking in the least degree of a national character. The cry of the mob now is "more wages, and not the Charter or no work." A number of the poor deluded men who took a leading part in the recent disturbances have been apprehended, and it is expected that a special commission will be shortly granted for their trial.-It is expected that in a few days all the hands now out will return to their employment.
GREAT GALE AT HAVANA.-We learn that a very heavy gale of wind was experienced at Havana on the 4th instant. Several small Spanish vessels were sunk at the wharf, and most of the other vessels in the port received more or less injury. The Catharine, from Charleston for N. Orleans was lost in the same gale, a short distance from Matanzas-vessel and cargo totally. Capt. Rose has reached Matanzas with nothing but what he stood in. The steamboat Natchez, which left Havana on the 4th for Matanzas, with a great many passengers, was also supposed to have been lost in the same gale, having left on the day of the gale. She had been out four days, when the Colonel T. Shepherd sailed, and no intelligence had been received of her. The barque, Rapid, Ward, from New York, was towed into Havana, after the gale, by a steamer, dismasted and considerably wrecked. The gale was supposed to have been very disastrous along the coast of Cuba. In Matanzas it was equally bad. On Sunday the 4th, and English ship, loaded with sugar, went ashore on the south shore of the Bay, and three-quarters or her cargo lost or badly damaged. A schooner and several launches sunk-sugars wet by the overflowing of the rivers-fences, trees, and small buildings blown down-the barque Velasco driven to sea, but returned in safety. By arrivals at Havana and Matanzas, many wrecks were reported along the coast, and many vessels dismasted trying to gain a port. It is said to be a more severe storm than in 1821.
We take pleasure in laying before our readers, the following very just remarks, on the common practice among newspaper editors, of abusing, vilifying, slandering, belying, and degrading the Saints at Nauvoo. May God reward every person that honors the truth, and speaks evil of no one till proved guilty. A press ought to be a messenger of truth, but many of the presses of the present day, are like the old Jewish whited sepulchres [sepulchers]-full of "dead bones:" or what is worse, wind, lies, unreasonable tales, and vain speculations upon innocence. But to the article:-
From the Columbus (Ill.) Advocate.
THE MORMONS.-These unfortunate beings-unfortunate in the estimation of the newspaper scribblers-are perhaps the subject of more notoriety than almost any thing else that has for the last year agitated our mundane sphere. All sorts of stories are afloat reflecting on their alleged wickedness and the dangers to which the citizens of Illinois are constantly exposing themselves by permitting them to hold an asylum on our territory. We saw it stated not long since-in the N. Y. Commercial Advertiser we think-that there had been a skirmish between the militia of the State of Illinois and the Mormon forces, in which the latter were severely beaten, sixteen lives lost and property confiscated by the ruthless mob who had collected from the neighboring counties, and the opposite side, Missouri. Another New York print states that Joe Smith has been kidnapped and taken, no one know where-that the greatest disorder and excitement pervade the Holy City. These stories, got up by the scullions of the press, may all do very well in the East, where alone a morbid taste for mystery and a delight for evil seems to be coeval with their existence. But it is passing strange to us how any well informed editor--Col. STONE for instance; can give publicity to these "idle tales, told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing." Here in our own State, where Mormonism rears its bold front, these vague rumors and strange disclosures, only excite the ridicule and contempt they so justly deserve. Would it not be as well, if the eastern press would desist from their course, and bestow their sympathies upon the more charitable subjects who are the immediate causes of so much misery in their own vicinities? We think so.
The last attempt, as a perversion of the bible, to be met with in these last days, is a comparison of the profligate theatrical writer, Wm. Shakespeare, with the inspired writers of the Holy Scriptures, published, if we mistake not, in the N. Y. Tribune. We love to see quotations from the sacred writings, and have no objections to observe gleanings from profane writers, but to set up in a parallel comparison, Shakespeare with the prophets, apostles, and even Jesus Christ, shows a want of veneration for religion, and introduces a practice, in this (so much boasted) enlightened age, at once calculated to place vice before virtue and vanity before sanctity. Such a light minded course, puts the Christian behind the
heathen. You cannot gather grapes from thorns, nor figs from thistles. To show how far this thing has been carried we give below a specimen of the aforesaid comparisons viz:
"Oftentimes, excusing of a fault
Doth make the fault the worse by the excuse;
As patches, set upon a little breach,
Discredit more, in hiding of the fault,
Than did the fault before it was so hid."
'No man putteth a piece of new cloth into an old garment: for that which is put in to fill up, taketh away from the garment, and the rent is made worse.
[Math. ix. 18.
"When I would pray and think, I think and pray
To several subjects: Heaven in my mouth,
And in my heart, the strong and swelling evil
Of my conception."
'This people draweth nigh unto me with their mouth and honoreth me with their lips; but their heart is far from me.'
[Math. xv. 8.
........ "How, in one house,
Should many people, under two commands,
Hold amity?
'And if a house be divided against itself, that house cannot stand.
[Mark iii. 25.
'No man can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.'
Math. vi. 24.
"Let us be keen, and rather cut a little,
Then fall, and bruise to death."
'And if thy right hand offend thee, cut it off, and cast it from thee: for it is profitable for thee that one of they members should perish, and not that thy whole body should be cast into hell.'
Math. v. 40.
"Like one, that draws the model of a house,
Beyond his power to build it; who, half through.
Gives o'er, and leaves his past created cost
A naked subject to the weeping clouds,
And waste for churlish winter's tyranny."
'For which of you, intending to build a tower, setteth not down first and counteth the cost, whether he have sufficient to finish it? Lest haply, after he hath laid the foundation, and is not able to finish it, all that behold it begin to mock him, saying, This man began to build, and was not able to finish.'
[Luke xiv. 28-30.
'The cloud-capped towers, the gorgeous palaces,
The solemn temples, the great globe itself,
Yea, all which it inherit, shall dissolve;
And like this unsubstantial pageant faded,
Leave not a wreck behind."
'But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up.'
[2 Peter iii. 10.
'And the heavens departed as a scroll, when it is rolled together; and every mountain and island were moved out of their places. And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman and every freeman, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains.'
[Rev. vii. 14, 15.
A call from the wilderness, a voice out of the earth, a short review of the origin and teaching of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints in America, known by many by the name of Mormons -BY ORSON HYDE, ELDER OF SAID CHURCH. Read, examine, pray, and handle.
The great desire, the author of this little work feels to free himself from an obligation under which he feels he is brought by more than human power, as likewise the heartfelt solicitude he feels that he might be enabled to impart to his fellow creatures, some of those truths that swell his own heart with joys unspeakable. This (and this only) induced him to recommend with great warmth this little work unto the people of Germany, so that he might be received with that interest which the importance of this object deserves.
If in the course of human events God's providence makes it our duty to record those strange events that are calculated to form a new era, to lay the foundation for a spiritual world, to destroy tyranny and oppression, to help forward the renowned kingdom of the Prince of Peace-then all minds are filled with astonishment and surprise.
The church of Christ or the millennial church of Jesus Christ of a 1000 years duration, has by God's providence been established in the United States of America, by sending his holy angel to make known unto the people the fundamental
doctrine of his church, which should be re-established in the last days, and to prepare her for the second coming of Christ. The author of this little work is a native of America, and for the last 11 years almost since its organization an elder of this church; on April 1st 1830 the church was formed in the town of Manchester, county of Ontario, state of New York with 6 members, but soon she grew to hundreds and thousands; when the church was fully organized, prophets and apostles were made known amongst them called of God; they then were ordained to high and accountable offices, and anointed with the holy oil.
The rapidity, although under the most unfavorable auspices, with which these doctrines spread over America and England, is evidence, that in them (the doctrines,) there is a hidden might and power that is well calculated to draw the attention of a thinking people. The number of the united brethren in the two countries is 80,000. The aim of this little work is to set forth the groundwork and doctrine of our church, which is named the "Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints."
Since the rise of this church we have had to fight ourselves through various obstacles -the tongue of scandal and false reports turned upon us; the press and pulpit threw stones of stumbling with a free hand in our way, yet if this had only been all, we would have had little cause to complain, but our enemies seeing that their moral power not being sufficient to stop the quick progress, our doctrine made, had recourse to other weapons and their own language was: "We will meet them with arguments of blood," and hence they came upon us sword in hand, they burnt many of our houses, destroyed our crops, killed our cattle, and in cold blood murdered and miserable maimed 30 of our brethren, even when they offered no resistance, and a great many of these were elders.
As an American I feel pained to make known such acts of barbarity of my countrymen, but the ever-ruling Power that mixeth the interests of all nations, demands the sacrifice of every local connection, and the loud acknowledgement [acknowledgment] of truth as a warning to all nations, that they might guard themselves not to become the originators of such misery.
In this storm of persecution that took place in the winter of 1838-39, near 200 Saints were thrown into prison, after the lapse of a few days some were set at liberty, others remained three or four weeks, others remained in chains six months, and yet at the expiration of this time although their enemies were their judges, they got their liberty. 12,000 souls were banished in the depth of winter, their houses, goods, fields, &c. their enemies took as spoil.
All this took place under a government whose whole actions were contrary to the laws of the States, but dreaded in us a rival power. The matter is now before Congress, and it is hoped that the evil that has been heaped upon an innocent and inoffensive people, will be redressed by this honorable Assembly. We had to wade through deep sorrow and humiliation most poignant, yet like a young and tender mother whose love increases to newborn infant in proportion to the pain she had by its birth, so likewise our love to our religion gets stronger by the barbarous hand of persecution, which brings banishment, prison and death upon us.
They have done no more to us than they have done to our Lord and Master, and the Saints of the former days, and if we like them suffer in this world, we hope to become glorified with them in that land that lays out of the reach of the aggressor's hand.
The reader is most earnestly invited to read this little work with care and attention: let no one judge hastily of its contents or condemn it rashly, but let him pray in the name of the holy child Jesus from the very inmost of his soul, that light and knowledge, joy and gladness may descend, to quicken his spirit and to hear his holy wishes.
How welcome are unto us the rays of the morning after the dark shades of the night. So we may likewise feel after a long night of spiritual darkness, under which the earth with its inhabitants has been groaning for so many hundred years. An angel, yes an angel sent by the Almighty descended to take away the veil of darkness from off the understanding of some, that they might be ready to receive the rays of truth that will warm and rejoice the hearts of many. Welcome, yes welcome thou messenger of heaven, and thrice welcome the message thou bringest unto us! O best of Fathers, I pray thee in the name of thy holy child Jesus, to
bless the feeble efforts of thy servant, and wherever this little book may go let it be a messenger of conviction to the evil, and a forerunner of peace for the righteous: May its contents be wafted by favorable winds to the utmost bounds, and let its influence fall upon the rich and fertile soil of humble hearts: May it take root grow and bear fruit in the life to come.
Go forth thou little book, the Lord will speed thy way. Trample down superstition that may arise against thee; make thine enemies thy prisoners; with thy virtues lodge in the hearts of the people, and may thy fundamental truths dwell there forever.
Frankfort. (On the Maine,) August 1842.
Translated from the German by Alexander Neibaur, a German Jew.
It may not be amiss, under the present state of things, to say a few words to the saints by way of encouragement, at this time of excitability and rumor. The things that have been transpiring around us have had a tendency to call forth our reasoning and reflective powers; Solomon, who was a wise man in his day, and set his mind to search out wisdom, reflected both upon the good and the evil, and has left us the following useful and instructive admonition, "in the day of prosperity be joyful; but in the day of adversity consider." We, all of us, have our friends, our connexions [connections], our families and associations; and we find that the ties of friendship, consanguinity, and brotherhood, have indissolubly united us together with a thousand endearing associations; we have embraced the one common faith, even that "which was once delivered to the saints," we have been privileged with hearing the everlasting gospel, which has been delivered unto us by the spirit of prophecy; by the opening of the heavens; by the gift of the Holy Ghost; by the ministering of Angels, and by the power of God: we have left our connexions [connections], our countries, our friends and homes, at the command of God, that we might come to Zion, obtain an inheritance among the saints, fulfil [fulfill] the requirements of Jehovah, and be instructed in the revelations of heaven. Thus located, and thus situated, in possession of the one common faith and hope, the same prospects and desires, a kindred sympathy runs through the whole body even the body of Christ, which, according to Paul's statement, is his church; and no one part of the body can be injured without the other parts feeling the pain, for says Paul, if one member suffer, all the members suffer with it; and if one member rejoice all the rest are honored with it. If the weakest and most feeble of the saints of God receive and injury, if he is opposed, injured or imposed upon by an enemy, the injury is felt by the whole, as being part of the body, and they stand ready to heal his wound, to rescue him from danger, or to avenge his wrong by all legal measures. If this be so in regard to the weakest members, how much more is it the case when he whom God has appointed to be our prophet and guide, is brought into bondage, through the cruelty and oppression of a misguided, fanatical, and persecuting executive, and an enthusiastic and frantic set of desperadoes, who, regardless of law, of the rights of man, of the principles of justice, and of every thing pertaining to righteousness and truth, would seek to glut themselves with the blood of the innocent; stain with eternal infamy the escutcheons of our country, and wither with a deadly blast the fair fields of freedom and liberty, whose odoriferous perfumes have heretofore been wafted on every breeze, and spread health, peace and contentment throughout the land.
If this, to the saints of God, may indeed be called a day of adversity, we shall do well to take the admonition of Solomon, and 'consider;' if we see mobocracy and lawlessness prevailing; if we see our laws and constitution trampled under foot; if we see our once happy country bleeding at every pore, and her own sons pushing the dagger to her vitals; if we see these glorious principles of liberty, for which our fathers fought, and bled, and died, trampled under foot by a set of lawless miscreants-and mobocracy, anarchy and confusion taking their place, let us consider that in "the last days PERILOUS TIMES SHOULD COME" that there should be "distress of nations with perplexity, men's hearts failing them for fear of those things that are coming upon the earth." And if rulers and governors transgress the laws of right, trample under foot the principles of justice, and disregard those laws which they have pledged themselves to support by the most binding and solemn covenants, let us consider that 'when the wicked rule the people mourn;' and that 'GOD sets up one and puts down another, according to the counsel of his own will;' that all there things are governed by the wise dispensations of Jehovah;
that they are strictly in accordance with the fulfilment [fulfillment] of ancient prophecy, and that they are hastening forward the designs of the great Jehovah, in 'bringing to nought [naught] the cousel [counsel] of the wise,' in vexing the nations of the earth, and in hastening on that time when the earth shall be redeemed; the wicked be destroyed, and 'the righteous alone be exalted.'
If our Prophet is brought into bondage, and his life is sought after, let us 'consider,' it is just the same thing that has taken place with the prophets of the Lord in all ages, and what our Savior prophesied of, saying, 'if ye will live godly in Christ Jesus ye shall suffer persecution.' Stephen had to ask the pious Jews this question, 'which of the prophets have not your fathers killed, which testified before of the coming of the just one of whom ye have now been the betrayers and murderers?' Fortunately for this generation, their fathers had no prophets to kill, but they shew [show] a disposition to tread in the footsteps of the Jewish nation, and to manifest their religion by seeking to destroy from off the face of the earth those whom God hath sent. Our Savior said of the Jews, 'ye are of your father the devil, because his works ye will do,'-and if trampling under foot law--setting at nought [naught] justice and equity, and breaking the most solemn obligations; if hyprocricy [hypocrisy], lying, deception, and seeking the overthrow, and the lives of the innocent, be the works of the devil, we shall not have much difficulty in finding out the parentage of many of this generation.
Concerning the present state of the Prophet, some of our enemies are ready to say, if he be the prophet of the Lord, why is it that he has to flee from the hand of oppression? Why does not his God deliver him? To this we would answer, that he has delivered him hitherto-but if being delivered out of every difficulty, be a sign of a true prophet, then indeed shall we find them very scarce in the scriptures of eternal truth. Moses had to flee from the land of Egypt, and be a stranger in the land of Midian. Job had to suffer the loss of his camels, his oxen, his asses, his flocks and herds, his children, his property and friends. Abraham, at the command of God had to flee from the hand of persecution and go to a land that the Lord would shew [show] him of. Jacob had to flee, fearing the wrath of his brother, and absent himself fourteen years. Elijah had to hide himself three years and a half from the presence of the king, who sought diligently for him in all the nations around to take away his life. Obadiah had to hide the prophets by fifties in a cave, to save them from the hand of persecution. Elisha, David, Jeremiah, Zachariah, and all the prophets more or less had to share the same fate. Paul tells us 'that they were tempted, they were tried, they were sawn asunder; that they had to wander about in sheep skins and goat skins, and to HIDE THEMSELVES in deserts, and dens, and caves of the earth.' Such is the universal testimony of scripture in regard to the prophets of the Lord, and instead of this being an argument against it, it is one, that goes to establish the truth of the prophets calling and profession. Our Savior in speaking of these things says-'if they have persecuted you, they will persecute me, if they have called the master of the house Beelzebub, how much more shall they call him of his household'-and he has given it as his counsel to flee in time of danger, saying, 'but when they persecute you in one city, flee ye to another.' We find then, that not only the conduct of your prophet, but that of his persecutors also, has been strictly in accordance with the treatment and proceeding of prophets, and that of their enemies also, in every age of the world.
In the day of 'adversity, consider,' says Solomon, consider the situation of your prophet, and let your prayers ascend to the God of Abraham, of Isaac, of Jacob, and of Joseph; that he may speedily be delivered, and that his enemies may be confounded. Reflect also upon the duties that you owe to your families, to the church of the living God, and to the saints in general. Slack not your duties in your families, but call upon God for his blessings upon you, and your families-upon your flocks and herds, and all that pertains to you-that you may have peace and prosperity-and while you are doing this, 'pray for the peace of Zion, for they shall prosper that love her.' Think of your duties to the Temple, and the Nauvoo House, and both by precept and example help to build those houses. Consider the state of the afflicted and try to alleviate their sufferings; let your bread feed the hungry, and your clothing cover the naked; let your liberality dry up the tear of the orphan, and cheer the disconsolate widow; let your prayers, and presence, and kindness, alleviate the pains of the distressed, and your liberality contribute to their necessities; do good unto all men, especially unto the household of faith, that you may be harmless and blameless, the sons of God without rebuke. Keep the commandments of God-all that he has given, does give, or will give, and an halo of glory will shine around your path; the poor will rise up and call you blessed; you will be honored and respected by all good men; and your path will be that of the just, which shineth brighter and brighter until the perfect day.-Es.
To the Editor of the Times and Seasons.
DEAR SIR: Necessity frequently compels us to resort to means for self defence [defense], which propriety, gentleness, meekness, and honor would gladly omit. It was said by the Lord, after the flood, that "the imagination of man's heart was evil from his youth,"-and every century's every year's,-yea, every day's experience, shows the continued reality of this prophetic declaration. Perhaps I am somewhat selfish, when I read the papers of the day and observe such a multiplicity of abuse, low cunning, and hyprocicy [hypocrisy], so lavishly bestowed upon the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints;-when I say that it seems to me that the whole library of the regions of darkness and death was in the hearts of conspiring men to hinder, frustrate, or annihilate the closing dispensation of righteousness. I have a notable case in point, from the Quincy Whig of September 24, or properly speaking, the "Tools" who endeavor to manage that paper for official dignity. I shall have to take up the subject by piece meal, and make such remarks as the nature of the sophistical case may require. The first strain is thus:-
"JOE SMITH.-The last account we have of this person, he was on his way north, it was supposed for Canada, by the way of Galena, Chicago, &c. But we place no confidence in the account; we believe Joe is yet in or about the 'City of the Saints,' and occasionally comes forth from his hiding place, when he can do so with impunity. He is too cunning for the Governor or any of his officers, and he has deliberately put the laws of the State at defiance."
There is nothing very cunning in the above paragraph, though the sense, probity, and sagacity, &c., of heralding Mr. Smith into Canada, and then, in the next breath, "place no confidence," in their own statement, are lost, and leaves the minds of reflecting people as vacant of real information, as an unfurnished house is of furniture. Again hear:-
"If he will listen to a word from us, we would advise him to locate his new Jerusalem, away to the far West, in the Oregon country, and there to build his temple and govern the Saints in his own way. In that case the advantages would be two-fold: for himself and followers, he would procure peace and quietness, for there would be no danger of their molestation in the enjoyment of their peculiar notions in that distant country;-to the Government, the location of himself and followers would be an advantage, because it greatly needs settlers in that region; and doubtless, Government would do something right handsome for Joseph, in the grant of a gift of lands, &c. if he would guarantee the emigration of any number of settlers."
So much hypocrisy, so barefaced an attempt at wholesale murder, has not even been contemplated by any other paper in the United States however servile, mean, debased, or licentious. Locate the Mormons in Oregon, only think of it! After the society have lost in Missouri some one or two millions of dollars, besides many valuable lives; after they have builded a Temple in Ohio, at a cost of sixty or seventy thousand dollars; and after they have commenced a beautiful city at an expense of at least two or three millions of dollars, in Illinois; when their numbers in all parts of the world amount to probably between one and two hundred thousand persons, without the least possible chance under the depreciated state of the currency, and the general stagnation of business, to dispose of any property, but never mind, go to Oregon! Take your journey, men, women and children, on horses, mules and asses, for wagons will not pass over the Rocky Mountains these many years to come, and a passage round Cape Horn, of twenty thousand miles, would be too long a trip and too expensive; therefore go on horseback and muleback, and those who are fortunate enough to escape famine and flood, will have an excellent chance to fight among the thirty of forty tribes of Indians: and should any get to Oregon, there are from ten to twenty thousand, breeds of all nations; Americans, English, Russians, French, Spanish, New Hollanders, Otaheitans, Chinese, &c., who are every thing but refined society, and they will settle the matter of Mormonism forever, and we, the editors of the Quincy Whig and all that believe as we do, will live on the plunder you leave behind, as has our contemporaries in Missouri. Go to Oregon, and "doubtless Government will do something right handsome for Joseph." This probably would take place when the English, Russian and American Governments, after fifty or sixty years negotiation, happen to make a treaty, and settle the national right of territory, but nevertheless, as the Latter Day Saints are likely to increase, go to Oregon! Hear again -
"It is becoming more plainly evident every day, that the Mormons cannot live at Nauvoo in tranquility [tranquillity] any great length of time-for there is a jealousy growing up between them and their neighbors of an opposite faith, which is rapidly approximating to hatred on both sides, and will eventually lead to popular outbreaks and violations of law. It is hardly to be expected, that a community of men so clannish as the Mormons, and so bigoted and selfish in their religious belief-and so willing to obey
the behests of Smith, whether for good or evil,-will long enjoy the respect of those who are governed by more liberal and Republican notions in both religion and politics; and when this society of men are shown to have practiced all manner immoral and vicious acts under the cloak of religion, it is not surprising that a feeling of resentment, and a desire to get rid of the society root and branch, should take possession of the entire community. But with all this resentment and detestation of their corrupt practices, we hope no such things as mobs or violations of law, will be resorted to. Let public opinion stamp the men who are engaged in keeping up this religious delusion, with proper condemnation. Let their meetings be held as often as they choose to hold them-but let no man who has any respect for his own character and who detests imposture in every shape and form keep aloof from these meetings, and the society will soon become a harmless one in point of numbers-the fire will soon burn out for want of fuel. Already have their conversions become "few and far between" in this country, and their missionaries are compelled to resort to England and Ireland, among the ignorant and uneducated class, for converts to build up the new Jerusalem, and the Temple. When the enormities, however, which have been practised [practiced] at Nauvoo, for the last three years, have been widely spread and known, through both Great Britain and America, it is fair to presume, that the society will exist only in name-that is, there will be no more converts, and the backsliders will become so numerous, that none will be left in the society, but those who have their own corrupt ends to accomplish."
This last paragraph is just in keeping with men that have no respect for law, gospel, virtue, humanity, God, man or the devil! In 1840, these same conductors of public opinion, held the following language relative to the claim of Missouri upon the persons of Smith and Rigdon; viz:
"Fudge! We repeat, Smith and Rigdon should not be given up. The law requiring the Governor of our State to deliver up fugitives from justice, is a salutary and wise one, and should not in ordinary circumstances be disregarded, but as there are occasions that authorize the citizens of the State to resent a tyrannical and oppressive government, so there are occasions when it is not only the privilege, but the duty of the Governor of the State to refuse to surrender the citizens of his State upon the requisition of the Executive of another, -and this we consider as the case of Smith and Rigdon."
I have brought in this candid calculation of these wholesale dealers in human rights, to show their glaring hypocrisy, and shall revert to that significant question of the Savior: Judas betrayest thou the Son of Man with a kiss?
There must have been a great change in the morals of men in the short space of a few years;-sense, feeling, humanity, and kindred cousanguinity [consanguinity], as members of a great and growing nation, would once have shuddered at the idea of even supposing, that men, women, and children, on account of religion of Jesus Christ, should be asked to exile themselves from their happy country, constitutions, rights, and privileges which were purchased by the blood of a Warren, a Wayne, yea, many a noble soul, that escaped in fire to heaven; and which after seven years struggle, was consummated by a Washington, a Jefferson, and a galaxy of other equally worthy patriots: yea, strange, wild, wicked and outrageous would have been considered a proposition, for one or two hundred thousand people to abandon "all" for a wilderness five thousand miles off, among savages! It seems to me, that nothing but the heart of a beast, would ever have conceived such a mode of extermination, ruin and death; but this much is certain, as said the Apostle of old: "For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Jesus our Lord"-nor willingly from our homes, unless it comes with a thus saith the Lord, though we may meet with Pharaohs, Nebuchadnezzars, Neroes. Bogg's and a host of others equally destitute of compassion or mercy. OLD FIFTY.
For the prince of this world cometh, and hath nothing in me. John, xiv: 30.
We quote the above scripture to show that the Savior foretold the reign of Satan upon the earth, mentioned by the apostles at different times and places, as the 'reign of Anti-Christ,' as a warning to the saints to beware of his lying wonders and deceivableness. We shall not, however, enter into the merits of the subject, in this article for the reason that it would occupy more time and space than we can allow. There is, we are well aware, no subject connected with religion, that so deeply concerns the whole human family as the one in question. It brings out at the onset, the great inquiry, if Satan has a specified reign as Anti-Christ-who is right?-This is a solemn question, and nothing but revelation can give the
true answer. Men cannot, by the spirit of men, show the true way to heaven; the experience of every age plainly proves this. The religion of Jesus Christ, taught by himself, and practiced by his Apostles under the miraculous "power from on high," began to loose its efficacy, power, simplicity, and glory that surpasseth understanding, when men, so far exceeded the heavenly rule as to use their own opinions, notions, and judgments, in preference to the revealed will of God. To elucidate this principle, we shall bring in a quotation from Mosheim, relative to the apostasy of the church in the fifth century, viz:
"The doctrines of religion were, at this time, understood and represented in a manner that savored little of their native purity and simplicity. They were drawn out by labored commentaries beyond the terms in which the divine wisdom had thought fit to reveal them; and were examined with that minuteness and subtilty [subtlety] that were only proper to cover them with obscurity. And what was still worse, the theological notions that generally prevailed, were proved rather by the authorities and logical discussions of the ancient doctors, than by the unerring dictates of the divine word.-And again-this procedure of the Roman tribunal-by which, the authority of certain lawyers-a plurality of voices among them-or the sentiments of the more learned and illustrious, were made to decide the point in dispute-was, in this century, admitted as a standing law, both in the deliberations and councils, and in the management of religious controversy.-Reason, and even common sense, were in some measure, excluded from every question; and that was determined as right and true, which appeared such to the greatest number, or had been approved by doctors of the greatest note in preceding times. The acts of the various councils, yet extant, manifestly show that this was the case."
It will readily be seen by the above extract, that men, and not the comforter as prophesied in John, governed the teachings of those who stood as watchmen, or shepherds, for the kingdom of our Lord. Lamentable is the fact, too, from this (5th) century down to the present nineteenth, that not one solitary sample of a better state, or more perfect unity, of the church can be found upon the pages of history: no; more division, more distraction, more persecution of one sect against another; more bloodshed; more folly; more pride, and less spirit; less veneration of sacred things; less brotherly love; less virtue; less temperance; less fruits of humility; and less charity, are visible in each succeeding year, in every country throughout christendom.
Since the comforter left men, and pride and ambition have ruled the way wherein some have endeavored to enter into heaven, in a greater or less degree, wealth, and not an "pure heart" has swayed the destinies of what pretended to be the church:"-and the prince of this world has spread his dominions in all the earth: and his wife, as the whore of Babylon, with a multiplicity of daughters playing the harlot among all nations, have left but a small chance for eight hundred millions of people to escape the curse pronounced by the prophet Malachi. Well may the Apostle James exclaim-
"Go to now, ye rich men, weep and howl for your miseries that shall come upon you. Your riches are corrupted, and your garments are motheaten. Your gold and silver is cankered; and the rust of them shall be witness against you, and shall eat your flesh as it were fire.-Ye have heaped treasure together for the last days. Behold, the hire of the laborers who have reaped down your fields, which is of you kept back by fraud, crieth: and the cries of them which have reaped are entered into the ears of the Lord of Sabaoth. Ye have lived in pleasure on the earth, and been wanton; ye have nourished your hearts as in a day of slaughter. Ye have condemned and killed the just; and he doth not resist you. Be patient therefore, brethren, unto the coming of the Lord. Behold, the husbandman waiteth for the precious fruit of the earth, and hath long patience for it, until he receive the early and latter rain. Be ye also patient; stablish your hearts; for the coming of the Lord draweth nigh."
"Five feet nine inches high, with black eyes, black hair sprinkled with grey [gray], dark complexion, and rather a thin face,-such, as nearly as we could judge by lamp light, was the aspect presented by this would be notable personage, the other evening, in Marlboro' Chapel, Boston. We hardly knew, after all, what to think of him and his purposes. His manner does not impress us, as that of one actuated by any very high and noble impulses. Yet, that all he is saying and doing is falsehood and forgery we are not at all inclined to think. That he read sundry documents that were genuine we have no manner of doubt. That his original instigation to what he is doing, is the purest in the world, we must confess we do not believe.-However, be his motives what they may, we
have no question he is in possession of evidence laying open no small amount of villainy. We have before expressed our opinion, that the major portion of those who have joined the Mormon body, have done so in simple sincerity of intent. But that many of those in high places among them are very far from single hearted, we are impressed by Gen. Bennett, let him or his design be what they will. We did not like his manner, his aside comments, his ejaculations,-and we liked just as little the boisterous applause rendered to his readings or remarks. Still, an impression was left by the whole and this though not very favorable to the speaker, yet decidedly gave us to believe that roguery the most scandalous attaches to Jo Smith, if to no others of the Mormon chief ones. Gen. Bennett read, from various newspapers, accounts of crimes committed by Mormons. This might, peradventure, be well for the public, however it might show for General Bennett himself. It is well that truth be revealed, whatever be the mind of its revealer.-He then related several advances of a disgusting character, made by Joe Smith to women of Nauvoo. If truly stated these were abominable enough, since they were instances of borrowing the cloak of religion to effect the devil's purposes. We are inclined, from the total impression made on us, to believe that he told what actually occurred. And 'twas vile enough, to be sure. He then read a letter, which taking the entire impression made on us, we incline to hold authentic, written by Joe Smith to Miss Rigdon, in explanation, (as he called it) of proposals he had previously made her. 'Twas not without a certain devilish talent, skilfully [skillfully] employing holy words, and striving to make black appear white,-an effect it might possibly have wrought, had the person addressed believed with undoubting assurance, the writer to be a holy man.
On the whole, after taking pains to listen two evenings to Gen. Bennett, we came away with no pleasant impressions. The leaders of the Mormons-especially the leader-are, we verily believe, knaves. And knaves of a class the most detestable, too seeking to win indulgence in the two very basest passions, Lust and Avarice, through the highest of all sentiments-the Religious! In pity's name, if there be any within reach of our voice of warning, let them keep away from Nauvoo! Religion is the highest and best. But, if cheated and betrayed through means of pretensions of this class, we are in peril of being stricken with a deadly chill! At least, let any, who have a leaning this way, pause for a time. This can do no harm. Light will ere long penetrate every nook and corner of Nauvoo. If we have the opportunity of information we will use it."
We have extracted the above double minded mixture of doubt and fear, and good and bad, and upon the whole, a little more very careful persecution, from the "Essex County Washingtonian," of Salem, Mass. of September 15:-and without "if's or ands," after all the affidavits and certificates, against J. C. Bennett, and in support of the innocence of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, we declare solemnly that it exceeds itself in nothingness. If pure religion had ever existed upon the face of the earth, among men, without the same jealously, persecution, and blood-stained traces of its progress, as it were inch by inch, we could easily pass the land of "hanging witches," in silence, but from Eden to Nauvoo, and from Abel to Joseph Smith; yea, even the Lord of glory, himself-all have had to taste the bitter cup.
Jesus said: "woe unto the world because of offences [offenses]! for it must needs be that offences [offenses] come; but woe unto that man by whom the offence [offense] cometh!" There is no possible excuse for men that sin with their eyes open. Salem has heard the gospel in its fulness [fullness], and there certainly must have been some precious souls present to have witnessed by the spirit of God, whether the elders of Israel preached truth or error. The world has ever been more tenacious for what they call religion, than the children of God, governed as they always have been by immediate revelation. Satan is, to natural appearance, a much smoother faced christian, than the children of light: he not unfrequently [infrequently] fasts twice a week, makes long prayers, besides holding thanksgivings -and while the saints have to suffer, from the cradle to the grave, every indignity, slander, and abuse, he gravely says:-"This can do no harm-pause for a time!" When such needless cautions are given in a land of liberty and light, all we can say is, "O, generation of vipers, how can you escape the damnation of hell?" If the Mormons have succeeded for twelve years to gull the brightest part of Christendom with a false religion, what will they do with the less enlightened portions of the globe, for twelve years to come? Ah, dear sirs, when more than fifty thousand souls have witnessed the power of God; and time has developed the ruins of cities mentioned in the Book of Mormon, it is too late to cry delusion, or beat for a pause:-the work of God never tarries. The Lord will come, and all his saints with him: even so.
With much gratification, we give the translation from the German, of Elder O. Hyde's "preface" to his pamphlet, containing 115 pages addressed to the inhabitants of that section of the Lord's vineyard. We mean to give some extracts from the body of the work in the next number of this paper. The subject, we understand, is simple, and the language dignified, especially for one who learned as he went and wrote as he came; in another tongue: the Lord is there.
As we have elders sent to India, Australia, &c. we glean whatever scraps of history, relating to these far abodes of men, for the benefit of the saints and all that feel an interest in the wellfare [welfare] of Israel. Every ear has to hear the fulness [fullness] of the gospel, and every heart has to be penetrated with the truth. But to our history of that far distant land:-
"AUSTRALIA.-Passing by the Mauritius, a flourishing Island, formerly a French possession, but exhibiting no very remarkable difference in its economical condition from that of the West India colonies, unless in its great fertility; and Ceylon; in which colonization, properly so called, has scarcely commenced; we arrive at Australia, the land of promise to modern emigrants, and the most remarkable field of British industry, out of the limits of Britain, at the present day. After the coast of New South Wales had been discovered by Captain Cook, it was made a penal settlement, with a view to rid our jails of the number of prisoners who were accumulating there. In 1757, the Sirius frigate landed 800 convicts at Botany Bay. The coast of that inlet which had appeared so tempting to Captain Cook, was soon found to afford nothing but swamps and sand; an instance, among many, of the case with which Government has allowed himself to be misled by the reports of naval discoveries, to many of whom all land is much alike, and who, even better qualified to judge, see the tract they have explored only at one season of the year, and are almost certain to be unreasonable either in their praises or their disapprobation. On the 26th of January, 1788, the little colony moved to Sidney. In the fifty years which have since elapsed, the progress of New South Wales has been so astonishing as far as regards the production and accumulation of wealth, as to afford the most remarkable phenomena in colonial history. In 1749 the first harvest was reported; in 1790 the first permanent settler (a convict) took possession of the plot allotted to him. In 1793 the first purchase of colonial grain (1200 bushels) was made by government. The first newspaper was printed in 1802. In 1803 Mr. Macarthur exhibited in London the first sample of Merino wool from the sheep of the colony. In 1807, 245 pounds of that wool were exported from Sidney; in 1820, 100,000 lbs.; in 1830, 3,564,532 pounds; in 1840 about 7,000,000,000 lbs. Sydney is now a fine city, with all the appurtenances of a great provincial town, and exhibiting much greater signs of wealth than one of similar size would display in England; and an acre of land, within the town boundaries, sold lately for $20,000.-[Merrivale on Colonies.
This may certify that President Joseph Smith, the Trustee in Trust, for the Temple, called upon the Temple Committee on the 1st inst. to present their books and accounts for examination, and to give account of the their work at the Temple. After carefully and attentively examining and comparing their books and accounts, the Trustee expressed himself well satisfied with the labors and proceedings of the Committee, and ordered that this be published in the Times and Seasons, that the saints may know the fact and be thereby encouraged to double their exertions and forward means to roll on the building of the Temple in Nauvoo.
It was also ordered that the Recorder's Office be henceforth removed to the Committee house near the Temple; all property and means must therefore be brought to that place, where it will be recorded in due form.
and Recorder for the Temple.
Nauvoo, October 11, 1842.
This number closes the third volume, and while we return our thanks for the patronage thus far bestowed, and solicit a continuation of support for the fourth, we would inform our readers and all those that may want them, that we have back numbers of the last three volumes, on hand to supply the call of such as may order them. It is our intention to render the coming volume as worthy as, or, more worthy than, the preceding ones: not that we would say that exertions, pains, or diligence have been heretofore spared, but that the increase of our numbers as a church, and the increase of interesting signs and scenes abroad in the earth, are ample inducements for us to work while the day lasts.
To have a good paper it is necessary to have good patrons, who will use due diligence to forward means to support the establishment, without which no press can long be sustained.
The new translation of the bible, and the book of Doctrine and Covenants are entirely dependent on the liberality of the well-disposed of the cause of our Redeemer. We can therefore say as said the prophet, 'consider your ways.'
Still we are all here safe encamped in quarantine beneath the rocky brow of Mount Carmel close by the sea.
We left Alexandria on the 16th of May, and arrived in Jerusalem in twenty-three days. The first part of our journey, as far as Damietta, we rode upon asses reminding us of the sons of Jacob when they carried corn out of Egypt.-Our track lay by the sea shore, so that we enjoyed a cool breeze tempering the hot air of the desert. We crossed the only two remaining branches of the Nile, and drank of the water.
From Damietta we sailed across Lake Menzalah as far as San-the ancient Zoan. You may believe that the ruins of this once ancient city afforded us matter for deep reflection. For about three miles there are immense mounds of brick and pottery entirely covered with close alluvial matter. At one place we found immense blocks of granite, the remains no doubt of some ancient Temple, two sphynxes were laying close by one, in a very perfect state of preservation, and a great many obelisks beautifully carved.
There are also many petrified stones as if the place had been destroyed by fire, Isa. xix. 12, Ezek. xxx. 14. Psa. lxxviii. 12. when God did his marvelous works upon Pharaoh and his people.
The country round is quite flat, a rich soil; but without water, without cultivation,-desolate. From Zoan to Jerusalem we rode upon camels. Before coming to the land of the Philistines we found it all a waste howling wilderness, "a land of drought, and of the shadow of death."
[From the Jewish Intelligencer.
Elder Joseph Younger is requested to return home immediately, as his family needs his assistance.
To leave my dear friends, and from neighbors to part, Dear friends, I must leave you, and bid you adieu,
And go from my home, it afflicts my poor heart- And pay my devotions in parts that are new;
With the thoughts of absenting myself far away, But still I'll remember in pilgrimage there
From the house of my God where I've chosen to pray. The joys that we tasted in answer to prayer.
But Jesus doth call me a message to bear, How oft, when the day's busy bustle has clos'd.
To kingdoms, and countries, and islands afar; And nature lies sleeping in silent repose,
His presence will bless me and be with me there, To some lone retreat I will fondly repair,
His Spirit inspire me, in answer to prayer. Remember my kindred, and pray for them there.
Then why should I linger with fondest desire
O'er home and the raptures its comforts inspire?
For sweeter, O sweeter, the message I bear
To comfort the mourner in answer to prayer.
Just published and for sale, Books of Mormon, and Hymn Books, together with some other publications in defence [defense] of the faith of the saints.
Nauvoo. Aug. 20, 1842.
The Times and Seasons, Is edited, printed and published about the first and fifteenth of every month, on the corner of Water and Bain Streets, Nauvoo, County, Illinois, by JOSEPH SMITH
TERMS.-Two dollars per annum, payable in all cases in advance. Any person procuring five new subscribers, and forwarding us Ten Dollars current money, shall receive one volume gratis. All letters must be addressed to Joseph Smith, publisher, POST PAID, or they will not receive attention.
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