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Volume 3. No. 20.] | CITY OF NAUVOO, ILL. AUG. 15, 1842. | [Whole No. 56. |
From the Millenial [Millennial] Star.
Or the first Foreign Mission of the Latter Day Saints.
About the first of June, 1837, Elder Heber C. Kimball was called by the spirit of revelation, and set apart by the first presidency of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints, then at Kirtland, Ohio, (N. A.) to preside over a mission to England, accompanied by Elder O. Hyde, who was set apart for the same work at the same time. In a few days brother Joseph Fielding, a priest, was set apart; and on the eve of the 12th, Elder Willard Richards, (having been absent several months, on a long journey, and having returned the day previous,) was called and set apart for the same mission.
The following morning, Tuesday 13th these brethren gave the parting hand, bid farewell to home, and without purse or scrip started for England. They were accompanied 12 miles, to Fairport, on Lake Erie, by Elders Brigham Young, John P. Green, and Brother Levi Richards, and sisters Kimball, Green, Fielding, (brother R. B. Thompson and wife accompanied the mission to Buffalo, and brother Fitch Brigham to Utica,) and others, with whom they parted in the P. M. and went on board a steamer for Buffalo, where they arrived next day.
At this place the brethren expected to receive some means from Canada to assist them on their journey, but were disappointed. In the evening they took passage on a canal boat, and arrived in Albany on the 19th (Elder Hyde having gone forward to N. Y. from Rochester.)
Brother Fielding proceeded to New York, and on the 20th, Elder Kimball accompanied Elder Richards to his father's house in Richmond, Massachusetts, 30 miles east, where they spent one day, and having received some assistance from his friends, bade them farewell for the last time, (his father and mother having since died, also a sister whom he left in Kirtland) and on the 21st returned to Albany, and arrived in New York on the 22nd, where they found brothers O. Hyde and Fielding; also, elders John Goodson, Issac [Isaac] Russel[Russell], and John Snyder, priest, (who had come from Canada to join the mission) anxiously waiting their arrival, so that they might take passage on board the United States, which was to sail next day, but they arrived too late.
In New York elder Richards, received some further means quite providentially, and on the 23d the brethren engaged passage to Liverpool on board the Garrick, which was to sail on the 1st of July.
In the mean time the brethren received every possible assistance from Elder Elijah Fordham, for at that time he was the only member of the church residing in the city, and having no house of his own, he procured his father's store house for the use of the brethren, where they lodged on the floor, amid straw and blankets one week, eating their cold morsel, and conversing with the people as they had opportunity; for no place could be procured to preach in,-and there was no one to receive them into their houses.
Sunday the 25th, the brethren held a council at their lodgings, (Mr. Fordham's store) and organized ready for taking their departure.
29th, the brethren sealed, superscribed and forwarded 180 of elder O. Hyde's "Timely Warnings," to the ministers of the different denominations in the city, and went on board the Garrick, which hauled out into the river and cast anchor. July 1st, the ship weighed anchor and was towed to the Hook by a steamer, where she spread sail, and in four and a half hours was out of sight of land.
With the exception of a strong wind on the 12th, there was generally a gentle breeze from the north west during the voyage. On the 16th, elder Hyde preached on the aft quarter deck, and on the 18th Cape Clear was visible, (18 days out of sight of land) and on the morning of the 20th the brethren landed in Liverpool, 20 days from New York.
Here elders Kimball, Hyde, and Richards found themselves on a foreign shore, surrounded by strangers, without the first farthing in their possession; but the brethren unitedly took lodgings in a private house in Union street, till after the inspection of the ship: and on Saturday the 22d, took coach for Preston.
When they had alighted from the coach, and were standing by their trunks in front of the hotel, in Preston, a large flag was unfurled over their heads, on which was printed in golden letters,-"Truth will prevail," at the sight of which their hearts rejoiced, and they cried aloud, "Amen, thanks be unto God, TRUTH WILL PREVAIL."
Brother Joseph Fielding lodged with his brother, Rev. James Fielding, then a preacher in Vauxhall chapel, and the remainder of the brethren took lodgings in St. Wilfred Street, Fox street.
The same evening the elders visited the Rev. Mr. Fielding, by his request, at his lodgings. He had previously been apprized [apprised] of the coming forth of this work in America, through the medium of letters from his relatives and others, and had requested his church to pray that God would send them his servants, and exhorted his people to receive their message when they should come.
Sunday 23d, as they had no place in which to preach, the seven brethren went to Vauxhall chapel, to hear the Rev. Mr. Fielding, and at the close of the morning service, Mr. Fielding gave notice that an elder of the Latter Day Saints would preach in the afternoon, in his pulpit.-This was voluntary with Mr. Fielding, as no one had requested the privilege-and in the afternoon according to the notice, elder Kimball gave a brief history of the rise of the church, and the first principles of the gospel, and elder Hyde bore testimony; after which, the Rev. Mr. Fielding requested the brethren to give out an appointment for the evening, when elder Goodson preached, and brother Joseph Fielding bore testimony. At the close, Mr. F. again gave leave for preaching at the same place on Wednesday evening, when elder Hyde preached and elder Richards bore testimony, and from that time the Rev. Mr. Fielding closed his doors against the elders, and began to oppose the work, and stated that the elders promised to say nothing about baptism in their preaching, before he consented to let them preach in his pulpit; whereas the subject of the elders preaching in his chapel had not been named between the parties, before Mr. F. gave out the public appointment before referred to; much less (if possible) that they would "say nothing about baptism."
Nine of Mr. Fielding's members offered themselves for baptism; and Mr. Fielding presented himself before the elders and forbid their baptizing them, but he received for answer, that they were "of age, and could act for themselves," and on Sunday the 30th, they were baptized under the hands of elder Kimball; brother Geo. D. Watt being the first who offered himself for baptism in England, and is now an elder labouring [laboring] in Edinburgh, Scotland. Elder Russell preached in the market place in the afternoon, and from that day the doors of private houses were open on almost every hand for the elders.
July 31st, a council of the elders decided that elders Goodson and Richards should go on a mission to Bedford, and elder Russell and priest Snyder on a mission to Alston, Cumberland; and after a night of prayer, praise, and thanksgiving, the brethren took their departure on the morning of the first of August for their several stations.
The Rev. Mr. Fielding continued to oppose the doctrine of baptism for a season, but finding that he was like to loose [lose] all his 'best members,' he offered to baptise [baptize] them himself, but they being aware that he had no authority, declined his friendly offers; whereupon he engaged the Rev. Mr. Giles, a Baptist minister in Preston, of as little authority as himself, to do the baptizing for his flock-but this iniquitous scheme succeeded but little better than the other, only one coming forward to his baptism, so far as we have heard. Mr. Fielding's people also stated that he acted the part of a hypocrite and deceived them, when he read the letters to them in public, which he received from America, by keeping back that part which treated on baptism, which, since the foregoing failure he was opposed.
Elders Kimball and Hyde, and priest Fielding continued to preach daily in different parts of Preston, and on Wednesday and Thursday evenings, (Aug. 2d) the meetings were attended by Miss Jennetta Richards, who was visiting her friends in Preston, and on Friday she requested baptism, which was attended to by elder Kimball, after which she was confirmed at the water side, by elders Kimball and Hyde, it being the first confirmation in a foreign land in these last days.
The day following sister Richards returned home to her friends, and informed her father, the Rev. J. Richards, an Independent
minister at Walkerfold, Chaidgley, whom she had found at Preston, and what she had done, and requested him to send for elder Kimball to preach in his chapel; Mr. Richards complied with his daughter's request. Elder Kimball arrived at Walkerfold, Saturday eve, August 12th, and the day following preached three times in Mr. Richard's pulpit to crowded assemblies; also twice during the week, and twice the Sunday following, being most kindly and cordially entertained by Mr. and Mrs. Richards for nine days, during which time elder Kimball baptised [baptized] several in the neighborhood.
After a short visit to Preston, where elder Hyde continued to preach and baptise [baptize], elder Kimball returned to Walkerfold and continued to receive the hospitality of Mr. Richards' house for some days, while the work spread in the neighborhood, and from thence the work went forth to Clitherow, Waddington, Downham, Chatburn, Thornly, and Ribchester, through the labors of brothers Kimball and Fielding.
Elders Goodson and Richards arrived in Bedford on the 2d of August, and having letters of introduction to the Rev. Timothy R. Matthews, from brother Joseph Fielding, (Mrs. Matthew's brother,) they immediately waited on Mr. Matthews, who expressed great joy at their arrival, and manifested his sincerity by walking arm in arm with the elders through the streets of Bedford, calling on the members of his church, and inviting them to attend the lecture of the elders, at his chapel vestry that evening. Mr. Matthews had previously been apprised of the Saints in America, through the medium of the Rev. James Fielding, of Preston, and the letters from America before referred to. In the evening, his church assembled in the vestry, and elders Goodson and Richards continued to lecture and testify of the work of God, on that and the three following evenings in the same place, with the entire approbation of Mr. Matthews, who at the close of the lectures publicly bore testimony to the truths advanced, and called upon his people to know why they did not come forward for baptism; while they in return wished to know why he did not set them the example.
After this, Mr. Matthews engaged another house in the neighborhood for the elders to preach in, under the pretence [pretense] that some of the proprietors of the chapel might not be pleased with the elders occupying the vestry, and Mr. Matthews continued to attend the preaching of the elders, and also spent a great share of his time, from day to day, in conversation with them.
Mr. Matthews told the elders that he had received two ordinations, one from Bishop West, whom he had proved to be an impostor; and another from the church of England, which he acknowledged to be descended from the church of Rome, and he further acknowledged that he had no authority from God for administering in the ordinances of God's house.
On the 10th, Mrs. Braddock and four others were baptised [baptized] by elder Goodson. Soon after this, Mr. Joseph Saville, member of Mr. Matthews' church, being very desirous of receiving baptism at the same time with Mr. Matthews, waited on him at his house in company with elders G. and R., and Mr. Matthews and Mr. Saville mutually agreed to meet the elders on the bank of the river Ouse, at a specified hour in the afternoon, and attend to the ordinance of baptism.
At the hour appointed, Mr. Saville met the elders at the place previously designated by Mr. Matthews; but as he did not make his appearance according to promise, after waiting for him an hour, Mr. Saville was baptised [baptized], when the elders repaired to Mr. Matthews' to learn the cause of his not fulfilling his engagement, and were informed by Mr. Matthews family that he had gone out in the country to preach.
In a day or two it was currently rumored that Mr. Matthews had baptised [baptized] himself, and this rumor was afterwards confirmed by Mrs. Matthews, who stated to elder Kimball, at Preston, that Mr. Matthews had baptised [baptized] himself, reasoning upon this principle within himself, "If I have authority to administer the sacrament to my people, why not have anthority [authority] to baptise [baptize] myself," &c., and all this after Mr. Matthews had acknowledged to elders Goodson and Richards that he had no authority to administer in the ordinances of God's house; and altogether regardless of the words of the Apostle, (Heb. v. 4) "No man taketh this honor unto himself but he that is called of God as was Aaron."
By the foregoing it is plainly to be seen that Mr. Matthews has attempted to take that upon himself which was never conferred
upon him by the spirit of revelation, either by God, his angels, or his servants: viz. the holy Priesthood; and from that period Mr. Matthews began to preach baptism, and baptised [baptized] those who felt it their duty to be baptised [baptized], and then invited them to the penitent form to get remission of their sins; but finding that would not answer all the design which he intended, he afterwards began to baptise [baptize] for the remission of sins.
Mr. Matthews appears to have well understood that counterfeit coin is more current the nearer it approximates to the true, and governed himself accordingly, for he continued to preach faith, repentance, baptism, for the remission of sins, the second coming of Christ, &c. &c., adding one thing to another, in imitation of truth, as fast as it answered his purpose, from those doctrines which he had heard from the Latter Day Saints; but it was some time before he arrived at that heaven daring conscience seared hardihood, to lay hands on those whom he had baptised [baptized] for the reception of the Holy Ghost, and at the same time he acknowledged that he had not got the Holy Ghost himself, by praying that he might receive it,-(Query-How can a man communicate that which he is not in possession of?) and he now calls his church, the church of Latter Day Saints. Thus has Mr. Matthews been running about from Bedford to Liverpool; from Liverpool to Northampton; from Northampton to Bedford, and other places; crying aloud in public and private, that the Latter Day Saints and their Doctrines came from hell. At the same time has been preaching the same doctrines, calls his church by the same name, is administering in the same ordinances, just as though he fully believed that the doctrines and sacraments of hell would be sanctified and made holy and heavenly, when administered by the tongue and hands of an impostor.
About the time that Mr. Matthews rejected the truth in Bedford, his son (as Mr. Matthews called him,) the Rev. Robert Aitken, commenced his attack on the principles of righteousness in Preston, and while furiously pounding his pulpit with the Book of Mormon, and warning his people to beware of the Latter Day Saints and their doctrines, saying that they and their record came from hell; called upon his people to use all their efforts to put down the work of God, or stop the progress of the Latter Day Saints; and if it could not be put down without, prayed that God would smite the leaders; and from that time to the present his prayer has been answering on his own head.
After Mr. Aitken had preached against the corruptions of the church of England for years, and established many flourishing chapels in Liverpool, Preston, Manchester, Burslem, London, &c. &c.; after he had been visited by the elders of the church of Latter Day Saints, and acknowledged to them at one time that baptism was right, but he could find no man who had an authority to baptise [baptize]; and at another time that he was afraid of them, and rejected their testimony, and last of all would not receive the elders into his house; after all this, and deserted by a part of his flock, he has fled from the remainder because he was an hireling, and cared not for the sheep: yes, he has deserted his "Christian Society"-ceased to be an Aitkenite, and dissolved his co-partnership with father Matthews, as may well be supposed, returned, and taken "holy order" in mother church, against the corruptions of which he has testified so diligently from year to year, and is now about to enter on his parochial duties in St. John the Evangelist's church, Hope St. Liverpool, for no other reason that the writer knows of, only that he could find no one who had authority to baptise [baptize] for the remission of sins; and not possessing the faith of his father Matthews, to believe that the doctrines of the pit would become holy and gospel doctrines, when taught by the tongue of wickedness and imposture; he has concluded thus publicly to acknowledge himself a servant of those very errors he has so long contended against for the sake of filthy lucre.
About the 12th of September, Elder Goodson and Priest Snyder returned to Preston, and soon after sailed for America.
Some years previous, the principles of the temperance society, (originally established in America) were introduced into England, and Preston was the first town to receive them. Among the many interesting and valuable items held forth by the temperance people, it was often remarked by them that temperance was the forerunner of the gospel, which prophecy
proved true, for when the fulness [fullness] of the gospel came from America to England, it was first preached in Preston, and through the influence of the Temperance Society, the Latter Day Saints procured the use of the Temperance Hall, in Preston, (a commodious building, originally erected for cock fighting,) for their chapel, and commenced meeting therein on the 3d of September, 1837, and continued until they were ejected through the influence of others, the Temperance Society not having it entirely at their control.-Similar favors have been received from several other Temperance Societies in England, for which, the Lord reward them.
Elder Richards continued to labor against much opposition in Bedford and the region round about, until the 7th of March, 1838, when he returned to Preston, leaving about 40 members in charge of elder James Lavender.
Elder Russell continued to labor at Alston, Brampton, & c., and returned to Preston near the same time, leaving about 60 members in the care of elder Jacob Peart.
At Christmas, 1837, priest Fielding was ordained elder, and several were ordained teachers, &c., at Preston; and in March, 1838, the church had extended from Preston to Penwortham, Longton, Southport. Eccleston, Whittle, Huntershill, Chorley, and the intermediate region through the labors of elders Hyde, Kimball, and Fielding, and the members amounted to several hundred in the region of Preston and Clithero.
During this month, elders Kimball and Hyde were diligently engaged organizing the different branches; and on the lst of April, a general conference was called at Preston, when the organization of the churches was completed, and many were ordained; among whom were elders Joseph Fielding, Willard Richards, and William Clayton, to the High Priesthood, and set apart by elders Kimball and Hyde to preside over all the churches in England.
On the 9th, elders Kimball, Hyde, and Russell, took leave of the Saints in Preston, and went to Liverpool, where they were visited by elders Fielding, Richards, Clayton, and others, and on the 20th of April sailed for New York, on board the Garrick, the same ship they came out on to England.
When elders Fielding and Richards had returned to Longton, they found a pamphlet purporting to be by the Rev. Richard Livesey, a Methodist minister, who had spent some time on a mission to the United States, as he says, and having nothing more important to attend to during his mission, it appears that he spent his time in gathering up a heap of lies and filth from the American papers, and imported them to England on his return; and finding that the work of God had commenced in his native land, and was likely to destroy his craft, set himself at work to condemn his heterogeneous mass of transatlantic lies, and form the wonderful production of the Rev. Richard Livesey's tract against the Latter Day Saints, it being the first thing of the kind that the enemy of all righteousness had found means to export from America, and circulate in England, but since which he has found servants in abundance, to assist in this nefarious merchandize [merchandise] of his heart's delight.
The church at this time, was in its infancy, and needed much instruction, which necessarily occupied the attention of the presiding elders to a great extent, and as there were few laborers in the field, the spread of the work was not very rapid for some time.
Sister Alice Hodgin died at Preston on the 2d of September, 1838, and it was such a wonderful thing for a Latter Day Saint to die in England, that elder Richards was arraigned before the Mayor's court at Preston, on the 3d of October, charged with "killing and slaying" the said Alice, with a "black stick," &c., but was discharged without being permitted to make his defence [defense], as soon as it was discovered that the iniquity of his accusers was about to be made manifest.
October 19, 1838, elder Clayton gave himself wholly to the work, and soon after commenced preaching and baptizing in Manchester; and from thence the work spread into Stockport, and other places in the neighborhood, through the labors of elders Clayton, Fielding, John Moon, and Wilding. A small church had previously sprung up in Bolton, through the labors of elder Wilding, and was continued by elder A. Fielding. In the summer of 1839 elders Clayton, Richards, and J. Moon labored in Burslem with some success, and a small church was planted in Burnley by elder
Thomas Richardson, besides many who were added in the older branches, through the instrumentality of the local elders and priests, who were generally very faithful.
December 8th, 1839, elders Hiram Clark, Alexander Wright, and Samuel Mulliner arrived in Preston from America; and on the 25th, brothers Wright and Mulliner started for Scotland, and soon commenced preaching and baptizing in Paisley and vicinity.
January 13th, 1840, elders Wilford Woodruff, John Taylor, and Theodore Turley arrived in Preston, from America; and on the 18th, brothers Woodruff and Turley started for the Potteries in Staffordshire, passing through Manchester; and on the 22d, elder Taylor left for Liverpool.
April 6th 1840, just 10 years from the organization of the church, elders Brigham Young, Heber C. Kimball, Parley P. Pratt, Orson Pratt, Geo. A. Smith, and Reuben Hedlock, landed in Liverpool from New York; and on the 9th elder Kimball arrived in Preston, just two years from the day he left for America.
The arrival of the elders caused the Saints to rejoice exceedingly,-for it had been prophecied [prophesied] by many, (not of the church,) that they would never come, and that elders Kimball and Hyde would never return, but they are both now in England; elders O. Hyde and G. J. Adams having arrived in Liverpool on the 3d inst. from New York.
Preston, March 24th 1841.
About the same time came an old gentleman to visit us, of whose name I wish to make honorable mention; Mr. Joseph Knight, Sen. of Colesville, Broom county, N. Y. who, having heard of the manner in which we were occupying our time, very kindly and considerately brought us a quantity of provisions, in order that we might not be interrupted in the work of translation, by the want of such necessaries of life; and I would just mention here (as in duty bound) that he several times brought us supplies (a distance of at least thirty miles) which enabled us to continue the work which otherwise we must have relinquished for a season.
Being very anxious to know his duty as to this work I enquired [inquired] of the Lord for him and obtained as follows:
Revelation given to Joseph Knight Sen. at Harmony Susquehannah co. Penn. May, 1829.
A great and marvelous work is about to come forth among the children of men: behold I am God, and give heed to my word, which is quick and powerful, sharper than a two-edged sword, to the dividing asunder of both joints and marrow: therefore, give heed unto my word.
Behold the field is white already to harvest, therefore whoso desireth to reap, let him thrust in his sickle with his might, and reap while the day lasts, that he may treasure up for his soul everlasting salvation in the kingdom of God: yea, whosoever will thrust in his sickle and reap, the same is called of God: therefore if you will ask of me you shall receive; if you will knock it shall be opened unto you.
Now as you have asked, behold I say unto you, keep my commandments, and and seek to bring forth and establish the cause of Zion.
Behold I speak unto you, and also to all those who have desires to bring forth and establish this work, and no one can assist in this work, except he shall be humble and full of love, having faith, hope and charity, being temperate in all things, whatsoever shall be intrusted to his care.
Behold I am the light and the life of the world, that speaketh these words: therefore, give heed with your might, and then you are called. Amen.
Shortly after commencing to translate, I became acquainted with Mr. Peter Whitmer of Fayette, Seneca co. New York, and also with some of his family. In the beginning of the month of June, his son David Whitmer came to the place where we were residing, and brought with him a two horse waggon[ wagon], for the purpose of having us accompany him to his father's place and there remain until we should finish the work. He proposed that we should have our board free of charge, and the assistence [assistance] of one of his brothers to write for me, as also his own assistence [assistance] when convenient.
Having much need of such timely aid
in an undertaking so arduous, and being informed that the people of the neighborhood were anxiously awaiting the opportunity to enquire [inquire] into these things, we accepted the invitation, and accompanied Mr. Whitmer to his father's house, and there resided until the translation was finished, and the copy-right secured.-Upon our arrival, we found Mr. Whitmer's family very anxious concerning the work, and very friendly towards ourselves. They continued so, boarded and lodged us according to proposal, and John Whitmer, in particular, assisted us very much in writing during the remainder of the work.
In the meantime, David, John, and Peter Whitmer Jr. became our zealous friends and asssstants [assistants] in the work; and being anxious to know their respective duties, and having desired with much earnestness that I should enquire [inquire] of the Lord concerning them, I did so, through the means of the Urim and Thummin, and obtained for them in succession the following revelations:
Revelation given to David Whitmer, at Fayette Seneca co New York, June, 1829.
A great and marvelous work is about to come forth unto the children of men: behold I am God, and give heed to my word, which is quick and powerful, sharper than a two-edged sword, to the dividing asunder of both joints and marrow: therefore, give heed unto my word.
Behold the field is white already to harvest, therefore, whoso desireth to reap, let him thrust in his sickle with his might, and reap while the day lasts, that he may treasure up for his soul everlasting salvation in the kingdom of God: yea, whosoever will thrust in his sickle and reap, the same is called of God: therefore, if you will ask of me you shall receive; if you will knock it shall be opened unto you.
Seek to bring forth and establish my Zion. Keep my commandments in all things, and if you keep my commandments and endure to the end, you shall have eternal life; which gift is the greatest of all the gifts of God.
And it shall come to pass, that if you shall ask the Father in my name, believing, you shall receive the Holy Ghost, which giveth utterance, that you may stand as a witness of the things of which you shall both hear and see; and also, that you may declare repentance unto this generation.
Behold I am Jesus Christ, the Son of the living God, who created the heavens and the earth; a light which cannot be hid in darkness; wherefore, I must bring forth the fullness of my gospel from the Gentiles unto the house of Israel. And behold thou art David, and thou art called to assist; which thing if ye do, and are faithful, ye shall be blissed [blessed] both spiritually and temporally, and great shall-be your reward. Amen.
Revelation given to John Whitmer, jr. June, 1829.
Hearken my servant John, and listen to the words of Jesus Christ, your Lord and your Redeemer, for behold I speak unto you with sharpness and with power, for mine arm is over all the earth, and I will tell you that which no man knoweth save me and thee alone: for many times you have desired of me to know that which would be of the most worth unto you.
Behold, blessed are you for this thing, and for speaking my words which I have given you, according to my commandments.
And now behold I say unto you, that the thing which will be of the most worth unto you, will be to declare repentance unto this people, that you may bring souls unto me, that you may rest with them in the kingdom of my Father.-Amen.
Revelation given to Peter Whitmer, June, 1829.
Hearken my servant Peter, and listen to the words of Jesus Christ, your Lord and your Redeemer, for behold I speak unto you with sharpness and with power, for mine arm is over all the earth, and I will tell you that which no man knoweth save me and thee alone: for many times you have desired of me to know that which would be of the most worth unto you.
Behold, blessed are you for this thing and for speaking my words which I have given you according to my commandments.
And now behold I say unto you, that the thing which will be of the most worth unto you, will be to declare repentance unto this people, that you may bring souls unto me, that you may rest with them in the kingdom of my Father.-Amen.
[From the Bostonian]
Dr. West's chief effort the first part of the evening was to impeach the character of Smith and the Mormon witnesses, for this purpose he read from an old pamphlet what appeared to be a certificate from some twenty or thirty citizens of the state of New York, representing Harris and the Smith family as being money diggers, superstitious and visonary [visionary], and that they had no confidence in their pretended discoveries. He also read a long letter which he said was from a Mr. Tucker the printer of the first edition of the Book of Mormon. The letter stated that neither he nor the hands in the office, believed a word of the book, that they tried Smith by pretending to lose one of the sheets and got Smith to translate it over gain, and that afterwards they compared the two together, and they did not agree. The letter also gave an account of several failures by the Mormon Elders, in their attempts to work miracles, &c. the principal of which was as follows: One of their accomplices went before, and called upon a farmer-was sick, and pretended to die. Soon after two Mormon Elders came along, and proposed trying their skill in raising him. The farmer called in the neighbors to witness it, but he asked them if they could raise a man that was beheaded; they answered, yes; then said the farmer, seizing his axe [ax], I will cut off his head, that the miracle may be more apparent and the proof more convincing. But the dead man declining the operation sprang upon his feet without their aid. This was the amount of the testimony by which the Mormon witnesses were impeached. In reply Mr. Adams said, the certificate from the citizens of New York was not half as bad as the Priests and Pharisees entertained of Christ and his apostles; that Christ told them that they should be hated of all nations, and Paul says: "we are counted as the filth and offscouring of all things." Harris, Smith, and others were not accused of murder, treason, robbery, theft, and other crimes, but of being 'visionary and money diggers.' The servants of God were always visionary; Stephen was stoned for seeing a vision; forty men bound themselves with an oath not to eat or drink till they had killed Paul, because he said he had seen a vision and heard a voice. If Mr. Smith dug for money he considered it was a more honorable way of getting it than taking it from the widow and orphan; but few lazy, hireling priests of this age, would dig either for money or potatoes. This of course made Father Taylor take his toes again. Tucker's letter he pronounced wholly a farce; it bore marks of forgery or falsehood in every sentence; first E. B. Grandin was the printer of the 1st edition of the book, as the title page showed for itself, and if Tucker or any one else had pretended to lose and yet retained a portion of it, let it be produced; why is it kept secret, this twelve years and no one know any thing about it until now? As to the story of the dead man it proved too much. He was either dead, or the farmer and his neighbors were all fools. Who was the farmer? Who were the neighbors? What was the dead man's name, and that of the preachers? Where and when was it done? On all these subjects we are left to our own conjectures. Adams further said, if such men as Tucker or the farmer existed, tell us where and who they are; I will, furnish the money to bring them here, and we will have this matter settled; and I will pay Dr. West's expenses till it can be done.
[Note.-For want of room, we are unable to insert the whole of the discussion; we would only say that it resulted in the complete triumph of truth over error and darkness.]
MONDAY, AUG. 15, 1842.
"If ye will live godly in Christ Jesus, ye shall suffer persecution," was the solemn proclamation made by one of the ancient servants of God;-a prophecy that has received its fulfilment [fulfillment] in all ages, that has been known and understood by all saints, and that has been engraven upon the memories of all the faithful: for while blood, and fire, and sword, and torture, have been brought into requisition against the saints; whilst chains, and fetters, and death have been employed, and their sighings and mournings have been wafted on the wings of the wind; their solitary hours and midnight cries; their distress and calamity have been disregarded. This eternal truth has re-echoed in their ears; it has touched their inmost soul; it has been written on the tablet of their hearts-"if ye will live godly in Christ Jesus ye shall suffer persecution."
Ever since the formation of the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, calumny, reproach and persecution has flown plentifully
into their lap-detraction, slander, falsehood, and misrepresentation has been gratuitously heaped upon them; they have been assailed by vexatious law suits, organized mobs, and illegally treated by militia; they have been imprisoned, whipped, tarred and feathered, and driven from their homes; they have had their property confiscated, and have suffered banishment, exile, and death for their religion. Missouri has been one of the principal actors in the scene; she has made many a wife a widow, and many a child an orphan. The tears of the oppressed have plentifully watered her soil; the cries of her robbed and spoiled have rung through her valleys, and been re-echoed from hill to hill; many a weary pilgrim borne down with oppression and weary of life has laid himself down to sleep in the arms of death, while the blood of the innocent has drenched her soil. And never till the trump of God shall sound, the sleeping dead shall arise, the books be opened and the secret history of peoples and nations be unfolded, will the amount of their sufferings be fully known. That day will unfold scenes of wickedness, misery, and oppression, and deeds of inhumanity and blood, that the most eloquent cannot depict; the pencil of the limner portray, and, that is beyond the power of language to unfold-scenes of misery, of woe, and human suffering. Dipped in the malice of the most fiendish hate, the cup of misery has been rung out, and they have drunk it to the very dregs. Missouri, frantic with rage, and not yet filled with blood, wishes now to follow her bleeding victims to their exile, and satiate herself with blood. And not satisfied with staining her own escutcheon, she wishes to decoy the noble, generous, and patriotic sons of Illinois-to deceive them with appearances-to draw them into her snare, that she may be sharer in her crimes, and participate in her guilt, and stamp with eternal infamy her character. We have already to blush for the gullibility of many of her editors who feel desirous to fan the deadly flame, and stain their hands with her foul deeds. We would advise such to halt, to pause for a moment-to reflect upon what they are doing. Have you not witnessed their wanton persecution? their cruel oppression? their deadly hate? Have you not loudly exclaimed against such proceeding? Stood forth in defence [defense] of republicanism-and as true patriots defended the rights of man? And can you now advocate a cause that would attempt to, or even moot the question of making an innocent, virous [virtuous] people "tremble at the sight of GATHERING HOSTS!"
Who is it that has made his affidavit that Joseph Smith has been accessary [accessory] to shooting him? Gov. Boggs of Mo. a man who thras [three] years ago issued an order to exterminate fifteen thousand men women and children in republican America; a man who sanctioned mobocracy, and raised militia for that effect; a man who has been the cause of the death of scores of innocent people, and has actually been a wholesale murderer. This is the man who prefers the charge; a man who has long ago violated his constitutional oath; we would deprecate at all times the commission of so diabolical a crime as that of murder, if committed upon our greatest enemies; and would content ourselves with letting the Lord take vengeance into his own hands; yet we would seriously ask if his statement concerning Joseph Smith is probable, or even possible, under the circumstances mentioned by him? Could Gov. Boggs swear that Joseph Smith was accessary [accessory] before the fact, when he has not seen him for three years? and when Joseph Smith has not been in the state of Mo. for that tiime [time]? whatever his belief might be about his being engaged in the plot he could not swear to it. Concerning Rockwell he was in Missouri, and it is reported that he is gone there to prove himself clear, but we should think that Missouri is the last place to go to for justice; we dont [don't] think that she is capable of administering it to the Mormons; she must however first atone for her bloody deeds, and refund to them what she has robbed them of, before their confidence can be restored in her justice, or righteousness; but we would ask is there no one to murder men but Mormons? are not assassins stalking through her streets daily? let the history of the frequent murders committed in St. Louis and other places in Missouri answer. But again who does not know that Boggs has been in frequent difficulties with other people; that he has been on the point of dueling with senators and that his life has been frequently threatened, and that not by Mormons; this we are prepared to prove. Without saying more upon this subject we will proceed to give a history of the arrest.
On Monday the 8th inst. Gen. Smith was arrested upon a warrant under the signature of Gov. Carlin, in accordance as stated with a call from Gov. Reynolds of Missouri, upon the affidavit of Ex. Gov. Boggs. Mr. Rockwell was arrested at the same time as principal. There was no evasion of this call for the persons of Messrs. Smith and Rockwell. The Municipal court, however, issued a writ of habeas coupus [corpus], according to the constitution and city charter; this writ demanded the bodies
of Smith and Rockwell to be brought before the said court but the officers in charge of these men refused to obey its call; though after some deliberation, they left them in charge of the city Marshall, without the original writ by which they were arrested, and by which only they could be retained, and returned back to Gov. Carlin for further instruction; thus Messrs. Smith and Rockwell were free from the arrest, as the Marshall had no authority to hold them in custody; some two or three days after the aforesaid officers returned, for the purpose of executing the Governor's order, without paying attention to the writ of habeas corpus issued by the municipal court; but Messrs. Smith and Rockwell were absent.
In a free government every person's rights and priveleges [privileges] are the same; no extraordinary process can issue legally, nor no extra-judicial act be required; justice, like her representative goddess, is blind to appearances, and favors no one. In this point of view, then, let us legally examine the case in question:-Mr. Boggs makes an affidavit in Missouri, and charges one O. P. Rockwell with "shooting Lilburn W. Boggs with intent to kill" on the night of the sixth of May, 1842, and that the said Rockwell had fled from justice to the State of Illinois. Shooting with intent to kill, and Mr. Boggs alive two or three months after to swear to it, may be set down as insufficient grounds for a writ from the Gov. of one state, to demand a person as a fugative [fugitive] from justice in another state; for, aught [ought] that appears to the contrary, he might have shot in his own defence [defense] and be justifiable; as the charge is not grounded on the wilful [willful], malicious, or felonious intent, without the fear of God before his eyes, to murder; the affidavit, is therefore, not sufficient for the apprehension, detention and transportation of the said Rockwell to the courts of Missouri. Here we deny that the O. P. Rockwell arrested is the one intended in the writ, this Rockwell being not guilty.
If Mr. Boggs knew, of himself, the fact that Mr. Rockwell shot at him with intent to kill, why did he delay the prosecution some two or three months? If he obtained his knowledge from a second or third person, why not avail himself of their affidavits in the body of the writ?
Again, Mr. Boggs charges one Mr. Joseph Smith with being "accessary [accessory] before the fact to an assault with intent to kill," on the night of the sixth of May, 1842. This must allude to some other Joseph Smith, as the Joseph Smith of this city, was in Nauvoo, on the aforesaid sixth of May 1842, and on the next day he was at his post as Lt. Gen. of the Nauvoo Legion. Nor can it be proved that he has been in the state of Missouri for the last three years.
But for the sake of argument admit the language of the writ, and Joseph Smith as an accessary [accessory] before the fact, with intent to kill, must have aided or abetted by words, or by means, while in the state of Illinois, and can not come under the purview of the fugitive act, having not fled from justice from another state;-and, according to the express language of the constitution; "he could not be liable to be transported out of the state for an offence [offense] committed within the same." An accessary [accessory] before the fact in manslaughter is an anomaly-and now if the Joseph Smith of Nauvoo, has committed a crime of the nature charged in the writ, which we deny in toto, he should be held amenable to the laws of Illinois and in the ordinary course of procedure by inditement [indictment] , in accordance with the right of the constitution, which says that he should have "a speedy public trial by an impartial jury of the vicinage."
Judging now from all the facts of the case, taking the two affidavits together, we must say that the whole forms but a poor excuse for executive interference, and when properly weighed by good judges of law in criminal jurisprudence, will be found wanting in all the important counts which constitute a fair case.
As to the writ of habeas corpus, issued by the municipal court of the city of Nauvoo, it was not acted upon, though we believe that so long as it was not incompatible with the spirit and meaning of the constitution of the State, and of the constitution of the United States, its power was sovereign, as to the rights and privileges of citizens, granted to them by the city charter, having these express privileges, in words as follows: "to make ordain, establish and execute all such ordinances, not repugnant to the constitution of the United States and of this State, as they may deem necessary for the peace, benefit, good order, regulation, convenience and cleanliness of the city"-and "the municipal court shall have power to grant writs of habeas corpus in all cases arising under the ordinances of the City Council."
Now, it is well known that if this court exceeded the bounds of the chartered power, or transcended the limits of the constitution of the State, or United States, it could be made to respond in a writ of quo warranto; and, as a writ of habeas corpus can only test the validity, not the virtue of a process, (as testimony to prove the guilt or innocence of a person-under an investigation
by habeas corpus, is inadmissible) we believe, that judges, lawyers, and jurors, will not be very apprehensive that the law of the land, or the rights of the people, will suffer violence on this account.
Under the existing animosity of the inhabitant of the State of Missouri, manifested towards the church of Latter Day Saints, prudence would dictate great caution, and forbearance in the proceedings of public functionaries, relative to claims for persons or property in favor of either party, holding sacred and old maxim: "That it would be better to let ninety and nine guilty persons go unpunished, than to punish one innocent person unjustly."
Concerning the whole matter, we believe that the parties are entirely innocent of the charges alledged [alleged] against them; and that the whole of it is a wicked and malicious persecution. But it may here be asked by some if they are innocent, why did they not apply to the master in chancery for a writ of habeas corpus, present themselves before the Judge of the district court, and prove themselves clear?
First, we would answer, that the writ of our municipal court was treated with contempt by the officers, and it would have been dishonoring our municipal authorities to have acknowledged the insufficiency of their writ, and to have let our city charter be wantonly trodden under foot; and that could not have been enforced without coercion, and perhaps employing military force, which under the present excited state of society might have been construed to treason.
In the second place, if they appealed to the district court it might have availed them nothing, even if the Judge felt disposed to do justice (which we certainly believe he would have done) as their dismission would rest upon some technicalities of law, rather than upon the merits of the case; as testimony to prove the guilt, or innocence of the perrons [persons] charged, could not be admitted on the investigation on a writ of habeas corpus, the question, not being, whether the persons are guilty or not guilty; but merely to test the validity of the writ; which if proved to be issued in due form of law, however innocent the parties might be, would subject them to be transported to Missouri-to be murdered.
Upon the whele [whole?] we think that they have taken the wisest course; we have no reflections to make upon their conduct, and shall maintain unshaken our opinions unless we have more light on the subject than we now possess.
The truth of our text can be proved in many ways, by experience. The man of intelligence certainly possesses a power which the unlearned lacks. In the different ages of the world men have arisen and flourished, and maintained their rights in proportion to the knowledge they possessed of the country they inhabited; in proportion to the knowledge they acquired in arts and sciences; and in proportion to the knowledge they displayed in agriculture, and virtue: hence the duration, the stability, and above all, the exaltation and happiness of any community, goes hand in hand with the knowledge possessed by the people, when applied to laudable ends; whereupon we can exclaim like the wise man; righteousness exalteth a nation; for righteousness embraces knowledge and knowledge is power.
From this view of the subject it will readily be perceived, that two kinds of knowledge have, from the beginning, actuated mankind; for all men have not been righteous, though they may have flourished in nations, kingdoms and countries, collectively and individually.
To go on, then, with our subjuct [subject] in its true course, will be to speak of that knowledge that cometh from above-which surpasses understanding; even revelation, which unfolds the mysteries of eternity. In this course, however, we are aware that the world will not acquiesce; for, notwithstanding, literally speaking, that all knowledge comes from God, yet when it has been revealed, all men have not believed it as revelation at the time. Hence, when Abel's offering was accepted of the Lord, that knowledge must have been communicated by revelation, and that revelation though it gave Abel power with God: still Cain was offended, disbelieved and committed murder. Cain knew the Lord, and believed in his father Adam's scripture, or revelation, but one revelation was enough: he could not bear new ones, and fell.
Noah was a perfect man, and his knowledge or revelation of what was to take place upon the earth, gave him power to prepare and save himself and family from the destruction of the flood. This knowledge, or revelation, like the preceeding [preceding] one to Abel, was not believed by the inhabitants of the earth. They knew Adam was the first man, made in the image of God; that he was a good man: that Enoch walked with God three hundred and sixty-five years, and was translated to heaven without tasting death: but they could not endnre [endure] the new revelation: the old we believe becauss [because]
our fathers did, but away with new revelations-and the flood swept them away.
Next comes Abraham with knowledge, or revelation, and what is the result? Why he becomes a pilgrim in a strange land; no body believed in his religion because he had new revelations:-Adam's, Enoch's, and Noah's uo [no] body doubted; that Adam was the first man the Lord made, none disputed; Enoch's pillar was a living monument of his faith and works; and the living Noah himself, with his ark resting upon the mountain, and the majesty of the rainbow, spanning the earth from time to time, were witnesses that the old revelations were true-but that Passover, Abraham, is an imposture, with new revelations! why he says God appeared to him in the plains of Mamre, and that he has seen angels, and eat and drink with them! O monstrous! drive him from his country and kindred-we can not abide his new revelations.
Passing several others, who were conspicuous in their day, let us take Moses, for he came on fresh from God himself, with new revelations, and new calculations, and tested the wickedness of unblievers [unbelievers] by destroying them with plagues and miracles: The inhabitants opposed him as did Cain Abel; the kings and magi Abraham, because they could not bear information direct from heaven. The old priests of Egypt, as well as those of the land of Canaan, were living witnesses of the power displayed, and well stored with facts of what had transpired,-yet the same fanaticism, hypocrisy, or stupefaction seized them that did the antedeluvians [antediluvians]-and the Egyptians, like lead, sunk in the Red Sea.
We might continue this subject with great effect among the children of Israel, for so soon as they began to be puffed up with self-sufficiency, they too, like the ancients, honored the old revelations in word, or profession, but they stoned the prophets which came with new ones; not because God had ever said that he had ceased to give line upon line; precept upon precept, here a little, and there a little; but because they chose darkness rather than light because their deeds were evil.
The same principle we have been tracing from age to age, was signally manifest among the Jews when the Savior came in the flesh. These, then religious bigots boasted of the old revelations, guarnished [garnished?] the sepulchres [sepulchers] of the dead, gave tithes of mint and annis [anise?]-made long prayers for a pretense, and crosesd [crossed] sea and land to make proselytes, but yet when the new revelation came fresh from the mouth of the great I AM himself, they could not endure ir [it]-it was too much-it showed the corruptions of that generation, as others before, and they cry, away with him; crucify him! What next? when the apostles began to go every where and preach, and some began to believe, then they could believe on Jesus, but away with your new revelation against us, and foretelling what will come to pass; hence Paul, after instructing Timothy on many important points relztive [relative] to his duty, says:-
"This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy. Whithout [Without] natural affection, truce breakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good. Traitors, heady, high-minded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God. Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away."
Once more, the same course and language, were used when the Book of Mormon came to this generation; the old revelation, the old patriarchs, pilgrims and apostles, were blessed; we believe in them, but the new ones we cannot abide. Why, say some, they pretend to have visions and see angels just like men in old times-they ought not to live.
"Oh blindness to the future kindly given;
That each may fill the circle marked by heaven!"
But the grand sequel of the whole matter is, that all the saints from Adam down to 1842, having a knowledge of things past, present, and to come, by the gift of the Holy Gbost [Ghost], even the other Comforter which the world can not receive, because it knoweth him not, have had power to shut the mouth of kings and lions, to walk in the fiery furnace unscortched [unscorched]; to live hated, and die for Christ's sake, whereby they have tasted of the good word of God, and the glories of the world to come; yea and come unto Mount Zion, and the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, and to an innunumerable [innumerable] company of angels, to the general assembly and church of the firstborn, which are written in heaven, and to God the Judge of all, and to the spirits of just men made perfect; and to Jesus the mediator of the new covenant, and to the blood of sprinkling that speaketh better things than Abel, and know that knowledge is power.-ED.
SIR:-It may not be uninteresting to many of your readers, to peruse a sketch of the Red-Men of the western wilderness. From a report
of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, to the Executive Departments of the Government of the United States, many important facts are gleaned, relating to the Indians, both as to numbers and habits, and progress, and expenses. It is generally known, that our government has been engaged for some years, in removing and locating the remnant of the tribes of Indians, left among our citizens in the states and teritories [territories], to, and upon a more congenial, and better adapted space for hunting, and husbandry, where, by degrees, these noble "relics of a once mighty people," might gradually grow into civilization, arts, science, agriculture, manufactures, virtue, national importance, and religion. The appearance, however, of a very speedy advance, from Indian to English, or American habits, customs, manners, improvements, refinement and intelligence, is not, by far so prominantly [prominently] perceptible, as their imitation of the pioneer vices. The improvement is hardly equal to the amount of money expended for removing, for agents, mechanics, teachers, preachers, &c. &c. As to numbers the reports will range about as follows:
Tribes. population.
Cherokees, .......................................................................................25,000
Choctaws, ........................................................................................15,000
Creeks, ...........................................................................................20,000
Senecas & Shawnees, ............................................................................500
Quapaws, ............................................................................................500
Sacs & Foxes, ............................................................................ .....7,000
Sioux. ............................................................................................23,000
Osages, ............................................................................................4,300
Chippewas, .......................................................................................4,000
Pawnees, ........................................................................................12,000
Camanches [Comanches], ..................................................................20,000
Pagans, ..........................................................................................30,000
Appaches, ......................................................................................20,000
Assinaboins [Assiniboins]. ................................................................15,000
Grosventures [Gros Ventres], ............................................................17,000
Crows, ............................................................................................7,000
Eutaws, ..........................................................................................19,000
Black feet [Blackfeet], .......................................................................30,000
Total, ......................................................................................... 269,300
Yet remaining East to be removed,..........................................................25,000
Making an aggregate of......................................................................294,300
The commissioner's report, however allows the Indian population in the United States and teritories[territories], to be 333,000.
This, I think does not include those now occupying the space west of the Rocky Mountains.
Thus you have a glimpse of the lights and shades of the aboriginees [aborigines] of the west, in their low estate, showing that the wilderness does not yet "blosom [blossom] ast [as] the rose," although the signs of the times would indicate, that the time is near when the mountains will drop down new wine, and Jacob's face will not wax pale. P.
Philadelphia, July 30, 1842.
With feelings of no ordinary character, and under peculiar circumstances, I now attempt to break the seeming long silence that has not been interrupted since I left your hospitable cottage, and the society of those rendered dear to me by their virtues, their benevolence and their glorious institutions. That, with the assistance of my heavenly Father, has formed my character and habits for the society of saints and angels.
I am in the enjoyment of good health, and I believe entirely free from that miserable, contemptible disease that destroys the constitution of man, (namely ague and fever,) and what causes me greater rejoicing, I have, by the grace of God, abolished the more dangerous malady-one that binds the mind of man in midnight darkness, and obscures their future destiny and eternal happiness in mistie [misty] clouds of uncertainty and doubt, namely, sectarian cupidity. I have just returned to this city from a short excursion of four weeks through the south part of Jersey. Brother I. Ivins and myself were the first that ever proclaimed the everlasting gospel in that region of country; and to the disappointment of the people, and consternation of hireling priests, we preached Christ, and him crucified, and presented new and important truths from their own bibles that they never saw or heard of before. The people of this section are principally Methodists and Presbyterians, but they were inclined to believe the truth as it was presented, until the decrees of their long robed gods went forth commanding them not to hear or entertain these impostors, as we were called-O delusion! O blind philosophy! how long will thy unfortunate dupes be gulled by the ipse dixit of learned fools and holy knaves?
We were frequently obliged to leave the scriptures, or subject under consideration and give lessons on good manners, and advise disorderly priests not to disgrace their parents by showing their bad breeding. We held a discussion with a college bred advocate of Calvinism on the 23d; he would not show that Mormonism was false, as he had stated, so we took him up on Calvinism, and I assure you he found himself in poor picking before we got through. We left many believing
our testimony, and intend to return next week and give them the second edition of the same important subject. When I arrived in Philadelphia the saints were in a tremendous flustration [frustration] for the welfare of brother Joseph, and their friends at Nauvoo. The disclosures of J. C. Bennett and his sattelites [satellites] had just arrived, and the faith of some was failing-others doubting, and those founded on the rock were contending against such unheard of falsehoods and slanders, and turning the reproach where it belongs--upon the heads of those black and midnight fiends who have made this bold attempt to destroy a virtuous people.
Great excitement in this city at this time-there is a discussion in progression between our beloved brother Adams and Dr. West, the celebrated lion (liar) of sectarianism. It is really amusing to see these two champions contend with stentorian voice, eloquence, and language; and all the tact of argument that God lavishes upon the defenders of truth, and the devil upon his lawyers, is arrayed in this debate. It is appalling to hear the groans of priests-the clamors of infidels, and apparently the last dying struggles of modern Babylon, beneath the ponderous weight of truth. May the time speedily arrive when she shall have kicked her last, and liberty, truth and happiness be the principles that stand as a watch word for the faithful, who by their virtues make glad the city of God.
Although I have left the society of tried friends--the joyous circles of the young and gifted-the endearments of domestic happiness, surrounded with brothers and sisters--an affectionate mother in tears--and the society of those that would deem it a pleasure to administer to my necessities when sickness or adverse fortune had laid upon me her withering hand-I have done it for the cause of truth, and not for worldly gain, applause, or pleasure-but it is my greatest delight to defend the truth against the attacks of holy hypocrites and bible infidels-and by the assistance of God I intend to bring our relatives into the good work unless they persist in believing a lie that they may be damned. I intend going to Harpersville and Harmony this fall, unless I am advised to the reverse. Uncle, if you want any thing of me write to Toms River, N. J. I should be pleased to hear from you all. If I can be of auy [any] service in this Bennett affair I am ready. I was reading in your chamber last summer--yourself and Bennett came into the lower room, and I heard you give J. C. Bennett a tremendous flagellation for practicing iniquity under the base pretence [pretense] of authority from the heads of the church-if you recollect I came down just before you were through talking. There are many things I can inform you of, if necessary, in relation to Bennett and his prostitutes. I am satisfied of your virtue and integrity. I have been with you to visit the sick, and time and again to houses where you had business of importance, you requested me to do so--many times I knew not why, but I am satisfied it was that you might not be censured by those that were watching you with a jealous eye, and I now solemnly protest before God and man, I never saw a thing unvirtuous in your conduct. With sentiments of high esteem to the children and family, I am your most obedient nephew.
Mr. Joseph Smith.
Mrs. Emma Smith.
SITUATION OF THE OPERATIVES IN ENGLAND.-"England protects the manufacturers," say the Whigs. And how does she protect them? The following extracts from a late English paper will show, to some extent. The fact is, England protects CAPITAL, while labor is left to take care of itself;-and this is precisely what the whig capitalists of this country are now contending for.
DISTTESS [DISTRESS] IN MANCHESTER.-A meeting of the shop keepers in Manchester, called to take into considerataon [consideration] the state of their trade, took place on the 13th of June.
It appears that the working classes in that great capital of manufactures, are in a wretched condition-many of them, indeed, driven by their privations to a state of desperation and utter disregard of consequences. One of the speakers, Mr. Hampson, a grocer and provision dealer, gave a most graphic account of the appalling scenes he and his brother shop keepere [shopkeepers] were every day compelled to witness.
'It was only the other day, he said, a man came into his shop and seized a piece of cheese--being the first article of food near him on entering the shop. He (Mr. Hampson) jumped from behind the counter, and said to the man, 'Why are you doing this? The man said he was starving to death for food. He told the man he might as well let bread serve his purpose,
and not take cheese; and the man, who seemed to be worked up to a pitch of great excitement, then seized hold of a four pound loaf, relinquishing his hold of the cheese. He said to the man, 'Why are you in such excitement, and look so angry? what have I done to offend you?'
The man then repeated that he and his family were starving. He, (Mr. Hampson,) though he had an opportunity of preventing his escape, could not bring himself to it, but said, 'Well, then, we'll not call this stealing; the bread is yours'-and he went off with it. Nor was this a solitary case of levying provisions in this way. Within the last week, ten or a dozen men in a party had come to his shop and demanded relief, his wife gladly availing herself of the opportunity to put her own hand in the till to relieve them. Contributions on his neighbors through the street were levied at the same time and in the same manner. Now, these were small beginners-God knew where they would end! He added that the poor were dying around him in all directions.
A Mr. Groom, linen draper, said the shopkeepers had not one fourth, nor even one sixth of the business they used to have. No fewer than five shops in his immediate neighborhood had been obliged to close.
Various other tradesmen told the same melancholy tale, and it was finally agreed to call a public meeting of shop keepers on Tuesday evening next, in the town hall.
Society seems on the point of dissolution in the manufacturing districts of Lancashire.-This state of things cannot possibly exist much longer.
EXTRAORDINARY WHIRLWIND-A letter in the Rhone gives the following particulars of a whirlwind at Chauffailes, and its neighborhood on the 24th ult. Thirty houses were actually carried away. Six persons of the same family were killed, others mutilated, children were smothered in their cradles, carriages were carried entire over the roofs of houses, plantations were torn up, and the largest trees were carried to an immense distance. A manufactory for spinning thread had just been constructed within half a league of Chauffailes. All the mason-work was finished, and the carpenters were butting on the roof. Not one stone was left upon another; nor can it be discovered what has become of them. The roofs of houses were carried off to great heights, and left on eminences. The church has been injured to the extent of 3,000f. The crops which were not taken off by the whirlwind were cut to pieces by the hail, which was of extraordinary size, as large as hen's eggs in general, but at Chateauneuf of great bulk. The cere of that place took up hailstone which was three inches across. Not less than twenty persons have been killed.
GREAT FIRE IN RUSSIA.-A letter from Peru, in the German papers, state that a dreadful fire burst out lately in the salt-works of Nowa Ussal, in Russia, the ancient property of the Strongonoff family. The flames first appeared in the house of one of the workman, and communicated almost immediately to some hay-gained such a head, that it was impossible to master them. The conflagration lasted three days, and reduced to ashes every thing within a range of 2 1-2 versts (nearly two miles.) A great number of salt pits in wood and stone, all the manufactories, fifteen stores filled with salt, 30,000 cords of wood, and the ancient and majestic cathedral, the stone dwellings and offices of the various employers, between 500 and 600 houses, and all they contained, fell a prey to the flames.-[Gallignani's Messenger.
GEN. JOHN C. BENNETT. This person who has held such a conspicuous place among the Mormons has been excommunicated from the church of Latter Day Saints for seducing an innocent female at Nauvoo. The Nauvoo Wasp of June 25th gives a long account of that and other transactions of Bennett, which prove him to be a consummate scoundrel. The Mormons ought to be heartily glad they have rid themselves of him, as his influence might poisen [poison] a large community. Joseph Smith or any of his followers need not be in fear of any statements which can be made by Bennett, as the character of him is too infamous for his stories to be believed by any one.-Bostonian.
Since the excitement relative to Joseph Smith hes [has] been got up, we have noticed in and about our city, a good many strangers, many of whom we judge to be loafers. Some few depredations have been committed, and unless prompt measurers are taken to detect the rogues we fear the matter will not end here. We would recommend to our city authorities to be vigilent [vigilant], and to the citizens generally, to be on the look out.
The members of the church of Latter Day Saints, who have been ordained to the High Priesthood, and have not become members of the Quorum of High Priests, and had their names enrolled on the Record Book thereof, are hereby notified, that, upon their arrival in this place, it is their duty to apply to the Quorum for admission, pursuant to one of the regulations thereof.
President of the Quorum.
Clerk of the Quorum,
Nauvoo, July 31st, 1842.
Addressed to father Tyson, after the melancholy event of the death of his son, accidentally killed by the discharge of a rifle.
Thou aged saint, can words avail- It is the Lord-his ways are just-
Can tears afford relief? There's mercy in his rod;
Can human sympathies prevail, Thou know's his goodness and can trust
To soothe thy bosom's grief? The true and living God.
In life how suddenly betide Great are the blessings now in store
Those evils that destroy? For thee, in faithfulness:
'Twas but a moment to divide Look thro' thy sorrows and adore
Thy hopes, and blasts thy joy! The hand that smites to bless,
Deep is the wound and keen the dart- This sudden stroke has rent a chord
It stings thy inmost soul- In twain that bound you here;
And through the fibres [fibers]of thy heart But glorious will be your reward
Affliction's waters roll! When in that blessed sphere.
But cease thy sorrow-peace-be calm When all is joy, you will rejoin
And let thy tears be dry- Your dear and fav'rite son;
Sweet consolation's softest balm And glory in this deep design
Is flowing from on high. Of the Eternal One. E. R. SNOW.
DIED.-In this city, on Sunday the 31st day of July last, VINSON KNIGHT, aged 38 years. Brother Knight was one of the bishops of this church, and a man favored of God, and respected by all good men. He had been long in the church and had always adorned his life, works and profession, with the decorum virtue and humility, which ever characterizes the true followers of our blessed Jesus.
Warring the great warfare of a saint, he has waded through the midst of persecution, over the blood stained prairies of Missouri, in the chilling blasts of winter, comforting the fleeing saints, and administering to the wants of his own family; yea, through great tribulations, heart and hand with his brethren; he was ever ready to give a reasonable answer for his hope in things to come; and showed by his actions as well as words, that he meant to live godly in Christ Jesus, although he suffered persecution. Though he has been removed, as it were in the midst of life, yet in the assurance of a glorious resurrection, he has died the death of the righteous: henceforth there is laid up for him a crown that fadeth not away. "Blessed are the dead that die in the Lord!"
Persons indebted to the late publisher of this paper, D. C. Smith, deceased, are requested to make payment to Mrs. Agnes M. Smith, his widow: she is in need and will be glad to receive provisions of those in this section, and money fram [from] more distant debtors without further dunning them.
JUST published and for sale, Books of Mormon, and Hymn Books, together with some other publications in defence [defense] of the faith of the saints.
Nauvoo. Aug. 20, 1842.
The Times and Seasons, Is edited, printed and published about the first [and] fifteenth of every month, on the corner of Water and Bain Streets, Nauvoo, Hancock County, Illinois, by JOSEPH SMITH.
TERMS.-TWO DOLLARS per annum, payable in all cases in advance. Any person procuring five new subscribers, and forwarding us Ten Dollars current money, shall receive one volume gratis. All letters must be addressed to Joseph Smith, publishers, POST PAID, or they will not receive attention.
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