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< Times and Seasons | 2
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Vol. 2. No. 5.] | NAUVOO, ILLINOIS, JAN. 1, 1841. | [Whole No. 17. |
For publishing at the City of Nauvoo, Hancock County Illinois, a Semi-monthly periodical, to be entitled the
As the present is an era big with interesting events, both in the political and religious world, every vehicle of correct information must necessarily find an important part to perform. With the rapid march of mind towards the summit of its destination, it is but self-evident, that accumulating means of knowledge are constantly demanded. With no other than a benevolent desire of benefiting mankind, do we contemplate sending forth this periodical among the many now in so noble an enterprise.
This paper is designed to be a miscellaneous work, containing two distinct departments, in order to accommodate all classes who have the least literary taste.
The first department will advocate the doctrines of the "CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER DAY SAINTS," and will be devoted to Ecclesiastical and Theological matter; for which original essays will be solicited. This department will comprise such articles as come under the denomination of Original, Eclectic, Analectic, and Analytic.
The second department, to be divided in similar form, will contain miscellaneous matter, upon which succinct compends of interesting news will be given in the various departments of the Literary, and Scientific world; embellished, occasionally, with the charms of Poetry. A small portion of this department will be assigned to Advertisements.
THE TIMES AND SEASONS will be published on the 1st and 15th of every month, at Two Dollars per annum, payable in ALL CASES in advance-and will contain 16 pages octavo. Any person procuring FIVE NEW subscribers, and forwarding us TEN DOLLARS current money, shall receive ONE volume gratis.
Letters on business must be addressed to the Editor, and POST PAID, otherwise they will not be taken from the Post Office.
POST-SCRIPT. No person will be considered an accredited agent, subsequent to this date, (Jan. 1st, 1841,) whose name does !not appear on the published list.
Nota Bene. The following is an extract from the instructions recently addressed to all the Postmasters of the United States by the Postmaster General: "Postmasters may enclose money in a letter to a publisher of a newspaper, to pay the subscription of a third person, and frank the letter if written by himself."
Beloved Brethren, May grace, mercy and peace rest upon you, from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ:-
Having several communications lying before me from my brethren the Twelve, some of which have ere this merited a reply, but from the multiplicity of business which necessarily engages my attention, I have delayed communicating to you to the present time. Be assured beloved brethren, that I am no disinterested observer of the things which are transpiring on the face of the whole earth; and amidst the general movements which are in progress, none is of more importance than the glorious work in which you are now engaged, consequently I feel some anxiety on your account, that you may, by your virtue, faith, diligence and charity commend yourselves to one another, to the church of Christ, and to your Father which is in heaven, by whose grace you have been called to so holy a calling, and be enabled to perform the great and responsible duties which rest upon you. And I can assure you that from the information I have received, I feel satisfied that you have not been remiss in your duty; but that your dilgence [diligence] and faithfulness have been such as must secure you the smiles of that God whose servants you are, and also the good will of the Saints throughout the world.
The spread of the gospel throughout England is certainly pleasing; the contemplation of which cannot but afford feelings of no ordinary kind in the bosom of those who have borne the heat and burthen [burden] of the day; and who were its firm supporters and strenuous advocates in infancy, while surrounded with circumstances the most unpropitious, and its destruction threatened on all hands; but like the gallant bark, that has braved the storm unhurt, spreads her canvass to the breeze and nobly cuts her way through the yielding wave, more conscious than ever of the strength of her timbers, and the experience and capability of her captain, pilot and crew.
It is, likewise, very satisfactory to my mind that there has been such a good understanding between you, and that the Saints have so cheerfully hearkened to council and vied with each other in this labor of love, and in the promotion of truth and righteousness; this is as it should be in the church of Jesus Christ; unity is strength.-"How pleasing it is for brethren to dwell together in unity." Let the Saints of the Most High ever cultivate this principles and the most glorious blessings must result, not only to them individually, but to the whole church-the order of the kingdom will be maintained, its officers respected, and its requirements readily, and cheerfully obeyed, Love is one of the chief characteristics of Deity, and ought to be manifested by those who aspire to be the sons of God. A man filled with the love of God, is not content with blessing his family alone, but ranges through the whole world anxious to bless the whole human race-this has been your feelings and caused you to forego the pleasures of home, that you might be a blessing to others, who are candidates for immortality, but strangers to truth, and for so doing, I pray that heaven's choicest blessings may rest upon you.
Being requested to give my advice respecting the propriety of your returning in the spring, I will do so, willingly. I have reflected upon the subject some time, and am of the opinion that it would be wisdom in you to make preparations to leave the scene of your labors in the spring. Having carried the testimony to that land, and numbers having received it; consequently the leaven can now spread without your being obliged to stay-another thing, there has been some whisperings of the spirit that there will be some agitations, some excitements and some trouble in the land in which you are now laboring. I would therefore say in the mean time, be diligent, organize the churches and let every one stand in his proper place, so that those who cannot come with you in the spring, may not be left as sheep without a shepherd.
I would likewise observe, that inasmuch
as this place has been appointed for the gathering of the Saints, it is necessary that, it should be attended to in the order that the Lord intends it should-to this end I would say, that as there are great numbers of the Saints in England who are extremely poor and not accustomed to the farming business, who must have certain preparations made for them before they can support themselves in this country, therefore, to prevent confusion and disappointment when they arrive here, let those men who are accustomed to making machinery, and those who can command a capital, though it be small, come here as soon as convenient, and put up machinery and make such other preparations as may be necessary, so that when the poor come on they may have employment to come to. This place has advantages for manufacturing and commercial purposes, which, but few can boast of; and by establishing cotton factories, founderies [foundries], potteries, &c. &c., would be the means of bringing in wealth and raising it to a very important elevation. I need not occupy more space on this subject, as its reasonableness must be obvious to every mind. In my former epistle, I told you my mind respecting the printing of the Book of Mormon, Hymn Book &c. I have been favored by receiving a Hymn book from you, and approve of it, and think it to be a very valuable collection. I am informed that the Book of Mormon is likewise printed, which I am glad to hear, and should be pleased to hear that it was printed in all the different languages of the earth.
You can use your own pleasure respecting the printing the Doctrine and Covenants: if there is a great demand for them I have no objections, but would rather encourage it. I can say, that as far as I have been made acquainted with your movements, I am perfectly satisfied that they have been in wisdom; and I have no doubt, but that the spirit of the Lord has directed you, and this proves to my mind that you have been humble, and your desires have been for the salvation of your fellow man, and not your own aggrandizement and selfish interests: as long as the Saints manifest such a disposition, their councils will be approved of, and their exertions crowned with success. There are many things of much importance on which you ask council, but which I think you will be perfectly able to decide upon, as you are more conversant with the peculiar circumstances than I am; and I feel great confidence in your united wisdom, therefore, you will excuse me for not entering into detail: if I should see any thing that was wrong, I should take the privilege of making known my mind to you, and pointing out the evil.
If Elder P. P. Pratt should wish to remain in England some time longer than the rest of the Twelve, he will feel himself at liberty to do so, as his family are with him, consequently his circumstances are somewhat different from the rest; and likewise it is necessary that some one should remain, who is conversant with the rules and regulations of the church, and continue the paper which is published; consequently, taking all these things into consideration, I would not press it upon Bro. Pratt to return in the spring.
I am happy to inform you that we are prospernig [prospering] in this place, and that the Saints are more healthy than formerly: and from the decrease of sickness this season, when compared with the last, I am led to the conclusion that this must eventually become a healthy place.
There are, at present, about 3,000 inhabitants in Nauvoo, and numbers are flocking in daily. Several stakes have been set off in different parts of the country, which are in prospering circumstances. Provisions are much lower than when you left-Flour is worth about $4 per barrel. Corn and potatoes about 25 cents per bushel, and other things in proportion. There has been a very plentiful harvest throughout the Union.
You will observe by the Times and Seasons that we are about building a Temple, for the worship of our God, in this place: preparations are now making; every tenth day is devoted by the brethren for quarrying rock, &c. We have secured one of the most lovely situations for it, that there is in this region of country; it is expected to be considerably larger than the one in
Kirtland, and on a more magnificent scale, and which will undoubtedly attract the attention of the great men of the earth.
We have a bill before the Legislature, for the incorporation of the city of Nauvoo, and for the establishing of a Seminary of learning and other purpose, which I expect will pass in a short time.
You will also have received intelligence of the death of my father, which event although painful to the family and to the church generally, yet the sealing testimony of the truth of the work of the Lord, was indeed satisfactory. Brother Hyrum succeeds him as Patriarch of the church, according to his last directions and benedictions.
Several persons of eminence and distinction in society, have joined the church and become obedient to the faith, and I am happy to inform you that the work is spreading very fast upon this continent; some of the brethren are now in New Orleans, and we expect a large gathering from the South.
I have had the pleasure of welcoming about one hundred brethren who came with Elder Turley, the remainder I am informed stopped in Kirtland, not having means to get any further. I thing those that came here this fall, did not take the best possible route, or the least expensive. Most of the brethren have obtained employment of one kind or another, and appear tolerably well contented, and seem disposed to hearken to council.
Brother's Robinson & Smith lately had a letter from Elders Kimball, Smith and Woodruff, in London, which gave us information of the commencement of the work of the Lord in the city of London, which I was glad to hear. I am likewise informed that Elders have gone to Australia and to the East Indias [Indies]. I feel desirous that every providential opening of the kind should be filled, and that you should prior to your leaving England, send the gospel into as many parts as you possibly can.
Beloved Brethren, you must be aware in some measure, of my feelings, when I contemplate the great work which is now rolling on, and the relationship which I sustain to it, while it is extending to distant lands and islands, and thousands are embracing it-I realize in some measure my responsibility and the need I have of support from above, and wisdom from on high, that I may be able to teach this people, which have now become a great people, the principles of righteousness, and lead them agreeably to the will of heaven; so, that they may be perfected, and prepared to meet the Lord Jesus Christ when he shall appear in great glory: can I rely on your prayers to our heavenly Father on my behalf, and on the prayers of all my brethren and sisters in England, (whom having not seen yet I love,) that I may be enabled to escape every stratagem of satan, surmount every difficulty, and bring this people to the enjoyment of those blessings which are reserved for the righteous? I ask this at your hands in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Let the Saints remember, that great things depend on their individual exertion, and that they are called to be co-workers with us and the holy spirit, in accomplishing the great work of the last days, and in consideration of the extent, the blessings and the glories of the same, let every selfish feeling, be not only buried, but annihilated; and let love to God and man, predominate and reign triumphant in every mind, that their hearts may become like unto Enoch's of old, and comprehend all things, present, past and future, and come behind in no gift waiting for the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ.
The work in which we are unitedly engaged is one of no ordinary kind the enemies we have to contend against are subtle and well skilled in maneuvering it behooves us to be on the alert to concentrate our energies, and that the best feelings should exist in our midst, and then by the help of the Almighty, we shall go on from victory to victory, and from conquest to conquest, our evil passions will be subdued, our prejudices depart, we shall find no room in our bosoms for hatred, vice will hide its deformed head, and we shall stand approved in the sight of heaven and be acknowledged the sons of God. Let us realize that we are not to live to ourselves but to God, by
so doing the greatest blessings will rest upon us both in time and in eternity. JOSEPH SMITH.
London, Oct. 28th, 1840. BROTHERS ROBINSON & SMITH: As we consider it perfectly consistant [consistent] with our calling, with reason and revelation, that we should form a knowledge of kingdoms and countries, whether it be at home or abroad, whether it be ancient or modern, or whether it be of things past present or to come, whether it be in heaven, earth or hell, air or seas; or whether we obtain this knowledge by being local or travelling [traveling], by study or by faith, by dreams or by visions, by revelation or by prophecy, it mattereth not unto us: if we can but obtain a correct principle and knowledge of things as they are, in their true light, past, present, and to come. It is under such a view of things that we are endeavoring to avail ourselves of every opportunity in our travels among the nations of the earth, to record an account of things as they pass under our observation; extracts of which we may forward to you from time to time, which may not be uninteresting to your readers. We will on this occasion make a few extracts from Elder Woodruff's Journal, concerning certain places which we visited while in the city of London, which is at your disposal.
On the 21st of August 1840 we visited the noted monument erected in commemoration of the dreadful fire of London, in the year 1666, built under the inspection of that great architect, Sir Christopher Wren. We entered a door at its base, (Paid 1d on entering) and ascended 345 black marble steps, which brought us 200 feet into the air, about 150 feet above the highest dwellings; we stepped on the outside of the pillar; surrounded by an iron railing which at once presented to our view an indescribable scenery upon every hand. Here we were standing 200 feet in the air, upon the highest and finest modern column in the world, and with the glance of the naked eye, we could overlook, and survey the largest, most noted, populous and splendid commercial city upon the face of the whole earth; even a city containing a million and a half of human beings, and such a grand scenery, and sublime prospect our eyes never before beheld. We were situated so as to overlook nearly the whole city. East of us lay the splendid Tower of London and the Mint. North the mansion of the Lord Mayor of London and the Bank of England. Northwest, St. Pauls Cathedral. West, Westminster Abbey, House of Parliament, Buckingham Palace, &c. South lies the river Thames running from west to east with five large arched bridges across it in full view, and another which is not seen from the pillar, making six, five of which are hewn stone, and one is all of solid cast iron, viz: Southwark, while London, Blackfriars, Waterloo, Westminster and Vauxhall bridges, are all stone. On the south of the river lies the Borough &c. In addition to these were hundreds of churches, chapels, spires and monuments standing in the midst of one universal, dense mass of brick and stone buildings; covering about six miles square of ground. While viewing this scenery in a clear day and beholding the streets and bridges crowded with human beings of every rank and station, and with beasts and vehicles of every kind, and the Thames covered with British Shipping, from the skiff to the man of war, a Prussian traveler, (citizen of Berlin) who was standing by our side, exclaims, "I have traveled over Europe and Asia and other parts of the world, but I have never before found a spot upon the face of the earth which hath presented to my view as grand a scenery as the one now lying before us." This monument is 24 feet higher than Trajans Pillar at Rome: it cost $75,500. The following is inscribed upon one side of the monument in Latin. "In the year of Christ 1666, the second day of Sept., from hence at the distance of two hundred and two feet, the height of this column, about midnight a most terrible fire broke out, which, driven on by a high wind, not only wasted the adjacent part, but also places very remote, with incredible noise and fury: it consumed 89 churches, the gates of the city, Guildhall, many public structures,
hospitals, schools, libraries, a vast number of stately edifices, 13,200 dwelling houses, 400 streets and 26 wards; it utterly destroyed 15 and left 8 others shattered and half burnt.-The ruins of the city were 436 acres, from the tower by the Thames side, to the Temple church: from the north, east gate along the city wall to Holborn bridge. To the estates and fortunes of the citizens it was merciless, but to their lives, very favorable, (only eight being lost,) that it might in all things resemble the last conflagration of the world. The destruction was sudden, for in a small space of time the same city was seen most flourishing, and reduced to nothing, three days after when the fatal fire had baffled all human councils and endeavors, the opinion of all, as it were by the will of heaven, it stopped, and on every side was extinguished."
On the 1st day of September we visited the Thames Tunnel, by descending about 80 feet into the bowels of the earth on the south side of the river, and entering the archway on the left which was finished 1120 feet and was beautifully lighted up with gas; we walked through it under the Thames, with the river and British shipping over our heads: in the middle of the river there was only about 15 feet between the top of the arch and the bed of the river-there is two archways 22 feet high, the whole length of the Tunnel which affords free communication from one shore to the other. This is considered one of the most stupenduous [stupendous] works of modern times, and truly shows that man hath sought out many inventions.
On the 24th of August we visited St. Pauls church, the whole history of which would be too tedious to be inserted here, snffice [suffice] it to say, it was first built by St. Augustine in the year A. D. 610. It was destroyed by fire in 961 and rebuilt the following year; it was not til [till] the reign of Athelstan that London became the metropolis of England, and it was to this Prince, more perhaps, than to any of his predecessors, that the Cathedral of Saint Paul was indebted for its permanent establishment and pre-eminence. In 1086 this Cathedral was again destroyed by fire, which also involved the greater part of the metropolis in ruin. It was sufficiently rebuilt by 1099, to again admit of public worship, and again partly burned 1132, and again in 1135-6 it sustained considerable injury. It was fired by lightning in 1444 and repaired in 1462. In June 1561 the spire was again set on fire which destroyed spire and roof. Repairs were commenced by Queen Elizabeth and finished by Laud and king Charles the first, who expended 104,330 [pounds] 7-8, but immediately dissentions [dissension's] arose between the king and parliament, the revenues of the church was confiscated, the money and materials seized by the parliament, and the whole body of the building was converted into stables and barracks for dragoons. It was again repaired in the reign of Charles the second, but it was not finished before it became a prey to the flames in the great fire of London, 1666, which destroyed the chief part of the metropolis: the above is a very brief history of St. Pauls church until 1666.
The now present building, or new Cathedral was built under the direction of Sir Christopher Wren, the first stone was laid on the 21st of June, 1674 and the highest stone of the pile was laid at the top of the lantern by Mr. Christopher Wren, the son of the architect in the year 1710, and the last finishing and adorning the church was issued in 1715 by George the first; the whole expense of erecting this magnificent structure was about 736,000 [pounds], near $3,680,000. The entire dimensions of the Cathedral is as follows: length of the church from east to west is 500 feet, the breadth of the body is 285 feet, the height from the pavement in the street to the top of the cross over the dome is 404 feet, two campanite towers at the west end, are each 222 feet in height, the general height of the wall is about 90 feet; it was 40 years in building, and covers about two acres of ground. It contains 47 monuments of fine marble erected over the tombs of certain Lords, Bishops, Generals, Earls and other titles, who had distinguished themselves in the military service of Great Britain and otherwise, Lord Nelson being the most noted.-We walked through this church from the base to the ball, being about 400 feet high, from which place we could
also have a view of the city, we passed through the whispering gallery as we ascended, and though it was exceeding large, yet a whisper could be distinctly heard and understood from the most remote part of it, and when the door shut together it would penetrate the ear like peals of thunder. This is considered the largest Cathedral in the world excepting the Vatian [Vatican ?] Temple at Rome dedicated to St. Peter.
On the 5th of September we visited Westminster Abbey, which is composed of 11 chapels, (only separated by walls or partitions,) viz: St. Benedicts, St. Edmund, St. Nicholas, Henry the Seventh, St. Paul, St. Edward the confessor, St. Erasmus, Abbot Islip, St. John, St. Andrew and St. Michael. These chapels contain the bodies, tombs and monuments of 13 kings, viz: Edward I, III, V, VI, Charles II, Henry III, V, VII, James I, George II, Richard II, William III, and Sebert king of the east Saxons, who first built this church, and died, July, 616. Also 13 Queens, viz: Athelgoda Queen of Sebert who died September 13 615, and Phillippa, Matilda, Mary I and II, and Queen Mary of Scotland, Elizabeth, Catherine, Queen Anne, Editha, Eleanor, and Caroline, and of 6 princes, 11 Dukes, 7 Duchess's 1 Marquis, 7 Lords, 3 Vicounts [Viscounts ?], 8 Countesses, 3 Barons, 16 Earls, 11 Admirals, 10 Generals, 5 Colonels, 3 Majors. 10 Captains, 4 Lieutenants, 16 Bishops, 6 Divines, 15 Doctors, 52 Sirs, 152 Gentleman and 48 Ladies, making 421 persons who have been deposited in vaults in this abbey, and monuments erected to their memory.
We saw the full stature and perfect likeness of Queens Elizabeth, Mary and Anne, Lord Nelson, Pitt and others. We sat in the coronation chair in which Queen Victoria was crowned, and all the Kings and Queens in England fer [for] the last 800 years, it is covered with gold tissue, it contains a stone under the seat, upon which all the Scottish Chiefs and Kings were crowned ever since they were a nation or people; they have a tradition among them that it is Jacob's Pillar. In walking through this abbey, we see frequent marks of violence from Oliver Cromwell in defacing some of the tombs, monuments and brass work with which some of the abbey was adorned. Here we behold the art of man with all its combined force and power, spun to the finest thread, and expanded to the fullest extent, in the building and finishing of this abbey as a general whole, but more especially, that part called Henry the seventh chapel; and a visit to this chapel is not only worthy of the attention of all travelers, but to occupy a place in the Journal of any historian that has any interest in British antiquity.
While speaking upon this subject, we would not pass over our visit to the House of Parliament, which is but a few rods from the abbey. As we entered the House of Lords, (now occupied by the Commons,) we did not behold so much to interest the sight of the eye as the meditation of the mind, however, we had the privilege of resting ourselves, by sitting in the chair in which the speaker of the House of Lords has sat for many years. In this room all the speeches were made by Mr. Wm. Pitt while advocating the American cause before the Revolution. In this room all the laws were made that now governs and controls near 200,000,000 of human beings.-The House of Commons being burnt down several years since they now occupy this room, and another one is erected where the House of Lords sit. Some might suppose, that a House of Parliament fitted up to contain Kings, Lords and Commons would be extra grand and expensive, but we found it quite the reverse; It is exceedingly plain and undecorated. On entering the room, one would sooner think he was in an American school house, rather than in a House of Lords, and Commons. While retiring from this scenery we had a view of the order of British soldiers, or foot guards while on parade in St. James Park, accompanied by a full band of music: also of the queen's horse guards, well mounted upon black horses, the bodies of the men covered with steel which was glistening in the sun. We had a view of the monument erected in honor to the Duke of York which was 135 feet in height, and of the mansion of Queen Dowager-in fine St. James park is surrounded with dwellings, mansions castles, and Palaces, of the first class.
as to size, splendor and note of any in London, of which Buckingham palace is chief, this is for the royal family, and is occupied by her majesty queen Victoria, and his highness prince Albert, when they are in the metropolis. This palace was built by his late majesty William IV, it covers a number of acres of ground, and is a very costly and splendid edifice: every door, entrance and gate leading to it is strongly guarded with armed soldiers. While we were there we saw his highness prince Albert while riding from his palace across St. James Park, mounted upon a gray horse accompanied only by his groom. We have visited the British Museum, which contains a vast number and quantity of Egyptian Sepulchres [Sepulchers], Mummies, Hieroglyphics, and Papyrus, the history and account of which we feel much interested in, and shall forward you an account of the same in a future communication.
We subscribe ourselves your brethren in the everlasting covenant,
DOCTOR BENNETT will address the citizens of Nauvoo, on to-morrow, Saturday, January 2nd.,) at the Messrs. Law's store, at 1 o'clock, P. M. in relation to the municipal election; at which time and place candidates will be put in nomination for the City Council-election to take place on the 1st Monday in February proximo.
GENERAL BENNETT has just returned from the City of Springfield with a law embracing three charters with the most liberal provisions ever granted by a legislative assembly-one for the "city of Nauvoo," another for the "Nauvoo Legion," and a third for the "University of the City of Nauvoo," all of which will be laid before our readers in our next number. The present state government of Illinois will always be remembered with gratitude by the recipients of these noble blessings, who, we hope, will ever strive to prove themselves worthy so great favors.
The THING whose name stands at the head of this article is not a stranger to our people,-he is known, not for works of righteosness [righteousness] which he has done, but for the cruel murders which he caused to be perpetrated on tthe [the] innocent and defenceless [defenseless]. His political career has been stained with blood, and cruelty and oppression have attended on every step: but his political life has ended; hear his expiring groans-
"Since your last session, the unpleasent [unpleasant] difficulties between a portion of our State and the Mormons have entirely subsided, with the exception of some slight interruptions on our northeastern border.-After that infatuated and deluded sect had left our State, they industriously propagated throughout the Union, the most exagerated [exaggerated] details of our difficulties and the foulest calumnies against our citizens. In some of our eastern cities, missionaries of their creed were employed daily in making converts to their cause by proclaiming the cruelties which they alledged [alleged] had endured at the hands of our authorities. The report of our alledged [alleged] has not been confined to our Union, but even at this day in Europe they are made the groundwork of proselyting [proselytizing] and their orators find it to their interest to distort the facts into a persecution, which in every religious excitement that has marked the history of the earth, has always been found
the most effecting weapon of conversion.
In all intestine commotions, particularly when mingled with religious ferver [fervor] frequently happens that cases occur of peculiar hardship and unusual distress, and when public sympathy is excited in their behalf, these unavoidable consequences of civil dissension may easily be magnified into barbarous cruelty-that such cases arose in the course of that difficulty, I do not doubt. But they must be attributed to the excited nature of the contest between the parties and not to any desire on the part of our constituted authorities to wilfully [willfully] cruelly oppress them.
These people have violated the laws of the land by open and avowed resistance to them, they had undertaken without the aid of the civil authority to redress their real or fancied grievances-they had instituted among themselves a government of their own, independent of-and in opposition to the government of this State-they had at an inclement season of the year driven the inhabitance [inhabitant's] of an entire county from their homes, ravaged their crops and destroyed their dwellings. Under these circumstanses [circumstances] it became the imperious duty of the executive to interpose and exercise the powers with which he was invested, to protect the lives and property of our citizens, to restore order and tranquility [tranquillity] the country and maintain the supremacy of our laws.
We owe to our reputation, both home and abroad, the duty of cleansing every aspersion that may rest upon it. Our State character should be held equally as dear as our individual reputation, and we should use the same exertions in maintaining the one as spotless as the other. Full testimony as to all the necessary facts of that controversy has been preserved or can easily be procured. Written evidence on both sides has been filed among the papers of your last session, and forms a part also of the records of several of our courts. The facts as they occurred can be presented to the world upon proof perfectly conclusive, and the reputation of our State can be rescued from reproach by an exposition of the true causes and events of those difficulties.
In recommending the publication of this testimony, I have no care about its effect upon the principles of that sect. Our Constitution has given us the high privilege of religious independence and left the worship of the Supreme to the unfettered will of every member of the community. If true the creed of that sect will ultimately triumph, if false it will "die amidst its worshippers." To explain the attitude which we have been made to assume, I would recommend the publication of all the evidence relating to the occurrence and distributing the same to the chief authorities of each State."
The above is an extract from his message to the Legislature of Missouri delivered on the 17th, Nov. 1840.-All who know the facts, whether saints or sinners, will percieve [perceive] that it is a tissue of lies from the pen of a demon-he evidently shudders at the contemplation of his own crimes, but he is gone, yes LILBURN is gone down to the dark and dreary abode of his brother, and prototype; NERO, there to associate with kindred spirits, and partake of the dainties of his father's (the devil's) table.-Farewell, NERO! farewell LILBURN!! injustice and cruelty have met together, fiends and demons have kissed each other
From the Illinois Democrat of Nov. 21, 1840.
"All the combined factions and fragments and sects of religion, morals and politics, have been arrayed against us. The Abolitionists falsely pretended that they were neutral between the great contending parties. Their strength was a reserved force, which fought us in ambush, under the standard of Federalism.
What a beatiful [beautiful] specimen of democracy is here exhibited; by those too. who know as little about "Joe Smith"
and the "Mormons" as a child knows about the Emperor of Russia or the Chinese Empire. The Mormons voted, to be sure, and they had an unquestionable right so to do, according to the constitution and laws of our country: but that they were "mustered like so many regular soldiers, by Joe (Smith, as they are pleased to call him,) we have yet to learn, as he was about 500 miles from our place on the day of the elections; however, this is no difference, our holy religion is the MARK upon which the gun was leveled: but as Virginius has spoken our feelings upon the subject, we submit his remarks, copied from the Sangamon Journal-they are appropriate and to the point-they do honor to himself, and to the cause of Republicanism-read them.-Ed.
The above precious and liberal morceau is taken from a long article in the last Illinois Democrat, printed in Jacksonville, Morgan county, and is one of the most prominent leading Van Buren papers in this State * * * The paragraph above quoted declares that all sects of religion were arrayed against the Radicals and Agrarians who were the chief supporters of Van Buren in the late political contest through which we have just passed. The assertion is in the main correct-It is not of that I complain,-but it is that out of all the various denominations of Christians which the Democrat admits were arrayed against the Van Buren party, the Mormons should alone be made the special objects of their abuse. Are not the Mormons, citizens of the United States, entitled to the same protection under our Constitution and Laws, as any other sect of Christians? Does not the Constitution guarantee to them as well as the Baptist, the Methodist, or the Presbyterian, the unquestionable right of worshipping God according to the dictates of their own conscience?-Why then does this leading organ of Van Burenism assail the Mormons as "DELUDED" and "INFATUATED" and brand one of their principal and most exemplary members as an "infamous imposter [impostor]?" Does the Democrat hope that by such unmeasured denunciation and inflamatory [inflammatory] appeals they can excite the populace to act over the scenes in Missouri, which banished hundreds of innocent individuals from their own soil and fireside-robbed them of their property, and left their children "houseless, save in a mother's arms-couchless, save upon a mother's breast?" Do the leaders of that party hope that the fire of persecution against this injured sect of christians can be rekindled within this State, and the objects of their malice and hatred be made to flee from without our borders? If so, they will find themselves mistaken.-The freemen of Illinois never will suffer the DISGRACEFUL scenes of MISSOURI to be acted over on this side of the Mississippi; and whenever the Democrat, or any of its leaders, or any of its supporters, shall attempt a renewal of the persecutions against the Mormons, the assailants will find that the swords of the law-abiding portion of the community " are a thousand while their bosoms are one." VIRGINIUS.
City of Springfield, Dec. 16, 1840.
Editors of the Times & Seasons:-The act incorporating the "City of Nauvoo" has just passed the Council of Revision, and is now a law of the land, to take effect, and be in force, from and after the first Monday in February next. The aforesaid act contains two additional charters, one incorporating the "Nauvoo Legion;" the other, the "University of the City of Nauvoo." All these charters are very broad and liberal, conferring the most plenary powers on the corporators. Illinois has acquitted herself with honor,-and her State Legislature shall never be forgotten.-Every power we asked has been granted, every request gratified, every desire fulfilled. In the Senate, Little cancelled [canceled] every obligation to our people, and faithfully, and HONESTLY and with UNTIRING DILIGENCE, discharged every obligation devolving upon him as our immediate representative in the upper house-mark well
that man, and do him honor. Snyder, and Ralston, and Moore, and Ross, and Stapp, and numerous others, likewise in that branch of our state government rendered us very essential services-and the act passed that body without a dissenting voice. In the House of Representatives, Charles, our immediate representative in the lower house, was at his post, and discharged his duty as a faithful representative-he is an acting and not a talking man, and has fulfilled all his obligations to us. Many members in this house, likewise were warmly in our favor, and with only one or two dissenting voices, every representative appeared inclined to extend to us all such powers as they considered us justly entitled to, and voted for the law: and here I should not forget to mention that Lincoln, whose name we erased from the electoral ticket in November, (not, however, on account of any dislike to him as a man, but simply because his was the last name on the ticket, and we desired to show our friendship to the Democratic party by substituting the name of Ralston for some one of the Whigs,) had the magnanimity to vote for our act, and came forward, after the final vote, to the bar of the house, and cordially congratulated me on its passage. Our worthy Governor is certainly disposed to do us ample justice in every respect, and to extend to us every facility for our future happiness and prosperity. Illinois has certainly done her duty, and her whole duty; and now it becomes us to show ourselves upright, honest, just-worthy of the favors bestowed by noble, generous, and magnanimous statesmen. I have said that we are a law abiding people, and we must now show it. The state has washed her hands in granting all our petitions, and if we do not now show ourselves approved, the curse must fall upon our own heads. Justice, equal justice, should be our fixed object and purpose and the GREAT GOD will prosper us; length of days will be in our right hand, and in our left, glory and honor. In necessariis unitas, in non necessariis liberlas, in omnibus charitas, should be our motto, in the consummation of the great object, (human liberty, and equal rights,) and with the suaviter in mode, and the fortiter in re we must ultimately succeed in overcoming all unjust prejudice, and unreasonable opposition. In haste, JOAB, General in Israel.
For the Times and Seasons
By Doctor J. C. Bennett, of Nauvoo.
On the history of the tomato, Dr. Reese, of the Cyclopedia, says, "It is a native of South America-a tender annual, cultivated in England ever since Gerarde's time, for the sake of its large, variously-shaped scarlet or orange fruit, which many people esteem as a great luxury, etc. In the hotter parts of Europe, the tomato has more atidity [acidity] and briskness of flavor, and is, therefore, more welcome in such climates. It has also the reputation of being stimulant, or aphrodisiacal [aphrodisiac]." Mr. Thomas, in writing on the subject, says: "it is generally admitted that the tomato is indegenous [indigenous] to South America; but under what circumstances it has been found there, I have not learned. The year 1596 has been fixed on for its introduction into England, where it was cultivated by Gerarde. Some late traveller [traveler] in the interior of Africa (I cannot recollect whether Clapperton or Lander,) mentions its cultivation there; but this is only to be received as testimony of its excellence, and not of its origin." Professor Rafinesque says, "this fine vegetable was early introduced into Europe by the Spaniards, and scattered all over it, particularly France and Italy, where it is quite a common vegetable." From all that I have been able to collect relative to the history of the tomato, from a careful perusal of all the authorities, I have come to the following conclusions: 1st. That all its varieties are indigenous to South America, 2nd. That the vera tonilosa, vera globosa, and others, are indigenous to Asia as well as South America. 3rd. That the aurea difformis and some others, are natives of Europe as well as the other countries, 4th. That the aurea spherica, vera depressa, and others, are natives of Africa as well as the other divisions of the earth; and 5th. That the lycopersicum celatiforme, at all events, and probably some other species, are indigenous to North America, as well as the other sections of the Globe. This opinion is not an impromptu, but has been arrived at upon a circumstantial examination of all the most accurate writers on the subject, from the days of Merculialis down to the present period of time: and is not, therefore, a mere question of meum and taum between myself and other moderns, but an opinion that must and will obtain with the profession at large. W. Haile, in the Southern Agricaluralist [Agriculturist], says: "I tender you for acceptance a few seeds of the Mississippi tomatoes. They are found bordering on the Mississippi swamp spreading an unusual length, forming a beautiful vine, ornamental; and the seed growing in clusters resembling grapes. The testimony
of Mr. Haile is truly pertinent, and goes far to sustain my position: for that the Mississippi tomato is the lycopersicum ceratiforme, there can be no question. I am clearly of the opinion that there is no portion of the world, especially warm climates, where the tomato is not indigenous in some of its varieties of species, and that a general interchange of the varieties has taken place between almost all the nations of the earth.
There are many varieties of the tomato, all possesing [possessing] nearly the same virtues, the red, however are more acid than the yellow. Professor Rafinesque, late of the Transylvania University, in a letter dated Philadelphia December 2, A. D. 1835, has furnished me with the following, to wit: 1st. Aurea depressa-yellow flattened smooth fruit. 2nd. Aurea torulosa-yellow lobed fruit. 3rd. Aurea Sphericia-yellow globular fruit. 4th. Aurea Microcarpa-small yellow round fruit. 5th. Aurea Difformis-large lobed difformed [deformed]. 6th. Vera depressa-red flattened fruit, not lobed. 7th. Vera Globosa-red spherical fruit. 8th. Vera torulosa-common red multilobed fruit. 9th. Vera difformis-lobes unequal, multiform fruit. 10th. Vera prolifera-red multilobe, with very extended procumbent branches, and much fruit. There are several other varieties, some of which are deemed species, as 11th.. Lycopersicum villosum, decandria solanum, pseudo lycopersicum-differ only by pubescent fruit, and racemes simple. 12th. Lycopersicum ceratiforme-differs by racem as elongate, with much small fruit like cherries of grapes-procumbent plant. 13th. Lycopersicum Peruvianum-and 14th. Lycopersicum fugax-are two other species of the genus, but quite distinct. The above enumeration comprehends all the princapal [principal] varieties of the tomato in common use; and, in fact all that need be cultivated for the various purposes to which it is applied for the full consumation [consummation] of the most desirable results.
In reference to its Botanical character, the following accounts are given by the most eminent Botanists, of our country:
"Stem armed: leaves pinnatifid, gashed: racemes two-parted, leafless; fruit, glabrous, torulose." Porfessor [Professor] Eaton, of the Rensselaer College. "This is an annual plant, with jagged or unequally winged leaves, which grows two or three feet high, and about the blossoms and leaves, appears somewhat like the potatoe [potato]. It bears a large glossy berry, deeply furrowed, which is at first green, but when ripe, turns to a beautiful red, similar to the great pepper (Capsicum,") Dr. Comstock "Stem unarmed, herbaceus:[herbaceous]: leaves interruptedly pinnate, cut: clusters deeply divided, leafless: fruit smooth, variously shaped, scarlet or orange. The root is fibrous. Herb of rank growth, weak and decumbent, foetid glutinous, downy-Leafets [leaflets], corsely [coarsely] cut, and toothed with a double series of smallstalked intermediate ones: Flowers yellow, in large divided bunches. Fruit shining, pendulous, very ornamental." Rev. Dr. Rees. It is green at the first and of a yellowish red color; the flowers resemble those of nightshade, the fruit is fleshy and soft; it contains many flat whitish seeds in a juicy pulp." Dr. Parr.-It is not a solanum. No, this is a blunder of Linnaeus. As early as 150 years ago, Tournefort and other botanists, made of it the genus lycopersicum, totally different from solanum by having a many-celled berry, (the solanum is two celled.) and from 6 to 12 parts to the calyx; corolla 6-12 stamens-solanum has these parts in 5s. De Candolle, and all correct botannists [botanists] now call the tomato Lycopersicum sativum. It is the solanum lycopersicum of Linnaeus. Stem herbacuoue [herbaceous], unthorny, branched, spreading; leaves unequal, pinnated; follicles unequal lanciuate; annual plant, with yellow flowers, and fruit yellow or orange." Prof. Rafinesque.
I believe that no succesful [successful] analysis of the tomato has yet been made; yet I will proceed to give all the information I have acquired on the subject. Lieut. Geo. Webb Morrell, of the United States Engineers, writes me under date, Philadelphia, Nov. 3rd, A. D. 1835, that in conversation with Prof. Clemson, I was informed that several unsuccessful attemets [attempts] had been made to analyze the tomato, although its principal constituents are the same as other vegetables, but that those more minute had not yet been discovered: that the nature of the acid or acids existing in the tomato has not been discovered; it is not assertained [ascertained] whether it contains the malic or some other known acid in combination with an unknown acid or base, or any unknown acids in combination with each other or a base, or any acid or substance possessing medicinal properties." Prof. T. G. Clemson of Lafayette College, writes me under date, Philadelphia, Nov. 26, 1835, "that when in Europe, I commenced an examination of the tomato; but, finding that it would require much more time and attention than I could then devote to it, I relinquished the undertaking. My examination was chiefly dicected [directed] to the acid contained, which I thought new. When I left off I was under the impression that the acid which appears to be always present in the fruit is the malic acid. I know of no examination that has been made of any of the varieties of the tomato. I recollect of having held a conversation with my much esteemed former Professor of Chemistry M. Ganther de Courbray, on the fruit in question. He, likewise, was of the opinion that the acid contained was the malic acid." Prof. Rafinesque writes me-"I do not know that the tomato has been analized [analyzed], nor what is the real acid it contains; but I can intimate that it does not contain the solanic acid of the genus solanum, nor the alkalescent solania principle; both found in the narcotic species of solanum. It contains, besides an acid, mucilage, water, and an extractive and coloring matter-in what quantities and proportions I know not." In the same letter he says: "it is this tomatic acid, allow me the name, that holds the properties." I am of the same opinion; and, in a former publication, stated that themedicinal [the medicinal] qualities resided in the lycopersic acid, which is the same as
Rafinesque's tomatic-only he uses that term which would be most naturally derived from the common name, and I that which would be derived from the technical; and I am satisfied beyond all dispute, that it is the tomatic or lycopersic acid in which the principal power resides.
The juice of the vine affords one of the most durable vegetable colors known to dyers; and it is certainly very beautiful and brilliant.
The further investigation of the various properties of this plant, must be left to another time more auspicious, or to others whose time and talents will enable him to ferret out the matter more circumstantially than I have done.
The N. Orleans Bulletin has advices from Matamoras to the 31st October. One hundred and thirty Texians [Texans], who had volunteered under the Federalist leader Juan N. Molano, the associate of the Federal Generals Carnales and Cardenas, have been basely surrendered to Arista, the General of the Central forces and murdered in cold blood.
Canales; Molano, Bardenas, it is well known had been in arms against the government: but being baffled in their attempts, crossed over into Texas and induced volunteers to flock to their standard. With these recruits, they marched to the Rio Grande, where they discovered that the insurrection in the capital had been suppressed and that they had no chance of making any head-way against the government forces near the frontier.
This state of things produced a consultation between Conales, Molano, and Cardenas who finally determined to deliver up all the foreigners in their ranks to the enemy, provided they could make terms for their own safety and that of their Mexican followers. In order to carry this nefarious plan into effect, it was deemed advisable to divide their forces and pursue different routs [routes]. Molano passed over the river first with about a hundred and fifty foreigners and as many Mexicans; and by false pretences [pretenses] succeeded in decoying them into the interior, as far as Victoria, where he opened a secret correspondence with Gen. Arista, about the middle of August, and disclosed to him his perfidious designs. The infamous proposal was accepted by Arista with alacrity, but as he was unwilling to stain his hands by openly participating in a transaction of such turpitude, he ordered Molano to proceed to Satillo, and deliver his victims into the hands of Gen. Mountego. In the vicinity of that place, on the 22d inst. all the foreigners were shamefully abandoned to the enemy, consisting of more than five times their own number. They fought like men to the last, and evinced a heroic conduct that deserved a beter [better] cause and a better fate.-Atlas
RATE OF REWARDS FOR DESTROYING THE ENGLISH-Whosoever shall be able to take an English man of war carrying eighty great guns, shall have a reward of 20,000 Dollars. For a smaller vessel carrying fewer guns, less.-For every gun less, the reward will be diminished $100. Whatever the vessel contains, besides the great guns, weapons of war, and opium, which must be given up to the Mandarians, shall be awarded to the takers. Again, to any one who shall destroy a great man-of-war of the said foreigners, not leaving a single plank, shall be given a reward of $10,000.
2nd. Whosoever takes an English merchant vessel shall have as a reward whatever the vessel contains-excepting as before. In addition to which for a large vessel with three mast, the takers shall receive the reward of $10,000; two and a half masts 5,000 dollars; two masts 3,000. For taking an English large (sampan,) or passage boat, 300 dollars; a small one, 100 dollars.
3rd. For taking alive a foreign Mandarian or officer, on enquiry [inquire] should it be ascertained that he is the said man-of-war's-chief officer, according to his rank and office-the rule of lessening- for every degree lower, the reward shall be diminished 500 dollars!
4th. For killing foreign Mandarian or officers, one third of the proportional reward.
5th. For seizing alive Englishmen, or Parsees, for each one 100 dollars; for each one killed, 20 dollars. As for taking the black devils, it ought to be decided whether they are soldiers of slaves and the reward granded [granted] accordingly.
6th. For taking Hans rascals-Chinese-who deal in opium, the same on trial being condemned, decapitated, and their heads exposed, for each $100 reward.
-> NAPOLEON'S REMAINS.-An arrival at New Orleans States that there was a French Frigate at St. Helena to take the remains of Napoleon to France. The disinterment would take place on the 13th October.
FIRE AT CINCINNATI.-Two fires happened at Cincinnati, on the night of the 28th ult.
The first broke out on the west side of Vine street between Second and Third streets, in a packing-box shop belonging to Mr. James Dunlap. This was destroyed, and with it two or three dwelling houses, occupied by several German families. The buildings were of no great value, and the householding of their occupants was in great part saved. The buildings belonged to a female connection of Mr. Dunlap.
The second broke out on the north side of fifth str., between Lodge's Ally and Walnut st., in a dry-goods store next to the large corner building of Mr. Broadwell. This store was destroyed, with all its stock, another dry-goods store adjoining it on the west with most of its contents, Podesta's fruit store and great part of the fruits and confectionaries [confectioneries] on hand, and the upper story of the building occupied by Mr. Ruffin as a dry-goods store, with some damage to the stock. Nearly all the property was covered by insurance.
CENSUS OF PHILADELPHIA.-Aggregate population of the city and county of Philadelphia, 258,922; aggregate increase since the taking of the fifth Census in 1830, 691.
BE EVER PUNCTUAL.-Pres't Washington was the most punctual man in the observance of appointments ever known to the writer. He delivered his communications to Congress at the opening of each session, in person.-He always appointed the hour of twelve for this purpose, and he never failed to enter the hall of congress while the state-house clock was striking that hour. His invitations for dinner were always given for four o'clock P. M. He allowed five minutes for variation of time pieces, and he waited no longer for any one. Certain lagging members of Congress sometimes came in when the dinner was nearly half over. The writer has heard the President say to them with a smile, "gentlemen we are too punctual for you-I have a cook who never asks whether the company has come, but whether the hour has come."
Yes I love thee, and thy holy name
To me is dearer far, than even life;
Thou great Jehovah, even still the same;
In thy calm bosom there's no burning strife:
But in this heart is held a conflict dire,
Between my love for thee, and passions' pow'r;
Passions which burst like Etna's towering fire,
And threaten my destruction in an hour,
And then shoulds't thy lov'd spirit cease to strive-
Where were my hope? no anchor to the soul,
No helm to guide; tempest wild would drive
But thou art ever gracious, ever kind;
Thy gentle hand to man is stretch'd out still,
Thy spirit calms the anguish of his mind,
And guides him by thy wise and sovereign will;
Compels him not, by arbitrary power,
But gently leads him on in wisdom's ways;
Showers him the errors of his former course,
Illuminates his path by heavenly rays.
Who but must love the Parent faithful friend
And tho' e'en life is dear, yet love the more;
Love, praise, and serve thee, always to the W. L.
General Notice is hereby given that it is required of every member of the Quorum of Seventies that they send their names and places of residence to the clerk of said Quorum Post Paid, as it has now become nececsary [necessary] to organize said Quorum; every one receiving such notice are requested to make it known to every faithful brother of the Quorum, as all who comply with this request in the space of three months will have their names enrolled in the organization. Done by order of the council and Quorum.
Nauvoo Ill. Dec. 12th, 1840 A. P. ROCKWOOD Clerk.
Died, (politically,) at the City of Jefferson, of MORMON MANIA, on the 17th of Nov. the notorious Lilburn W. Boggs, in the fourth year of his reign. DIED Lilburn as a fool dieth, yea he gathered up his feet and slept with his fathers; and all the people rejoiced exceedingly. Thus has passed from the political arena one of the proudest, most cruel, and feeble despots, that ever swayed a princely sceptre [scepter]-his life, despised; his death unlamented.-[Communicated.]
From a London paper. WARS AND RUMORS OF WARS.
"Whether the event takes place sooner or later, it is difficult to predict; but that the French government is determined on a war with England, at no very distant period, cannot be reasonably doubted. The present question (the Eastern) being fairly at an end, France will seek the earliest possible opportunity of provoking us single handed into the field."
If the war should soon terminate in the East it will commence between two great nations, France and England, and how is England to protect herself at home and abroad? The Times has shown that her ships-of-the-line are few in nnmber [number], and that those few are many of them unfit for an engagement-her best ships are abroad, and there they must remain; for besides those in the Mediterranean, she has a strong fleet in China, which cannot be called home, for a long and desperate battle is soon to take place with the Chinese.-Then she cannot treat lightly the claims of America, however strong her desire may be to postpone her difficulties with us till she has settled those which trouble her more than the boundary question. Of her domestic troubles, it is needless to speak. In times of less excitement she would not wink at the daring agitator, O'Connell, who has recently commenced anew his boisterous cry for "Repeal of the Union," and which has been heard by sixty thousand of his followers, at one time! I say nothing of chartism, for the chartist only sleep at the present moment, to gain strength to strike when the opportunity presents itself.
Glancing at the present political state of Europe, how stands England?-Surely in no enviable position. For twenty-five years the political horizon has not worn such a gloomy appearance. I sincerely hope and pray that war, already commenced, will not go on, but it will indeed be little short of a miracle, if it end during this year or the next.
THE Journal of Heber C. Kimball, and Elder of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Giving an account of the commencement of the work of the Lord in Great Britain.
ALSO an address to Americans, a Poem in blank verse, by the late Elder James Mulholland. For sale by R. B. Thompson the publisher. _ Nauvoo, Jan. 1, 1841.
I HEREBY warn all persons against taking an assignment on a mortgage executed by me to William Robison, on the seventh day of October, one thousand eight hundred and thirty nine, on the following tract or parcel of land, lying in the county of Hancock, and state of Illinois, to wit: one undivided half of the south half, of the southwest quarter of section thirty one, in township seven north, and range eight west, of the fourth principal meredian [meridian]. Also the south half of the west half, of the south east quarter of section thirty one, in township seven north, and range eight west, of fourth principle meredian [meridian]. And the south half of the north west quarter, of section thirty six, in township, seven north, and range nine west, of the fourth principal meredian [meridian]. I have made payment, and tendder [tender] of payment to the full amount of all the requirements of said mortgage, to said Robinson: according to the tenor of a written contract, which I hold in my possession in relation to said mortgage. R. B. THOMPSON. Nauvoo, Dec. 14th, 1840.
LAW NOTICE. SAMPSON and PERKINS, Attorneys and counsellors [counselors] at Law, Carthage, Hancock county, Ill. December 1, 1840.-15-tf.
BOOKS OF MORMON, for sale at this office, by wholesale or retail. All orders and letters for books must be addressed to E. Robinson. Post Paid.
ALSO, For sale by Elder Erastus Snow, Philadelphia city. Price, $1 per copy wholesale, or $1.25 retail. Nov. 15th.
GRIDLEY'S Salt Rheum Ointment, a safe, certain and final cure for Scrofula, Ringworms, Illinois Mange, &c. &c. for sale by E. ROBINSON Corner of Water and Bain St.
Book and FANCY Job Printer,
HAVING procured an extensive assortment of Book and fancy TYPE, Book Bindery Tools and Stock, and a Stereotype Foundery [foundry], is prepared to execute work in either, or all of the above branches, with neatness and despatch [dispatch]-such as, BOOKS, PAMPHLETS, BLANKS, BUSINESS AND VISITING CARDS, CIRCULARS, BILLS OF LADING, labels, etc. etc.
He keeps constantly on hand and for sale, wholesale or retail, Books of Mormon, which he offers at the following reduced prices:-$1.25 per single copy, $12. per dozen, 110 books for $100, 600 books for $500, or 1250 books for $1000.
ALSO For sale P. P. Pratt's Voice of Warning, S. Rigdon's Appeal (second edition published by Elders Hyde and Page; letter and writing paper, Justice's and Constable's Blanks, etc. etc.
All Orders for Books or work thankfully received and promptly attended to. Office corner of Water and Bain Streets. Nauvoo, Jan. 1, 1841.
ILLINOIS. City of Springfield, T. H. Bishop.
City of Quincy, S. B. Stoddard.
Victoria, Knox co. John Gaylord.
Mt. Pulaski, Logan co. Jabez Capps.
PENNSYLVANIA. City of Philadelphia, Joseph H. Newton
City of Philadelphia Erastus Snow,
Centerville, Crawford co. Stephen Post.
NEW YORK : City of New York George J. Adams.
City of Albany Albert Brown.
West Leyden, Lewis co. J. L. Robinson.
MASSACHUSETTS. Georgetown, Essex Co. Nathaniel Holmes.
NEW HAMPSHIRE Gilsum, Chilon Mack, P. M.
Lisbon, Grafton co. Zadock Parker
TENNESSEE Whitleyville, Jackson co. T. K. Witcher.
KENTUCKY. Centre Point, Monroe co. Wm. Dixon.
OHIO. Kirtland, Lake co. Almon Babbitt.
Dayton, W. W. Phelps.
West Milton, Dr. Harvey Tate.
Andover, Ashtabula co. James M. Adams.
Livonia, Wayne co. Rufus Beach.
INDIANIA (INDIANA). Pleasant Garden, Dr. Knight.
LOUISANA (LOUISIANA). City of New Orleans, E. G. Terril.
ENGLAND. City of Manchester, P. P. Pratt.
City of Preston, J. P. Fielding
City of London H. C. Kimball
City of London W. Woodruff
" " G. A. Smith
ISLE OF MAN. Douglass, John Taylor.
SCOTLAND. City of Edinburgh, Orson Pratt. Bishopton, Reuben Hadlock.
IRELAND. H. Clark.
John E. Page. Orson Hyde.
Daniel Tyler, Wm. O. Clark,
Z. Coultrin. John Cairn,
Lorenzo Barnes, Joseph Ball,
Benj. Winchester Samuel Parker.
Daniel Shearer, Robert P. Crawford,
Henry Lumereaux, James Standing,
J. M. Grant L. M. Davis
Joshua Grant, F. G. Bishop,
G. H. Brandon, John Riggs,
Lorenzo Snow, James Blakeslee,
Norman Shearer, B. F. Boydston,
A. B. Tomlinson,
Elisha H. Groves,
DISSOLUTION co-partnership heretofore existing between E. Robinson and D. C. Smith, of the firm of Robinson & Smith, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. The debts and accounts, of the paper and job printing will be settled by D. C. Smith, who has them prepared for settlement, All business belonging to the Books, or Book & Fancy printing will be attended to by E. Robinson.
E. ROBINSON. D. C. SMITH. Nauvoo, Dec. 14, 1840.
The Times and Seasons, Is printed and published about the first and fifteenth of every month on the corner of Water and Been Streets, NAUVOO, HANCOCK COUNTY, ILLINOIS, BY D. C. SMITH, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR.
TERMS.-TWO DOLLARS per annum, payable in all cases in advance. Any person procuring five new subscribers, and forwarding us 10 dollars current money, shall receive one volume gratis. Letters on business must be addressed to the Editor and POST PAID.
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