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< Times and Seasons | 2
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Volume 2. No. 23.] | City of Nauvoo, Ill., Oct. 1, 1841 | [Whole No. 35. |
Times and Seasons. | ||
City of Nauvoo, | ||
Friday, Oct. 1, 1841. |
London, June 15th, 1841.
President Smith:
Sir, With pleasure I take my pen to write you at this time, and through you to the Times and Seasons; and through it, to the saints at large; and to all whom it may concern.
May grace, mercy, and peace, from God our Father, and from the Lord Jesus Christ, rest upon you abundantly, and enable you to serve him acceptably-secure to yourself that honor which cometh from above-guide the counsels of the saints in wisdom, that peace and good will may reign predominant in Zion, and joy and gladness swell every grateful heart.
Most gladly would I embrace an opportunity of a personal interview with you, did one offer, but such a favor is beyond my reach at the time. I have just seen the 12th No. of the Times and Seasons, containing the minutes of your conference-the report of the presidency-the celebration of the anniversary of the church: and the laying of the foundation of the Temble [Temple]. This to me, was a precious gem. It brought tidings from my own country; and from the place rendered doubly endearing from the fact that there is the home of my wife and children.
I was sorry that Elder Page had been so tardy in his movements, that objections were made to him. Most gladly would I have hailed him as a companion to the Oriental Continent; but my hopes of that are fled. I shall go alone, or find some other person in all probability to go with me.
I have written a book to publish in the German language, setting forth our doctrine and principles in as clear and concise a manner as I possibly could. After giving the history of the rise of the church, in something the manner that Br. O. Pratt did, I have written a snug little article upon every point of doctrine believed by the saints. I began with the Priesthood, and showed that the saints were not under the necessity of tracing back the dark and bloody stream of papal superstition to find their authority, neither were they compelled to seek for it among the floating and trancient [transient] notions of Protestant reformers; but God has sent his holy angel directly from heaven with this seal and authority, and confered [conferred] it upon men with his own hands: quoting the letter and testimony of O. Cowdery. Next was on the use and validity of the holy scriptures in the church. Next on faith, set forth from the scriptures and the book of covenants-then on repentance-then baptism-then laying on of hands-then the different offices of the church. Next the power and authority of each one; and in fine the whole order, doctrine and government of the saints. I have not written it as a law binding on the German saints; but have taken this course to illustrate and set forth the true principles of our doctrine to them, fully believing that it would meet with the cordial approbation of those whom I have the distinguished honor to represent, could they but see it. I have written a lengthy preface and introduction to it. I here copy an extract from the introduction.
"When in the course of Divine Providence, it becomes our duty to record one of those remarkable events which gives birth to a new era. And lays the foundation for the renovation of the moral world; it fills the mind with wonder astonishment, and admiration: How welcome are the rays of the morning light, after the shades of darkness have clothed the earth in gloom! So after a long and tedious night of moral darkness under which the earth has rolled, and her inhabitants groaned for the last fourteen hundred years; and angle! an angel!! commissioned from the Almighty, discended [descended], and rolled back the curtains of night from the minds of some, and caused the sun-beams of truth to enlighten, cheer, and warm the hearts of many. Welcome! welcome to our earth, thou messenger of the Most High! and thrice welcome, the tidings which thou hast borne [born]!!"
"O! gracious Father! I ask thee in the name of thy holy child Jesus, to bless with thy Royal favor, the weak exertions of thy humble servant; and make this production a blessing to all people who may be favored with a perusal of its pages. Wherever it shall go; let it be a messenger of conviction to the wicked: and a harbinger of peace to the righteous. Let its contents be borne [born] upon every breeze, and wafted to the remotest climes. Let the angel of the covenant go before it, and prepare its way. Let its heavenly influence be distilled upon the rich and fertile soil of humble and honest hearts."
"Go forth, therefore, little volume to other nations and tongues; and may the Almighty speed your way; and like a sharp two-edged sword, cut thy way through the prejudices of this generation,-encamp with all thy virtues in the hearts of the people, and there let thy principles be enthroned,"
One thing I was pleased with, which I noticed in the Times and Seasons, the remarks made on the use of intoxicating spirits. In my heart, they found a corresponding echo. I should not be willing to indulge the thought for a moment that the saints in Nauvoo would quietly stand still, and see a brother gorge himself with that strong drink which makes a hell of his home, and rolls the fiery flood of ruin over the affections of his once happy family. No; they will dash from his lips the cup of wretchedness; and sharply rebuke the homicide that sells to him the wine of wrath, and measures to him his wife's tears by the pint, the quart, the gallon, and the jug-ful [full].
May the lightnings of heaven forever blast, (I had almost said) those brews of strong drink which send forth their corrupt and poisonous streams to sweep down, in their filthy current, men of sterling talents to an untimely grave.-May the saints of God stand as far from them, as Lot stood from Sodom in its evil day. This dizzy flood has sometimes entered the house of worship-invaded the sacred desk, and hushed, in death, forever, the voice that could plead, like an angel, the cause of God and man.
I have just received a note from Dr. S. Hirschell, President Rabbi of the Hebrew community in this country, in reply to a very polite note which I sent to him, requesting the indulgence of a personal interview with him: But in consequence of a very severe accident which befel [befell] him, he is confined to his room, and unable, at this time, to grant the asked indulgence. [His leg is broken.]
I have addressed to him a communication upon the subject of my mission; a copy of which I transmit to you. It may not be altogether uninterresting [uninteresting] to the saints and friends in America.
"Rev'd Sir,
I cannot but express my sorrow and regret at the misfortune under which you ;labor, in consequence of the severe accident which befel [befell] you; and by which you are confined to your room. Please accept Sir, the sincere wishes of a stranger, that you may speedily recover from the injury you sustained in consequence of the accident; and resume the labor which your high and responsible station calls you to perform."
"Feeling that I may not enjoy the privilege and happiness of a personal interview with you, I hope you will indulge the liberty which I now presume to take in addressing a written communication to you, embracing some of those things which I had fondly hoped, would have been the foundation of a mutual interchange of thought between us: But as Providence has laid an embargo upon that distinguished privilege, I must forego, at this time, the pleasure of a verbal relation of those things pertaining to your nation, with which my mind is deeply affected."
"Since I have arrived to years of more mature reflection, and become religiously inclined, the writings of the Jewish prophets have won my affections; and the scattered and oppressed condition of that people, had enlisted the finest sympathies of my heart. Believing therefore, that the words of Hosea the prophet 2. 23, connected with your magnanimity, will prohibit the indulgence of any prejudice in your feeling against the author of this production, in consequence of his not being able, by any existing document or record, to identify himself with your nation."
"About nine years ago, a young man with whom I had had a short acquaintance, and one, too, in whom dwelt much wisdom and knowledge-in whose bosom the Almighty had deposited many secrets, laid his hands upon my head, and pronounced these remarkable words: 'In
due time, thou shalt go to Jerusalem, the land of thy fathers, and be a watchman unto the house of Israel; and by thy hands, shall the Most High do a good work, which shall prepare the way, and greatly facilitate the gathering together of that people.' Many other particulars were told me by him, at that time, which I do not write in this letter: But sufficient is written to show that divine appointment is claimed as the main-spring that has sent me forth from the embraces of an affectionate family, and kind friends as well as from the land that gave me birth."
"My labors since that period, have been bestowed upon the Gentiles in various countries, and on both sides of the Atlantic, until, in the early part of March 1840, I retired to my bed one night as usual; and while meditating, and contemplating the field of my future labors, the vision of the Lord like clouds of light burst into my view. (See Joel, 2. 28) The cities of London, Amsterdam, Constantinople, and Jerusalem, all appeared in succession before me; and the spirit said unto me, 'Here are many of the children of Abraham whom I will gather to the land that I gave to their fathers; and here also, is the field of your labors. Take therefore propper [proper] credentials from my people, your brethren, and also from the Governor of your State with the seal of authority thereon, and go ye forth to the cities which have been shown you, and declare these words unto Judah, and say, 'Blow ye the trumpet in the land: cry, gather together, and say, assemble yourselves an let us go into the defenced [defended] cities. Set up the standard towards Zion-retire stay not; for I will bring evil from the north, and a great destruction. The lion is come up from his thicket, and the destroyer of the Gentiles is on his way-he is gone forth from his place to make thy land desolate, and thy cities shall be laid waste, without an inhabitant.'
Speak ye comfortably to Jerusalem, and cry unto her, that her warfare is accomplished-that her iniquity is pardoned for she hath received of the Lord's hand double for all her sins."
"Let your warning voice be heard among the Gentiles as you pass, and call ye upon them in my name for aid and for assistance. With you, it mattereth not whether it be a little or much; but to me it belongeth to show favor unto them who show favor unto you.'
"The vision continued open about six hours, that I did not close my eyes in sleep. In this time, many things were shown unto me which I have never written, neither shall I write them until they are fulfilled in Jerusalem."
"It appears, from the prophets, that Jerusalem has none to guide-none to take her by the hand among all the sons whom she hath brought forth and reared: But these two sons are come unto thee! The sons of strangers shall build up thy walls.'
"Permit me now Rev. Sir, to trouble you with the reflections of a mind that feels completely untrameled [untrammeled] from every party interest, and from every sectarian influence. when I look at the condition of your fathers in the days of David and Solomon, and contrast that with the present condition of their descendants, I am led to exclaim, 'How are the mighty fallen!' Then they possessed a kingdom-a land flowing with milk and honey-then the strong arm of Jehovah taught the surrounding nations to pay tribute and homage to them-then their standard was raised high, their banner floated on every breeze; and under its shade,; the sons and daughters of Israel reposed in perfect safety; and the golden letters of light and knowledge were inscribed on its folds. But now, no kingdom-no country-no tribute of gain or honor-no standard-no security: Their sceptre [scepter] has departed! and instead of that light and knowledge which once gave them a transcendant [transcendent] elevation above other nations, the height of their ambition, is now,.(with some honorable exceptions) the accumulation of sordid gain, by buying and selling the stale refuse with which their fathers would never have defiled their hands."
"Why this wonderful change? Is the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, a just God? Most certainly he is. If, then, he is a just God, of course, he will mete out and apportion the chastisement of peanlty [penalty], to the magnitude of the offence [offense] or crime committed. Allowing, then, the law of Moses to be the standard by which actions are weighed: Were not idolatry and the shedding of innocent blood, the greatest sins which your fathers committed? and was not the penalty inflicted upon them for that transgression, captivity in Babylon seventy years? Have
they ever been guilty of idolatry at all since their return from Babylon? No! Have they been guilty of sheding [shedding] innocent blood, to that extent, since their return that they were, before they were taken captives by Nebuchadnezzar? The Jews says no. Very well: there will none deny, with any claim upon our credulity, but that the disaster and overthrow that befel [befell] the Jewish nation in the days of Vespassian, very far exceeded in severity, in almost every particular, the disaster and ouerthrow [overthrow] that befel [befell] them in the days of Nebuchadnezzar."
"Now, then, if God be just, and mete out and apportion the chastisement or penalty to the magnitude of the offence [offense] or crime committed, it follows, of course, that your fathers committed some far greater crime subsequent to their return from Babylon, than ever they before committed. Be that crime whatever it may: Know ye, that for it, or because of it, the Roman armies were permitted to crowd their conquests to the heart of your city-burn your temple-kill your men, women and children, and disperse your remnant to the four quarters of the earth. The fiery storm that burst upon your nation at that time, and the traces of blood which they have, ever since, left behind them in their flight and dispersion, together with the recent cursed cruelties inflicted upon them in Damascus and Rhodes, but too plainly declare that the strong imprecation which they uttered on a certain occasion, has been fulfilled upon them to the letter. 'Let his blood be on us and on our children.' If condemning and crucifying Jesus of Nazareth was not the cause of this great evil; what was the cause of it?"
"Aware that I have written very plainly upon those points that have come within my notice; yet believe me, Sir, when I assure you, that my pen is pointed with friendship, and dipped in the fountain of love and good will towards your nation. The thoughts which it records have proceeded from a heart grateful to the Almighty, that the time has arrived when the day-star of your freedom already begins to dispel the dark and gloomy clouds which have seperated [separated] you from the favor of your God. Ere long it will be said to you; 'Arise, shine, for thy light has come, and the glory of the Lord has risen upon thee."
"The morning breaks, the shadows flee,
Lo! Zion's standard is unfurled;
The dawning of a brighter day
Majestic rises on the world.
The Gentile fullness now comes in,
And Israel's blessings are at hand:
Lo! Judah's remnant cleansed from sin
Shall in their promised Canaan stand."
"Now, therefore, O ye children of the covenant! Repent of all your backslidings, and begin, as in days of old, to turn to the Lord your God. Arise! Arise! and go out from among the Gentiles; for destruction is coming from the north to lay their cities waste. Jerusalem is thy home. There the God of Abraham will deliver thee. (See Joel 2, 32) There the bending heavens shall reveal thy long-looked-for Messiah in fleecy clouds of light and glory, to execute vengeance upon thine enemies; and lead thee and thy brethren of the ten tribes to sure conquest, and certain victory. Then shall thrones be cast down, and the kingdoms of this world become the kingdoms of our God. Then will they come from the east, west, north and south, and set down in the kingdom of God with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. But the children of the kingdom (Gentiles) shall be cast out, and the kingdom restored to Israel.
With sentiments of distinguished consideration I have the honor, Sir, to subscribe myself
Your most ob't servant
Orson Hyde.
Rev. Dr. Solomon Hirschell,
Pres't Rabbi of the Hebrew society in England.
It is very hard times in England.-Thousands that have nothing to do, and are literally starving. Trade of all sorts is at the lowest ebb. Very cold and dry. No harvest, unless rain come soon.
You will discover that the greater part of the English brethren, have always worked under masters; and they have not so much notion of planning and shifting for themselves, particularly in a strange country, as the Americans.-They want some one to be a kind of father to them, to give them plenty of work, and plenty to eat; and they will be content, They are a very industrious people whenever they can get employment; and by a little fatherly care, they will soon get way-wished to the conntry [country], and be enabled to shift for themselves. I trust that exertions are made to give employ to as many as possible
You know the reasons there better than I do; and you have received a speciman [specimen] of the English saints. Now if you have any counsel to give concerning the gathering, in addition to that already given, I shall be happy to receive it, and execute as far as opportunity offers. I shall not remain here long, it is true. But Br. Pratt is here, and I shall return here sometime if the Lord will.
I must now close by saying for one and all, God bless Zion forever and ever.
Your brother in Christ.
Orson Hyde.
Dear Sir:-
If you think the contents of this sheet worthy of a place in your excellent publication, its insertion will greatly oblige yours in the covenent [covenant].
F. Moon.
From the short history of Lot, we may learn many important things: he is brought before us as an herdsman with Abraham, and certain difficulties, arising, they determined upon a separation. And although Abraham was his uncle, yet he gave him the choice of going either to the East or West. And Lot went and dwelt in Sodom. Let us notice his love of earthly things. "And Lot lifted up his eyes, and beheld all the plain of Jordon, that it was well watered every where-even as the garden of the Lord-and lot chose him all the plain of Jordon and he went and dwelt in Sodom." In this choice religious privileges and those things which concern the soul, that are of eternal moment were never calculated upon. And in about nineteen years he was visited by angels bearing a message of distruction [destruction] for Sodom and the neigboring [neighboring] cities. Now let us, who have come from the east, west, north and south, not imitate the conduct of Lot; and although there may be apparent difficulties, and a lack of this, and that, which would be pleasing to the flesh: yet let us compare our advantages if we were not here; and never attempt to join the world, at the risk of losing our soul. But here an objector may arise and say "I could go to such and such a place, and get all that heart could desire, and love for God too." I admit the possibility, but it is not so probable that this would be the case; but supposing it should, where would be the benefit if in a few years, when you have increased your goods, a messenger should be sent to sound in your ears these alarming words, "escape for thy life, look not behind thee neither stay thou in all the plain." Could you without confering [conferring] with flesh and blood, forsake all, or with the anxiety and disobedience of a Lot's wife, look back, and thus exhibit the awful consequences of transgression.
The Lord has commanded his people to gather, and though there may be troubles, yet if it is according to the law of heaven, it ought to be attended to without a murmur; and it is far better with us, than it was with the children of Israel, for they had not water: and many more things they complained of, and they said "would to God we had stayed in Egypt, or died when our brethren died"-and they said to Moses and Aaron, "why have ye brought us" &c., [Numb. 20. 2-5.] But an inspired writer has a different view of this subject, "and thou shalt remember" says he, "all the way which the Lord thy God led thee these forty years in the wilderness, to humble thee, and to prove thee, to know what was in thine heart, whither thou wouldest keep his commandments or no." What I mean to say is this, that we ought to live where we can enjoy most of the blessings of heaven, and receive the greatest knowledge of the things of God, hanging upon this promise, "seek first the kingdom of God and its righteousness, and all other things shall be added unto you",-for what is time when compared with eternity! and what is this world when compared with that which is to come!
Let us look again at Lot, and notice his disrespect to the commandments of God. In the morning he was commanded to take his family that was with him, and first he began to linger, but the angels laid hold of him and got him without the city, and gave him a command; the latter part of which he objected to, and says that God asked impossibilities at his hands. The Lord told him to go the mouatain [mountain] that he might live; he says "I cannot escape to the mountain, lest some evil take me and I die: Behold now this city is near to flee unto, and it is a little one: Oh! let me escape thither, and my soul shall live!" The face of this seems to be , 'let me do as I please, and then I shall be comfortable; but if I do as you have commanded me, I see danger;' from this we
may learn something of importance. We shall find upon examination, that the children of men have taken an unauthorised [unauthorized] liberty with the commandments of God, and that to their ruin: and the principal reason for their objection is, that in their view they are but small. But we ought not to look at the command without considering the curse or blessing, connected with it, and then we shall be able to determine whether it is a little one or not. The law given to Adam, may be called small; but when we look at the connection, we must say it was great. The law of the blood of the passover was simple; buy the cause of life and earth were in the precept. The command given to Moses [Num. 20, 8.] looked little, but when it was violated it was awful, [Num. 20, 10-12] What Naaman was ordered to do, was allowed to be a very small thing, so much so, that he would not do it, until his servant spake to him on the subject. All the commandments of God are simple; and it appears that he will save, or condemn, the world upon this principle; and not only in ancient days has he given little things for the observance of the children of men: but even now, as he did in old time: witness the word of wisdom. Now what shall we say it is the work of man, or shall we say it is given by the spirit of God? But comparing the whole work we must say it is the latter; had it been the work of man, we might have trampled upon his law with impunity, & defied all his threats with mental force; but when the great Jehovah speaks, who, though he dwells in the heavens, yet he condescends to speak with men, who are but worms of the earth; and offers to them life and salvation upon certain simple principles.
To say nothing about the disputed point contained in the word of wisdom: the Lord has said strong drink and tobacco are not good for man. But here an objector will arise and say, 'I know that strong drink is good, for I have tried it many a time, and have found great a benefit from it, so much so, that if it had not been for it I should have died.' Then what they mean to say is this 'I cannot give it up, is it not a little one? Let me have it and my soul shall live.' And thus whether they consider it, or not, they give their Maker the lie. Those who use tobacco say we cannot make such a sacrifice; and thus, with Lot, they find that what God has ordained for life, to be unto death; Let me have this little tobacco and my soul shall live. Lot said I shall die if I go to the mountain, but in a short time he was compeled [compelled], for he feared to live in Zoar. [Gen. 19, 30.] And you spirit drinkers, and tobocco [tobacco] users, will soon have to witness the same things, viz: if you cannot live without it, you cannot live with it, so you must either obey the commandment or be reconciled to your doom. But I would advise you to come forth with the resolution of a man, and show to the world that you are determined to take the kingdom if it be by storm, and enjoy all the blessings, contained in the word of wisdom. But if you are determined to pursue your own course, and hug your idol to your heart-I would say, go on, and the God of heaven will reward you according to your works: for that period is not far distant, when the destroying angel will pass through the land, who will lay great Dagon with all his worshippers prostrate on the earth: for no idol shall stand in the presence of the great God, for when be comes, all evil will be gathered out of his kingdom, and only they who keep his commandments shall be able to stand.
To the Editor of the Times and Seasons:
Dear Sir:
I have retired to my room for a few moments, to drop a few lines to you, to inform you of the prosperity of our Redeemer's cause in this vicinity. I am sitting at a West window in the Eagle Hotel, in Franklin, Portage co., Ohio, where I have formerly spent fifteen summers with my circle of relatives; but never has the setting sun, the last day of summer, while declining in the western horizon, caused such peculiar reflections on my mind as when it now sinks behind the western hills-all is silent but now and then the rolling of a carriage as it passes, or occasionally the voice of the youth, as they are sporting in the streets-all this is well calculated to cite my mind to the busy bustle of Nauvoo, where my prattling children are sporting about the yard, or assisting their lonely mother in arranging the domestic affairs for the night-and where my beloved brethren and sisters in the Lord, are enjoying each other's society-although my mind is with you this evening, my person is separated from you by a distance of near seven hundred miles, but not without sorce [source]
friends; Elder H. S. Eldredge is laboring with me here; he is a faithful servant of the Lord, and with a little more experience, will be able, with the assistance of God, to put to silence all the priests of baal, who dare raise their voices against the truth, to impede the progress of the everlasting gospel.
We have labored here about two months, and have preached three times a week. When we first preached here, the assemblies were large, and good attention was paid to the truth, and a spirit of enquirey [inquiry] was the result; the dust was brushed from many a bible that had lain undisturbed for months, by many however, for the purpose of putting down the truth; but to their great astonishment, truth could not be arrayed against truth, to put it down. What then was to be done? Why, they called in the neighboring priests, of various professions, to assist in the struggle, but alas, their attempt to put down the truth failed, and the more they struggled the deeper they sunk in the mire. Seeing nothing else would prevent the honest from searching the scriptures, receiving and obeying the same, they have resorted to the same method the enemy of all righteousness has ever done; first to ridicule the ordinances of the Gospel, secondly to misrepresent, slander, and speak all manner of evil against us, and those who dare obey the gospel. All this not having the desired effect, they have resorted to threats which are handed out on every side; and even now while I write, I understand they are holding a meeting to take into consideratioh [consideration] the best method to put a stop to the spread of what they call Mormonism, what the result will be I know not. We have succeeded in establishing the standard of truth in Franklin, for which I thank God; we have had the pleasure of leading twelve into the waters of baptism in this place, and others are believing the work of the Lord; we shall by the assistance of God, organize a branch here, and we therefore invite the Elders traveling this way, to call, for necessity requires that we should return to our families, in the West, in a few weeks.
Yours in the bonds of the
everlasting covenant,
L. A. Shirtliff.
Charlotte Centre [Center],}
Chautauqua co. N. Y.,}
Aug. 18th 1841.}
Br. D. C. Smith:-
I take this epportunity [opportunity] of addressing a person with whom I have no acquaintance, only through the medium of the Times and Seasons, by the perusal of which I have been highly gratified; I have received instruction and information-and long may you continue in health, in peace, and safety to publish that interesting periodical; may it be a swift messenger to communicate to the saints, intelligence, from the traveling Elders, of the spread of the truth, of the increase of the church of Christ, and of the triumphs of the gospel over the kingdoms of darkness-may its pages contain, for the edification of the saints, (especially those scattered abroad) revelation, doctrine and instruction, from the pen, and from the discourses of our beloved Prophet; and from all others who receive light and knowledge by the spirit of truth, and may I continue to receive your valuable paper without interruption, thus increase our acquaintance and we be mutually benefited.
We are ten in number in this vicinity who have embraced the gospel as preached by the Latter Day Saints; we are not organized, but are like sheep without a shepherd, therefore you may judge of our feelings of disappointment when we do not receive the Times and Seasons in due time,-twice the year I have been six weeks without receiving a number.
May the blessing of peace, health and happiness rest upon you.
I have the honor to subscribe myself
Your brother in the
new and everlasting covenent [covenant],
Thomas Pearson, jr.
London, Aug. 5, 1841.
Dear Brother;
I did not see Elder Hyde while here; he is now in Germany-there are more or less baptized here every week-the meetings are very crowded-last Sunday afternoon, there was above a hundred standing out doors that could not get in. Elder Snow is in Bedford and Elder Adams is here, at present: he has held two public discussions, and is going to hold another to-morrow evening-he is obliged to get a large place to hold it in, as the meeting place is not half large enough-he has preached twice in the Regent Park, and is to preach there again next Sunday. It is as general opinion that there will be a revolution here soon-things
seem ripening for it-there has been a general election of members of Parliament, last month; there were serious riots in different parts between the Whigs and Tories-the Tories have got the majority, so we need not expect any good from that quarter-the season has been the most unfavorable I have known since we have been here, it has been very cold and rainy, I think it has rained every day for forty days past-great fears are entertained for the crops-business of every kind is quite dull, and every thing very dear.
Times and Seasons.
City of Nauvoo,
Friday, Oct. 1, 1841,
Our readers will find in this paper, refutations, to some of the false and slanderous reports in circulation against us. The article from the Philadelphia Ledger, by "J. L." will be perused with pleasure, as it is a statement of facts as they are.
The river at this place, has raised some eight or ten inches in a few days past, and is still rising; it is anticipated that Steam Boats of the larger class will be able to ascend and decend [descend] the rapids, soon.
"It is stated in the Banner and Pioneer that a law has been passed by the authorities of Nauvoo, "with a heavy fine annexed, as a penalty for speaking against the Mormon doctrine." Such a measure, in this land of freedom of speech, must be suicidal to as any dogma or any set of opinions."
We pronounce the above, a base FALSEHOOD, notwithstanding it came from our good Baptist friends. Comment is useless in this case, as there is no argument sufficiently powerful to induce our religious enemies to tell the truth concerning us, when a lie will answer their ends better. Here follows the law, and the only law, on that subject:
An Ordinance in relation to religious societies.
Sec. 1. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Nauvoo, That the Catholics, Presbyterians, Methodists, Baptists, Latter Day Saints, Quakers, Episcopalians, Universalists, Unitarians, Mohammedans, and all other religious sects, and denominations, whatever, shall have free toleration, and equal privileges, in this city, and should any person be guilty of ridiculing, abusing, or otherwise depreciating another, in consequence of his religion, or of disturbing, or interrupting, any religious meeting, within the limits of this city, he shall on conviction thereof before the Mayor, or Municipal Court, be considered a disturber of the public peace, and fined in any sum not exceeding five hundred dollars, or imprisoned not exceeding six months, or both, at the discretion of said Mayor, or Court,
Sec. 2. It is hereby made the duty of all municipal officers to notice, and report to the Mayor, any breach or violation of this or any other ordinance of this City that may come within their knowledge, or of which they may be advised; and any officer aforesaid is hereby fully authorized to arrest all such violators of rule, law, and order, either with, or without, process.
Sec. 3. This ordinance to take effect and be in force, from and after its passage. Passed, March 1st, A. D. 1841.
John C. Bennett, Mayor.
James Sloan, Recorder.
[From the (Philadelphia) Public Ledger.]
To the Editors of the Ledger:
Gentlemen:-The following remarks were written under an irresistible impulse occasioned by reading a catalogue of charges, of a criminal nature, preferred against the Mormons, by the Editors of the Saturday Courier, in their paper of the 10 of July. The conductors of that journal having declined publishing it, under an impression that their characters as true chroniclers of events would become somewhat tarnished, you will please give it an insertion in your valuable paper, and in doing so aid the cause of truth, which is the only object the writer has in view.
To the Editors of the Sat. Courier:-Gentlemen: To expect an Editor to publish in his paper any thing calculated to detract from his merit as a man of truth, or to lessen him in the estimation of his readers, is, I am persuaded, "reckoning without our host." Other Editors are not disposed to publish in their journals long essays having a tendency to reflect upon or expose the misrepresentations of their cotemporaries [contemporaries] , without levying a heavy tax upon the purse of the writer-hence we find so much rancor and ill
feeling in the columns of papers calculated to wound the sensibilities not only of individuals, but of whole societies, pass without notice or refutation,
These remarks have been elicited from reading nearly two columns of matter published in the Saturday Courier, of Saturday, the 10th of July, in condemnation of a religious sect of people called "Mormons, or Latter Day Saints." Now, sirs, the writer wishes to be distinctly understood that he is not a Mormon, nor indeed ever will be; to the contrary, he would, if he were able, PERSUADE some of that sect, with whom he is bound by the strongest ties of consanguinuy [consanguinity], to renounce the doctrine and cleave to that of their fathers.
But let me recur to the curses and anathemas so unmercifully bestowed upon the poor unoffending Mormons, in the article referred to in the Courier.
Indeed, I find it no easy matter to express, in suitable language, my utter detestation and abhorrence of the sentiments you have advanced, believing as I do, that the doctrine you have urged upon the people to adopt towards the Mormons, of EXTERMINATION, is the most illiberal, unjust, unchristian-like in its character, and dangerous in its tendency, that ever emenated [emanated] from the American Press. You must certainly have been amply charged when you were writing the closing part of the article, charging the Mormons with murdering Martin Harris, with the same spirit which caused the enraged Jews to gnash their teeth upon the Prophet Stephen, after he had admonished them and warned them of the consequences which would result to them from the evil course they were pursuing.
I would respectfully ask you, sirs, to point me out in the Constitution of the United States, or in that of the State of Pennsylvania, a single clause that warrants any individual to judge his fellow in matters of religion, much less take the life of a fellow creature, because he may think it right for him to give an interpretation of the sacred text different from those who received their diplomas, to instruct others in the mysteries of God, at Yale, Princeton, or Carlisle, and who make religion a matter of merchandise.
Being well aware that your labors would be in vain, were you to search for authority to wage your war upon the Mormons, except you practice upon the the plan of the white savages of Missouri, in this massacre of the unoffending Mormons, "declare upon your own hook"-a plan, by-the-by, if you do not exactly recommend in your strictures, you do not certainly condemn.
The 1st Article of the Amendments to the Constitution of the United States, adopted 4th of March, 1789, declares "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridge the freedom of speech, or of the press." Now is there a feature or principle in the whole of that sacred instrument more highly prized than that which is intended to secure to us the liberty to worship the Creator according to the dictates of our own consciences? There are but few, I apprehend, to be found among us who are willing to deny this doctrine.
Again, Article 9th, Section 3d. of the Constitution of Pennsylvania, the following language may be edifying to the Editors of the Courier: "All men have a natural and indefeasible right to worship Almighty God according to the dictates of their own conscience; no man can, of right, be compelled to attend, erect or support any place of worship; no human authority can in any case whatever control or interfere with the rights of conscience, and no preference shall ever be given by law to any religious establishments of mode of worship"-those are the privileges vouchsafed to the American people by the framers of their Constitution. Now a few extracts from the Saturday Courier will show how far its Editors breathe the spirit of religious liberty, and how far its Editors breathe the spirit of religious liberty, and how far the salutary provisions of the Constitution accord with their sentiments. In a kind of preface or biography of the founders of that religion the reader is prepared for the marvellous [marvelous]; not one palliating circumstance or charitable motive is ascribed to their acts. You say that , "under pretence [pretense] of raising money for building a Temple and for other purposes, gangs of itinerant vagabond (Mormons) were sent prowling over the country to beg ALMS and to STEAL, mostly under some sanctimonious pretence [pretense]-though we (the Editors of the Courier) have ourselves not the slightest doubt whatever that most if not all the ringleaders STEAL upon every occasion that offers with as much RECKLESSNESS as would any CONVICT
in our State prison. We (the Editors of the Saturday Courier) state unequivocally our firm belief that this is their true character, because none other than precisely such men would ever be willing to unite in a piece of VILLANY [villainy] like Mormonism." Now your caldron of venom must have been heaped and running over when you penned the above wholesale calumny.
There are not less, from the best data that the writer can collect, than 10,000 of our fellow citizens members of the same great political family, subject to the same laws and government, connected with us by ties of blood, denounced as THEAVES [thieves] AND ROBBERS; and all those persons too, from the most wealthy and respectable citizens, to the poorest among us, professing to be followers of the meek and lowly Jesus. And where is the evidence to justify such sweeping denunciations?-Yours is indeed the evidence of things not seen. For, after stigmatizing the sect by every epithet that Billingsgate vocabulary furnishes, you conclude by saying that you unequivocally and firmly believe that this is their true character, because none other than precisely such men would ever be willing to unite in a piece of villany [villainy] like Mormonism." And has it come to this, that men and women hitherto of spotless fame, and unblemished reputation, may be stigmatized as Villains, Thieves and Robbers, by the Editor of a Newspaper on his simple belief of their guilt, without a jot or tittle of testimony to sustain the charge? There are some of the Mormon Sect in the vicinity of this city that will not passively submit to be coupled with Thieves and Robbers, or the writer much mistakes their character.
I will merely notice the letter from your correspondent of Ohio, who you say "so truly describes the Mormons," to show how malignant and false are his accusations. The writer of that letter says that the "leaders and all the heads of the Church have a great desire for riches-that they scoured the Branches of the East for money, and that they resorted to the most culpable and criminal means to obtain it; now, instead of this being the case, abundant evidence is at hand to prove that the leaders of the church are as poor as Lazarus-the clothing upon their backs is in many instances procured by subscription, and that they have frequently been seen in our streets wandering about, without a place to lay their heads, culpably indifferent to the accumulation of wealth, and are especially so, to the perishable honors of this world-preferring rather the things that pertain to the Kingdom than the mammon of this world, which Theologians esteem of paramount importance.
I deem it unnecessary to notice further the base slanders of your Ohio letter writer, whose every word (however inconsistent with truth in relation to the circumstances he pretends to detail) the Editors of the Courier swallow as a precious morsel, and vomit forth again, charged with increased venom.
I have not time nor inclination to notice the remarks of a Mr. Lee, said to reside somewhere in the neighborhood of Frankford, made at a Mormon meeting held in that place; indeed I would not notice him at all, were it not for the manner you are pleased to introduce that GENTLEMAN. You say that he was very plain and much to the purpose, that he cam directly to the point-what point? For, as Lee says he would not attempt to expose the Mormon imposture (refute the Mormon doctrine) or combat the creed. You say that though his remarks "WERE harsh in his terms, they appear fitting to the occasion, and contain facts not generally known as they should be." I perfectly agree with you that he was very plain and harsh in his terms, but that he came directly to the point and that his remarks were fitting to the occasion, I utterly deny. We are led to the conclusion that Lee went to the meeting to hear what would be said in favor of the tenets of Mormonism, and when requested, with others, to refute, if he could, what he had heard from the preacher, he commences a tirade of abuse, only equalled [equaled] by your own published account of the Leaders of the Mormons before referred to. In his simile, Mr. Lee has shown himself an apt scholar, at least so says the Courier, and who shall gainsay such high authority? His comparing the Minister who had just ceased speaking to a "pliant cat's paw" must have produced a ludicrous scene, highly interesting to Mr. Lee's accomplices. The manner, too, with which he interlarded his speech with the word Liar, Imposters [impostors] , Swindlers, Villains, Hypocrites, &c., is an evidence of a great lack of wit and very weak intellect, to say nothing of common courtesy, a characteristic of a true gentleman
The Editors of the Courier call this coming to the point, and fitting to the occasion, and whether it be so or not I will leave others to judge. But how the Courier could ever charge Lee with using "harsh terms," is truly surprising, when they themselves had but a few moments before charged the Mormons with being Thieves and Robbers.
I have done with Mr. Lee, and will just notice one or two other charges brought against the Mormons in the same paper, and which cannot be shuffled on to the shoulders of a letter writer from Ohio, or that of a Mr. Lee, but will stick to the backs of the Editors of the Courier as doth the bark of the tree of which it forms as component part.
It is needless for me to say that I allude to your justification of the cold blooded butchery of upwards of nineteeu [nineteen] men, wowen [women] and children, (Mormons) by the inhabitants of Missouri, without color of law. But the sentence throughout exhibits such a thirsting after the blood of that people, by the editors of the Courier, that I must copy it entire. It reads-"Of their treatment in Missouri we know nothing, except that they no doubt well deserved the punishment meted out to them:" and in the next sentence which follows, you class them with murderers and pirates.
Now one thing is certain, that up to the time, yea, the very moment of the massacre, the editors of the Courier, nor no man living, can point to one single act of the Mormons deserving of censure, much less of the horrible punishment they received. But it is necessary for me to recur back to the declaration of the Courier, that "of their treatment in Missouri we know nothing." Yes, this is your language: and when I first read it, shame and indignation filled by breast, to think that an editor in these United States, conducting one of the most popular journals of the day, a paper that I have esteemed above all others, and as an evidence of it have been a subscriber from its birth to the present day, and have otherwise aided to increase the subscription list, should be guilty of such a palpable derelection [dereliction] from truth. It may be safely asserted, that there is not an intelligent man of mature age in the United States or in Great Brittain [Britain], who has not heard of the massacre of the Mormons in Missouri; yet you, gentlemen, a long time conductors of a public journal, whose circulation is co-extensive with the United States, and who are in the weekly receipt of papers from all parts of the country, yet of the treatment they received, these you say "you know nothing.'"
But alas for you, the fact is self-evident to every man, that you do know, and did know at the time you penned the article, all the circumstances connected with that tragedy, and your declaring that "they deserved the punishment meted out to them," is in plain English saying, that they deserved the punishment of death without trial, in the most barbarous manner because they chose to worship God, Jehovah, or because they would not worship him according to some of the various approved fashions of the world.-These are your sentiments published to the world
Leaving the murdered men out of the question, nineteen of whom were ooly [coolly] and deliberately shot in a Smith's shop, through the appertures [apertures] between the logs, the circumstance of the murder of the poor boy Sardius Smith scarcely nine years of age, and consequently incapable of any moral turpitude, who was shot with a ball out of a rifle in the hands of a villain by the name of Glaze, of Carroll county, should have excited your pity, as you cannot believe that poor Sardius "merited the punishment meted out to him."
Indeed it has never been pretended that the boy was guilty of any offence [offense]; he with the men had sought refuge in the Blacksmith's shop, and through fear had crawled under the bellows, where he remained till the massacre was over, when he was discovered by a Mr. Glaze, who presented his rifle near the boy's head, and literally blowed off the upper part of it. Glaze, the murderer, afterwards publicly boastd [boasted] of the heroic deed all over the couutry [country]; and at this late day we find the editors of the respectable journals commending the act, and declaring that hey merited the punishment meted out to them without assigning any cause whatever for the bloody deed.
I cannot close these remarks without noticing another plain and palpable misrepresentation of facts, to be found in the closing paragraph of the Courier. It reads thus-"Without note or comment,
we append the following paragraph from a letter to the Boston Traveler"
"Cruel Murder.-Martin Harris, one of the earliest supporters of the Mormons, and the only wealthy man among them in their origin, has been murdered. He spent all he was worth in supporting the delusion under which he labored, furnishing all the funds for the publication of the Mormon Bible.
"He abandoned the Mormons not long since, and delivered some lectures in opposition to their doctrines, and two or three weeks ago was found dead, having been shot through the head with a pistol."
Now what an unlucky circumstance it was that Martin Harris would not stay murdered! The cup containing the very quintessence of all that is lovely is placed to the lips of the Boston Traveller [Traveler], the Saturday Courier and Spirit of the Times, and snatched away again ere they have drank half of its contents. The murder of Martin Harris!-Why nothing could have happened so opportunely, and a standing article that was to overthrow Mormonism, is knocked into pi by the stubbornness of that bad man.
The Courier, in which this letter from the Boston Traveller [Traveler] is published, was issued from the press on the 10th day of July, and the reported murder of Martin Harris was officially contradicted by numerous persons who had seen and conversed with that gentleman two weeks, at least, before the 10th of July, and no person in the country was better informed of the fact of the existence in the flesh of Martin Harris, than the editors of the Courier at the very time they published the account of his murder without comment.
Alas! to what base uses are the faculties which God hath given to man sometimes employed!
Were the people to examine for themselves the writings of the enemies of Mormonism with that care and circumspection that other subjects receive, (some, too, of far less importance) they would soon discover who it is that mocks them and practises [practices] gross and wicked impositions.
The persecution of the people, called "Mormons," commenced by the mob in Missouri. Their remote habitations were sacked and burned, and the inhabitants were either butchered or taken captive and confined in dungeons-their property was confiscated to the cupidity of lawless ruffians, and, what was most remarkable, the press throughout the country commended the act, and legislators and grave senators in Congress echoed the war cry of extermination: it appeared that Mercy had left her seat and fled to brutish breasts, and men had lost their reason.
The same spirit of persecution has been fanned and kept alive by hired priests of certain sects, and supported and encouraged by a portion of the public press professing a religion in unison with the clergy. These facts should operate as a warning to other religious denominations, camparatively [comparatively] few in numbers, to look well to the rights bequeathed to them by the framers of the constitution.
To a portion of our brethren, even now, the sacred rights guaranteed to every American citizen have become as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal. J. L.
For the Times & Seasons.
E. Robinson, Esq.:-
The following article from the pen of the sapient Editor of the Warsaw Signal is worthy of preservation for the number of palpable falsehoods it contains-
"Difficulty at Montrose.
We understand that on Monday last at Montrose, there was a military training at which the Mormons and citizens united indiscriminately. After the troops were paraded Joe Smith and Gen. Bennett came over from Nauvoo and attempted to inspect them. Upon this Mr. Kilbourn invited the citizens to withdraw from the ranks-which was accordingly done. The Mormons then insulted them, causing much excitement, and at the time our informant left a row was anticipated.
Now what right, we ask, has Joe Smith to go into Iowa Territory, and attempt to order the citizens of that territory as a military officer? Is this not proof positive that he wished to organize a military church? Else why should he take so much interest in the military improvement of his followers who live out of this State? We see in this thing the essential spirit of Mormonism, which is-treason to the Government. Joe Smith, in the government of his followers wishes to
place his authority above that of the State. He is not content therefore that the laws of Iowa should regulate the parades of the saints; but he a citizen of Illinois must interfere his authority, and threaten violence because his authority is disregarded by those not members of his church."
1st. The military parade was not on Monday, (but on Tuesday the 14th,) and the Editor, in my opinion, did not so understand it.
2nd. Generals Smith and Bennett did not attempt to inspect the troops, and the Editor, in my opinion, did not so understand it.
3rd. The citizens did not leave the ranks on the invitation of Mr. Kilbourn, and, in my opinion, the Editor was not so informed.
4th. The Mormons did not insult the other citizens, and there was no excitement, and the Editor was not, in my opinion, so informed.
5th. No row occurred, or was anticipated, between the Mormons and other citizens, neither was the Editor, in my opinion, so informed.
Generals Joseph Smith, John C. Bennett, and Hyrum Smith, and some other citizens of Nauvoo, attended the military parade, at Montrose, on the 14th, as visitors, on the special invitation of General Swazey, and Colonel Fuller, of Iowa, the officers in command. Generals Joseph and Hyrum Smith attended attired in plain citizen's garb, as citizens, without the least military appearance about them. Gen. Bennett, and some of his staff officers, its true, appeared in the "splendid and brilliant uniform of the Nauvoo Legion," as the Editor of the Signal is pleased to term it. All passed off with perfect good feeling, and in a highly creditable manner; excepting a disturbance which the Messrs. Kilbourn's attempted to get up by the reading of the following proclamation, which I publish verbatim, et literatim [literati], et punctuatim, from their pen; to wit:
Citizens of Iowa
The laws of Iowa do not require you to muster under or be Reviewed by
Joe Smith or
General Bennett
And should they have the impudence to attempt it, it is hoped that every person having a proper respect for himself will at once
This, however, had no more effect than the noise of those two dignitaries usually produces. This is a plain statement of facts and for their truth I appeal to Gen. Swazey, Col. Fuller, Lt. Col. Swazey, Maj's King and Billings, Capt's Davis, Swazey, Heffleman, or any other officers of the Montrose Regiment whose name I do not now recollect.
It is by this system of low vituperation, calumny, and detraction, that our enemies expect to abuse the public mind, and produce prejudice against us. The true secret of the case is, (and it may as well be told now as at any other time as the period is fast approaching when the trial will be had,)-the Editor of the Signal wishes to have Hancock County divided, and Warsaw made a county seat-to this the Mormons are generally opposed; and for this opposition, and to accomplish the aforesaid object, an Anti-Mormon party has been organized with the determination of accomplishing it, driving us from the State-but this I trust, will not be effected, as we are a law abiding people, and under it and the broad folds of the Constitutions of our State and Nation we take refuge.
W. Waterman Phelps.
From The Massachussetts [Massachusetts] Spy.
The late events in Syria have turned the attention of the civilized world, renewedly[renewably] , to the subject of the reoccupation of Palestine by the Jews, and have brought forth from that people manifestations of that strong attachment to the home of their fathers-"the Holy Land"-which has characterized them, ever since the days of the Judges and the Prophets. "If I forget thee, Oh, Jerusalem, may my right hand forget her cunning," has been the aspiration of the true Israelite in all ages of their long exile; and amid the obloquay [obloquy], the storm and the oppression to which they have been subjected, by those among whom they have sojourned, the anticipation of a final return, either of themselves or their posterity, to the consecrated mountains and valleys of Judea, has sustained their spirit and enabled them to submit to their sorrows with fortitude and equaniminity [equanimity].
An eloquent appeal to the Jews, founded on the recent events in the East, has just appeared in "Der Orient," a German
newspaper, calling upon them to rally, once more for the recovery of the long lost land of their fathers. In relation to this land the appeal says:
"We have a country, the inheritance of our fathers, finer, more fruitful, better situated for commerce, than many of the most celebrated portions of he globe.-Environed by the deep-delled Taurus, the lively shore of the Euphrates the lofty steppes of Arabia, and of rocky Sinai, our country extends along the shore of the Mediterranean, crowned by the towering cedars of Lebanon, the source of a hundred rivulets and brooks, which spread fruitfulness over shady dales, and confer wealth on the contented inhabitants. A glorious land! situate [situated] at the farthest extremity of the sea which connects three-quarters of the globe, over which the Phœnicians, our brethren sent their noumerus [numerous] fleets to the shores of the Albion and the rich coast of Lithuania, near to both red sea and the Persian Gulf, the perpetual couses [courses] of the traffic of the world, on the way from Persia and india to the Caspian and Black Sea; the central country of the commerce between the east and west."
The facilities for concentrating a large body of the Jews, at once, in Palestine, are thus spoken of:
"In no country of the earth are our brethren so numerous as in Syria; in none do they live in as dense masses so independent of the surrounding inhabitants; in none do they persevere so stead-fastly in their faith in the promise of the fathers, as on the beautiful shores of the Orontes. In Damascus alone live near 60,000."
The appeal then speaks of the various and dis-similar races, which now inhabit Syria and Palestine, each at enmity with the other, and all, at times contending for the supremacy. "A chactic [chaotic] mixture," it says, "of all tribes and tongues, remnants of migrations from north and south, they disturb one another in the possession of the glorious land where our fathers for so many centuries emptied the cup of joy and wo [who], where every clod is drenched with the blood of our heroes, when their bodies were buried under the ruins of Jerusalem."
"The power of our enemies," says the appeal, in continuation, "is gone, the angel of discord has long since mown down their mighty hosts, and yet ye do not bestir yourselves, people of Jehovah! What hinders? Nothing but your own supiness.
Think you that Mehemet Ali or the Sultan in Stamboul will not be convinced that it would be better for him to be the protector of a peacelul [peaceful] and wealthy people, than with infinite loss of men and money to contend against the ever repeated, mutually provoked insurrection of the Turks and Arabs, of whom neither the one nor the other are able to give prosperity to the country?
Our probation was long, in all countries, from the North Pole to the South! There is no trade, no art, which we have not practised [practiced], no science in which we can not show splendid examples. Where will you find better proclaimers of civilization to the wild tribes of the East?
People of Jehovah raise yourselves from your thousand years' slumber! Rally round leaders; have ready the will, a Moses will not be wanting. The rights of nations will never grow old; take possession of the land of your fathers; build a third time the temple on Zion, greater and more magnificent than ever. Trust in the Lord who has led you safely through the vale of misery thousands of years. He also will not forsake you in your last conflict."
Of the many interesting relics and fragments of antiquity which have been brought to light by the persevering researches of modern philosophy, none could have more interest for the philanthropist and the believer, than one which we copy below. 'Chance,' says the Courier des Etats Unis, 'has just put into our hands the most imposing and interesting judicial document to all Christians, that ever has been recorded in human annals: that is the idential [identical] Death warrant of our Lord Jesus Christ.' The document was faithfully transcribed by the editor, and is in haœc verba:
Sentence rendered by Pontius Pilate, acting Governor of Lower Galilee, stating that Jesus of Nazaret shall suffer death on the cross.
In the year seventeen of the empire Tiberius Cæsar and the 25th day of march, the city of the holy Jerusalem, Anna and Caiphas being priests, sacrificators of the people of God, Pontius Pilot [Pilate], Governor of Lower Galilee, sitting on the prsidentia [presidential]
chair of the Prætory, condemns Jesus of Nazareth to die on the cross between two thieves-the great and notorious evidence of the people saying:
1. Jesus is a seducer.
2. He is seditious.
3. He is an enemy of the law.
4. He calls himself falsely the Son of God.
5. He calls himself falsely the King of Israel.
6. He entered into the temple, followed by a multitude bearing palm branches in their hands.
Order the first centurion, Quillus Cornelius, to lead him to the place of execution.
Forbid to any person whomsoever, either poor or rich, to oppose the death of Jesus.
The witnesses who signed the condemnation of Jesus are, viz:-1. Daniel Robani; 2. Raphael Robani; 3 Capet, a citizen.
Jesus shall go out of the city of Jerusalem by the gate of Struenus."
The above sentence is engraved on a copper plate; on one side are written these words:-'A similar plate is sent to each tribe.' It was found in an antique vase of white marble, while excavating in the ancient city of Aquilla, in the kingdom of Naples in the year 1820, and was discovered by the Commissaries of Arts attached to the French armies. At the expedition of Naples, it was found enclosed in a box of ebony, in the sacristy of the Chartrem. The vase in the chapel of Caserta. The French translation was made by the members of the commission of Arts.
The original is in the Hebrew language. The Chartrem requested earnestly that the plate should not be taken away from them. The request was granted, as a reward for the sacrifice they had made for the army. M. Denon, one of the savans, caused a plate to be made of the same model, on which he had engraved the above sentence. At the sale of his collection of antiquities &c it was bought by Lord Howard for 2,890 francs. Its intrinsic value and interest are much greater. A few years ago there was found at Catskill, in New York, a "shekel of Israel." of the time of our Saviour [Savior]. On one side was the representation of a palm leaf, on the other, a picture of the temple, with the words underneath, "Holy Jerusalem," in the Hebrew tongue; Relics like these, properly authenticated have about them an inexpressible sacredness and moment. They seem to blend two worlds, and to carry human curiosity from the finite to the infinite.
Phlad. Gaz.
Erratum, Page 563, for punctuatim read punctatim.
Baptism for the Dead.
By J. H. Johnson.
Else, what shall they do who are baptized for And we for them can be baptized,
The dead, if the dead rise not al all? Why Yes for our friends most dear!
then are they baptized for the dead? That they can with the just be rais'd,
When Gabrials trump they hear.
The glorious gospel light has shone
In this latter day. That they may come with Christ again,
With such intelligence that none When he to earth descends;
From trath [truth] need turn away. A thousand years with him to reign,
And with their earthly friends.
For 'mong things which have been sealed,
And from the world kept hid; Now, O! ye saints, rejoice to day,
The Lord has to his saints revealed, That you can saviors be,
As anciently he did. For all your dead, who will obey
The gospel and be free.
And thro' the Priesthood now restored,
Has even prepar'd the way, Then let us rise without restraint,
Through which the dead may hear his word, And act for those we love;
And all its truths obey. For they are giving their consent,
And wait for us to move.
As Christ to spirits went to preach,
Who were in prison, aid;
So many saints have gone to teach
The gospel to the dead.
[For the Times and Seasons.]
Give Me The Spot.
By L. O. Littlefield.
Oh! give me the spot where the wild-deer reposes,
And the hum of the city and hammer is still-
Where naught but perfume, from the sweet scented roses,
Enamour [Enamor] the silence and gloom of the hill.
Oh! give me the spot where the glance of the moon-beam
Steals peacefully down from the gloom of the skies- Oh! give me the spot where the true hand of friendship
Where Happiness sits on the bank of the cool stream, Doth brush off each tear of despondence and care-
And the sweet voice of Freedom doth cheerfully rise. Where Faith, Love, Virtue, and Brotherly-fellowship,
Do lie down, at eve, in their undisturbed lair.
Oh! give me the spot where the hand of oppression
Is swept from the peace of the lone mountain dell- Oh! give me the spot, by the 'cold world glanced over,'
Where streamlets glide softly with 'trembling emotion,' Where Religion and Virtue doth deck each soft brow!
And fill every breeze with their soul-cheering knell. Oh! give me the spot, where's a friend and a brother
To sooth [soothe] every feeling of heart-stricken woe!
Married-At Ambrosia, Iowa on the 15th day of Sept. 1841, by Elder Geo. W. Gee, Mr. Samuel McBride, to Mrs. Lemira Caulkins, both of that place.
In Ambrosia, Iowa on Thursday the 9th day of Sept. by Elder George W. Gee, Mr. Allen Buck to Miss Emily Jane Smith, all of that place.
In this city Aug. 9th, by Elder Stephen Luce, Philander J. Perry, of this place, to Miss Sarah A. Bleazard late of Preston, England.
Died-Sept. 5th, Tatsey W. daughter of Dr. James Y. Green, aged 14 years and 3 months.
In this county, on the 16th ult. John Forney aged 56 years.
Miss H. S. Ells begs leave to respectfully inform the Ladies of Nauvoo, and its vicinity, that she intends carrying on the above business, in all its varied branches: and further states, that she has had several years experience in one of the most fashionable French establishments in Philadelphia.
Her place of residence is at Dr. Samuel Bennetts where orders will be attended to.
Nauvoo, Sept. 30, 1841.
Elder James M. Henderson is requested to come home immediately; by order of the Quorum of Seventies.
A. P. Rockwood, Clerk.
Nauvoo, Sept, 28, 1841.
The Tax book for 1841 is now in the hands of the Collector who is ready to receive Taxes. The County Tax, which is Forty cents on each hundred Dollars of valuation, may be paid in County orders. The State Tax, which is thirty cents on each hundred dollars, can be only in State auditor's warrants, wolf scalp Certificates, or Cash.
Tax payers will please be ready for an early call of the collector, as the greets number to be called on will make it difficult to call a second time. The Collector or some one authorized to receive Taxes and give Receipts, may be found at all times at the Store of Mathews & Comer in Carthage.
23-3t. J. B. Mathews, Collector H. C.
Alexander Neibaur, Surgeon Dentist. From Berlin, in Prussia, late of Liverpool and Preston, England.
Most respectfully announces to the ladies and gentlemen and the citizens of Nauvoo as also of Hancock county, in general, that he has permanently established himself in the city of Nauvoo, as a dentist, where he may be consulted, daily, in all branches connected with his profession, Teeth cleaned, plugged, filled, the Scurva effectually cured, children's teeth regulated, natural or artificial teeth from a single tooth to a whole set inserted on the most approved principle. Mr. N. having had an extensive practice both on the continent of Europe, as also in England, for the last 15 years, he hopes to give general satisfaction to all those who will honor him their patronage.
Mr. B. Young having known Mr. N. (in England) has kindly consented to offer me his husoe [house] to meet those ladies and gentlemen who wish to consult me. Hours of attendance from 10 o'clock in the morning, to 6 at evening.
My own residence is opposite Mr. Tidwell, the cooper, near the water. Ladies and gentlemen attended at their own residence, if requested. Charges strictly moderate.
August 2, 0840. [1840] no09-tf.
The Times and Seasons, is printed and published semi-monthly, by E. Robinson, Editor and Proprietor.
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