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Volume 2. No. 19.] | City of Nauvoo, Ill., Aug. 2, 1841 | [Whole No. 31. |
Times and Seasons. | ||
City of Nauvoo, | ||
Monday, Aug. 2, 1841. |
All of the quorum of the Twelve who were expected here this season, with the exception of Elder Woodruff, have arrived.
We have listened to the accounts which they give of their success and the prosperity of the work of the Lord in Great Britain, with great pleasure. They certainly have been the instruments, in the hands of God, of accomplishing much, and must have the satisfaction of knowing that they have done their duty.
Perhaps no men ever undertook such an important mission under such peculiarly distressing forbidding, and unpropitious circumstances.-Most of them when they left this place, nearly two years ago were worn down with sickness and disease, or were taken sick on the road.-Several of their families were also afflicted and needed their aid and support. But knowing that they had been called by the God of Heaven to preach the gospel to other nations, they confered [conferred] not with flesh and blood but obedient to the heavenly mandate, without purse or scrip, commenced a journey of five thousand miles, entirely dependant [dependent] on the providence of that God who had called them to such a holy calling.
While journeying to the sea board, they were brought into many trying circumstances; after a short recovery from severe sickness, they would be taken with a relapse, and have to stop among strangers, without money and without friends. Their lives were several times despaired of, and they have taken each other by the hand, expecting it would be the last time they should behold one another in the flesh. However, notwithstanding their afflictions and trials, the Lord always interposed in their behalf and did not suffer them to sink in the arms of death. Some way or other was made for their escape-friends rose up when they most needed them and relieved their necessities; and thus they were enabled to pursue their journey and rejoice in the Holy one of Israel.
They, truly, "went forth weeping, bearing precious seed," but have "returned with rejoicing, bearing their sheaves with them." and thousands, upon the shores of Britain, have to rejoice, that they ever visited their land, and proclaimed the sound of the everlasting gospel, which is taking such a wide spread through that Empire; and causing the wisdom of the wise to perish and the understanding of the prudent to be hid, but the meek to increase their joy in the Lord, &c, &c.
It is true, they met with considerable opposition from the learned priests, who like their pious brethren in this land, loved to retail wicked and slanderous reports, and would endeavor, behind their backs, to ridicule their religion, but durst not stand the brunt of honorable investigation. But their efforts to stop the progress of truth were unavailing, the people got their ears and their hearts open, and were determined to hear and understand for themselves, and being convinced of the truth of these things, regardless of the scorn of sinners and the anathemas of the self righteous, they boldly avowed their attachment to the doctrines of the gospel.
Under the instrumentality of the Twelve and their fellow laborers, large and flourishing churches have been built up in various parts of England, Scotland, Ireland, and the Isle of Man; then when they left, the work was progressing with rapid strides.
We cannot too strongly urge upon the Elders of Israel, to imitate the example which these servants of God have set them, and, whenever they shall be called to proclaim the gospel to the enlightened European, or the dark and benighted African, they will manifest the same zeal and laudable enterprise, trusting in the arm of the Lord for assistance and support, and, undoubtedly, the same blessings will crown their labors and their toil.
We are aware that it is something contrary to the feelings of most men, to undertake such a journey without purse or scrip, entirely dependant [dependent] on the arm of Jehovah. However it has been done, and those that have gone forth trusting in the name of the Lord, have found his promise true, and have not been suffered to lack any good thing. Let not the faithful laborers be discouraged, but let them gird up their loins, and ever be prepared to move in the direction their Heavenly Father would have them to, and labor with all their mights, for a great work remains to be accomplished, and the laborers are but few. If the Lord's people be a willing people in the day of his power, then every obstacle can be overcome, every difficulty can be surmounted, and the work will roll forth
with power and great glory. Israel shall be hunted up from the rock and corners where they have been hid from the gaze of the world, many shall run to and fro and knowledge shall be increased."
From the Gospel Reflector.
By Elder Erastus Snow.
"Now therefore, if ye will obey my voice indeed, and keep my covenants, then ye shall be a peculiar treasure unto me above all people, and ye shall be unto me a kingdom of priests, and a holy nation."-Exodus, xix, 5-6.
"But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people, that ye should show forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvelous light."
"Ye also, as lively stones, are built up a spiritual house, an holy priesthood."-Peter.
In all ages from Adam to the latest generation, when God acknowledged a people to be his, there has been a priesthood among them or a delegation of authority by which all the ordinances of God's house were administered. The are in the book of Doctrine and Covenants, recent revelations on Priesthood, which say, there are in the church two Priesthoods, viz: the Melchizedek, and the Aaronic, including the Levitical Priesthood. Before the days of Melchizedek the church called the former the holy priesthood after the order of the Son of God; but Melchizedek being a mighty man, and a great high priest, they from, and after his day called it the Melchizedek priesthood, to avoid the too frequent repetition of the name of the Supreme Being. The latter was called the Aaronic priesthood, because it was confered [conferred] upon Aaron, and his sons throughout all their generations, to be a perpetual covenant of priesthood. (See Exodus, xl. 15 and xxix 9; Num. xxv. 13.) It is called the lesser priesthood because it is an appendage to the greater: for all lesser authorities, and offices in the church in all ages, are appendages to the Melchizedek priesthood; but there are two divisions of grand heads. The office of an elder comes under the Melchizedek; that of a teacher, and deacon under the Aaronic, or lesser priesthood. Paul in his epistle to the Hebrews says much concerning these two priesthoods, and of the superior excellence of the Melchizedek over the Levitical order.
This Melchizedek flourished in the days of Abraham, about two thousand years before Christ. Moses tells us-Gen. xiv. 18, that he blessed Abraham, and he was priest of the Most High God, and king of Salem, which was the original name of Jerusalem. Many eminent writers are of the opinion that he was the founder of that city, and that it subsequently fell into the hands of the Jebusites, from whom it received the prefix Jeru: and Jerusalem was governed buy Adonizedec the Amorite, at the time of its capture by Joshua, about fourteen hundred and fifty years before Christ. (See Josh. x. 1.)
This priesthood did not originate with Melchizedek; neither was it confined to him, as many suppose; but was confered [conferred] on many, both before, and after him: and it is as ancient as the Son of God himself, who was with the Father from the beginning: for it is said of him-Ps. cx. 4, "Thou art a priest forever after the order of Melchizedek.
When we speak of an order of priesthood we convey an idea of a succession of priests and various smaller offices in the priesthood; as when Paul speaks of the order of Melchizedek, and the order of Aaron.-Heb. vii. 11. As there were many who had the priesthood after the order of Aaron, would it not be nonsense to talk about the order of Melchizedek if he was the only man who ever had the priesthood? As Moses' account of his ancestors was very brief, he necessarily said but little about the church, or order of priesthood, which existed before his day; but the hints he as given are sufficient to show us there was such an order existing from the beginning. Alma in the Book of Mormon, page 253, 3rd edition, is very plain on this subject. He shows that there were many, both before, and after Melchizedek; but none were greater, and he was king in the land of Salem, and when his people had corrupted themselves before the Lord, he exercised mighty faith, took upon himself the high priesthood and preached repentance unto his people, aud [and] they did repent and he established peace in the land. Therefore, he was called the Prince of peace. He moreover shows that this priesthood, being the priesthood
of the son of God, is an everlasting, and an unceangeable [unchangeable] one without beginning or end.
Some ignorant translator, or heedless transcriber has made Paul say, Heb. vii. 3, that Melchizedek was without beginning or end; without father, mother, or descent; but again in the 6th verse he makes it appear that he had a descent.-By reading the chapter it will be seen that Paul spake not of the person of Melchizedek as being without father, or mother; but of his priesthood in contradistinction to the priesthood of Aaron, which was entailed upon his posterity, and descended from father to son. But the decree of Jehovah concerning those who receive and magnify the office of the holy priesthood, is that they shall hold it, not only in time, but in eternity. Therefore, with them the priesthood has no end. (See Rev. v. 10; xx. 6; xxii. 5.)
I am aware that it is believed by many theologians that no priesthood acknowledged of God, existed among men previous to the covenant of priesthood established with Aaron. As objections to this theory, I shall urge the following: first, Paul says, Heb. viii. 3, "For every high priest is ordained to offer gifts and sacrifices:" Again, xi. 4, he says, Abel offered an acceptable offering unto God, but Cain's sacrifice was not acceptable because he did not offer it in faith; also, Enoch the seventh from Adam walked with God three hundred years, and then by faith was translated to heaven. (See Gen. v. 22; Heb. xi. 5.) Noah also, it is said, offered sacrifices unto God immediately after coming out of the ark. (See Gen. viii. 20.) Also Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and many others, after the flood offered acceptable sacrifices to God. All these, it is said, offered their sacrifices in faith, and how I ask did they offer them by faith? Answer; even Abel's lamb, and all their offerings were but types of the Lamb of God, who should be offered in due time without spot to God as the great sacrifice for the sins of the world, and they as they offered their sacrifices looked forward by faith to him, expecting to receive redemption and remission of sins through his blood: for Christ said, "Abraham truly saw my day and when he saw it he was glad." Moreover it is said, Gal. iii. 8, that the Gospel was preached unto Abraham.
Now, if we had a full history of Adam and his sons, we should learn that God made known the plan of salvation to him, and confered [conferred] on him the priesthood, and he upon his sons Abel, Cain and Seth; and that it was continued with the seed of Seth till Enoch, and from Enoch to Noah and his son Shem, and among the seed of Shem to Abraham, and down to Jethro, priest in the land of Midian.
Midian was the son of Abraham, by his second wife Keturah. He and his posterity peopled the land, which was called after his name, and Jethro being the fifth in regular descent from Midian, loved in the days of Moses, and was priest of the Most High God, when Moses was a young man, forty years before God called him to lead Israel from Egypt.-(See Exodus iii. 1.) Moses married Jethro's daughter, and lived with him about forty years, and then God sent him to lead Israel out of Egypt: and we are told in the eighteenth chapter of Exodus that after Moses had brought Israel into the wilderness Jethro came to them, and praised God among them, and offered sacrifices and set in order all the officers in Israel, and gave Moses commandments how to proceed: and all this was long before Aaron and his sons were consecrated to the priest's office. A priest of On is also spoken of.
Second, I shall urge from the foregoing, if Jethro, Melchizedek, and others, had the priesthood before Aaron, and if, as Paul says, high-priests were ordained to offer sacrifices, the argument is conclusive that those holy men, from Adam down to Jethro, had the priesthood. It should not be forgotten also, that the text at the head of this article, in which God proposed to make Israel a kingdom of priests, was spoken by Moses long previous to the covenant of priesthood established with Aaron, from which it will appear that the office of the priesthood was well understood by them.
Third, I shall urge what every one who is acquainted with heathen mythology knows, that from a short time after the food the heathens had their priests, and sacred orders to officiate in their worship. If it is asked how such customs were established among them? I answer: when about 150 years after the flood, the wicked part of the posterity of Noah built the tower of Babel the Lord confounded their language and scattered them in companies throughout all parts of the
earth as we are told Gen. xi. 9: and different nations sprang up in Idolatry, speaking different dialects, and as they had a partial knowledge of the true worship of God, which was had among the posterity of Shem in their native land; they, in their idolatrous condition counterfeited the true priesthood, and the religion of heaven.
Now as it is known that such a worship and priesthood did exist among the heathens in those early ages before Aaron, and as there can be no counterfeit without true coin, it follows of course that a holy priesthood existed among the children of God, which the heathens patterned after; for it cannot be said, with propriety, that the great Jehovah in establishing a priesthood among the children of Israel, patterned after the heathen world.
Fourth, it does not even appear from the scriptures that the order of priesthood established with the tribe of Levi, of which Aaron was chief, was at that time instituted. But it appears that they were inducted into an office that previously existed, which was well understood in Israel. The Lord said unto Moses, Exodus, xxviii 1, "And take thou unto thee Aaron thy brother, and his sons with him from among the children of Israel that they may minister unto me in the priest's office."-Again Ex. xxx. 30, "And thou shalt anoint Aaron and his sons, and consecrate them that they may minister unto me in the Priest's office." Chap. xxix. 9, "And the priest's office shall be their's for a perpetual statute." Chap. xl. 15, "For their anointing shall surely be an everlasting priesthood throughout their generations." Much is said also in other passages concerning all the rest of the tribe of Levi officiating under the direction of Aaron and his sons in offices of less denominations; but nothing is said signifying that the priesthood was a new institution. An order of priests inferior to Moses, is also mentioned, Ex. xix. 24, before the above was spoken. I therefore infer from the scriptures as well as from recent revelations that Aaron and his sons were chosen to preside over the lesser priesthood, and to hold the keys of the same, which office was declared hereditary in his family by a perpetual statute. Whereas before Aaron, the right of presiding belonged to the first born in all the families of the chosen seed; hence called the birthright, from which arose patriarchial [patriarchal] governments. But we are told that God chose the tribe of Levi to officiate in the place of the first born of all the families of Israel.-Num. iii. 12, Paul says, Heb. vii. 11, "Under the Levitical priesthood the people received the law," that is the old ceremonial law of carnal commandments, as he calls it, given by Moses. Now if they receive the law under that priesthood, the priesthood must have existed before the law, and was not instituted as some suppose, for the express purpose of executing those rites and ceremonies. But it must be remembered that the holy priesthood after the order of the Son of God was not confirmed upon the tribe of Levi. We are told in a revelation in the Book of Doctrine and Covenants, that Moses held that priesthood, and that he received it under the hand of his father-in-law Jethro, priest of Midian; and it is evident from the scriptures that Moses had some priesthood greater than the Levitical order: and if Jethro had not the holy priesthood, how could he have authority over Moses, and all other officers in Israel to regulate all matters, as is stated in the eighteenth chapter of Exodus?
The priesthood after the order of Melchizedek holds a right to officiate in all the offices, and ordinances of God's house, from the highest to the lowest in all ages; and we learn from Heb. iv. 2, that the gospel was preached to the children of Israel in the wilderness; and also from 1 Cor. x. 2., that they were baptized unto Moses the same as the Jews were baptized unto John, he preaching baptism and baptizing them.-We are also told in Heb. xi. from the 24 to the 26 verse inclusive, that when Moses was a young man in Egypt before he fled to Midian, he refused to be called the son of Pharaoh's daughter, choosing rather to suffer afflictions with the people of God, than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season; esteeming the reproaches of Christ greater riches than all the treasures of Egypt: wherefore Moses must have believed in Christ who was to come; and that belief was public, and he was reproached for Christ's sake therefore, he esteemed the reproaches of Christ greater riches than all the treasures of Egypt;-hence I infer that Moses after he fled from Egypt to escape his persecutors,
was ordained by Jethro to the holy priesthood, and subsequently preached the Gospel to this people Israel, and taught them faith in Christ who should come, and baptized those who believed; but if Moses had no priesthood, how could he consecrate other priests? But notwithstanding he preached the Gospel to them, and offered them the blessings of the Holy priesthood, and God proposed to make them a kingdom of priests; yet they afterwards in the wilderness hardened their hearts in unbellef [disbelief], and rebelled against Moses and the holy priesthood, and provoked the Lord to anger until he swore in his wrath they should not enter into his rest; and we are told, Gal. ii. 19, the law was added, because of their transgressions, to continue with them till Christ should come: and again, in Heb. ix. 10, this law consisted "only in meats, drinks, and divers washings, and carnal ordinances imposed on them until the time of reformation." Thus it was, they rendered themselves unworthy of the blessings of the Gospel and the Melchizedek priesthood, and God took Moses out of their midst and the holy priesthood from among them, and the lesser priesthood continued with the tribe of Levi to officiate under the law until John the Baptist. He being the only son of Zechariah the priest, was the legal heir to the Aaronic priesthood; but Christ being a priest for ever after the order of Melchizedek, reinstated the holy priesthood again in his church. It is probable however, that between Moses and Christ, God conferred the holy priesthood on different individuals who were not the tribe of Levi: for instance, Samuel the Ephraimite, Samson and his father Manoah of the tribe of Dan, Elijah the Tishbite, Elisha, Isaiah, and many others.
[To be Continued]
Nauvoo, July, 1841.
Bro's Smith & Thompson:-
In order that I may act in concert with my brethren in the ministry, and being often times stimulated to duty and greater exertion in the cause of righteousness by reading the communications of the traveling elders, I have thought that it might be interesting to some, to hear of the prosperity of Zion in the region of country where I have traveled for a few months past.
I left this place on the 22nd of Dec. last, for the express purpose of proclaiming the gospel of salvation as is revealed in these days for the benefit of both the living and the dead, that God's justice might be exhibited, and all flesh see the salvation of the Lord, and rejoice in experiencing all its blessings. About the 16th of January, I got in company with Elder J. E. Page in the village of Hagerstown, Preble county, Ohio: from thence we visited many of the towns and villages of Ohio and Indiana, warning them of the things that are coming on the earth according to ancient and modern prophecies, which must come to pass. Among the number I would name Dayton, Springfield, York, Milton, Lewisburg, Richmond, Washington, Centreville, Hagerstown, Williamsburg, and seemingly to considerable benefit, for prejudice gave way on every side, and hundreds acknowledged Mormonism to be the only truth if the bible was true; so, that those who formerly were enemies, because of reports, are now friends and advocates, because as they do truly say, "Mormonism is a smash all." There are many warm hearted friends in Dayton, especially among the sceptical [skeptical] part of community, among the many I would mention Dr. Knizely, Mr. Richard Green and others who shewed [showed] their independence, in distribution and selling Book of Mormon, in defiance of all the religious opposition of bigots who every where show their deformed head. Springfield also, contains some distinguished characters who nobly stood forth of community, backed by the Rev. D. Crawl would have put an external application of tar and feathers upon my skin in order to reform my mind from the delusion, that I have been endeavoring to propagate,
"How strange a thought, that stripes would change the mind,
Correct the judgment and reform mankind."
But in the midst of the rage of fanatics, a few avowed their faith in the gospel, and have been brought into the kingdom, by baptism for the remission of their sias [sins]. From the latter place I went to Richmond Indiana, where Elder Page had labored for a few weeks alone, and baptized two, I baptized three while in company with him, and after his departure I baptized and organized with the assistance of Elder
Tate, a branch of 20 members, three miles south of Richmond, who are strong in the faith of the gospel; they were formerly Campbellites or Reformers but by the preaching of the fullness of the gospel, they became convinced that Alexander Campbell's reformation was only in part, and never could effect the gathering of Israel, nor bring in the millennium glory as declared by the prophets, so they boldly, in the face of both their former teacher and the world, espoused the cause of truth while their deluded teachers still continue to cry false prophet, delusion, delusion; but all their endeavors to stop the progress of truth has as yet turned to its advantage. Many more are convinced of the truth, and the call from the different neighborhoods and villages are sufficient to keep 3 or 4 elders in constant labor; and undoubtedly scores might be brought into the kingdom, as their are a number of respectable gentlemen and ladies who are standing upon the very verge of the kingdom, looking at the works of God and see a beauty in it, but worldly honor and their good name, have as yet hindered; yet there are others who are standing in the hopes of some elder to return from this place to baptize them.-Elders traveling east would do well to call upon them and encourage and strengthen them.
"The priests do rage and the people imagine vain things," but God's work is onward, so let it be. Amen.
Yours in the bonds of the Gospel.
John Cairns.
[For the Times and Seasons]
"Eternal hope! when yonder spheres sublime
Peal'd their first notes to sound the march of time,
Thy joyous youth began-but not to fade,-
When all the sister planets have decayed;
When wrapt [wrapped] in fire, the realms of ether glow,
And Heaven's last thunder shakes the world below;
Thou, undismayed, shall o'er the ruins smile,
And light thy torch at nature's funeral pile."
Of all the sensations that pervade the human breast-which stimulate to virtue and excite to action the various classes of mankind, there is none that can justly be considered paramount to this exalted subject, to which the pen of Campbell has done such ample justice; and in his closing paragraph quoted above, there is displayed a reach of thought that remains yet to be exceeded. A metephor [metaphor] as brief and yet so perfect, I have seldom, if ever, seen.
"Thy joyous youth began-but not to fade," Happy has it been for man, that such is the case; were it not for that inherent principle, which God in his goodness has implanted in the heart of man, this life, with all its attendant train of ills, would be insupportable indeed.-But in possession of this ethereal stimulus, we are enabled to press forward, regardless of all the cares and ills of this perplexing world, and unmindful of the present, fix our eye with bright anticipation, upon a far more glorious future, yet in reserve for him "who hopeth all things." None are exempt from its supreme but salutary sway. From the humble suppliant who begs a paltry pittance at our door, to the august emperor who proudly mounts a throne, with his foot upon the necks of Princes, and holding in his right hand the scepter of arbitrary power, demonstrates to the world, and his supreme command fixes irrevocably the fate of nations. But seat that Monarch there with nought [naught] but present power to gratify his swelling soul-with no hope that he should ever advance one jot or tittle, but remain, though great and permanently so, in an entirely quiescent state, neither loved nor feared by Emperors abroad, not menials at home: but find his commands indifferently obeyed, merely as a thing which came by course-no hope of changed, nor cause for conquest; would not his mind clog and be disgusted with so monotonous a scene? Well might it be said that happiness consists in anticipation. Tell what stimulates yon haggard youth to bend by night and day over that huge and musty pile of ancient volumes, thus wasting his health and all his manly strength by unwearied application, unto his sallow cheek and sunken eye, and grow of palid [pallid] marble, attests consumption's fast approach? Ah! the fond hope of becoming signalized as the most profound historian of his age, of securing to himself and imperishable name, of transmitting to ages yet to come volumes of learned lore, the products of his pen, that shall impart to those of the deepest and most extensive research, something new. What impels that bold and intrepid warrior officer thus to dare the horrid front of war, and fily from rank to rank among his men, a target for the opposing foe, regardless of the glancing blade and whizzing ball, that like lightning pass on every side? Alas! The fond hope of accumulating victories, speeds him on to carnage and to death! But the fearless, determined patriot, who shrinks because of cold, hunger and fatigue; and from the instant that his country calls, is never absent from battle; but rather than feel an oppressing despot's power should triumph, will pour his heart's best blood out upon the altar of liberty, a sacrifice of a noble soul, stung by his country's wrongs, driven by injustice, to madness and the grave. By what strange impetus is he impelled? Is it aught [ought] by hope alone?-Hope that he may one day be freed from dire oppression, nor longer be subject to the beck and will of a ruthless and reckless despot. Ah! these are superior spirits, upon whom the world must ever look with wonder and admiration! Yet how many have gone down to the shades of eternity, and left their country bleeding in the chains of anarchy? Such was Cincinnatus, was Tell, was Bruce, was Washington.
Departed spirits of the mighty dead!
Friends of the world! Restore your swords to man,
Fight in his sacred cause, and lead the van! Yes, there are hearts, prophetic hope may trust,
And make his arm puissant as your own! That slumber yet in uncreated dust,
Oh! once again to freedom's cause return, Ordained to fire the adoring sons of earth,
The patriot Tell-the Bruce of Bannock Burn, With evry [every] charm of wisdom and of worth."
But to give our last and most important instance. An aged christian whose narrow span scorned by the world, contemned by all mankind, and now his brightest prospect is to drop into his grave unnoticed and unknown. It may be perchance,
"High hopes danced through his youthful breast He hath seen "friend after friend depart,
And clothed the spring of life with flowers" Who hath not lost a friend"?
But those flowers have long since faded and withered;
But over his eyes, too, the shades of death are now about to close-and then succeeds the dreamless night of the tomb. While he muses upon the past, the present, and the future, wrapt [wrapped] in silent meditation, he already seems to feel the King of terror's icy hand, laid softly on his brow-to hear the rumbling clods strike harshly on his coffin, and with a hollow voice exclaim., "Dust thou art and to dust shalt thou return." The chilled blood recedes to his heart, and he is ready to cry out, "Ah, me! nor hope nor life remains!" But hark-a still small voice whispers in his ear, "Hope, springs eternal in the human breast."
"Hope looks beyond the bounds of time, The quivering lip, pale cheek and closing eye!
When that we now deplore The strife is o'er-the pangs of nature close,
Shall rise in full immortal prime,- Then life's last rapture triumphs o'er her woes.
And bloom to fade no more." Bright to the soul thy seraph hands convey
What though no dazzling hope aspire The morning dream of life's eternal day
To be a second Washington- Hark! as the spirit eyes, with eagle gaze,
Yet ye may rise a monument above the stars. The noon of Heaven undazzled by the blaze,
Unfading hope! when life's last embers burn, On Heav'nly winds that waft her to the sky,
When soul to soul and dust to dust return, Float the sweet tones of star born melody;
Heaven to thy charge resigns the awful hour! Then, then, the triumph and the trance begins,
O! then thy kingdom comes! immortal power! And all the Phenix [Phœnix] spirit burns within!"
What, though each earth born spark of rapture fly, Martha Jane.
[For the Times and Seasons]
The Temple of God.
By Miss Eliza R. Snow.
"Behold! I will send my messenger, and he shall prepare the way before me: and the Lord, whom ye seek, shall suddenly come to his temple, even the messenger of the covenant whom ye delight in! behold, he shall come, saith the Lord of Hosts. Bu who may abide the day of His coming! and who shall stand when he appeareth? for he is like a refiner's fire, an like fuller's soap. And he shall sit as a refiner and purifier of silver; and he shall purify the sons of Levi, and purge them as gold and silver, that they may offer unto the Lord, an offering in righteousness. Then shall the offerings of Judah and Jerusalem be pleasent [pleasant] unto the Lord, as in the days of old, and as in former years." Malachi iii. 21, 2, 3, 4.
Lo, the Savior is coming, the prophets declare-
The times are fulfilling; O Zion, prepare! When a Moses of old, was appointed to rear
The Savior is coming: but where shall he come? A place, where the glory of God should appear;
Will he find the palace of princes, a home? He receiv'd from the hand of the high King of Kings,
No! O no, in his temple he'll surely attend; A true model-a pattern of heavenly things.
But O where is the "temple," where Christ shall descend? The eternal Jehovah will not condescend,
His pure wisdom, with human inventions to blend;
Since the ancient apostles and christians are dead And a temple-a house, to the name of the Lord,
The heavens have been seal'd-they are brass o'er the head Must be built, by commandment, and form'd of his word,
Of a world of professors, presuming to claim Or he will not accept it, nor angels come down
A belief in the gospel of Jesus' blest name; In the light of His presence, the service to crown,
Who profess to believe it, yet boldly deny O! then who, upon earth, uninstructed, will dare
Its most prominent feature, the gifts from on high, Build a house to the Lord? But the scriptures declare
And deny that the word of the Lord should come forth, That Messiah is coming-the time's drawing nigh!
As it anciently did, to the saints upon earth! Hark! a scheme is divulg'd-'twas concerted on high;
Then, to whom shall Jehovah his purpose declare? With divine revelation the saints have been bles't-
And by whom shall the people be taught to prepare Every doubt has subsided-the mind is at rest.
For the coming of Jesus-a "temple" to build,
That the ancient predictions may all be fulfil'd? The great God, has establish'd, in mercy and grace
The "strange work," that precedes the concluding of days-
The pure gospel of Jesus again is restor'd;
By its power, thro' the prophet, the word of the Lord
Is again coming forth; and intelligence rolls
From the upper eternity, cheering our souls.
"Build a house to my name," the Eternal has said
To a people, by truths holy principles led:
"Build a house to my name, where my saints may be blest;
Where my glory and pow'r shall in majesty rest"
When its splendor will gladden the heavenly choir,
And high Gabriel's own hand shall awaken the lyre.
Oh, ye saints, be admonish'd by Time's rolling car;
It is rapidly onward! Hear, ye from a afar!
Come, and bring in your treasures-your wealth from abroad:
Come, and build up the city and Temple of God:
A stupendous foundation already is laid,
And the work is progressing-withhold not your aid.
When you gather to Zion, come, not "looking back"-
Let your hearts not be faint-let your hands not be slack,
For great honor, and glory, and grace, and renown,
Shall appear on their heads, whom the Savior will crown;
And the Savior is coming, the prophets declare,
The times are fulfilling-to Zion repair:
Let us "watch and be sober"-the period is near"
When the Lord in his temple, will surely appear.
I cannot refrain from relating a circumstance which took place, while Brother Fielding and myself were passing though the village of Chatburn; having been observed drawing nigh to the town, the news ran from house to house, and immediately on our arrival, the noise of their looms was hushed, the people flocked to the doors to welcome us, and see us pass. The youth of the place ran to meet us, and took hold of our mantles and then of each others hands, several having hold of hands, went before us singing the songs of Zion, while their parents gazed upon the scene with delight, and poured out their blessings upon our heads, and praised the God of heaven, for sending us to unfold the principles of truth, the plan of salvation to them. Such a scene, and such gratitude, I never witnessed before, surely, my heart exclaimed, "Out of the mouths of babes and sucklings, thou hast perfected praise." What could have been more pleasing and delightful, than such a manifestation of gratitude to Almighty God, from those whose hearts were deemed too hard to be penetrated by the gospel, and who had been considered the most wicked and hardened people in that region of country?
In comparison to the joy I then experienced, the grandeur, pomp and glory of the kingdoms of this world shrunk into insignificance and appeared as dross, and all the honor of man, aside from the gospel, to be vain.. The prayer of my heart at that time was: O Lord, do thou bless this people, save them from sin, and prepare them for thy celestial kingdom, and that thy servant may meet them around thy throne. And grant O Lord that I may continue to preach the gospel of Christ, which shall cause the hearts of the poor to rejoice, and the meek to increase their joy in the Lord-Which shall comfort the hearts of the widows, and cheer the soul of the orphan; and that I may be the instrument in thy hands, O Lord, of bringing them to Zion, that they may behold thy glory, and be prepared to meet the Savior when he shall descend in the clouds of heaven.
Having an appointment to preach in the village of Wrightington; while on the way I stopped at the house of Brother Amos Fielding; when I arrived he informed me that a certain family of the name of Moon, had sent a request by him, for me to visit them, that they might have the privilege of conversing with me on the subject of the gospel. Accordingly, Br. Fielding and I paid them a visit that evening. We were very kindly received by the famijy [family], and had considerable conversation on the object of my mission to that country, and the great work of the last days; they listened with attention to my statements, but at the same time they appeared to be prejudiced against them, rather than otherwise. We remained in conversation until a late hour, and then returned. On our way home, Brother Fielding observed, that he thought our visit had been in vain, as the family seemed to have considerable prejudice. I answered, and said. Brother Fielding, be not faithless, but believing, we shall yet see great effects from this visit, for I know there are some of the family that have received the testimony and will shortly manifest the same. At this remark he appeared surprised. The next morning I continued my journey to Wrightington, and after spending
two or three days in that vicinity, preaching the gospel, I returned by the way of Brother Fielding's with whom I again tarried for the night.
The next morning I commenced my journey; intending to go direct to Preston, but when I got opposite the road leading to Mr. Moons, I was forcibly pressed upon by the spirit of the Lord, to call and see them again. The impression being so strong, I could not resist, I therefore directed my steps to the house, not knowing what it meant.
On my arrival at the house, I knocked at the door, and Mrs. Moon from within exclaimed; "Come in! come in! you are welcome here! I and the lasses, (meaning her daughters) have just been calling on the Lord, and praying that he would send you this way." She then informed me of her state of mind since I was there before, and said, she at first rejected my testimony, and endeavored to think lightly on the things I had advanced, but on trying to pray, she said "that the heavens seemed to be like brass over her head, and it was like iron under her feet," she did not know what was the matter, "certainly the man has not 'bewitched me,' and upon inquiry she "found it was the same with the lasses." They then began to reflect on the things I had told them, and thinking it possible that I had told them the truth, they resolved to lay the case before the Lord, and beseech him to give them a testimony concerning the things I had testified of. She then observed, that as soon as thy did so, light broke in upon their minds, they were convinced that I was a messenger of salvation, and that it was the work of the Lord, and they had resolved to obey the gospel, which they did, and that evening I baptized father and mother and four of their daughters. Shortly after I visited them again and baptized the remainder of the family, consisting of thirteen souls, the youngest of whom was above twenty years of age. They received the gospel as little children, and rejoiced exceedingly in its blessings. The sons were very good musicians, and the daughters excellent singers, and when they united their instruments and their voices in the songs of Zion. the effect was truly transporting.
Before I left England, there were about thirty of that family and connexions [connections], baptized, six of whom were ordained to be fellow labors with us in the vineyard, and I left them rejoicing in the truths, they had embraced."
Times and Seasons.
City of Nauvoo,
Monday Aug. 2 1841.
Never since the rise of this church, have such interest and intense anxiety been manifested in the public mind, particularly on the sea-board. The falsehoods that have been circulated respecting us, being arrayed in the garb of truth, and having been published from the sacred desk by the reverend clergy with all the weight of sanctity which their long faces are calculated to inspire, and having found their way into the popular newspapers of the day, and circulated to the four winds, render it impossible for us to correct the public mind on the subject.
From the newspapers we have seen-the letters we have received-and the testimony of gentlemen who have just returned from the east, we are assured that rumor, with her thousand tongues, is at work, expectation is on the tiptoe, curiosity is on the stretch, all eyes are turned to the Far West, and all are anxious to hear the last accounts from the seat of war. The subject of the Sub-Treasury and a National Bank, for a while cease to be the prevailing topics of conversation. The minds of thousands are all ready prepared to hear of the sacking of cities-the march and counter-marching of armies-the burning of towns and vilages [villages]-the flight of citizens-the rising of the Indians-the commotion in Illinois-the distress in Iowa, the consternation and flight of the Missourians, the exploits of mighty chieftains, &c. &c. We dont know but that ero this, our friend Bennett of the New York Herald has established an express line from this city to New York to give the latest news of the proceedings of the Mormons to his immence [immense] number of subscribers, and herald forth to the world the monstrous proceedings of Jo Smith and the Mormons.
There being such a taste for the marvelous, we are almost dispirited to give an account of things in this vicinity as they really are. Truth being too dry a morsel for the corrupt taste of the present generation, it requires no inconsiderable degree of moral courage and resolution to meet the sneers and ridicule consequent on giving correct information. In this age-
"On eagles wings immortal scandals fly"
However we hope, there are some honorable exceptions; gentlemen who feel disposed to do us justice and hear both sides of the question. There are some, we hope, who before they would gratify their readers at the expense of truth and virtue, and all the finer feelings of the human heart, and fan the flame of persecution, would choose to be silent and wait until the excitement be over, and then make up their minds on the issue.
To all such magnamimous [magnanimous] individuals we would say, come and pay us a visit; and if our friend of the N. Y. Herald is not dead to sensibility and honor, let him come too, and we will give them correct information on the subject.
On approaching this place in sailing up the mighty Mississippi, and while ascending the lower rapids on the east bank of the river appears the City of Nauvoo, and at the very first sight, they will be ready to exclaim what a beautiful place for a city. On a nearer approach, they will be constrained to say surely nature has been propitious, what a contrast does this situation present with the dull and monotonous scenes which characterize the great water courses in the west.
On a nearer approach, they would behold scores of houses, like gems decking the beautiful site which, from the gradual rise of the river for nearly a mile back, presents a very beautiful and imposing appearance. Let them then land on our shore, and although we have not yet any splendid Hotels erected, yet we have some houses of entertainment where refreshment and attention can be obtained at reasonable charges. Having rested themselves from the fatigue of the voyage, we would invite them to walk into the city and as they pass along, and consider that within the short space of two years, in the midst of poverty and sickness, have all the improvements been made, they will at once be satisfied that the Mormons are an industrious people. We would then take them to the Nauvoo House where they will find a number of men employed in laying the foundation of that building, which, when finished, will compare with any hotel in the Union.-Having satisfied themselves with the prospect which the site commands of the beautiful Mississippi, we would then conduct them to the Temple block and as they pass along they will observe the preparations that are every way being made for the erection of buildings. The man who two years ago, had to content himself with a log cabin, is now preparing to erect a beautiful frame house, or, the more substantial and durable one of brick or stone,
On visiting the Temple block, their astonishment will increase; there they will see the foundation of a building laid, which is expected to astonish the world, and show how much can be done by a concentration of action.-It could hardly be possible to conceive of a more lovely situation, and commanding prospect. It will be seen for several miles up and down the beautiful windings of the Mississippi-by a large section of Iowa, and by the surrounding country in Illinois. Having spent some time in admiring the beautiful view which is afforded from this point, we would invite them to visit the length and breadth of the city and suburbs. On the beautiful prairie which lies contiguous to the city, where but a few years ago the red man roamed, beautiful farms are opening, and houses in progress of erection-and the cheerful voice of the husbandman while engaged in his laborious but healthy employ-the lowing of herds and the bleating of sheep, give animation to the scene, and give evidence of enterprize [enterprise] and industry.
If they will wait over Sunday, they will then see the saints congregating together from a circuit of six or seven miles, some on horse-back-in wagons and in carriages-There they will see native born Americans from every state of the Union, the enterprsing [enterprising] Englishman, the hardy Scotchman, the warm hearted son of Erin, the Pennsylvania Dutchman, the honest Canadian, all joining in harmonious praises to Heaven's holy King-all inspired with the same hopes of immortality, having one faith, one hope, and one baptism.
Yes, gentlemen, if you want to find the abodes of content and true pleasure, come to Nauvoo. If you want to learn our character, and proceedings, mingle in our midst, associate with us, and examine for yourselves, and you will find in our young and rising city many hearts that beat high with sensibility-many generous and noble souls-men susceptible of kindness, and who delight to reciprocate feeling of friendship and esteem.
If you want to retire from the noise of the Bacchanalian's song, the midnight broils, and the scenes of drunkeness [drunkenness] which disgrace so many of our cities and villages, come to Nauvoo-No such proceedings are allowed-no such monster as the drunkard walks our streets.
If you want to see the native charms which shine forth in the softer sex, unadorned by the flimsy decorations of pride, and the unnatural airs of your eastern belles, come to Nauvoo.
In short, Nauvoo is all that is included in the signification of the word-beautiful place-
delightful habitation, a place of rest and quiet, and we can, very appropriately, use the language of an eloquent writer and say of it,
"Sure, ne'er sun-
View'd in its wide career a lovlier [lovelier] spot.
For all that life can ask-salubrious-mild.-
Its woods and prospects fair!
In one delightful work, to crown the whole,
It is our home!-
As to the noise and confusion which is said to be in our midst-"the clash of arms and din of war" they exist only in the breast of the Warsaw Junto-and the highly respectable correspondent of the Journal of Commerce; who have, through malice and the basest of feelings, condescended to palm their statements upon the community, to raise a prejudice against us. Vain are their efforts! Their dark and cruel acts will one day recoil upon their own heads with tenfold vengeance, while truth shall stand erect, and the injured and innocent be approved.
We owe an apology to Brother Alanson Brown, whose name we published several months since as a thief, for not having informed the public before this, that he returned to this place and underwent an examination before the High Council of the church and was honorably acquitted, his accusers not being able to sustain their charges against him.
If some of our country subscribers would bring us in some produce, such as flour, meal, potatoes, butter and cheese, also corn and oats, we would find storage for it all, and feel that we had been richly provided for. It has been so long since we have had any honey, that we are very certain should any be offered us, we should not refuse it, at ant rate, if it was clear and nice.
The Weekly Paper-We are interrogated almost continually-"when are you going to publish the weekly?" We will answer it as well as we can, but must take our own time. About the first of June we left home for Cincinnatti [Cincinnati], Ohio, to make a purchase of type &c., for the express purpose of printing a weekly paper. We intended to have made the purchase and brought the materials home with us, but on our arrival we found that we could get them from New York to much the best advantage; we accordingly made a contract for our materials on a credit of six months; we made however, a small payment in advance. In concluding to get New York type, we were unable to publish a specimen number of the Ensign and Standard in July, as we first proposed: but having assurances that our type should be hurried on with all possible speed, we had no doubt but it would be here by the 20th ultimo, and in the event we felt assured that we, could issue the paper by the first of August: but, we must confess that our disappointment has been greater than that of our patrons, for instead of receiving the type, on the 19th of July we received the following letter.
Cincinnatti [Cincinnati, July 8th, 1841.
Mr. D. C. Smith,
Dear Sir:-Various rumors of a serious nature have been afloat here relative to your difficulties, with your neighbors, of the truth of which we have no means of judging. If you read the papers it is unnecessary for us to name them. We have no question of your capability and good intention to fulfil [fulfill] all engagements which you enter into; but if the scenes of Missouri were again acted over; our question is, whether it would then be in your power? We have received to-day the invoice of type, cases, &c., ordered from New York, and the articles will be here in a few days. We told them in our letter that they were for you, and at the same time gave them our favorable opinion of your responsibility; but the New York papers having soon after published some of the articles which are going the rounds, they, (Hagar & Co.) entirely refused to take any part of the risk, but sent the articles to us, giving us the choice either to retain them and dispose of them in the best way we could, or send them to you at our own risk. Now if late circumstances have not made the risk any greater than it was at the time you were here we should say nothing on the subject, although we get nothing for guaranteeing, and our commissions at best are very small. We should say nothing about it, for the reason that we should not consider
there would be any risk about it; for if you remain in peaceable possession of your property there is no doubt on the subject. Under the present circumstances, we do not know precisely what to say, and would like to hear from you on the receipt of this in relation to your future prospects.
Yours, &c.
Shepard & Stearns.
Our reply to the above was mailed immediately, informing them that the first we knew of being at war with our neighbors, it was announced in the New York papers, &c. Thus our enemies with their ten thousand lies may hinder our progress for awhile, but we will eventually outride the storm, and accomplish all we have undertaken, we trust, to the full satisfacton [satisfaction] of our friends who have taken such an interest in the paper we propose. As soon as our materials arrive, we shall commence the publication.
[From the Juliet Courier.]
Monmouth, June, 1841.
My Dear Sir:-Before this reaches you-I have no doubt you will have heard of the trial of Joseph Smith; familiarly known as the Mormon Prophet. As some misrepresentations have already gone abroad in relation to Judge Douglass' decision and the merits of the qeetion [question] decided by the Judge; permit me to say that the only question decided, though many were debated, was the validity of the executive writ which had once been sent out, I think in Sept. 1840, and a return made on it that Mr. Smith could not be found. The same writ was issued in June 1841. There can really be no great difficulty about this matter-under this state of facts.
The judge acquitted himself handsomely, and silenced clamors that had been raised against the Defendant. Since the trial I have been at Nauvoo on the Mississippi, in Hancock co. Ill, and have seen the manner in which things are conducted among the Mormons. In the first place I cannot help noticing the plain hospitality of the Prophet Smith, to all strangers visiting the town, aided as he is, in making the stranger comfortable by his excellent wife, a woman of superior ability. The people of the town appear to be honest and industrious, engaged in their usual avocations of building up a town, and making all things around them comfortable. On Sunday I attended one of their meetings, in front of the Temple, now building, and one of the largest buildings in the State.-There could not haste been less than 2,500 people present, and as well appearing as any number that could be found in this or any State,-Mr. Smith preached in the morning, and one could have readily learned then the magic by which he has built up this Society, because as we say in Illinois-"they believe in him," and in his honesty. Dr. Bennett a talented man, preached in the evening-he is the mayor of the city and cannot but be a useful man to them and to his country, as he has learning and great force of character. I wanted to hear Elder Rigdon of whom so much has been said by the talkers and slanderers of this Society. His name is closely identified with Mr. Smith as one of the persecuted, and builders up of the Mormons; a word I am happy to learn is no longer a word of reproach in this free land.
It has been a matter of astonishment to me, after seeing the prophet, as he is called, Elder Rigdon and many other gentlemenly [gentlemanly] men, any one may see at Nauvoo, who will visit there, why it is that so many professing christianity, and so many professing to reverence the sacred principles of our constitution, which gives free religious toleration to all, have slandered, and persecuted this sect of Christians? There can be no danger in the United States from any denomination. If they are in an error, (and who is to decide that ) let freedom of opinion combat it, and nothing is to be apprehended from such error. I know the time when the "Methodist's were said to be a deluded ignorant set." What sect now equal them in the U. States? For the honor of our State I hope no such degrading brutish persecutions, will he got up in Illinois as was in Missouri, against the Mormons.
You would admire the manner in which the town of Nauvoo is situated and laid out. It covers over 1000 acres and laid off into acre lots. The Temple is building on the hill nearly a mile from the river in front. The river running here in a half circle. I am told that it numbers now over 5,000 persons and they are fast arriving from Europe and different parts of the United States.
So much for the present, when I see you I will give you further particulars of Nauvoo, and this part of our State which is certainly beautiful.
We are requested to say that a conference will be held at Springdale, Hamilton county Ohio, at the house of Daniel Burch, to commence on the first Saturday of September next. Elders passing are requested to attend.
Extract from the Minutes of the High Council of Zarahemla, Iowa Territory, June 7th, 1841.
High Council convened.
Elder Calvin Beebe's case for breaking covenant and keeping a tippling shop was taken up.
Council unanimously resolved, that for breaking covenant and keeping a tippling shop, Calvin Beebe be no longer considered a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, and that President John Smith be authorized to demand, and receive his elder's license.
Resolved, That the editor of the Times and Seasons, printed at Nauvoo, be requested to publish the above, and that the High Council of Zarahemla disfellowship all persons in this church who now do, or may hereafter keep a tippling shop, or shops.
John Patten Clerk, pro tem.
The Branch of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints in the city of New York, having convened at the usual place of meeting on the 15th day of April 1841, agreeably to previous appointment, for the purpose of being more perfectly organized as a branch, and for other purposes. Elder George W. Harris of Nauvoo being chairman and L. R. Foster secretary; unanimously made choice of L. R. Foster to be the president of the branch, Addison Everett and George Holmes to be councillors [councilors] of the president, John M. Bernhisel to be the bishop, and Richard Burgde and William Acker to be councillors [councilors] of the bishop.
These six having been thus chosen were ordained and set apart to these several offices under the direction of Elder Harris, he having been specially appointed and authorized by President Hyrum Smith, at the Philadelphia conference to organize more perfectly, the branch in New York.
After remarks by the chairman upon the duties of those who had been ordained and set apart as above stated, the revelation of January 19th, 1841, was read, which relates to the building of the temple at Nauvoo, and the "Nauvoo House," &c., after which, consecrations to aid in building the temple were received.
G. W. Harris, Chairman.
L. R. Foster, Secretary.
From the Age.
Twas a dark and rainy night in the gloomy month of November; the clock had struck the dreary hour of midnight, the citizen had retired to his rest, and naught was heard save the solitary cry and heavy step of the watchman, as he paced his way around his accustomed beat; when Doctor D- was aroused from his slumbers, by a loud and continued knock at his door. Upon enquiring [inquiring] the cause, he was requested to hasten with all possible speed to a distant part of the city, to render professional aid. The doctor, always remarkable for his kind attendance on the poor or distressed, needed not a repetition of the request, but immediately prepared to obey the summons.
After following his guide through several streets, they arrived at a more thinly settled part. Proceeding with much difficulty on account of the mire, they came to a neat, one-story weather-boarded house, which the guide indicated to be the place where his services were required, by scraping off the mud which had clogged his feet, at a kind of scraper attached to the porch: the door being opened, they entered a small, though neat and pleasant room, better furnished than is generally the case with houses in the suburbs or our larger towns, and much better than the doctor could have expected from the appearance of the few straggling tenements situated at intervening distances around it, and the manner in which they are generally filled.
Near the centre [center] of the room, which was occupied by a few of the neighbours [neighbors] who had called to render any assistance in their power, or do any little turn that might be necessary, was a stove, through the small door of which might be seen a small fire burning within. After having laid aside his cloak, and somewhat dried himself, the doctor retired into the adjoining room, to ascertain what had been the cause of his disturbance at so late an hour of the night, or rather so early an hour in the morning: there stretched upon a bed, lay a young man, apparently about twenty-eight years of age, insensible to all surrounding objects, his face flushed and swollen, his breath difficult and stentorous [strenuous], the temporal and carotid arteries swollen, and beating with such force as though the crimson fluid contained within them, determined no longer to brook restraint, would burst the wounds of the thin vessels in which it was confined; the pulse was slow, but full and hard; through the half-closed eyelids, the white of his eyes were alone discernible, the eyeballs being rolled upwards and fixed, the pupil was dilated and immovable, unaffected even by the light of the candle, when permitted to shine with full force upon what is one of the most sensible structures in the whole human system.
Around the bed stood a few of his relations, whose countenances betokened sadness, and whose brows were heavy with sorrow; among them, were men
whose stern hearts knew not fear, who, since they had arrived at the age of manhood, had perhaps never wept; yet they could not now prevent the silent tear from occasionally stealing down their sun-burnt [burned] cheeks.
The aged mother, too was there; she who had given him birth; in whose bosom he had nestled in his helpless infancy; she who had fondly watched his childish sports, and who with pride & pleasure, had seen him ripen into manhood, had seen his boyish frame verge into the full formed size of man; "he was the only son of his mother, and she was a widow."
The young, the lovely wife was there-she, who but a few short years before had promised at the altar to love and honor him-who had pledged herself to live with him for better or for worse-through evils as well as through good report, until death alone should part them; she, who was the partner of his joys, the sharer of his sorrows-who had rejoiced with him in his rejoicings, and who had comforted him in his afflictions-she, who, ere the solemn and binding word (from which death alone could release them) had been given; ere the Gordon knot, which naught on earth could loosen, had been tied, had known no sorrow-as though her brow might at any time, have been overcast by a momentary gloom occasioned by some unforseen [unforeseen] event, yet evenescent [evanescent] as the fleeting clouds before the noon day's sun, scarce had it time to cast a shadow ere it was dispelled, and smiles again lit up her countenance;-what must have been her feeling when she compared the present with the past-when she contrasted him lying in an appoplectic [apoplectic] stupor, (the effects of liquor) with what he had been when he swore to protect her, to comfort her, to minister to her joys, to be her steadfast friend, her guard, her guide, her all in all? No one can ever imagine them, except those who have been placed in a similar situation.
In a corner, upon a small bed, locked in each other's arms, and fast asleep, lay his two children; little dreaming how soon they were to be left fatherless, how soon they were to be deprived of a fond and indulgent parent.
George W- was the only child of his parents. His father had at an early day held a respectable station in society he had commenced the world with a small capital. His affairs however, prospered. His business continued to increase; every thing in which he engaged seemed to terminate successfully, until in a few years he would have been placed beyond the reach of want, but alas! how often when we think the prize which we have been contending for is within reach, we are doomed to disappointment. He commenced drinking; first he drank seldom, and little at a time: gradually the habit grew upon him, until the glass became his constant companion; day after day, he resorted to the tavern to steep his senses in the intoxicating bowl, and join with others as degraded as himself in the boisterous laugh that has no mirth in it, the laugh of a madman, for such he had rendered himself-he was a confirmed drunkard; he who had been once so respected and honoured [honored], had sunk himself to a level with the brutes,-despised by those who had formerly courted his favour [favor], he at length fell a victim to intemperance, leaving to his broken hearted wife naught save an infant son. To the education of this dear boy, did the mother devote the greater part of her time; she laboured [labored] to train him up in such a manner, that he might be a blessing to his friends, and an ornament to society; and well was her care rewarded. Dearly loving his mother, and detesting the poison which had rendered her a widow, at an early day he resolved to "touch not, taste not, handle not." He firmly adhered to his resolution, and grew up a sober, honest, and industrious young man; being naturally of a generous and amiable disposition, he endeared himself to a large circle of acquaintances, and had no difficulty in persuading Maria S- a beautiful young creature, to whom he had long been attached, to share with him that name which he had so nobly redeemed from the disgrace entailed on it by his father. Well might the heart of the widowed mother dilate with joy, when she beheld her only, and her darling son, the sole prop and support of her declining years, so much and so justly esteemed by all who knew him; and oh! how earnestly did she pray that he might never deviate from the path of rectitude. Blessed with a fond mother, a wife who idolized him., two sweet children, admiring friends, and an approving conscience, what more could he wish? what desire? He wished, he desired naught else; he had arrived at the summit of earthly happiness. Oh! that we could drop the curtain.
A celebrated author tells us, in writing the history of a person, when they arrive at perfect happiness the biographer should stop; for if he proceed further, he must certainly record days of misery, and in the present instance this was but too true. George was persuaded one evening to join some of his friends in a party of pleasure; wine was handed ronnd [round], but he refused to taste it; again and again he was pressed to take some, till at length, not having courage to resist longer, he reluctantly yielded, intending to take but one glass; he thought he had frmness [firmness] to refrain from taking more; but ah! fatal delusion; when he found his resolution beginning to waver, had he left the company, he might have returned to his wife the same being he left her, but having been enticed to take one glass, he had not strength sufficient to persist in refusing a second and it required but little persuasion to induce him to take the third. Poor George! he had now entirely forgotten his resolution, and he drank until nature, unable to support such excess, gave way, and he fell senseless on the floor: he was taken home and laid on his bed, from which he never rose, till he was carried forth to be laid in his last resting place. Who can tell the anguish that filled the heart of that devoted wife, as she hung in speechless agony over her beloved husband, who had parted from her that evening buoyant with health and happiness-now she saw him extended on his death bed, for such indeed it was. The morrow's sun arose, but he did not welcome it with the joy he was wont to do; it shone upon him, but he heeded it not;. its rays imparted no warmth to his body, for they fell upon cold, inanimate clay; in the silent hour of night, his spirit had flown to the God who gave it; it was, indeed, a dreadful stroke to his young wife; a stroke for which she was not prepared; a few hours had changed her from a happy wife to a wretched widow.
Reader-this is no idle tale of fancy! no flight of the imagination-would that it was-but it is a sad reality. What an awful warning does it furnish, not only to the lover of wine, but to every young man, to "touch not, aste [taste] not, handle not."
Married-in this city July 25th, 1841, by Elder D. C. Smith Mr. George A. Smith to Miss Bethsheba W. Bigler, the former of Lee co. I. T. the latter of this city.
We wish the above happy pair long life, health, joy and peace, and a plenty of the good things of the earth to make them comfortable, with a wise and intelligent family in their old age to make them happy.
Married-At Walnut Grove, Knox county, Ill. by Elder Hiram Hoyt, Mr. Homer C. Hoyt to Miss Sarah Fuller.
Died-In this place July 16th Alice consort of Oliver Olney, aged 41 years. Brother Olney is absent from home and probably knows nothing of the afflicting occurrence.
The deceased has left a large family and a numerous circle of friends to mourn her loss, a loss which is easier felt than told. Of her worth in society we would freely speak could we point it to the mind's eye in its true merits, but language would fail us to tell of her virtues, her patience, her endurance, her godly walk, and motherly care to the orphan, &c. &c. In all her afflictions and persecutions, we are confident that she never was heard to complain. She was truly a saint.
By Miss Eliza R. Snow.
'Twas not to gain the world's regard,
That she the path of virtue trod;
She sought-she's won a high reward:-
She lov'd and worship'd Israel's God.
'Midst persecution, she has borne-
The keenest pang of deep distress;
But tho' of earthly comforts shorn,
Pursued the ways of happiness.
Screen'd from the world's unhallow'd gaze,
She nobly grac'd her humble lot;
She walk'd in wisdom's golden ways,
And twin'd the wreath of heav'nly thought.
Like a sweet rose that's wont to spread
Its fragrance thro' the darkest gloom;
Her christian life an infl'ence shed,
That does, and will, survive the tomb.
Not like a flowret [floret] in the shade,
That's doom'd to waste its beauties there;
Her's were the charms that will not fade,
Nor perish on terrestrial air.
And tho' she's gone, her virtues twine
A holy wreath above her urn-
A gentle halo, that will shine
Till mem'ry's lamp forgets to burn.
Died-In Quincy, May 5th 1841, Maria, consort of M. Evert, aged 31 years, 1 month, and 13 days.
Drowned-In this city July 23rd, Samuel W. aged 8 years, and James F. C. aged 6 years both children of Stephen and Mary Luce, formerly of Maine.
In this afflicting occurrence the parents have been deprived of two very promising boys, who bid fair to have been useful gems, stars of merit: thy they have been taken from the evil to come, they sleep in Christ, and when the first trump shall sound they will come forth with the just, because they died in the Lord, and the scriptures saith, "Blessed are the dead that die in the Lord" "they shall have part in the first resurrection."
From Berlin, in Prussia, late of Liverpool and Preston, England.
Most respectfully announces to the ladies and gentlemen and the citizens of Nauvoo as also of Hancock county, in general, that he has permanently established himself in the city of Nauvoo, as a dentist, where he may be consulted, daily, in all branches connected with his profession, Teeth cleaned, plugged, filled, the scurva effectually cured, children's teeth regulated, natural or artificial teeth from a single tooth to a whole set inserted on the most approved principle. Mr. N. having had an extensive practice both on the continent of Europe, as also in England, for the last 15 years, he hopes to give general satisfaction to all those who will honor him their patronage.
Mr. B. Young having known Mr. N. (in England) has kindly consented to offer me his house to meet those ladies and gentlemen who wish to consult me. Hours of attendance from 10 o'clock in the morning, to 6 at evening.
My own residence is opposite Mr. Tidwell, the cooper, near the water. Ladies and gentlemen attended at their own residence, if requested.
Charges strictly moderate.
August 2, 1841. nol9-tf.
Cabinet Shop. Encourage Domestic Manufacture.
The subscribers would respectfully inform the citizens of Nauvoo and vicinity, that they have opened a Cabinet shop in this city, near the residence of Bishop Knight; and will keep on hand, and make to order, all kinds of plain and ornamental furniture. Also, sash and doors of all descriptions, as good as can be obtained in the eastern markets.
Joseph Coolidge,
John Hatfield.
The following books and pamphlets are for sale at the house of Mr. O. Pratt, a few rods north of the temple block:
1. The Millennium and other poems: to which is annexed, A TREATISE ON THE REGENERATION AND ETERNAL DURATION OF MATTER. By P. P. Pratt.
Price 37 1-2 cts, or 28 dollars per hundred.
2. History of the late persecution of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, with a sketch of their rise, progress, and doctrine. By P. P. Pratt. Written in prison.
Price 37 1-2 cts.. or 28 dollars per hundred.
3. Mormonism Unveiled: Zion's Watchman unmasked, and its editor, Mr. L. R. Sunderland, exposed: Truth vindicated: the devil mad, and priestcraft in danger! By P. P. Pratt.
Price 6 cts, or 50 cts. per dozzen [dozen].
4. An interesting account of SEVERAL REMARKABLE VISIONS, and of the late discovery of ANCIENT AMERICAN RECORDS, which unfold the history of this continent from the earliest ages after the flood, to the beginning of the fifth century of the christian era. With a sketch of the rise, faith, and doctrine of the church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints. By O. Pratt.
Price 12 1-2 cts, or six dollars per hundred.
This last work will be found to contain information of great importance, as it will save the traveling elders the labor of constantly relating, over and over again, those things in which every new enquirer [inquirer] is so deeply interested, and upon which he is so very anxious to obtain correct information.
Aug. 1, 1841 no19-tf.
S. Bennett, having the occupancy of the Stone House, recently in the possession of Sidney Rigdon, will appropriate it as a
House of Entertainment.
Travelers and resident boarders, shall be well treated and reasonably charged.
Commodious stabling on the premises.
Aug. 2, 1841. 19-tf.
The Times and Seasons, is edited by D. C. Smith, & R. B. Thompson, And published on the first and fifteenth of every month, on the corner of Water and Bain Streets, Nauvoo, Hancock County, Illinois, by D. C. Smith.
TERMS.-TWO DOLLARS per annum, payable in all cases in advance. Any person procuring five new subscribers, and forwarding us 10 dollars current money, shall receive one volume gratis. Letters on business must be addressed to the Publisher Post Paid,
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