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Volume 2. No. 17.] | City of Nauvoo, Ill., July 1st, 1841 | [Whole No. 29. |
Times and Seasons. | ||
City of Nauvoo, | ||
Thursday, July 1st, 1841. |
We are happy to say that this building is progressing in a manner which does honor to the citizens of this place. On visiting it a few days ago we were agreeably surprized [surprised] to find that the brethren, notwithstanding their poverty, had accomplished so much; and we feel assured if the saints abroad, with their wealth, would make a corresponding effort, that another year would not roll over our heads before the "top stone would be brought up, with shouts of grace, grace be unto it."
The building committee are making every preparation to erect the baptismal font in the basement story as soon as possible. The font, is intended to be supported by twelve oxen, several of which are in a state of forwardness, and are certainly good representations of that animal, and do great credit to the mechanics who are engaged in carving the same. It is intended to overlay them with gold, and when finished will have a very grand appearance indeed.-Most of the labor that is done has been accomplished by the citizens devoting every tenth day gratuitously to that purpose.
While contemplating the foundation which has been so happily begun, we were forcibly reminded of the circumstances, as recorded in holy writ, connected with the building of the ancient Temple at Jerusalem by the Israelites after they had escaped the perils of the wilderness and had obtained a possession in the land of Canaan.
When the time arrived to commence the same, the people engaged in the work with the greatest delight, and vied with each other in their zeal to accomplish a work commanded of Jehovah-so dear to their hearts-and which should tend to shed a still greater lustre [luster] on the Jewish nation. By the wisdom and enterprize [enterprise] of Solomon and his people, the work progressed rapidly; a zeal was manifested by every one who loved the statutes and judgments of the Lord, and who preferred the prosperity of Zion to their own temporal aggrandizement, which was indeed commendable, and which the saints in this age would do well to imitate, and at length was completed, one of the most elegant structures richly adorned with gold and silver and curious workmanship, which for centuries was the pride of that people, and caused thousands from distant nations, to visit it, and enquire [inquire] after that God who had commanded its erection.
The circumstances connected with its dedication were indeed glorious, and sublime. What could be more so? To see the tens of thousands congregated together-their anticipations more than realized-the order of the house-the cloud of the presence of the Omnipotent Jehovah filling the house-the fire from heaven consuming the sacrifices, so that the priests could not stand to minister-to hear the dedication prayer and the simultaneous amens and hallelujahs, which burst from ten thousand voices, were calculated to make a lasting impression on all present, who would feel themselves amply repaid for all their labor and toil in its erection, and who in after ages, would delight to portray the grandeur of the proceedings to their posterity, and ever keep up a feeling of reverence and attachment to their "holy and beautiful house where their fathers worshipped."
After the Jews had been carried away captive to Babylon, their love and attachment to their beloved city and temple; did not decrease; and when Nehemiah got permission of the King to take his brethren who were in captivity and rebuild the temple of the Lord, we observe the same zeal displayed, and laudable ambition manifested by all the descendants of the promised seed. No sooner was the sentence uttered, "We his servants will arise and build," than thousands were ready to engage in the work, the whole Jewish nation was in commotion, they crowded to their beloved city and under the most distressing and unpropitious circumstances, accomplished the object they so much desired, and again dedicated the temple for the worship of the God of their fathers, and enjoyed many great and precious blessings in consequence.
And shall the saints of the last days manifest a supineness and feel less interested for the honor of their God, the glory of the church and the good of mankind than did the Jews of old?-No! We hope they will take into consideration the glory and rich blessings which will result, when such a building is erected, and that these things with all the important circumstances connected with the same, will have their proper weight on every mind, and arouse to energy and enterprize [enterprise] every saint of God whether residing in the immediate vicinity, or in more
distant part, and we hope to see the saints, who may visit this place, bring "their gold, and their silver, their brass, and their zink [zinc], together with the pine tree and the box tree, to beautify the House of the God of Jacob."
If the saints interest themselves in this matter, there is no doubt but that the temple will be erected according to the pattern given, and they will be privileged to witness the dedication of the same, and see the glory and presence of the Lord displayed as it was anciently.
The Elders of Israel, who have not yet received their endowment, must indeed look forward to the completion of the building with feelings of no ordinary kind, and inasmuch as they anticipate great blessings, let them make such efforts to facilitate the work as are worthy of them, and which is their duty to do. Let the venerable sire whose frame is too much emaciated to labor himself, encourage his sons to lay hold with all their mights-Let the aged matron teach her daughter the necessity of contributing her labor or means in some manner to aid in forwarding the work. Let there be one glorious effort made by all those interested in the building and they will soon have the pleasure of beholding one of the most useful, and splendid edifices that has been erected on this continent-which shall stand from generation to generation as a monument of the faith, enterprize [enterprise] and perseverance of the saints, and in whose sacred aisles and courts shall continue to crowd their posterity after them, who will, with feelings of peculiar satisfaction, have to say, my aged sire assisted in erecting this building to the name of the Lord. We are personally acquainted with the building committee and feel great confidence in their integrity and ability to do the work assigned them; they have long been known to the church for their faith and attachment to the truth; and are willing to make any sacrifice to accomplish the work,
Let the saints, hold up their hands, emulate the ancient covenant fathers, and blessings, in copious effusions, will be showered down upon them; and great peace will rest upon Israel.
Between Mr. Mathews & Mr. Roberts.
Mr. M. Good morning Mr. R. Did you go to hear the Mormon preach last evening?
Mr. R. No, indeed I did not, I think it below my notice to listen to those babblers.
Mr. M. Mr. R., do you call them babblers and think so meanly of them? I'm sure I heard nothing objectionable in the discourse last evening.
Mr. R. Why! have you not heard the reports which are in circulation respecting them?
Mr. M. Yes, I have heard a great many stories about this people, but some of them were so extravagant and carried their own refutation on the face of them, that I thought I would hear both sides of the question.
Mr. R. Well, for my part, I am astonished that any respectable person should give ear to them. Such imposters [impostors] should be discarded.
Mr. M. Probably, you may have been mis-informed, and have heard reports which have no foundation in truth. I think if you were properly informed on the subject, you would not feel so inimical to them. You know what the scriptures say "Prove all things and hold fast that which is good," and you know that public opinion is not always a proper standard for us to judge by, if it were so, our Savior would not have been crucified by the Jews, nor would the apostles have had to flee from one city to another, and be brought before magistrates and rulers.
Mr. R. Well, well Mr. M., that is good reasoning enough; but the idea of walking on the water, their pretensions of raising the dead, and other extravagant notions, are so absurd and ridiculous that I wonder any men of common sense should join them.
Mr. M. I have heard such stories, but when I talk with them on the subject, I find that they make no such pretensions, but speak very rationally, and I assure you they argue very logically on the scriptures.
Mr. R. Why! do you mean to say, that they believe any thing of our bible? Dont [Don't] you know that they have discarded our scriptures and have got a bible of their own?
Mr. M. Why sir, the preacher last evening confined himself exclusively to the scriptures of the old and new testament, and proved the doctrines he advanced from the same. I, afterwards, had some conversation with him, and made some enquiries [inquiries] respecting the Mormon bible as it is termed, and he very freely and candidly answered my enquires [inquiries], and said that the "Book of Mormon," was a record of the aborigines of this continent,
which had been preserved on plates, and handed down from generation to generation, until, on account of the wickedness of the people, they were hid up; and that Joseph Smith was informed by a heavenly messenger where those plates were-was instructed to obtain, and power was given him to translate them. I have not yet had time to examine the book, but I shall certainly read it, and then, afterwards, I shall judge; but they certainly beleive [believe] our bible Mr. R.
Mr. R. Mr. M., this is strange news. Why how can people get up such wonderful stories? There must be some foundation for them. Again, you know that the Rev. Mr. H. and other very worthy ministers, who are eminent for their piety and learning, speak hard things against them, and warn their people against receiving them into their houses, and not to countenance such redegadoes [renegades].
Mr. M. I am aware that this is the fact, and I am sorry that the preachers should have no better weapons to use than to publish the reports which they have done. If Mormonism is a deception why do they not argue the subject like men and christians? If the doctrines they teach are so monstrous, why do not the ministers of the different denominations, expose them and prove them so from the scripture? Such a course would be far more honorable than retailing slanderous reports.
Mr. R. But do the Mormons wish to have their religion investigated? Do they not assume a high dictatorial bearing, and refuse to answer any questions; but say, that if reason and scripture come in contact with their doctrines, they do not care, but assert, that they know that there doctrines are true?
Mr. M. Such have been the reports; but when the preacher had got through his discourse last evening, he said, that inasmuch as there were many reports in circulation respecting their church, and the doctrines they advanced, he would give an opportunity for any one to ask any questions on the subject, and, if any one had any objections to urge against the doctrines he had advanced, they were at liberty to do so.
Mr. R. Did any one make any objections?
Mr. M. No sir. The doctrines he advanced were elucidated with so much clearness, and proof upon every point he advanced was so abundant, that I saw no possibility of making any. Some questions were asked respecting the book of Mormon which were answered very satisfactory, and then the meeting separated. I remained some time longer and conversed with him on the various subjects he had advanced and found him very communicative indeed, and seemed to take considerable pleasure in giving information respecting their faith and doctrine. I wish you had been there Mr. M. [R ?] I think you would have a better opinion of these people if you could once hear them preach.
Mr. R. I probably might, but I do not think I should. I can never have a great opinion of any people who will condemn the whole world, and say "The temple of the Lord are we, and heathens all beside."-No, Mr. M. they cannot catch old birds with chaff. I should be sorry to indulge in prejudice against any sect; neither would I persecute any man for his religious opinion. But, really Mr. M., this Mormon doctrine is monstrous.
Mr. M. I have ever considered you a liberal minded person, and I really do think, that if you were to hear them preach once, you would think differently of them to what you do now; or, if you were to converse with them on the subject. I invited the preacher to come and spend the afternoon at my house, to converse with him more fully on these subjects; I should be very much pleased indeed, if you and Mrs. R., could make it convenient to come over, and chat with us awhile. I believe you will find the preacher a gentleman, very affable; and probably we may both hear some thing that may tend to our benefit.
Mr. R. I am obliged to you for your kind invitation and good feelings, probably I shall comply with your request; I shall go home and see if it will be convenient for Mrs. R. to accompany me.-However there is one privilege I wish to have, and that is, if I find the preacher garbling the scriptures, or advancing any erroneous notions, I want to expose him fully and treat him as he may deserve.
Mr. M. I am not afraid of your overstepping the bounds of a gentleman.-Good morning Mr. R.
Mr. R. Good morning.
Eternity of Matter.
Six thousand years ago, we're told, Man now enjoyed a paradise,
Deep Darkness brooded o'er the world; And oft, with God, talked face to face;
All matter in confusion ran- With all he was not satisfied;
Unorganized, without a plan; But, tempted, ate the fruit-and died.
In all the vast expanse around Thus, death was brought upon us all,
Naught of created good was found. And all things curs'd thro' Adam's fall.
But lo! Jehovah's word goes forth; But now, what mercy doth appear?
Behold, the elements are earth! Jesus, the Christ, to earth draws near;
Yes from invisibles appear He takes upon him sinful flesh,
A sight most beautiful fair; Endures the curse of sin and death;
This glorious earth in order stood, "Just for the unjust"-lo! he dies!
And God, the Father, call'd it good. And, thus, the law he satisfies.
When every thing is formed complete, This is the glorious gospel plan,
When beast and bird in praise unite, Which brought salvation down to man;
With plants and flowers, spread far and near, And from the curse of sin restor'd,
And lofty trees their branches rear; The earth and all things to the Lord-
To rule, direct, and dress the same, Who will, in His own time, restore
From earth, is framed God's image-man. Creation, as it was before.
He strew'd a calm, delightful place And, as the Savior burst the tomb,
With flowers, and fruits of richest taste; To flourish in immortal bloom,
Of all these fruits, did He declare, So will the resurrection's power,
Thou mayest freely eat, and share; To an unchanging state, restore
All, save one tree, the which, the day The elements of which the earth,
Thou eat'st thereof thou'lt surely die. From chaos, first was called forth. M. T.
Minutes of a conference, held in Kirtland, Ohio, May 22nd 1841.
At A general conference of the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, held in Kirtland, Ohio, commencing on Saturday May 22, 1841, Elder Almon Babbit, being unanimously chosen Chairman and W. W. Phelps, appointed Clerk.-The solemnities began with singing and prayer. The chairman explained the business of the conference relative to a re-organization, and resigned his office of president of this stake, that the conference might exercise its full right, and choose its own officers from head to foot.
Adjourned one hour.
Met pursuant to adjournment, and opened with singing and prayer.
Appointed a committee of three viz: Thomas Burdick, Zebidee Coltrin and Hiram Winters, to examine candidates for ordination.
The chairman read the several acts incorporating the Church of Christ of Latter Day Saints in Kirtland, together with a code of bye-laws [by-laws], which were accepted and adopted unanimously.
Elder Babbitt was then nominated for the president or presiding elder of the stake in Kirtland; but he declined, yet, after some discussion, was unanimously elected. Elder Babbit nominated for his counsellors [counselors] Elders Lester Brooks and Zebidee Coltrin, who were unanimously elected.
Thomas Burdick was nominated and unanimously elected Bishop of Kirtland. He nominated Elders Hiram Winters and Reuben McBride for counsellors [counselors], who were unanimously elected. The president's counsellors [counselors], bishop and his counsellors [counselors] were then ordained to their several offices.
The High Priest quorum, Hiram Kellogg, president, and John Knapp and Joseph Pine, as counsellors [counselors], were unanimously accepted by the conference.-The members of the quorum, consisting of six, were also unanimously accepted, save Martin Harris who had one vote against him.
The Elders' quorum., Amos Babcock, president, and Otis Hobart, and Thomas Green as counsellors [counselors], were unanimously accepted: The members, forty three in number, were unanimously accepted also; save the following exceptions, viz: Lehasa Hollister was rejected but finally accepted,
Robert Greenhalgh, Phineas Young, Justice Blood, (to be visited) Ira Bond, David Holman, Andrew Hartsman Darias Phillips, and Solon Bragg, were rejected.
Adjourned till 10 o'clock, A. M. tomorrow morning.
Sunday May 23. Met pursuant to adjournment. Opened with singing and prayer.
Elder Babbitt delivered a discourse on baptism for the dead, from 1 Peter 4:6, to a very large audience, setting forth that doctrine as compatible with the mercy of God, and grand council of heaven.
After an hour's intermission, Elder W. W. Phelps continued the same subject from 1 Corinthians 15:22, bringing scripture upon scripture to prove the consistency of this doctrine, as among the economy of God and power of salvation.
Elder Brooks and Adams bore testimony to the truth of what had been advanced as self-evident and self important to let the prisoners go free: after which the sacrament was administered. Adjourned till 8 o'clock to-morrow A. M.
Monday, May, 24, Met pursuant to adjournment. Opened with singing and prayer. Minutes read.
The committee on ordinations reported two candidates for the high priesthood; three for the office of elder; one for priest and one for teacher.
After finishing the business of the elders quorum, it was resolved unanimously, that, as W. W. Phelps had been received into standing and fellowship, by the church at Nauvoo, Ill., he be also received into the same standing and fellowship, according to his "anointing" by the church at Kirtland, and that he receive a letter of commendation from this conference, as he is about to visit the churches east.
Nehemiah Greenhalgh as president, and James Crumpton and John Craig, as counsellors [counselors] were elected to preside in the lesser priesthood, and ordained. Resolved that the bishop organize the remaining two quorums of teachers and deacons hereafter.
The Kirtland church was represented to consist of between 3 and 400 members.
Elder Zebidee Coltrin represented the branch of the church at Brownhelm, Lorain county, consisting of 15 members, 1 elder, 1 priest, and 1 deacon; also, a branch at Charleston Lorain county, consisting of 6 members. Elder Edwin Cadwell represented a branch at Nelson of 23 members and 3 elders.
Elder Brooks represented a branch at Madison, Lake county of 6 members and one elder. Elder John Hughes represented a branch at Harrisonville of 7 members and one teacher, presiding elder, Harvey Edwards. Elder John Hughes represented the branch at Brooklyn where he presides, of 22 members, one priest and one teacher.
Elder R. C. Wetherbee represented the branch at Grafton, (by letter,) of 20 members, 2 elders, one teacher and one deacon. Elder James M. Adams represented the branch at Trumbull county of 11 members and one elder.-Elder Adams, also, represented a branch of the church at Andover, Ashtabula co. of 27 members, 2 elders, one priest; over which branch he presides.
The above branches are all represented in good standing, and earnestly contending for the faith once delivered to the saints.
Elder Manly Isham was appointed to preside over the branch at Gustavus.
The several quorams [quorums] and whole conference, by a unanimous vote, accepted and resolved to uphold the first presidency at Nauvoo, Ill.
Elder Brooks, Morton, and Norton, were appointed a committee to draft a set of bye-laws [by-laws] for the preservation of the Lord's House.
The committee reported a set of resolutions, which appoint two door keepers: that no person shall occupy the pulpits or stand unless entitled by office or invited; that if any person shall deface the said house, they shall be punished according to law: that we will claim our right, and be protected in our worship according to law: that no person shall be allowed to wear his hat on his head in the inner court: and that means be taken to prevent persons from defiling the inside of the house with tobacco cuds and tobacco spittle, and to prevent smoking.
Resolved that Elder Adams go and labor in the region of Erie, Pa.
Resolved that the members of either quorum shall not go out to preach unless recommended.
Resolved that these minutes be published in the Times and Seasons.
Conference then adjourned till the first
Saturday of October next at 10 o'clock A. M.
During the sittings of the conference, the greatest harmony prevailed. About 25 baptisms took place, the most of which were for the dead.
Almon Babbit, Chairman.
W. W. Phelps, Clerk.
Apostolical [Apostolic] Succession.
The doctrine that a series of ordinations transmitted in a visible succession from the apostles, is necessary to constitute a valid ministry of the church, if strictly followed out to its legitimate conclusion, would lead any one of us, either to become a seeker and wait for a new aspostleship, or else, to unit with the Church of Rome. While Roger Williams, acting on this principle, came to the one conclusion, we have known those who were led by it to the other. The sentiment we have here stated, was in effect most strongly asserted by the Archbishop of York, in the British Parliament, during the debates of the year 1558. The bill before the House, was for attaching the supremacy of the Church to the Queen of England. The Archbishop said, that if the Church of England withdraw from the Church of Rome, she would, by that act, directly forsake and fly from all general councils; and he proceeded to prove that the first four councils of Nice, Constantinople Ephesus, and Chalcedon, had acknowledged the supremacy of Rome. He, then presented to their view this alternative for consideration. Either the Church of Rome is a true or false one. If she be a true Church then we will be guilty of schism in leaving her, will be excommunicated by her, and the Church of England will be, of course, a false Church. If the Church of Rome be a false Church, then she can not be a pure source of apostolical [apostolic] succession; and the Church of England must be false, because she derived her ordination and sacraments from that of Rome.
The question we know was decided in favor of separation from Rome, but the speech of the Archbishop presents to the successionist, the horns o a dilemma, between which it would seem difficult to choose.
We have said that the principle of lineal descent from the apostles would lead one directly to the Church of Rome, because we suppose that if the line of succession can be traced to any one of the apostles, it can be traced to Peter. Yet, who can bring forth the register to show an unbroken chain of ordinations from him? In the days of Ezra, those who would be acknowledged as priests, were required to prove their right by the genalogical [genealogical] register. On the principle of apostolical [apostolic] succession, we make the same requisition now. And in answering such a demand for historical proof, we hear Bishop Stillingfleet saying "we find bishops discontinued for along time in the greatest Churches. Where was the Church of Rome, when, from the martyrdom of Flabia and the banishment of Lucius, the Church was governed by the clergy?"
The Learned Cardinal Bellarmine says "For above eighty years, the Church for want of a lawful Pope, had no other head, than what was in heaven."
That celebrated cardinal and historian Baronius who had well nigh filled the papal chair himself, says, "How deformed the Roman Church, when harlots, no less powerful than vile, ruled away at Rome., and at their pleasure changed sees, appointed bishops, and what is horrible to mention, did thrust into Peter's chair, their own gallants, false Popes! What kind of cardinals can we think were chosen by these monsters?" 'Come here,' says Stillingfleet, 'to Rome, and here the succession is as muddy as the Tiber itself." The Church of England, in the Homily for Whit-sunday, declares that "the popes and prelates of Rome, for the most part, are worthily accounted among the number of false prophets and false Christs, which deceived the world for a long while," and prays that the gospel may be spread abroad, to "the beating down of sin, death, the pope, the devil, and all the kingdoms of anti-Christs.'
Various historical chasms might be pointed out, but we have only room to quote these admissions of successionists themselves, which are weighty on account of the source from which they come.
Godwin in his history of the bishops, has shewn [shown] that among the English bishops, many kirks are wanting which can not be supplied. He has shown, too, at what enormous prices the English bishops bought their ordinations in the eleventh century, when simony prevailed in Italy and England. They committed crime
in view of which Peter pronounced Simon Magus to be in the gall of bitterness, and to have no part or lot in the kingdom of Christ. Then there are decrees of councils pronouncing null and void all those ordinances, wherein any simonical contract existed. The facts which the providence of God has developed, indicate that it is not his design that his Church should be made dependent for his ministry on an outward and visible succession. Was not this plainly shown, when between Leo IV Benedict III, a wicked Woman filled St Peter,s [Peter's] chair?
We have given publicity to the above, that our readers may see the situation of the protestant world with respect to the priesthood,
We have read of two eminent Philosophers, one of which laughed, and the other wept over the follies of mankind. Now, we do not pretend to much philosophy, but when we take into consideration the authority of the different sects of the day, their ignorance of the fundamental principles of the gospel, particularly on the subject of the priesthood, feeling similar to those of the laughing philosopher for a moment pervade our mind, but soon give place to those of commisseration [commiseration] and sorrow.
This generation not being able to trace a direct succession from the Apostles, nor believing in any new revelation to restore the priesthood, take it for granted, that the church of Christ does not need any, and thus content themselves, and continue to sing the siren song of peace and prosperity.
If they would for a moment consider that their iniquities have separated them from the association of heavenly intelligences; that having transgressed the laws changed the ordinances and broken the everlasting covenant, the spirit of God is withdrawn, the channel of communication has been stopt [stopped], and consequently men stumble, in the dark; "and if the blind lead the blind they both fall into the ditch."
To any unprejudiced mind, it is apparent that confusion exists in the churches of the day. Is God the author of confusion? Do the clashing of creeds, the different administraton [administration], and the discordant proceedings of the popular churches of the day comport with the plan, the arrangement and authority of the church of Jesus Christ? Verily, no.
But through pride and vain glory, they continue to persevere in the path they have marked out for their feet, and will not come to the light, lest their deeds, their doctrines, and their ordinances be manifested and reproved.
Under these circumstances what is to be done? What is the duty of the saints of the Most High? Let them cry aloud and spare not, lift up their voice like a trumpet, and show my people their transgression and the House of Israel their sins. Let the saints sound the alarm in the holy mount, and preach repentance to this generation, to both priests and people, that they may be left without excuse "when the Lord shall rise to shake terribly the earth" This is no time to sing lullabies to a slumbering world, the events which are transpiring call loudly on the saints to be diligent and faithful, and seek every opportunity of unfolding the scripture, raising the standard of truth, that under its banners numbers may be gathered, who shall be prepared to stand firm and unshaken, "when the elements shall melt with fervant [fervent] heat" an "become kings and priest to our God and his Christ.
The Jews.-The present physical, moral, and social condition of the Jews must be a miracle. We can come to no other conclusion. Had they continued, from the commencement of the Christian era down to the present hour, in some such national state in which we find the Chinese walled off from the rest of the human family, and by their selfishness on a national scale, and repulsion of alien elements, resisting evey [every] assault from without in the shape of hostile invasion,
and from an overpowering national pride forbidding the introduction of new and foreign t, we should not see much mystery interwoven with their existence. But this is not their state-far from it. They are neither a united and independant [independent] nation nor a parasitic province.-They are peeled; scattered; and crumbled into fragments; but like broken globules of quicksilver, instinct with a cohesive power, ever claiming affinity, and ever ready to amalgamate. Geography, arms, genius, politics, and foreign help do not explain their existence; time and climate and customs equally fail to unravel it.-None of these are or can be the springs of their perpetuity. They have been spread over every part of the habitable globe; they have lived under the regime of every dynasty; they have shared the protection of just laws, the proscription of cruel ones, and witnessed the rise and progress of both; they have used every tongue, and have lived in every latitude. The snows of Lapland have chilled, and the suns of Africa have scorched them. They have drunk of the Tiber, the Thames, the Jordan, the Mississippi.-In every century, and every degree of latitude and longitude, we find a Jew. It is not so with any other race. Empires the most illustrious have fallen and buried the men that constructed them; but the Jew has lived among the ruins, a living monument of indistructibility [indestructibility]. Persecution has unsheathed the sword and lighted the fagot. Papal superstition and Moslem barbarism have smote them with unsparing ferocity, penal rescripts and deep prejudice have visited on them most unrighteous chastisement, and not withstanding all, they survive. Robert Montgomery, in his Messiah, thus expresses the relative position of the Jews:
"Empires have sunk and kingdoms past away.
But still, apart, sublime in misery stands
The wreck of Israel. Christ hath come and bled,
And Miracles around the cross
A holy splendour [splendor] of undying truth
Preserve; but yet their pining spirit looks
For that unrisen sun which prophets hail'd.
And when I view him in the garb of wo,
A wandering outcast by the world disowned,
The haggard, lost, and long oppressed Jew,
, [']His blood be on us' through my spirit rolls
In fearful echo from a nation's lips.
Remembered Zion! still for thee awaits
A future teeming with triumphal sounds
And shape of glory."
Like their own bush on Mount Horeb, Israel has continued in the flames, but unconsumed. Thy are the aristocracy of Scripture, reft of their coronets-princes in degradation. A Babylonian, a Theban, a Spartan, an Athenian, a Roman, are names known in History only; their shadows alone haunt the world and flicker on its tablets. A Jew walks every street, dwells in every capital, traverses every exchange, and relieves the monotony of the nations of the earth. The race has inherited the heir-loom of immortality, incapable of extinction or amalgamation, Like streamlets from a common head, and composed of waters of a peculiar nature, they have flowed along every stream, without blending with it, or receiving its color or its flavor, and traversed the surface of the globe, and the lapse of many centuries, peculiar, distinct, alone. The Jewish race, at this day, is perhaps the most striking seal of the truth of the Sacred Oracles. There is no possibility of accounting for their perpetual isolation, their depressed but distinct being, on any grounds save those revealed in the records of truth. their aggregate and individual character is as remarkable as their circumstances. Meanness the most abject, and pride the most overbearing-the degradation of helots, and yet a conscious and a manifest sense of the dignity of a royal priesthood-crouching, cozening, squeezing, grasping, on the exchange in the shop, in the world, with nothing too low for them to do, or too dirty, if profitable, for them to pick up! and, notwithstanding, in the synagogue, looking back along many thousand years to an ancestry, beside which that of our peers and princes is but of yesterday, regarding justly, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, as their great progenitors, and pressing forward, on the wings of faith and hope and promise, to a long expected day when they, now kings and princes in disguise, shall become so indeed, by a manifestation the most glorious, and a dispensation the most sublime. The people are a perpetual miracle-a living echo of Heaven's holy tones, prolonged from generation to generation.-Frazer's Magazine.
Watchman! tell us of the night,
What its signs of promise are-
Traveler! o'er yon mountain's height,
See that glory-beaming star!-
Watchman! does its beautious [beauteous] ray
Aught [Ought] of hope or joy foretell?-
Traveler! yes; it brings the day-
Promis'd day of Israel.
Times and Seasons
City of Nauvoo,
Thursday, July 1st, 1841.
We have received twelve numbers of the Gospel Reflector, published in Philadelphia, by Elder B. Winchester, pastor of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, in that city.-They contain many excellent articles in reference to the faith and doctrines of said church, and will when bound, be a volume of interesting matter, which all the saints ought to be acquainted with. We may, occasionally, make some extracts; in the mean time we recommend them to all those who are enquiring [inquiring] after the truth as it is in Jesus, and who wish to become acquainted with the gospel.
This splendid vessel, with more than one hundred persons, is undoubtedly lost. All hopes of her safety seem to be at an end. The probability is that she struck an iceberg in the night, and sunk. Among the persons on board was the Rev. G. Cookman, late Chaplain of the H. of Representatives, and who was favorably known as a Minister in the Methodist Episcopal Church.
Our exchange papers teem with accounts of bank swindling, forgeries, robberies &c.; the contemplation of which must be painful to the patriotic mind. Notwithstanding the great revivals which for several years have excited this continent, and the high pretensions to piety and virtue, there appears to be an evident lack of morality and common honesty. At this rate it will be some considerable time before the millennium!!
We are informed, by a letter from Elder Woodruff, that those of the twelve who have been laboring in Europe, with the exception of Elder Parley P. Pratt, have arrived at New York, and may be expected here in a few days.
We have received the 12th No. of this useful periodical, which contains, among other interesting items, the proceedings of the general conference of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, in England, held in the Carpenters Hall, Manchester. The proceedings were highly interesting. There were represented, by the different officers, 5814 members, width appropriate officers. We extract the following:
"These things being accomplished, several appropriate discourses were delivered by different members of the High Council, in relation to the duties of the officers in their respective callings, and in relation to the duties and privileges of the members; also, on the prosperity of the work in general.
A very rich ornamented cake, a present from New York, from Elder Adams' wife to the Twelve was then exhibited to the meeting. This was blessed by them, and distributed to all the officers and members, and to the whole congregation, consisting of perhaps seven hundred people, a large fragment was still preserved for some who were not present.
During the distribution several very appropriate hymns were sung, and a powerful and general feeling of delight seemed universally to pervade the meeting. While this was proceeding, Elder P. P. Pratt composed and handed over to the clerk the following lines, which the clerk then read to the meeting.
When in far distant regions
As strangers we roam,
Far away from our country,
Our friends, and our home.
When sinking in sorrow,
Fresh courage we'll take,
As we think on our friends,
And remember the Cake.
Elder O. Hyde appealed powerfully to the meeting, and covenanted with the Saints present in a bond of mutual prayer during his mission to Jurasalem [Jerusalem] and the East, which was sustained on the part of the hearers with a hearty Amen.
Elder Joseph Fielding remarked that it was with the most pleasing and grateful feelings that he had witnessed the scenes of this day. And respecting the rich cake of which they had been partaking, he considered it a type of the good things of that land from whence it came, and from whence they had received the fulnes [fullness] of the gospel. He expressed a hope that they all might hold out until that day when they should be assembled to partake of the marriage supper of the Lamb.
The number of official members present at this conference was then taken, viz:-
Quorum of the Traveling High Council, 6
Patriarchs, 2
High Priests, 16
Quorum of the 70 Elders, 2
Elders, 31
Priests, 28
Teachers, 17
Deacons, 2"
We have received the minutes of the conference held in Leachburgh, Armstrong co. Pa. the proceedings were highly satisfactory. Elder William Smith presided. We shall be excused for not giving the minutes entire, in consequence of other matter of interest which crowds upon us. We however, extract the following resolutions and recommend them for the adoption of all the saints.
"Inasmuch, as the user of ardent spirits is prohibited by the gospel, and is not conducive to the happiness, peace and well being of society; therefore,
Resolved, 1st. That this conference utterly discountenance the use of ardent spirits as a beverage.
2nd. Resolved, That this conference disfellowship every member who continues to indulge, and will not forsake such evil practises [practices].
3rd. Resolved, That this conference, collectively and individually, covenant to keep all the known commandments of God, as made known in the Bible, Book of Mormon, and book of Doctrine and Covenants."
[A Parody.]
To the Chief Musician, Maschil, a Psalm for Joseph, when Boggs the Edomite came and told Carlin, and said unto him, Joseph is come to the city of Nauvoo.
Why dost thou boast in mischief, wicked man? Thy horrid downfall shall the righteous see,
The goodness of my God endureth still; And laugh to scorn they cursing and thy groans;
Thy wretched soul doth constant evil plan, "Behold the brute who did our God defy!
Led captive by the devil at his will. Despised the widow's tears, and orphan's moans.-" Selah!
Thine eyes for evil constantly do turn, But I will flourish in the house of God;
Thy slanderous tongue with lying mischief run, Because I trust his mercy; and his name
Thou lovest words that blast, devour, and burn; I'll praise forever, near and far abroad,
O that deceitful, blasting cursed tongue!- With joyful saints, publish his matchless fame!
God's curse shall rest on they devoted head,
Thy carcass wither, and thy spirit sink
To seek a hopeless place among the dead;
The dregs of God's almighty wrath to drink, Nauvoo, June 20th, 1841. David Jr.
The Beauty of the Writings of the Prophet Esdras.
Perhaps there are none of the writings of the ancient prophets that are more accurate, and distinct in pointing out future events, than the writings of the prophet Esdras., which are found among the apocryphal writings of the Old Testament. Some of his writings upon the works of God in his own day, are also very plain and precise,. Therefore, we opine that a few extracts from them, will be interesting to our readers. The idea that the writings of Esdras are genuine, as far as the historical matter is concerned, is not so much disputed, as the idea of their being written by the inspiraiion [inspiration] of God. We suppose that the principle objection to them, is that they are written in a different language from the other writings of the Jewish prophets. And tradition or supposition seemed to infuse the idea, that the Hebrew language was a sign that the writings of the prophets were written by inspiration; therefore, because the writings of Esdras were not written in this language, the compilers rejected them as not being inspired writings.
We have reasons for believing that Ezra, whose writings are acknowledged to be pure, and Esdras are the same person, or that the two names are synonymous. The difference in the name , no doubt, arose from the different languages from which it was translated. Names that end with h in the Old Testament, which were translated from the Hebrew, end with s in the New, which were translated from the Greek: for instance, Isaiah, and Jeremiah in the Old Testament, are Esais and Jeremias in the new. And the following shows not only that the writings of Esdras in the Apocrypha, were written in a different language from those of Ezra: but that they are the productions of the same man, and that the difference in the name, arose from the different languages it was translated from.
First, it is said in the vii chapter of Ezra, from the 1st to the 5th verse: "Now after these things, in the reign of Artaxerxes king of Persia, Ezra the son of Seraiah, the son of Azariah the son of Hilkiah, the son of Shallum the son of Zadok, the son of Ahitub, the son of Amariah, the son of Azariah, the son of Meraioth, the sons of Zerahiah, the son of Uzzi, the son of Bukki, the son of Abishua, the son of Phinehas, the son of Eleazar, the son of Aaron the chief priest."
Second, it is said in the first chapter of the second book of Esdras, from the 1st to the 3rd verse: "The second book of the prophet Esdras, the son of Saraias, the son of Azarias, the son of Helchias, the son of Sadamias, the son of Sadoc, the son of Achitob, the son of Achias, the son of Phinees, the son of Heli, the son of Amarias, the son of Aziei, the son of Marmoth, the son of Arna, the son of Ozias, the son of Borith, the son of Abisei, the son of Phinees, the son of Eleazar, the son of Aaron, of the tribe of Levi." It seems as though no one could read the above, without being convinced that the Book of Ezra, and the first and second Books of Esdras are the productions of the same man. But to hasten.
Esdras says, in his second Book, ii chapter, from the 34th verse to the end of the chapter: "And therefore I say unto you, O ye heathen,
that hear and understand, look for your shepherd, he shall give you everlasting rest; for he is nigh at hand, that shall come in the end of the world. Be ready to the reward of the kingdom, for the everlasting light shall shine upon you for evermore. Flee the shadow of this world, receive the joyfulness of your glory; I testify my Savior openly. O receive the gift that is given you, and be glad, giving thanks unto him that hath called you, to the heavenly kingdom. Rise up and stand, behold the number of those that be sealed in the feast of the Lord; which are departed from the shadow of the world, and have received glorious garments of the Lord. Take thy number O Sion, and shut up those of thine that are clothed in white, which have fulfilled the law of the Lord. The number of thy children whom thou longedst for, is fulfilled: beseech the power of the Lord, that thy people, which have been called from the beginning, may be hallowed. I Esdras saw upon the Mount Sion a great people, whom I could not number, and they all praised the Lord with songs. And in the midst of them there was young man of a high stature, taller than all the rest, and upon every one of their heads he set crowns, and was more exalted; which I marvelled [marveled] at greatly. So I asked the angel, and said, Sir, what are these?-He answered and said unto me, these be, they that have put off the mortal clothing, and put on the immortal, and have confessed the name of God: now are they crowned, and receive palms. Then said I unto the angel, what young person is it that crowneth them, and giveth them palms in their hands? So he answered and said unto me, it is the Son of God, whom they have confessed in the world. Then began I greatly to commend them that stood so stiffly for the name of the Lord. Then the angel said unto me, go thy way, and tell my people what manner of things, and how great wonders of the Lord thy god thou hast seen."-The above is certainly a plain and excellent description of the happy day when the Saints shall be raised from their tombs, and strand upon Mount Zion, and be crowned by Jesus as kings and priests to reign with him. It perfectly harmonizes with the predictions of other prophets upon this subject, which we have noticed in the former part of this work.
It has ever been a matter of dispute, what the fate of the ten tribes of Israel was, who were carried away captive by Shalmaneser king of Assyria, which is mentioned in the xviii chapter of 2 Kings; but the following gives us some farther particulars concerning them. "Behold, the days come, when the Most High will begin to deliver them that are upon the earth. And he shall come to the astonishment of them that dwell on the earth. And one shall undertake to fight against another, one city against another one place against another, one people against another, and one realm against another. And the time shall be when these things shall happen which I showed thee before, and then shall my Son be declared, whom thou sawest as a man ascending. And when all the people hear his voice, every man shall in their own land leave the battle they have one against another. And an innumerable multitude shall be gathered together, as thou sawest them, willing to come, and to overcome him by fighling [fighting]. But he shall stand upon the top of the Mount Sion. And Sion shall come, and shall be showed to all men, being prepared and builded, like as thou sawest the hill graven without hands. And this my Son shall rebuke the wicked inventions of those nations, which for their wicked life are fallen into the tempest; and shall lay before them their evil thoughts, and the torments wherewith they shall begin to be tormented, which are like unto a flame: and he shall destroy them without labor by the law which is like unto fire. And whereas thou sawest that he gathered another peaceable multitude unto him; those are the ten tribes, which were carried away prisoners out of their own land in the time of Osea the king, whom Shalmaneser the king of Assyria led away captive, and he carried them over the waters, and so came they into another land.-But they took this counsel among themselves, that they would leave the multitude of the heathen, and go forth into a further country, where never mankind dwelt. That they might there keep their statutes, which they never kept in their own land. And they entered into Euphrates by the narrow passages of the river. For the Most High then showed signs for them, and held still the flood, till they were passed over. For through that country there was a great way to go, namely, of a year and a half: and the same region is callsd [called] Arsareth.-Then dwelt they there until the latter time; and now when they shall begin to come, the Highest shall stay the springs of the stream again, that they may go through: therefore sawest thou the multitude with peace. But those that be left behind of thy people, are they that are found within my borders. Now when he destroys the multitude of the nations that are gathered together, he shall defend his people that remain.-And then he shall show them great wonders."-2 Esdras, xiii. 29-50. The above is a description of the coming of Christ, and the manner that the tribes of
Israel shall be blessed. It also informs us that the ten tribes shall return, at or before the time the Messiah shall stand upon Mount Zion. It says, that they went into a far country where never man dwelt, which was a year and a half's journey from the land of Assyria. Some suppose that the land here described is America; but we have before proved that the Aborigines of this land are descendants of the tribe of Joseph; and, that this is a promised land to the tribe of Joseph; therefore, the ten tribes are not upon this land. The exact place of their location, we do not pretend to have a knowledge of. The prophets speaking of their return say, that they shall come from the North counties. (See Jer. xvi. 15. Do. xxxi. 8.)
Esdras in the xiv chapter of his second Book, says that the law was burnt, and that the Lord inspired him so that he dictated, that his scribes wrote it again. He says that they wrote two hundred and four books. It is evident from this that there has a been a great destruction or hiding of the sacred writings: for we have not half of that number of books, written at so early a period. The most of historians admit, that Ezra or Esdras, compiled the most of the Old Testament writings, which agrees with what is said in the above mentioned chapter.
There are also many other things in the writings of Esdras that are interesting, and well worth a candid perusal. In the xvi chapter of his second Book he gives a full description of the calamity that will come upon the inhabitants of the earth in the last days, and also the manner that the people of God shall be treated;-we advise all to read it, and then judge its merits.
The Quebec papers furnish particulars of the fall of the enormous mass of rock and earth from Cape Diamond, upwards of 200 feet, carrying with it part of the government garden and fortification wall, and crushing in its descent eight houses and their inmates, on Champlain st.
The portions of the cliff which gave away fell about two hundred and fifty feet, so silently and suddenly that none of the unfortunate inmates of the houses beneath had any warning to escape. From a state of perfect health, and of joyous carelessness and happiness they were unconsciously ushered into the presence of their God, without preparation for so sudden and awful a change.
It has been confidently stated that the shock of an earthquake was distinctly felt in various quarters, from Diamond Harbor to the Upper Town of Quebec, at between one and two o'clock during the proceeding night.
Similar falls of a portion of the Cape have previously taken place, but unaccompanied with any serious consequence. The only cause assigned is the numerous springs flittering through the crevices of the rock, which falling into cleffs [clefs], expanded by frost during the winter, increase the fissures and loosen large masses of rock, which subsequent natural operations entirely detach, till whole bodies are removed from their positions.
We take the following account of a dreadful casualty from the Quebec Mercury:
The Minstrel left Limerick, Ireland, on the 21st April last, for Quebec, with one hundred and forty-one passengers, emigrants intending to settle in Canada. the vessel had a tolerable passage up to Tuesday last, at four o'clock in the morning, when she struck on Red Island reef. There was a heavy sea running at the time, but the boats were launched and made fast to the fore chains. Upward of one hundred passengers embarked in the boats, but their doom was quickly sealed; the vessel "heeled off" into the deep water and went down stern foremost, so suddenly that the "painters" of the boats could not be cast off, and the people who had embarked in the boats perished with their equally unfortunate companions on board the ship, except four of the crew and four passengers, who alone of upwards of 150 souls remained to tell the sad tale. These eight persons embarked in the gig, which towing astern, and fortunately for them the rope which attached it to the vessel broke when she went down. They succeeded in pulling to White Island, where they remained until the following day when they were taken off by the ship Wellington of Belfast, Capt. McIntyre, and brought to Grosse Island.
[For the Times and Seasons.]
The Nauvoo Legion.
The firm heart of the Sage and the Patriot is warm'd Here's the silver-hair'd vet'ran, who suffer'd to gain
By the grand "Nauvoo Legion:" The "Legion" is form'd That Freedom he now volunteers to maintain:
To oppose vile oppression, and nobly to stand The brave, gallant young soldier-the patriot is here
In defence [defense] of the honor, and laws of the land. With his sword and his buckle, his helmet and spear;
Base, illegal proscribers may tremble-tis right And the horseman whose steed proudly steps to the sound
That the lawless aggressor should shrink with affright, Of the soul-stirring music that's moving around;
From a band that's united fell mobbers to chase, And here, too, is the orphan, whose spirit grows brave
And protect our lov'd country from utter disgrace. At the mention of "Boggs," and his own father's grave;
Yes, and bold hearted Chieftains as ever drew breath,
Fair Columbia! rejoice! look away to the West, Who are fearless of danger-regardless of death;
To thy own Illinois, where the saints have found rest: Who've decreed in the name of the Ruler on high
See a phœnix come forth from the graves of the just, That the Laws shall be honor'd-that treason shall die.
Whom Missouri's oppressors laid low in the dust:
See a phœnix-a "Legion"-a warm hearted band, Should they need re-enforcements, those rights to secure,
Who, unmov'd, to thy basis of freedom will stand. Which our forefathers purchas'd; and Freedom ensure.
There is still in reserve a strong Cohort above;
When the day of vexation rolls fearfully on- "Lo! the chariots of Israel and horsemen thereof."
When thy children turn traitors-when safety is gone-
When peace in thy borders, no longer is found-
When the fierce battles rage, and the war-trumpets sound;
Here, here are thy warriors-a true hearted band,
To their country's best int'rest forever will stand;
For then to thy standard, the "Legion" will be
A strong bulwark of Freedom-of pure Liberty. City of Nauvoo, June 2nd, 1841 Eliza.
"Farewell address," to Orson Hyde, Missionary of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, to Palestine in Asia.
Farewell dear brother in the Lord, And as you go your warning voice
The time has come that we must part "Lift up" to Jew and Gentile too;
Perhaps on earth no more to meet, The poor in spirit will rejoice
Oh! how the thought doth wring my heart. At tidings that are borne by you.
But go you must, for 'tis the will, Oh how your heart will then rejoice,
Of him who bled upon the cross; To see the outcast's flocking home;
May his blest arm, uphold you still, The chosen seed of Israels race,
When you're upon the billows tost. No more in foreign climes to roam.
May health, and peace, your steps attend, And when you in their temples stand,
And guardian angels go before, And lift your warning voice on high;
To guard your path and be your friend,
And land you safe on Asia's shore.
Think of the holy place you're in, And when you're in that Holy land,
The land where Christ, did bleed and die. And musing on some sacred spot,
Then turn your thoughts upon these lines,
Go view the solemn sacred spot, They'll sweetly breathe "forget me not."
On Calv'ry where the Lamb was slain; Wm. I. Appleby.
And never let it be forgot, Recklesstown, Burlington co.}
Whilst time and memory doth remain. N. J. Dec. 1st A. D. 1840.}
Andover, Ashtabula co. Ohio, 1841
Brother Smith;-
Dear Sir,
I have set apart a few moments this day from the bussy [busy] scenes of this vain fleeting and inconstant world, for the purpose of informing you of the prosperity of our Redeemer's cause and kingdom in this part of the land. Truth is strong and will pervail [prevail]; error is giving way on every hand where the gospel of the son of God is taught to the people in its original simplicity and purity, and the prayer of my hears is, O Lord continue to work with thy servants and confirm the word with signs following, until all the fallen and apostate race of Adam, shall hear of the goodness of the Lord, which he is communicating to us by revealing his secrets unto his servants the prophets in these last days and be brought to the knowledge of the truth as it is in Christ Jesus,-Ephraim be gathered from among the Gentiles, and the Gentiles be brought to the light of thy rising, the meek increase their joy in the Lord and the poor among men rejoice in the Holy One of Israel. Since I last wrote to you, I have been laboring a part of the time in Trumball co. Ohio, and assisted of the Being who governs all things, and rules all events, have buried in the liquid grave, in imitailon [imitation] of that example which the Savior set, twelve and confirmed them members of the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints; and they begin to increase their joy in the Lord and rejoice in the Holy One of Israel. Br. Manley Isham (being one of the number) has been ordained to the office of an elder. There are a number more in that vicinity which I think will embrace the truth. There has been also since my last communication to you, two baptised [baptized] in Andover. And finally, additions are being made to the church in this region, wherever the servants of God are faithful in proclaiming the gospel to the children of men.
We desire the prayers of the saints, that the Lord would continue his blessings and impart of his spirit unto us, that we may be preserved from the pestilence that walketh in darkness and the destruction that wasteth at noon day. And while the earth is in commotion, and men's hearts failing them for fear and for looking for those things that are coming on the earth, may we be patiently waiting for the bursting heavens to reveal the blessed Savior, and the saints put in possession of the purchased inheritance and dwell with him who is holy and pure, even so Amen.
Respectfully, your brother
in the bonds of the Gospel
of the Lord Jesus.
James M. Adams.
D. C. Smith.
From the N. Orleans Bee of June 7th.
The entire community was yesterday morning thrown into the utmost consternation, by the reappearance at the Levee, of the ship Charles of Bath, Me., Captain Gorham, which left this city for Bordeaux, on the evening of the 1st June, with a cargo of 65,000 staves, 70,000 feet of lumber, a lot of heading and wheelspokes. She was brought back to the city by the towboat Tiger. We have made careful enquiries [inquiries] into all the circumstances connected with the horrid business which we are about to relate, and the following details may, we think, be relied upon.
The Charles cleared on Tuesday last, 1st int., and went down to the Balize the same evening, crossing the bar, and getting well into the Gulf on the morning following. During the whole of Wednesday and Thursday, the Charles as well as the Louis Quatorze, which went out at the same time, was distinctly visible from the Balize, the weather being rather calm; though it was observed that the Charles steered to the west, while the Louis Quatorze headed to the east of S. W. Pass. On Friday morning at an early hour, the Captain of the towboat Tiger noticed a vessel apparently steering for the South West Pass, and looking at the distance, as
if her studding sails were set.-Presuming that the vessel was in want of steam, he directed the Tiger towards her. On nearing her he discovered that it was the ship Charles. She was in the following condition: Nearly all her sails were set, and the jib which was flying loose, appeared to have been cut, probably to make an awning for one of the boats.
Not a solitary living being was on board. On descending into the cabin, several bottles which contained porter, and had had their necks knocked off, were found on the table; some of their contents had been spilled, and the froth looked quite fresh. Every particle of luggage had disappeared. Not a trunk, nor a bedstead, nor an article of clothing, save an old pair of boots, was to be seen. The apparel and bedding of the capt., crew, and passengers had entirely disappeared.
On examining the vessel's deck, spots of blood having the appearance of being recently shed, together with 8 or 10 handspikes, were seen on the starboard side. On the larboard was a small pool of blood running towards the scuppers, and on the same side on the outward part of the vessel, were eight stains of the sanguine fluid which had apparently flowed from some wounded person carried or forced over the ship's side.
It must be borne in mind that this appalling discovery was made at an early hour in the morning-about 8 A. M. after knowing the circumstances just related, the Tiger very properly put to sea and cruised about for some five or six hours. In the course of the morning, about 10 miles distant from the Charles, a boat recognized as one attached to that vessel, and containing a dog said to belong to one of the passengers, was picked up. The dog appeared by no means exhausted, and had evidently not been long adrift, as when offered water, he did not lap very eagerly. After searching some time longer and finding nothing whatever to elucidate the mystery, Capt. Crowell returned to the Charles, took her in tow, and returned to town, where he arrived yesterday morning at 7 o'clock.
It is needless to state that this singular affair has given rise to innumerable speculations. Horrid rumors of murder and piracy, mutiny and assassination, flew from mouth to mouth with incredible rapidity. The most prevalent supposition-though about as vague as others: was that the crew had risen, murdered the captain and passengers, seized the baggage and money on board and escaped in one of the boats, which is missing.-In the absence of positive information, or even plausible data, upon which to base a conclusion, we forbear indulging in conjectures which may be disproved by the earliest intelligence.
Married-In New York City, May 26th by Elder W. Woodruff, Mr. Edward Ockey, to Miss Eliza Brewer both from Herefordshire England.
Proposals For Publishing The Nauvoo Ensign and Zarahemla Standard.
The publisher of the 'Times and Seasons,' will issue, about the middle of July next, the specimen number of a newspaper bearing the above title, to be published simultaneously in the city of Nauvoo, Hancock county, Ill., and in Zarahemla, Lee county, Iowa Territory.
In its prosecution, the editor will not descend to the low scurrility and personal abuse, resorted to by many of the Public Journals; but will unwaveringly and assiduously advocate and sustain those pure and sacred principles of the Constitution, which warmed the hearts of the patriots of seventy-six, and for the perpetuity of which, they cheerfully fell martyrs in the battle-field; and will, without respect to party, award to every individual, of whom he may have occasion to speak, the true reward of merit, without prejudice or restraint.
In contemplating the many transcendant [transcendent] advantages which Nauvoo possesses over almost any other city, or location in the West-her prosperity and unparalleled growth-the extensive territory of densely populated country that surrounds her-the immense tide of emigration that is daily pouring within her limits and the adjacent country-the industry and enterprise of her citizens-the unequalled [unequaled] beauty of her landscape, and the fertility of her soil-the editor looks forward, with feelings of pride emulating his bosom, and anticipates the day not far distant, when, in point of population and the magnificence of her edifices, who will be, by far, the rival city of the West, and attain to that high scale of exalted pre-eminence, which renders distinguishable the most populous cities in the East. Under these considerations, and, as the public weal imperiously demands the establishment of a weekly periodical, devoted (as Nauvoo Ensign and Zarahemla Standard will be) to the dissemination of useful knowledge, of every description-the Arts, Science, Literature, Agriculture, Manufactures, Trade, Commerce, and the general news of the day-the editor cheerfully engages in the laudable enterprise.
It will be the editor's studious care, at all times, to serve up a choice dish of poetry, for
the gratification and profit of those who indulge in the inspirations of the muse.
With a firm reliance upon the good sense and intelligence of the citizens of this and the adjoining counties, to bear him out in his undertaking, he has been induced to propose the publication of the above named paper; and, believing that it will meet with their cordial approbation and support, he hopes to be enabled to render it an efficient auxiliary in promoting their best interests-the improvement of the mind of the youth, and the instruction of the aged.
The Ensign and Standard will be neutral in politics, and will be published, every Saturday morning, on an imperial sheet, and on new type, and will be conducted in such a manner, as will meet the approval of every person anxious to perpetuate the free and glorious institutions of our beloved country.
$2 payable in advance, $2.50 within six months,
$3.00 at the expiration of the year. Advertisements inserted on the customary terms.
Encourage Domestic Manufacture.
The subscribers would respectfully inform the citizens of Nauvoo and vicinity, that they have opened a Cabinet shop in this city, near the residence of Bishop Knight; and will keep on hand, and make to order, all kinds of plain and ornamental furniture. Also, sash and doors of all descriptions, as good as can be obtained in the eastern markets.
Joseph Coolidge,
John Hatfield.
The subscriber, in returning his acknowledgements [acknowledgments] to his friends in this city and the public generally, would also inform them that he has just received the latest fashions direct from Philadelphia, (through the politeness of President Hyrum Smith,) and is prepared to turn off work with despatch [dispatch] and in the best and most fashionable style. John Bills, Tailor.
P. S. All kinds of military coats made according to the latest pattern.
Reference, Lieut. Gen. Jos. Smith,
Maj. Gen. J. C. Bennett,
Brig. Gen. Wilson Law,
Brig. Gen. D. C. Smith,
Col. Wm. Law,
Col. John S. Fulmer. Nauvoo, April 30th 1841
ILLINOIS. City of Springfield, I. H. Bishop.
City of Quincy, S. B. Stoddard.
Victoria, Knox co. John Gaylord.
Mt. Pulaski, Logan co. Jabez Capps.
Pleasant Vale, Pike co. Wm. Draper,
Pittsfield, Pike co. Harlow Redfield.
Pittsfield, Pike co. Daniel B. Bush, P. M.
PENNSYLVANIA. City of Philadelphia, Joseph H. Newton
City of Philadelphia, Erastus Snow,
Centerville, Crawford co. Stephen Post.
NEW YORK City of New York, L. R. Foster
City of Albany Albert Brown.
West Leyden, Lewis co. J. L. Robinson.
NEW JERSEY Recklesstown, W. I. Appleby.
OHIO. Kirtland, Lake co. Almon Babbitt.
Kirtland, Lake co. W. W. Phelps.
Andover, Ashtabula co. James M. Adams.
Livonia, Wayne co. Mich. Rufus Beach
INDIANA. Pleasant Garden, Dr. Knight.
LOUISANA (LOUISIANA). City of New Orleans, E. G. Terrill.
ENGLAND. City of Manchester, P. P. Pratt.
City of Preston, J. P. Fielding
City of Preston, Lorenzo Snow.
NEW HAMPSHIRE. Gilsum, Chilon Mack, P. M.
Lisbon, Grafton co. Zadock Parker.
TRAVELING AGENTS. John E. Page. Orson Hyde.
Daniel Tyler, Wm. O. Clark,
Z. Coultrin. John Cairn,
Lorenzo Barnes, Joseph Ball,
J. Savage Samuel Parker.
Daniel Shearer, Robert P. Crawford,
Henry Lumereaux, C. Merkley.,
J. M. Grant L. M. Davis
Joshua Grant, F. G. Bishop,
G. H. Brandon, John Riggs,
Lorenzo Snow James Blakeslee,
Norman Shearer, F. D. Richards
G. W. Harris, Elisha H. Groves,
Charles Thompson Ben. Johnson,
A. L. Lumeraux, William Hewit,
Wm. Smith E. H Derby
Julian Moses Z. H. Gurley,
Amasa Lyman, David Evens
Daniel S. Thomas, Jesse Turpin.
TENNESSEE Pekin, Jackson co. Wm. R Vance
Whitleyville, Jackson co. T. K. Witcher.
KENTUCKY. Centre Point, Monroe co. Wm. Dixon.
The Times and Seasons, is edited by D. C. Smith, & R. B. Thompson,
And published on the first and fifteenth of every month, on the corner of Water and Bain Streets, Nauvoo, Hancock County, Illinois, by
D. C. Smith.
TERMS.-TWO DOLLARS per annum, payable in all cases in advance. Any person procuring five new subscribers, and forwarding us Ten Dollars current money, shall receive one volume gratis. All letters must be addressed to the Publisher POST PAID.
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