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< Times and Seasons | 1
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Volume I. No. 8.] | NAUVOO, ILLINOIS, JUNE, 1840 | [Whole No. 8. |
Soon after these things had transpired in Daviess county, Caldwell was threatened from every quarter; and her citizens assembled in Far West, many of them moving their wives and children, goods, provisions, and even houses into the city; leaving their lands desolate, in order that they might be embodied and prepared to defend themselves and families to the last. Colonel Hinckle, and, other commissioned officers, had the troops paraded night and morning on the public square, and ordered them to be always read [ready] in case of alarm. When we were dismissed at eve, we were ordered to sleep in our clothes, and be ready at a moments warning, to run together at any hour of the night. During this state of alarm, the drum was beat, and guns fired, one night, about midnight. I ran to the public square, where many had already collected together, and the news was that the south part of our county, adjoining Ray, was attacked by a mob, who were plundering houses, threatening women and children, and taking peaceable citizens prisoners; and telling families to be gone by the next morning or they would burn their houses over their heads. With this information, captain Killian (to whom Col. Hinckle had committed the command of the troops in Far West, when he himself was not present) sent out a detachment under the command of the brave D. W. Patten. This company, consisting of about sixty men, was sent to see what the matter was on the lines, and who was committing depredations, and if necessary, to protect or move in the families and property: and if possible, effect the release of the prisoners.
This company was soon under way, having to ride some ten or twelve miles mostly through extensive prairies.-It was October, the night was dark, and as we moved briskly on, (being forbidden to speak a loud word,) no sound was heard but the rumbling of our horses hoofs over the wide extended and lonely plains. While the distant plains, far and wide, were illuminated by blazing fires; and immense columns of smoke were seen rising in awful majesty, as if the world was on fire. This scene of grandeur can only be comprehended by those who are acquainted with the scenes of prairie burning. As the fire sweeps over millions of acres of dry grass in the fall season, and leaves a smooth black surface, divested of all vegitation [vegetation]. The thousand meteors blazing in the distance like the camp fires of some war host, through a fitful gleem [gleam] of light upon the distant sky, which many might mistake for the Aurora Borealis. This scene added to the silence of midnight-the rumbling sound of the prancing steeds-the glistening of armor-and the unknown destiny of the expedition-all combined to impress the mind with deep and solemn thoughts; and to throw a romantic vision over the imagination, which is not often experienced, except in the poet's dream, or the wild imagery of sleeping fancy.-In this solemn procession we moved on for some two hours, when it was supposed that we were in the neighborhood of danger. We were then ordered to dismount and leave our horses in care of part of the company, while the others should proceed on foot along the principal highway, to see what discoveries could be made. This precaution was for fear we might be suddenly attacked, in which case we could do better on foot than on horse back. We had not proceeded far when as we entered the wilderness, we were suddenly fired upon by an unknown enemy, in ambush. First one solitary gun, as was supposed, from some out post of the enemy, brought one of our number to the ground, where he lay groaning while the rest of the troop had to pass directly by his dying body. It was dawn of day in the eastern horizon, but darkness still hovered over the awful
scene. When our men saw that they were ambushed and attacked, they found it too late to retreat, and orders were issued to form along in the brush, and under the cover of trees, which was instantly done, while the enemy, though unseen, were pouring in a deadly fire upon our whole line. We soon returned the fire, and charged upon the enemy, the whole wilderness seemed for a few moments as if wrapped in a blaze of lightning; and overwhelmed with the sharp crack of peals of thunder. The enemy were soon driven from their ambush and completely routed. Having a creek immediately in their rear, many were seen forcing their retreat through the stream, and up to their arms in water. The firing now ceased, and the whole battle ground resounded with the watch word, "God and Liberty." Our forces which had been thrown into some disorder, were instantly formed, and their pieces reloaded, while here and there over the battle ground, lay the dead and wounded. The enemy had left their horses, saddles, camp and baggage, in the confusion of their flight, which fell into our hands. Their baggage waggon [wagon] was immediately, harnessed to a couple of horses, and the wounded were picked up and laid in it upon blankets, while every man saddled and mounted a horse, and we commenced our retreat to the place where we had left our horses and guard, a distance of more than a mile; here we halted, and laid our wounded upon blankets, on the ground, while we made arrangements in the waggon [wagon] for them to ride more comfortably,-There were about six of our men badly, wounded, among whom was the brave D, W. Patten, a ball having entered the lower part of his body. It was an awful sight to see them pale and helpless, and hear their groans. We had as yet lost but one man, who was left dead on the ground; his name was Gideon Carter. The enemy had one killed and four wounded, as we afterwards learned. We ascertained from the prisoners whom we had rescued, and one whom we had taken, that the enemy consisted of one Captain Bogart and his company, who together with some volunteers from different neighborhoods, mounted about 60 men. Our party engaged, was from forty to fifty in number at the time of the engagement. There were three of our fellow citizens prisoners in their camp. Two of these ran away and escaped at the commencement of the firing, and the other was shot through the body in trying to run to our lines, but fortunately he recovered, and is now a witness against them.
Having now arranged every thing to the best advantage for the wounded, we moved on slowly towards Far West.-When we came within five miles of the city, our express had reached there with the news of the battle, and we were met by a surgeon and others for our relief, and among others the wife of the pale and dying Patten.
Our wounded were now taken into a house, and their wounds dressed; and as Mrs. Pattan entered the room and cast her eyes on the pale and ghastly features of her husband, she burst into tears, exclaiming O God! O my husband! how pale you look! He was still able to speak, but he died that evening in the triumphs of faith; having laid down his life as a martyr in the cause of his country and his God. The young Obanion, who was shot through the body by the first fire of the enemy's sentinel, also died about the same time. Thus three brave men had fallen; and their blood cries against their enemies for vengeance. The others I believe recovered of their wounds.-Having conveyed the wounded to this place of hospitality, we hastened home to Far West, and delivered the horses and spoils of the enemy to Col. Hinkle, the commanding officer of the Regiment. These several defeats of the mob in Davies and Caldwell, checked, for a time, their ruinous ravages.-They saw that it was impossible to conquer a people who were fighting for their homes, and their wives and children, unless they could come against them with some show of authority, for it was a well known fact, that the Mormons never resisted authority, however abused; therefore their next exertion was to spread lies and falsehoods of the alarming character; such as the Mormons were in a state of rebellion against he Government, and that they were about to burn Richmond, &c. This flame was greatly assisted by several in high authority who deserted from the
church, and fell away to the robbers because of fear, and also for the sake of power and gain. These deserters became far more false, hardened and blood-thirsty, that those who had never known the way of righteousness, insomuch [inasmuch] that they were filled with all manner of lying and murders, and plundering. The Governor who had long sought some opportunity to destroy us, and drive us from the State; now issued an order for General Clark to raise several thousand men, and march against the Mormons, and drive from the State, or exterminate them if necessary, etc. While General Clark was mustering his forces for this murderous and treasonable enterprize, [enterprise] , Major General Lucas, and Brigadier General Wilson, the old leaders of the Jackson co. conspiracy, being nearer the scene of action, and wishing to immortalize their names, put themselves at the head of the old Jackson county robbers, together with the late forces of the robbers who had all the while been embodied against us, and turning General Atchison out of the command, took the lead of all the assembled forces of the upper country, consisting of three or four thousand men, and with this formidable force, commenced their march directly for the city of Far West, where they arrived, while General Clark and his forces were several days march in the rear. In the mean time the Governor's order, and all these military movements, were kept an entire secret from the Mormons, and even the mail was withheld from Far West, thus cutting off all intelligence. We had only heard that companies of armed men were seen in the south part of the county: and we had sent a white flag and a guard of one hundred and fifty men, to make enquiries [inquiries]. But while they were absent on this business, an alarm came into town that the whole county to the south of us was filled with hostile troops, who were murdering, plundering, and taking peaceable citizens prisoners, in their own houses, etc. On receiving this intelligence, every man flew to arms, for the protection of our city. It was now towards evening, and we had heard nothing of our white flag, and the hundred and fifty men who went south in the morning. While we stood in our armor, gazing to the South in anxious suspence [suspense] we discovered an army advancing on horse back, over the hills, at two miles distance from the town,-We at first supposed it might be our little company of a hundred and fifty returning to us, but we soon saw that there were thousands of men, with a long trian [train] of baggage waggons [wagons]; we then were in hopes that it might be some friendly troops sent for our protection; and then we thought it might be a troop of the robbers coming to destroy us. At all events, there was no time to be lost, for although our force then present did not exceed five hundred men, yet we did not intend that they should enter the town without giving some account of themselve [themselves].-We accordingly marched out upon the plains on the south of the city, and formed in battle array, extending our line of foot something like a half a mile, while a small company of horse was posted on our right wing on a commanding eminence, and another small company in the rear of our main body, intended as a kind of reserve. By this the sun was near setting, and the advance of the unknown army had come within plain view, at less than one mile distant. On seeing our forces present a small but formidable front, they came to a halt, and formed along the borders of the wilderness. And in a few moments both parties sent out a white flag, which met between the two armies; when our messenger demanded who they were, and what was their intentions? The answer was, that they wanted three persons out of the city before they massacreed [massacred] the rest. This was a very alarming and unexpected answer. But they were soon prevailed upon to suspend hostilities till morning, when we were in hopes of some further and more satisfactory information. The hostile army under the command of Lucas, then commenced their encampment for the night, and our little army continued to stand to their arms for fear of some treachery. Our company of a hundred and fifty soon returned, informing us that they had been hemmed in through the day, and only escaped from their superior knowledge of the ground. We also sent an express to Daviess county, and by morning were reinforced by quite a number of troops, with Colonel Wight at there
head. In the mean time, the painted robbers and murderers under the command of one Gilliam, came pouring in from the west, to strengthen the enemy, and another company of murderers came in from Carrel county, and were taken into the ranks of Lucas, after murdering some twenty of our citizens at Haun's mill, of which I will give a particular account hereafter. Thus both parties were considerably reinforced during the night. In the mean time our people, being determined, if attacked, to defend their homes, and wives and children to the last, spent the night in throwing up a temporary breastwork of building timber, logs, rails, &c., and by morning our south side of the city was fortified with a breastwork, and also a considerable part of the east and west sides; the whole line of fortification extending a mile and a half.-This nights labor may seem incredible; but it happened that a great quantity of building materials had been accumulated near the spot where were thrown up the breastworks: and this proved an excellent material for the work. The next day, towards evening, we were informed that the Governor had ordered this force against us, with orders to exterminate us or drive us from the State. As soon as these facts were ascertained, determined not to resist any thing in the shape of authority, however tyrannical or unconstitutional might be the proceeding against us; therefore we had nothing more to do but to submit to be massacred or driven at the option of our persecutors. Colonel Hinkle waited on Messrs, J. Smith, S. Rigdon, Hyrum Smith, L. Wight, G. Robinson and myself, with a polite request from General Lucas, that we would surrender ourselves as prisoners and repair to his camp, and remain over night, with assurance that as soon as peaceable arrangements could be intered [entered] next morning, we should be released. With this request we readily complied, as soon as we were assured by the pledge of the honor of the principal officers, that our lives should be safe; we accordingly walked near a mile voluntarily, towards the camp of the enemy; who, when they saw us coming came out to meet us by thousands, with general Lucas at their head.-When the haughty General rode up to us, and scarcely passing a compliment, gave orders to his troops to surround us, which they did very abruptly, and we were marched into camp surrounded by thousands of savage looking beings, many of whom were painted like Indian warriors. These all set up a constant yell, like so many blood hounds let loose on their prey, as if they had achieved one of the most miraculous victories which ever dignified the annals of the world. In camp we were placed under a strong guard, and before morning, A. Lyman and several others were added to our number.-P. P. Pratts history of the persecution.
Quincy, Ill. April 28th. 1840.
BRO'S, SMITH & ROBINSON. I left Commerce on the 15th Inst. on my journey to the holy land in Asia. I stopped in Lima and preached there on the 16th to an attentive congregation. While speaking, Bro. Page rode up in a carraige, [carriage] in and spoke to the people at the close of my discourse. On Friday, the 17th Inst. Bro. Miles brought us to this place; and on Saturday evening, we commenced preaching, and then gave out appointments for preaching on Sunday, Sunday night and every night during the week with the exception of one. Last Sunday we closed our public labors in this place after administering the sacrament to the brethren and sisters.
There have been 15 persons added to the church by baptism during our meeting; and I think there are eight more that will be baptized to-morrow, Bro. Page has gone into the country to preach and baptize some to day. The Lord is truly with us, and enables us to speak with a power that finds way to the hearts of the people. The priests begin to be a little uneasy, because their members will believe the truth, and go down into Jordon: [Jordan] no, Mississippi. The people have treated us kindly, and have been very attentive to hear the word. The seed sown has taken deep root. Many will slip up to Commerce to be baptized who will be the fruits of our labor here. Most to much of a cross to come forward and
own their Lord here. We expect to leave this place for Columbus day after to-morrow.
Our motto and prayer is this, Roll on thy kingdom thou king of saints, and preserve thy servants from pride and vanity, and from the snares of wicked men, and from the cunning craftiness of the devil. Pray for us, brethren, that we may have grace and power to stand, and not faint, or fall out by the way. Our health is getting good, prospects are fair, and by the grace of God we will slay Goliath, capture the enemies forces, and bring them into the camp of Israel.
So Farewell for the present, In the Bonds of the new cov't.
P. S. 29th April-Baptized the eight, making, in all, twenty three.
Philadelphia, Pa, May 5th, 1840
I am happy in stating to you, that the work of the Lord is prosperous and the kingdom of our God rolls on gloriously, in these earstern [eastern] lands.
A little more than one year ago when first I visited these parts, there was no more than 30 or 40 members of the church of Latter Day Saints within 60 miles of this place; but so mighty has truth flourished and the word of God prevailed,-that at present I suppose not less than 400 might be found within that distance, who have obeyed the everlasting gospel and are now rejoicing in the new and everlasting covenant; and believing that God assuredly has spoken from the heavens in the last days.
In Chester county where I have spent the greater part of my time the past year, the church I believe now numbers 80 members, and the work of the Lord in that region is in a very prosperous condition. Multitudes are believing the truth and doors are open for preaching on the right hand and on the left: and I must say with feelings of gratitude and respect to the brethren and friends in Chester county, that they have manifested a spirit of generosity, and liberality, worthy of imitation, in assisting the Twelve in their mission to Europe, and also in the late mission to Washington city. The last I heard from Davis and Dean; they had baptized 33 in Lancaster county.
The work of God is prospering exceedingly in this city, and also in Jersey 8 or 10 are baptized almost every week; peace reigns in our midst, although some of the priests rage without and the people imagine many vain things. The harvest truly is great and the laborers are few. There is a great call for faithful laborers in these eastern lands, yours in haste. LORENZO BARNES
Pike co. Ill. March 30th, 1840
I have just returned home after an absence of some more than two months, during which time I have been proclaiming the gospel in the counties of Scott and Green. When I commenced laboring in these counties, I found the people in general, greatly prejudiced against the church of Jesus Christ, as established for the restoration of his people in these last days; indeed, it was hard to obtain open doors for preaching, in many places, the people having heard so many nefarious, and ridiculous reports from rumors many tongues, helped along, by those interrested [interested] the cause of spiritual error. But the Lord who always assists the faithful, at length gave me access to the ears and hearts of the people, and now doors are opened on every side, and the Macedonion [Macedonian] is heard, come over and help us; this is a good omen, and I trust that the Lord will carry on his work virtuously.
I baptized five in Scott county, and could I have remained longer, I am well convinced that many more would have come into the covenant of grace: however, it is my intention to return there again after conference; and continue the proclamation of the everlasting gospel.
It is true that the priests of this world exert every nerve to hinder the progress of the truth; but what is feeble man to oppose the great Jehovah? The pure, simple gospel will beat down the kingdoms of this world, establish peace and hapiness [happiness] which never shall be destroyed; for the kingdoms of this world will become the kingdoms of our Lord and his Christ.
The work is onward here through the well dirrected [directed] labors of Br. Wood, for they who have submitted to the cross, and espoused the New and everlasting covenant here are the most intelligent part of community.
I rejoice to see how the work is rolling on, how the knowledge of the Lord is increasing, how the poor are begining [beginning] to rejoice in the Holy One of Israel.-Speed thy work O Lord, until all shall know thee and all nations shall worship the king the Lord of Hosts.
Your Brother In the Patience And kingdom of God. WILLIAM B. BOSLEY.
Union Jail, S. C. April 29, 1840
I have twice written to you, and given you some account of my labors in this part of our Divine Master's vineyard; and the consequent persecution, brought upon me by the servants of the adversary of all truth. The hireling priests, and their deluded votaries, seeing that the kingdom of God was really established upon the earth, for the last time, according to the predictions of the ancient prophets; and that the fall of mystic Babylon was near at hand; and finding that their craft, by which they get all their wealth, their honor, and their popularity, was in imminent danger of failing, if the people should hear the gospel of the kingdom of God preached, and believe it. They have, therefore, used all their influence to prevent the spread of the truth. The first weapons, that were used against our great Master's cause here, were threatning [threatening] and slander; and when these failed of producing their desired effect, viz: (to drive the sentinels of King Messiah's army from their post, that they themselves might come, clad in the garments of a shepherd, and fleece the flock;) they proceeded to invent other schemes.-And having suborned false witnesses, from among individuals of the baser sort-who, by the way, professed a great deal of piety-they made a false accusation against me, and brought me before a magistrate; who, when I failed to give security, ordered me to be committed to prison; there to await the sitting of the circuit court, which will be in October next. The Sheriff, (Maj. Johnson,) treats me with all the lenity that the law will admit of; for he knows, and so do all the people, that for envy they have committed me. You may think that I have drawn rather a dark outline of the people of this country, but I assure you, that a strict regard for truth required it. Though I do not wish you to understand, that this is their general character; for the Carolinians, are not all religious persecutors. There are some honorable exceptions. There are some noble spirited, high minded, individuals here, who dispise [despise] the very idea of religious persecution. I have therefore, no expectation of being treated as we were in Missouri; but on the contrary, I do expect protection from the laws of the country. And I have reason to believe, that those who are charged with the administration of the law, will discountenance in the most decided manner, such malicious and detestable conduct; and that in the end, I shall have justice by the law of my country. But this, you know, will not prevent my laying in jail till Oct. unless I can get bail for my appearance at court: and there it rests. Calls for preaching are more numerous and extensive, than I could attend, if I was at liberty. So I hope some faithful servants of God will visit this state, soon. We have been looking for the 5th No. of the Times & Seasons for more than a week, and are anxiously waiting its arrival.
From the appearances in the heavens, and on the earth; from the wars, rumors of wars, and the perplexity of nations, we are compelled to believe that the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord, is near at hand; which faith, I hope will excite the Elders of Israel to emulation; and prevail upon those whom God has chosen to be his messengers to the nations of the earth, to go forth in the spirit and power of their God, and labor zealously, and with perseverance in the holy office, whereunto they are called; remembering that the servants of our God, have a great work to perform, and knowing that when it is finished, we shall rest with our Savior, in his peace kingdom.
I am respectfully yours, &c. L. M. DAVIS.
It seems from elder Lysander M. Davis' communication, that an unhallowed, religious persecution has been got up against him; in consequence of which, he is to lay in jail until October next, to await his trial, being in a land of strangers and not being able to give bail. We do not doubt his report concerning the matter: from a long and intimate acquaintance with elder Davis, we believe him to be a young man of unexceptionable character, and do not doubt that his probity has been assailed by evil designing men.-ED.
Preston, April 17th, 1840.
For the comfort of the church in general in that country, I attempt to address a few lines to you, to let you know where we are, and what we are doing in this country; the work of the Lord is progressing here, and has been ever since Eld's O. Hyde and H. C. Kimball left this country: according to the account that the Elders give of their labors, there have been about eight or nine hundred baptized since they left. The gospel is spreading, the devils are roaring; as nigh as I can learn, the priests are howling, the tares they are binding up, the wheat is gathering, and nations are trembling, and kingdoms are tottering: "men's hearts are failing them for fear, and for looking for those things that are coming on the earth." The poor among men are rejoicing in the Lord, and the meek do increase their joy: the hearts of the wicked wax worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived, but I rejoice that I am counted worthy to be one of the number to carry salvation to the poor and meek of the earth. Brethren, I want to say many things, but I shall not have room on this paper, as I design giving the minutes of our conferences below.-After a long and tedious journey of 28 days on the water we landed in Liverpool: Eld's H. C. Kimball, P. P. Pratt, O. Pratt, G. A. Smith, R. Hadlock, and myself were in company; we rejoiced in the Lord, and when we cast our minds upon the saints in that country, we could by faith participate in their joys; realizing they were met in conference, it being the 6th day of April. We soon found a room that we could have to ourselves, which made our solemn assembly glorious: we blest each other and prepared for our labor. The next day we found Elder Taylor in the city; there had been about 30 baptized. On Wednesday went to Preston, met with the church on Sunday, bore testimony of the things the Lord is doing in these last days. President Joseph Fielding gave out an appointment for a conference, for the church on Wednesday the 15th.
At a council of the Twelve, held in Preston, Lancashire, England, on the 14th of April, 1840, it being the 9th day of the 1st month, of the 11th year, of the rise of the church of Jesus Christ. Elders Brigham Young, Heber C. Kimball, P. P. Pratt, Orson Pratt, Wilford Woodruff, John Taylor, & George A. Smith being present.
Elder Brigham Young was called to preside, and Elder John Taylor chosen secretary: the council was opened by prayer by Elder B. Young. Elder Willard Richards was ordained to the office of an apostle, and received into the quorum of the Twelve by a unanimous voice, according to previous revelation: Elder Brigham Young was unanimously chosen as the standing president of the Twelve.
Resolved, that he who acts as the secretary of the quorum, shall prepare the minutes of the conferences of the quorum, and deposit them in the hands of the president for keeping.
Moved, by Elder Kimball, and seconded by Elder Richards, that twenty of the Seventies be sent for, and that it be left discretionary with the president of the Twelve, to send for more if he think proper: conference adjourned, was closed by prayer by Elder Kimball.
At a general conference of the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, held in the Temperance Hall, Preston, Lancashire, England, on the 15th of April, 1840.
President Joseph Fielding called upon Elder Kimball to preside, and Elder Wm. Clayton chosen clerk, it being the 10th day of the first month, of the 11th year of the rise of the church: the meeting was opened by singing and prayer by Elder Kimball.
Elder Kimball then called upon the
elders to represent the different branches of the church.
Elder Joseph Fieldnig [Fielding] represented the church in Preston, consisting of about 300 members, 7 elders, 8 priests, 6 Teachers, and 2 deacons. Elder Peter Melling represented the church in Penworthian, consisting of 73 members, 3 elders, 1 priest, 2 teachers, 1 deacon. Elder Wm. Garner represented the church at Longton, consisting of 51 members, 2 elders, 4 priests 2 teachers. Joseph Jackson represented the church at Southport, consisting of 20 members, 1 priest, 1 teacher. Elder John Moon rep'd. the church at Dunbury Lane and neighborhood, members generally in good standing, consisting of 54 members, 1 elder, 2 priests, 3 teachers.-Richard Benson represented the church at Hunters Hill and neighborhood, consisting of 17 members, 1 elder, 1 priest, 1 teacher. Elder Amos Fielding represented the church at Heskin, consisting of 3 members, 1 elder. Alder Amos Fielding represented the church at Bolton, consisting of 60 members, 1 elder, 2 priests, 2 teachers. Elder Amos Fielding represented the church at Ratliff, consisting of 10 members.-Elder Withnal represented the church at Whittle, consisting of 18 members, 1 elder, 4 priests. Elder Francis Clark represented the church at Ribchester, consisting of 25 members, 2 elders, 1 priest. Elder Thomas Richardson represented the church at Burnley, consisting of 24 members, generally in good standing, 1 priest, 1 teacher. Elder Francis Moon rep'd. the church at Blackburn, consisting of 15 members, 1 priest. Elder James Smithies rep'd. the church at Chaighly and Thornly, consisting of 29 members, 2 elders, 1 priest, 1 teacher, 1 deacon. Pr't. John Ellison rep'd. the church at Waddington, consisting of 50 members, 2 priests, 2 teachers, 1 deacon. Elder Thomas Smith rep'd. the church at Clithero, consisting of 27 members, 1 elder, 3 priests. Elder Thomas Smith rep'd. the church at Chatburn, consisting of 84 members, 1 elder, 2 priests, 1 teachers, 1 deacon. Elder Thomas Smith rep'd. the church at Downham, consisting of 20 members, 1 teacher, 1 deacon. Elder Thomas Smith rep'd. the church at Grindleton, consisting of 5 members. Elder Wm. Clayton reppresented [represented] the church at Manchester, consisting of 240 ,members, 3 elders, 5 priests, 4 teachers, 1 deacon. Elder Wm. Clayton rep'd. the church at Stockport, consisting of 40 members, 1 priest, 2 teachers, 1 deacon. Elder Wm. Clayton rep'd. the church at Peover and Macclesfield, consisting of 30 members, 3 priests. Elder Wm. Clayton rep'd. the church at Duckinesfield, consisting of 30 members, 1 priest. Elder Wm. Clayton represented the church at Altrinecham, consisting of 8 members, 1 priest, 1 teacher. Elder Wm. Clayton rep'd. the church at Middlewich, consisting of 6 members. Elder David Wilding represented the church at Bury and Elton, consisting of 12 members. Elder Wilford Woodruff rep'd. the church at the Potteries, consisting of 110 members, 1 elder, 2 priests, 4 teachers, 1 deacon. Elder Wilford Woodruff rep'd. the church at Herefordshier, consisting of 160 members, 1 elder, 2 priests; about 40 of them were methodist preachers of the of the United Brethren. Elder John Taylor rep'd. the church at Liverpool, consisting of 28 members. Elder Joseph Fielding rep'd. the church at Alston, Cumberland, consisting of 40 members, 2 elders, 2 priests, 2 teachers. Elder W. Richards rep'd. the church at Brampton, consisting of 30, members, 1 elder, 1 priest. Elder W. Richards rep'd. the church at Bedford, consisting of 40 members, 1 elder, 1 priest.-Elder W. Richards rep'd. the church at Scotland, consisting of 21 members 3 elders. The meeting was then adjourned for one hour.
The conference again assembled at half past 10 o'clock, meeting opened by prayer and business commenced.
Elder John Moon rep'd. the church at Layland, Moss, consisting of 6 members, 1 priest. Elder Willard Richards having previously been ordained into the quorum of the Twelve, according to previous revelation; it was moved by elder Young, and seconded by elder Taylor, that elder Hyram Clark be appointed as a counselor to elder Fielding, in the place of elder Richards: carried unanimous. Moved by elder Fielding, seconded by elder Young, that a hymn book should be published, carried. Moved and sec'd. that the publishing of the Hymn book, shall be
done by the direction of the Twelve, carried. Moved and sec'd. that a monthly periodcal [periodical] shall be published under the direction & superintendance [superintendent] of the Twelve; for the benefit and information of the church, as soon as a sufficient number of subscribers shall be obtained, carried. Moved and sec'd. that brother John Blazard of Sambsbury, be ordained to the office of a priest, carried. Moved and sec'd. that bro. James Corbridge of Thornly, be ordained to the office of a Priest, carried.
Elder Kimball then laid before the conference, the importance and propriety of ordaining a Patriarch, to bestow Patriarchal blessings on the fatherless, &c. referred to the Twelve, whose business it is to select one and ordain him according to the directions of the Spirit.
After various remarks and addresses being given by the elders, President Fielding and his counselors proceeded to ordain bro's. Bleazard and Corbridge to their offices as stated above.
Elder Kimball then called upon the clerk to read over the minutes of the conference, which being done they were received by the unanimous voice of the conference.
Moved by elder Young, and sec'd. by elder P. P. Pratt, that this conference be adjourned until the 6th of July next, to be held in Preston, at 10 o'clock A. M. carried: meeting then adjourned.
H. C. KIMBALL Pres't.
Wm. Clayton Clerk.
The council met pursuant to adjournment, April 16th, 1840. The number of the Quorum the same as on the 14th. Moved by elder Young, sec'd. by elder Taylor, that elder P. P. Pratt be chosen as the Editor of the monthly periodical for the Church. Moved by elder Kimball, sec'd. by P. P. Pratt, that a committe [committee] of three be appointed to make a selection of Hymns. Moved by elder Orson Pratt and sec'd. by elder Wilford Woodruff, that elders Brigham Young, P. P. Pratt, and John Taylor form the committe [committee] for that purpose.-Moved by elder Willard Richards sec'd. by elder G. A. Smith, that the name of the paper, or periodical be the "Latter Day Saints Millenial [Millennial] Star." Moved by elder Brigham Young, sec'd. by elder O. Pratt, that the size of the paper, its plan and price be left at the disposal of the Editor. Moved by elder B. Young, sec'd. by elder H. C. Kimball, that the Saints receive a reccommend [recommend] the church in America, to move in small or large bodies inasmuch as they desire to emigrate to that new country. Moved by elder B. Young, sec'd. by P. P. Pratt, that we recommend no one to go to America that has money, without assisting the poor according to our counsel from time to time.
Moved by elder J. Taylor, sec'd. by elder P. P. Pratt, that the copy right of the book of doctrine and Covenants, and the book of Mormon be secured as quick as possible. Moved by elder Woodruff, sec'd. by elder Richards, that elder B. Young, H. C. Kimball and P. P. Pratt, be the committe [committee] to secure the copy right.
Moved by elder H. C. Kimball, and sec'd. by elder W. Richards, that elder Peter Melling be ordained as an evangelical minister in Preston.
Moved by elder H. C. Kimball that the Twelve meet here on the 6th of July next, sec'd. by elder W. Woodruff and carried.
Moved by elder W. Richards, and sec'd. by elder W. Woodruff, the Editor of the periodical, keep an account of all the receipt and expenditures connected with the printing, general expenses, &c. and the books at all times be open for the inspection of the council: the above resolutions was unanimously adopted. The conference closed by prayer. JOHN TAYLOR Clerk.
To Pres't Joseph Smith and counselors: dear brethren, you no doubt will have the perusal of this letter, and minutes of our conferences; this will give you an idea of what we are doing in this country. If you see any thing in, or about the whole affair, that is not right: I ask, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, that you would make known unto us the mind of the Lord, and his will concerning us. I believe that I am as willing to do the will of the Lord, and take counsel of my brethren, and be a servant of the church, as ever I was in my life; but I can tell you, I would like to be with my old
friends: I like new friends, but I cannot part with my old one's for them.
Concerning the Hymn book, when we arrived here, we found the brethren had laid by their old Hymn books, and they wanted new ones; for the bible religion, and all is new to them. When I come to learn more about carrying books into the States, or bringing them here, I found the duties were so high that we never should want to bring books to the States. * * I request one favor of you, that is, a letter from you, that I may hear from my old friends. I trust that I will remain your friend through life, and in eternity, As ever, BRIGHAM YOUNG.
Ledbury, Herefordshire, England, April 29th, 1840.
Eld's. E. Robinson & D. C. Smith: Brethren, as elder Young is writing, I am privileged with a space for a few lines; knowing that our friends are desirous to hear of the work of the Lord in this land, I make the following remarks concerning the mercy of God and my labors, since I last wrote you, (I wrote you a lengthy letter, dated Feb. 27th, in which I gave you an account of my travels, voyage, and labors; from the time I left Montrose, unto the date of my letter, which I trust you may have obtained,) I continue laboring in Staffordshire, until the first of March, when I felt it to be the will of the Lord that I should go more to the south part of England. I left the care of the Stafford church, in the hands of Elder Turley, and traveled 80 miles south in a region where the word had not been preached. I commenced preaching near Ledbury, Herefordshire: this is in about 40 miles of Bristol, 40 of Birmingham, 14 of the city of Worcester, 120 of London.-As soon as I began to teach, many received my testimony. I there preached one month and five days, and baptized the superintendant [superintendent] the church of the United Brethren, a branch of the Methodist church, and with him forty five preachers, mostly of the same order; and about 114 members and making 160 in all. This put into my hands or under my care more than forty established places of preaching, licensed according to law, including one or two chapels: this opened a large field for the spread of the work in this country; among the number baptized are some of most all churches and classes, as well as preaches [preachers ?]: there is one constable, and one clerk of the church of England, with numbers of their members. But in the midst of my labors, I received a letter stating that the Twelve had just arrived and wished me to come to Preston and meet with them in conference; consequently I travelled [traveled] 160 miles to Preston, and was once more permitted to strike hands with my brethren from America, and set in conference, with them, the minutes of which you have laying before you. After conference I returned to Herefordshire in company with elder Young; we have again commenced our labors here, and there will be many baptized in this region; I have now more than 200 on my list, and scores are now waiting for an opportunity to receive the ordinance of baptism; and the work is progressing in all parts of this country, where it is faithfully proclaimed.
I understand that Elders Wright and Mulliner, are opening some permanent doors in Scotland; and we have many calls through many parts of this country, even more than we are able to fill. I desire the prayers of the Saints, that I may have wisdom and grace according to my day, and do the work of God in meekness and humility.
The following is the aggregate No. of churches, official and private members, represented at the above conferences, held in Preston, Eng.
Elders, 36. Priests, 54.
Teachers, 36. Deacons, 11.
Members 1,686. All contained in 34 churches, or branches.-ED.
The town of Nauvoo, is situated on a beautiful point of land on the Mississippi river about one hundred and sixty miles above St. Louis, at the head of what is denominated the Demoin [Des Moines ?] Rapids, in the county of Hancock, and state of Illinois: the Rapids on the river affords food privileges for all kinds of machinery in consequence of the rapidity of the current. The town has also the advantage of a good Steamboat
landing, which renders it equal to any town on the Mississippi river for commercial improvements. The soil of the surrounding country is not inferior to any in the United States, and much of the lands can be purchased or leased at a reasonable rate.
There are now in the town about two hundred and fifty houses, and rapidly increasing; there are also about one thousand acres of land divided into town lots, and the size of each lot, except those which are fractional are eleven rods by twelve, which makes elegant gardens, and fills the definition of the Hebrew word Nauvoo, a delightful plantation. Now having all these local advantages, together with the commandments of our God in view, I am decidedly of the opinion that it is the duty and the privilege of the saints in the east, to gather them selves together, to this place, even the place where God has appointed for them, and taking into consideration the important events which are about to transpire, together with the duty which is binding on the saints to gather themselves together, induces me to call upon them for aid and influence, to assist us in building up the delightful plantation called Nauvoo. A. RIPLEY.
For immigration and growth, this place most assuredly takes the lead of all other places that ever came under our observation; scarcely a day leaves us without bringing several families to our midst, to mingle their exertions with others of their brethren, to build up a peaceful habitation, a place of industry, where, amidst a quiet people, they can enjoy the sacred rights of conscience.
When taking a short survey of this people: in their various situations and circumstances; say from one year to a year and a half back, and viewing them with an impartial eye, flying in every direction for their lives, lacerating their feet upon the bleak prairies, exposed to the snow and frosts of the spring and winter months; some in tents, some in wagons, some, like the savages of the forest in wig-wams of bark, and others with naught but the canopy of heaven for a covering over their heads, all thinly clad; having been robbed of their substance by the enemies of Christ, and forced to leave their houses and farms which they had procured by their own industry: wives mourning for their husbands, mothers weeping for their children, and orphans lamenting the loss of their parents: all who have fallen victims to the wrath of murderers, and been deprived of a decent grave.
And again, when viewing the saints (almost every family that was expelled from Missouri,) scattered upon the banks of the Mississippi, and elswhere [elsewhere] through this State and Iowa Teritory [territory], during the heat of last summer, all sick with the fever, chills and fever &c. many of whom died for the want of proper care, there not being well ones enough to take care of the sick; and all this in consequence of the above named exposures, brought upon them by the State of Missouri, by their unhallowed proceedings against an innocent people. When drawing the contrast between the sceneries [scenery] of those times and the present; it calls forth from our hearts expressions of gratitude to HIM who holds the destinies of all men, and who will mete out to every man his portion in due season; even the God of Israel, who in the disposal
of events, has made all these things redound to the spread of his cause; and we trust to the good of his people.-By casting our eyes about us, we behold, amidst all these sceneries, the saints comfortably situated, with already about 250 houses put up by their own hands; whereas, only 12 months since, 10 or 12 houses were all that could be numbered in this place; and now at the present, time, houses are erecting with increased vigor and strength, although they consict [consist] chiefly of block houses. There has been however several commodious framed houses built; and several more now in lively operation. also several large stone buildings now in contemplation to be erected this season, one of which is designed as a place of worship: also a large and splended [splendid] building, the foundation of which is already laid, intended for a public house. A saw mill has been erected here which goes by horse power; it already begins to be of great use to the place. A grist and saw mill is now erecting upon an improved plan, to be carried by water power, which will be completed this season: and we would say that with the blessings of God, the faithful hand of industry, good economy, and the strict principles of honesty and morality, with the increased tide of emigration; this place is bound, according to the common course of things, to become a great depot of commercial and mechanical operations. It will of course enrich the surrounding country, it being a market for the farmer, and a place of employment for mechanics.
It is with pleasure that we are permitted once more to hear from our brethren the Twelve, but we are sorry to say, that the letter of which elder Woodruff speaks, dated, Feb. 27th, has not come to hand; however, we give in this No. welcome news from our brethren in Europe: the truth in that country is spreading with unparallelled [unparalleled]; we say to the Twelve & elders in Europe, we bid them God's speed.
[continued from page 89.]
Now, I wish the reader never to pass this commission, until he understands it, because, when once understood, he never need mistake the kingdom of God, but will at once discover those peculiarities, which were forever to distinguish it from all other kingdoms or religious systems on earth; and lest he should misunderstand, we will analyze it and look at each part carefully in its own proper light:-first, they were to preach the gospel, (or in others words, the glad tidings of a crucified and risen Redeemer) to all the world; second, he that believeth, and is baptized, shall be saved; third, he that did not believe what they preached, should be damned; and fourth, these signs shall follow them that believe-first, they are to cast out devils; second, to speak with new tongues; third, to take up serpents; fourth, if they drink any deadly things, it shall not hurt them; fifth, they were to lay hands on the sick, and they should recover.
Now it is wilful [willful] blindness, or ignorance of the English language, that has ever caused any misunderstanding here. For some do tell us that those signs were only to follow the apostles; and others tell us that they were only to follow believers of that age. But Christ places the preaching, the believing, the salvation, and the signs that were to follow, all on an equal footing; where one was limited, the other must be; where one ceased, the other died. And if the language limits these signs to the apostles, it limits faith and salvation also to them.-
And if no others were to have these signs follow them, then no other; were to believe, and no others were to be saved: again, if the language limits these signs to the first age or ages of Christianity, then it limits salvation to the first ages of Christianity, for one is precisely as much limited as the other; and where one is in force the other is-and where one ends, the other must stop. And as well might we say preaching the gospel is no longer needed; faith is no longer needed; salvation is no longer needed; they were only given at first to establish the gospel: as to say these signs are no longer necessary, they were only given to establish the gospel. But says the astonished reader, have not these signs ceased from among men, I reply, prove that the gospel has ceased to be preached, and that men have ceased to believe and be saved, and the world without the promises of no effect.
Now having analized [analyzed] understood this commission, let us still pursue the subject, of the organization of the kingdom of God, in the days of the apostles. The Savior having given them their authority, commands them to tarry, and not undertake their mission, until they were endowed with power from on high. But why this delay? because no man was ever qualified, or ever will be, to preach that gospel, and teach all things whatsoever Jesus commanded them, without the Holy Ghost; and a very different Holy Ghost too, from the one now enjoyed by men who are not inspired: for the Holy Ghost of which Jesus spake, would guide into all truth, bring all things to remembrance, whatsoever he had said unto them, and show them things to come-not to mention that it would enable them to speak in all the languages of the earth. Now a man who preached, needs that Holy Ghost very much; first, to guide into all truth, that he may know what to teach; second, to strengthen his memory, lest he might neglect to teach some of the things which was commanded them; and third, he needs to know things to come, and that would constitute him a prophet, so that he might forewarn them of approaching danger. From this, the reader may see how careful Jesus was, that none should preach his gospel without the Holy Ghost. And he may also learn how different the Spirit of Truth is from the spirits now abroad in the earth, deceiving the world, under the name of the Holy Ghost. If the churches of the present day have the Holy Ghost, why are they so much at a loss to understand truth? why do they walk in so many hundred different ways and doctrines? And I inquire, why do they need whole libraries of sermons, tracts, divinites, debates, arguments and opinions, all written by the wisdom of men, without even professing to be inspired? Well doth the Lord complain, saying, "their fear towards me is taught by the precepts of men." But to return-the apostles tarried at Jerusalem, until endowed with power and then they commenced to proclaim the gospel.
Here we have discovered several things towards a kingdom; 1st. we have found a king, crowned at the right hand of God; to whom is committed all power in heaven and in earth; 2d, we have found officers commissioned, and duly qualified to administer the laws and ordinances of that kingdom 3d. the laws by which they were to be governed, were, all things whatsoever Jesus had commanded his deciples [disciples] to teach them.
And now if we can find how men became citizens of that kingdom, I mean as to the rules of adoption, then we have found the kingdom of God in that age, and shall be very much dissatisfied with every thing in our own age, professing to be the kingdom of God, which is not according to the pattern.
It happened that there were no natural born subjects of that kingdom; for both Jew and Gentile were included in sin and unbelief; and none could be citizens without the law of adoption, and all that believed on the name of the king, had power to be adopted; but there was but one invariable rule or plan by which they were adopted; and all that undertook to claim citizenship in any other way whatever, were counted thieves and robbers, and could never obtain the seal of adoption. This rule was laid down in the Savior's
teaching to Nicodemus, namely, "except a man be born of water (that is baptized in water) and of the Spirit, (that is baptized with the Spirit,) he cannot enter into the kingdom of God.
Now to Peter were given the keys of the kingdom; therefore it was his duty to open the kingdom to Jew, and also to Gentile. We will therefore carefully examine the manner in which he did adopt the Jews into the kingdom, at the day of Pentecost.
Now when the multitude came running together on the day of Pentecost, the apostle Peter standing up with the eleven, lifted his voice and reasoned with them from the Scrptures [Scriptures], testifying of Jesus Christ, and his resurrection and ascension up on high-insomuch [inasmuch] that many became convinced of the truth, and inquired what they should do. Now understand, these were not Christians; but they were people who were that moment convinced that Jesus was the Christ, and because they were convinced of this fact, they inquired, what shall we do? Then Peter said unto them, "repent and be baptized every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ, for the remission of sins, and you shall recieve [receive] the gift of the Holy Ghost; for the promise is unto you and to your children, and to all that are afar off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call." But kind reader, do you understand this proclamation? if you do, you will see that this gospel is not preached by any of the priests of this day. Let us therefore analyze and examine it sentence by sentence. You recollect they already believed, and the next thing was for them to repent: first, faith, second, repentence [repentance], third, baptism, fourth, remission of sins, fifth, the Holy Ghost, was the order of the gospel Faith gave the power to be come sons or citizens: repentance and baptism in his name, was the obedience through which they were adopted: and the Holy Spirit of promise was the seal of their adoption, and this they were sure to receive if they would obey. Now, reader, where do you hear such preaching in our day?-Who teaches that those who believe and repent, should be baptized, and none others. Perhaps the reader may say the baptists do; but do they call upon men to be baptized as soon as they believe and repent? Be assured, kind reader, they do not: and moreover, do they promise them the remission of sins, with the gift of the Holy Ghost? Recollect now, what effect the Holy Ghost has upon people who receive it. It will guide them into all truth, strengthen the memory, and show them things to come. And Joel said, it would cause them to dream dreams, to see visions, and prophesy. O! my reader, where do you find a gospel like this preached among men? Would men go mourning for weeks, upon weeks, without the forgivness [forgiveness] of sins, or the comfort of the Holy Spirit, if Peter stood among us, to tell precisely how to get such blessings? Now what would you think of a camp-meeting. Where three thousand men should come forward to be prayed for? and one of the ministers should (Peter-like) command them every one to repent and be baptized for remission of sins, promising that all who obeyed, should receive the remission of sins, and the gift of the Holy Ghost, which should cause them to dream dreams and prophesy; and then should arise with his brethren of the same calling, and the same hour commence bastizing [baptizing], and continue until they had baptized them all; and the Holy Ghost should fall upon them, and they begin to see visions, speak in other tongues, and prophesy. Would not the news go abroad far and wide, that a new doctrine had made its appearance, quite different from any thing now practised [practiced] men? O yes, says the reader this to be sure would be something new and very strange to all of us. Well, strange as it may seem, it is the gospel, as preached by Peter on the day of Penticost [Pentecost] and Paul declares that he preached the same gospel that Peter did; and he also said, "though we, or an angel from heaven preach any other gospel, let him be accursed." Now the reader need no longer be astonished to see that these signs do not follow them that believe some other gospel or doctrine, different from that preached by the apostles.
But now let us return to the kingdom af [of] God organized in the days of the apostles; you discover that three thousand persons were adopted into
the kingdom the first day the door was opened. These, together with the numerous additions which were afterwards made, were the subjects of this kingdom; which being fitly framed together, grew unto a holy temple in the Lord. Thus we have cleared away the rubbish of sectarian tradition and superstition, which arose in heaps around us and having searched carefully, we have at length discovered the kingdom of God as it existed at its first arganization [organization], in the days of the apostles; and we have seen that it differs widely from all modern systems of religion, both in its officers, ordinances, powers, and privileges, insomuch [inasmuch], that no man need ever mistake the one for the other.
By the High Council at Nauvoo, it is ordered to be published in the Times & Seasons, that they disfellowship any and all persons, who shall ferry, or carry over the river, persons or freight, to the injure of the ferry, from Commerce or Nauvoo, to Montrose. Or who shall, knowingly, suffer or allow any animals, (subject to their controll [control],) to destroy any crops, fruits or plants, to the injury of the owner thereof.
Also, that whereas, in times past, the house of Joseph Smith Jr. has been much thronged with crowds of visitors, to the great inconvenience of his family. It is by this Council thought advisable, that in future, he be exempt from the burthen [burden] and inconvenience thereof. H. G. SHERWOOD, Scribe.
We shall shortly have a literary, or rather a Biblical curiosity, to present to the American reader, which we feel confident in predicting, will excite great interest among those who take pleasure in reading and studying the Scriptures. It is the Book of Jasher referred to in the Bible, in Joshua, and in the second book of Samuel, and which has been in the progress of translation from the Hebrew for several years in England, and is now completed, and will be published in a few days in this city, in a very elegant stereotyped edition.-There have been several simulated Books of Jasher, a notice of which we find in the Rev. Mr. Horn's Commentaries on the study of the Scriptures: but they bear no analogy to the present work, which is written in the purest Hebrew, and translated with an elegance and fidelity highly creditable to the eminent scholar who has been so long engaged in the work. The preface to the Hebrew edition speaks of it as having been brought from Jerusalem with other sacred rolls and manuscripts, at the destruction of that city, and carried into Spain, where the Jews had their most celebrated colleges up to the eleventh century. On the discovery of printing the manuscript was copied, and carried to Venice, where it was printed by order of the Jewish Consistory of Rabbins, in 1613, and is now for the first time translated into the English language and published. The Royal Asiatic Society had a copy in Calcutta, and gave orders to the Rev, Mr. Adams to translate it; but it was abandoned on hearing that a translation was already in progress. It is full of interest, and written with a warmth of piety and sacred devotion, worthy of taking an equal rank with any of the missing books, not strictly canonical. It does not differ with the Bible in a single instance, but amplifies the events recorded in Scripture, with the single difference in chronology of some 50 years, by making Noah and Abraham contemporary-commencing with the creation of Adam, and ending with the death of Joshua. Josephus refers to this Book, and the great Mendelson extracts copiously from it. Recently the Book of Enoch has been discovered, translated from the Ethiopic, and published in England. Professor Steward has lately reviewed it. The discovery of missing books referred to in Scripture, and the many yet to be discovered, joined to the singular signs of the times in relation to the chosen people, give great interest to this and similar works.-This Book, which makes nearly three hundred pages, clears up some points somewhat obscure in the Bible, and is very full in detailing the events of the reign of Nimrod; the building of the Tower of Babel, and confusion of tongues; the causes preceding the destruction of the doomed city; the sacrifice of Isaac, and the life of Joseph: and has some curious facts about the deluge.-NEW YORK STAR.
MARRIED-in Adams co. on the 12th, March 1840, by Elder John Cairns Mr. Edmund Landon to Miss Orphy Clark.
-In this place, on the 4th Inst. by Rev. Joseph Smith jr. Mr. Arther Milikin to Miss Lucy Smith.
DIED-In Green Castle, Ia. on the 6th, of April, Mrs. Aurila Knights, consort of Doct. L. M. Knghts [Knights], of Pleasant Garden.
-In Quincy, on the 12th of April, 1839. Isaac Higbee Sen. aged, 74 years, 9 months, and 25 days.
DIED-In this place, on the 27th day of May, Bishop Edward Patrige [Partridge], aged 46 years. In recording the death of this our brother, we record the death of
one of our earliest, most faithful, and confidential members. His life was one continual exhibition of the sincerity of his religious belief, and a perpetual evidence of his confidence in a future state of rewards and punishments: In view of which he always acted.-His strict regard through life, to all the commandments of heaven, and his undeviating obedience to them, are consoling evidences to his friends, that if there are any such things as rewards in the future world for well-doing in this, he is certain of enjoying them.
No man had the confidence of the church more than he. His station was highly responsible; large quantities of property ever entrusted to his care. Deeds and conveyances of lands, to a large amount, were put into his hands, for the benifit [benefit] of the poor, and for church purposes; for all of which, the directest account was rendered, to the fullest satisfaction of all concerned. And after he had distributed a handsome property, of his own, for the benefit of the poor; and being driven from his home, found himself reduced to very limited circumstances, still, not one cent of public property would he use to endemnify [indemnify] or family; but distributed it all, for the benefit of the widow, the fatherless, and the afflicted; has deceased, leaving his family in very ordinary circumstances.
Had there been one covetous desire in his heart, no man had the opportunity better to gratify it; but he has left a testimony, to be had in everlasting remembrance, that he lived above its influence, and over him it had no control; but in all things, he had respect to the reward of the just.
A life of greater devotedness to the cause of truth, we presume, was never spent on this earth. His religion was his all, for this he spent his life, and for this he laid it down. He lost his life in consequence of the Missouri persecutions, and he is one of that number whose blood will be required at their hands. As a church we deplore our loss, but we rejoice in his gain. He rests where persecutors can assail him no more.
-In this town on the 16th of May, Harriet Pamela, daughter of Edward and Lydia Partridge, in the 19th year of her age. She was of an amiable disposition-kind and affectionate to her friends and acquaintance, but especially her parents. She embraced the everlasting gospel when only ten years of age; and was firm in the faith of the everlasting covenant ever after. As a member of the church she was faithful, every ready to minister comfort and consolation to those around her, as far as her circumstances would permit.-She was sick about nine months, which affliction she endured with the greatest patience. She has been cut down in the flower of her age, and gone to dwell with Christ. The words of the Savior were verified, in her case, where he siad [said] "They who die in me shall not taste death for it shall be sweet unto them." She died without a strugle [struggle] or groan. In her death her parents, sisters,. and brother have been deprived of the society of one who was near and dear unto them: the church and society generally of one of its most lovely ornaments. She was too good to live in this world of affliction and sorrow. She was ripe for heaven, therefore God has taken her unto himself. Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord.
An appeal to the American people has recently been published at Cincinnatti [Cincinnati] giving an account of the persecutions inflicted on the saints in the State of Missouri, etc. etc. They are printed in pamphlet form of between 80 and 90 pages, and elegantly bound. They will be sold at 25 cents per copy, or 10 copies for two dollars. Any person sending $5, current money, shall receive 30 copies of the Appeal.
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