FAIR is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing well-documented answers to criticisms of the doctrine, practice, and history of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
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{{Periodical:Adams:Sectarian Folly|pages=xxx}} | Template:Periodical:Adams:Sectarian Folly | edit |
{{Periodical:Adams:To Pratt|pages=xxx}} | Template:Book:Periodical:To Pratt | edit |
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{{Periodical:Anderson:Mature Joseph Smith and Treasure Seeking|pages=xxx}} | Richard L. Anderson, "The Mature Joseph Smith and Treasure Searching," Brigham Young University Studies 24 no. 4 (1984), xxx. PDF link Caution: this article was published before Mark Hofmann's forgeries were discovered. It may treat fraudulent documents as genuine. Click for list of known forged documents. Discusses money-digging; Salem treasure hunting episode; fraudulent 1838 Missouri treasure hunting revelation; Wood Scrape; “gift of Aaron”; “wand or rod”; Heber C. Kimball rod and prayer; magic; occult; divining lost objects; seerstone; parchments; talisman |
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{{Periodical:Barney:Facsimile and Semitic Adaption of Existing Sources|pages=xxx}} | Kevin L. Barney, "The Facsimiles and Semitic Adaptation of Existing Sources," in Astronomy, Papyrus, and Covenant, edited by John Gee and Brian M. Hauglid, (Provo: FARMS, 2005), xxx. off-site | edit |
{{Periodical:Barney:Jred|pages=xxx}} | Kevin L. Barney, "The Facsimiles and Semitic Adaptation of Existing Sources," in Astronomy, Papyrus, and Covenant, edited by John Gee and Brian M. Hauglid, (Provo: FARMS, 2005), xxx. off-site | edit
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{{Periodical:Black:Names of Christ|pages=xxx}} | Susan Ward Easton [Black], “Names of Christ in the Book of Mormon,” Ensign (July 1978): 60-61. | edit |
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{{Periodical:Church:Divine Institution of Marriage:2008|pages=xxx}} | Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, "The Divine Institution of Marriage," (13 August 2008). | edit |
{{Periodical:Church:Divine Institution of Marriage Short:2008|pages=xxx}} | "The Divine Institution of Marriage," (18 Aug 2008). off-site | edit |
{{Periodical:Church:God Loveth His Children:2007|pages=xxx}} | Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, God Loveth His Children (Intellectual Reserve, 2007). | edit |
{{Periodical:Church:Family Proclamation|pages=xxx}} | The First Presidency and Council of the Twelve Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saint, The Family: A Proclamation to the World (first presented 23 September 1995). | edit |
{{Periodical:Church:Same Sex Marriage Vote:3 Nov 2008}} | "Church Responds to Same-Sex Marriage Votes]," LDS Newsroom (3 November 2008).off-site | edit |
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{{Periodical:Church News|author=AUTHOR|article=TITLE|date=DATE|pages=xxx}} | AUTHOR, Church News (DATE), xxx. | edit |
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{{Periodical:Clark:When Are the Writings or Sermons of Church Leaders Entitled to the Claim of Scripture:1954|pages=xxx}} | J. Reuben Clark, “When Are the Writings or Sermons of Church Leaders Entitled to the Claim of Scripture,” address given to seminary and institute teachers at BYU, 7 July 1954, published in Church News (31 July 1954): 9–10; reprinted in Dialogue 12 (Summer 1979), 68–80. | edit |
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{{Periodical:Elders Journal|vol=VOL|num=NUM|date=DATE|article=ARTICLE|author=AUTHOR|pages=xxx}} | AUTHOR, "ARTICLE," Elders' Journal of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints [Kirtland, Ohio] VOL no. NUM (DATE), xxx. | edit |
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{{Blog:FAIR|author=AUTHOR|title=Google|date=DATE|url=http://www.google.com}} | AUTHOR, "Google," FAIR blog (DATE). | edit |
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{{Periodical:Hafen:Evergreen:2009|pages=xxx}} | Bruce C. Hafen, "Elder Bruce C. Hafen Speaks on Same-Sex Attraction," report of address given to Evergreen International annual conference, 19 September 2009. | edit |
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{{Periodical:Hales:Drawn Sword:2010|pages=xxx}} | Brian C. Hales, "Encouraging Joseph Smith to Practice Plural Marriage – The Accounts of the Angel with a Drawn Sword," Mormon Historical Studies 11/2 (Fall 2010), xxx. | edit |
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{{Blog:Interpreter|author=AUTHOR|title=Google|date=DATE|url=http://www.google.com}} | AUTHOR, "Google," Interpreter blog (DATE). | edit |
===Journal of Discourses===
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{{JDfairwiki|vol=11|start=262|disc=39|author=Brigham Young}} Links to FAIR wiki on-line full text of the Journal of Discourses. Disc=the discourse number, which can be determined by checking the wiki itself. |
Brigham Young, Journal of Discourses 11:262. | edit |
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{{Periodical:Kimball:False Gods We Worship|pages=xxx}} | Spencer W. Kimball, "The False Gods We Worship," Ensign (June 1976): xxx. off-site | edit
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{{Periodical:LDS:Proclaimation on the Family|pages=xxx}} | The First Presidency and Council of the Twelve Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, "The Family: A Proclamation to the World," Ensign (November 1995): 102. (Statement issued by President Gordon B. Hinckley on 23 September 1995.) off-site | edit |
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{{Periodical:Utah Genealogical and Historical Magazine|author=Mary Elizabeth Rollins Lightner|pages=xxx}} | Mary Elizabeth Rollins Lightner, "{{{article}}}," Utah Genealogical and Historical Magazine, xxx. | author=Mary Elizabeth Rollins Lightner|edit |
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{{Periodical:McConkie:Seven Deadly Heresies|pages=xxx}} | Bruce R. McConkie, "The Seven Deadly Heresies," address given at Brigham Young University on 1 June 1980; BYU Speeches of the Year 1980.off-site wiki FAIR link | edit |
{{Periodical:McConkie:All Are Alike Unto God|pages=xxx}} | Bruce R. McConkie, "All Are Alike Unto God," address at CES Religious Educators Symposium, 18 August 1978. | edit |
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{{Periodical:Mosser Owen:Losing the Battle and Not Knowing It|pages=xxx}} | Carl Mosser and Paul Owen, "Mormon scholarship, apologetics, and evangelical neglect: Losing the battle and not knowing it?," Trinity Journal (Fall 1998). off-site | edit |
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{{Periodical:Murdock:Congregational Observer:1841|pages=xxx}} | James Murdock to Congregational Observer, 19 June 1841, "The Mormons and Their Prophet," Congregational Observer (Hartford and New Haven, Connecticut) 2 (3 July 1841): 1. Reprinted in Peoria Register and North-Western Gazetteer (Peoria, Illinois), 3 September 1841; reproduced in Vogel, Early Mormon Documents 1:477–480. | edit |
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{{Periodical:New Era|author=|article=|date=|pages=xxx}} | New Era, xxx. | edit |
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{{Periodical:New Era|author=|article=|date=|pages=xxx}} | New Era, xxx. | edit |
{{Periodical:Nimer:Treachery and False Swearing|pages=xxx}} | Corwin L. Nimer, "Treachery and False Swearing in Missouri: The Rise and Fall of Sampson Avard," Mormon Historical Studies 5/2 (Fall 2004). [37-60] | edit |
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{{Periodical:Oaks Wickman:Same Gender Attraction:2006|pages=xxx}} | Dallin H. Oaks and Lance B. Wickman, "Same Gender Attraction," interview with Church Public Affairs (2006). off-site | edit
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{{Periodical:Otterson:Bullying:2010|pages=xxx}} | Michael Otterson, "Church Responds to HRC Petition," (12 October 2010). | edit |
{{Periodical:Otterson:Non discrimination:2009|pages=xxx}} | Michael Otterson, Statement to SLC Council, 10 November 2009. | edit |
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{{Periodical:Mosser Owen:Losing the Battle and Not Knowing It|pages=xxx}} | Carl Mosser and Paul Owen, "Mormon scholarship, apologetics, and evangelical neglect: Losing the battle and not knowing it?," Trinity Journal (Fall 1998). off-site | edit
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{{Periodical:Packer:Law and the Light|pages=xxx}} | Boyd K. Packer, "The Law and the Light," in Jacob through Words of Mormon: to Learn with Joy: papers from the Fourth Annual Book of Mormon Symposium, edited by Monte S. Nyman and Charles D. Tate, (Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, distributed by Bookcraft, 1990), xxx [1–31]. ISBN 0884947343. ISBN 978-0884947349. GL direct link | edit |
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{{Periodical:Page:1 July 1842|pages=xxx}} | John E. Page, "To a Disciple," Morning Chronicle (Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania) (1 July 1842). off-site | edit |
{{Periodical:Page:20 July 1842|pages=xxx}} | John E. Page, “Mormonism Concluded: To ‘A Disciple.’” Morning Chronicle (Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania) (20 July 1842). off-site | edit |
{{Periodical:Page:Mormonism Defended|pages=xxx}} | John E. Page, “Mormonism Defended,” Morning Chronicle (Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania) (2 July 1842). off-site | edit |
{{Periodical:Page:Mormonism alias Truth|pages=xxx}} | John E. Page, “Mormonism, alias Truth,” Morning Chronicle (Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania) (8 July 1842). off-site | edit |
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{{Periodical:Peterson:Nephi and His Asherath|pages=xxx}} | Daniel C. Peterson, "Nephi and His Asherah: A Note on 1 Nephi 11:8–23," in Mormons, Scripture, and the Ancient World: Studies in Honor of John L. Sorenson, edited by Davis Bitton, (Provo, Utah: FARMS, 1998), xxx. [191–243] direct off-site A shorter version of this article is also available in Daniel C. Peterson, "Nephi and His Asherah," Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 9/2 (2000). [16–25] link | edit |
{{Periodical:Peterson Ricks:Comparing LDS Beliefs to Early Christianity|pages=xxx}} | Daniel C. Peterson and Stephen D. Ricks, "Comparing LDS Beliefs with First-Century Christianity, (Provo, Utah: FARMS, no date), xxx. off-site | edit |
{{Periodical:Peterson:Ye Are Gods|pages=xxx}} | Daniel C. Peterson, "'Ye Are Gods': Psalm 82 and John 10 as Witnesses to the Divine Nature of Human Kind," in The Disciple As Scholar: Essays on Scripture and the Ancient World in Honor of Richard Lloyd Anderson, edited by Richard Lloyd Anderson, Stephen D. Ricks, Donald W. Parry, and Andrew H. Hedges, (Provo, Utah: FARMS, 2000), xxx. | edit |
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{{Periodical:Pratt:Joe Smith and the Devil|pages=xxx}} | [Parley P. Pratt,] “Joe Smith and the Devil: A Dialogue,” The New York Herald (New York) 10, no. 236 (25 August 1844). off-site | edit |
{{Periodical:Pratt:Reply to the Athenaeum|pages=xxx}} | Parley P. Pratt, "Reply to the Athenæum: Being An Exposition of the Ignorance and Folly of men Who Oppose the Truth," Millennial Star 2 no. 1 (May 1841), xxx. off-site | edit |
{{Periodical:Pratt:Unjust Balances|pages=xxx}} | Parley P. Pratt, "Mr. Samuel Haining’s Unjust Balances," Millennial Star 1 no. 10 (February 1841), xxx.. off-site | edit |
{{Periodical:Pratt:Reply to the Preston Chronicle|pages=xxx}} | Parley P. Pratt, "Reply to the Preston Chronicle," Millennial Star 2 no. 3 (July 1841), xxx. off-site | edit |
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{{Periodical:Reynolds:Case for Sidney Rigdon as Author of Lectures on Faith|pages=xxx}} | Noel B. Reynolds, "The Case for Sidney Rigdon as Author of the Lecture on Faith (8 June 2004) [based on version given at Mormon History Association meeting at Kirtland 2003], xxx. PDF link | edit |
{{Periodical:Reynolds:Case for Sidney Rigdon|pages=xxx}} | Noel B. Reynolds, "The Case for Sidney Rigdon as Author of the Lecture on Faith (8 June 2004) [based on version given at Mormon History Association meeting at Kirtland 2003], xxx. PDF link | edit |
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{{Periodical:Ricks Peterson:Comparing LDS Beliefs to Early Christianity|pages=xxx}} | Daniel C. Peterson and Stephen D. Ricks, "Comparing LDS Beliefs with First-Century Christianity, (Provo, Utah: FARMS, no date), xxx. off-site | edit |
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{{Periodical:Rigdon:27 May 1839|pages=xxx}} | Sidney Rigdon, letter to the editor, 27 May 1839, Quincy Whig (Quincy, Illinois) 2, no. 6 (8 June 1839): xxx. off-site | edit |
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{{Periodical:Smith:Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About Plural Marriage|pages=xxx}} | Gregory L. Smith, "Everything You Always Wanted To Know About Plural Marriage (*But Were Afraid to Ask)," FAIR Conference presentation (7 August 2009), xxx. | edit |
{{Periodical:Smith:Polygamy Prophets and Prevarication|pages=xxx}} | Gregory L. Smith, "Polygamy, Prophets, and Prevarication: Frequently and Rarely Asked Questions about the Initiation, Practice, and Cessation of Plural Marriage in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints," FAIR, 2005, xxx. | edit |
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{{Periodical:Snow Winchester:Address to the Citizens of Salem|pages=xxx}} | E. Snow and Benjamin Winchester, "An Address to the Citizens of Salem (Mass.) And Vicinity," Times and Seasons 2 no. 24 (1 October 1841), xxx. off-site GospeLink off-site | edit |
{{Periodical:Snow Winchester:Address to the Citizens of Salem 2|pages=xxx}} | E. Snow and Benjamin Winchester, "An Address to the Citizens of Salem (Mass.) And Vicinity [concluded]," Times and Seasons 3 no. 1 (15 November 1841), xxx. off-site GospeLink off-site | edit |
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{{Periodical:Sorenson:Digging into the Book of Mormon 1|pages=xxx}} | John L. Sorenson, "Digging into the Book of Mormon: Our Changing Understanding of Ancient America and Its Scripture, Part 1," Ensign (September 1984): xxx. off-site | edit |
{{Periodical:Sorenson:Digging into the Book of Mormon 2|pages=xxx}} | John L. Sorenson, "Digging into the Book of Mormon: Our Changing Understanding of Ancient America and Its Scripture, Part 2," Ensign (October 1984): xxx. off-site | edit |
{{Periodical:Sorenson:Smithsonian Statement:1995|pages=xxx}} | John L. Sorenson, "A New Evaluation of the Smithsonian Institution "Statement regarding the Book of Mormon," FARMS (1995). | edit |
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{{Periodical:Taylor:Closing Reply to Curan|pages=xxx}} | John Taylor, "Elder J. Taylor’s Closing Reply to Mr. Curran [reprinted from Manx Sun (Isle of Man) (30 October 1840)]," Millennial Star 1 no. 8 (December 1840), xxx. off-site | edit |
{{Periodical:Taylor:To the Editor of the Star|pages=xxx}} | John Taylor, "To the Editor of the Star," Millennial Star 1 no. 11 (March 1841), xxx.. off-site | edit |
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{{Periodical:Walker:Joseph Smith's Introduction to the Law|pages=xxx}} | Jeffrey N. Walker, "Joseph Smith's Introduction to the Law: The 1819 Hurlbut Case," Mormon Historical Studies 11/1 (Spring 2010): xxx. | edit
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{{Periodical:Walters:Joseph Smith's Bainbridge Court Trials|pages=xxx}} | Wesley P. Walters, "Joseph Smith's Bainbridge, N.Y. Court Trials," The Westminster Theological Journal 36:2 (1974), xxx. | edit
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{{Periodical:Webb:Godbodied|pages=xxx}} | Stephen H. Webb, "Godbodied: The Matter of the Latter-day Saints (reprint from his book Jesus Christ, Eternal God: Heavenly Flesh and the Metaphysics of Matter (Oxford University Press, 2012)," Brigham Young University Studies 50 no. 3 (2011). | edit |
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{{Periodical:Oaks Wickman:Same Gender Attraction:2006|pages=xxx}} | Dallin H. Oaks and Lance B. Wickman, "Same Gender Attraction," interview with Church Public Affairs (2006). off-site | edit
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{{Periodical:Winchester:Claims of the Book of Mormon|pages=xxx}} | Benjamin Winchester, “The Claims of the Book of Mormon Established—It also Defended,” The Gospel Reflector (Philadelphia) 1, no. 6 (15 March 1841): xxx. off-site | edit |
{{Periodical:Winchester:Object of a Continuation of Revelation|pages=xxx}} | Benjamin Winchester, “The Object of a Continuation of Revelation,” The Gospel Reflector (Philadelphia) 1, no. 5 (1 March 1841): xxx. off-site | edit |
{{Periodical:Winchester:Origin of the Spaulding Story|pages=xxx}} | B[enjamin] Winchester, The Origin of the Spaulding Story, Concerning the Manuscript Found (Philadelphia: Brown, Bicking & Guilpert, 1840), xxx off-site | edit |
{{Periodical:Snow Winchester:Address to the Citizens of Salem|pages=xxx}} | E. Snow and Benjamin Winchester, "An Address to the Citizens of Salem (Mass.) And Vicinity," Times and Seasons 2 no. 24 (1 October 1841), xxx. off-site GospeLink off-site | edit |
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{{Periodical:Painesville Telegraph:16.nov.1830}} | “The Golden Bible,” Painesville Telegraph (Ohio) (16 November 1830). | edit |
{{Periodical:Painesville Telegraph:15.mar.1831}} | “Martin Harris . . .,” Painesville Telegraph (Painesville, Ohio) 2, no. 39 (15 March 1831). | edit |
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{{Periodical:Weekly Bostonian:9.july.1842|pages=xxx}} | Weekly Bostonian, 9 July 1842. Reprinted in the Latter-day Saints’ Millennial Star 3/5 (September 1842): 87. | edit |
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{{Periodical:Western Farmer:1822|pages=xxx}} | Western Farmer 1/45 (23 January 1822). | edit |
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