FAIR is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing well-documented answers to criticisms of the doctrine, practice, and history of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
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{{Critical sources box:1835 Doctrine and Covenants denies polygamy/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:1835 Doctrine and Covenants denies polygamy/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Alleged whitewashing of Church history/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Alleged whitewashing of Church history/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Apostasy/Not complete/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Apostasy/Not complete/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Apostasy/Prediction of/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Apostasy/Prediction of/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Apostasy/Priesthood on earth during the apostasy/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Apostasy/Priesthood on earth during the apostasy/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Apostasy/The "gates of hell"/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Apostasy/The "gates of hell"/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Articles of Faith/Differing versions/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Articles of Faith/Differing versions/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Baptism for the dead in early Christianity/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Baptism for the dead in early Christianity/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Bible/Three degrees of glory not biblical/2 Corinthians 12:2-4/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Bible/Three degrees of glory not biblical/2 Corinthians 12:2-4/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Bible/Three degrees of glory not biblical/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Bible/Three degrees of glory not biblical/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Book of Abraham facsimiles/Missing portions/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Book of Abraham facsimiles/Missing portions/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Book of Abraham/Astronomy/Kolob-Sun/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Book of Abraham/Astronomy/Kolob-Sun/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Book of Abraham/By his own hand/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Book of Abraham/By his own hand/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Book of Abraham/How was it produced/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Book of Abraham/How was it produced/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Book of Abraham/Joseph Smith Papyri/Church disclosure of "Book of the Dead"/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Book of Abraham/Joseph Smith Papyri/Church disclosure of "Book of the Dead"/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Book of Abraham/Joseph Smith Papyri/Kirtland Egyptian Papers/Background/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Book of Abraham/Joseph Smith Papyri/Kirtland Egyptian Papers/Background/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Book of Abraham/Papyri/Long article/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Book of Abraham/Papyri/Long article/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Book of Abraham/Plagiarism accusations/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Book of Abraham/Plagiarism accusations/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Book of Mormon anachronisms/Chariots and Wheels/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Book of Mormon anachronisms/Chariots and Wheels/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Book of Mormon geography/Statements/No revealed geography/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Book of Mormon geography/Statements/No revealed geography/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Book of Mormon witnesses:CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Book of Mormon witnesses:CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Anachronisms/Animals/Elephants/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Anachronisms/Animals/Elephants/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Anachronisms/Animals/Story of Jaredites added to explain presence of animals in New World/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Anachronisms/Animals/Story of Jaredites added to explain presence of animals in New World/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Anachronisms/Biblical/Firstling sacrifices/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Anachronisms/Biblical/Firstling sacrifices/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Anachronisms/Biblical/Jerusalem vs Bethlehem/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Anachronisms/Biblical/Jerusalem vs Bethlehem/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Anachronisms/Biblical/Josephites and Jerusalem/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Anachronisms/Biblical/Josephites and Jerusalem/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Anachronisms/Biblical/New Testament text/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Anachronisms/Biblical/New Testament text/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Anachronisms/Biblical/Quoting Malachi/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Anachronisms/Biblical/Quoting Malachi/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Anachronisms/Cement/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Anachronisms/Cement/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Anachronisms/Chariots/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Anachronisms/Chariots/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Anachronisms/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Anachronisms/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Anachronisms/Demographics/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Anachronisms/Demographics/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Anachronisms/Gadianton masons and anti-masonry/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Anachronisms/Gadianton masons and anti-masonry/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Anachronisms/Gold plates/Joseph faking the plates/Critical Sources}} | Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Anachronisms/Gold plates/Joseph faking the plates/Critical Sources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Anachronisms/Gold plates/Weight of the plates/Critical Sources}} | Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Anachronisms/Gold plates/Weight of the plates/Critical Sources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Anachronisms/Language/"Adieu"/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Anachronisms/Language/"Adieu"/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Anachronisms/Language/Greek words/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Anachronisms/Language/Greek words/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Anachronisms/Language/Hebrew and Native American languages/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Anachronisms/Language/Hebrew and Native American languages/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Anachronisms/Language/Reformed Egyptian/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Anachronisms/Language/Reformed Egyptian/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Anachronisms/Language/Reformed Egyptian/Egyptian too bulky/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Anachronisms/Language/Reformed Egyptian/Egyptian too bulky/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Anachronisms/Metal plates/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Anachronisms/Metal plates/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Anachronisms/Mulek/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Anachronisms/Mulek/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Anachronisms/Names/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Anachronisms/Names/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Anachronisms/Shiz struggles to breathe/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Anachronisms/Shiz struggles to breathe/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Anachronisms/Synagogues/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Anachronisms/Synagogues/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Anachronisms/Temple in New World/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Anachronisms/Temple in New World/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Anachronisms/Three days of darkness/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Anachronisms/Three days of darkness/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Anachronisms/Two natures of Christ/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Anachronisms/Two natures of Christ/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Anachronisms/Windows/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Anachronisms/Windows/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Archaeology/Compared to the Bible/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Archaeology/Compared to the Bible/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Archaeology/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Archaeology/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Archaeology/Hill Cumorah/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Archaeology/Hill Cumorah/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Archaeology/Smithsonian statement/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Archaeology/Smithsonian statement/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Archaeology/Thomas Stuart Ferguson/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Archaeology/Thomas Stuart Ferguson/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/As a "familiar spirit"/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/As a "familiar spirit"/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/As the most correct book/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/As the most correct book/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Attempt to sell copyright/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Attempt to sell copyright/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Authorship theories/Automatic writing/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Authorship theories/Automatic writing/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Authorship theories/Clumsy or amateurish/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Authorship theories/Clumsy or amateurish/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Authorship theories/Epilepsy/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Authorship theories/Epilepsy/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Authorship theories/Golden Pot/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Authorship theories/Golden Pot/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Authorship theories/Overview/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Authorship theories/Overview/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Authorship theories/Spalding manuscript/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Authorship theories/Spalding manuscript/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Authorship theories/Spalding manuscript/Difficult to explain before/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Authorship theories/Spalding manuscript/Difficult to explain before/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Authorship theories/View of the Hebrews/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Authorship theories/View of the Hebrews/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/B.H. Roberts and "Studies of the Book of Mormon"/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/B.H. Roberts and "Studies of the Book of Mormon"/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/B.H. Roberts' testimony/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/B.H. Roberts' testimony/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Calendar/Week unknown in Americas/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Calendar/Week unknown in Americas/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Contains the fulness of the gospel/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Contains the fulness of the gospel/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/DNA evidence/Geography issues/Haplogroup X2a/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/DNA evidence/Geography issues/Haplogroup X2a/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Early reactions to/Clumsy or obvious forgery/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Early reactions to/Clumsy or obvious forgery/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Early reactions to/Heretical/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Early reactions to/Heretical/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Early reactions to/Joseph Smith the author/Joseph Smith not the author/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Early reactions to/Joseph Smith the author/Joseph Smith not the author/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Early reactions to/No intelligent person/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Early reactions to/No intelligent person/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Evidences/And it came to pass/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Evidences/And it came to pass/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Evidences/Hebraisms/Chiasmus/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Evidences/Hebraisms/Chiasmus/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Evidences/Hebraisms/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Evidences/Hebraisms/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Geography/Borders of the Lamanites/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Geography/Borders of the Lamanites/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Geography/Definition of "continent"/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Geography/Definition of "continent"/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Geography/Disdaining the statements of Joseph Smith/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Geography/Disdaining the statements of Joseph Smith/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Geography/Location of Zarahemla/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Geography/Location of Zarahemla/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Geography/Models/Limited/Meldrum 2003/Alternate theories are "apostate"/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Geography/Models/Limited/Meldrum 2003/Alternate theories are "apostate"/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Geography/New World/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Geography/New World/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Geography/New World/Great Lakes geography/Location of Zion/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Geography/New World/Great Lakes geography/Location of Zion/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Geography/New World/Great Lakes geography/Mound Builders/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Geography/New World/Great Lakes geography/Mound Builders/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Geography/New World/Great Lakes geography/Zarahemla near Nauvoo/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Geography/New World/Great Lakes geography/Zarahemla near Nauvoo/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Geography/New World/Limited Geography Theory/Mesoamerica/Ammon at waters of Sebus/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Geography/New World/Limited Geography Theory/Mesoamerica/Ammon at waters of Sebus/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Geography/No maps in the Book of Mormon/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Geography/No maps in the Book of Mormon/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Geography/Statements/Hugh Nibley/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Geography/Statements/Hugh Nibley/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Geography/Statements/Nineteenth century/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Geography/Statements/Nineteenth century/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Geography/Statements/Nineteenth century/Joseph Smith's lifetime 1829-1840/Joseph Smith/Zelph/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Geography/Statements/Nineteenth century/Joseph Smith's lifetime 1829-1840/Joseph Smith/Zelph/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Geography/Statements/Twentieth century/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Geography/Statements/Twentieth century/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Geography/Transoceanic Crossing/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Geography/Transoceanic Crossing/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Great and abominable church/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Great and abominable church/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Historicity/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Historicity/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Joseph as author and proprietor/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Joseph as author and proprietor/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Lamanites/Curse/Red skin/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Lamanites/Curse/Red skin/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Lamanites/Curse/What was it/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Lamanites/Curse/What was it/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Lamanites/Relationship to Amerindians/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Lamanites/Relationship to Amerindians/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Lamanites/Relationship to Amerindians/Maya and Olmec/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Lamanites/Relationship to Amerindians/Maya and Olmec/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Lamanites/Relationship to Polynesians/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Lamanites/Relationship to Polynesians/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Nephi's killing of Laban/Could Satan deceive Nephi/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Nephi's killing of Laban/Could Satan deceive Nephi/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Nephi's killing of Laban/Was it "cold blooded murder"/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Nephi's killing of Laban/Was it "cold blooded murder"/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Plagiarism accusations/Apocrypha/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Plagiarism accusations/Apocrypha/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Plagiarism accusations/Benjamin Paddock/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Plagiarism accusations/Benjamin Paddock/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Plagiarism accusations/Comoros Islands and Moroni/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Plagiarism accusations/Comoros Islands and Moroni/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Plagiarism accusations/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Plagiarism accusations/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Plagiarism accusations/Joseph Smith, Sr.'s dream and Lehi's vision/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Plagiarism accusations/Joseph Smith, Sr.'s dream and Lehi's vision/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Plagiarism accusations/King James Bible/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Plagiarism accusations/King James Bible/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Plagiarism accusations/Place names from North America/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Plagiarism accusations/Place names from North America/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Plagiarism accusations/The Wonders of Nature/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Plagiarism accusations/The Wonders of Nature/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Plagiarism accusations/Westminster Confession/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Plagiarism accusations/Westminster Confession/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Sidney Rigdon as Book of Mormon author/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Sidney Rigdon as Book of Mormon author/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Stick of Ephraim/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Stick of Ephraim/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Textual changes/"Benjamin" changed to "Mosiah"/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Textual changes/"Benjamin" changed to "Mosiah"/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Textual changes/"white" changed to "pure"/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Textual changes/"white" changed to "pure"/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Textual changes/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Textual changes/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Translation/Anthon transcript/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Translation/Anthon transcript/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Translation/Description of the plates/Too heavy for Joseph to run with/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Translation/Description of the plates/Too heavy for Joseph to run with/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Translation/Method/Mainly italics altered/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Translation/Method/Mainly italics altered/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Translation/The interpreters, seer stone, hat and the "gift and power of God"/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Translation/The interpreters, seer stone, hat and the "gift and power of God"/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Translation/The lost 116 pages/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Translation/The lost 116 pages/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Tribal affiliations/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Tribal affiliations/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Warfare/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Warfare/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Warfare/Swords/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Warfare/Swords/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Why is baptism for the dead not taught/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Why is baptism for the dead not taught/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Witnesses/"Eye of Faith" and "Spiritual Eye" statements by Martin Harris/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Witnesses/"Eye of Faith" and "Spiritual Eye" statements by Martin Harris/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Witnesses/"Interested" and so not to be trusted/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Witnesses/"Interested" and so not to be trusted/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Witnesses/All related/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Witnesses/All related/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Witnesses/Character/Beating Lucy Harris/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Witnesses/Character/Beating Lucy Harris/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Witnesses/David Whitmer said was not an actual visitation/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Witnesses/David Whitmer said was not an actual visitation/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Witnesses/David Whitmer told to leave/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Witnesses/David Whitmer told to leave/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Witnesses/Eight witnesses/Can't translate "reformed Egyptian"/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Witnesses/Eight witnesses/Can't translate "reformed Egyptian"/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Witnesses/Eight witnesses/Related/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Witnesses/Eight witnesses/Related/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Witnesses/Eight witnesses/Shown to me by a supernatural power/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Witnesses/Eight witnesses/Shown to me by a supernatural power/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Witnesses/Martin Harris repeatedly sought empirical proof/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Witnesses/Martin Harris repeatedly sought empirical proof/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Witnesses/Oliver joined the Methodists/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Witnesses/Oliver joined the Methodists/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Witnesses/Recant/Did Oliver admit hoax/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Witnesses/Recant/Did Oliver admit hoax/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Witnesses/Spiritual or literal/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Witnesses/Spiritual or literal/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Witnesses/Spiritual or literal/Only handled when covered by a tow frock/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Witnesses/Spiritual or literal/Only handled when covered by a tow frock/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Witnesses/Strangite parallels/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Book of Mormon/Witnesses/Strangite parallels/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Brigham Young/As Young Earth Creationist/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Brigham Young/As Young Earth Creationist/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Brigham Young/Prosecution of Mountain Meadows Massacre/Deal with Brigham Young/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Brigham Young/Prosecution of Mountain Meadows Massacre/Deal with Brigham Young/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Brigham Young/Teachings/Moon and sun are inhabited/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Brigham Young/Teachings/Moon and sun are inhabited/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Brigham Young/Women not to meddle/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Brigham Young/Women not to meddle/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Brigham Young's statements regarding plural marriage/Boasted could have more wives/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Brigham Young's statements regarding plural marriage/Boasted could have more wives/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Brigham Young's statements regarding plural marriage/Hiding history/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Brigham Young's statements regarding plural marriage/Hiding history/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Censorship and revision of Church history/Sidney Rigdon trial in Times and Seasons versus History of the Church/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Censorship and revision of Church history/Sidney Rigdon trial in Times and Seasons versus History of the Church/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Changes to the temple endowment/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Changes to the temple endowment/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:City of Nauvoo/City charter/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:City of Nauvoo/City charter/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:City of Nauvoo/City charter/Usurpation of power/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:City of Nauvoo/City charter/Usurpation of power/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:City of Nauvoo/Crime and violence/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:City of Nauvoo/Crime and violence/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:City of Nauvoo/Nauvoo Expositor/Suppression of the Nauvoo Expositor/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:City of Nauvoo/Nauvoo Expositor/Suppression of the Nauvoo Expositor/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Communism and the United Order/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Communism and the United Order/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Criticism of Mormonism/Anti-Mormon/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Criticism of Mormonism/Anti-Mormon/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Criticism of Mormonism/Books/Blood of the Prophets: Brigham Young and the Massacre at Mountain Meadows/Omissions/Total submission to Brigham Young/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Criticism of Mormonism/Books/Blood of the Prophets: Brigham Young and the Massacre at Mountain Meadows/Omissions/Total submission to Brigham Young/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Criticism of Mormonism/Books/Blood of the Prophets: Brigham Young and the Massacre at Mountain Meadows/Use of sources/Anonymous source: "Argus"/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Criticism of Mormonism/Books/Blood of the Prophets: Brigham Young and the Massacre at Mountain Meadows/Use of sources/Anonymous source: "Argus"/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Criticism of Mormonism/Books/Blood of the Prophets: Brigham Young and the Massacre at Mountain Meadows/Use of sources/Double standard: violence in immigrants/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Criticism of Mormonism/Books/Blood of the Prophets: Brigham Young and the Massacre at Mountain Meadows/Use of sources/Double standard: violence in immigrants/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Criticism of Mormonism/Books/Blood of the Prophets: Brigham Young and the Massacre at Mountain Meadows/Use of sources/William W. Drummond and murders/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Criticism of Mormonism/Books/Blood of the Prophets: Brigham Young and the Massacre at Mountain Meadows/Use of sources/William W. Drummond and murders/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Criticism of Mormonism/Books/Mormonism Unvailed/The Hurlbut affidavits/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Criticism of Mormonism/Books/Mormonism Unvailed/The Hurlbut affidavits/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Criticism of Mormonism/Books/One Nation Under Gods/Use of sources/Double standard on race/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Criticism of Mormonism/Books/One Nation Under Gods/Use of sources/Double standard on race/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Criticism of Mormonism/Books/The Lion of the Lord/Use of sources/Heber C. Kimball says missionaries are "picking out the prettiest women"/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Criticism of Mormonism/Books/The Lion of the Lord/Use of sources/Heber C. Kimball says missionaries are "picking out the prettiest women"/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Criticism of Mormonism/Internet Mormons vs. Chapel Mormons/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Criticism of Mormonism/Internet Mormons vs. Chapel Mormons/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Criticism of Mormonism/Mormonism is a cult/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Criticism of Mormonism/Mormonism is a cult/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Did Joseph have lustful motives for practicing polygamy%3F/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Did Joseph have lustful motives for practicing polygamy%3F/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Did Joseph Smith send men on missions in order to steal their wives%3F/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Did Joseph Smith send men on missions in order to steal their wives%3F/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Discrepancies Between Translations: Book of Mormon, King James Version, Joseph Smith Translation/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Discrepancies Between Translations: Book of Mormon, King James Version, Joseph Smith Translation/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Disobey Brigham and be sheared down/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Disobey Brigham and be sheared down/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Doctrine and Covenants/Contradiction between Section 132 and Jacob 2/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Doctrine and Covenants/Contradiction between Section 132 and Jacob 2/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Doctrine and Covenants/Lectures on Faith/Removed/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Doctrine and Covenants/Lectures on Faith/Removed/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Doctrine and Covenants/Textual changes/Adam and Michael conflated in Doctrine and Covenants 137/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Doctrine and Covenants/Textual changes/Adam and Michael conflated in Doctrine and Covenants 137/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Emma Smith's reaction to Joseph Smith's plural marriages/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Emma Smith's reaction to Joseph Smith's plural marriages/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Forgeries related to Mormonism/Ang Aklatan/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Forgeries related to Mormonism/Ang Aklatan/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Forgeries related to Mormonism/Joseph Smith and the Kinderhook Plates/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Forgeries related to Mormonism/Joseph Smith and the Kinderhook Plates/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:God is a Spirit/Book of Mormon teaches God is a spirit/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:God is a Spirit/Book of Mormon teaches God is a spirit/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:History of the Church (6-volume history)/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:History of the Church (6-volume history)/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:History scholars and Church discipline/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:History scholars and Church discipline/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Holy Ghost/Burning in the bosom/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Holy Ghost/Burning in the bosom/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Holy Ghost/Divinity without a body/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Holy Ghost/Divinity without a body/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Holy Ghost/Revelation from God or the devil/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Holy Ghost/Revelation from God or the devil/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Holy Ghost/Spectacular Witness/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Holy Ghost/Spectacular Witness/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Initiation of the practice of plural marriage/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Initiation of the practice of plural marriage/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Jesus Christ/Accusations that Mormons aren't Christians/Does the Church use the sign or symbol of the cross/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Jesus Christ/Accusations that Mormons aren't Christians/Does the Church use the sign or symbol of the cross/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Jesus Christ/Accusations that Mormons aren't Christians/Evangelical arguments/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Jesus Christ/Accusations that Mormons aren't Christians/Evangelical arguments/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Jesus Christ/Accusations that Mormons aren't Christians/Only a recent claim/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Jesus Christ/Accusations that Mormons aren't Christians/Only a recent claim/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Jesus Christ/Atonement/As viewed by historical Christianity/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Jesus Christ/Atonement/As viewed by historical Christianity/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Jesus Christ/Atonement/Centrality in LDS thought/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Jesus Christ/Atonement/Centrality in LDS thought/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Jesus Christ/Atonement/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Jesus Christ/Atonement/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Jesus Christ/Atonement/LDS versus evangelical Christian view/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Jesus Christ/Atonement/LDS versus evangelical Christian view/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Jesus Christ/Atonement/The garden and the cross/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Jesus Christ/Atonement/The garden and the cross/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Jesus Christ/Atonement/Use of the cross/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Jesus Christ/Atonement/Use of the cross/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Jesus Christ/Brother of Satan/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Jesus Christ/Brother of Satan/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Jesus Christ/Conception/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Jesus Christ/Conception/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Jesus Christ/Deification before mortality/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Jesus Christ/Deification before mortality/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Jesus Christ/Relationship to Quetzalcoatl/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Jesus Christ/Relationship to Quetzalcoatl/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Jesus Christ/The "Mormon" vs. the "Christian" Jesus/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Jesus Christ/The "Mormon" vs. the "Christian" Jesus/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Jesus Christ/Was Jesus married/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Jesus Christ/Was Jesus married/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Jesus Christ/Was Jesus married/Was Jesus a polygamist/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Jesus Christ/Was Jesus married/Was Jesus a polygamist/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Jesus Christ/Worship different Jesus/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Jesus Christ/Worship different Jesus/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Joseph Smith and polygamy/Youthful struggle with unchastity%3F/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Joseph Smith and polygamy/Youthful struggle with unchastity%3F/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Joseph Smith was sealed to other men's wives/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Joseph Smith was sealed to other men's wives/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Joseph Smith/"Amusing recitals" of ancient American inhabitants/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Joseph Smith/"Amusing recitals" of ancient American inhabitants/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Joseph Smith/Alleged false prophecies/Can't be killed within 5 years of August 1843/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Joseph Smith/Alleged false prophecies/Can't be killed within 5 years of August 1843/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Joseph Smith/Alleged false prophecies/Civil War/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Joseph Smith/Alleged false prophecies/Civil War/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Joseph Smith/Alleged false prophecies/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Joseph Smith/Alleged false prophecies/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Joseph Smith/Alleged false prophecies/David Patten to serve mission/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Joseph Smith/Alleged false prophecies/David Patten to serve mission/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Joseph Smith/Alleged false prophecies/Forged Rocky Mountain prophecy/Tanners use of sources/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Joseph Smith/Alleged false prophecies/Forged Rocky Mountain prophecy/Tanners use of sources/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Joseph Smith/Alleged false prophecies/Government to be overthrown and wasted/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Joseph Smith/Alleged false prophecies/Government to be overthrown and wasted/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Joseph Smith/Alleged false prophecies/Independence temple to be built "in this generation"/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Joseph Smith/Alleged false prophecies/Independence temple to be built "in this generation"/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Joseph Smith/Alleged false prophecies/Joseph and Orson Hyde to drink of wine in Palestine/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Joseph Smith/Alleged false prophecies/Joseph and Orson Hyde to drink of wine in Palestine/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Joseph Smith/New York, Albany, and Boston/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Joseph Smith/New York, Albany, and Boston/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Joseph Smith/Alleged false prophecies/Saints left Missouri before temple was built/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Joseph Smith/Alleged false prophecies/Saints left Missouri before temple was built/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Joseph Smith/Alleged false prophecies/Second Coming to be in 1890/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Joseph Smith/Alleged false prophecies/Second Coming to be in 1890/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Joseph Smith/Alleged false prophecies/Ten tribes return and wicked swept away/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Joseph Smith/Alleged false prophecies/Ten tribes return and wicked swept away/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Joseph Smith/Alleged false prophecies/The prophetic test in Deuteronomy 18/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Joseph Smith/Alleged false prophecies/The prophetic test in Deuteronomy 18/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Joseph Smith/Alleged false prophecies/Thomas B. Marsh to be "exalted"/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Joseph Smith/Alleged false prophecies/Thomas B. Marsh to be "exalted"/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Joseph Smith/Alleged false prophecies/United Order is everlasting/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Joseph Smith/Alleged false prophecies/United Order is everlasting/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Joseph Smith/Character/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Joseph Smith/Character/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Joseph Smith/Early Smith family history/Lazy Smiths/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Joseph Smith/Early Smith family history/Lazy Smiths/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Joseph Smith/Early Smith family history/No positive witnesses/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Joseph Smith/Early Smith family history/No positive witnesses/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Joseph Smith/Garden of Eden in Missouri/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Joseph Smith/Garden of Eden in Missouri/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Joseph Smith/Land speculation in Nauvoo/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Joseph Smith/Land speculation in Nauvoo/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Joseph Smith/Legal issues/Trials/1826 court appearance for glasslooking/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Joseph Smith/Legal issues/Trials/1826 court appearance for glasslooking/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Joseph Smith/Legal issues/Trials/1826 glasslooking trial/Con man/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Joseph Smith/Legal issues/Trials/1826 glasslooking trial/Con man/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Joseph Smith/Martyrdom/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Joseph Smith/Martyrdom/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Joseph Smith/Martyrdom/Hiding Joseph's gun/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Joseph Smith/Martyrdom/Hiding Joseph's gun/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Joseph Smith/Martyrdom/Joseph fired a gun/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Joseph Smith/Martyrdom/Joseph fired a gun/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Joseph Smith/Martyrdom/Nauvoo Legion to rescue Joseph/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Joseph Smith/Martyrdom/Nauvoo Legion to rescue Joseph/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Joseph Smith/Money digging/"Treasure hunting" trip to Salem/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Joseph Smith/Money digging/"Treasure hunting" trip to Salem/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Joseph Smith/Money digging/Was this a blot on his character/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Joseph Smith/Money digging/Was this a blot on his character/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Joseph Smith/Moon inhabited/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Joseph Smith/Moon inhabited/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Joseph Smith/Narcissism/A "second Mohammad"/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Joseph Smith/Narcissism/A "second Mohammad"/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Joseph Smith/Narcissism/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Joseph Smith/Narcissism/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Joseph Smith/Narcissism/Did Joseph Smith 'boast' of keeping the Church intact/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Joseph Smith/Narcissism/Did Joseph Smith 'boast' of keeping the Church intact/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Joseph Smith/Occultism and magic/Book of Mormon recovered on autumnal equinox/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Joseph Smith/Occultism and magic/Book of Mormon recovered on autumnal equinox/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Joseph Smith/Occultism and magic/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Joseph Smith/Occultism and magic/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Joseph Smith/Occultism and magic/Joseph Smith, Sr., and "divination"/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Joseph Smith/Occultism and magic/Joseph Smith, Sr., and "divination"/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Joseph Smith/Occultism and magic/Magick parchments/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Joseph Smith/Occultism and magic/Magick parchments/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Joseph Smith/Occultism and magic/The magician Walters as a mentor to Joseph Smith/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Joseph Smith/Occultism and magic/The magician Walters as a mentor to Joseph Smith/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Joseph Smith/Polygamy/Adultery before 12 July 1843/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Joseph Smith/Polygamy/Adultery before 12 July 1843/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Joseph Smith/Polygamy/Children of polygamous marriages/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Joseph Smith/Polygamy/Children of polygamous marriages/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Joseph Smith/Polygamy/Children of polygamous marriages/Presendia Buell/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Joseph Smith/Polygamy/Children of polygamous marriages/Presendia Buell/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Joseph Smith/Polygamy/Cochranites/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Joseph Smith/Polygamy/Cochranites/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Joseph Smith/Polygamy/Emma Smith/Sealing/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Joseph Smith/Polygamy/Emma Smith/Sealing/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Joseph Smith/Polygamy/Essays/Age of wives/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Joseph Smith/Polygamy/Essays/Age of wives/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Joseph Smith/Polygamy/Essays/Early womanizer/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Joseph Smith/Polygamy/Essays/Early womanizer/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Joseph Smith/Polygamy/Essays/Illegal marriages in Ohio/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Joseph Smith/Polygamy/Essays/Illegal marriages in Ohio/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Joseph Smith/Polygamy/Essays/Introduction of eternal marriage/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Joseph Smith/Polygamy/Essays/Introduction of eternal marriage/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Joseph Smith/Polygamy/Essays/Polyandry/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Joseph Smith/Polygamy/Essays/Polyandry/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Joseph Smith/Polygamy/Hiding the truth/Did Emma know/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Joseph Smith/Polygamy/Hiding the truth/Did Emma know/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Joseph Smith/Polygamy/John C. Bennett/Brothel at Nauvoo/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Joseph Smith/Polygamy/John C. Bennett/Brothel at Nauvoo/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Joseph Smith/Polygamy/John C. Bennett/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Joseph Smith/Polygamy/John C. Bennett/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Joseph Smith/Polygamy/Marriages to young women/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Joseph Smith/Polygamy/Marriages to young women/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Joseph Smith/Polygamy/Plural wives/Eliza R. Snow/Emma pushing Eliza down the stairs/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Joseph Smith/Polygamy/Plural wives/Eliza R. Snow/Emma pushing Eliza down the stairs/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Joseph Smith/Polygamy/Plural wives/Fanny Alger/Discovered in a barn/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Joseph Smith/Polygamy/Plural wives/Fanny Alger/Discovered in a barn/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Joseph Smith/Polygamy/Plural wives/Helen Mar Kimball/Circumstances of her plural marriage/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Joseph Smith/Polygamy/Plural wives/Helen Mar Kimball/Circumstances of her plural marriage/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Joseph Smith/Polygamy/Plural wives/Marinda Nancy Johnson Hyde/Circumstances of her plural marriage/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Joseph Smith/Polygamy/Plural wives/Marinda Nancy Johnson Hyde/Circumstances of her plural marriage/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Joseph Smith/Polygamy/Polyandry/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Joseph Smith/Polygamy/Polyandry/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Joseph Smith/Polygamy/Polygamists are to go beyond normal "bounds"/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Joseph Smith/Polygamy/Polygamists are to go beyond normal "bounds"/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Joseph Smith/Polygamy/The Peace Maker/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Joseph Smith/Polygamy/The Peace Maker/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Joseph Smith/Polygamy/Whitney letter/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Joseph Smith/Polygamy/Whitney letter/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Joseph Smith/Polygamy/William Marks claimed Joseph intended to abandon plural marriage/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Joseph Smith/Polygamy/William Marks claimed Joseph intended to abandon plural marriage/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Joseph Smith/Polygamy/Women locked in a room/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Joseph Smith/Polygamy/Women locked in a room/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Joseph Smith/Running for president/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Joseph Smith/Running for president/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Joseph Smith/Seer stones/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Joseph Smith/Seer stones/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Joseph Smith/Status in LDS belief/Brigham Young applied 1 John 4:3 to Joseph Smith/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Joseph Smith/Status in LDS belief/Brigham Young applied 1 John 4:3 to Joseph Smith/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Joseph Smith/Status in LDS belief/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Joseph Smith/Status in LDS belief/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Joseph Smith/Status in LDS belief/Heber C. Kimball on Joseph as "a god"/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Joseph Smith/Status in LDS belief/Heber C. Kimball on Joseph as "a god"/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Joseph Smith/Subdued references by the Church/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Joseph Smith/Subdued references by the Church/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Joseph Smith/Taught Porter Rockwell 'it was right to steal'/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Joseph Smith/Taught Porter Rockwell 'it was right to steal'/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Joseph Smith/Translator/Greek psalter/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Joseph Smith/Translator/Greek psalter/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Joseph Smith/Walking on water/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Joseph Smith/Walking on water/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Joseph Smith's First Vision/1830 statement about seeing "God"/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Joseph Smith's First Vision/1830 statement about seeing "God"/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Joseph Smith's First Vision/Did Joseph Smith join other churches/Methodist membership procedures/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Joseph Smith's First Vision/Did Joseph Smith join other churches/Methodist membership procedures/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Joseph Smith's First Vision/Doctrine and Covenants 121:28 contradicts vision/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Joseph Smith's First Vision/Doctrine and Covenants 121:28 contradicts vision/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Joseph Smith's First Vision/Doctrine and Covenants 84 says God not seen without priesthood/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Joseph Smith's First Vision/Doctrine and Covenants 84 says God not seen without priesthood/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Joseph Smith's First Vision/Fabricated to give "Godly authority"/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Joseph Smith's First Vision/Fabricated to give "Godly authority"/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Joseph Smith's First Vision/Joseph became "partial to the Methodist sect" in 1820/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Joseph Smith's First Vision/Joseph became "partial to the Methodist sect" in 1820/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Joseph Smith's First Vision/Joseph Smith did not know if God existed in 1823/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Joseph Smith's First Vision/Joseph Smith did not know if God existed in 1823/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Joseph Smith's First Vision/Joseph Smith joined other churches/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Joseph Smith's First Vision/Joseph Smith joined other churches/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Joseph Smith's First Vision/Joseph Smith's early conception of God/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Joseph Smith's First Vision/Joseph Smith's early conception of God/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Joseph Smith's First Vision/Lack of contemporary Father and Son vision until 1838/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Joseph Smith's First Vision/Lack of contemporary Father and Son vision until 1838/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Joseph Smith's First Vision/Lucy Mack Smith and the Presbyterians/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Joseph Smith's First Vision/Lucy Mack Smith and the Presbyterians/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Joseph Smith's First Vision/Methodist camp meetings/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Joseph Smith's First Vision/Methodist camp meetings/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Joseph Smith's First Vision/No mention in non-LDS literature before 1843/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Joseph Smith's First Vision/No mention in non-LDS literature before 1843/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Joseph Smith's First Vision/No reference to First Vision in 1830s publications/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Joseph Smith's First Vision/No reference to First Vision in 1830s publications/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Joseph Smith's First Vision/Paul's accounts/Do Greek scholars solve the discrepancies in Paul's vision accounts/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Joseph Smith's First Vision/Paul's accounts/Do Greek scholars solve the discrepancies in Paul's vision accounts/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Joseph Smith's First Vision/Persecution after the vision/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Joseph Smith's First Vision/Persecution after the vision/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Joseph Smith's First Vision/Prophet's mother said First Vision was of an "angel"/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Joseph Smith's First Vision/Prophet's mother said First Vision was of an "angel"/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Joseph Smith's First Vision/Religious revivals in 1820/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Joseph Smith's First Vision/Religious revivals in 1820/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Joseph Smith's First Vision/Religious revivals in 1820/Gordon B. Hinckley cited false information/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Joseph Smith's First Vision/Religious revivals in 1820/Gordon B. Hinckley cited false information/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Joseph Smith's First Vision/Seldom mentioned in LDS publications before 1877 (long)/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Joseph Smith's First Vision/Seldom mentioned in LDS publications before 1877 (long)/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Joseph Smith's First Vision/Seldom mentioned in LDS publications before 1877/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Joseph Smith's First Vision/Seldom mentioned in LDS publications before 1877/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Joseph Smith's First Vision/Smith family place of residence in 1820/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Joseph Smith's First Vision/Smith family place of residence in 1820/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Joseph Smith's First Vision/Story became more detailed and colorful after 1832/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Joseph Smith's First Vision/Story became more detailed and colorful after 1832/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Joseph Smith's First Vision/The Father as Spirit vs. Embodied/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Joseph Smith's First Vision/The Father as Spirit vs. Embodied/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Joseph Smith's First Vision/Were all the churches of the day claimed to be "an abomination"/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Joseph Smith's First Vision/Were all the churches of the day claimed to be "an abomination"/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Latter-day Saint scripture/Supposed contradictions/Contradictions in LDS scripture table/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Latter-day Saint scripture/Supposed contradictions/Contradictions in LDS scripture table/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Latter-day Saint scripture/Supposed contradictions/Remission of sins before or after baptism/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Latter-day Saint scripture/Supposed contradictions/Remission of sins before or after baptism/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Latter-day Saint Temples/Baptism for the dead/Ancestor worship/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Latter-day Saint Temples/Baptism for the dead/Ancestor worship/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Latter-day Saint Temples/Endowment/Oath of vengeance/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Latter-day Saint Temples/Endowment/Oath of vengeance/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Latter-day Saint Temples/Endowment/Penalties/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Latter-day Saint Temples/Endowment/Penalties/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Latter-day Saint Temples/Inverted Stars on LDS Temples/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Latter-day Saint Temples/Inverted Stars on LDS Temples/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Latter-day Saint Temples/Should there be only one temple/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Latter-day Saint Temples/Should there be only one temple/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Latter-day Saint Temples/Why does the Church build expensive temples/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Latter-day Saint Temples/Why does the Church build expensive temples/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Latter-day Saint Temples/Worthiness to enter/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Latter-day Saint Temples/Worthiness to enter/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Lucy Mack Smith's biography of Joseph Smith/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Lucy Mack Smith's biography of Joseph Smith/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Marriage/As a requirement for exaltation/Jesus said "neither marry nor given in marriage"/LDS readings of this scripture/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Marriage/As a requirement for exaltation/Jesus said "neither marry nor given in marriage"/LDS readings of this scripture/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Marriage/As a requirement for exaltation/Paul said it is good not to marry/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Marriage/As a requirement for exaltation/Paul said it is good not to marry/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Modern prophets and prophecy/No new revelations/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Modern prophets and prophecy/No new revelations/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Mormon ordinances/Baptism/Essential for salvation/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Mormon ordinances/Baptism/Essential for salvation/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Mormon ordinances/Marriage/Eternal marriage/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Mormon ordinances/Marriage/Eternal marriage/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Mormon ordinances/Sacrament/Uses water instead of wine/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Mormon ordinances/Sacrament/Uses water instead of wine/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Mormon Reformation/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Mormon Reformation/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Mormon Reformation/Surveyor general David H. Burr threatened with death/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Mormon Reformation/Surveyor general David H. Burr threatened with death/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Mormon view of the creation/Creatio ex nihilo/Colossians 1:16/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Mormon view of the creation/Creatio ex nihilo/Colossians 1:16/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Mormon view of the creation/Creatio ex nihilo/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Mormon view of the creation/Creatio ex nihilo/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Mormon women refusing offers of plural marriage/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Mormon women refusing offers of plural marriage/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Mormonism and apologetics/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Mormonism and apologetics/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Mormonism and Christianity/Did early LDS leaders denounce Christianity/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Mormonism and Christianity/Did early LDS leaders denounce Christianity/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Mormonism and Christianity/Grace and works/Early Christian views on salvation/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Mormonism and Christianity/Grace and works/Early Christian views on salvation/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Mormonism and Christianity/Grace and works/Mormon perspective/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Mormonism and Christianity/Grace and works/Mormon perspective/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Mormonism and Christianity/Grace and works/Neglect grace/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Mormonism and Christianity/Grace and works/Neglect grace/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Mormonism and Christianity/Grace and works/Salvation by faith alone/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Mormonism and Christianity/Grace and works/Salvation by faith alone/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Mormonism and Christianity/Grace and works/Unforgivable sin/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Mormonism and Christianity/Grace and works/Unforgivable sin/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Mormonism and Christianity/Martyrdom in Christian history/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Mormonism and Christianity/Martyrdom in Christian history/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Mormonism and church finances/Background/Kirtland Safety Society/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Mormonism and church finances/Background/Kirtland Safety Society/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Mormonism and church finances/Kirtland Safety Society/Boxes filled with sand/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Mormonism and church finances/Kirtland Safety Society/Boxes filled with sand/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Mormonism and church finances/Kirtland Safety Society/False charges against Warren Parrish/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Mormonism and church finances/Kirtland Safety Society/False charges against Warren Parrish/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Mormonism and church finances/Kirtland Safety Society/Good as gold/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Mormonism and church finances/Kirtland Safety Society/Good as gold/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Mormonism and church integrity/Accusations of plagiarizing C.S. Lewis in General Conference/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Mormonism and church integrity/Accusations of plagiarizing C.S. Lewis in General Conference/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Mormonism and church integrity/Claims that church membership numbers distorted/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Mormonism and church integrity/Claims that church membership numbers distorted/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Mormonism and church leadership/Succession in the Presidency of the Church/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Mormonism and church leadership/Succession in the Presidency of the Church/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Mormonism and church leadership/The thinking has been done/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Mormonism and church leadership/The thinking has been done/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Mormonism and church organization/Location of the organization/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Mormonism and church organization/Location of the organization/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Mormonism and culture/Attitude toward non-members/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Mormonism and culture/Attitude toward non-members/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Mormonism and culture/Church over family/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Mormonism and culture/Church over family/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Mormonism and culture/Plastic surgery/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Mormonism and culture/Plastic surgery/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Mormonism and culture/Preserving diverse cultural traditions/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Mormonism and culture/Preserving diverse cultural traditions/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Mormonism and culture/Wayward family members/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Mormonism and culture/Wayward family members/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Mormonism and doctrine/Changing/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Mormonism and doctrine/Changing/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Mormonism and doctrine/Official Church publications/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Mormonism and doctrine/Official Church publications/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Mormonism and doctrine/Repudiated concepts/Adam-God theory/Ancient of Days/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Mormonism and doctrine/Repudiated concepts/Adam-God theory/Ancient of Days/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Mormonism and doctrine/Repudiated concepts/Adam-God theory/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Mormonism and doctrine/Repudiated concepts/Adam-God theory/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Mormonism and education/Church position on reading critical material/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Mormonism and education/Church position on reading critical material/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Mormonism and education/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Mormonism and education/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Mormonism and gender issues/Same-sex attraction/Boyd K. Packer October 2010 conference talk/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Mormonism and gender issues/Same-sex attraction/Boyd K. Packer October 2010 conference talk/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Mormonism and gender issues/Same-sex attraction/Suicide/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Mormonism and gender issues/Same-sex attraction/Suicide/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Mormonism and gender issues/Women/Childbearing/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Mormonism and gender issues/Women/Childbearing/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Mormonism and gender issues/Women/Taught to be subservient to men/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Mormonism and gender issues/Women/Taught to be subservient to men/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Mormonism and government/Anti-American nineteenth century Saints/Brigham Young's "Zion" speech on 24 July 1857/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Mormonism and government/Anti-American nineteenth century Saints/Brigham Young's "Zion" speech on 24 July 1857/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Mormonism and government/Other governments and religions must be destroyed/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Mormonism and government/Other governments and religions must be destroyed/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Mormonism and government/The Council of Fifty/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Mormonism and government/The Council of Fifty/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Mormonism and persecution/Danites/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Mormonism and persecution/Danites/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Mormonism and politics/California Proposition 8/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Mormonism and politics/California Proposition 8/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Mormonism and politics/Economics of LDS immigration/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Mormonism and politics/Economics of LDS immigration/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Mormonism and priesthood/Christians don't need a mediating priesthood/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Mormonism and priesthood/Christians don't need a mediating priesthood/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Mormonism and priesthood/Criticisms by excommunicated Mormons/Church not needed/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Mormonism and priesthood/Criticisms by excommunicated Mormons/Church not needed/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Mormonism and priesthood/Criticisms by excommunicated Mormons/Priesthood authority can be re-conferred by heavenly messengers/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Mormonism and priesthood/Criticisms by excommunicated Mormons/Priesthood authority can be re-conferred by heavenly messengers/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Mormonism and priesthood/Criticisms by excommunicated Mormons/Priesthood authority not needed/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Mormonism and priesthood/Criticisms by excommunicated Mormons/Priesthood authority not needed/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Mormonism and priesthood/Is there a "Priesthood of All Believers"/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Mormonism and priesthood/Is there a "Priesthood of All Believers"/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Mormonism and priesthood/Non-transferable/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Mormonism and priesthood/Non-transferable/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Mormonism and priesthood/Restoration/Aaronic/Hebrews 7/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Mormonism and priesthood/Restoration/Aaronic/Hebrews 7/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Mormonism and priesthood/Restoration/Melchizedek/Date/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Mormonism and priesthood/Restoration/Melchizedek/Date/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Mormonism and prophets/Mormonism and The Proclamation on the Family/Claims is not official doctrine/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Mormonism and prophets/Mormonism and The Proclamation on the Family/Claims is not official doctrine/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Mormonism and prophets/Revelation after Joseph Smith/Joseph F. Smith at Smoot hearings/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Mormonism and prophets/Revelation after Joseph Smith/Joseph F. Smith at Smoot hearings/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Mormonism and prophets/Revelation after Joseph Smith/Must all apostles literally see Christ/Post-Joseph Smith Divine Manifestations/19th Century/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Mormonism and prophets/Revelation after Joseph Smith/Must all apostles literally see Christ/Post-Joseph Smith Divine Manifestations/19th Century/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Mormonism and prophets/Revelation after Joseph Smith/Must all apostles literally see Christ/Post-Joseph Smith Divine Manifestations/20th Century/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Mormonism and prophets/Revelation after Joseph Smith/Must all apostles literally see Christ/Post-Joseph Smith Divine Manifestations/20th Century/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Mormonism and prophets/Revelation after Joseph Smith/Oliver Cowdery/Orson Hyde promise/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Mormonism and prophets/Revelation after Joseph Smith/Oliver Cowdery/Orson Hyde promise/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Mormonism and racial issues/Blacks and the priesthood/Double standard/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Mormonism and racial issues/Blacks and the priesthood/Double standard/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Mormonism and racial issues/Blacks and the priesthood/LDS scriptures/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Mormonism and racial issues/Blacks and the priesthood/LDS scriptures/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Mormonism and racial issues/Blacks and the priesthood/Lifting the ban/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Mormonism and racial issues/Blacks and the priesthood/Lifting the ban/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Mormonism and racial issues/Blacks and the priesthood/Overview/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Mormonism and racial issues/Blacks and the priesthood/Overview/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Mormonism and racial issues/Blacks and the priesthood/Repudiated ideas/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Mormonism and racial issues/Blacks and the priesthood/Repudiated ideas/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Mormonism and racial issues/Blacks and the priesthood/Repudiated ideas/Neutral in "war in heaven"/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Mormonism and racial issues/Blacks and the priesthood/Repudiated ideas/Neutral in "war in heaven"/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Mormonism and racial issues/Blacks and the priesthood/Social pressure/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Mormonism and racial issues/Blacks and the priesthood/Social pressure/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Mormonism and racial issues/Blacks and the priesthood/The "curse of Cain" and "curse of Ham"/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Mormonism and racial issues/Blacks and the priesthood/The "curse of Cain" and "curse of Ham"/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Mormonism and racial issues/Brigham Young/Race mixing punishable by death/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Mormonism and racial issues/Brigham Young/Race mixing punishable by death/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Mormonism and racial issues/Mark E. Peterson claims that Blacks become servants in heaven/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Mormonism and racial issues/Mark E. Peterson claims that Blacks become servants in heaven/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Mormonism and racial issues/Racial statements by Church leaders/Joseph Smith and the word "nigger"/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Mormonism and racial issues/Racial statements by Church leaders/Joseph Smith and the word "nigger"/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Mormonism and science/Age of the Earth/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Mormonism and science/Age of the Earth/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Mormonism and science/Alleged "discovery" of cold fusion by Utah researchers/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Mormonism and science/Alleged "discovery" of cold fusion by Utah researchers/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Mormonism and science/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Mormonism and science/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Mormonism and science/Global or local Flood/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Mormonism and science/Global or local Flood/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Mormonism and science/Joseph Fielding Smith claimed that man would never walk on the Moon/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Mormonism and science/Joseph Fielding Smith claimed that man would never walk on the Moon/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Mormonism and scripture interpretation/First Corinthians 15 and spirit bodies/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Mormonism and scripture interpretation/First Corinthians 15 and spirit bodies/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Mormonism and the internet/Internet Mormons vs. Chapel Mormons/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Mormonism and the internet/Internet Mormons vs. Chapel Mormons/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Mormonism and the nature of God/"Celestial sex"/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Mormonism and the nature of God/"Celestial sex"/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Mormonism and the nature of God/"God is a man"/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Mormonism and the nature of God/"God is a man"/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Mormonism and the nature of God/"No God beside me"/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Mormonism and the nature of God/"No God beside me"/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Mormonism and the nature of God/Characteristics of God/Corporeality of God/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Mormonism and the nature of God/Characteristics of God/Corporeality of God/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Mormonism and the nature of God/Dallin H. Oaks on God/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Mormonism and the nature of God/Dallin H. Oaks on God/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Mormonism and the nature of God/Deification of man/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Mormonism and the nature of God/Deification of man/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Mormonism and the nature of God/Deification of man/Gods of their own planets/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Mormonism and the nature of God/Deification of man/Gods of their own planets/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Mormonism and the nature of God/Elohim and Jehovah/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Mormonism and the nature of God/Elohim and Jehovah/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Mormonism and the nature of God/God is a Spirit/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Mormonism and the nature of God/God is a Spirit/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Mormonism and the nature of God/God is a Spirit/Lecture of Faith 5 teaches the Father is "a personage of spirit"/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Mormonism and the nature of God/God is a Spirit/Lecture of Faith 5 teaches the Father is "a personage of spirit"/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Mormonism and the nature of God/Graven images/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Mormonism and the nature of God/Graven images/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Mormonism and the nature of God/Heavenly Mother/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Mormonism and the nature of God/Heavenly Mother/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Mormonism and the nature of God/Hinckley downplaying the King Follett Discourse/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Mormonism and the nature of God/Hinckley downplaying the King Follett Discourse/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Mormonism and the nature of God/Infinite regress of Gods/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Mormonism and the nature of God/Infinite regress of Gods/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Mormonism and the nature of God/No man has seen God/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Mormonism and the nature of God/No man has seen God/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Mormonism and the nature of God/Polytheism/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Mormonism and the nature of God/Polytheism/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Mormonism and the nature of God/Trinity/Nicene creed/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Mormonism and the nature of God/Trinity/Nicene creed/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Mormonism and the nature of God/Unchanging/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Mormonism and the nature of God/Unchanging/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Moroni's visit/Joseph reported "a spirit" visiting in him in 1827/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Moroni's visit/Joseph reported "a spirit" visiting in him in 1827/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Moroni's visit/Moroni would have struck his head on the ceiling/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Moroni's visit/Moroni would have struck his head on the ceiling/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Moroni's visit/Nephi or Moroni/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Moroni's visit/Nephi or Moroni/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Moroni's visit/Siblings remained asleep/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Moroni's visit/Siblings remained asleep/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Mountain Meadows Massacre/Brigham Young/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Mountain Meadows Massacre/Brigham Young/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Mountain Meadows Massacre/George A. Smith carried orders/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Mountain Meadows Massacre/George A. Smith carried orders/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Mountain Meadows Massacre/Prosecution/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Mountain Meadows Massacre/Prosecution/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Mountain Meadows Massacre/Prosecution/Was prosecution blocked by the Church/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Mountain Meadows Massacre/Prosecution/Was prosecution blocked by the Church/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Mountain Meadows Massacre/Summary/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Mountain Meadows Massacre/Summary/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Mountain Meadows Massacre/Thomas Kane/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Mountain Meadows Massacre/Thomas Kane/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Mountain Meadows Massacre/Worries about Van Vliet/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Mountain Meadows Massacre/Worries about Van Vliet/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Multiple accounts of the First Vision/1832/Different age provided/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Multiple accounts of the First Vision/1832/Different age provided/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Multiple accounts of the First Vision/1832/Doesn't forbid joining a church/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Multiple accounts of the First Vision/1832/Doesn't forbid joining a church/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Multiple accounts of the First Vision/1832/Doesn't mention a revival/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Multiple accounts of the First Vision/1832/Doesn't mention a revival/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Multiple accounts of the First Vision/1832/Doesn't mention new dispensation/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Multiple accounts of the First Vision/1832/Doesn't mention new dispensation/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Multiple accounts of the First Vision/1832/Doesn't mention persecution/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Multiple accounts of the First Vision/1832/Doesn't mention persecution/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Multiple accounts of the First Vision/1832/Eternal life regardless of church affiliation/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Multiple accounts of the First Vision/1832/Eternal life regardless of church affiliation/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Multiple accounts of the First Vision/1832/Motivation is different/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Multiple accounts of the First Vision/1832/Motivation is different/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Multiple accounts of the First Vision/1832/Only one Personage appears/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Multiple accounts of the First Vision/1832/Only one Personage appears/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Multiple accounts of the First Vision/1832/Says wicked will be destroyed but 1838 doesn't/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Multiple accounts of the First Vision/1832/Says wicked will be destroyed but 1838 doesn't/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Multiple accounts of the First Vision/1832/Struggle with Satan not mentioned/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Multiple accounts of the First Vision/1832/Struggle with Satan not mentioned/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Multiple accounts of the First Vision/1832/Vision set in heaven or on earth/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Multiple accounts of the First Vision/1832/Vision set in heaven or on earth/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Multiple accounts of the First Vision/1835/Mentions "Angels"/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Multiple accounts of the First Vision/1835/Mentions "Angels"/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Multiple accounts of the First Vision/1838/Account modified to offset leadership crisis/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Multiple accounts of the First Vision/1838/Account modified to offset leadership crisis/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Multiple accounts of the First Vision/Andrew Jenson called personage an "angel"/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Multiple accounts of the First Vision/Andrew Jenson called personage an "angel"/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Multiple accounts of the First Vision/Brigham Young never mentioned the First Vision/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Multiple accounts of the First Vision/Brigham Young never mentioned the First Vision/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Multiple accounts of the First Vision/George A. Smith said First Vision was an "angel"/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Multiple accounts of the First Vision/George A. Smith said First Vision was an "angel"/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Multiple accounts of the First Vision/Heber C. Kimball denied the Father appeared/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Multiple accounts of the First Vision/Heber C. Kimball denied the Father appeared/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Multiple accounts of the First Vision/John Taylor's understanding of the First Vision/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Multiple accounts of the First Vision/John Taylor's understanding of the First Vision/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Multiple accounts of the First Vision/Oliver Cowdery not aware of First Vision in 1834-35/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Multiple accounts of the First Vision/Oliver Cowdery not aware of First Vision in 1834-35/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Multiple accounts of the First Vision/Orson Hyde referred to "angels"/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Multiple accounts of the First Vision/Orson Hyde referred to "angels"/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Multiple accounts of the First Vision/Orson Pratt confused about "angel" or Father-Son/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Multiple accounts of the First Vision/Orson Pratt confused about "angel" or Father-Son/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Multiple accounts of the First Vision/Parley P. Pratt only said that "God" appeared/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Multiple accounts of the First Vision/Parley P. Pratt only said that "God" appeared/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Multiple accounts of the First Vision/William Smith said First Vision was an "angel"/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Multiple accounts of the First Vision/William Smith said First Vision was an "angel"/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Murder of Samuel H. Smith/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Murder of Samuel H. Smith/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Oliver Cowdery and the "rod of nature"/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Oliver Cowdery and the "rod of nature"/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Overview of changes to the Doctrine and Covenants/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Overview of changes to the Doctrine and Covenants/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Plan of salvation/Original sin/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Plan of salvation/Original sin/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Plan of salvation/Premortal existence/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Plan of salvation/Premortal existence/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Plan of salvation/Pre-mortal existence/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Plan of salvation/Pre-mortal existence/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Plan of salvation/Three degrees of glory/Swedenborg/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Plan of salvation/Three degrees of glory/Swedenborg/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Plan of salvation/What is "endless punishment"/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Plan of salvation/What is "endless punishment"/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Plural marriage and the Bible/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Plural marriage and the Bible/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Plural marriage and the law/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Plural marriage and the law/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Plural marriage as a requirement for exaltation/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Plural marriage as a requirement for exaltation/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Plural marriage practiced after the First Manifesto/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Plural marriage practiced after the First Manifesto/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Plural marriage/Book of Mormon condemns the practice/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Plural marriage/Book of Mormon condemns the practice/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Plural marriage/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Plural marriage/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Plural marriage/Deseret News 7 Nov 1855 - Polygamy never go away/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Plural marriage/Deseret News 7 Nov 1855 - Polygamy never go away/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Plural marriage/Did early Church leaders speak of plural marriage difficulties/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Plural marriage/Did early Church leaders speak of plural marriage difficulties/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Plural marriage/Divorce in the 19th century/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Plural marriage/Divorce in the 19th century/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Plural marriage/Early Christians on plural marriage/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Plural marriage/Early Christians on plural marriage/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Plural marriage/Lamanites to become "white and delightsome" through polygamous marriage/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Plural marriage/Lamanites to become "white and delightsome" through polygamous marriage/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Plural marriage/Leaders worried missionaries take best plural wives/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Plural marriage/Leaders worried missionaries take best plural wives/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Plural marriage/Parley P. Pratt's marriage and murder/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Plural marriage/Parley P. Pratt's marriage and murder/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Plural marriage/Remarrying without civil divorce/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Plural marriage/Remarrying without civil divorce/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Plural marriage/The Law of Adoption/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Plural marriage/The Law of Adoption/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Prevalence of plural marriage in Utah/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Prevalence of plural marriage in Utah/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Purpose of plural marriage/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Purpose of plural marriage/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Purpose of plural marriage/Possible benefits/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Purpose of plural marriage/Possible benefits/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Purpose of plural marriage/Reasons offered that are not in keeping with the evidence/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Purpose of plural marriage/Reasons offered that are not in keeping with the evidence/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Question: Could the Book of Mormon be a clumsy, amateurish forgery%3F/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Question: Could the Book of Mormon be a clumsy, amateurish forgery%3F/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Relationship between the temple endowment and Freemasonry/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Relationship between the temple endowment and Freemasonry/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Relationship between the temple endowment and Freemasonry/Unparallels/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Relationship between the temple endowment and Freemasonry/Unparallels/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Resurrection/As a Priesthood Ordinance/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Resurrection/As a Priesthood Ordinance/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Revelation after Joseph Smith/Thomas S. Monson/Doesn't bear witness of foundational doctrines/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Revelation after Joseph Smith/Thomas S. Monson/Doesn't bear witness of foundational doctrines/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Specific works/Blood of the Prophets: Brigham Young and the Massacre at Mountain Meadows/Use of sources/Bishop Philip Klingensmith/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Specific works/Blood of the Prophets: Brigham Young and the Massacre at Mountain Meadows/Use of sources/Bishop Philip Klingensmith/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Temples in early Christianity/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Temples in early Christianity/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:The Bible/"Adding to" or "taking away from"/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:The Bible/"Adding to" or "taking away from"/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:The Bible/Born again translation/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:The Bible/Born again translation/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:The Bible/Christianity is a mystery/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:The Bible/Christianity is a mystery/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:The Bible/Completeness/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:The Bible/Completeness/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:The Bible/Condemnation of genealogy/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:The Bible/Condemnation of genealogy/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:The Bible/Inerrancy/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:The Bible/Inerrancy/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:The Bible/Insufficient/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:The Bible/Insufficient/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:The Bible/Joseph Smith Translation/As the Church's official Bible/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:The Bible/Joseph Smith Translation/As the Church's official Bible/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:The Bible/Joseph Smith Translation/As the Church's official Bible/JST an embarrassment to leaders/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:The Bible/Joseph Smith Translation/As the Church's official Bible/JST an embarrassment to leaders/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:The Bible/Joseph Smith Translation/Relationship to the Book of Mormon/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:The Bible/Joseph Smith Translation/Relationship to the Book of Mormon/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:The Bible/Lost scripture/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:The Bible/Lost scripture/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:The Bible/Old Testament practices/Animal sacrifice/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:The Bible/Old Testament practices/Animal sacrifice/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:The Bible/Old Testament practices/Cursing of enemies/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:The Bible/Old Testament practices/Cursing of enemies/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:The Bible/On-going divine revelation not necessary/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:The Bible/On-going divine revelation not necessary/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:The Bible/Open canon vs. closed canon/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:The Bible/Open canon vs. closed canon/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:The Bible/Translations/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:The Bible/Translations/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:The Bible/Transmission versus translation/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:The Bible/Transmission versus translation/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:The Bible/Trustworthy/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:The Bible/Trustworthy/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:The Seer/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:The Seer/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:The temple garment/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:The temple garment/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Thomas Dick’s The Philosophy of a Future State/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Thomas Dick’s The Philosophy of a Future State/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Utah/Crime and violence/Aaron Dewitt letter/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Utah/Crime and violence/Aaron Dewitt letter/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Utah/Crime and violence/Castration in the 1800's/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Utah/Crime and violence/Castration in the 1800's/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Utah/Crime and violence/Crimes critics allege to have been "worthy of death" in the 1800's/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Utah/Crime and violence/Crimes critics allege to have been "worthy of death" in the 1800's/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Utah/Crime and violence/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Utah/Crime and violence/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Utah/Crime and violence/Parrish-Potter murders/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Utah/Crime and violence/Parrish-Potter murders/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Utah/Statistical claims/LDS population in Utah/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Utah/Statistical claims/LDS population in Utah/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Utah/Statistical claims/LDS use of antidepressants/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Utah/Statistical claims/LDS use of antidepressants/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Utah/Statistical claims/Suicide rate among Mormons/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Utah/Statistical claims/Suicide rate among Mormons/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:White Horse Prophecy/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:White Horse Prophecy/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Word of Wisdom/Almon Babbitt followed Joseph/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Word of Wisdom/Almon Babbitt followed Joseph/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Word of Wisdom/Brigham Young and tobacco/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Word of Wisdom/Brigham Young and tobacco/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Word of Wisdom/Brigham Young's whiskey distillery/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Word of Wisdom/Brigham Young's whiskey distillery/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Word of Wisdom/Cola drinks and caffeine/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Word of Wisdom/Cola drinks and caffeine/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Word of Wisdom/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Word of Wisdom/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Word of Wisdom/Early implementation and Joseph Smith/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Word of Wisdom/Early implementation and Joseph Smith/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Word of Wisdom/Eat meat sparingly/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Word of Wisdom/Eat meat sparingly/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Word of Wisdom/History and implementation/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Word of Wisdom/History and implementation/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Word of Wisdom/Joseph Smith drank alcohol prior to the martyrdom/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Word of Wisdom/Joseph Smith drank alcohol prior to the martyrdom/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Word of Wisdom/Joseph Smith procured tobacco prior to the martyrdom/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Word of Wisdom/Joseph Smith procured tobacco prior to the martyrdom/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Word of Wisdom/Joseph Smith sold liquor in Nauvoo/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Word of Wisdom/Joseph Smith sold liquor in Nauvoo/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Word of Wisdom/Joseph Smith used tea/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Word of Wisdom/Joseph Smith used tea/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Word of Wisdom/Tea prevent exaltation/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Word of Wisdom/Tea prevent exaltation/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Word of Wisdom/Wine for the stomach/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Word of Wisdom/Wine for the stomach/CriticalSources | edit |
{{Critical sources box:Latter-day Saint scripture/Supposed contradictions/Remission of sins before or after baptism/CriticalSources}} | Critical sources box:Latter-day Saint scripture/Supposed contradictions/Remission of sins before or after baptism/CriticalSources | edit |
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