FAIR is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing well-documented answers to criticisms of the doctrine, practice, and history of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
The preferences dialog allows you to personalize some aspects of a MediaWiki wiki. They will apply only when you are logged in.
Some MediaWiki projects form a family in the sense that one logs in into the family as a whole, and that common preference settings apply. Notably this is the case for the more than 500 projects of Wikicities. On Wikimedia projects logging in and setting preferences are currently done separately on each wiki. You may find it convenient to specify the same preferences on each wiki that you use, but this is not necessary. See also Single signon transition.
User data Your email*: ... o Register email Your nickname (for signatures): ... o Raw signatures (without automatic link) Interface language: English Change password Old password: ... New password: ... Retype new password: ... o Remember password across sessions * Real name (optional): if you choose to provide it this will be used for giving you attribution for your work. * Email (optional): Enables people to contact you through the website without you having to reveal your email address to them, and it can be used to send you a new password if you forget it.
Although your username is not necessarily your real name and could therefore be called a nickname, the term "nickname" is used here for a name you may optionally specify, different from your username, for when you enter your signature with ~~~ or ~~~~.
However, there is even more versatility. You can use any wikitext as your nickname. If "Raw signatures (without automatic link)" is unchecked, the software enters "[[User:Name|" in front of, and "]]" after your nickname wikitext.
So entering "]] | [[User talk:Name|Talk" as your signature will also include a link to your talk page.
Also you can add a separator, so that the signature looks something like this: "Name | Talk".
You can also check the 'raw signatures' box: in that case you specify the full wikitext to be used between the two dashes and the timestamp. This gives more versatility, and in cases like above the code is less cryptic.
You can also include font tags, images, and templates. Note that changes in the images and templates are retroactive, which on one hand may be confusing, but on the other hand, to rectify annoying signatures, may be convenient. To avoid retroactivity, use a new image or template name. Do not create a signature template in the article or template namespace: instead use a subpage of your own userpage such as sig, and link it with "{{User:Name/sig}}".
In the case of a common signature on several projects, as in Wikicities, remember that templates are project-specific. Thus, if a signature contains a template call, to make it work in all projects, a template is needed in each (these may be copies, but the content can also be different for each project). Note also that links may lead to a different page, depending on the project in which you put the signature, even if you use interwiki link style. For example, India:User talk:John leads to the page User talk:John on India, except from the India project, where it leads to India:User talk:John in the India namespace. Therefore you may want to use external link style, or make a redirect such that the final target of the link is always the same.
Check the rules of your project (for example, for the English Wikipedia see w:Wikipedia:Sign your posts on talk pages) and note that:
If you use the edit toolbar for signing, remember that it gives two dashes before the four tildes.
To change your password, enter your old password, the new password, and the new password a second time. (If you're merely changing the other preferences, you do not need to enter your password.)
If you want to use remember my password you have to change your password if it was generated by Mediawiki and emailed to you. This is a security feature but very often causes trouble for new users.
One can specify an interface language. It shows the default messages, not those in the MediaWiki namespace. Note that some contain internal links, with the name of a page in the interface language project but without the corresponding prefix; therefore these links in general do not work, unless redirects are made.
Note that using English as interface language in RTL projects shows "This is a minor edit" and "Watch this page" on the edit page with tick boxes reversed: the tick boxes do not belong to the nearest but to the other text.
File:Prefs help - quickbar.png
This selection only works in the Classic and Cologne Blue skins (see below). In Monobook there is a left panel anyway; in Nostalgia there is none.
This is the list of links to the various special pages. You may optionally have it appear at the right or left side of each page. There's no option yet to have it appear at the top or bottom of the page.
The "fixed" quickbar will appear at the top corner of the page, while the "floating" quickbar will appear at the top corner of the browser window instead of scrolling with the article text. Floating quickbars may not float correctly on old or mobile browsers.
The QuickBar must be enabled to allow you access to some features such as moving (renaming) a page, and in the case of Classic, also to arrive at the Special Pages, unless you type the URL.
This has been removed in 1.5
O Classic
O Nostalgia
O Cologne Blue
O MonoBook
O MySkin
A MediaWiki skin is a style of page display. There are differences in the HTML code the system produces (but probably not in the page body), and also different style sheets are used.
The default is the MonoBook skin; what was called Standard is here in the preferences called Classic (not to be confused with the even older Nostalgia), but the system uses "wikistandard" in the naming of css files.
Links at the edges of the page are in different positions. Some links are not present in every skin. In Nostalgia some links are in a drop-down menu instead of directly visible.
Cologne Blue has a fixed font size unless one specifies in the browser "ignore font sizes specified in the webpage"; even then the line height is fixed; therefore this skin is hardly suitable for a large font.
In MonoBook the width of the panel on the left is dependent on the font size. Therefore, with a large font, the width of the main part of the page is smaller than with other skins.
For Classic with a quickbar and a large font a CSS setting to reduce the size of the quickbar text may be necessary. This depends on the project, specifically on the length of the longest word in the quickbar. If that does not fit in the designated width, there are complications depending on the browser. In Internet Explorer the quickbar overlaps the main text and a vertical line which is intended to separate the two, crosses the main text. In some other browsers the problem does not arise if the quickbar is on the right.
Since there is word wrapping but no wrapping within a word, the longest word and not the longest full label is the criterion:
To use the full width of the screen for the main text, use Classic without quickbar or Nostalgia. The drawback is that links are missing to the special pages and your user page, respectively.
See also Help:User style, and for developments and discussions, Skins.
Rendering math o Always render PNG o HTML if very simple or else PNG o HTML if possible or else PNG o Leave it as TeX (for text browsers) o Recommended for modern browsers o MathML if possible (experimental)
MediaWiki allows you to enter mathematical equations as TeX code. These options let you control how that code is rendered into images.
Limit images on image description pages to: 320x240 640x480 800x600 1024x768 1280x1024 10000x10000
(Prior to version 1.5, this is under "Recent changes and stub display".)
One can specify a limit on the size of images on image description pages.
The large limit 10000x10000 means that one gets the full image.
With a slow connection it is not practical to have to load a large image just to read image info. Also, it may be practical if a large image at first is made to fit on the screen, in the case that the browser does not do that itself. If the image has been reduced there is a link to the full image.
The following is rendered depending on preferences:
[[2001-01-15]] [[January 15]], [[2001]] [[15 January]] [[2001]] [[2001]] [[January 15]] [[2001]]-[[01-15]] [[January 15]] [[15 January]]
With your current preference setting on this project the seven are rendered as follows:
By default the rendering is as usual for links. However one can specify as preference that all of the first five are rendered the same, in the 2nd, 3rd, 4th or 5th way. If the 4th or 5th way is selected, the 6th and 7th line are not affected.
If the 2nd or 3rd way is selected, the 6th and 7th line are rendered accordingly, without the year.
The setting also affects what wikitext the signature of the user produces. Since dates in signatures are not linked, this determines how the date is rendered for everybody, and this can not be changed retroactively, except by editing the pages with the signature.
Note that using this date formatting feature in section headers complicates section linking: a link to a section with a variable date format has to in a fixed date format, which works only for users for whom the formats match. Thus, if you want to be able to use links like w:November_2004#November_1.2C_2004, in the calendar at the upper right of the month pages on Wikipedia, or links elsewhere to the section about a particular day (if they also use the default format), you cannot use the date formatting feature.
See also Dynamic dates and w:en:Wikipedia:Manual_of_Style_(dates_and_number)#Dates.
Time zone Server time is now: 06:34 Local time display: 08:34 Offset*: * Enter number of hours your local time differs from server time (UTC).
The time is displayed in local time, according to the set preferences, in:
The UTC time is applicable:
Keep this in mind when copying an excerpt from Recent Changes, a revision history listing, etc. to a Talk page. Convert manually to UTC or temporarily set the preferences to a zero offset before producing the revision history etc. to be copied.
Editing Rows: Columns: o Edit box has full width o Show edit toolbar o Show preview on first edit o Show preview before edit box and not after it o Add pages you edit to your watchlist o Mark all edits minor by default o Use external editor by default o Use external diff by default
Number of titles in recent changes: o Hide minor edits in recent changes o Enhanced recent changes (not for all browsers) Threshold for stub display:
Hits to show per page: Lines to show per hit: Characters of context per line: Search in these namespaces by default:(Main) Talk User User talk Meta Meta talk Image Image talk MediaWiki MediaWiki talk Template Template talk Help Help talk Category Category talk Hilfe Hilfe Diskussion Aide Discussion Aide Hjælp Hjælp diskussion Helpo Helpa diskuto Hjälp Hjälp diskussion Ayuda Ayuda Discusión Aiuto Discussioni aiuto ヘルプ ヘルプ‐ノート NL Help Overleg help Pomoc Dyskusja pomocy Ajuda Aju
Show hoverbox over wiki links Underline links Format broken links like this (alternative: like this?). Justify paragraphs Auto-number headings Edit pages on double click (JavaScript) Enable section editing via [edit] links Enable section editing by right clicking on section titles (JavaScript) Show table of contents (for pages with more than 3 headings) Disable page caching
If you want to change your username, it is recommended that you do this retroactively in the sense that your previous user contributions are recorded under the new name. Users and sysops cannot do this, one can ask a developer to do so. Signatures are not changed and therefore will no longer match page histories of the talk pages concerned. However, you can edit signatures manually. Also other occurrences of your name on talk pages are not retroactively changed. The deletion log and the upload log are not altered. is not possible.
You cannot indicate personal information (such as your real name) here, but you may do so on a page named after your username in the User: namespace. (That's available as a link on the line which says "You are logged in as user WhatsYourName" above the preferences panel. Feel free to start your own page with anything you want to say about yourself on it.)
Browsers usually also allow you to specify preferences, e.g. font size and font type. The standard skin is compatible with your browser setting of font size and font type. The Cologne Blue skin has most text in a fixed font size, ignoring your browser setting. Some browsers, e.g. IE, allow you to specify that font size specified in the web page is ignored. In that case the font size in Cologne Blue is as specified in the browser, but with the line height not adjusted accordingly. Therefore a large font gives a messy result.
FAIR is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing well-documented answers to criticisms of the doctrine, practice, and history of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
We are a volunteer organization. We invite you to give back.
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