FAIR is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing well-documented answers to criticisms of the doctrine, practice, and history of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
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The following text is taken from REVELATION BOOK 1 and was recorded circa early 1830. The original inscription was made by John Whitmer. The original may be seen here.
A Revelation given to Joseph Oliver [Cowdery] Hyram [Hiram Page] Josiah [Stowell]
& Joseph Knight given at Manchester Ontario C[ounty] New York
Behold I the Lord am God I Created the Heavens & the Earth
& all things that in them is wherefore they are mine & I sway
my scepter over all the Earth & ye are in my hands to will &
to do that I can deliver you o{◊\ut} of evry difficulty & affliction
according to your faith & dilligence & uprightness Before me
& I have cov{◊\enanted} with my Servent Joseph that earth nor Hell
combined againsts him shall not take the Blessing out of
his hands which I have prepared for him if he walketh
uprightly before me neither the spiritual nor the temporal
Blessing & Behold I also covenanted with those who have assisted
him in my work that I will do unto them even the same
Because they have done that which is pleasing in my sight
(yea even all save ◊◊tin only it be one o{l\nly}) Wherefore be
dilligent in Securing the Copy right of my Servent work
upon all the face of the Earth of which is known by you
unto unto my Servent Joseph & unto him whom he willeth
accordinng as I shall command him that the faithful & the
righteous may retain the temperal Blessing as well as the
Spirit[u]al & also that my work be not destroyed by the workers
of iniquity to the{r\ir} own distruction & damnation when they
are fully ripe & now Behold I say unto you that I have coven=
=anted & it Pleaseth me that Oliver Cowderey Joseph Knight Hyram
Pagee & Josiah Stowel shall do my work in this thing yea
even in securing the Copyright & they shall do it with an eye single
to my Glory that it may be the means of bringing souls
unto me Salvation through mine only Be{t\gotten} Behold I am
God I have spoken it & it is expedient in me Wherefor I say
unto you that ye shall go to Kingston seeking me continually
through mine only Be{t\gotten} & if ye do this ye shall have my
spirit to go with you & ye shall have an addition of all things
which is expedient in me. amen & I grant unto my servent a privelige
that he may sell a copyright through you speaking after the manner of
men for the four Provinces if the People harden not their hearts
against the enticeings of my spirit & my word for Behold it
lieth in themselves to their condemnation &{◊\or} th{er\eir} salvation
Behold my way is before you & the means I will prepare
& the Blessing I hold in mine own hand & if ye are faithful
I will pour out upon you even as much as ye are able to
Bear & thus it shall be Behold I am the father & it is through
mine o{FAIR is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing well-documented answers to criticisms of the doctrine, practice, and history of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
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