FAIR is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing well-documented answers to criticisms of the doctrine, practice, and history of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
User:InProgress/Same sex attraction
- 1 Sexual Attraction
- 1.1 How we treat people with SSA
- 1.2 Demographics of SSA
- 1.3 Origin(s) or cause(s) of SSA
- 1.4 Mutability of SSA
- 1.5 Ex-gay groups
- 1.6 People with SSA can go on as do other members
- 1.7 LGBT suicide
- 1.8 LGBT homelessness
- 1.9 Accusations of gay Mormons having "internalized homophobia"
- 1.10 Suicides at BYU from aversion therapy
- 2 Sexual identity
- 3 Sexual Behavior
Sexual Attraction
How we treat people with SSA
- We welcome - We affirm - We serve - We bring them to Christ - We empower them - We bring them peace - We encourage leaders and family members to reach out with love - Their struggle is our struggle - Fight against bullying and gay bashing
Demographics of SSA
- Many are celibate - Many are married - Many are members of the church - Many live happy, healthy lives following the standards - We are not brainwashed to be part of the church, indeed some gay people convert - SSA runs deep
Origin(s) or cause(s) of SSA
- The church does not have a position on the cause - It does not teach it is a mental disorder - It does not blame parents - It does not teach it is a choice - It does not teach it is caused by masturbation - Modern science has not determined a cause
Mutability of SSA
- Some people may never conquer SSA in this life - The church never supported any particular therapy, including aversion therapy - The church does not encourage members to develop SSA - The church encourages members to "marry the one you love, and love the one you marry", and not marry someone you don't love as a cure - Some members have developed OSA and gone on to have fulfilling marriages - Even many of these members still have SSA
Ex-gay groups
GLS: Do we need a better title than "ex-gay"?
- The church does not officially support any type of therapy - What Evergreen says should not be taken as the position of the LDS Church - Science shows many positive benefits to ex-gay groups - Science has not found sufficient evidence to determine whether ex-gay groups are effective or harmful
People with SSA can go on as do other members
- It is not a sin we have to repent of - We are not barred from any calling - We can go on missions - Sexual orientation is specifically protected at BYU
LGBT suicide
LGBT homelessness
Accusations of gay Mormons having "internalized homophobia"
Suicides at BYU from aversion therapy
Sexual identity
Demographics of sexual identity
- Many who identify as gay are celibate or faithfully married to someone of the opposite sex - People who identify as gay are more likely to participate in homosexual behavior than those with same-sex attraction who do not identify as gay - Many faithful members of the church who identify as LGBT
Teachings regarding sexual identity
- Do not have to be closeted or deny sexual attractions - Should not label God's children primarily by their sexual feelings, whether gay or straight - Can identify as gay and still go forward as do all other members of the church with no restrictions - Positive examples of those who refer to themselves as gay and still were faithful members of the church (like in Elder Holland's talk)
Mutability of sexual identity
- Can be changed through therapy - Recommended procedure by APA for patients who do not want to identify as gay - No harm, many people do well
Sexual Behavior
Law of Chastity
- Blesses everyone who follows it - Even if we do not get married in this life, will help us to eventually get married - Is same standard for everyone - Church discipline is meant to help people
Mutability of sexual behavior
- People can chose not to have gay sex - Science shows that gay sex is a choice - No different than people with OSA overcoming the natural man - Overcoming the natural man alleviates guilt and brings peace - Telling people they have agency empowers them
- We respect those who chose differently - We have fought for their rights to do so, especially with housing and employment - We do not try to break up families - Respect goes both ways. We need to still help those who are seeking change.