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Recorded accounts of the vision | A FairMormon Analysis of Wikipedia: Mormonism and Wikipedia/First Vision A work by a collaboration of authors (Link to Wikipedia article here)
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The article is indeed one of the most neutral articles about Mormon doctrine on Wikipedia, and I'll do my best to keep it as neutral as one non-Mormon can.
—Wikipedia editor John Foxe (6 October 2007) off-site
Among contemporary denominations of the Latter Day Saint movement, the First Vision is typically viewed as a significant (often the most significant) event in the latter day restoration of the Church of Christ. However, the faiths differ in their teachings about the vision's precise meaning and details. Secular scholars and non-Mormons view the vision as a lie, false memory, delusion, or hallucination, or some combination of these.Author's sources:
The importance of the First Vision within the Latter Day Saint movement evolved over time. Early adherents were unaware of the details of the vision until 1840, when the earliest accounts were published in Great Britain. An account of the First Vision was not published in the United States until 1842, shortly before Joseph Smith's death. Jan Shipps has written that the vision was "practically unknown" until an account of it was published in 1842.Author's sources:
“The Book of Mormon and the Mormonites”, The Athenaeum 701 (April 3, 1841): 251-3; the Athenaeum article is also reprinted in The Museum of Foreign Literature, Science and Art (Philadelphia) 42 (July 1841): 370-374.
“On the 4th June I started for home, in company with Elders Young and Taylor.—Elder O. Pratt remained in New York to republish the book he had printed in Edinburgh, Scotland, giving a history of the coming forth of the Book of Mormon, and of which he intended to publish 5,000 copies…. [78] Elder Orson Pratt arrived here this week…” (Millenial Star 2 (1841): 77-78).
“In the spring of 1841, set sail from Liverpool with several of the Twelve, and arrived in New York city, where I republished the Remarkable Visions”, (Millennial Star 27 (1865): 88).
“The widespread popularity of Remarkable Visions is evident by the fact that three editions were printed in New York in 1841-1842. Other editions were published in Liverpool, England, in 1848 and in Australia in 1851. It also served as the basis for a missionary tract published in Frankfurt, Germany, in 1842. After securing a copy of this work, Elder Orson Hyde, another apostle who was a close associate of Joseph Smith, verified the accuracy of this publication by translating it (with only few modifications) into German.” Milton V. Backman, Jr., “Defender of the First Vision”, in Larry C. Porter, Milton V. Backman, Jr., and Susan Easton Black, eds., Regional Studies in Latter-day Saint History: New York. (Provo: BYU Department of Church History and Doctrine, 1992): 38.
4. An interesting account of SEVERAL REMARKABLE VISIONS, and of the late discovery of ANCIENT AMERICAN RECORDS, which unfold the history of this continent from the earliest ages after the flood, to the beginning of the fifth century of the Christian era. With a sketch of the rise, faith, and doctrine of the church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints. By O. Pratt.
The scene was certainly being set for the publication of Joseph’s own history, which began March 1842.
The canonical First Vision story was not emphasized in the sermons of Smith's immediate successors Brigham Young and John Taylor within The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Hugh Nibley noted that although a "favorite theme of Brigham Young's was the tangible, personal nature of God," he "never illustrates [the theme] by any mention of the first vision."Author's sources:
“[H]ave I yet lived to the state of perfection that I can commune in person with the Father and the Son at my will and pleasure? No... Joseph Smith in his youth had revelations from God. He saw and understood for himself. Are you acquainted with his life? You can read the history of it. I was acquainted with him during many years. He had heavenly visions; angels administered to him” (Providences of God, etc., Journal of Discourses 7:243])
If among a hundred fairly consistent reports of the first vision story three or four differ radically, that is simply to be expected; their existence does not discredit the consensus. And where such intimate and personal things as unique revelations to individuals are concerned it would be very strange indeed if wild aberrations and wide discrepancies did not appear in the reports. We know the policy of the early leaders regarding the reporting of revelations. A favorite theme of Brigham Young's was the tangible, personal nature of God, which he never illustrates by any mention of the first vision. Why not? He has explained at length:
That man who cannot know things without telling any other living being upon the earth, who cannot keep his secrets and those that God reveals to him, never can receive the voice of his Lord…Should you receive a vision of revelation from the Almighty…you should shut it up and seal it as close, and lock it as tight as heaven is to you, and make it as secret as the grave. The Lord has no confidence in those who reveal secrets, for he cannot safely reveal Himself to such persons…If a person understands God…and the Lord reveals anything to that individual no matter what, unless he gives permission to disclose it, it is locked up in eternal silence.[1]
[1] Brigham Young, Journal of Discourses 4:287-88., (emphasis added).
John Taylor gave a complete account of the First Vision story in an 1850 letter written as he began missionary work in France,Author's sources:
I eliminated the quotation from the Taylor letter of 1850 on the grounds that it doesn't refer to the First Vision; at best it's a conflation of the First Vision and the Moroni Vision. Again, you could always say that 'apologists argue.' John Foxe (20 October 2007) off-site
and he may have alluded to it in a discourse given in 1859.Author's sources:
However, when Taylor discussed the origins of Mormonism in 1863, he did so without alluding to the canonical First Vision story,Author's sources:
and in 1879, he referred to Joseph Smith having asked "the angel" which of the sects was correct.Author's sources:
"I accept that John Taylor mentioned the First Vision at least twice. That he did not emphasize it during his tenure as President is just as true as ever." John Foxe (21 October 2007) off-site
"When the Father and the Son and Moroni and others came to Joseph Smith..."
John Taylor, Journal of Discourses 20:257. (2 March 1879)
Three non-Mormon students of Mormonism, Douglas Davies, Kurt Widmer, and Jan Shipps agree that the LDS emphasis on the First Vision was a "'late development', only gaining an influential status in LDS self-reflection late in the nineteenth century."Author's sources:
Mormon historian James B. Allen also argues that the First Vision "did not figure prominently in any evangelistic endeavors by the Church until the 1880s."Author's sources:
- Allen, 43-69, summarized in Kurt Widner, Mormonism and the Nature of God: A Theological Evolution, 1833-1915 (Jefferson, NC: McFarland & Company, 2000), 103.
The first important visual representation of the First Vision was painted by the Danish convert C. C. A. Christensen sometime between 1869 and 1878, and George Manwaring, inspired by the artist, wrote a hymn about the First Vision (later renamed "Oh, How Lovely Was the Morning") first published in 1884.Author's sources:
Kurt Widner states that it was primarily through "the post 1883 sermons of LDS Apostle George Q. Cannon that the modern interpretation and significance of the First Vision in Mormonism began to take shape."Author's sources:
As the sympathetic but non-Mormon historian Jan Shipps has written, "When the first generation of leadership died off, leaving the community to be guided mainly by men who had not known Joseph, the First Vision emerged as a symbol that could keep the slain Mormon leader at center stage."Author's sources:
The centennial anniversary of the vision in 1920 "was a far cry from the almost total lack of reference to it just fifty years before."Author's sources:
- Allen (1980) , p. 57: "The Mutual Improvement Associations issued a special commemorative pamphlet, the vision was memorialized in music, verse and dramatic representations, and the church's official publication, the Improvement Era, devoted almost the entire April issue to that event."
By 1939, even George D. Pyper, an LDS Sunday School superintendent and manager of the Mormon Tabernacle Choir, found it "surprising that none of the first song writers wrote intimately of the first vision."Author's sources:
LDS Church president Joseph F. Smith is credited with having fully raised the First Vision to its modern status as a pillar of Mormon theology. Largely through Joseph F. Smith's influence, Smith's 1838 account of the First Vision became part of the canon of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in 1880 when the faith canonized Smith's early history as part of the Pearl of Great Price.Author's sources:
- Bitton (1994) , p. 86as quoted inAnderson (1996)
After plural marriage ended at the turn of the 20th century, the First Vision was promoted heavily by Joseph F. Smith, and it soon replaced polygamy in the minds of adherents as the main defining element of Mormonism and the source of the faith's perception of persecution by outsiders.Author's sources:
- Flake (2004) , pp. 120–21.
As a result, belief in the First Vision is now considered fundamental to the faith, second in importance only to belief in the divinity of Jesus.Author's sources:
- Allen (1966) , p. 29.
An official website of the Church calls the First Vision "the greatest event in world history since the birth, ministry, and resurrection of Jesus Christ."Author's sources:
Joseph Smith's first vision stands today as the greatest event in world history since the birth, ministry, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. After centuries of darkness, the Lord opened the heavens to reveal His word and restore His Church through His chosen prophet.
In 1998, Gordon B. Hinckley, then Church President and Prophet, declared,Our entire case as members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints rests on the validity of this glorious First Vision. It was the parting of the curtain to open this, the dispensation of the fullness of times. Nothing on which we base our doctrine, nothing we teach, nothing we live by is of greater importance than this initial declaration. I submit that if Joseph Smith talked with God the Father and His Beloved Son, then all else of which he spoke is true. This is the hinge on which turns the gate that leads to the path of salvation and eternal life.Author's sources:
In 1961 Hinckley went even further, "Either Joseph Smith talked with the Father and the Son or he did not. If he did not, we are engaged in a blasphemy."Author's sources:
Likewise, in a January 2007 interview conducted for the PBS documentary "The Mormons," Hinckley said of the First Vision, "[I]t's either true or false. If it's false, we're engaged in a great fraud. If it's true, it's the most important thing in the world....That's our claim. That's where we stand, and that's where we fall, if we fall. But we don't. We just stand secure in that faith."Author's sources:
According to the LDS church the vision teaches that God the Father and Jesus Christ are separate beings with glorified bodies of flesh and bone; that mankind was literally created in the image of God; that Satan is real but God infinitely greater; that God hears and answers prayer; that no other contemporary church had the fullness of Christ's gospel; and that revelation has not ceased. In the 21st century, the Vision features prominently in the Church's program of proselytism.Author's sources:
William B. Smith, a younger brother of Joseph Smith, Jr., and a key figure in the early Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (RLDS, renamed Community of Christ in 2001) gave several accounts of the First Vision, although in 1883 he stated that a "more elaborate and accurate description of his vision" was to be found in Joseph Smith's own historyAuthor's sources:
Writing of the "unusual excitement on the subject of religion" described in the First Vision story canonized by the LDS Church, Milton V. Backman, Jr., associate professor of history and religion at Brigham Young University, said that although "the tools of the historian" could neither verify nor challenge the First Vision, "records of the past can be examined to determine the reliability of Joseph's description regarding the historical setting."Author's sources:
Grant Palmer and others claim that there are serious discrepancies between the various accounts, as well as anachronisms revealed by lack of contemporary corroboration.Author's sources:
a personage appeard in the midst of this pillar of flame which was spread all around, and yet nothing consumed, another personage soon appeard like unto the first, he said unto me thy sins are forgiven thee, he testified unto me that Jesus Christ is the Son of God; and I saw many angels in this vision I was about 14 years old when I received this first communication;
—Diary of Joseph Smith, Jr. (1835-1836)
For instance, in the canonized account, Smith said that when he shared his vision with a Methodist minister, the latter treated his "communication not only lightly, but with great contempt, saying it was all of the devil, that there were no such things as visions or revelations in these days." Smith said that he became the "subject of great persecution, which continued to increase."Author's sources:
But according to emeritus Brigham Young University history professor James B. Allen, there is no known evidence beyond Smith's word that he ever mentioned his vision to a minister—or in fact, to anyone else—for years after the event is supposed to have occurred. Nor is there any known evidence that the young Smith was persecuted for telling the First Vision story during the 1820s.Author's sources:
Critics of the First Vision cite the multiple versions of the First Vision as evidence that it may have been fabricated by Smith.Author's sources:
Critics specifically identify the following discrepancies between the various versions:Author's sources:
Was Smith 14 or 15 at the time of the vision?Author's sources:
Did Smith attend a contemporaneous religious revival?Author's sources:
Did the supernatural personages tell Smith his sins were forgiven?Author's sources:
Were the supernatural personages angels, Jesus, God or some combination?Author's sources:
Did the vision declare all contemporary churches (or specifically the Methodist church) corrupt, or did Smith believe this to be true before he experienced the vision?Author's sources:
Violates Wikipedia: No Original Research off-site— Do not use unpublished facts, arguments, speculation, and ideas; and any unpublished analysis or synthesis of published material that serves to advance a position.
The entire chart comparing details of different accounts of the First Vision constitutes original research. The chart was not taken from a specific source—it was created by Wikipedia editors. Per Wikipedia rules, editors should be quoting published authors' opinions regarding the comparison of accounts. Instead, Wikipedia editors have examined the primary sources and analyzed phrases from them by synthesizing them into a chart for the purpose of comparison.
Violates Wikipedia: Neutral Point-of-View off-site— All Wikipedia articles and other encyclopedic content must be written from a neutral point of view, representing fairly, and as far as possible without bias, all significant views that have been published by reliable sources.
Note that this section is simply labeled "Joseph Smith's Accounts," while the following section is labeled "Apologetic Responses." This section is portrayed as "data" rather than criticism, while the following section is portrayed as a defense by believers.
- | Source of First Vision | Supernatural beings | Messages from beings | Notes | FAIR Commentary |
1832 Joseph Smith's own handwriting from his Letterbook The Papers of Joseph Smith, v1, p5-7, Dean Jessee (ed.), Deseret Book Company 1989.Jessee, Dean, (1989), The Papers of Joseph Smith: Autobiographical and Historical Writings Deseret Book Company And Early Mormon Documents, v 1, p27-29, Dan Vogel, Signature Books, 1996. | "The Lord" | "Thy sins are forgiven thee". | Smith decides for himself that all churches are corrupt. Vision in Smith's "16th year" (i.e. when he is 15 years old). All other accounts state his age as 14. |
1835, Nov. 9 - Joseph Smith diary (Ohio Journal, handwritten, Warren Parrish scribe) The Papers of Joseph Smith, Dean Jessee (ed.), v2, p68-69. Deseret Book Company 1989. | Two unidentified personages, and "many angels" | "Thy sins are forgiven thee" and Jesus is the "son of God" | No message of revivals or corrupt churches. |
1835, Nov. 14 - Joseph Smith diary (Ohio Journal, handwritten, Warren Parrish scribe) The Papers of Joseph Smith, Dean Jessee (ed.), v2, p79. Deseret Book Company 1989. | "visitation of angels" | None. | No mention of revival, or sins forgiven, or corrupt churches. |
1838/1839 - History of the Church, Early Draft (James Mulholland Scribe) | Two personages appear, and one says "This is my beloved Son, hear him". | The personages tell Smith that all churches are corrupt. | No mention of "sins forgiven". A revival is mentioned. |
1842, March - Times and Seasons March 1, 1842, v3 no 9, p706-707. | Two personages appear, and one says "This is my beloved Son, hear him". | The personages tell Smith that all churches are corrupt. | No mention of "sins forgiven". A revival is mentioned. | |
1842, March - Times and Seasons March 15, 1842, v3 no 11, p727-728, April 1, 1842, v3, no 11, p748-749. This version was later incorporated into The History of the Church, and later into the Pearl of Great Priceand thus is sometimes refered to as the "canonized version". | Two personages appear, and one says "This is my beloved Son, hear him". | The personages tell Smith that all churches are corrupt. | No mention of "sins forgiven". A revival is mentioned. When this version was incorporated into the History of the Church, it was put into a context that suggests it was composed in 1838, but 1842 is the first known publication of this version. | |
1843, July - Letter from JS to D. Rupp An Original History of the Religious Denominations at Present Existing in the United States, Daniel Rupp, Philadelpha, 1844. p404-410. | Two personages appear. No mention of "this is my son". | The personages tell Smith that all churches are corrupt. | No mention of "sins forgiven". No revival mentioned. Available online here. See also the Wentworth letter. | |
1843, Aug 29 - Interview with journalist David White Reprinted in Jessee v1 p443-444. | Two personages appear. "Behold my beloved son, hear him". | The personages tell Smith that all churches are corrupt. | Revival is mentioned. No mention of "sins forgiven". |
- | Source of First Vision | Supernatural beings | Messages from beings | Notes | FAIR Commentary |
1840, September - Interesting Account of Several Remarkable Visions , Orson Pratt, Ballantyne and Huges publ, 1840 (reprinted in Jessee, v1 p 149-160). | Two unidentified "glorious personages, who exactly resembed each other in their features". | "his sins were forgiven". The personages tell Smith that all churches are corrupt. | This is the first published version. No mention of revival. Online here. | |
1841, June - A Cry from the Wilderness , Orson Hyde, published in German, Frankfurt, 1842 (reprinted in Jessee, v1 p405-409). | Two unidentified "glorious personages" who resembed "each other in their features". | No specific message. | No mention of "sins forgiven" or revival. Smith determines for himself that all churches are corrupt. | |
1844, May 24 - as told to Alexander Neibaur Alexander Neibaur Journal, reprinted in Jessee, v1, p 459-461. | Two personages appear. One has a "light complexion" and "blue eyes". "This is my beloved son harken ye him". | Methodist churches are wrong. All churches are corrupt. | Revival is mentioned. No mention of "sins forgiven". |
Violates Wikipedia: Neutral Point-of-View off-site— All Wikipedia articles and other encyclopedic content must be written from a neutral point of view, representing fairly, and as far as possible without bias, all significant views that have been published by reliable sources.
The title "Apologetic Responses" is pejorative. Most readers unfamiliar with the term will interpret "apologist" as one who "apologizes" for their position. Although this section is titled "Apologetic Responses," we see no apologists quoted here. We see Church leaders, a BYU professor, and an evangelical theologian. It is inaccurate to classify any and all believers as "apologists."
Leaders of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints have acknowledged that the First Vision as well as the Book of Mormon and Joseph Smith himself constitute "stumbling blocks for many." Apostle Neal A. Maxwell wrote:In our own time, Joseph Smith, the First Vision, and the Book of Mormon constitute stumbling blocks for many—around which they cannot get—unless they are meek enough to examine all the evidence at hand, not being exclusionary as a result of accumulated attitudes in a secular society. Humbleness of mind is the initiator of expansiveness of mind."Author's sources:
In an important way, the existence of these different accounts helps support the integrity of the Latter-day Saint Prophet. It indicates that Joseph did not deliberately create a memorized version which he related to everyone. In the legal profession, attorneys and judges recognize that if a witness repeats an incident by using precisely the same language, the court might challenge the validity of such a statement.
Some believers view differences in the accounts as overstated. Richard L. Anderson, a professor of ancient scripture at Brigham Young University wrote, "What are the main problems of interpreting so many accounts? The first problem is the interpreter. One person perceives harmony and interconnections while another overstates differences."Author's sources:
Other believers view the differences in the accounts as reflective of Smith's increase in maturity and knowledge over time. In a recent PBS interview, Marlin K. Jensen, General authority and Church Historian said:I've actually studied the various accounts of Joseph's First Vision, and I'm struck by the difference in his recountings. But as I look back at my missionary journals, for instance, which I've kept and other journals which I've kept throughout my life, I'm struck now in my older years by the evolution and hopefully the progression that's taken place in my own life and how differently now from this perspective I view some things that happened in my younger years.Author's sources:
In another interview on the same PBS documentary, Richard Mouw, an evangelical theologian and student of Mormonism summarized his feelings about the First Vision in this way:My instinct is to attribute a sincerity to Joseph Smith. And yet at the same time, as an evangelical Christian, I do not believe that the members of the godhead really appeared to him and told him that he should start on a mission of, among other things, denouncing the kinds of things that I believe as a Presbyterian. I can't believe that. And yet at the same time, I really don't believe that he was simply making up a story that he knew to be false in order to manipulate people and to gain power over a religious movement. And so I live with the mystery.Author's sources:
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