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< Messenger and Advocate | 3
Summary:Source document in Mormon Publications: 19th and 20th Centuries online archive: Messenger and Advocate Vol. 3
Number 3 | Number 5 |
Volume III. No. 4.] | KIRTLAND, OHIO, JANUARY, 1837. | [Whole No. 28. |
the Book of Mormon.
"O fools, and slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken."
It will readily be discovered, by every correct theologian, who has made himself in any good degree acquainted with the mission and proceedings of his divine Master while travelling on earth to proclaim that gospel for which he was made a hiss and a by-word among the bigoted and unbelieving of that generation, as delineated and set forth by the inspired penmen; that, although the above declaration was made some eighteen hundred years since, and that too, to individuals who had followed him with unvarying fidelity through the various stages of his afflictions and persecutions, even to the death of the cross, the same epithet would apply with much greater force, not only to the unbelieving Jews, who, rejecting his sacred precepts and spurning his examples of holiness, perpetrated their last scheme of cruelty towards him by taking his life, but also to the people of the present age. Indeed, were we to compare the prevailing belief in the professing world at the present day, with the unbelief entertained by the Jews, anciently, so near a similarity would be found to exist as would silence all controversy upon the subject.
It appears to have made no part of the numerous complaints uttered by the Savior against the Jews that they entertained no fixed principles of belief, neither that they were destitute of faith in some things that the prophets had spoken; but, it seems to have been, as in the case of the two disciples, a lack of confidence in "all things," of which Jesus so frequently complained, and in consequence of which he pronounced the heaviest woes and curses upon that generation. That the Jews verily thought they believed all that the prophets had spoken, there is no manner of doubt; but when the Son of God plainly declared, "If ye had believed Moses ye would have believed me, for he wrote of me," all their pretensions to faith in the writings of that prophet, seemed to vanish. They well knew to acknowledge all, would have been to abjure their religion, renounce their own pretensions to holiness, lay aside the traditions of their elders, and embrace the babe of Bethlehem as their Messiah and King.
That the present generation has fallen after the same example of unbelief, will not, as we before said, be doubted by those who are acquainted with the "all that the prophets have spoken."—In order to illustrate this, we shall quote, not those sayings from the writings of the prophets, which, from their liability to misconstruction have been made, by the world, to mean any thing or nothing as the case might be (for now, as anciently, many have a peculiar faculty for manufacturing faiths, religions and gods to suit their own fancy) but to show, by an exhibition of some of the most meaning, prominent and unequivocal prophecies transmitted to us in the sacred record, that our position is entirely tenable, viz: that this generation is deeply implicated by the language of our text.
Without calling the attention of the reader to prophecies, the fulfillment of which, belonged to former ages, we shall proceed to quote a few of those whose fulfillment evidently relates to the last days. The prophet Isaiah has said, in the 11th chapter of his prophecy, 11th and 12th verses: "And it shall come to pass in that day, that the Lord shall set his hand again the second time to recover the remnants of his people, which shall be left, from Assyria, and from Egypt, and from Pathros, and from Cush, and from Elam, and from Shinor, and from Homath, and from the islands of the sea. And he shall set up an ensign for the nations, and shall assemble the outcasts of Israel, and gather together the dispersed of Judah from the four corners of the earth." Again, the same prophet declares, chap. 2, ver. 2: "And it shall come to pass in the last days that the mountain of the Lord's house shall be established in the tops of the mountains, and shall be exalted above the hills, and all nations shall flow unto it." Now, that the people of this generation
do not believe in these important sayings of the prophet, is evident from like testimony as that upon which the Jews were convicted: they did not believe in the manner of the fulfillment of the prophecies of Moses, neither do the world in this day believe in the means ordained of God for the fulfillment of those just quoted. We mean the ushering in of a new and entirely diverse order of things from any before existing on earth; or, as the apostle Paul expresses it, in Eph. 1:10: "The dispensation of the fulness of times," in which God should, literally, not only gather together the remnants of Israel and all nations, as represented by the above quotations, in one, but also all things in him, both which were in heaven, and which were on earth.
This era, dispensation, or order of things, has been brilliantly signalized in its commencement by the coming forth of the Book of Mormon, that prodigy of modern discovery, about which so little is known, yet so much excitement prevails in the religious world.—We would think mankind quite justified in rejecting this wonderful production, were it not supported, and proven to their understandings by as numerous and unequivocal prophetic references as was the divine mission of Jesus to the Jews. As the opening key to the dispensation above referred to, the Book of Mormon may be well authenticated to the satisfaction of every honest believer in divine revelation, by testimony both ancient and modern. To refer the reader to a very few of the scripture declarations relative to this subject, must now occupy our attention for a few moments, with such remarks as may serve to illustrate their force and meaning.
We commence with Genesis, chap. 17, ver. 8, where the Lord in his covenant with Abraham, says: "And I will give unto thee, and to thy seed after thee, the land wherein thou art a stranger: all the land of Cannan, for an everlasting possession; and I will be their God." In the 48th chap. 16th and 19th verses, the reader will see according to the blessing pronounced by Jacob upon his grandsons Ephraim and Manassah, that they were to grow to a "multitude of nations in the midst of the earth." Again, the same subject is alluded to in the 49th chapter, from the 22d to the 26th verse inclusive.—Let the reader turn to, and examine this quotation carefully, for it is very important to our purpose, but is too lengthy for insertion in full. In the last verse of this quotation, the patriarch Jacob says, "The blessings of thy [Joseph's] father, have prevailed above the blessings of thy progenitors, [Abraham and Isaac] unto the utmost bounds of the everlasting hills." Now, we have before seen, that the blessing of Joseph's progenitors was "all the land of Canaan for an everlasting possession;" and, as Jacob expressly declares that his, Jacob's blessing upon Joseph, had prevailed above theirs, we must conclude that he, Joseph, had a land given him, not included in the blessing of his progenitors: and the expression "unto the utmost bound of the everlasting hills," fully warrants us in drawing that conclusion. Again, in the first verse of the above quotation, we have evidence in substantiation of this fact. Jacob says, "Joseph is a fruitful bough, even a fruitful bough by a well, whose branches run over the wall," or sea, for this the reader will perceive is the real meaning by examining the 8th ver. of the 16th chapter of Isaiah. Now, the beauty of this simile or figure can only be discovered by those who take the pains to contrast it with the literal fact as it occurred; the relation of which may be found in the Book of Mormon, first Book of Nephi, where a remnant of the branches or seed of Joseph are represented as crossing the sea, and settling this continent of North and South America. Yes, the concurrence or identity of the prophetic allusion, with the fact as set forth in the Book of Mormon, demonstrates the truth of the latter as fully as the works and character of Jesus did the declarations of Moses and the prophets relative to himself.
Having now, by unimpeachable Bible testimony, and as we believe, sound logical reasoning, followed the remnants of Joseph to their landing upon this continent, our next business must be to inquire whether their history and location, if capable of speaking, would emphatically pronounce them "a multitude of nations in the midst of the earth." So much of the history of the aborigines of America is known to the world, as would render any attempt to show that they have not been, and are not even still "a multitude of nations,"
perfectly vain and futile. Such was ostensibly the fact at the first settlement of the country by Europeans, and must, according to all human calculations, have existed to a greater extent previous to that time, from the well known coincidence that no social compact, existed among the different tribes, by which their national individuality could be perpetuated; and from a succession of intestine wars to which they were peculiarly addicted, they must have been diminished and commingled with other clans. As to their location, we leave it for the learned to say whether they actually occupy those degrees of latitude which with propriety may be said to comprehend "the midst of the earth."
Having now gone through with a cursory examination of some of the Bible testimonies as to the origin and history of the American Indians, we shall come to speak more particularly of the record kept by themselves, a translation of which, through the providence of God, has been laid before the world. Nor are its advocates, as many have supposed, destitute of the necessary evidence to establish the fact. Besides the unimpeachable testimony of many good men, whose characters for truth and probity rank high in the circles of their acquaintance, they have the sacred word of God, and the fruits and gifts of his divine Spirit to bear testimony to its authenticity.—David says, Ps. 85:11, (and let the reader mark the expression,) "Truth shall spring out of the earth; and righteousness look down from heaven."—Again, Ps. 119:142, "Thy righteousness is an everlasting righteousness, and thy law is truth." Verse 151, "Thou art near, O Lord, and all thy commandments are truth." Again, John 17:17, "Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth." The Lord says by the prophet Hosea, in speaking of Ephraim, chap. 8, ver. 12, "I have written unto him the great things of my law, but they are counted as a strange thing." Again, Ezekiel, in the 37th chapter of his prophecy, makes mention of the same "great things" of the law of God, and calls it the "stick of Ephraim." Isaiah also comes in for a considerable share in the testimony upon this subject. He goes so far in the 29th chap. of his prophecy as to relate several very important particulars concerning this "truth" that should spring out of the earth—says "the words of the book" should be delivered to him that was learned, "saying, read this, I pray thee," and he should say, I cannot—that the book should then be delivered to him that was unlearned, &c. Let the reader turn to and examine the whole chapter. Now, from the foregoing quotations and references, we learn the following facts:—
First, That truth was to spring out of the earth.
Secondly, That truth is the law, commandments or word of God.
Thirdly, That the great things of that law, word or commandments of God were written unto Ephraim, or the descendants of Joseph, and
Fourthly, That the Book of Mormon is that record.
Now, if the world will know whether truth has sprung out of the earth, let them candidly consider and accredit the foregoing evidences, as well as the internal testimony of the record itself. If they would understand what "the great things" of the law of God written unto Ephraim, are, we point them to the Book of Mormon. Should dubiety exist in the minds of any as to the real meaning of the prophecies of Ezekiel and Isaiah, above referred to, we confidently assert, read the Book of Mormon—learn its history—study and obey its precepts, and the light of heaven will abundantly illuminate your understandings.
In conclusion we would observe, that vain are the pretensions and professions of a bewildered world, to faith in the divine oracles of God, so long as they array themselves against his work and purposes by opposing the Book of Mormon; and, until they cease their unholy and heaven—offending warfare, break off their sins by righteousness, and "believe all that the prophets have spoken," we may with propriety adapt towards them the language of the Savior: "O fools and slow of heart."
The spirit of persecution has prevailed in every age of the world, to the great disgrace of the human race, and if there is justice in heaven, to the condemnation of millions; for if the great God proves at last to be the being the Bible represents him to be, millions and tens of millions of the human race will make their bed in hell for persecuting and reviling men on account of their religion. It will be said to them, who required at your hand to judge another man's servant; to his own master he stands or falls.
God has made it the prerogative of every individual under heaven, to have, to believe, and to practice any religion which may seem good unto himself, and to stand not accountable to man, but to God, when such religion does not infringe upon the rights of others. Or, it is his privilege to have no religion at all; and it is not the prerogative of man to call him to an account therefor, nor yet to slander and persecute him for it. If he worship fifty gods, or if he worship none, what is that to his neighbor, so long as he grants to him the privilege of worshiping according to the dictates of his own conscience, or of not worshiping [worshipping] at all, if he cho[o]ses.
But notwithstanding this just and unalienable right, which the Creator has granted, in common, to all his intelligent creatures, there has not as yet been found a nation, or a people, in any generation which would grant this right to the saints of God, of worshiping as the great God required. Let the nation boast as she might, of her liberties, the excellencies of her institutions, and the perfection of her constitution: the very instant that God began to reveal himself to any portion of the people, that very instant persecution would begin to rage, and those who made the greatest boast of their liberties, would use all their exertions to take away the just rights of others.
All the means that could be resorted to, would be used to prevent men from worshiping according to the dictates of their own conscience, and from serving God according to his law, and his requirements, and yet would boast of their liberties and of their freedom, and how blessed were their privileges. Letting all the world see that if men had privileges, they were not obtained thro' their means.
There is no country, perhaps, in the world, which boasts more of its liberties, than our own; and no people who extol the excellencies of their institutions, as we do. We tell it to the ends of the earth, we proclaim it on the house tops, and we reveal it in the secret places, and send it to the nations afar off, and bid them to come and taste of our liberties; and yet, wonderful to tell, after all our pretensions, a man is not at liberty to worship according to the dictates of his own conscience.
This, the saints of the last days have been made to know, in all places where they have made their appearance. It is demonstrated to a certainty, that there is not a State in this UNION, where a man is at liberty to worship God according to the dictates of his conscience; neither is there a society in this nation, that will suffer the saints of God to enjoy their rights undisturbed, not even to escape violence and death, after all our boast of liberty and freedom, and the rights of conscience, which, instead of being protected, are infringed. Governors and rulers will refuse to discharge the duties of their offices, notwithstanding they are bound by the solemnities of an oath to do so; but oaths nor anything else can bind men to do their duty, when the rights of the saints are concerned.
In our own vicinity we have a most striking proof of the spirit of persecution in a religious society which made as great a boast of liberty and the blessings of freedom, as any other. I mean the Campbellites. But the very instant the truth made its appearance, they soon let the world see the extent of their liberal feelings, and have left an everlasting testimony, that however they may claim the right of thinking and acting for themselves, they are as unwilling as Catholics, or any others, to grant to others the rights which they claim to themselves.
The shameful and disgraceful house kept by old Clapp, of Mentor, where all men and women were at liberty to come and slander the saints, not even prostitutes excepted, as late revelations have shown: Let it be remembered, that this said old Clapp is a Campbellite deacon, whose house was devoted to defamation, slander, and to crown the whole, ADULTERY! How far the
priests, who frequented his house, have criminated themselves in this last act of impropriety, remains yet to be disclosed; but people have a just right to draw their own conclusion, respecting the character of the priests, from the company they keep, and the character of the house they frequent.
Adamson Bentley, of will-making memory, was one of the loungers about the pious old deacon's house. Now had he have gone there to have reproved his wickedness, and to have purged his house of harlots, then, indeed, his visits might have done him honor; but when it was to be a partner in his slanders, he is entitled to a full share of the disgrace of his house. Indeed, Mary, the wife of Adamson, has been trying to palliate the old man's crimes, by telling how he was tempted, and that the temptation was too strong for him to bear. O Mary!! You had better found some better excuse for your good old deacon, at whose house you have had the blessed privilege of slandering the saints so shamefully, than this; for it does not tell very well, for a pious, good old soul to have, and to keep, females about his house, whose characters are so loose. This is that Mary who has been so well dealt by in old Mr. Brooks' will, as to get a double portion of the estate: one portion left directly to herself, and another to come to her through her mother, Mrs. Holmes, now of Indiana; while the old man's children are left, some of them, without; and others, a small portion, to be given them when there companions die: in the mean time, the executors, with Bentley at their head, to have the use of the property until then.
One of the executors is also, like old Clapp, a Campbellite deacon. I mean Richard Brooks, who, with his wife Rachel, united with the before mentioned kidney in slandering and vilifying the saints of the last days, and kept a house devoted to slander, for years; notwithstanding the very persons whom they were slandering, were at that very time, and at this, hiding the shame of their family, which if exposed, must bring them to open disgrace.
One of the great cries of this horde of iniquity against the saints, was, that they were trying to get people's property into their hands, and to cheat them out of their just rights. Now, for the sincerity of this plea, as made by this band of persecutors, it is only necessary to let the public know, that this Adamson Bentley used his priestly influence, to help old Mr. Brooks make his will, by which the old man's children were cheated out of their just rights, and his wife (who is an illegitimate child in the family, and of course her very existence a disgrace to them) either directly, or indirectly, got as much of the estate as two of them, yea, a great deal more.
This shews [shows] how much this man Bentley cared about other people's rights. If there were any difficulty, it was because he could not have the fingering of the property himself.—Another proof of his high regard for justice is, that he has, by a piece of legerdemain, kept his property out of his creditors' hands, by getting it put into the hands of his son, thereby depriving his creditors of their just dues.
Of course, then, gentle reader, after this man Bentley has given such high proof of his deep anxiety for the rights of others, he would, certainly, use his greatest influence to guard the world against being cheated by the saints.
It will be hard to persuade us, or any other persons who are acquainted with the circumstances, that nine-tenths of all the lies put in circulation against the saints, did not originate with the before mentioned gang.
That the public may have some faint idea of what the saints have had to bear from them, it will only be necessary to tell them that when this brood could do nothing else to injure the saints, they actually sent their children, from thirteen years old and upwards, to their houses, to sauce and scandalize them. I speak this from experience: never was my house so abused and scandalized, by any human beings, since I kept a house, as it was by a gang of these creatures' children, sent from Richard Brooks', in Warren, and Adamson Bentley's. I am now convinced, and always shall be, that there are no children on earth who would act as basely as they did, unless they were put up to it, and encouraged in it, by their parents. And then to finish the matter, after they went away, they hatched up and told some of the basest lies, that could be invented by human beings;
and when I complained to Adamson Bently of their conduct, he tantalized me, and justified the children in what they did; though he knew that they had told base lies. And what adds to this whole matter is, that these children were members in the Campbellite church; Adamson Bentley was their preacher, and Richard Brooks deacon: truly as priest, so people. Not only this once, but at different times, I have been insulted, and so has my house, by children from these hordes of impudence and ill breeding, and dens of slander.
Had this band of persecuting Campbellites, came out like men, and attacked the religion of the saints, and conducted themselves with common decency, then there would have been no reason to say why do you so? nor would any have found fault: but instead of this, to think to put down the truth by shamefully slandering, villifying [vilifying] and abusing the saints of the Most High, is so great an outrage upon all common decency, as to subject them to the scorn of every well wisher to society; more particularly, since they have fallen in the pit which they had dug for others.
It is a fact, kind reader, whether you can believe it or not, that the said old Clapp, with his two pious sons, one of them a Campbellite priest, the other the most pious man of the whole kidney, did actually go and swear, before a justice of the peace, that they would not believe any of the saints under oath; when there was not one out of fifty of them, whose names they had ever heard, nor of whom they had the most distant knowledge; and knew nothing about them, still they were ready to swear, without the most distant knowledge of them, that they would not believe them under oath. If this does not amount to false swearing, in the sight of the great Jehovah, I must confess I do not know what does.
There is perhaps no people now living, who have said more about the rights of conscience, than this brood of persecuting Campbellites: it has formed a part of all their public performances; they have called upon people every where, to think and act for themselves, as their just right, to call no man master on earth, nor any father; but take the bible and think and act for themselves. But, gentle reader, pause, and marvel!!! It is one thing for a people to pretend to liberality, and it is quite a different thing for them to be so in feelings. Have we not all the evidence that can be given, that these pretensions are the basest hypocrisy? What have the saints done to enrage the malice, and excite the wrath of this gang of persecuting Campbellites? O! they have taken the liberty of thinking and acting for themselves, they have chosen to worship according to the dictates of their own consciences.
This is their great crime, this is what has set the bristles of Campbellism all on end; this indeed, YES, THIS, has armed their piety with vengeance, and their tongues with lies: INDEED, gentle reader, it is this and nothing else but this, that has made Campbellism shew [show] its teeth. This is the great crime of which the saints have been guilty, and for which Campbellism has poured out its acrimony.
One thing has been done by the coming forth of the Book of Mormon; it has puked the Campbellites effectually, no emetic could do half so well. Lobelia is not a circumstance to it—it has searched for the nethermost corner of their stomachs, and found it, and exposed the secret feelings of their heart. Never more, then, let Campbellism boast of liberty of conscience, no more let it boast of freedom of thought, or of human rights.
Let the advocates of that faith, from henceforth tell the truth. Let them declare to the world, that they can have full liberty to think and act for themselves, providing they do not think and act in opposition to Campbellism; for if they do, they will destroy them if they can, and then they will tell the truth.
The Book of Mormon, then, has revealed the secrets of Campbellism, and unfolded the end of the system. Every eye may see, and every heart understand; for the public may depend upon it, that the vomit which it has received, is too severe for it; it has spewed itself to death, and in a very short time it will have fled the Lake shore, to appear no more forever.
While we thus ponder upon the passing events, we are forcibly reminded of what the historian Luke tells us, in the Acts of the Apostles, about Herod; he says, "God smote him, the worms eat him; but the word of God grew and multiplied." So say we of Campbell-
ism: God has smitten it, lying and harlots have wasted it; but the word of God grows and multiplies.
We are well aware that we have written in great plainness; but we are also satisfied that we were called upon to do so, it is a duty we owe to ourselves and family, as well as to the saints in general, and also to the public, to let them know the source from whence such infernal lies as have been put in circulation, have emanated and also what kind of characters were employed in putting them in circulation.
We have hinted at some things which are brutal in the extreme, and found no where but among the most beastly of the human race; yet it is a fact, that they are found among the Clapp Campbellites, (for such we will call them, to distinguish them from others of the same society, who are not identified with their iniquities.) And we know that the most distant allusion to them, is calculated to offend the delicate ear; notwithstanding this, we feel ourselves bound to bring them to view, as we want other generations to read the history of our persecutions, and our children, and our children's children to know of our persecutions and of the characters by whom their fathers were persecuted.
And as our periodical is intended for a book, to be bound, and handed down from generation to generation, among our children, it is the proper place to publish such things.
Having said so much, we take our leave for the present.
Kirtland, Dec. 8th, 1836.
To the Editor of the Messenger and Advocate,
I have thought fit to write a short summary of my labors in the vineyard for the season past.
I left this place on the 10th of May last; and at 11 o'clock A. M. the same day I left Fairport in a steam boat bound for Buffalo, where I arrived the next morning.
From that place I passed on to the east preaching where their doors were open; and baptizing for the remission of sins, such as believed with all the heart.
June 13th I arrived at Sacketts Harbor, where I found brethren Luke Johnson and Orson Pratt, laboring with their mights, for the cause of God.
Those Elders who have been traveling among strangers, in distant lands, well know the strength and joy it gives to meet with our brethren, who are fellow laborers with us. From that place I went on the steamer United States to Ogdensburgh, where leaving the river, I passed about three miles out of the town, and being stopped by a shower of rain, I made known my profession and calling; the people immediately desired a meeting, and I told them to call in their neighbors, and I would preach to them, which they did, and after preaching one hour, I dismissed the congregation; but many staid [stayed] until about 12 o'clock; and before I was up in the morning they called upon me, and requested that I should preach again that day in a school house, which I did; and this night I was again thronged with those who were eager to hear the sound of the gospel. The second morning they likewise called on me, and said they would not let me go until they knew the truth of my testimony; and on the fourth morning, they came and called me out of the bed to baptize three.
Here I remained seven days preaching the gospel of the kingdom of heaven; and baptized seven for the remission of their sins, and laid on the hands for the reception of the Holy Ghost, and truly the promise was fulfilled, for those who believed spake with tongues, the sick were healed, and devils were cast out. Mark, 16:16,17,18.
From thence I passed on to the city of Plattsburgh, where I staid [stayed] all night with a Mr. Mansfield, they were very friendly, and entertained me; may the Lord reward them for their kindness. From there I went in a steam boat into Vermont, and landing at St. Albions, I passed on to Bakersfield to visit my friends.
I was absent from Ogdensburgh about five weeks, travelling through various parts of Vermont; and in my tour I visited a settlement on the top of the mountain called Wright's settlement, and some were quite believing. On my return to Ogdensburgh, I stopped at Potsdam, where I found Elder S. Foster. I preached there once, and
eight or nine bore testimony to the truth of the gospel which I declared: From there I went to Ogdensburgh and met the brethren whom I baptized when I went down, and they rejoiced at my return.
I tarried several days in those regions, preaching and baptizing. On the 25th of August, while we were assembled for a meeting, our hearts were filled with joy by the arrival of fathers Joseph and John Smith, who were on a mission to bless the churches.
On the 27th the church came together and received joyful and patriarchal blessings under the hands of President Joseph Smith, sen. On Sunday the 28th, father John Smith preached at 10 A. M. and four of us bore testimony to the Book of Mormon. In the afternoon we administered the sacrament, confirmed three who had been baptized, and blessed the children. Monday 29th, we having ordained Alvin Symons an Elder, and Levi Chapins a Teacher, to watch over the church; fathers Smith left us. I then went to Black Lake, preached once and baptized one; and thence I went to Potsdam, preached again and baptized another. I then returned to Ogdensburgh called the church together, which then numbered 16, and bid them farewell. I left the church rejoicing in the Lord; and many around them believing the testimony which had been borne. May the Lord bless the church there, and assist them to keep all his commandments.
From thence I bent my way homeward, and arrived in this place about the first of Oct. having been gone nearly five months, visited many of my friends, preached much and baptized twenty. The Lord was with me and blessed me, and confirmed the word with signs following. Amen.
Yours, as ever.
Kirtland, Dec. 30, 1836.
Sir,—I left Kirtland on the 16th day of April last, and returned again last evening, (Dec. 29) having been absent a period of eight months and fourteen days. During this time I have been laboring entirely alone, in the western part of Pennsylvania.—But my heavenly Father has been with me, and given me power over much and heavy opposition; for I have often met with it, especially among the priests, that wear long faces. I have travelled about 1600 miles, back and forth; preached 220 sermons; obtained 20 subscribers for your interesting paper, and baptized 50 persons. I, thro' the grace of God, started one branch in Brush Valley township, Indiana county; one in Plumb Creek township, Armstrong county, and a third on the corners of Venango, Mercer and Butler counties. The work seems to be gaining ground fast wherever I have travelled; and I have often had calls for preaching 20 and 30 miles off, in every direction; and had about six to where I could fill one. I wish the Elders travelling east, would call and visit my brethren, and spread the word of life still more thoroughly through that country.
Yours in the bonds of the everlasting covenant.
Extract from the proceedings of a general conference held on Damond's creek, Calloway County, Kentucky, Sept. 2, 1836.
Elders Present.
President T. B. MARSH,
President D. W. PATTEN,
Councellor [Councilor] GROVES,
Elder A. O. SMOOT,
President Marsh was duly called to the chair, and R. Alexander was chosen clerk.
The conference was opened by singing and prayer; after which, the several branches belonging to the Tennessee conference were represented, and it was found that they were all in a thriving condition. Thirteen had been added since the last conference, and but one expelled.
It was motioned, seconded and carried, that Presidents Marsh and Patten write to the Presidents of the seventies requesting 6 faithful laborers to be sent from their Quorums into this part of the country to fill the pressing calls for preaching in these regions.
It was further resolved, that Presidents Marsh and Patten prepare and send a petition to the Editor & Proprietor of the Latter Day Saints' Messenger and Advocate, requesting him to publish in addition to the Messenger,
a monthly periodical large enough to contain the letters from the Elders abroad at full length.
The conference adjourned and met pursuant to adjournment at 10 o'clock A. M. Saturday, 3rd, and opened by singing and prayer. It was further resolved, that whereas, Elders Patten, Woodruff and others, are about to leave this region of country, Presidents Patten and Marsh write also, to the Presidency of the Highpriesthood at Kirtland, requesting them to send forth to this region of country, an high priest from their quorum to watch over and keep in order this church in its several branches.
A short address was delivered from the chair, showing the necessity of there being kept by the Tennessee conference, a church record of all names belonging to the several branches of said conference, and also a record of all the proceedings of all courts and conferences held within the bounds of said conference. And that a clerk should be chosen, or appointed, by this conference, to keep the records, and be a standing clerk while the church should remain in this region. And also, that the priests and teachers bring from their several branches, the names of such as had been added since the last conference &c. agre[e]able to the articles and covenants.
Wherefore, J. F. Lane was appointed clerk and ordained to the office of elder. Br. Alexander relinquished the clerk's seat and Br. Lane took it. Also, Benjamin Clapp and Randolph Alexander were ordained to the office of Elder, all under the hands of D. W. Patten. Also Lindsey Brady was ordained to the office of deacon under the hands of priest Isaiah Benton.
In the after part of the day, councellor [councilor] Groves delivered an address on the dispensation of the fulness of times, who was followed by President Marsh on the same subject. On the next day, which was the Sabbath, President Patten preached to a very large and attentive congregation, and during the intermission 5 were baptized under his hands. In the after part of the day, President Marsh delivered an address, and councellor [councilor] Groves administered the sacrament, and confirmed the persons baptized, who received the spirit, after which the conference adjourned sine die.
We would inform the public that for certain reasons, which will hereafter be satisfactorily explained, the Kirtland Safety Society have seen fit to annul the old constitution, and adopt the following:
Minutes of a meeting of the members of the "Kirtland Safety Society," held on the 2d day of January, 1837.
At a special meeting of the Kirtland Safety Society, two thirds of the members being present, S. Rigdon was called to the Chair, and W. Parrish chosen Secretary.
The house was called to order, and the object of the meeting explained by the chairman; which was:
1st. To annul the old constitution, which was adopted by the society, on the 2d day of November, 1836: which was, on motion, by the unanimous voice of the meeting, annulled.
2nd. To adopt Articles of Agreement, by which the Kirtland Safety Society are to be governed.
After much discussion and investigation, the following Preamble and Articles of Agreement were adopted, by the unanimous voice of the meeting.
We, the undersigned subscribers, for the promotion of our temporal interests, and for the better management of our different occupations, which consist in agriculture, mechanical arts, and merchandising; do hereby form ourselves into a firm or company for the before mentioned objects, by the name of the "Kirtland Safety Society Anti-Banking Company," and for the proper management of said firm, we individually and jointly enter into, and adopt, the following Articles of Agreement.
Art. 1st. The capital stock of said society or firm shall not be less than four millions of dollars; to be divided into shares of fifty dollars each; and may be increased to any amount, at the discretion of the managers.
Art. 2d. The management of said company shall be under the superintendence of thirty-two managers, to be chosen annually by, and from among the members of the same; each member being entitled to one vote for each
share, which he, she, or they may hold in said company; and said votes may be given by proxy, or in propria persona.
Art. 3d. It shall be the duty of said managers, when chosen, to elect from their number, a Treasurer and Secretary. It shall be the further duty of said managers to meet in the upper room of the office of said company, on the first Mondays of November and May of each year, at nine o'clock, A. M. to inspect the books of said company and transact such other business as may be deemed necessary.
Art 4th. It shall be the duty of said managers to choose from among their number, seven men, who shall meet in the upper room of said office, on Tuesday of each week, at 4 o'clock, P. M. to inquire into and assist in all matters pertaining to said company.
Art. 5th. Each manager shall receive from the company one dollar per day for his services when called together at the annual and semi-annual meetings. The Treasurer and Secretary, and the seven, the committee of the managers, shall receive a compensation for their services as shall be agreed by the managers at their semi-annual meetings.
Art. 6th. The first election of managers, as set forth in the second article, shall take place at the meeting of the members to adopt this agreement, who shall hold their office until the first Monday of November, 1837, unless removed by death or misdemeanor, and until others are duly elected. Every annual election of managers shall take place on the first Monday of November, of each year. It shall be the duty of the Treasurer and Secretary of said company, to receive the votes of the members by ballot, and declare the election.
Art. 7th. The books of the company shall be always open for the inspection of the members.
Art. 8th. It shall be the duty of the managers of the company, to declare a dividend once in six months; which dividend shall be apportioned among the members, according to the installments by them paid in.
Art. 9. All persons subscribing stock in said firm, shall pay their fist installment at the time of subscribing; and other installments from time to time, as shall be required by the managers.
Art. 10. The managers shall give thirty days notice in some public paper, printed in this county, previous to an installment being paid in. All subscribers residing out of the State, shall be required to pay in half the amount of their subscriptions at the time of subscribing, and the remainder, or such part thereof, as shall be required at any time by the managers, after thirty days notice.
Art. 11th. The Treasurer shall be empowered to call special meetings of the managers, whenever he shall deem it necessary; separate and aside from the annual and semi-annual meetings.
Art. 12. Two thirds of the managers shall form a quorum to act at the semi-annual meetings, and any number of the seven, the committee of the managers, with the Treasurer and Secretary, or either of them, may form a quorum to transact business at the weekly meetings; and in case none of the seven are present at the weekly meetings, the Treasurer and Secretary must transact the business.
Art. 13th. The managers shall have power to enact such by laws as they may deem necessary, from time to time, providing they do not infringe upon these Articles of Agreement.
Art. 14th. All notes given by said society, shall be signed by the Treasurer and Secretary thereof, and we the individual members of said firm, hereby hold ourselves bound for the redemption of all such notes.
Art. 15. The notes given for the benefit of said society, shall be given to the Treasurer, in the following form:
"Ninety days after date, we jointly and severally promise to pay A. B. or order dollars and cents, value received."
A record of which shall be made in the books at the time, of the amount, and by whom given, and when due—and deposited with the files and papers of said society.
Art. 16. Any article in this agreement may be altered at any time, annulled, added unto or expunged, by the vote of two-thirds of the members of said society; except the fourteenth article, that shall remain unaltered during the existence of said company. For the true and faithful fulfilment of the above covenant and agreement, we in-
dividually bind ourselves to each other under the penal sum of one hundred thousand dollars. In witness whereof we have hereunto set our hands and seals the day and date first written above.
In connexion with the above Articles of Agreement of the Kirtland Safety Society, I beg leave to make a few remarks to all those who are preparing themselves, and appointing their wise men, for the purpose of building up Zion and her Stakes. It is wisdom and according to the mind of the Holy Spirit, that you should call at Kirtland, and receive counsel and instruction upon those principles that are necessary to further the great work of the Lord, and to establish the children of the Kingdom, according to the oracles of God, as they are had among us. And further, we invite the brethren from abroad, to call on us, and take stock in our Safety Society. And we would remind them also of the sayings of the prophet Isaiah, contained in the 60th chapter, and more particularly the 9th and 17th verses, which are as follows: "Surely the isles shall wait for me, and the ships of Tarshish first, and to bring thy sons from far, their silver and their gold (not their bank notes) with them, unto the name of the Lord thy God, and to the holy one of Israel, because he hath glorified thee.
"For brass I will bring gold, and for iron I will bring silver, and wood brass and for stones iron: I will also make thy officers peace, and thine exactors righteousness." Also 62 ch. 1st vrs. "For Zion's sake will I not hold my peace, and for Jerusalem's sake I will not rest, until the righteousness thereof go forth as brightness, and the salvation thereof as a lamp that burneth."
J. SMITH jr.
The authorities of the church being present; viz: the first Presidency, the High Council of Kirtland, the quorum of the Twelve, the Presidents of the Seventies, the President of the Elders and his counsellors [counselors], and many other official members, such as Priests, Teachers, Deacons, &c:—The house was called to order, and the following motions were made, seconded, and carried by the unanimous voice of the Assembly.
1st. That it has been the case, that a very improper and unchristian—like course of conduct, by the Elders of this church, and the churches abroad, in sending their poor from among them, and moving to this place, without the necessary means of subsistence: whereas the church in this place being poor from the beginning, having had to pay an extortionary price for their lands, provisions, &c; and having a serious burthen [burden] imposed upon them by comers and goers from most parts of the world, and in assisting the travelling Elders and their families, while they themselves have been laboring in the vineyard of the Lord, to preach the gospel; and also having suffered great loss in endeavoring to benefit Zion: it has become a serious matter, which ought well to be considered by us—
Therefore, after deliberate discussion upon the subject, it was motioned, seconded and unanimously carried, that we have borne our part of this burthen [burden], and that it becomes the duty, henceforth, of all the churches abroad, to provide for those who are objects of charity, that are not able to provide for themselves; and not send them from their midst, to burthen [burden] the church in this place, unless they come and prepare a place for them, and means for their support.
2nd. That there be a stop put to churches or families gathering or moving to this place, without their first coming or sending their wise men, to prepare a place for them, as our houses are all full, and our lands mostly occupied, except those houses and lands that do not belong to the church, which cannot be obtained without great sacrifice, especially when brethren with their families, are crowding in upon us, and are compelled to purchase at any rate; and consequently are thrown into the hands of speculators, and extortioners, with which the Lord is not well pleased. Also, that the churches abroad do according to the revelation contained in the Book of Commandments, page 238, commencing at section 10, which is as follows:
"Now verily I say unto you, let all the churches gather together all their moneys; let these things be done in their time, be not in haste; and observe to have all these things prepared before
you. And let honorable men be appointed, even wise men, and send them to purchase these lands; and every church in the eastern countries when they are built up, if they will hearken unto this counsel, they may buy lands and gather together upon them, and in this way they may establish Zion."
Messenger and Advocate.
Nothing can be more gratifying to the saints in this place and their friends and brethren abroad than to contemplate the scene now before them. Every Lords day our house of worship is filled to the overflowing with attentive hearers, mostly communicants.
In the evening following the singers meet under the direction of Brother I. Carter and J. Crosby Jr. who give instructions in the principles of vocal music.
On monday evening the quorum of high priests meets in the west room of the attic story where they transact the buisiness [business] of their particular quorum, speak, sing, pray, and so worship the God of heaven. On Tuesday evenings the Seventies, meet in the same room occupied by the high priests the preceding night. They then and there listen to the advice and instructions given them by their president as well as speak, sing, pray and talk of the goodness and power of God.
On Wednesday evening the rooms are occupied by the quorum of Elders, where they receive instruction and advice from their venerable president and his able councellors [councilors].
On Thursday P. M. a prayer meeting is held in the lower part of the house where any and all persons may assemble and pray and praise the Lord. This meeting, though free for all, is conducted more particularly by J. Smith senior, the patriarch of the church.
The members of the high council, and also "the twelve" meet but we believe not statedly in each week as do others, of the different quorums mentioned.
D[u]ring the week a school is taught in the attic story of the house, denominated the "Kirtland High School" con[sist]ing of about 135 or 40 students under the superintendence of H. M Hawes Esq. professor of the Greek & Latin languages. The school is properly divided into three departments, (viz.) The classical, where the languages only are taught, the English department where mathematics, common Arithmetic, Geography, English grammar, writing and reading are taught, and the Juvenile department the first principles and rudiments of an education are taught. These two departments have each an instructor assigned them. The whole is under the supervision of Mr. Hawes as principal.
The school commenced in Nov. and on the first Wednesday in January and several classes passed a public examination in presence of the trustees of the School and the parents and guardians of the Scholars. We think the result of the examination, did honor to both teachers and scholars. Never did we witness greater progress in study in the same length of time and in so great a number of scholars.
Our streets are continually thronged with teams loaded with wood, materials for building the ensuing season, provisions for the market, people to trade, or parties of pleasure to view our stately and magnificent temple. Although our population is by no means as dense as in many villages, yet the number of new buildings erected the last season, those now in contemplation and under con[t]ract to be built next season, together with our every day occurrences, are evincive of more united exertion, more industry and more enterprise than we ever witnessed in so sparse a population, so far from any navigable water and in this season of the year.
If we would not live in vain, but profit by every day's experience, we are as necessarily led to the conclusion that our duty to ourselves, to our friends, to the community in which we live, and to our God, require that we occasionally take a retrospective view of what has passed, as well as to look forward with pleasing anticipations to coming events.
Every man may learn something of true philosophy, by his own observation. Causes inevitably produce effects, and the same causes are sure to
be followed by the same effects. Idleness, extravagance and folly are productive of poverty, wretchedness and shame; while on the contrary, industry, prudence and economy tend directly to wealth and honorable distinction. In short, all the vices, however popular, degrade their votaries, and sink them in the scale of beings, even in their own estimation. Time moves on with a steady pace, while events transpire that discover the secrets of hearts black with infamy and crime. Events also transpire that immortalize others and render them famous on the page of history: their deeds are celebrated, their names live long after their bodies have mouldered back to dust.
A round of duties, a succession of events, of causes and effects, have filled up the history of the past year and left the contemplative mind to profit by experience, or the one of no reflection to rush forward in uncertainty, as much as if philosophy were never the study of man, or effect never followed a cause. Hence the wretchedness and woe incident to the human family.—Man does not reflect, he heeds not the teachings of experience; his hopes, although fallacious, are, that the order of nature, in his case, at least, will be reversed, that he shall find favor in the sight of God and man, while he pursues the same course towards those around him that has always resulted in entire defeat and blasted all his former prospects. Surely reflection is necessary; and well has the poet commended in the following lines:
A soul without reflection,
Like a pile without inhabitants, to ruin runs.
It will not only be necessary to reflect on what is past, on the failure of our former plans and operations to produce that favorable result, that happy issue that our fond hopes had anticipated; but we should study the cause of such failure or we are in no wise benefitted. If a man cast him down from a precipice, contrary to the dictates of a sound mind and the best advice of his friends, he has no just cause of complaint, if he fracture his skull or dislocate his limbs.
If he be idle and vicious, poverty, wretchedness and guilt will be his companions. If he be ignorant he is at the mercy of every knave. If he be tyrannical, obstinate and wilful, he may be rich, but his friends will be few, and those few, will be as far from being real friends, as they are from being honest men or men of sense.
Men may give to tyrants, and thereby purchase their influence or their silence, which is sometimes better, but men of worth, of candor, of intelligence, despise an avaricious tyrant and the fawning sycophants that surround him.
A noble, independent mind, weighs evidences and calculates consequences; reflects on the past and judges of the future with a philosophic accuracy.
Elder Erastus Snow writes us a long article, embracing the most important events which occurred in his observation and travels, during an absence of several months from this place. The elder wrote us from Butler Co. Pa. Sept. 2, '36, but the letter never reached us, nevertheless he favored us with a copy, which we shall not be able to publish entire, we only give our read[e]rs a synopsis.
It would seem that the elder had labored in the township of Plumb-Creek Armstrong Co. Pa. and had established a small branch of a church in that place: he had made an appointment to preach there on the 22d of August last at 2 o'clock P. M. The elder was informed by his friends that most of the inhabitants of the little village of Elderton & its vicinity combined together to prevent his filling his appointment, indeed, such were the threats of insult and violence, that even some of his friends urged him to desist: but he was not to be deter[r]ed from his purpose, notwithstanding as he drew near the place, a company of 30 or 40 made their appearance, armed with whips clubs &c. This company consisted (as says the elder) of Roman Catholicks [Catholics]. Scceders [Seceders], Presbyterians, pedlars [peddlers], liars, drunkards, thieves, &c. Thus we see the materials of which this heroick [heroic], or rather demoniac band were composed, yet notwithstanding their hostility to each other, they could like Herod and Pilate (for the time being at least,) unite to oppose the delivery of the elders message to the people, according to his appointment, but, he persevered, preached to those who were willing to hear, and ultimately escaped personal injury all their threats to the contrary notwithstanding.
The elder travelled, after the scene we have described, in Pennsylvania and some in Ohio and returned here, in December, having preached in many places & baptized fifty persons.
Dear brother in Christ Jesus of Nazareth, of the Latter day saints, and all readers of the Messenger and Advocate; and particularly the authorities, and official members of said church: this is for you[r] joy, comfort, encouragement, to be faithful in the discharge of all your several duties, to roll forth the kingdom, gather Israel and build up Zion, and prepare for the coming of the son of God, who shall reign in Mount Zion and Jerusalem and before his ancients gloriously. Isaiah, 24-23: Rev. 14-1: also Rev. 7-9.
Having for years since obtained an absolute knowledge of the gospel which I preach, I took leave of wife and children in the land of Kirtland, on the last day of May, last, to preach the everlasting gospel in the upper province of Canada, in company with elder Wm. Harris. We commenced our ministerial labours in township of Loughborough, some 18 or 20 miles north of Kingston, where we added 14 members to the Loughborough branch. From thence we traveled to Leed's Church, distance 20 miles, and baptised 3.—From thence we traveled 25 miles to Bedford, and North Crosby, where we planted a church that now numbers 68 members. Elder Wm. Harris gave me the parting hand, and left for Missouri on the 5th of Sept. and then I took the field alone, without a brother or an assistant, to comfort or cheer my heart, in the moments of ragings of wicked persecutors, who seemed to double their force when I was alone: and yet, thanks be to the most high God, I was not without the presence of him whom Nebuchadnezzar saw walking with the three Hebrew children in the fiery furnace, whose form was like the Son of God; and that to fulfil all he had promised me under the hands of the servants of God in my ordination, and annointing, washing feet, and patriarchal blessings.
At the time elder Harris left me, we had baptised in all, about 40. From Bedford I went to South Crosby, and Bastard townships, and labored alone, preaching and opposing wicked persecutors, until the 25th of Sept. at which time Elder James Blakesley, to my great joy, came to my assistance. Eld. Blakesly is an able and worthy brother in the ministry. We continued our labors together until the 17th of Nov. in which time we baptized 97; elder Blakesley then took leave of me and went home to his family: I was then left alone without any assistance except some whom we had just ordained, but still the Lord gave me strength according to my day. I continued my labors incessantly until the 1st of Jan. last, on which day I baptized 5, the last I baptized in Canada. However, previous to this time, from the period when elder Blakesly left me till the 1st of January, I baptized 41; of this number 19 belong in and about the village of Perth, U. C 20 miles or more from Bastard and South Crosby branches. Besides all this the elders and priests who have been ordained at the conferences I have held have swelled the number of those baptized to 267 in all added to the church in the bounds of the territory where I have labored over seven months, it being my first mission in the gospel of Christ.
At a Conference held in North Crosby branch of the church of Latter day saints, the following brethren were ordained: John Houghton, Elder; Thos. Judd, Priest; C. D. Barnum, Teacher; Oliver Houghton, Deacon. Joel Judd was appointed Clerk of said branch.
JOHN E. PAGE, Chair.
Sept. 11, 1836.
At a Conference held according to appointment, Nov. 16, 1836, composed of the following elders: viz.
John E. Page, President.
Joel Judd, }
Wm. M. Weston, } Clerks.
James Blakesley, }
Conference was opened by prayer by the President. By revelation of God and vote of the church, John Landers, Arnold Stevens, and Lyman Stoddard were ordained to the office of Elders.
Murray Scamons, Artemus Judd, Joel Judd, Arza Judd, jr. and John Roberts were ordained Priests.
Benjamin Ellsworth, Billa Dixon and Ebenezer Landers, ordained Teachers.
Arza Judd, sen. Lodawick Ferry, Stephen Chipman, Zenus Lee and David Dixon were ordained Deacons.
After an adjournment for half an hour, the Conference was re-opened by prayer by elder James Blakesley; and followed by an able address from the President, from the 2d Gen. Epis. of Peter, chap. 1, ver. 20: "Know this first that no prophecy of the scriptures is of any private interpretation." The address led to elucidate and prove the saying of the ancient prophets respecting the gathering of the saints, and by what means. Conference adjourned.
Met again at 11 o'clock, on the 18th; prayer by elder James Blakesley, after which Eber Blakesly and Benjamin Gwright were ordained Elders. The President then addressed the conference from 20th chap. 28-29th ver. of Acts: "Take heed therefore unto yourselves and to all the flock over the which the Holy Ghost hath made you overseers, to feed the church of God which he hath purchased with his own blood. For I know this that after my departing shall grievous wolves enter in among you, not sparing the flock." From which he expressed great sympathy for the flock, in warning the different officers ordained to be attentive to their duty, the fear of God, in their several callings, that the church may be built up in the most holy faith; elucidating the nature and duty of each officer in the church; and solemnly warning the members to be faithful and to live in the fear of God in order to be prepared to meet him on mount Zion.
At a conference held in Loughborough, on the 6th of Jan. 1837: John E. Page presiding; and Wm. Boice acting as Clerk; Martin Boice and John Vanlouven were ordained Teachers, and Wm. Boice, Deacon.
I arrived in Kirtland on the 20th of the present month, and purpose to return to Canada in the course of two weeks, to enter again upon my ministerial labors. A wide door is opening in that country for preaching; and I humbly trust that my brethren in the ministry will not be slothful in improving the opportunity to promulgate the truth, that the blood of souls may not be found in their garments. Truth is triumphing; error is falling; saints are rejoicing, and Babylon is howling, because of her losses. And for the same let thanksgiving and praise be ascribed to God and the Lamb.
Brethren pray for me. Yours in Christ.
Kirtland, Jan. 24, 1827 [1837].
From information, both written and oral, we feel warranted in saying that our brethren in the far West, who have so long been afflicted and driven without a peaceable dwelling place, are now permitted to live quietly as other citizens: We hope they are grateful to God for all the benefits he bestows upon them or permits them to enjoy.—We also hope, they have that self respect, which will commend them to the favor and respect of all worthy citizens, and evince to intelligent men that the blessings of peace and the peaceable privileges of citizenship, are not received by them as a boon from their neighbors, but as a constitutional right. A salubrious climate, good water, cheap land, and a fertile soil, are among the inducements to the husbandman to emigrate to that delightful country.
Owing to the multiplicity of Letters with which I am crowded, I am again under the necessity of saying, through the medium of the Messenger, that I will not, hereafter, take any letters from the Post office, unless they are post-paid.
Kirtland, Jan. 24, 1837.
Died in this town, on Monday Oct. 24th 1836, after a short illness, Hazen M. Sweat aged two years & fourteen days, and on Saturday the 30th following, Benjamin W. Sweat aged five years six months and six days. These were the only children of Benjamin and Ede Sweat, who had then but recently arrived in this place.
Died at Shoal Creek Mo. on the 23 of August last Roxana, consort of A. C. Lyon formerly a resident of Willoughby, Cuyahoga, Co. O. Sister Lyon was far on the declivity of life and has left the partner of her youthful days, a family of children and a circle of
friends to deplore her loss. Surely the destroyer executes his office reckless of consequences.
Our readers need not be told that the publication of our paper has been delayed this month, longer than is usual for us;—longer by far than we could have wished. Yet it has not been for want of paper, it was not for want of compositors, nor for want of a pressman; but, still, there were a combination of causes not in our power to control, which operated to prevent our humble selves from seasonably preparing the articles to fill its columns.
We have sometimes prided ourselves on our punctuality the past year, and hope our brethren will not find this, in point of time, an exact specimen of the current year. We hope to be more prompt in future, and on the ground of repentance and reformation, we claim pardon. We are neither angling for praise nor meanly crouching as vassals, but we consider ourselves men; and entitled to an equal rank among our fellow beings,—entitled to censure for our wilfully evil deeds, praise for our good ones, sympathy for our sufferings, and to forgiveness, as we forgive those who trespass against us. With these few remarks, we close what we have to say by way of apology, and greet our friends and patrons with our good wishes and a happy new year. W.
Messenger and Advocate, |
is published by |
Oliver Cowdery, |
Editor and Proprietor, |
At $1, per an. in advance. Every person procuring ten new subscribers, and forwarding $10, current money, shall be entitled to a paper one year, gratis. |
All letter to the Editor, must be |
—> Post Paid. <— |
No subscription will be received for a less term than one year, and no paper discontinued till all arrearages are paid, except at the option of the publisher. |
This morning in silence I ponder and mourn,
O'er the scenes that have passed no more to return,
How vast are the labors, the troubles and fears,
Of eight hundred millions, who've toil'd through the year.
How many ten thousands were slain by their foes,
While widows and orphans have mourned o'er their woes,
While pestilence, famine and earthquakes appear,
And signs in the heavens, throughout the past year.
How many been murder'd and plunder'd and robb'd,
How many oppressed and driven by mobs,
How oft have the heaven's bedewed with their tears
The earth, o'er the scenes they beheld the past year.
But the day-star has dawn'd o'er the land of the bless'd.
The first beams of morning, the morning of rest;
When cleans'd from pollution, the earth shall appear
As the garden of Eden, and peace crown the year.
Then welcome the new year, I hail with delight,
The season approaching with time's rapid flight;
while each fleeting moment brings near and more near,
The day, long expected, the great thousand years.
I praise and adore the eternal I Am;
Hosanna, hosanna to God and the Lamb,
Who order the seasons that glide o'er the spheres.
And crown with such blessings, each happy new year.FAIR is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing well-documented answers to criticisms of the doctrine, practice, and history of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
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