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< Messenger and Advocate | 2
Summary:Source document in Mormon Publications: 19th and 20th Centuries online archive: Messenger and Advocate Vol. 2
Number 3 | Number 5 |
Volume II. No. 4.] | KIRTLAND, OHIO, JANUARY, 1836. | [Whole No. 16. |
For the Messenger and Advocate.
A short time since I got the 12th No. of the 4th volume of the Evangelist (as the editor calls its) my attention was particularly arrested with some quotations taken from some paper which by the by is not mentioned; but appears from the editor's remarks on them, that they were written by somebody whom the editor calls "our respected brother Stone;" and he is spoken of as holding a very grave rank among the brethren of that faith. How the brethren of that faith are divided into ranks I am not able to say, but it appears that there is one rank which they call the grave rank, whether it ascends from this into graver gravest, or whether it descends into less grave least grave or some other way, is not for me to say, neither is it a matter of any consequence.
It would seem however that Mr. Scott thinks he [Mr. Stone] has acted injudiciously in publishing his sentiments to the world in the manner in which he did, as it has given great occasion to the Mormons whom Mr. Scott represents as making a great ado about it. How true or false this is, I do not know;—for my own part, all the ado I have heard about it, is in the Evangelist, and from the pen of the grave Mr. Scott its editor; for of course I conclude that he belongs to the grave rank of that brotherhood as well as Mr. Stone; for from his writings I conclude he thinks himself graver than Mr. Stone; indeed Mr. Scott seems to be too grave to either utter the sentiments of the bible, or to believe them when they are uttered by others. It is the very perfection of a false religion, to make its subjects so grave that they dare not utter the sentiments of the bible nor at all believe them, at least their gravity should be greatly disturbed.
While reading the remarks of Mr. Scott on Mr. Stone's piece, I was led to ask myself, What is the difficulty with Mr. Scott? What has Mr. Stone said which is calculated to so much disturb his feelings as to call forth his public disapprobation? I cannot see that Mr. Stone has done any thing more or less, than to profess belief in the things which are written in the New Testament. Now if he had quoted from the book of Mormon, it would certainly have been but right to give Mr. Scott the privilege of objecting, though it should be the very words which are written in the old and new testament; for transcribing them into the book of Mormon would surely make them untrue; but the words quoted by Mr. Stone are found in the new testament, yes, the new testament, the very book about which Mr. Scott has said so much and written so much and professed to believe with all his heart, and called upon others to believe also.
Mr. Stone has asked, "can we in these last days claim the promise of the gift of the Holy Spirit? and answers unhesitatingly yes," and quotes the second chapter of the acts of the apostles as proof. Now that Mr. Scott should take exceptions at this is marvelous, marvelous we say, because who in all the world has said so much about the gospel as preached by Peter on the day of pentecost as Mr. Scott? not one man in this generation: the second chapter of the acts of the apostles has been his theme, and the pentecostean gospel the topic of his conversation, and the substance of his public ministry; and Mr. Stone has done no more, and said no more, than to profess his belief most unhesitatingly in it.
That Mr. Scott should take exceptions at this is marvelous, that he should have the afrontery to assert, that he did not believe the ancient gospel, is placing himself in the most awkward attitude in which any human being can be placed; after preaching it with the most untiring perseverance, and indefatigable exertion, and now after all his toil, and labor, openly declare he does not believe it. Mr. Scott has filled the country with his proclaiming to the people and his great zeal to get them baptized for the remission of their sins, assuring them, if they did so, they should receive the gift of the Holy Ghost, as set forth by the apostle Peter on the day of pentecost; but no sooner does Mr. Stone declare his firm belief
that those who are baptized for the remission of sins have a right to claim the gift of the Holy Spirit, and that because the apostle said so on the day of pentecost, then Mr. Scott demurrs [demurs], and declares his unbelief and undertakes to prove, or rather says that Mr. Stone's opinion is founded on mistake. And who does not know that if Mr. Stone's opinion is founded on mistake, he is in good company, for the apostle Peter's was so before; for Mr. Stone founds his belief on the apostle's declaration and that on the notable day of pentecost, that the promise of the gift of the Holy Spirit, on condition of repentance and baptism for remission of sins, was to them, and their children, and to all that are afar off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call.
That Mr. Scott should feel disposed to charge Mr. Stone with a want of gravity, because he has thus freely expressed the honest convictions of his mind is rather surprising, more particularly, as he has been such a champion for free investigation, and open and frank declaration. Mr. Scott never found fault with a baptist preacher, or a methodist preacher, for expressing his feelings in the most public manner, particularly, when he was about to leave his former connection and join the one with which he is associated; but change the scale, and it is soon found that Mr. Scott is as unfriendly to free investigation as any other. It is a fact that "as face answereth to face in water so does the heart of man to man." Mr. Scott could cry free investigation; free expression of sentiment; but as soon as he got a few flatterers around himself, he begins to plead their grave station, and manifests grief at such freedom in writing; thus shewing [showing] that he is of the same spirit as those whom he condemns.
The conduct of Mr. Scott in this instance reminds of Mr. Campbell, one of the same brotherhood in relation to Mr. Bosworth, also a preacher of the same order. Mr. Bosworth like Mr. Stone was led to inquire, seriously whether or no, we were authorized to claim the promise of the gift of the Holy Spirit as promised by Peter on the day of pentecost. At the time his mind was called up to investigate this subject, Mr. Campbell had one of his big meetings in the town of Wadsworth Medina county Ohio,—as Mr. Bosworth resided in an adjoining town, he concluded that he had a fair opportunity of getting his mind satisfied on the subject, and not being willing to take a hasty step, he goes to the meeting and calls on Mr. Campbell, telling him in a frank manner the honest feelings of his heart, and the difficulties which existed on his mind in relation to the gift of the Holy Spirit; but what was his astonishment, instead of receiving from Mr. Campbell that kind reception which honesty and candor demands, he was told (whether gravely or not gravely I am at present not able to say,) that he ought not to have condescended for one minute to have investigated the subject, and that it was not surprising at all that the brethren should feel hurt at him for attempting to investigate it. So much for the honesty of these gentlemen when they call upon others to investigate the subject of religion.
Investigation is very commendable when it tends to advance their cause, but when it does not, silence is much better. The weakness of their cause is beginning to be discovered, and they soon raise the cry do not investigate, you hold too grave a rank among the brethren, you ought not to do it. And in order to avoid investigation, this brotherhood will condescend to mean low subterfuges, to which a noble minded man would never condescend; no, he would suffer martyrdom first. Witness Mr. Campbell's recommendation of Howe's book, while he knows, as well as every person who reads it, that it is a batch of falsehoods. Mr. Booth the author of a series of letters (which have found their way into that book and forms a principle part of it,) has long since proven to the world that his letters were a bundle of falsehoods; for though he declared that he was willing to appear before any tribunal either human or divine in vindication of the truth of them, yet when called upon to do so, he dare not appear in their defence because he knew his letters were false, and would not bear the test of investigation any more than the religion of the Campbellites, which has to be hid under a refuge of misrepresentation to conceal it from the shafts of truth.
Mr. Bentley's bombast in Wethersfield in Trumbull county in this State, will not be soon forgotten, where he cursed the author of this piece, as the
Indian did the king on the other side of the hill, and declared that he dare not meet him [Mr. Bentley] and investigate the subject of religion; but when he was called upon to support his challenge, and show as much boldness in my presence as he had done when he was fifty miles off, dare not venture, and to hide his shame, indulged himself in slandering my character, because he dare not expose his religion to investigation.
Let me here mention Simonds Rider as another instance of the same kind, he could blow like a porpoise when there was no person to oppose him;—but when called upon to be as bold in the presence of those whom he envied, as in their absence, he had recourse to the same means of slander and abnse [abuse]: but to the credit of Simonds, we will say that since that time he has been silent on the subject, in this he has displayed more honesty than some others of his brethren.
No society has been more clearly laid before the public within a short time than the Campbellites, and they have proven themselves to be destitute of candor and honest in their pretentions, they will cry to other sects investigate, it is through investigation that truth is brought to light say they, and then in the most bold manner declare we are ready to receive truth as soon as we can discover it, yet, in the face of all these pretentions, when they are called upon to investigate an item of the religion of the new testament, which they never had reached, that instant they have recourse to all kinds of stratagem to avoid it, and for no other reason, than they are sensible that their system will not bear close examination, and there is no way to keep it in existence, but hide it under the falsehood.
We venture to make the following declaration without fear, and that is, there is not a Campbellite preacher possessing the common intelligence which belongs to men, who dare hazard an investigation before the public, on the subject of the Holy Spirit as set forth in the new testament, and all the way they have to keep their followers, is to hush it into silence. But to return to Mr. Scott and Mr. Stone.
Mr. Scott's pretentions to belief in the ancient gospel is fairly put to the test, he is weighed in the balances and found wanting; Mr. Scott has come out and fairly denied the gift of the Holy Spirit as proclaimed on the day of pentecost, evidently proving that after all his pretentions he is an unbeliever in the ancient gospel; for it is in vain for him to hide himself under the vain subterfuge of modifying the promise of the gift of the Holy Spirit into something different from what the apostle did on the day of pentecost, the promise that was made by Peter was one which consisted in prophesying, seeing visions, dreaming dreams &c. and he who does not believe in this promise, is an unbeliever in the ancient gospel, he might as well say that men were not to be baptized until they had received the remission of their sins, and then say that was what was published on the day of pentecost, as to say that the gift of the Spirit did not consist in the power of prophesying, seeing visions, and dreaming dreams, and then say that was what Peter proclaimed on the day of pentecost.
Mr. Scott's observations on Mr. Stone's piece, are too pitiful to come from a man of understanding, and if Mr. Scott were not such, he might be excusable; but being the man he is, he has no cloak for his sin.
He thus replies to Mr. Stone's queries. "The answers to the above extract (referring to the questions he had quoted from Mr. Stone's piece) are all founded upon misapprehension that every one who receives the Holy Spirit must needs be able to work miracles." Why should Mr. Scott have recourse to this vain subterfuge to escape from believing the bible? Is it not plain to the least discerning, that if all did not work miracles who received the Holy Spirit, that some did, and that the Spirit was so distributed in the body, that all the gifts were in it, some had one and some another, no man ever pretended that all must work miracles, or that all did work miracles, and there is nothing said in the quotations which he has made from Mr. Stone's piece, which involves such a conclusion, this attempt of Mr. Scott is a mere stratagem to keep his followers asleep.
To prove that all the saints who received the Holy Spirit did not work miracles, he brings up the case of John the Baptist, a very unhappy case for him; for in shunning Silly he is wrecked on Charybdes.
What a hue and try, himself, Mr. Template:Page Campbell, and others, have made about false prophets, and all this, because say they, "God never sent a messenger into the world but he enabled him to prove his mission to be divine by miracles;" but now the case is changed, it answers the purpose of Mr. Scott better to deny this; for if he confesses it, then indeed, his brother Stone involves him in a difficulty out of which he cannot extricate himself, therefore, he is ready to assert or deny, as the case may require, and yet he is an honest man, seeking after truth. Who can believe it?
One would think that from this time forth, Messrs. Campbell, Scott, and company, would be in silence, as they have been driven to the necessity of confessing that he, of whom it was said there was no greater born of a woman, never worked a miracle to prove his mission to be divine.
Mr. Scott could not have found a case in all the books, which more effectually silences him on the subject of the messengers of the Most High proving their mission by miracles, and I hope for time to come, he will act accordingly. No man ever had a more important mission than John the Baptist: it was he who put a period to the Jewish polity: it was he who changed the services of the priesthood from sacrificing to baptizing: he was Messiah's harbinger to announce his advent, on which depended the fate of the Jewish nation, and yet, notwithstanding the vast importance of his mission; for so important was it, that those who rejected his baptism rejected the council of God against themselves, still not one miracles was wrought to prove him to be a messenger of the Most High.
Why then have these men said so much about all the messengers sent of God having proved themselves such by working miracles, when they knew all the time it was not the fact, and at last their brother Stone has compelled them to acknowledge it, and that to their shame too.
Mr. Scott asks again: "Do all christians work miracles? they do not, what is the reason? The writer of the extract who is our beloved brother Stone, is inclined to suspect their faith. But rather than suspect the faith of all the saints who have lived since the days of miracles, and all who now live and especially his own faith, I would much prefer suspecting his reasoning, yet, I do not suspect his faith but his reasonings."
Now, never did any sayings come from any person with a worse grace than these from the pen of Mr. Scott. This is the man who laid the platform of his preaching on the broad heresy of the world, read his proclamation to the people of New Lisbon in 1827—but now he has discovered that all is well now he has discovered that all is well in Zion; it is offering indignity to the grave rank of the Campbellites to suspect the faith of all christians since the days of miracles; but is this worse than to do what he has done? he has denounced them all as heretics, and yet now he says he should not call in question the faith of those whom he has called heretics, and called on them to repent. Why should Mr. Scott call on them to repent if their faith is not to be suspected? surely he cannot make them any safer than they are; for all things are possible to them who have faith was one of the Savior's maxims, and who will say it is not a true one, and if true, Mr. Scott may leave them where they are, for he can never place them in a better situation, for he cannot do more than make all things possible to them, and that is the case with them now if their faith is not to be suspected. So strangely inconsistent does a false religion make even men of sense.
Supposing Mr. Scott should prove that there were thousands of saints who never worked miracles. Would this prove that the apostle Peter did not tell the truth on the day of pentecost, when he promised the gift of the Holy Spirit. Did he mean to deceive, as Mr. Scott is inclined to do?
Mr. Stone, if I understand him, is not asking how many or how few worked miracles; but are we authorized in these last days to claim the gift of the Holy Spirit as promised in connection with the gospel, or rather as a part of the gospel published on the day of pentecost, or are we not, he thinks we are, Mr. Scott thinks not.
Mr. Scott seems willing to believe the ancient gospel, providing he can have the liberty of leaving out what he pleases and explaining the rest to suit himself: as to baptizing for the remission of sins, he has no doubt about that; but then the gift of the Holy Spirit, that must be modified, and explained. Why
must that be done? because if he lets it stand, as the apostle proclaimed it, down goes his religion, and all his pretended reformation with it, therefore, it must be explained, not for the truth's sake, but to save his religion from ruin, and his pretended authority to administer in the name of the Lord Jesus from contempt; for let him admit the fact, that the gift of the Holy Spirit is our right as much to day as it ever was, and it will try every man's authority whether it is of God or not; for that gift was never enjoyed, only as it was administered by those who had authority to do so by direct communication from God and by his calling to themselves.
Let Mr. Scott or Mr. Stone either of them believe as firmly as they believe any other item of their religion, that it is our privilege in these last days to have the gift of the Holy Spirit as in days of old, but they will never see it enjoyed until it is administered by the laying on of the hands of those whom God has caused to be ordained unto this power, and let them once try to administer this unto them whom they baptize, and they will find that their ministry is vain; It is indeed administering this gift to the children of men, which puts to the proof who has a right to preach and who has not; but keep this gift out of view, and make it any thing and every thing but what it is, and nothing, and the world is all alike, one man has as much authority as another, and the disciples of one man, are as good as the disciples of another, and one religion as good as another.
The disciples of Ann Lee, Joanah Southcoat, the French Prophets, Jemimah Willkeson, Hull Barton, Matthias, Alexander Campbell, Walter Scott, or Methodist, Baptist, Presbyterian or any other, are all alike, as far as their salvation is concerned one is just as near eternal life as the other. It is the gift of the Holy Ghost as administered by the apostles, by the laying on of hands, which makes the difference, and it is this alone, and the society which has this power are the people of God and those who have not are not.
Died—In this place, after a short illness, on the 28th of Jan. Electa, daughter of Elder Salmon Gee, aged two years six months and fifteen days.
One of the most important points in the faith of the church of the Latter Day Saints, is, through the fulness of the everlasting gospel, the gathering of Israel;—the happy time when Jacob shall go up to the house of the Lord, to worship him in spirit and in truth; to live in holiness, when the Lord will restore his judges as at the first, and his councellors [councilors] as at the beginning; when every man may sit under his own vine and fig-tree, and there will be none to molest or make afraid; when he will turn to them a pure language, and the earth will be filled with sacred knowledge as the waters cover the great deep; when it shall no longer be said, The Lord lives that brought up the children of Israel out of the Land of Egypt, but the Lord lives that brought up the children of Israel from the land of the North, and from all the lands whither he had driven them; yea, that day is one all-important to all men!—And in view of it, with all the prophets have said, before us, we feel like dropping a few ideas, in connexion with the official statements concerning the Indians, from the general Government.
In speaking of the gathering, we mean to be understood, according to scripture, the gathering of the elect of the Lord, out of every nation on earth; and bringing them to the place of the Lord of hosts, where the city of righteousness shall be built, and where the people shall be of one heart and one mind when the Savior comes; yea, where the people shall walk with God like Enoch, and be free from sin.
The word of the Lord is precious, and when we read that the vail spread over all nations, will be destroyed, and the pure in heart see God, and live with him a thousand years on earth, we want all honest men, should have a chance to gather, and build up a city of righteousness, where even the bells on the horses, shall be holiness to the Lord.
The book of Mormon has made known who Israel is, upon this continent, and while we behold the government of the United States gathering the Indians and locating them upon lands to be their own, how sweet it is to think that, they may one day, be gathered by the gospel. Our venerable President of these United Sates, speaks of the Indians as follows:—
"The plan of removing the Aboriginal People who yet remain within the settled portions of the United States, to the country west of the Mississippi river, approaches its consummation. It was adopted on the most mature consideration of the condition of this race, and ought to be persisted in till the object is accomplished, and prosecuted with as much vigor as a just regard to their circumstances will permit, and as fast as their consent can be obtained. All preceeding experiments for the improvement of the Indians have failed. It seems now to be an established fact, that they cannot live in contact with a civilized community and prosper. Ages of fruitless endeavors have, at length, brought us to a knowledge of this principle of intercommunication with them. The past we cannot recall, but the future we can provide for. Independently of the treaty stipulations into which we have entered with the various tribes, for the usufructuary rights they have ceded to us, no one can doubt the moral duty of the Government of the United States to protect, and if possible, to preserve and perpetuate, the scattered remnants of this race, which are left within our borders. In the discharge of this duty, an extensive region in the West has been assigned for their permanent residents. It has been divided into districts, and allotted among them. Many have already removed, and others are preparing to go; and with the exception of two small bands, living in Ohio and Indiana, not exceeding fifteen hundred persons, and of the Cherokees, all the tribes on the east side of the Mississippi, and extending from Lake Michigan to Florida, and entered into engagements which will lead to their transplantation.
The plan for their removal and re-establishment is founded upon the knowledge we have gained of their character and habits, and has been dictated by a spirit of enlarged liberality. A territory exceeding in extent that relinquished has been granted to each tribe. Of its climate, fertility, and capacity to support an Indian population, the representations are highly favorable. To these districts the Indians are removed at the expense of the United States; and, with certain supplies of clothing, arms, ammunition, and other indispensable articles, they are also furnished gratuitously with provision for the period of a year after their arrival at their new homes. In that time from the nature of the country, and of the products raised by them, they can subsist themselves by agricultural labor, if they choose to resort to that mode of life; If they do not, they are upon the skirts of the great prairies, where countless herds of Buffalo roam, and a short time suffices to adapt their own habits to the changes which a change of the animals destined for their food may require. Ample arrangements have also been made for the support of schools: in some instances council houses and churches are to be created, dwellings constructed for the chiefs, and mills for common use. Funds have been set apart for the maintenance of the poor; the most necessary mechanical arts have been introduced, and blacksmiths, gunsmiths, wheelwrights, millwrights, &c. are supported among them. Steel and iron, and sometimes salt, are purchased for them; and ploughs, and other farming utensils, domestic animals, looms, spinning wheels, cards, &c. are presented to them. And besides these beneficial arrangements, annuities are, in all cases, paid, amounting, in some instances, to more than thirty dollars for each individual of the tribe, and in all cases sufficiently great, if justly divided and prudently expended, to enable them, in addition to their own exertions, to live comfortably. And as a stimulus for exertion, it is now provided by law that "in all cases of the appointment of interpreters, or other persons employed for the benefit of the Indians, a preference shall be given to persons of Indian descent, if such can be found who are properly qualified for the discharge of the duties."
Such are the arrangements for the physical comfort, and for the moral improvement of the Indians. The necessary measures for their political advancement, and for their separation from our citizens, have not been neglected. The pledge of the U. States has been given by Congress, that the country destined for the residence of this people, shall be forever "secured and guarantied to them." A country, west of Missouri and Arkansas, has been assigned to them, into which the white settlements are not to be pushed. No political communities can be formed in that extensive region, excep- [except]
those which are established by the Indians themselves, or by the United States for them, and with their concurrence. A barrier has thus been raised, for their protection against the encroachments of our citizens, and guarding the Indians as far as possible, from those evils which have brought them to their present condition. Summary authority has been given, by law, to destroy all ardent spirits found in their country, without waiting the doubtful result and slow process of a legal seizure. I consider the absolute and unconditional interdiction of this article, among these people, as the first and great step in their melioration. Halfway measures will answer no purpose. These cannot successfully contend against the cupidity of the seller, and the overpowering appetite of the buyer.—And the destructive effect of the traf[f]ic are marked in every page of the history of our Indian intercourse.
Some general legislation seems necessary for the regulation of the relations which will exist in this new state of things between the Government and people of the United States and these transplanted Indian tribes; and for the establishment among the latter, and with their own consent, of some principles of intercommunication, which their juxtaposition will call for; that moral may be substituted for physical force; the authority of a few and simple laws for the tomahawk; and that an end may be put to those bloody wars, whose prosecution seems to have made part of their social system.
After the further details of this arrangement are completed, with a very general supervision over them, they ought to be left to the progress of events. These, I indulge the hope, will secure their prosperity and improvement; and a large portion of the moral debt we owe them will then be paid."
In addition to the above we extract the following from the Report on Indian affairs, made to Congress at the present session:—we add and arrange according to circumstances, &c.
The united nation of Chippewas, Ottowas and Pottawatamies, about 1000 in number removed since September, 1834, possess five millions of acres of land, on the east side of the Missouri, and lying northwest of the northwest corner of the State of Missouri. [All these tribes may be rated at about 7000.]
The Choctaws, about 19,000 in number, have fifteen millions of acres lying between Red river and the Canadian.
A small band of Quapaws, two or three hundred perhaps, near 95,000 acres between the western boundary of the State of Missouri, and the eastern boundary of the Osages.
The Creeks, about 3 or 4000, have thirteen millions, one hundred and forty thousand acres, on Arkansas, and Canadian rivers.
The Seminoles and other Florida Indians to the number of say 25,000, included as the owners of the above, 13,140,000 acres.
The Cherokees, amounting to, say 16,000, have thirteen millions of acres near the 36th degree of North Latitude.
The Kickapoos, something less than 1000, have 160,000, north of Fort Leavenworth.
The Delawares, nearly 1000, have 2,200,000 acres west and south of the Kickapoos.
The Shawnees, 12 or 1400 have 1, 600,000 acres, south side of Kansas river.
The Ottowas, about 200, have 30,000 acres, south of the Shawnees.
The Weas, Piankeshaws, Peoria, and Kaskaskias, say 500, in all, have 260,000 acres, south of the Shawnees.
The Senecas, and Shawnees, say 500, have 100,000 acres, on the western boundaries of the State of Missouri.
Of the native tribes west of the Mississippi, the report is as follows:
Sioux 27,500,
Ioways 1,200,
Sacs of the Missouri 500,
Omahas 1,400,
Ottoes and Missourias 1,600,
Pawnees 10,000,
Camanches 7,000,
Mandans 15,000,
Minatares 15,000,
Assinaboins 8,000,
Crees 3,000,
Gros Ventres 3,000,
Crows 4,500,
Quapaws 450,
Caddoes *2,000,
Poncas 800,
Osages 5,120,
Kanzas 1,471,
Sacs 4,800,
Arickarees 3,000,
Cheyennes 2,000,
Blackfeet 30,000,
Foxes 1,600,
Arrepahas, }
Koways, &c. } 1,400
In giving the above sketch of the Red men of the United States, many important items concerning their removal, location, rations, mechanics, expenses, religion, &c. &c. have been deferred till a more convenient season. The joy that we shall feel, in common with every honest American; and the joy that will eventually fill their bosoms, on account of nationalizing them—will be glory enough, when it comes, to show, that gathering them to themselves, and for themselves, to be associated with themselves, is a wise measure, and reflect the highest honor upon our Government. May they all be gathered in peace, and form a happy union among themselves. To which thousands may shout, Esto perpetua— P
We frequently hear the disciples of Christ say, if we knew our duty we should be willing to observe it. It is an easy matter to obtain a knowledge of our duties, for God deals with us upon rational and intelligent principles, he condemns us not for what we knew not, but for what we know and observe not.
It is not reasonable to suppose, that we shall be judged by a law, that we have not, but inasmuch as we have a law given to us, and we do not seek every just and lawful opportunity to make ourselves acquainted with said law, we must not think to escape the penalties annexed to it, because we were not acquainted with it, when it was in our power to obtain a knowledge thereof.
Any person who is in possession of the bible, book of Mormon, and Book of Covenant, need not go through the streets and inquire what he must do to be saved: for these three Books contain the precepts and commandments of our blessed Redeemer: and inasmuch as any individual, who is in possession of these Books desires to know what to do to be saved. We answer study and practice the precepts contained in them, and peace and happiness, joy and satisfaction in the Holy Ghost, will be the consequence in this world, and eternal life in the world to come.
We frequently see individuals conducting in such a manner, that they themselves know will exclude them from the kingdom of heaven if they persist in their ways, but because of willfulness and bigotry, they would rather be excluded from the church of Christ than acknowledge facts and make amendments, and restitution to those whom they have injured. Stubbornness, willfulness and tradition is what excludes or hinders men from coming into the kingdom of God and not ignorance. Know ye not, that he who has no understanding it remaineth with God to do with them as seemeth him good. If God has created a being and has not given it intelligence would he be just to condemn it upon the same principle, that he would one whom he had endowed with intelligence? no; for an individual, or nation that has no law given to them, become a law unto themselves. But the law by which God judges idiots he has not revealed to us: we can only judge from the principle upon which he has said that he would judge the world, and that is upon the principle of testimony; for God never condemned a nation until he had warned them of what should come upon them, for instance he sent Noah a preacher of righteousness, to warn the generation in which he lived, that they should repent of their sins, or he would send the floods upon them, and destroy them. And for a proof of that fact, God gave commandment to Noah to build an ark: but that generation laughed Noah to scorn, and gave no heed to the testimony which God was pleased to give them: They still endeavored to justify themselves, and persisted in their own ways & did as seemed them good: but after God had warned them sufficiently, he brought the floods upon them as he had declared to them, by the mouth of Noah.
In the days of Moses, we have another beautiful sample of the dealings of God with the human family. God raised up Moses to deliver his people out of bondage, for the cry of oppression came up into the ears of the Lord of Sabbaoth, and he remembered the
covenant which he had made with Abraham, that he would bring him up out of the land of Egypt. Therefore he sent Moses, and showed fort his power to Pharioh [Pharaoh] of Egypt, by small means, but he would not let the children of Israel go, until the first born of Egypt were slain: notwithstanding he had shown testimony after testimony, and the power of God exerted, time after time, in the deliverance of his people, yet Pharioh [Pharaoh] could not believe the testimonies that were sent from the Lord, but followed the children of Israel until he found himself and army, overwhelmed in the midst of the Red Sea: and thus God triumphed gloriously: and his people were delivered from bondage.
And again, look at Mordicai [Mordecai] for a sample it you please of the interposition of the power of God in the deliverance of the poor, meek, and oppressed. The Lord has always interposed when his people had suffered enough, and will he not do so again? yes verily, inasmuch as his saints became sufficiently meek.
After God had wrought so great a deliverance for the children of Israel, it was not long before they rebelled against him, and murmured against Moses, until he (God) was angry with them and slew many of them in the wilderness. Because of wickedness, hardness of heart, and unbelief the children of Israel were scattered to the four winds of heaven: no doubt but many would say in those days, as in our day, if I knew the will of God, I would observe it? This presupposes that a man does not believe what is written. Now if the Protestants, can be saved, when they have the bible only, do you not suppose that a Latter Day Saint can be saved with the bible, book of Mormon, and Book of Covenants. Yes verily, the only difficulties are in observing the precepts contained in them, and believing that they are what they purport to be.
The Book of Covenants, shows what a man must do, to become a fit subject for baptism; and after he is baptized, it shows him how he is to receive the Holy Ghost, and what he is to do on the Sabbath day, to please his heavenly Father, &c. &c.
We have sample after sample, in holy writ giving line upon line, and precept upon precept, and knowledge upon knowledge, until God in his providence has again established his church, and has commenced to fulfil his promises which he has made to our forefathers. To bring about this great work, it behooved the Creator of all good, to make known to his children the plan of salvation: and while he did this, he also commenced to fulfill what he had caused to be spoken by the mouths of his holy prophets, we read: And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people. If John saw an angel fly through the midst of heaven, &c. when at the same time the gospel was committed to himself and others, why could they not promulgate it as well as the angel. The fact is, John saw things past, present, and to come, and after so many generations have passed away, the time at length arrived, when the angel should commit the gospel to be preached to the children of men. If not so let the world begin to look for an angel to fly through the midst of heaven—commissioned to preach the gospel, a stranger sight than the book of Mormon: and we presume would have no more followers or believers; for if the inhabitants of the earth would not believe the Savior, no marvel that they will not believe the book of Mormon.
The work of the Lord has been despised in all ages and generations; and wickedness, rebellion, and unbelief is a predominant evil among the inhabitants of the earth. We might ask why did not the Jews believe that Jesus was the Christ? One reason is, he did not come in the attitude of a King or Monarch, through the royal blood, but he came in a humiliating manner, and was cradled in a manger, and this was beneath the dignity of the highminded pharisees; they could not receive a Messiah, who came in so humble a posture. Because of their self—righteousness they mistook his first coming and supposed that he was then coming to restore the house of Israel according to the prediction of the prophets. This is brought to our understanding when we read some of the questions asked by his disciples: "When they therefore were come together, they asked of him, saying, Lord, wilt thou at this time restore again the kingdom to Isra-
el? And he said unto them, it is not for you to know the times, or the seasons which the Father hath put in his own power." The disciples knew that the kingdom of Israel must be restored, therefore, they asked whether the time had arrived, but he gave no descisive [decisive] answer.
It is marvelous in our eyes, to look on this generation and behold them with all their knowledge and sagacious minds, ready to say, if the book of Mormon had come forth by Andrew Jackson, Henry Clay, John Q. Adams, or some of the Reverend D. D's. in our generation, then it would be received with all faith and patience in humble submission to these men, but of the Lord it cannot be received with a heart of gratitude, because he is not so much esteemed by them. However this proves the sayings of the Savior to be true: Not many noble, not many wise are chosen.
But to become sanctified by truth, we must learn what it is, and after we have learned it, we must obey it. And here is the difficulty: every man seeks his own convenience, for this reason the ordinances are changed, the law is broken, and the inhabitants of the earth have become corrupt. But the Lord informs us by the mouth of Isaiah, when speaking of the restoration of the house of Israel: And I will turn my hand upon thee, and purely purge away thy dross, and take away all thy tin: And I will restore thy judges as at the first and thy counsellors as at the beginning: Afterward thou shalt be called the City of righteousness, the faithful City. Zion shall be redeemed with judgment, [that is with wisdom, prudence, discretion &c.] and her converts with righteousness; [that is by sanctifying themselves and obeying the truth &c.]
As we have before said, so say we again, any individual with the bible, book of Mormon, and Book of Covenants in his hand need not be asking what he shall do to be saved, for it is plainly written in them; that every man shall receive according as his work shall be. Now if a man or woman, lies, swears, steals, commits adultery, or delights in the vain things of this world, such as pride, lust of the eye or flesh, do they not know that this is derogatory to the precepts contained in these Books; and if they persist in those things, they need not marvel if they find themselves shut out from the presence of God in a day to come. We can only say, inasmuch as you will keep the commandments of God, it will be well with you, and inasmuch as you keep them not you must suffer the consequence; every man must be his own judge, in matters of religion: deny a man this privilege, and his agency is destroyed, and he is miserable at once: For the freedom of the soul and liberty of conscience, are two principles that are dear to every man, and when taken from him, will sink him in despondency.
Therefore for this purpose the all Wise Creator put forth his hand and caused the constitution of these United States to be formed in such a manner, that his work might commence and flourish, without infringing upon other men's rights, or his children being molested in theirs, inasmuch as these laws are observed: for God rules in the heavens above and in the earth beneath.
It is somewhat diverting, to see men of understanding afraid of being deluded. Our ears are frequently saluted with the cry, beware of Mormon delusion. We are inclined to think that the Mormons, so called, must be in possession of some instinct that is not common to man: or why so much fear expressed of delusion? Let us examine this matter for a few moments: perhaps, we may find some reasons.
First, we are sensible that the protestants have built upon a foundation which is very dubious. They say, we hope, we believe, we are built upon the rock of eternal ages: but their hopes and their faith are intermingled with fear. And for the best of reasons, the fact is, they have not been built upon that rock which the Savior said: "Upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it." Why? because it is built upon a rock. One party or sect takes one portion of the word of God, and another takes another portion, and thus they build: and one saith, I am built upon the rock, and another saith, I am built upon the rock: They are all built upon holy writ. How shall we know whether they are built upon the work or not? If there is no sign
given, then one man's say so, is as good as another's; provided his reasons are as good. Let us examine the scriptures. Mark XVI:15, 16, 17 and 18. And he said unto them, [his apostles,] &c.
Here is a sign given: "These signs shall follow them that believe, They shall heal the sick, cast out devils," &c. &c. We ask for these signs. We look among the Presbyterians: no such signs there. We look among the Methodist, Episcopalians, Baptists, Universalists, &c. &c. &c.: but, we find none of these signs.
Now we ask, are they built upon the rock, upon which the ancients built? no. If they are, they are built of different materials, consequently they must be hay wood, or stubble.
But here comes a sect called "Mormons." They lay hands on the sick and they recover: Beware, least you are captivated by these poor, deluded Mormons, and your property is confiscated. No matter if the soul is lost. But if the property is confiscated; their God is confiscated; and their all is confiscated: And surely they are deluded. You touch a protestant's property, and you touch his god; for he it is whom he worships. [Cov. page 75, §1, ¶3.]
As soon as any of the signs, spoken of by the Savior, follow a sect of people; and the work of God begins to rise out of darkness and obscurity, the adversary sends forth all the lies, and calumny, that he can invent, by the aid of a wicked and adulterous generation: to impede the progress of the work of the Lord. And then cry delusion, false prophets, &c.
The Savior, while speaking to some of his servants, says: "Contend against no church save it be the church of the devil." Now the question would arise, How many churches are there? We shall consult some of Nephi's writing; And he saith unto me, Behold, there is, save it be two churches: the one is the church of the Lamb of God, and the other is the church of the devil." [Book of Mormon, page 33.]
But here is that piece of deception, the book of Mormon, that choice treasure, a way mark to happiness, a stepstone to the kingdom of God; yes, the diploma of the elders of the church of Christ of Latter Day Saints: A messenger sent forth to prepare the way for the return of the house of Israel; it has caused thousands to rejoice already in the prospects that are laying before them. But the vanity, the unbelief, the darkness, and wickedness of this generation; has caused many to fulfill the predictions of Nephi, He saith: "Many will say in that day, a Bible, a Bible, we have got a Bible &c." These things are fulfilling in the eyes of a wicked and gainsaying generation. And yet they say: Lo, here is Christ and lo there:" But the Savior saith believe them not: for they are blind leading the blind. We ask again where are the signs spoken of by Mark. [Mark XVI:15, 16, 17, & 18.] O! ye inhabitants of the earth, judge ye a righteous judgement. "By your fruits ye shall be know."
In ancient days they that believed, healed the sick, cast out devils, and spoke with new tongues, &c. Where are the fruits of the believer in this generation. We know that none of the signs spoken of by Mark, are manifest in the world.
The Latter Day Saints are, progressing slowly: and as they advance in grace and righteousness, they obtain the gifts set forth, in their proper order. Here is a mystery: Why do not all these gifts follow the Latter Day Saints, if they are built upon the rock? We will also ask a question. Why cannot an infant walk alone?
All the slangs, falsehoods, and persecutions, that are flooding this continent, against the book of Mormon and the work of the Lord in our days; remind us of the following saying: "If we let him thus alone, all men will believe on him; and the Romans shall come and take away our place and nation. And one of them being named Caiphas, being the high priest that same year, said unto them, ye know nothing at all."
It is evident that the great goddess of this generation is in danger of being exposed, in consequence of the forthcoming of the book of Mormon: which book speaks against priestcraft. The Lord has said: "And it shall come to pass, that there shall be a great work in the land even among the Gentiles: for their folly and their abominations shall be made manifest, in the eyes of all people: for I am God and mine arm is not shortened and I will show miracles, signs and wonders, unto all those
who believe on my name." But we expect to see in this generation, as they saw in the days of the Savior, men who would not believe even the things that they saw with their own eyes. Look at the apostles if you please for an example: The Savior told them before his death, that he should rise the third day; but after his resurrection, what said Thomas, he did not believe until after he had thrust his hand in his side, &c. he was however persuaded to believe in the fulfilment of the words of the Savior: "My sheep hear my voice and follow me." We have no doubt, but the elect will hearken; hear, understand, receive, and obey the truth, no matter how many cry false prophet, deception, gold bible, delusion! delusion!! We are sensible, that every person must stand or fall for himself, and we are confident that every one will receive according to his works. If a person has been lying, will he not receive the reward of a liar; or evil speaking of his neighbor; or false swearing, or any other abomination; will he not receive the reward of his works? We know that the most vile, most base, most wicked, and most unprincipled heathen, cries delusion, false prophet, Jo Smith, gold bible. But what astonishes us, is, that those who call themselves the disciples of Jesus, will cry the same things: and why? we conclude it is because they are of the same spirit.
"A good man out of the good treasure of his heart, bringeth forth that which is good; and an evil man, out of the evil treasure of his heart, bringeth forth that which is evil; for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh."
The following is an extract from a private letter written by an intimate acquaintance and friend of ours, to his brother, resident in the state of N. Y. The deep interest felt for the scattered remnants of Judah, is such, that every item touching this afflicted people, must be received with eagerness. We have not room for the whole letter, but it will appear in our next.
Kirtland Ohio, February 1, 1836.
Those who are favored with light are bound, more or less, to communicate, at least a portion to their fellow men; and as we are required to respect our own flesh, the kindred ties which bind the human heart are inseparable, in the bosoms of men of God, and have the first claim in all cases where their salvation is concerned. This fact is so evident from scripture and analogy, that I need not occupy this sheet with arguments upon the subject.
I am not however, under the necessity of saying to you, that duty to the Lord requires you to believe this particular form of doctrine, neither to disbelieve the other; but have reason to be thankful that it has pleased God to give us both hearts and minds which were willing to forsake that which was old and ready to vanish away, or rather, to exchange it for that which is new and everlasting.
In one of my private letters to you, some time since, I promised a short detail of a conversation I held in the city of New York, last fall, with a very learned and intelligent Jew, upon the subject of the Messiah, and of the return and glories of Israel, in the last days; and owing to a constant press of business, since my return, up to this hour, I have been prevented from redeeming my pledge.
For your better understanding, I will just say, that a part of my business in the city, was to purchase a quantity of Hebrew books,—Bibles, Lexicons, &c. and was refer[r]ed, particularly, to a gentleman, of whom I am about to write, for information and advise as to such as were genuine and correct, as myself was unacquainted with that language, and in consequence of my frequent interviews during my purchase, and the kindness and warmth with which I was as frequently received, I must say, for a stranger I had become quite intimate, so much so that I conversed upon whatever subject I wished, with freedom.
After finishing my business I had designed taking the ten o'clock (A. M.) boat, which intersected with the rail road and stage line, to Philadelphia; but owing to some little delay was prevented. I had previously engaged by promise to call on my aged friend, the Jew, at 8 o'clock the same morning, and carry some letters to relatives of his resident in Ohio; and at the time, informed him that I might providentially be disappointed in my wish to return home via Philadelphia and Pittsburgh.
He said—"For your sake, I hope you may not be disappointed; but for mine, I hope you may, and if you are, you will return via the Lake, in which case you will not leave the city till 5 o'clock P. M. and if you are destined to take the latter route I feel to press upon you to give me a promise of calling on me again, when, you will be relieved from concern and perplexity attendant on purchasing books of so much importance, and we each the more freely converse upon subjects of moment and interest."
I must confess, that though I expected to leave at 7 o'clock, yet, the feeling manner with which this aged and learned Rabbi addressed me, excited in my bosom a desire greater than ever, to visit him again, and I accordingly gave him my word upon those conditions, without any hesitancy.
After finishing the remaining part of my business, I returned to fulfil my engagements with my aged friend; and after the usual salutations, seated ourselves for further conversation. I listened with intense interest to his relation of the prophets, and of the arrangement of the several books of the holy scriptures. Finally, it came my turn to speak, and I addressed him more particularly upon the literal fulfilment of certain of the prophets, in substance, as follows:
You being a Jew by faith, and brought up in the Jews' religion, of course do not believe that that personage, who by many was called the Messiah, who was on earth some eighteen hundred years since, was the one spoken of by the prophet, for whom the house of Israel looked, and through whom, or by whose power, they expected redemption?
Jew. "I do not."
Certainly, we are not to be held accountable for disbelieving without evidence; but as an individual, I have a testimony, which with myself, amounts to a certainty. Indeed, I can say, in truth, that I know him to have been and to be, the true Messiah.
Jew: Very well, I do not say you have not,—I cannot say you have not; but I can say, I have not; and I presume there is no question or item which can be agitated upon that all—important subject that I have not carefully examined; and from a close and candid perusal of the prophets, have come to the firm conclusion, that I am justifiable in my belief. Yet, in saying this, do not understand me to have the least objection to your believing as you wish—most certainly I have none."
Then you still look for a Messiah to come that has not yet come?
Jew: I do—I believe the prophets"
My aged friend, although as I said, that I have an infallible evidence that the Messiah has already come, and in the precise manner which the prophets prescribe, yet, since you have affirmed that on them rests your evidence that he has not come, certainly I will appeal to them with pleasure. But first, will you be so kind as to answer this query?
Admit, for a moment, your belief to be correct—say the Messiah has not made his appearance—that all the heavenly hosts are waiting with that anxiety and reverence becoming superior beings, to shout the fulfilment of the word of Jehovah long since given to his holy prophets, that the Deliverer of Israel, the King of Jacob, has now come: admit this, and when he comes will he suffer afflictions of body, or death?
Jew:—"I conclude not."
At a meeting of the seventy Elders held in Kirtland on the 27th of Dec., we were informed of the spread which the mighty work of God has taken by their means the past season. They have traveled, through the assisting grace of God, and preached the fulness of the everlasting gospel in various States and generally with good success; many have been convinced, and 175 baptized into the Kingdom of Jesus, notwithstanding many treat the proclamation of the last days with neglect, yet others seem disposed for eternal life, and receive it with a joy which none but the faithful can realize; and when the Lord in accordance with his word pours out the gift of the Holy Ghost upon those who believe and are baptized for the remission of sins they are enabled to bear a testimony to their neighbors in favor of the work and so the mighty wheel rolls on like a bright cloud in the heavens unchecked by the efforts of men.
The seventy Elders bear testimony of the goodness of God in the outpouring of his Spirit upon them, which has enabled them to wax exceedingly bold
in proclaiming the truth and in preparing the way before them, bearing them up by his mighty arm, giving them wisdom to stand against the wisdom of this world and filling their hearts with joy unspeakable, so that they have been made to rejoice in tribulation and not count their lives dear or any loss or suffering which they endure for Christ's sake: having put their trust in Jesus who endured the contradiction of sinners before them, dispised [despised] shame, accomplished the work which was given him to do, overcome the grave, and is set down on the right hand of God waiting for his foes to be made his footstool; in short, the relation of the seventy reminds us of that given by the seventy disciples whom the Saviour sent out, two by two, into all the cities and villages whither he himself would come. They went forth by his commandment, preached according to his directions, and when they had filled their mission, returned rejoicing in the power which had been given unto them; but the Saviour advised them not to rejoice in this but rather that their names were written in heaven; of this, we would remind the Latter Day Seventy that they may not rejoice on the account of the power which God has given them but because their names are written in the Lamb's book of life, never to be blotted out; and remember always that the Kingdom of heaven in the last days is likened unto a grain of mustard seed, which is first concealed in the earth from the sight of man, then springing up a tender blade, but in the end towering aloft a mighty plant, and filling the whole earth. So we hope, and more than hope, for we have the word and promise of the Lord, that these seventy Elders will arise by the grace of God, go forth among the nations of the earth and preach the gospel in its fulness and power to every creature under heaven, and gather up the elect of God out of every nation, and bring them to Zion with songs; yea from the ends of the earth shall be heard songs, even glory to the righteous; that Israel may be brought back from their dispersion to their own lands in multitudes like doves to their windows before a gathering tempest which threatens destruction to all that are unhappily left in the field: that Zion may be builded, a holy city, and become a rejoicing as at the first: that it be built to be thrown down no more forever, for the Lord shall watch over her, to build up and not to throw down saith the Lord and the saints shall long enjoy the work of their hands; but the wicked with all their expectations must be cut off, for the consumption determined upon the whole earth, must be accomplished, and these seventy elders seem to be well fitted to act a conspicuous part in this great and last work of God on earth. They are worthy young men, strong, active, energetic, determined in the name of the Lord to go forward and persevere to the end; relying on the mighty arm of Jehovah, praying always to the God of Daniel, for wisdom, understanding, strength, power, and all things, that they may war a good warfare, overcome enemies, wax valiant in the truth, thrust in the gospel sickle by the power of God, and gather a rich harvest of the sanctified from the field of destruction which must soon be burned.
May the Lord speed them on their mighty errand, that the work may be done and well done, the righteous gathered, sanctified, and made meet for their Father's kingdom; and be looking forth unto the coming of the Son of Man in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. When the kingdoms of this world will be shaken, the man of sin destroyed, everlasting righteousness brought in, the knowledge and glory of God cover the earth; Saints be exalted and rejoice; earth purified by fire which shall burn like an oven; wickedness consumed; satan bound; Christ reign; and all the redeemed, out of every nation, with him forever and ever: and all the fulness of celestial glory be enjoyed by the Saints in the presence of God and the Lamb: Even so: Amen. Come Lord Jesus.
Eldrr [Elder] J. Blakesley and G. Dutcher, write from Woodville, N. Y. "The cause of our Redeemer in these regions, is gaining fri[e]nds: We have baptized 3 since we last wrote."
Elders Curtis and Bracken write from Charlestown, Ia. "We labored in Clark Co. and baptized 11, and ordained one Elder: also baptized 3 in Scott co. Many are believing in these regions."
Elder David Evans writes from Richland co. O. and says: "The Lord is moving on his work in this section of country. Since the 28th of Oct. last, I have baptized 18. 11 in Know co. 5 in the church at Perry, 2 near New Portage.
Elder W. Woodruff writes from Tennessee, Jan 2, 1836. "During the last year, I travelled 3,248 miles, held 170 meetings, baptized 43 persons; procured 22 subscribers for the Messenger and Advocate; also 73 on the petition to the Governor of Missouri; wrote 18 letters, and ordained two Teachers and one Deacon. Held three debates &c."
Kirtland Dec. 22, 1835.
Dear brother in the Lord:
I left Clay co. Mo. Sept. 11, 1834, in company with elder M. Phelps, on a mission to publish glad tidings of great joy to the inhabitants of the earth: we journeyed and preached for the space of four months and four days held forty one meetings, baptized 16 and ordained one elder, and one teacher in Calhoon co. Ill. From this place travelled in company with elder A. Lyman, held thirty eight meetings, and baptized 6 in Madison co. Ill. Travelled alone, held twenty five meetings, baptized 10, and ordained one elder and one priest in Madison co. Ill.
Met elder Isaac Higbee in Clinton co. Ill. on the first of May, 1835. We travelled and proclaimed the gospel fifty six times, baptized 46, and ordained three elders in Hamilton co. Ill. Arrived in Kirtland the 11 day of August, 1835. Went to work on the house of the Lord, worked 51 days.
Left Kirtland on the 15 day of Oct. in company with elder G. M. Hinckle, to publish salvation to the inhabitants of the earth. Travelled about two hundred miles, preached sixty times, and built up a small church in the towns of Bedford and Independence, Cuyahoga co. Ohio, consisting of 12 members, Thus through the grace of God, I have labored for better than a year, in company with the above named elders, and I hope that the Lord will remember in mercy, the inhabitants among whom we have labored, and bring many of them, to see the error of their ways; and obey the gospel of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. May the Lord keep and preserve those," who have been born into the kingdom of our God, blameless unto his kingdom and coming.
Yours in the bonds of love,
To John Whitmer Esq.
Hamilton co. Illinois, Nov. 2, 1835.
I left Clay co. Mo.—on the 23 of December, 1834—in company with elder J. Holbrook, we travelled and preached until we arrived at Salt River church. From this place I journeyed with Elder W. Ivy, we journeyed as far as Montgomery co.—Ill. preached by the way and baptized two. From thence we journeyed to Bedford co. Tennessee: we tarried in this State about two months. The people flocked from every quarter, to hear preaching, many were convinced of the truth, but few obeyed the gospel. We baptized five in this State; we left Bedford co. the first day of June; arrived at Hamilton co. Ill. the 8th day of same month, here we tarried, and labored in company with elders E. H.—Groves and I. Higbee about three weeks, and baptized 33. After this elder Ivy and myself baptized seven, after the afore mentioned brethren left us. Elder Ivy left here the 29 of September, since he left, I baptized two more, I expect to baptize a number more in this place, who believe the work of the Lord. The Lord is blessing his children here with some of the gifts of the gospel.
I remain your brother in the new covenant, MILTON HOLMES.
Kirtland, Dec. 6, 1835.
Dear brother:
We left Kirtland the 21 of May last, and proceeded to Buffalo by water; from thence journeyed east, preaching as often as we could get a congregation convened. Tarried two weeks in Savanna, Wayne co. N. Y. held 14 meetings, found the people anxious to hear, and many believing: from thence we went to Butternuts, Otsego co. preached in that region about two months, found considerable opposition, baptized seven, whom we left rejoicing in the truth, besides many believing.
We then returned to Savanna, where we baptized five more, stayed about two weeks, and went to greenwood, Stuben co. N. Y. where we found a little branch of about 30 members, we preached twice and baptized one: and from this place we returned to Kirtland, arrived the 15 day of Oct.
I must ask pardon of the portion of your readers whom it may concern for a neglect to present to you the following circumstance for publication before this time.
At our Conference in Bradford Mass, it was proved that the character and conduct of Elder James Paten, of North Providence R. I. rendered him unworthy of a place in the church of the 'Latter Day Saints.' His license had been called for before this by some official member of the church in that quarter, but he refused to deliver it up the conference therefore voted that he should be published.
I am, Sir,
Yours in the Bonds of
the New Covenant.
Clerk of Conference.
Kirtland Jan. 12, 1835.
Extract of G. Burket's letter, dated,
Wood river Ill.
Dear brother:
After laboring for a season in the branch of the church of Latter Day Saints, through the providence of our God, I have baptized four, in Madison co. Ill.
Yours &c.
To J. Whitmer.
Tune—American Star.
The Spirit of God like a fire is burning;
The latter day glory begins to come forth;
The visions and blessings of old are returning;
The angels are coming to visit the earth.
We'll sing & we'll shout with the armies of heaven:
Hosanna, hosanna to God an the Lamb!
Let glory to them in the highest be given,
Henceforth and forever: amen and amen!
The Lord is extending the saints' understanding—
Restoring their judges and all as at first;
The knowledge and power of God are expanding:
The vail o'er the earth is beginning to burst.
We'll sing and we'll shout &c.
We call in our solemn assemblies, in spirit,
To spread forth the kingdom of heaven abroad,
That we through our faith may begin to inherit
The visions, and blessings, and glories of God.
We'll sing and we'll shout &c.
We'll wash and be wash'd, and with oil be anointed
Withal not omitting the washing of feet:
For he that receiveth his PENNY appointed,
Must surely be clean at the harvest of wheat.
We'll sing and we'll shout &c.
Old Israel that fled from the world for his freedom,
Must come with the cloud and the pillar, until,
A Moses, and Aaron, and Joshua lead him,
And feed him on manna from heaven again.
We’ll sing and we’ll shout &c.
How blessed the day when the lamb and the lion
Shall lie down together without any ire;
And Ephraim be crown'd with his blessing in Zion,
As Jesus descends with his chariots of fire!
We'll sing & we'll shout with His armies of heaven:
Hosanna, hosanna to God and the Lamb!
Let glory to them in the highest be given,
Henceforth and forever: amen and amen.
The glorious day is rolling on—
All glory to the Lord!
When fair as at creation's dawn
The earth will be restor'd.
A perfect harvest then will crown
The renovated soil:
And rich abundance drop around,
Without corroding toil:
For in its own primeval bloom,
Will nature smile again:
And blossoms streaming with perfume,
Adorn the verdant plain.
The saints will then, with pure delight,
Possess the holy land:
And walk with Jesus Christ in white,
And in his presence stand.
What glorious prospects! can we claim
These hopes, and call them our's?
Yes, if through faith in Jesus' name,
We conquer satan's pow'rs.
If we, like Jesus bear the cross—
Like him despise the shame:
And count all earthly things but dross,
For his most holy name.
Then while the pow'rs of darkness rage,
With glory in our view,
In Jesus' strength let us engage,
To press to Zion too.
For Zion will like Eden bloom;
And Jesus come to reign—
The Saints immortal from the tomb
With angels meet again.
Messenger and Advocate, |
John Whitmer, |
And published every month at Kirtland, Geauga Co. Ohio, by |
F. G. Williams & Co. |
All $1, per an. in advance. Every person procuring ten new subscribers, and forwarding $10, current money, shall be entitled to a paper and year, gratis. |
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No subscription will be received for a less term than one year, and no paper discontinued till all arrearages are paid, except at the option of the publishers. |
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