FAIR is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing well-documented answers to criticisms of the doctrine, practice, and history of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
< Journal of Discourses | 18
Very Few Will Inherit Celestial Glory—Lust After the Things of the World Produces Apostasy—No Real Happiness Outside of Godliness—The Lord Requires the Hearts of the Children of Men |
I have been pleased and interested by the remarks of brother Staines. He has been very diligent and indefatigable in looking after the interests of the Saints who have been emigrating to this place for many years. I pray that God will continue to bless him, that he yet may be made instrumental in guarding the interests and cheering the hearts of the Saints of God for years to come. This gathering is part of the work we Saints are engaged in. There are associated with this labor some ideas that are rather peculiar. There are many things in the Scriptures very strange and remarkable to men who are not inspired with the spirit by which these principles were inculcated.
The Lord in one place says by his Prophet, "Gather my Saints together, those that have made a covenant with me by sacrifice." There is another passage of a similar kind, spoken by another Prophet, "I will take them, one of a city and two of a family, and bring them to Zion; and I will give them pastors after my own heart, that will feed them with knowledge and understanding." There are many similar prophecies in the Scriptures, pointing out the day in which we live. But men pass lightly over them, as they do over many other things of great importance to the human family.
But there certainly is a significance in these expressions. If these events have not already transpired, they certainly will yet come to pass. If God has said he would take one of a city and two of a family and gather them to Zion and give them pastors to feed them, there must be a time when these things will be accomplished. Among other things communicated to Joseph Smith was that the people were to gather together, and there is a general impulse and feeling of this kind prevalent among this people. They scarcely know by what influence they are dictated and controlled, nevertheless this feeling is among the Saints in foreign lands as well as here. The feeling there is a strong impulse and desire to come here, while in this place there is a desire to help them to come. Hence the feeling is reciprocal and a part of the Gospel, a little of that leaven which Jesus referred to in his day, which "leaveneth the whole lump." As regards the ideas men may entertain about; this thing it is a matter
of very little importance to us. It is sufficient for us to know the principles which God has revealed. The world has no means of knowing this, and the Saints only know by obedience to the Gospel. Brother Staines referred to the time when it first became a matter of concern to him to know whether the principles of the Gospel were true or not. This same feeling has been experienced by many of the Latter-day Saints, and they solved the question by a doctrine of Christ, which the world never seem to reflect upon. Jesus said, "If any man will do his will he shall know of the doctrine, whether it is of God, or whether I speak of myself:" There is something so broad and comprehensive, yet so individually personal, in the principle here involved, that though this mode of knowing is open to all, yet each individual must feel and realize for himself. There is another scripture bearing on this point, "He that believeth hath the witness in himself," and another says, "The Spirit of God takes of the things of the Father, and shows them unto us." Again, another says, We have a hope that enters behind the vail, where Christ, our forerunner, has gone. Another, "We know," not we think we know, "if the earthly house of this tabernacle be destroyed, we have a building of God, a house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens." There is something so definite to all men who are in possession of these principles of the Gospel, that it may well be said, "Life and immortality are brought to light by the Gospel."
I might go on quoting Scripture, but this is the Gospel Jesus taught his disciples, and when he was on this continent he taught the same doctrines and principles and put the believers in possession of the same certainty. There is something very satisfying in relation to these matters. It is not with the faithful Saint a matter of any importance what man may think about him; his religion is to him a personal matter in which he is individually interested. No philosophy, no worldly wisdom can impart a knowledge of the plan of salvation. This knowledge is not to be obtained except through obedience to the principles which God has revealed. But having partaken of the light and intelligence communicated by the Almighty through obedience to the Gospel of the Son of God, the result is the same now as in former times. Such a man has the witness planted in himself, as Paul said, "Now we are sons of God, but it doth not yet appear what we shall be, but, when he who is our life shall appear, then we shall be like unto him, for we shall see him as he is." We shall "be transformed to his glorious image." This, then, is the hope and certainty of the Gospel, the reward of every true believer, and hence it is a personal thing. It is no use presenting to men of this kind the nonsense comprising the religions of the day; it is lost labor to try and turn a body of men from principles like those, such as God revealed personally to them, their souls have been lit up and fired by eternal intelligence, and it is impossible to eradicate this evidence and certainty from a body of men thus led and directed. God knew this when he commenced this work.
Men have had their varied social communities, religious and other theories; but they do not know the secret springs of the human heart. They do not know the operations of the spirit of the living God. They cannot bind a conglomerate mass of men sufficiently together, they will not where they cannot amalgamate them. Nothing less
than the inspiration of the Almighty will do it. They have tried it in various nations with varied success, but they never have accomplished it and they never will. Hence we are brought back to where we started, the necessity of sending forth the Gospel. Jesus said, "My sheep hear my voice and know me and follow me. A stranger they will not follow, for they know not the voice of a stranger." In the commencement of this work the Lord, knowing the material required, raised up his servant Joseph Smith, inspired by his spirit, power and authority, to proclaim the Gospel of the Son of God, to administer in the ordinances thereof, and unite those that were willing to make covenant with the Lord by sacrifice, those that would lay aside their traditions and keep his commandments. This was what the Lord wished; not to gather up a promiscuous crowd, but those who would receive the Gospel. "I will take them one of a city and two of a family and bring them to Zion," says the Lord, and give them pastors after my own heart, that will feed them with knowledge and understanding, not with false philosophy, but with knowledge emanating from God; men who will manifest the will of God and carry out his designs, teaching the people his law.
The world think they can learn the law and will of God at the theological and other schools, and seminaries; but they never did and they never will learn God or his purposes in this way. God wishes to establish his kingdom in our day, and he will establish it by his own power, in his own way.
The Prophet speaks of a stone that should be cut out of the mountain without hands, which will roll forth and smite the great image, become a mountain and fill the whole earth. This will be done by Israel's God, and no power or government, not all the power of earth and hell combined, can stay its progress. This is the work of God, not of man. It is not by this man nor that man that this will be brought about. It is by the power of Jehovah. No other power can accomplish these things. He makes use of men to accomplish certain objects he has in view, and will bring about his purposes in his own way and when it pleases him. But we talk sometimes a good deal about Joseph Smith. Who was Joseph Smith? An unlettered youth. Could he do anything to accomplish these things? Not unless God had revealed it to him. He asked wisdom of God and received it. Till that time he knew no more about these things than you or I. It was God and God alone that did these things. "He can take the weak things of this earth, the base things and the things that are not, to bring to naught the things that are, that no flesh may glory in his presence." He took Joseph. Why? Because the time had come to begin a work, in which all the holy Priesthood of God that had lived in former ages were concerned. Joseph was the honored instrument chosen to take the initiative. Who knew that this time had come? No one. The religious world were as divided then as as they are to-day. All kinds of opposing doctrines and dogmas were promulgated. "When the Lord shall bring again Zion, the watchmen shall see eye to eye." But when men are governed by their own notions, what do they see of the things of God? Nothing. Who originated the doctrines of this Latter-day work? Who organized this Church? I have read that in former time. God placed in the Church, first Apostles, secondarily
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