FAIR is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing well-documented answers to criticisms of the doctrine, practice, and history of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
A FAIR Analysis of: Mormon Women, Prozac(R) and Therapy A work by author: Kent Ponder, Ph.D.
This is an index of claims made in this work with links to corresponding responses within the FAIR Wiki. An effort has been made to provide the author's original sources where possible.
The author asserts that data indicating that Utah residents use more antidepressant drug than the residents of any other state is "clearly, closely and definitely linked to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints."
- For a detailed response, see: Utah/Statistical claims/LDS use of antidepressants
The author states "how could God's only true Church directly harm righteous women?"Author's sources:
The author claims that until the mid-1900s, "[m]ost women used to be naturally dependent upon men for safety and livelihood, resulting in more-natural subservience to male control. Because subservience to males was more needed and natural, it was less oppressive and depressing."Author's sources:
- No source provided
The author claims that "virtually all LDS girls are taught from childhood to...be respectfully, politely, humbly and gratefully subservient to Mormon males in personal demeanor, activities, beliefs, plans and thought."Author's sources:
The author claims that "virtually all LDS girls are taught from childhood to...not be, nor aspire to be, nor hope to be, independent from authoritarian males, nor independent in thought."Author's sources:
The author claims that "virtually all LDS girls are taught from childhood to...attend male-directed religious services. "Author's sources:
The author claims that "virtually all LDS girls are taught from childhood to... participate in male-directed activities. (Even female-led projects are organized under male authorities.)"Author's sources:
The author claims that "virtually all LDS girls are taught from childhood to...attend male-directed weekday seminary classes in addition to academic school."Author's sources:
The author claims that "virtually all LDS girls are taught from childhood to...obey all male-hierarchy-generated directives."Author's sources:
The author claims that "virtually all LDS girls are taught from childhood to...submit to male-originated personal-matter (including sexual) private interviews."Author's sources:
The author claims that "virtually all LDS girls are taught from childhood to...obtain a Patriarchal Blessing which usually promises becoming a mother in Zion if faithful and obedient."Author's sources:
The author claims that "virtually all LDS girls are taught from childhood to...do genealogy research on male-headed (patriarchal) family lineages."Author's sources:
The author claims that "virtually all LDS girls are taught from childhood to...marry an LDS man in an LDS temple."Author's sources:
The author claims that "virtually all LDS girls are taught from childhood to...accept counsel from her husband, and not as just his opinion, but as God-inspired revelation"Author's sources:
The author claims that "virtually all LDS girls are taught from childhood to...look to her husband as essential to her entry into the best category of Heaven."Author's sources:
The author claims that "virtually all LDS girls are taught from childhood to...have children, more being far better than few. "Author's sources:
The author claims that "virtually all LDS girls are taught from childhood to...raise all of her children in this exact-same system."Author's sources:
The author claims that "virtually all LDS girls are taught from childhood to...attend only the chapel assigned to her residence address, regardless of preference."Author's sources:
The author claims that "virtually all LDS girls are taught from childhood to...accept that if she and family attend any other than this chapel, she and they cannot enter Mormon temples."Author's sources:
The author claims that "virtually all LDS girls are taught from childhood to...know that her husband may, in the next life, marry numerous additional wives."Author's sources:
The author claims that "virtually all LDS girls are taught from childhood to...know that she may not marry any additional husband, here (if still married to the first one) or hereafter."Author's sources:
The author claims that "virtually all LDS girls are taught from childhood to...accept callings to work in church, auxiliary and welfare-project organizations."Author's sources:
The author claims that "virtually all LDS girls are taught from childhood to... make several forms of financial contributions, ten percent tithing being only one. "Author's sources:
The author claims that "virtually all LDS girls are taught from childhood to...teach her children to become missionaries to convert other individuals into this same system. "Author's sources:
The author claims that "virtually all LDS girls are taught from childhood to...teach this same system to her grandchildren. "Author's sources:
The author claims that "virtually all LDS girls are taught from childhood to...teach her daughters and granddaughters to obey males at home and at church. "Author's sources:
The author claims that "virtually all LDS girls are taught from childhood to...never openly criticize any doctrine, practice, directive or male authority related to any of the above."Author's sources:
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